About Me
Hi! I am from Tuscaloosa, Alabama.  This year has been an interesting year for me.  What has made it interesting is my transition from wearing a perm to the world of natural. Since wearing the perm, which started while I was in middle school, I have pretty much curled my hair each day, changed hair colors, cut my hair different lengths, etc. This was fun for me until my second child was born. It all of a sudden seemed like there was not enough time in a day. I knew that a lot of my energy went into trying to keep myself up, but I no longer had the time to do this like I used to. Now what could I do to give more of my time to my two girls and still look together? I REFUSED to let myself go!! The first thing that popped in my head was going natural. I knew that this would be easy to maintain and most of all, quick and easy to style! Curling my hair every morning was taking up a good bit of my mornings, especially since I washed it so frequently. Going natural?? Me?? I never dreamed that I would ever do this. All I knew was how to take care of my hair permed. But I needed something to happen or come over me to make me step into the natural world. I needed to be able to accept my NATURAL hair. I really needed to do this to balance my everyday schedule. And I never thought my own MOTHER would be my breakthrough! She all of a sudden up and decided to go natural. I couldn't believe it! I REFUSED to let my own mother outdo me, no way!!! I kept thinking about it for weeks. Finally, in January 2003, I did it! I I figured I wasn't going to look drastically different because I had worn my hair very short for the last couple of years anyway.  So the real challenge was accepting my NATURAL hair.  To my surprise, my natural hair wasn't so terrible after all.  A little gel on it after I wash it, oil sheen spray, and I am ready to start my day!!  I encourage anyone who wants to go natural for whatever reason to "just do it"!  Thanks dad for doing a great job cutting my hair!!  And thanks to my husband for being supportive all the way!!
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My Info:
Name: Napps
[email protected]
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