Reiki Principles

Just for today
I will give thanks for my many blessings
Just for today
I will not worry
Just for today
I will not be angry
Just for today
I will do my work honestly
Just for today
I will be kind to my neighbour and every
living things

Dr. Mikao Usui


What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient and profuoundly simple system of "laying on of hands",
healing derived from Tibetan Buddhism.

The traditional Reiki story begins in the mid 1800s with Dr. Mikao Usui who
sought the knowledge of healing trough Buddhism.

Dr. Usui was told by Buddhist monks that the ancient spiritual healing
methods had been lost and the only way to approach them was by entering
the Buddhists teachings, the Path od Enlightenment.

How does Reiki work

Reiki is a process of empowerment brought trough the attunement
processes given during a Reiki course.

When you are attuned to Reiki energy your channels are opened to
Universal Life Energy.

The attunements tune you into Reiki energy rather like tuning a radio to
a particular station, so you can then channel Reiki energy for yourself
and others, for the rest of your life.

The attunement process involves the implanting of the ancient symbols
redisconvered by Dr. Usui into our energy field, where they are
forever stored to be used for the purpose of heling. The symbols have
an effect of opening and cleansing our natural healing channels,
and connecting us to the flow of Universal Life Energy.

Reiki energy has an intelligence of its own as has our body.

The energy will find the places where it is most needed, therefore it is
important to trust this process and make no attempt to consciously
direct its flow.

Chakras and subtle energy


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