The seven main Chakras


Root or Base Chakra
Situated at the base ot the spine.
Colour:  Red
Shape:  Cube
Element:  Earth
Gland:  Adrenal cortex of kidneys
Organs:  Blodd and circulation, bonesand skeletal system, rectum,
descendingcolon,                                         bladder, hipps, legs and feet.
Oils:  Cedarwood, vetivert, cypress, 
patchouli, myrrh, franincense, 
elemi, garlic
Purpose:  Surival in the physical world

Crystals: Hermatite, Black Obsidian, Tiger's Eye, Black Tourmaline,

Sacral Chakra
Situated 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches into the pelvis.
Colour: Orange
Shape:  Pyramid
Element:  Water
Gland: Reproductive glands, ovaries and testes
Organs: Reproductive, large intestine and spleen
Oils:  Geranium, sandalwood, jasmine, patchouli, rose
Purpose:  Physical creativity and vitality
Crystals: Citrine, Red Jasper, Ruby, Sapphire

Solar Plexus Chakra
Situated below the sternum and over the stomach
Colour:  Yellow
Shape:  Large cirular globe
Element:  Fire
Gland:  Pancreas
Organs:  Stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, small intestines
Oils:  Rose, lemon grass, lemon balm, juniper
Purpose:  Attunement with the environmen 
Crystals: Yellow Jasper. Sulphur, Black Tourmaline,

Heart Chakra
Situated upper chest and thorax
Coulor:  Pink for the heart and green for the crescent
Shape:  A crescent moon and a heart
Element:  Air
Gland:  Thymus
Organs:  Heart and lungs
Oils:  Violet, rose, bergamot and elemi
Purpose:  Living in harmony with others
Crystals: Rose Quarz, Ruby, Kunzite, 

Troath Chakra
Situated in the throat
Colour: Pale blue/turquoise
Shape: Inverted pyramid
Element: Ether
Gland: Thyroid
Organs: Mouth, teeth, tongue, jaw, throat, vocal chords
Oils: Ylang ylang, lavender, aniseed, blue chamomile, neroli, sandalwood
Purpose: Personal expression and truth

Crystals: Aquamarine, amazonite

Brow Chakra
Situated on the forehead between the eyebrows
Colour: Indigo blue
Shape: A 5 pointed star
Element: None
Gland: Pituitary
Organs: Skull, eyes, nerves and sense organs
Oils: Blue chamomile, eucalyptus, melissa, elemi, lavender
Purpose: Wisdom out of lifes experiences

Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Kyanite, 

Crown Chakra
Situated on the crown of the skull
Colour: Violet
Shape: Circle over the crown
Element: Spirit
Gland: Pineal
Organs: Spinal chord, brain stem, pain centre of the brain and nerves
Oils: Lavender, elemi, vetivert, clarysage, violet, jasmin, mandarin
Purpose: Spirituality

Crystals: Amethyst, citrine, gold topaz, pink topaz, tiger's eye

What are Chakras





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