



Essential oils, occasionally referred to as essences, volatile oils or ethereal oils, are extracted from aromic plants which are commercially cultivated throughout the world.

The production of essential oils are variable, but on 70 kg of plant material produces around 2 litres of esssential oil. Steam distillation is the most common method of extraction.

Carrier oils like almond-, avocado-, sunflower-, soya-, jojoba-, oliveoil mix with essential oil.

  5 ml  carrier oil  -    2 drops of essential oil.
10 ml  carrier oil  -    5 drops of essential oil - Backmassage
30 ml  carrier oil  -  15 drops of essential oil - Bodymassage

Don't use more than 3 different essential oils.

Pregnancy - Not using !
Bassel, Peppermint, Ceaderwood, Rose

Description of some essential oils:

Nerv tonic, headache, migraine, head colds, bronchitis, earache, sinusitis, anxiety, depression, hysteria, indecision, nervous debility, vertigo, epilepsy, paralysis, gout, indigestion, tight tired muscles, painful periods and promotes sweating.

uplifting and refreshing

contra indications: Pregnancy

Colds, flu, coughs, soar throats, clearing mucous, expectorant, laryngitis, bronchitis, respiratory problems, antiseptic, chronic skin lesions, cracked & chapped skin, chilblains, helps wounds to heal, stimulates the circulation, arthritis - rheumatoid and osteo, urinary infections, emotional exhaustion, tension, sad, lonely depression and anxiety.

soothing and stimulating

Depression, anxiety, antiseptic, reduces fever, inhibits viruses e.g. Herpes - neat on a cold sore, allays pain of shingles, srengthens the immune system, cystitis, urinary tract infections, deodorant, good on the skin for psoriasis, acne & oily skin.

uplifting, refreshing and relaxing

contra indication: increases the risk of skin cancer in conjunction with ultra violet light in large doses

Black Pepper
Stimulationg the circulation, indigestion, heartburn, colic, loss of appetite, headaches from colds, toothache, muscular aches and pains, externally analgesic, brings down temperature, antispasmodic, rheumatism, rheutmatioid and osteo arthritis, costipation, diarrhoea and flatulence.

stimulating and tonic

good tip - black  pepper  & marjoram for chilblains

Allergies, boils, burns, dermatitis, eczema, anaemia, analgesic, antispasmodic (period pains & menopause), migraine, toothache, earache, reduces fever, diarrhoea, digestive orders, diuretic, vaso contrictor, conjunctivitis.

refreshing and relaxing

Depression, shock, general debility, constipation, flatulence, gastro-enteritis, diuretic, bruises, burns, rheumatic inflammation, ulcers, wounds, bronchitis, toothache, colds, pneumonia, (good inhalant), prvents vomiting, used on oily skin and acne.


antiseptic, headaches, sinusitis, throat infections, colds, congestion, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, neuralgia, herpes, ulcers, wounds, muscular aches & pains, rheumatism and arthritis, helps reduce teperature and fever, insect bites (good for clearing the head)


eases wind in stomach pains, calming for nausea and vomiting, cellulite, fluid retention, diuretic, kidney stones, meonopausal irregularity, weak eye - sight, often used in eye tratments, alcoholism.

used in gripe water for babies


anxiety, tension, slows down brathing, deepens the breath, mucous & catarrh conditions, laryngitis, inflamed skin, ulcers & and wounds, rejuvenative, asthma, urino-genital infections.


Cedar wood
anxiety, tension, very antiseptic, cystitis, alopecia, dandruff, scalp disorders generally, acne, oily skin, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs and an insect repellant.

calming and sedative

nice oil for men

contra inications: Pregnancy (Abortive)

Clary Sage
antispasmodic, irregular painful periods, depression, digestive problems, migraine, asthma & kidney disorders, aphrodisiac, lowers high blood pressure, sore throat, inflamed and mature skin.

euphoric, relaxing and warming

precautions: do not drive or work with machinery following a massage, do not mix with alcohol, hallucinations. Pregnancy (Abortive)

flu, colds, rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, indigestion, stomach disorders, childbirth, cuts, grazes & gen. debility (good to put a few drops in your bath when feeling cold

warming, tonic and antiseptic,

vaso-constrictor (facials), diuretic, menopausal problems, excess loss or ovary problems, whooping cough, deodorant, rheumatism, flu,
haemorrhoids, broken capillaries, antiseptic & and antispasmodic.

relaxing and refreshing


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