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Top Ten List

The Florida Media Count

The Supreme Court Decision

On Changing the Rules of the Game and Moving Standards

On Counting Ballots, Recounting Ballots, and Counting Deadlines

Florida Election Law and Court Cases

Some Dirty Little Secrets

General Information

Other Fun Stuff (not related to FL)

Most Popular

1) Any results yet from the post election sunshine count?

2) Were all the legal votes counted in Florida?  What is a legal vote in Florida?  How does Florida law treat ballots rejected by machines due to voter error?

3) Were Congressional staffers really sent to Florida on all expense paid trips in order to organize and participate in protests?

4) Was Bush wrong?

5) Was Gore wrong?

6) Has there been a fair and accurate count in Florida?

7) Were the election laws changed in Florida after the election?

8) Why is there so much controversy surrounding overseas ballots?

9) Have any other counties conducted hand counts besides Broward, Palm Beach, Dade, and Volusia?

10) What exactly did the Supreme Court decide?  What did the Justices argue and who said what?

The Polemic -- A Site for Independent and Moderate Votters

Just out of the top 10

Has the Florida vote count differed from county to county?  In other words, Have different counting procedures led to voters being treated differently depending on what county they live in?  Does this violate the constitution's equal protection standard?

Did Secretary Harris change Florida's election laws after the election?

Did the Florida Supreme Court change Florida's election laws after the election?

Was Secretary of State Harris doing her job?

Why have Democrats called for votes to be counted that the Republicans want rejected, while in other cases the Republicans want votes to be counted that Democrats want rejected?  Who is really trying to protect the sanctity of our voting rights?

The Media Count

Who is Watching the Watchers?  An Analysis of the Judicial Watch Report

What is a legal vote in Florida?

Why can they count ballots after the election?

Who is counting the ballots?

What standard are they going to use?

Are they counting illegal votes?

What results have been reported thus far?

What is the Bush campaign saying about these recounts?

The Supreme Court Decision

What exactly did the Supreme Court decide?  What did the Justices argue and who said what?

What does the 14th Amendment say?

What is was the counting standard that the Court found so troubling?

What was argued in the majority opinion?

What were the highlights from the 5 other non-majority opinions? (for those without much time)

Has anyone written an easy to read Q and A regarding the Supreme Court decision?

What was argued in Rehnquist's concurring opinion?

What was argued in the Breyer dissent?

What was argued in the Ginsburg dissent?

What was argued in the Stevens dissent?

What was argued in the Souter dissent?

On Changing the Rules of the Game and Moving Standards

Were the election laws changed in Florida after the election?

What is all this talk about determining the intent of the voter?

Several US Supreme Court Justices seemed to suggest that this "intent of the voter" standard raises Equal Protection concerns?  If so, what can be done about it?

Has the Florida vote count differed from county to county?  In other words, Have different counting procedures led to voters being treated differently depending on what county they live in?  Does this violate the constitution's equal protection standard?

On Counting Ballots, Recounting Ballots, and Counting Deadlines

How did the Florida vote count become such a mess?  Why do Democrats claim that vote counting should continue because some votes remain uncounted while Republicans say that the time for counting ended weeks ago?  Whose right according to Florida's Election Laws?

Under Florida Law, once a ballot is run through a machine is it considered canvassed?  What is considered a proper canvass of returns under Florida Law?

Why do some counties have more "uncounted" votes than others?

Why did Florida have to count its ballots a second time? Did every county conduct a recount?  What are the legal guidelines for conducting a recount under Florida law?

Gore claims that we should count every vote; Bush claims that every vote has been counted twice and in some cases three times?  Who is right?  Has every vote been counted?

When is the deadline for counting ballots under Florida Law?  Are there exceptions to that deadline?  Does this deadline conflict with any other provisions of Florida's election code?

Why were some counties allowed to conduct manual recounts?  Why did these counties want to count past that deadline?

Have any other counties conducted hand counts besides Broward, Palm Beach, Dade, and Volusia?

Why is there so much controversy surrounding overseas ballots?

Has there been a fair and accurate count in Florida?

Florida Election Law and Court Cases

Is Florida's Election Law really vague and contradictory?  Did the legislature really write laws that would allow votes to go uncounted?  Were Florida's election laws poorly written or poorly enforced?

Did the Florida Supreme Court change the election law after the election when it allowed several counties do conduct manual recounts after November 14 and ordered the Secretary of State to include the results in the official state tally?

What was the Florida Supreme Court thinking when it ordered a statewide manual count of the undervotes?

How can you argue that the Florida Supreme Court was right?

Was the 5-4 Supreme Court decision to stop the recounts politically or legally motivated?

Some Dirty Little Secrets

Were all the legal votes counted in Florida?  What is a legal vote in Florida?  How does Florida law treat ballots rejected by machines due to voter error?

Have any other counties conducted hand counts besides Broward, Palm Beach, Dade, and Volusia?

Were Congressional staffers really sent to Florida on all expense paid trips in order to organize and participate in protests?

Why is there so much controversy surrounding overseas ballots?

Who is behind many of the protests and rallies?

Were the election laws changed in Florida after the election?

General Information

What went wrong in Florida?

Has there been a fair and accurate count in Florida?

Which candidate is trying to "steal" this election?

Why was Gore wrong?

Why was Bush wrong?

What does a vote mean in a Democracy?

Why have Democrats called for votes to be counted that the Republicans want rejected, while in other cases the Republicans want votes to be counted that Democrats want rejected?  Who is really trying to protect the sanctity of our voting rights?

Has Secretary of State Harris been doing her job?

Were Congressional staffers really sent to Florida on all expense paid trips in order to organize and participate in protests?

Click here for a website containing hundreds of topically organized references to stories concerning the Florida election

Other Stuff

The Polemic -- A Site for Independent and Moderate Votters

Neither Can We Drill Our Way to Energy Independence

Tax Cut Rhetoric: Exploring the Distortions and Misperceptions Spread by Both Parties

The Case for a Moderate Third-Party

My Science is Better than Yours: How Both Sides Play with the "Facts"

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Stains on Your Environmental Record? Bleach Them with Scientific Certainty and Cost Benefit Ratios

It's Not Evil Being Green: On Blaming Environmentalism for California's Energy Woes

Playing with Facts To Claim The Right is Right on the Environment

A Note to the Left: Everything is Not an Attack on Roe v Wade

The "Tenth Man" Tax Parable: Distorting the Facts Regarding Taxes and Tax Relief

Finding the Moderate in Dubya

A Liberal Explains What's Wrong with the Liberals War against Guns

A Conservative Explains The Inconsistencies in the Right's War on Gun Control

Finding the Moderate in Dubya: He's Not All Right

Media Bias: Washington Post Bashes Bush with a Poll

Evidence of Strong Partisan Bias on the Part of a Major Network Talkshow Anchor

The Florida Vote Count: All the Partisan Hypocrisy You Can Eat

USA Today Explains Why Congress is Becoming More Polarized

On Bipartisanship

The Three D’s of Politics: Duplicity, Distortion, Deceit

What the media never told you about Greenspan's testimony

The Air Force One Myth

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