The Journey Itself

Welcome! I'm Mark Jacobs, husband and father.

I am a comic enthusiast and love Science Fiction.

I don't say that I collect comic books, but I really enjoy reading them.
I especially enjoy reading the Vertigo line from DC.

I also enjoy hunting for "vinyls", especially at garage sales or used record shops.
I tape them (yes I have a turn table!) and like to listen to
music in the car or when I'm working in the yard. Of course I enjoy new music, too, and recently got myself a new "toy" - MP3 player which is the envy of my kids.

I have a dream of hiking the Apalachian Trail from top to bottom or biking cross country.
I am a nature enthusiast, and love to spend my time outdoors.
I am a member of The Nature Conservancy and the Sierra Club .

I'm an enthusiastic follower of Star-Gate, and love reruns of Babylon 5, Seinfeld and Star Trek.
I like the X-files as well, though have not watched them all. Recently getting into 24 and Alias

However, the only way that Science Fiction can become fact is for us to support real
Space Exploration. To find out what is going on there, check out the NASA web site.

One of my favorite things to do when I get in from work is to watch TV with a nice cold beer.

I work as an Environmental Chemist, specializing in Water Chemistry.
Mostly I spend my hours at work analyzing water samples for volatile organic pollutants.
If you are interested, you can see my resume here.

Fitness and healthy eating are very important to me. I jog regularly, and work out at the local YMCA, where I also take Yoga.
I love playing with my kids, Jeffrey and Jessica. They make it all worth it!

Thanks for stopping in!

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My Dad Is a Survivor


<bgsound src="confus.mid" loop=infinite>
You are listening to Genesis' Land of Confusion.
This midi was found at Jack's Shack.


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