William James Foster:

13 Months and counting...

We can hardly believe how fast our little baby is growing up!  He started walking on April 30, 2004 after Mommy told him "no" when he was biting her leg.  He got upset at hearing that dreaded word, and simply decided to turn around and walk away!  It was so hard to keep a straight face because I was supposed to be serious about the no biting issue!  What a hoot!



Granbunny and Granddaddy brought Will an old turtle sandbox just like Cameron and I had as kids, but I decided to use it as a little pool during the summertime since it's so hot and Will just loves being in water!

June 1, 2004


He would stay in this pool or the bathtub all day if we let him!

What a fun little toy!


15 Months!



Will is busy growing... so much that he could climb out of his saucer, so we decided it was time to convert it into the train set!  He still likes to sit in the hole where the little seat used to go, though.

He also began living up to his name the day he turned 15 months!  He is testing his boundaries and pitching royal fits like an old pro. ;)  He's still pretty good most of the time. 


16 Months!


Will got a whale pool recently to play in outside, and he just loves running around in the back yard.  I really have to watch him for too much sun exposure... he's got his mommy's fair skin!



I know... what a hard life... play in the pool (or around it, in this case), go for a swing, and then drink juice while watching Sesame Street!  Would that we all had such a demanding schedule. ;)


Will has recently begun insisting that he feed himself with a spoon! 

Here is an example of one of his first successful attempts...




What fun!  He's definitely becoming Mr. Independent.

Speaking of which...


One of Will's favorite "grown-up" things to do is brush his teeth! 

(Mommy helps, too... much to his frustration.)


20 Months


Will loves anything to do with music, and this snow globe certainly has captured his attention!  He points at it and says "Mommy" whenever we go into the bathroom so I'll turn it on for him.


More eating shots... we think he really looks like Eric in that first picture.

He's still a moody little thing!

But, he's still a sweet boy, too! :)


21 Months


Will LOVES playing with cell phones!

"It's a PHONE!!!!!"

He loves his Grandaddy!

Mommy's not too bad, either. ;)

What a handsome little boy!


"Barnyard Friends" Petting Zoo


Will had a lot of fun getting dirty and petting the animals at this converted farm!  He just laughed and laughed at this goat!


22 Months


He loves trying to blow bubbles... he'll get it eventually!              Aww... still a baby!


23 Months

Will can stay occupied very well on our little patio!


He loves playing in his sandbox...


...riding his tricycle and playing "hoop!"


Will's 2nd Birthday Party!!!

We had planned a fun party with all his little friends at our neighborhood pool and playground, but unfortunately, Will got very sick, so we had to down-size to just the grandparents and our friends, Sarah and TJ.  But, it was still fun, and Will had a great time, in spite of feeling crummy. :)


Once again, Mommy made the #2 cake!

He had been practicing blowing out candles, and was doing great at it, but the cold gave him a hard time, so he got a little help from Mommy and Uncle Cameron. ;)


Present time was fun... took a little longer than normal since he was fixated on being outside or playing with bubbles. :)


Woo-hoo!  Sarah and TJ got him a bubble gun!  His attention has returned. ;)

Thank you everyone!  Will loves all his new toys, books and clothes!


Easter Egg Hunt!


Will had a little hunt for eggs this Easter in our backyard! 

Earlier in the day, he helped Mommy and Daddy paint and decorate the eggs with stickers! 


Good job, Will!  He found them all!  :)


Just Playing...



April 2, 2005


Pool Time Again!

May 10, 2005


Yes, it's finally warm enough again to get back in the ol' turtle pool!

Will was excited to jump around and splash as much as possible. :)


He also wanted to water the plants...


The water scared him at first... ;)


but he quickly got over that. :) 

What a good helper!


26 Months

Only 5 days left until baby brother arrives, and Will is 26 months old today, May 14, 2005.


What handsome boys I have!

Will played in the pool at his friend, Skylar's birthday party... but with much protest at first!


You'll be happy to know he did play in the water later, but not any further than the pool steps.


27 Months


Will now says, "smile!" whenever I have the camera out.  It's so cute!

He's REALLY into "VeggieTales" now, and sings along with the theme song and some of the other ones he's familiar with.  It is so neat to see how fast he learns and how wonderful he is at memorizing things, especially music!  He even sings along in the car with Josh Groban in Italian and says "YAY!!!" at the end of every song.  He's quite diversified in his tastes for music... "VeggieTales" to Italian arias... he cheers for them all! :)

28 Months

We visited family up in Ormond at the end of July, and Will really got into "swimming" while we were there.  He was bouncing around the shallow end all by himself (he's so tall!) and even holding his breath and going underwater!  He'll be swimming before we know it!


29 Months



Almost 2  1/2 years old!  He's growing up too fast...

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