More Will Pictures!

(6-12 months)

Yes, there are even more adorable pictures of little Will! 

(The first page was getting pretty large, so we're breaking it up so it will be easier to load.)


Six Months

Will's newest achievement: sitting up all by himself!

This is the first day Will could really sit up by himself!  He is so proud! :)





Will can roll over quite easily now!  He's getting better about being on his tummy.



These were taken on a Sunday morning before we left for church. (September 28, 2003)


Yes, Daddy is growing a beard again for the Christmas pageant... I know it looks like he hasn't washed his face in a while, but that's not it.  He just hasn't shaved!



One of Will's new favorite things to do is play the piano!  He loves hearing the different sounds the keys make and enjoys hearing his mommy play, too.  Maybe someday he'll be a great pianist!  Who knows?!

Our very own Mozart!

Will and Daddy having fun!


My First Halloween Costume!

October 31, 2003

Will attended the "Fall Family Festival" at our church on Halloween night as a LION!!!


"What kind of outfit is this??"


What a moody lion! :)


Will also went for his 6 month check-up and shots recently... yes, he is almost 8 months old, but he was sick for a while when he was supposed to go, so we had to wait.  Anyways, he now weighs 17 pounds, 5 ounces, and is 29 inches tall!  That means he is still right on the 95th percentile for height, and is in about the 40th percentile for weight... tall and skinny!


Will and his "girlfriend", Skylar Alcantara.

We had our Sunday School class over for lunch on Sunday, November 2, 2003.

 Will and Skylar were being so sweet to each other... we just had to take these pictures!


Plus, they were in the baby pink and blue... picture perfect!



What sweet little friends!


Trip to see our family in Ormond Beach

Will and Mommy took a trip to visit family on the weekend of November 20-22, 2003.  Here are some pictures that "The Greatest Aunt" Kim took of us all!  Thank you to Kim and Shelly for putting these on a disk for us!




Will loved seeing Nana and Papa!  He loves them so much!  (So does Mommy!) :)


Will can crawl now!!!

On November 23, 2003, Will officially graduated from "scooting" to crawling!  He's still practicing, but is doing well!


Mommy and Daddy are so proud of him!


Our little sweetheart!


My First Thanksgiving

Will spent his first Thanksgiving with his Mommy, Mimi and Pap Pap.  Unfortunately, Daddy was very sick and couldn't join us, and Will was running a very high fever himself.  It was a short holiday, but was enjoyable in spite of the illnesses.



Well, another milestone was reached just on December 1st!  Will surprised me by showing me he could pull himself up to standing in his crib!  (And on the sofa, my legs... pretty much anything that's sturdy enough!)


Yay Will!  (He's growing up too fast!!!)


Will had his first peanut butter and jelly sandwich on December 4th! 

Here are the facial expressions he had when tasting it...


In the mouth...                                                        Chew, chew, chew...

"Yummy!  Where's the rest?"


Will's First Christmas!


Will's Christmas Portrait


I love my Daddy!!


Will with Mimi and Pap Pap before they left for Montana.  We celebrated Christmas with them early. :)

Granbunny and Granddaddy came to visit before Christmas, too!






Of course, we had to carry on the tradition of reading "The Crippled Lamb!"


Eleven months old!  Oh my... 

What a charming little Valentine!



He really is so happy (almost) all the time!

Daddy and Will have the same way of sitting while they play!  How cute!


My First Birthday

Will is ONE!!!

Can you believe it??  We certainly can't! 

We had a little birthday party for him on March 13th.  He was so cute, and had a wonderful time!  So did we!


 Will's favorite new toy is a xylophone Granbunny and Grandaddy got for him... not so sure it's our favorite... ;)

He also got a bunch of other toys, clothes, cards and necessities!  Thank you to all! :)



"What on earth is this?"


"Oooo!!!  This is fun AND yummy!"

Open wide!


Mommy made the cakes... a baseball cake for Will, and another cake for the rest of us!


What an adorable mess!


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