William James Foster

William means "determined protector", and James was chosen from the book in the Bible

At 1:09 PM, Friday, March 14, 2003, baby Will came into the world. 

Will was 8 pounds, 8 ounces at birth and measured 20" long. 

This is Will when he was only a few minutes old!


The first time Mandy got to hold Will.



                                    Proud Grandparents!                                                                        Proud Uncle Cameron!



               Mommy and Will                                                                         Proud Parents! (One week old)



Will at about three weeks old.




What a cutie!  He's very expressive for a newborn.

What a day!  Eating, sleeping and pooping all day sure can wear a little boy out! :)


Will's Growth Pattern

birth: 8 pounds, 8 ounces; 20 inches long

2 weeks: 7 pounds, 11 ounces; 22 inches long

1 month: 8 pounds, 4 ounces; 23 inches long

1 1/2 months: 10 pounds, 1 ounce; 23.5 inches long

2 months: 11 pounds, 1.5 ounces; 24 inches long

4 months: 13 pounds, 5 ounces; 26 inches long


He is currently at the 50th percentile for weight, and the 95th for height.

(Woah!  Where'd that height come from?? :) )


First Portraits

These were taken when Will was seven weeks old - almost two months!



Will at FIVE months already!




Will can lift his head very well now! 

He's rolled over several times from his tummy to his back, but we're still waiting for the opposite.



His new favorite toy seems to be his feet!  What a silly boy! :)


Daddy gets to feed Will on his days off, which is a nice break for Mommy!



Will started eating solids when he turned four months old. 

His favorite is bananas or peaches with rice cereal!  He has also had pears, applesauce, squash, carrots, peas and sweet potatos.

He seems to like almost everything equally well, except for applesauce, which he did not like at all.  We'll try that again soon, though!

Our sweet baby boy!!! What a blessing he is!


Here is Will in his swing!  He loves to play with the mirror/ noise maker.




Aww!!!  So much playing... and a little nap here and there! :)


Recently, Granbunny and Grandaddy came to visit Will! 

Eric and Mandy are grateful that they babysat one evening, and enjoyed having them stay for a few days!


Thank you!  We'll see you soon!


On Tuesday, September 2nd, Mandy and Will got to drive up to Tampa to meet Joy and Caleb Bishop!  We met at a mall and had a fun time talking and taking pictures!  Here is the only good picture we got on the digital camera before the battery ran out. 

And Joy, this IS a great picture of you!  Mine was awful, so it didn't make the cut. :)

Joy and Caleb (1 year, 5 1/2 months)

Caleb was born March 12, 2002, so he is almost exactly one year older than Will!


Will recently got a new toy... a farm-themed saucer!




He loves to play in it, and as you can see, he takes his playing very seriously! :)


These are pictures Mommy had to take because he was just looking so cute in his jumping frog pajamas!


Soon to come... Will turns 6 months old!  Oh my goodness!!!


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