Since I was a little girl I have always loved horses. I'm your not so avrage high school student and I'm currently going to an enviromental acadmey, where I began further study of the FCH. I have back ground experience in western, english, genitics, and breeding. I have not had lessons in training but have only recived visuals of the process.
       My love for animals does just not cover horses, but I also have 3 Dalmations, 2 lizards, 3 turtles, and many fish. I would love to get more but unfortunatly my parents do not agree with this.
       My first experience with horses was with my neighbor when i was 4 or 5. She owned a horse and used to give me rides on the long line. Later when I was around 12 a friend of my fathers owned a retired race horse, who he let me ride. This horse had two and more fast. This was a little scary for me but it did not stop my horse back riding. Later in middle school my father signed my up for english classes. I rode a western/english pleasure QH paint named Pete (Peat), whos picture I will show below, and for the first time experienced a saddelbred. There I learned better ballance and movement. Over that summer the riding barn had a small horse show. We had to participate in horsemenship, showmenship, and obstacals. I was riding a saddlebred named Fizz and placed 1st in horsemenship, and 3rd in show and obstacles. Later I went to another barn where I rode western along the trails almost every day for a hole summer. But due to school I am not able to go as often as I would like.
      Over the years, I have wanted to be many things when I grow up. I have picked at the brains of many vets and breeders, and I suggest that if you want to get any where In life that you do the same. So I hope that this page is to your liking and you enjoy your stay.

Blessed Be,
          Jacqueline N. Ferrigno
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