Contact Information


We are located at:
1250 East Florence Avenue Los Angeles, Ca 90001
(cross street Hooper Avenue, inside a shopping center)

Office Phone And Hours

323) 585 - 7769

Our offices hours are from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm Monday thru Sunday

You can E-mail me to schedule you an appointment or you can call the number listed at the top.
Here are some printable coupons to bring with you on your visit and get that amount deducted. Make sure to check coupons for expiration dates. Expired coupons will not be valid. One coupon per person!

$5 dollars off $
04/13 - 04/19
$5 dollars off $

$10 dollars off $
04/13 - 04/19
$10 dollars off $

Thank You for stopping by. Remember every week the coupons are different so make sure to check them before you print them out! And Thanks again.
We have many girls to choose from. Only for clients that pay full price. Clients with coupons, is what you see is what you get! But don't worry all the girls are nice and pretty and give good service!!
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