Florence Toastmasters

For Better Listening, Thinking and Speaking

"Of all the talents bestowed upon men, none is so precious as the gift of oratory. He who enjoys it wields a power more durable than that of a great king."

—Sir Winston Churchill

Florence Toastmasters Club #1916

Florence Toastmasters was chartered on August 1, 1956 and is affiliated with Toastmasters International. The Club has undergone much growth and is open to all who support the purposes of Toastmasters International. The Florence Toastmasters Club offers you a fun way to improve your oral communication skills, excel in group leadership skills, and network with other Florence area professionals. The Florence Toastmasters will help you to become a careful listener, a better speaker, a fair evaluator, a critical thinker, and an effective group leader.

Feel free to attend one of our meetings and find out for yourself! Check out our Florence Club Location for the place and time of meetings. We hope you will join us!

Benefits of being a Toastmaster

Communication skills are essential to our success in any environment. Toastmasters will give you the skills and confidence to express yourself in any situation, one-on-one or a large group. By being more persuasive and confident when you speak a world of new possibilities will open for you.

The best leaders are passionate, persuasive, confident, concise communicators. They inspire and empower others to do what they wished done. Toastmasters will give you the opportunity to enhance and develop your leadership skills by take part in the operation of a club as a club officer.

How does it work?

Don't worry! Everyone in a Toastmasters club was once at the level you are now. The environment is friendly and supportive, and the self-paced progran allows you to build confidence with each speaking assignment. And you'll love the applause! Constructive evaluation is the heart of the Toastmasters program. Each time you give a prepared speech, an evaluator will point out strengths and suggest improvements. At first you'll be applauded for your effort; later you will be applauded for your skill.

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