

Matt Funk



What follows are a collection of what may or may not be the very greatest midi files ever composed. That is a decision that humanity is not yet prepared to face. So until then, give them a listen, eh? send all comments to [email protected]


The Desecration of Triton

As the Conspirators Fall

The Ancient Ones

Þ What is Brought with the Fallen Skies

Don’t Go Outside at Nighttime

Þ Lost In Extremis

Of the Daimyo and the Master of Novices

On the Other Hand

Puncture Wound Jamboree

Þ A Snake Without Artwork

When the Devil Comes to Town

Born of the Seas

Ka - Doorway of the 1980s

Don’t Open Til Christmas

Þ This means I especially like a particular song. (it doesn’t mean that is necessarily good though.)

<--Go Here For My New "Album" (Seriously this is where all the new songs I compose are so go here!!)


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