- Ally -
Happy Birthday!!
OK.. this website is dedicated to you, Ally.. because even though you hate me because I screwed up big-time, you were there for me all through our middle school years.. and you have been my very best friend. I hope you have a great birthday, even if I won't be there to celebrate with you.

<-- I put this here because it looks like Gilles haha
Remember when we were pregnant with Gilles and Donny's babies?! Actually.. we never did have them.. oh well lol
Sooooooo....... after that pointless set of pics....
I wanted to say that I'm sorry if I seemed like I was replacing you. But I would never replace you because Liz and Lauren and the rest of my friends aren't as smart and funny as you are. And they certainly don't have as many insiders as you and me, and we never scream at each other online. And I don't WANT to replace you, because it sucks not having you as a BFF.. and it sucks not being able to go to your party or talk to you about what stupid stuff people say to us and shit like that. You don't have to be my friend again, I just want you to know that I'm really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry.
Scroll all the way down..................
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