A Feast of Passion

A Floozy Production

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
waving to you from the DJ Booth, she was hoping she could ask you a few questions before the show started, leaning out of the booth
"Good Evening gigi, come join me?"

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
Grabbing her usual drink she walks over to the DJ booth as you beckon her over
Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
moving over a seat for you to sit with her, she looked around the club with a smile
"well gigi, it looks like it will be a busy night again!"

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
on her way over to sit with you she slams down about half her drink, possibly giving off some clue to her irritation before she smiles a sweet smile to you and settles in next to you allowing her eyes to rake over you, remembering the last time she saw you......your head was peeking up between her thighs....she purrs...
"I do hope so Saucy"

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
looking at you with warm dark eyes, admiring your form, you are looking as lovely as always
"My first question for you gigi @bwr is...

'You originally acquired the Pink Poodle from Ajax, it's founder, right? What was it like when he was operating it? '"

The Set said:
The set is a two story frame of metal pipes and wooden boards covered with colorful carpeting and banners emblazoned with "The Pink Poodle" and "Floozy Productions".
The open framework extends two levels above the runway, the pipes actually straddling it. Guy wires extending diagonally out into the crowd stabilize the structure.
There are lights set up so that each level in use is the only one lit at any one time. Essentially, the structure combines with the runway to give three vertical levels - the top layer of the structure, the second level of it is the middle level of the set, and then, the runway of the Pink Poodle providing the bottom level.

The cast is each wearing leather safety harnesses with quick fastening-and-releasing clips on them so they can lower themselves from the one level of the set to another or they can clip themselves to the diagonal cables that extend from the middle level to the ground floor. The leather harnesses resemble fetish gear, but do not obstruct the view of the bodies of the performers.

The harness of Mirella is white leather, that of Mary-Ellen is red leather, and that of Torri is black leather. The harness of Night Stranger is brown leather.

In a raised booth sits Gigi and Saucy Flambé, commenting on the event as it occurs.

Several Floozy Production cameras ring the set at various levels to capture the event, the commentators, and the crowd.

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
As she sits and talks with you, you can see that her eyes are always watching the club, especially the dances on the side stages and the waitress's. She smiles and thinks a moment before responding.
"It was much like it is now, although there was much more extra ciricular activity going on in the back office if you know what I mean and the interview process was different"

she says with a sexy little smile

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
suppressing a soft laugh at the implication of your words... continuing with her interview...
'What led you to buy it? How has it changed under your ownership? '

The Lights said:
The spotlights light up the top level of the set, highlighting Mirella in a hwiteleather harness, Torri in a black leather harness, and Mary-Ellen Pierce in a red leather harness.
And the FEAST OF PASSION begins!!!!!

mirella said:
Her tawny body highlighted by hthe white leather straps that leave bare her breasts, her sex, and her buttocks, she standsbeside a half-barrel, smiling down at the crowd, brown eyes glittering as she smiles and waves, running her handsdown her sides.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said:
Standing on the top level, wearing A strap of red leather that flows around the upper legs, incircling the waist, up in a x type fashion, to a O ring between the swell of those rounded breasts, to another x, across the very top and behind the neck tied. That very natural tanned flesh soft, warm looking seemed to be shivering in excitement to what will begin. The long rich thick black hair, tied up in a pony tail, and oh indeed that is what it looked like. A horse tail, yet smoother, silkeir, flowing down against the back. Leaving the neck expossed, travelling your eyes down, to see those
"> well rounded mounds of breasts. How they lifted and fell with each breath. The nipples already harden, and pointing outwards.
To the waist that sinks inwards, and then only back out at the hips there. Clean shaven pelvis area but not much more could be seen of that, yet........ Looks to mirella and then down to the crowd as I stand near her.

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
Her eyes flicker up as the show begins and she answers your question....
"He offered to sell it to me and I had been investing the money I had been making here for awhile. I had enough for a downpayment and got a loan for the rest. Things that have changed...hmmmm.... I think that I have managed to step up the profile of the Poodel in the City, more advertising, a more variety of girls, specials, shows, charity and events."

mirella said:
She reaches into the barrel, taking a slice of apple, running it over her lips, the down to her breasts, first to her left niple, taut and impudent, then to her right one....beforew raising the fruit to her lips, her white teeth biting into it.

Torri said:
*the lights come up and I take one sweeping look over the crowd and smile seductively.
My own harness of black leather, and matching the others.
Running my hands up over my body and feeling a warmth spread through me.
I turn toward Mary-Ellen.
raising my hand to her soft cheek
and as I turn her head I lean in to her
brushing my lips along hers
and thenbiting her lower lip gently*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said:
Reaching in to take hold a grape and I run it back and forth on the lips, before leaving it there dangling by just a purse of lips, a slow dance of tongue as it slips out to wrap and pull it into that mouth painted red

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
her eyes drawn to the set as the performers begin to make their appearance, she smiled warmly asking quietly...
'What's the most important element of exotic dance? Costumes? Eye contact? Smiling? The physical attractiveness of the dancer? The amount of skin shown?'

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
She takes a cherry form the vat of fruit,. smiling as she reaches over and runs it over your lips.......her eyes gazing into yours with the promiss of more, much more, upon which you will feast.

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
Grinning at you, she had seemed distracted for a moment as she watched the show but answers your question rather quickly.
"well attraction is always important but it isnt the most important. Actually personality is most important. If a girl cannot talk and be friendly with the patrons, she will fail in this business"

mirella said to Torri:
Turning to you, taking an orange slice, I lean over, squeezing the juice on your nearest breast, my head dipping down, my tongle lapping the juice form your breast-flesh.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said:
Turning to Torri's touch, one hand slipping up to caress her with those long nails, as my body can be seen shuddering slightly. Our lips meet in that kiss, the nipples hardening. Then turning away with care..
My other hand, slips into the barrel lifting up two orange slices. I dangle them about to the audiance and press nails into each one. The juices begin to trickle out and down my arm oh so slight. I move to place each to brush against mirella's nipples, around and around, to lean inwards. Oh how that hair danced to touch against her pelvic area.

My lips part and I take a nipple inside, tongue flickering, then teeth coming to nip, then a light bite. I slowly work between tongue lashings and bitting to find that spot of pain I know she enjoys. One hand sliding the orange slice around the other, as I pull off with a large and loud POP. Moving to nibble across her chest as my eyes look into hers and I pull that other nipple into my lips and begin to tease only that one, soft suction, gentle flickers of that tongue lashing and seen as the lips stay fully parted.

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*reaching into the barrel, but fingers find a slice of peach
while my lips stcontinue to nibble at yours,
I take the peach, squeezing it between my figers and letting the juice dribble off my fingers and sprinkle over your breasts before sweeping the mushy fruit over your smooth flesh*

mirella said to Torri:
My tongue, sticky with the juice of the orange slice, runs down your breast to your nipple....as my hand dips once more int the barrel.

Night Stranger said:
-He's unseen - in the shadows of the second level - totally enjoy the show above-

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
squirming in her chair as she watched the girls devour the fruit
"Oh this looks like it will be quite a tasty show don't you think"

she winked playfully at you purring with a soft sexy voice....

"It's been said that men are voyeurs while we're exhibitionists. Do you think this is true? "

Torri said to mirella:
*my breast feeling the cool juice and then,
your warm
your hot tongue
and I whimper as my body sivers with delight*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said:
Taking the cherry mirella danced over my lips as I roll it now on her nipple as I suck on it in that playful way.
Nails of one hand still caressingover Torri's brown flesh as well, feeling its softness, as I shiver. All three of us women, a natural tan, rich black hair. How we seemed to suddenly begin melding

mirella said:
.......and my hand emerges with a chunk of watermelon, dripping and sweet.
I mash it against your sex asI continue suckling your breast, pressing the cool, sweet fruit into the foldsof your cunt.

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*leaving the skin of the peach on your breast
I reach to the barrel again
finding an orange slice
I bring it to your other breast, the one closest to me
rubbing the citrus back and forth over your nipple and then dipping my head
curling my lips around the hard nipple
and dragging my tongue voer the tip of it*

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Gasping as you run the cherry over my nipple, nipples darek like blackberries.

Torri said to mirella:
*bending my knees and rocking against your hand as it mashes the melon into my cunt
moaning onto Mary-Ellen nipple*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to mirella:
Purring as I feel Torri's motions, of some type of juice being placed onto that flesh, then the softness and mushness of it, being squished against it. Oh how it made me shudder as I could nearly believe it was cum juices and pussy lips being pressed against me..
Taking hold of two halfs of a lime I begin to rub it all over mirella's rich brown hued flesh. Making it glisten in that sticky juice of the fruit. I moved to rub it between the breasts down the belly, back upwards and around the outside of those sweet medium swells.

mirella said to Torri:
Releasing your nipples as Mary-Ellen has mine, my hand continues running the chunks of watermelon over your sex.

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
She pauses a moment to watch some watermelon being mashed into some rather fleshy parts and wonders if she will ever be able to eat watermelon again without thinking of this scene.....sh egiggles and shifts in her seat, re-crossing her long barely covered legs...
"well....I dont know, I think each sex has a little bit of both in each depending on the situation."

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Writhing against the sticky lime halves, a slow sensual smile curls my lips as I move as if to open myself to you.......my hand abandoning Torri to reach into the barre...............

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to mirella:
Feeling Torri's lips on my nipple I arch backwards, pressing that breast in against her lips. How my body was shaking now, as I began to push and mash that lime into mirella's body. Letting the pieces drop.
Once more hand into the barell

Then lifting up the strawberries I begin to squish them up along mirella's inner thigh. My lips kissing and nibbling still on that one nipple, slowly making it become more senstive to my touch. Forcing her legs to part, I squish them against those inner lips, making them sweet and leaving pieces of that fruit there. Oh how the seeds, and slight red seemed to only be heightened from her flesh.... the smell of fruit now starting to intermingle with the scent of us women, making me squirm a bit more.

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*reaching to the barrel once more
my hand fishing around and finally finding what it is I am looking for
I draw out big, firm, curved banana
raising it from the barrel
and I run the banana between your breasts as I smile at you

mirella said to Torri:
I take a plum, dark and rich with juice, and take abite of it......and then, I kiss you, shoving the flesh of the plum into you mouth as with te part remaining, I crush it against your breasts, the juice running freely down the wanton curves of your body.

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
"Mmmmmmm....I think we should go out for a continental breakfast one of these days doll..... this looks absolutely delicious!"
yeah, it wasn't only men who are voyeurs, she definately had her moments where she just liked to watch as well....

"So tell me gigi @bwr.... Do most of your dancers here become aroused by performing nude for your clients? How do they feel about more intimate things like lap dancing?"

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*I run the banana down your body, the tip grazing along your skin an glide the banana back up again
bringing it to my lips and biting the end
my lips peeling back the skin
and again, I move the banana to your body and run it down
down your smooth, yet now sticky flesh and down between your trembling legs

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Torri:
I begin to move my upper body so as to rock against that long fruit. Feeling the yellow against tanned flesh, and how it felt. My legs spread some and I groannnnnn against mirella's nipple as I POP my lips off her then

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
drawing back from my plum-sweet kiss with Tori, moaning as yourmouth clings to my nipples, as yu run strawberries over my inner thighs, then mash then againstmy smooth, shave cunt.


Torri said to mirella:
*my tongue mingling with yours as you feed me the plum
and gasping into your mouth as you rub the squshed, juicy fruit over my body*

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Gasping as your lips POP free.....
gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
The more she watches the intimate show the more she realizes how much she does not want to be here right now. She had to leave Devante who is leaving tomorrow to go back on tour and she was not happy. She smiles at you, still seemingly distracted and then answers in that sweet purr.....never wavering, but still....she was off just a bit....
"well I know myself, it depends on whom I am dancing for. If the men get into it and tip well and really express to me that they are having a great time, then yeah, sopmetimes I get aroused, especially during a lap dance. As for the other girls, I dont know, some girls do lap dances, some girls dont. I let them choose the level of dancing they are comfy with."

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to mirella:
I begin to rock slightly against the bannana Torri was sliding downwards on me. Those sweet inner thighs shivering in yes, want to feel it. Nails running up against your side as I..
I lift up a lemon, still colder than her bodies heat. To begin tracing it around in a slow spiral about the back side, feeling the very very rounded ass, so tight and firm. Making that now shine in a soft glint as the lights dance upon her there. I flicker my head to whip that tail about and brush it against the shoulder in such a playful way. Then smash it against her star, pushing and grinding it some, before it drops

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*my lips move to your neck and I lick, I nible and I kiss you
my hand holding the banana and raisng it up slowly
pressing it to your pussy
easing it up and the end pushing into you*

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
her eyes darkening with passion as she watches the ladies perform, licking her own lips, thinking tasting that sweet juice from those hot bodies would be heavenly
"Ohhhhh...gods gigi, don't you think this is quite erotic, have you ever used any props with your dances?"

she is asking you these questions as this is part of her job here tonight, but she is having trouble tearing her gaze away from the lovely women performing

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Torri:
Our lips touching melding yet once more, my black hair in a tail, and yours loose, seems to only heighten the wildness of it all. My legs spreading a bit more as I give one good thrust onto that bannana there, feeling it begin to enter inside, those oh so warm velvetty folds. Mouth opening wider as I let out a cry


Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*I slip the banana from you
bringing it to my own lips and sliding it into my mouth
my lips curl around it and I suck on it
sliding it in and out between my lips
and then
drawing it out and returning it down between your thighs*

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
I stick my ass out as you run the lemon over it, lips parted, teeth bared....asmy breasts sway against the movement of my body. The light shivers over me,smears of stawberries trapped in the folds of my cunt.

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
She giggles watching you getting all hot and bothered there in the chair. Reaching over and patting yor thigh playfully she asks
"you ok Saucy?"

winking before thinking....then replying...

" I have used lollypops, handcuffs, billyclubs, whips, water and glitter dust"

mirella said to Torri:
As you slip the banana between the cuntal folds of Mary-Ellen, I pull a cluster of grapes from the vat, crushing them against your sex, the juice running from your sex, down your legs in a clear stream of sticky sweetness.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to mirella:
Feeling that fruit slip out of me, knowing it has been molded in different ways where my inner muscles had rippled on it. Purring as I see you suck, and lick the slight shine of juice off the fruit. Then a cry out as I feel it re-enter inside

Rocking my hips in and out, in that sweet motion, of sheer fucking...........

My hand dips in and I lift the bananna up next, I begin to look out to the crowd, and I wiggle it side to side.................... lifting my voice I call out to them

Should I???????????

Moving the bananna to begin rubbing its tip back and forth on her little nub, and near the lips, grinning so playfully as I lick my lips awaiting an their reply.

Torri said to mirella:
*feeling your crush grapes against my sex
pressing to your hand and grinding
feeling the juice tickle down my legs*

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Grinning, wiggling my ass at you, feeling the lime juice running over it, sticky from the juice....and seeing you wave a banana........
Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
lifting a hand to brush back her hair from her face, tucking a few stray tendrils behind her ear, she almost jumped by your unexpected pat, causing a tingle to rush through her, she hadn't forgotten your kiss that one night.... feeling her heat growing as she watched the girls torment and tease each other with the fruit.... almost whispering now....
"What turns men on about the Pink Poodle? Is there anything you try to emphasize that makes the Poodle more sensual than its competitors?"

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*I push the banana into you farther. Deeper.
and as I draw it out it breaks
leaving part inside of you and I take the remainder and mash it into your cunt
spreading it
smearing it
and my fingers pushing the mush into you*

mirella said to Torri:
Quikcly reaching into the vat, again, smiling up at you, somewhat bent forward......and my hand emeges, filled with blackberries and raspberries.....and I squish them against your sex, the dark, sweet juice following the trail of the grape juice, running down your legs.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to mirella:
Hearing it, I look to Ethan Thorne and Matthieu Wolfe. I slide the tip slow just in some, letting it play against the outer folds. teasing mirella, in such a way allowing all others to see. Then I begin to push it in as I teasingly purr out to her only the very tip, sliding in, then out, and pushed in a little more, the smoother end of that still flesh covered fruit.
Now no clencing that sweety
Stopping and pulling it back out to begin peeling it. I let the skin fall and I move to push it back inside that star, moving just enough to let it only enter slight and
SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsh it all over her there, how the yellow, seemed to clash against mirella's tan flesh

Torri said to mirella:
*bending my legs a bit and pushing to your hand
feeling all kinds of fruit sliding over my sex
feeling all kinds of juices, some fro the fruit, running down my thighs
my body a quivering mess*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Torri:
As you leave a piece inside, me, I move and turn to thrust that cunt, to let those down below see, and I begin to ripple my belly a bit, pushing out, half of that piece that is inside me, out, with sheer muscle of my cunt. Then, I dip, my hand back into the barrel of cold ice

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Gasping as I feel the banana pressing against the nether portal of my ass, moaning, teeth clenched, as just the tip pierces me

And then it pulls back and I groan,obviously disappointed.....only to smile at your words, sticking my assout toward you as the now-peeled fruit is pushed back inside me.


Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
part of the banan slips out of you and I break it off
raising it and mashing it over your breast
bringing my lips to you and nibbling the banana from around your nipple*

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
She giggles at that question, the screams of enjoyment coming from the men around the place probably were answer enough of why men were turned on by the place. She sees a flicker of memory in your gaze and winks playfully purring
"well I think its obvious why men like this place.....naked women, live sex shows, lap dances, strippers, topless waitress's....all those things appeal to the masculine libido. I try to create a high class sexy atmoshphere in here. I have good liquor, hot women, great music and lighting, good seats. This place isnt a dive. I treat my patrons with respect and I want them to return so I will spare no expense in keeping them coming back. If that means leather seats and the best cigars then thats what they get."

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to mirella:
Pulling out the watermelon and running the chilled, yet very very juicey fruit down on your body till it comes to the sex, as I lean in and bare white teeth, they begin to nibble against your flesh as I push it up against those lips, up higher to let you feel the watermelon begin to enter your hot cunt, then I begin to fuck you with it, as I moan and cry out

mirella said to Torri:
Two fingers, sticky and wqet with the blackberry and raspberry juice, stiffen,pentrating your sex, my thumb dancing over your turgid clit. feeling the heat of your cunt clutching me,drawing my fingers inside you. My eyes glitter, the banana of Mary-Ellen teasing my ass.

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
grinning....pointing to mirella....
"seems mirella is getting a little of the bananna split treatment tonight huh Saucy, I was never one to play with my food actually"

she says with a sweet giggle

Torri said to mirella:
*your fingers enter me and I open my mouth wide
sucking hard on Mary-Ellen breast
moaning onto her as your thumb teases me
my legs trembling
pressing down to feel your figners deeper*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Torri:
My back arching to your kisses and smashing.. oh how messy, shivering as natural juices of fruit mix with juices of my own deeper cravings. Nails begin to caress over your, nipple now, as I trace downward to the inner thigh, leaving a trail slightly

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
dark eyes smoulder as she dazzles you with a wicked smile, you were a delightful tease and you knew it as well, she did love to watch your shows and one of these nights....
"So what about tips gigi @bwr...What can a dancer do to please your clients and to enhance her tips? How much in tips can a dancer earn each week?

Perhaps? you would like to show me sometime?"

softly giggling, yeah she liked to tease too.... and if she hadn't been dedicating herself to this show tonight, she would be highly tempted right now to show you just how much....

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
And then, I moan loudly, the chill, juicy watermelon against my warm, brown flesh, staining the white leather of my harness, then pressing against my shaven sex.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Gaaaaaaawwwwdddd

I sob as your teeth nibble against my body as you fuck me with the chunks of watermelon, the juice runnning from my drenchewd sex.

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*baring my teeth to bitee at your nipple and shaking my head
my finger move back down
and they slip through the banana still in you
moving my two fingers around inside of you
feeling the banana getting mushier as my fingers keep moving

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to mirella:
Looking down to the crowd, I grin a moment as I keep using that watermelon to ride you with, then pulling it out, I toss it over not knowing truelly who may catch it. Then, swiftly hand dips into the barell once more, and pulling out some strawberries again, I put them in my mouth and moving away from
Torri, I bend onto my knees and place my mouth against your ass and I push my tongue against your star, and begin to dance with it, pushing mushed fruit into you there, and letting my face push into your ass cheeks

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Sobbing as I feel upir lipsagainst my ass....trewmbling as your tongue shoves crushed strawberries into my ass.

mirella said to Torri:
And with my free hand, I grab another plum, squishing it against your ass cheeks, the juice runnig down them as the fingers of my other hand continue to fuck you, driving in and out of your berry-drenched sex.

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*grabbing a bunch of grapes from the barrel, I slide down underneath you, on my back
and picking one grape as a time I slip them into your sex
picking them and slipping them between your wet and swollen lips
picking more and slipping them into you.
and then, when all the grapes are gone, I raise my head and slip my tongue into your sex to try and find the grapes*

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
Seeing you becoming increasingly flirtatios with her she just giggles and smiles at you, leaning back in her seat and reaching to pull up the top of her little tube dress. She pauses a moment and thinks...
"well generally a sexond stage dancer can pull in 300- 500 a week in tips without table and lap dancer, those are extra....a main stage dancer can pull 800-2000+ again minue tables and lap....then there is VIP work"

"and unfortunatly Saucy, I only stage dance once in ahile anymore. I dont do private dances, only for my private exclusive customers, which I am not accepting any more at this time"

she explains in a haughty and teasing little tone....teasing you even more...allowing her foot to tease along yoru calf

Torri said to mirella:
*my hand grabbing your wrist
moving your fingers in and out faster
pushing them deeper
my legs opening wider and squeeling*

mirella said to Torri:
My fingers sliding from your sex as your shift positions, chunks of plum sticking to your ass.......

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Torri:
As I feel the grapes, and then your tongue inside me, the grapes being pushed towards your wanton mouth, as I begin to nibble harder on mirella's ass cheeks and grab hold of a plum, using nails I break it open and begin to smash it all over her front, smearing her with its insides

The Lights said:
Lights flash on the middlelevel, showing Night Stranger, wearing a brown leather harness.
There is an ice-filled half-barrel filled with bottles of champagne, red wine, apple juice, milk, beer, and root beer.

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*pushing my tongue into you deeper
trying desperately to capture a grape with my tongue but all I can do is roll it around iside of you*

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
growling softly under her breath, she will make a point of finding out who your private customers might be and perhaps?
wetting her lips with a dip of a pretty pink tongue, she looked back over to the set, as the girls continued to assault each other with the fruits

"Mmmmmmm.... gigi .... this is a delightful show don't you think? How did the show tonight come about? Do you think you'll want to do more special events such as "A Feast of Passion"?

she wondered if you might consider participating in one yourself, she would even consider participating with you....

Night Stranger said:
-The lights shine on his tall - slim - solid frame-
-He grins from ear to ear - Thinks these women are outrageous tonight - with so much more to come-

mirella said to Torri:
Kneeling berween your legs, shoving cherries in your sex, your hand grabbing my wrist as I press them deep inside......then lean forward, pressing my mouth to your sex, reaching inside you with my t9ongue, deftly seeking the cheeries inside your wanton bondy./

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Torri:
Finally, I use those muscles inside, the ones that could squuuuuuuuuuuueze a man's cock out of me.. and push those grapes to drop into your mouth as I slowly begin to rise, a finger moving to
enter a few times into mirella's sweet tight star,

Turning with ease, I attach the clip to the harness, and look to NightStranger, with a smile. Having tucked away something in the back. I await him to lower me down. How messy I seemed to be, how my flesh seemed to glitter with juices and the like. The different colors in different spots of my body.

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
I feel the chuinks of fruit over me, the wetness of lime juice, watermelon, plums, and chunks of the banana....and the ripe juices of my heated sex blending with them.

Torri said to mirella:
*crying out as your tongue searches fo the cherry!!!!!
my body shudders
gasping for breath
raising my hips to our tongue and my hands grabbing Mary-Ellens ass tighly*

The Set said:
The three women, covered with juices and chunks of fruit, writhe on the top level. The middle level is also illuminated, Night Stranger standing there.
The set is a two story frame of metal pipes and wooden boards covered with colorful carpeting and banners emblazoned with "The Pink Poodle" and "Floozy Productions".
The open framework extends two levels above the runway, the pipes actually straddling it. Guy wires extending diagonally out into the crowd stabilize the structure.
There are lights set up so that each level in use is the only one lit at any one time. Essentially, the structure combines with the runway to give three vertical levels - the top layer of the structure, the second level of it is the middle level of the set, and then, the runway of the Pink Poodle providing the bottom level.
The cast is each wearing leather safety harnesses with quick fastening-and-releasing clips on them so they can lower themselves from the one level of the set to another or they can clip themselves to the diagonal cables that extend from the middle level to the ground floor. The leather harnesses resemble fetish gear, but do not obstruct the view of the bodies of the performers.
The harness of mirella is white leather, that of Mary-Ellen is red leather, and that of Torri is black leather. The harness of Night Stranger is brown leather.
In a raised booth sits Gigi and Saucy Flambé, commenting on the event as it occurs.
Several Floozy Production cameras ring the set at various levels to capture the event, the commentators, and the crowd.

mirella said:
My face mashed against you,tongue curling up inside you, the scent of sweet fruit blending with that of your sex, the mix of flavors rioch on my tongue.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Awaiting for you to bring me down, I began to pose in different postions for a moment or so, letting hands glide to cup the swell of my breasts, holding them out, as if begging for any man or women to come and just begin to use me.. eyes looking around now, dancing to different people, seeing Cicero, I let tongue run over lips

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*nibbling each of the grapes as they "pop" ito my mouth, I riae up on very shaky legs and I find the cable
attaching it to my harness.
my body glimering in the bright lights
shinny with so many colored juices and pieces of fruit still hanging from my flesh*

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
Grinning at you as she watches you and watches the show as well she sips her drink as another is set down beside her then glances to the time....
"mirella approached me about using the Poodle for a documentary style filmography and sex show....I thought it was an interesting idea and agreed. I will consider doing another even after I see how the reviews are for this first show"

she says with a smile. gigi of course was business minded and wouldnt persue anything unless it brings her profit. She wasnt looking at the erotic performance as anything but a business adventure. In fact....she didnt like playing with food and probably would have preferred straight porn.

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
"I do think the set is wonderfully constructed and quite creative though Saucy, it is definatly imaginative and sexy"

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Those deep native american brown eyes come to see Ethan Thorne and Matthieu Wolfe as they sit together, normally I prefer females, but at that moment, my ass shivered and I thrusted my pelvis back and forth over and over, thinking GOD how good it would feel to feel two take me at once

Night Stranger said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
-He moves to the guy wires - Sees that Mary-Ellen is hooked and ready - Pulls the wires through the pulley - Slowly she leaves the top level - Comes down midair - He reaches for her arm and steadies her as her feet touch down-

Torri said:
*with the cable attached to my harness I sait to be lowered down
runing my ifnger over my skin and licking the juice from it
I look out over the wonderful enthusiastic crowd and smile as I lick my finger*

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
"the girls definatly look like they are going to have their fair share of fruit for certain, no scurrvy down there huh?"
she says teasingly as she watches the girls frolic and tease, suck and lick as Night Stranger descends

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
How my body moved to press naked yet a sweet natural rich brown hue against your own paler one. My breasts so rounded began to wriggle against yours as I began to thrust my hips in and out against your own, as I await for you to unclip me. A grin on those lips as I purr, and turn to the crowd with a wink

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
"Oh yes, I do agree!"
watching carefully as Night Stranger enters the performance, knowing that the performance will get even more heated up now
"Ooooh gigi, check this out!"

lifting her arm to point towards Night Stranger

mirella said to Torri:
Watching you about to be lowered, stillon the top level, I reach into the barrel and remove another handful of blackberrueies, smashing them over my breasts and belly, lips curved in a smile as the dark, sweet juices run down towardmy drenched cunt.............

Night Stranger said:
-He unclips the metal clasp from Mary-Ellen's harness - She's free now -
-He then goes back to the pulley - Eases Torri down from the top level - Her body in midair - til she touches down - He then unhooks the clasp from her harness-

Torri said:
*floating through the air as I am lowered down
bending my legs together this way and that
and finally landing softly alongside Night Stranger .
I touch my lips to his, pressing my wet body to his, as he reaches around to unclip the cable from my harness*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Moving slowly to come behind you. Standing behind him, I pull out the small piece of bananna and begin to caress it against his back. My backside< now facing the audiance that is looking up. How the round flesh of ass seems to be glistening. How the star seemed to be begging to be taken. The cheeks tightening and releasing, in such sweet little shiveres. Indeed as you begin to look you could imagen how a cock would feel going in and out over and over inside me there. >
Then moving it towards the front, I rub it over his balls, feeling how they seem to roll oh so right in that soft hand

mirella said to Torri:
Watching as you are lowered by Night Stranger , reaching into the vat and grabbing a banana, peeling it and running it between my wanton lips, sucking the phallic fuit as if it were a pale, curving cock.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Looking to Randy Black a moment as I let that slight rough tongue dance out and flicker many times, then turning to begin nipping on Night's shoulder as I begin to just roll those balls, and then let nails brush against his inner thighs.. my ass shivering and shaking much harder now

mirella said to Night Stranger :
I remove the bana from my mouth, smiling down at the crowd and taking a bit from the end. I stuff the rest into my sex and stroll over to the cable, clipping myself to it and holding on, grinning down at you.

Night Stranger said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
-He's surprised that Mary-Ellen has covered him with fruit as well- Distracted from returning Torri's kiss-
Damn - Girl - I'll get you

Torri said:
*as mirella is lowered down I sashay across the front of the stage
picking pieces of fruit from my body and tossing it to the audience*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Torri:
Then turning my head, I reach up with one hand, and grip your hair, pulling you to me, and giving you a deep, kiss, lips moving, tongue dancing, one saying lets just taste the other type kiss

mirella said to Hector Alvarez:
Holdinbg on to the cable, I reach down and slide the chunk of banana from my sex, giving you a wanton smile and tossing the cunt-drenched chunk of fruiit to you.

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-He looks up to see mirella is ready - Pulls on the guy wires - through the pulley - to have her float thru the air - all the way down to join the three - Once settled on her feet again - He unfastens her clip-

Saucy Flambe said:
laughing softly as she watched the fruit landing everywhere now
"well it looks like your janitors will be earning their paycheque this week doll!"

she is leaning forwards now, her dark eyes focused on the show with admiration and fascination, she had never seen anything like this ....

"hey gigi, have you ever been to a performance like this before?"

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*as you pull me to you I move my hand up into your hair
our kiss is hot and passionate
tongues probing deeply
with a kiss that say, I'm going to taste all of you*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Light laugh as I hear your words and I turn to press my body in against Torri, feeling both of our breasts meeting, nipple to nipple nearly. Lifting a leg to slip between hers, I begin to rub it in a wild rythmic fuck me now type motion

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Smilikng, having swallowed the chunk of banana in my mouth as I rode down the cable, I press my fruit-smeared body against you, reach up and licking your chin and lips, a merry laugh escaping me.

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
Looking a little annoyed as fruit begins to get tossed off the stage, she had been assured her club would not be trashed......she looks to you with a furrowed brow .....she had just about enough shit go down in her joint for one week....
"I will tell you this Saucy, if my place gets trashed there will be no more shows in here....."

said with a little smiles.....then she shakes her head...

"no....I dont do porn"

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*clasping my thigs around yours and grabbing your ass
pulling you to me and sliding up your thigh, to press my own thigh against you
squirming against you thigh as my fingers sink into your ass cheeks*

mirella said to Night Stranger :
The tawny woman, white leather stained with fruit, smilesup at you as she grinds her sex against you.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Torri:
Sliding a hand around and gripping one ass cheek as the other contuies its hold of your hair. I begin to pull it back as I laugh slightly and those lips begin to nibble and kiss over that now very taut neck, feeling your sex, rubbing on my leg as I move it back and forth over and over again, a heated passion, rising up

mirella said to Torri and Mary-Ellen:
my wanton brown eyes sweep over the two of you, pressed together in the heat of lust.....

Night Stranger said to The Girls:
-He steps back - Shakes his head with a mock frown-
Well - Fruit Sluts - we gotta get yous clean

-He goes to the barrel - Pulls out three bottles of champagne - Shakes each as he loosens the corks and sets them down - The puts one under each arm - Back to the girls-

"POP" the first bottle is opened - the cork flies - He squirts the foam and liquid at Mary-Ellen - Hands the bottle to Torri-

With Torri's hands full - He pops the second bottle and squirts the foam all over her - Hands her the bottle -

The third bottle is popped open and he showers mirella with the champagne

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*the tug on my hair sens sharp ripples racing through my body
squirming my self agasint your thigh, I feel your tongue touch my neck and I can't hold back a lout swhimper
my body trembling
I seem to grip your thigh tighter with my own and my body begins shuddering

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Turning suddenly and pulling away from Torri as you release the spray of champaign over me. I begin to wiggle my hips as I begin to turn about slow lifting my arms to let the spray wash over me. Making my body wet, beaded in that juice, My hair in different places begins to dampen. Those firm, rounded breasts, thrusting out more now, as I bend back a bit and place my own hands on my ass, and let some even trickle down between my sex

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Suealing as the champagne pours over me from Night Stranger , I lick the bubbly running down your back, scooping up some of the fruit with my tongue

mirella said to Torri:
Laughing as Mary-Ellen pulls back, lifting my arms as the champagne runs over me.

gigi @bwr said:
She squeals as Night releases some of the champagne and it sprays up and over you and her. She laughs and looks down at Night....
" seems like we have a wild shooter down there huh Saucy?"

she says as she wipes some of the sticky beverage from her chin and sucks it from her fingertip

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Reaching for a chunk of ice from the barrel, running it over your chest, then over my breasts.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said:
I move to go onto hands and knees, sliding one hand back as I contuie to feel the spray of champaign gushing out over me, like several mens release. I let eyes look to Ethan Thorne breasts dangling slightly as I hold in one hand a bottle as well and let it gush upwards between
Torri's legs, watching as it seems to spray up over some and onto her chest

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*you suddenly move away and I try to catch my breath
letting the champagne spray over my body and thentaking the bottle
I raise it up over my breasts and let the cold bubbly flow over my breasts, washing the fruit and jiuce away.
running down btween my breasts and down my tummy
dripping from my sex*

Floozy Pictures Cameras said:
The camera crews of Floozy focused onb the scene on the middlelevel, the commentators, and the crowd response.

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
I grab a carton of milk, opening it and pouring half of it over your breasts, the white creamy liquid running over them, down your belly, and into the vale of your sex........

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*the chmpagne sprays up between my legs and I nearly "leap"!
but it moves to spray up over my breasts and I turn so that the spray rinces the fruit from my back and let it run over my arched ass*

Night Stranger said to mirella:
OOOOOOOOoooo - Cold!!
-He grabs a milk bottle from the barrel - Comes up behind you - Pours the down your back- and right through the crack of your asscheeks-

mirella said to Torri:
And then, I turn to you and pour the rest of the carton over your back so the liquid runs down it, splashing voer the sweet curves of your ass.

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*crawling down onto the floow with you and extending my tongue
licking the milk from your body
licking over your breast and dragging my tongue over your nippple*

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Shrieking as you pour cold, coldmilk over my back, feeling the cold milk cascading between the cheeks of my tawny ass, start agaiknst my borwn skin.

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
giggling as some of the champagne sprays against her as well.... she looked over at you with a saucy smile
"yeah, looks that way... hey you missed a spot..."

reaching out a soft warm finger... sliding it along the droplet about to flow between the valley of your ample breasts, gently brushing it away, her dark eyes looking into yours with a twinkle...

"So if you don't do food, and you don't do porn... do you do champagne?"

Torri said to mirella:
*parting my legs a bit more so the milk can run between them*

Night Stranger said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
-He darts back to the barrel - Grabs ice and apple juice - Surpries Mary-Ellen as he steps directly in front of her - Pours the apple juice over her tits - as he rubs her pussy lips with the ice-

mirella said to Night Stranger :
A wanton grin on my face, I take a bottle of red wine and pour it over your chest so that it flows over your, running down your body.............

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
with my tongue licing your breasts the taste changes from mil to apple juice and I slurp it off of you*

mirella said to Torri:
Grinning as you part your legs......a lusty sparklein my eyes......

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-His chest puffs out as mirella pours the wine over him - He knows he's now 'vintage' -

Mary-Ellen Pierce said:
I look to mirella and Night Stranger , and grin, as I take that bottle I was spraying at Torri, and with care, I lift its neck to begin brushing the head in a teasing manor against her sex, before withdrawing and placing it into my lips. Placing it down,

">I crawl.. towards that barrel and take out a bottle, a quick glance I begin to take the top off, sliding its neck into my mouth, sucking on it up and down, cheeks inwards as eyes look to Cicero, seeming sucking it like some nice cock, then POP the top comes out, and I begin to slide it up against mirella's body between her and Night and tilt it upside down, letting it come between thier sexs and onto my face.

Shivering as that creamy white caresses over brown flesh.. how it sooooooo looked like some, several men had cummmmmmmmmed all over me.. wriggling and writhering as Torri begins to lick it clean

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Reaching for a bnottle olf root beer, shaking it with a mischievous grin, then spraying it over your ass.....

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Moaning as the liquid sprays my shaven cunt........

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*finding an empty bottle within reach as I move my lips and tongue from one of your breasts to the other
I take the bottle
and run the long neck along your thigh
sliding it up one thigh and then down the other
up one thigh again*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
As the ice is placed on that OH so senstive spot of my clit and pussy lips, my legs spread wide, as I take the bottle and with ease I lift it upwards to begin to rub it against mirella's cunt lips.. oh how the men could see now the heated flesh of one man surrounded by three women, how he had the best of it if he so wished.. the women that loved women seeing how we was seemingly so hot on each other right now

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
She laughs as your finger reaches out to trail along her cleavage to tease at the champagne spilling down her breasts.....she nods....smiling as she purrs...
" I do....among other things"

gigi @bwr said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
hearing a howl coming from Mary she grins and points....
"I think shes been taking lessons from mirella"

Night Stranger said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
-He smiles - this IS such fun - as he looks down at Mary-Ellen drinking the liquid as it pours from his and mirella's bodies-
-His one hand in her hair - his other fingers tweak mirella's nips-

mirella said to Night Stranger :
I take a bottle of apple juice and, tilting my head back, pour its golden liquid over my face, the amber sweetness running down to my shoulders, runnning over the brillient tattoo of a phoenix that soars over my left shoulder. The golden apple juice runs down my honey-hued flesh, over breasts, down my belly to the sex and legs...as in back, it streams through the cleft of my ass.

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*as you scream out from the cold of the ice I slide the end of the bottle into your wet and slippery sex,
turning it, spinning it, and working just the end of the bottle in and out of you*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Root bear all over me now as I look to Torri and begin to lift my hips up and down and moan and laugh as I push the neck of the bottle I was holding into mirella just then, and laughing, with that heated voice
Ohhhh Night Stranger ,.. we want you

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
spreading my legsas you rub the bottle against my sex.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeesssssssss!!!

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
leaning back in her chair, her shoulder brushing against yours now.... lifting her glass to drink as she continued to watch the show....
"I think it would be quite fun to find out what those other things are doll...

you know we should get together sometime? go out for dinner or something? oh wait, you don't do food!"

chuckling softly as she shifted towards you and looked at you with shimmering eyes...

Torri said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
*bringing my lips to yoou and warming your clit with my tongue*

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Throwing my head back, laughing as I hear your telling Night Stranger that we need him....and then, my grin widening as I reach for a bottle of cold, cold beer form the barrel.....and shake it up[.....gazing at Night Stranger ......

Night Stranger said to Torri:
-He steps back - Brings another bottle from the barrekl - Its beer - which he pours over Torri's back - The foam covers her as the amber liquid drips off-

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Torri:
I move to take the bottle that was inside mirella and move to come underneath you, and I begin to slide it into your cunt, feeling how I have to push.. a little more to enter inside, and I begin to slide it back and forth, seeing how the bottle pulls a little at your lips, inhaling your scent as I move my lips to inner thighs and begin to nip and lick over you

Torri said to Night Stranger :
*shiering as the icy cold beer runs over my back,
over my ass and dripps between my legs
looking up at you with a smile
I remove the bottle from Mary-Ellen and I stand, moving to the barrel myself*

Night Stranger said to The Girls:
You sluts will get me - AFTER we clean up
-He steps over to the pulley-

Mary-Ellen - C'mere

mirella said to Night Stranger :
the bottle of beer in my hand, shakenm (not stirred) explodes asI pop the cap, foaming beer ex;ploding over your cock and balls in a merrry splash, like an amber waterfall...and it is FRESH FROM ITS BED OF ICE.

gigi @bwr said to Saucy Flambe:
She giggles as you tease her, you were a firey one, but she was just as firey, maybe even moreso, who knows. She looks you over and grins toying with her straw in her lips as she purrs....
" no baby.....I said I didnt play with my food...."

said as she checks the time one last time. She cant stand it one second longer, being away fromhim was making her mad. She stands up and smooths down that jesus christ small dress over her thighs and leans down to impulsively press a quick yet lingering kiss to your lips as she purrs...

"I gotta get outta here baby....someone is waiting for me and I dont want to keep him waiting any longer"

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Drinking up the beer that you just poured over Torri, my face being now fully drenched by a mixtured of drinks, my hair wet, and glistening as it begins to get a bit sticky. My hips lifting up and down as I get fucked by the bottle and Torri's lips on my clit

Torri said to Night Stranger :
*reaching ito the barrel and then sashaying over to you
I slide one hand up behind your neck and draw your lips to mine
slipping my tongue through our lips and rolling it around in your mouth
while my other hand, cold beer in hand and still closed,
moves up between your legs and I press the cold can up against your hanging sac*

Night Stranger said to mirella:
Damn, mirella - I know you want me stiff - but - Frozen Stiff???
-He bursts out laughing-

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Moaning LOUDLY and WHIMPERING in that very heated NEEDY want. I rise and walk over to you all saucily like and run nails up and down against you, making sure to grasp your cock for a few moments and running my hand up and down its shaft before I turn to let you...

hook me up

The Set said:
The set is a two story frame of metal pipes and wooden boards covered with colorful carpeting and banners emblazoned with "The Pink Poodle" and "Floozy Productions".
The open framework extends two levels above the runway, the pipes actually straddling it. Guy wires extending diagonally out into the crowd stabilize the structure.
There are lights set up so that each level in use is the only one lit at any one time. Essentially, the structure combines with the runway to give three vertical levels - the top layer of the structure, the second level of it is the middle level of the set, and then, the runway of the Pink Poodle providing the bottom level.

In a raised booth sits Gigi and Saucy Flambé, commenting on the event as it occurs.

Several Floozy Production cameras ring the set at various levels to capture the event, the commentators, and the crowd.

Night Stranger said to Torri:
Ohhhh -Cooooooold
Them balls are gonna get warm- ya know?

Saucy Flambe said to gigi @bwr:
returning your kiss with a passionate one of her own, laughing as she sees that "i need to get fucked" look smouldering in your eyes, reaching out to pinch your bum as you pass by her
"Have a good time doll!"

mirella said:
Watching as Night Stanger's cock and balls are frozen stiff as he hooks up Mary-Ellen Pierce, I grab a chunk of ice,running it over my left, then my right nipple.

Torri said to Night Stranger :
*running my tongue up your neck and whispering ito your ear as you "hook me up"*
I plan on warming them up for you, dear

Night Stranger said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
-He hooks the clapsp to Mary-Ellen's harness - She's ready to go - He slwoly lowers her down the guy wire that lead to a tub on the left side of the runway - amidst the audience-

The Set said:
Two of the guy wires extend from the middlelevel of the set down into the crowd. At the foot of each is a tub of warm water, bar soap and towels beside each of the vats.
Mary-Ellen Pierce prepares to ride down one of the guy wises........who will rise down the second one?

Night Stranger said to Torri:
-As Mary-Ellen reaches the tub- and he sees her settle - Walks to the other side of the platform - Crooks his finger-
Torri - C'mere

mirella said to Torri:
grinning as Night Stranger motions you to him so he can clip you to the guy wire.

Torri said to Night Stranger :
*sashayingover to you with a smile and standing in front of you
my breasts baely touching you chest
your hard erection barely touching my tummy.
lookin up at you*
my turn?

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Ethan Thorne:
In that tub of water, I begin to becon you with a finger as I lift up a bar of soap and begin to wiggle it side to side, my body nearly naked save but the harness that is around me, and the juices of some fruit still and now a mixture of drinks

Night Stranger said to Torri:
It sure is, Torri
-He hooks the clasp to her harness-

Go get clean

-He pulls the guy wires through the pulley - Down she floats through midair - til she also reaches a tub set in the audience on that side-

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Ethan Thorne:
Lifting the soap up to you with a wicked grin. I begin to move back and forth in that water, like a water snake. Letting it ripple and some even splash out and onto your pants. Then kneeling back up, oh how breasts seemed to push out more, as I look out and lick lips over towards sweet~cream~ and Damuhn
wash me up

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Smil;ing as I take another carton of milk, pouring it overmy breasts, using my other hand to fondle them, then letting my hand follow the milk to my shaven sex, a gasp as I cup my milk-covered cunt.

Ethan Thorne said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
not worried about getting wet and reaching out to run the soap over you with one hand, the other rubbing and lathering it creating a sheen of bubbles over your skin while you are in the water, eyes not leaving you... my pleasure sexy

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Tossiong the empty carton aside as you finish lowering Torri, I stand near the cable leading down to the runway.

Torri said:
*riding the wire down from the stage
wmiling and waving as I glide slowly down and slide right into the tub with hrdly a splash.
I unhook the wire and crawl around in the tub,
then leaning back and reaching for the bar of woap I look around........
and smile*

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-He watches Torri descend - She's settled in the tub- -He looks to mirella - Brown and white at this point-
mirella- Over here

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Ethan Thorne:
Rising slowly to let you get every single little tiny spot, of that sweet native american flesh. You could feel the warmth from it as your hand brushed over the hard nipples, the tremble that your palm felt as you washed over my belly.
I shifted some to let your hand, come down to my sex and feel the sweet waxed cunt area. Turning around to let you have the back side, feeling the hand nearly cup my rounded ass...... I lean back and begin to rub back and forth on your fingers

Hmmmmmmmmm thank you handsome

Torri said to Matthieu Wolfe:
*my breasts just barely peeking from under the water
all wet and shinney
I look up to you*
I could use a hand.
or two

Ethan Thorne said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
enjoying the feel of your warm soft skin all over and grinning, knowing the arousal is showing but not caring... smiling up to you and nodding rinsing off my hands and holding up the towel... was my pleasure indeed sexy!

mirella said to Night Stranger :
I walk quickly over to you, smiling, milking runnig down my brown-skinned body.......

Matthieu Wolfe said to Torri:
grinning and nodding, soaping up my hands and holding them out to you, right one still holding the bar... am here to assist as best I can, whatever you need!

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Ethan Thorne:
Looking over to Bates, as that ass seemed to contuie to beg for touching. My hands sliding up over my now soapy belly, as browns move to Cicero just as I cup my breasts. I begin to squeeze them in and out, as I look over to AaronO'Patrick and ashton @bwr pulling hands out till I am pinching my own nipples

Torri said to Matthieu Wolfe:
*leaning back and streching my arms ut along the sides of the tub*
you know what I need.
but will you bathe me?

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Ethan Thorne:
Dipping in, making sure to get my hair as well, I move to step into that towel and face you. I lean in to place my sweet warm tanned hued lips, against your neck, and nibble with them. Moving a hand to cup about your ass and foddle you as I press my hips in against your crotch area. Oh indeed I could feel that arousal and I opurrrrrrrred in a heated deep seeded want. Then
I pull back and begin to stalk behind you as towel drops

Matthieu Wolfe said to Torri:
chuckling and then just stripping off my shirt and jeans and climbing up and into the tub and lifting you a little and slowly running the soap and my hands over your body.... can't say I'm not willing to bathe you now can you?

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-He puts his arm around her waist - They move to the last guywire - He hooks the clasp to his own harness- Then lifts her off her feet- to his chest-
Hang on, mirella

-One hand is wrapped around herr - with his other he lowers them both to the runway -
They land in their own tub of warm water - He lowers her - Undoes the clasp -

Now - to get us clean

Ethan Thorne said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
watching you and feeling your warm lips on my neck and shivering a bit for a moment before turning to glance at Matt and grinning before attention was drawn back to you watching the towel hit the floor, eyes moving over you...

Torri said to Matthieu Wolfe:
feeling your hands slide over my body
leaning to yo to whisper*
just bathe, dear
you're not in the show

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Ethan Thorne:
Now behind you, I slide my hands up under your shirt and begin to trace and tease your flesh there. How my naked breasts pressed in against your back as I began to grind my crotch against you, like I was needing it badly.
Moving hands now downwards on you, coming out of the shirt and towards your crotch, nails dance as I whisper

Hmm thanks for the wash.. sweety, perhaps some day

Matthieu Wolfe said to Torri:
laughing... nor do I need to be... bathing you and then sliding out and dressing again before moving back from behind the tube... taking and lifting the towel up for you... looking over it at you... besides I don't need the press!

Ethan Thorne said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
grins letting you touch and enjoying the feel of you up against me... mmm perhaps indeed...watching you and just grinning

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Grinning as you hoild me,lowering us into the warm water, I unhook my leather harness, tossing it aside. Nude, I splash the water over yor chest and stomach, washing away the sticky blend of liquids on you, my hands gliding over yur body more than simply washing requires.

Torri said to Matthieu Wolfe:
*I dip myself down under the water and then rise up slowly
standing in the tub and letting the water slide from my body
I step from the tub and turn my back to you
leaning back to you as you wrap the towel around me
I turn my head and touch my lips to your cheek*
thank you, dear

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to ashton @bwr:
Turning from Ethan Thorne then, as I look to you, I step out and walking over to where you sit, indeed I looked near like her as well. Those mounds that pointed outwards, how they seemed to shine a little more now they was up all close and personal. I begin to trace a nail over your neck as it comes to touch your collar, a smile on my lips as I lean in to ask something

Matthieu Wolfe said to Torri:
mmm well thank you I think is more appropriate... having gotten quite the show and all... winks at you before heading back down to the booth...

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Takign a bar of soap, running it over yur body, the creamy lather spread over your my my eager hands as I smile up at you, eager for the next taste treat.

Torri said to Hector Alvarez:
*raising one foot and placing it on your chair between your legs and sliding the towel along my leg
wiping the water awayand then looking up at you with a smile*

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-His actions match hers - sorta - He splashes water on her to wash her upper parts - while he massages her breasts - tugs her nipples-

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Moaning as you tug my nipples, my hand drifting down to spklash water over your cock and your balls.

Torri said to Hector Alvarez:
*with my foot still up on your chair I let the towel drop and slowly, very slowly, lower my leg*
you're cute

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to ashton @bwr:
I move my hand down and begin to flicker tip of finger over where one of your nipples would be, and nip on your ear lob for a moment before I pull back and turn around, to feel my bare chest, come and brush against AaronO'Patrick just then

Hector Alvarez said to Torri:
Chuckling... Funny, I was thinking the same about you.

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-He places a hand atop her head - Pushes it into the water - just for a moment - to get the liquids out of her hair-

mirella said:
Holding my breath as the water closes over it, chuynks of fruit and milk, champagne, and other liquids floating free.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to AaronO'Patrick:
Swaying my hips inwards, OH I could feel where your buldge was, purring out
My oh my.... what do we have here..

Lifting my hips up and down in a sweet way, just like a nice slow screw, arching back just a little to let that wet hair in a tail rock to slap my own ass with it

ashton @bwr said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Watching as you approach....your naked body shimmering against the clubs lighting.....her blush hitting that crimson stage.....feeling the heat travel down her body as she listens to your whisper......
she nods yes....feeling that flutter in her tummy having never been in this position before......

Torri said to AaronO'Patrick:
*sashaying naked around the room,
taking a long way to the stage,
I let my fingers run along the back of your neck as I pass behind you*

ashton @bwr said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Your tender touches make her shiver as warm chills rush thru her body....the softest lil MMmm escapes as her nipple responds to the touch.....chills down her neck to the feel of the nibble to her lobe.....causing her shift upon her seat....as you then move on to Aaron

mirella said to Night Stranger :
I can feel my pulse racing, the whole thing of the fruit on the top level, the "showers"on the middle level, the gaze of the auience on us, touching and lickign one another ---- I can feel the waves of desire washing over me like the water in the barrel in chich we bath.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to AaronO'Patrick:
Pulling away and turning to wonder over to where Cicero is, coming up I move to slide my bare sex against his knee and begin to ride it back and forth

Torri said to AaronO'Patrick:
*stopping behind you and leaning voer you
resting your head between my breasts*
you enjoying th show, dear?

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-He splashes the water on her - most of the soapsuds free of her flesh- He can see even more of the desire in her flaming eyes -
Now - for more, mirella

-He stands in the tub- His hand down to her-

Step out

Torri said to AaronO'Patrick:
*letting y fingertips run over your chest as I lean over you*
I'm so glad*
and then rising up and moving closer to the stage*

mirella said to Night Stranger :
I smile, taking your hand and stepping form the tub, my wet black hair fanned against my back, water cascading down my tawny flesh. My brown eyes glitter eagerly, lips curved in a wanton smile.
I have to have you, Night!!!!!

And with nmo warning, I drop to my knees in front of you, one hand rising to cup your balls, the other holding the base of your cock as I lean forward, pressing my lips to the head of your cock, kissing it with a wanton lust that simmers in the liquid folds of my cunt.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Cicero:
Leans foreward just enough to let you see those breasts, bounce a little against the other in my motions against you, then lifting up and off, I turn and slide to sit in your lap for moments, just Oh that sweet rocking back and forth, seemingly on the right spot. I rise leaving just a hint of dampness from my body on you. I begin to walk towards teraysa

Torri said to Night Stranger :
*stepping up onto the stage and crawling up behind you
I lick over your ass and give you a gentle bite
my figners creeping up your legs
along your thighs and reaching between to hold you balls along with mirells*

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-His hands her cheeks - Fingers wrap around her hair - Pull it away from her face - Giving him a clear view - He breathes deep -
That's it - the way - to start - suck me - lick me clean

mirella said to Night Stranger :
My lips melt at the head of your cock, sliding over the head, my tongue daqncing over it like daqemonic imps smearing flames of lust over it.

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Gasping as you pull me back, gazing up at you
God, Yes!!!!!!

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to teraysa :
I come up and drag a nail........... against your neck, then stepping past I come up behind sweet~cream~ and nibble against her neck, then back up on stage I went

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Sucking as you pull my hair back, my tongue rampaging over your cock...as I begin bobbing back and forth over it, your cock sliding over the wet highway of my tongue.

Torri said to Night Stranger :
turning around and crawling back between your legs,
I lick your hanging sac and let one ball fall into my mouth
rolling in around with my tongue and pulling at it gently*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Three women one man, as I come up to one side of you. Torri behind you, mirella in front on her knees, I Lean over to lay a nice


against mirella's ass, before I move to place lips just right there on your nipples

teeth moving to begin light nips against you and my hair, was swaying over one side..

mirella said to Torri:
Feeling your hand reaching for Night's balls, I pull mine back so your can enjoy his full man-sack, my hand resting on his hip as I suck him with an avid hhunger.

Night Stranger said to Torri:
-Feels her behind him - Looks over his shoulder-
Clean my ass, Torri

Night Stranger said to Torri:
My ass- My balls - Yessssssssss

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
Groaning around the cock in mymouth, the burn on my ass soaking into my flesh, pain becoming pleasure.....as a red imprint blooms on my ass, aflowewr shaped like your hand.

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-His shaft grows - Stiffens - Pulses - between mirella's lips - in her mouth-

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Hand moves to your back to begin to trace your flesh with nails for moments, a pop as lips pull off that nipple and work upwards on your flesh, coming to the neck as I slide that hand on back up past the nape and into hair.. caressing it as I bite gently on your lower lip

Torri said to Night Stranger :
*opening my mouth wide and taking both your balls in my mouth
wiggling y tongue around them
my fingers moving down between my legs and running along my open sex*

mirella said to Night Stranger :
ucking your deeper, deeper, feeling your cock head pushing against the back of my throat,. my hand releasing your shaft so you can fuck my face.
mirella said to Night Stranger :
My breasts, chocolate-nipples tight and hard, sway against your legs as my mouth is open wide, lips stretched around the girth of your manhood. I can taste the flavor of your essence soaking my tongue, the slickness coating my tongue.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to mirella:
Moving I kneel to be right there on the side, teeth nipping at the hips of Night Stranger as I move to take a hand to a breast, finger tips, finding a nipple and begins to twist it back and forth

Torri said to Night Stranger :
letting your balls slip from between my lips and licing the base of your shaft nibbling what mirella can get into her mouth*

Night Stranger said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
-One of his hands out of mirella's hair - He drops it straight to Mary-Ellen's pussy - Fingers stroke down - up - down - up - outer fingers on her mons - midfinger spreads her labia-

mirella said to Torri:
Shivering as I feel your lips at the root-base of Night Strangers cock.....reaching over to run a hand over your breast.

Torri said to mirella:
*feeling your hand on my breast
my nipple pressing into your palm
I nibble his cock and two of my fingers slip inot my pussy
sliding them in deep*

Night Stranger said to Torri:
-He doesn't care what he can see - He feels them all - Releases mirella's hair from his other fingers - Reaches down to squeeze Torri's breast - Pull and twist her nipple-

mirella said to Torri:
Tugging gently on your nipple, my moans muffled by the rampaging cock of Night Stranger ......

Torri said to Night Stranger :
*gasping as you tug and twist my hard nipple*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Lets out a whimpering cry of pleasure as I feel your finger.. my legs spreading just a tiny bit as I feel my juices coating that hard flesh covered bone.

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Night Stranger :
Lips cascading all over your body where they can land. Fluttering about with nips, and licks. The body rocking in its own light motion of desire. So close already.. begins to pant..

Night Stranger said to The Girls:
-He wants even more - Different -
Stop, Girls

-He steps away as they pull back-

mirella - lie on your back
Mary-Ellen - Sit on mirella's face - you face her feet
Torri - on your knees - between mirella's spread legs

mirella said to Night Stranger :
I eagerly release your cock and lay back,. sprading my legs, trembling with the force of my desire.

Torri said to Night Stranger :
*doing as I'm told
scampering to mirella
licking my lips as I lower my ehad and dragging my tongue along her sweet sex
liking along it again and flickering my tongue back and forth over ther clit
diping my head, I jab my tongue into her
savoring every sweet taste of her jabbing my tongue again
and again*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to mirella:
Stepping back I move to place feet behind your head, I kneel down above your lips there, how my lips was close to yours, my cunt juices trickling and dripping already. My body shivering and shaking

Torri said to Night Stranger :
*licking, lapping, drinking mirellas sweetness
and wiggling my ass up in the air*

Night Stranger said:
-He moves to behind Torri - Kneels - His pulsing meat in his hand - Leads it to her fuckhole -
-One mighty shove - It pierces down her tunnel - to the depths of her cave - her walls spasm on his meat -

-His groin to her ass - He rotates his hips - His shaft reams her cunt-

mirella said to Torri:
sobbing as your tongue sweeps over my sex, scarlet streamers of flame coursing through me...and then, my face is enveloped by the sweetness of Mary-Ellen Pierce's pussy. I moan, my hands rising to graps her curved hips, my tongue sweeping the length of her cleft, then impaling her sex, reveling in the taste and scent of her as she covers my mouth.

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
My tojgue thrusts up into the rich, sweet channel of your cunt before shifting to lash your clit like a warm, wet whip. My hips grind my sex against the mouth of Torri, burning with swirling, scarlet fire.

Torri said to Night Stranger :
Moaning hoard, and loud into mirella sex as your thick cock drives into me
rollingmy ass and licing sildly
my fingers opening he up so I can devour her
feeling cock driving deep into me from behind
my body quivering. trembling all over*

Mary-Ellen Pierce said to Torri:
Hands grip into your hair to hold you still for Night Stranger to fuck you well, my held tilting back as I feel mirella's tongue and I begin to rock my hips to the intense sweet sensation I feel now. Back and forth as I let out a cry


Night Stranger said:
-The grind of his groin to Torri's ass - His cock reaming her pussy slows - He pulls his rod almost out - Only to begin a hard pumpiing action - His shaft IN - out - IN - out - IN - out - IN to her hot twat-

Torri said to Night Stranger :
Moaning and gasping into mirella with each hard pounding thrust
shaking my hed from side to sie with my tonge pressed to her clit*
I'm gonna....
I am.......

mirella said to Night Stranger :
My senses are bathed in the taste, scent, and sight of Mary-Ellen's sex on my face, reveling in being surrounded by her, her thighs on either side of my head holding me in place as my tongue dances from her clit to the wet canal of her cunt, then back again....as I moan, muffled in her wet flesh, the agile tongue of Torri rampaging in my, causing my lewgs to tremble, shakign as her own tongue drives my desire into a wanton fury.

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
And then, I hear your screams, my tongue drenched by your juices as you explode in an orhgasmic fury, pressing yourself against my avid mouth. Your cries and writing against me sends a burning flame through my own lusty flesh.

Night Stranger said to The Girls:
-He pulls his cock from Torri's pussy - Slaps her asscheeks -
A change, Girls - Stand up

-He then lies on his back - Looks up at each-

mirella - Staddle and ride my cock
Torri - Straddle and ride my face

Torri said to Night Stranger :
fuck me
I'm gonna.....

mirella said to Mary-Ellen Pierce:
And feeling you lift yourself from me, collap;sing to one side, my fce coated with your spending.

Torri said to Night Stranger :
*settling down quickly on your face
leaning forward
ddrawing mirella to me and shuddering*

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Slidding aside as you lay down, yur cock rampant, shining with Torri's cunt juices, I eagerly straddle your hips, reachignbetwen us, rubbing the ehad of your cock over my slit, parting the coral lips of my labia.
I moan as I pressdown, just alittle, feeling the pressure......and then


I slam my h9ips down, impaling mytself on your hardness. I throw my head back, howling as your cock rampages into my cunt, shoving its way deep inside me, my sex a conflagration of lust.


Torri said to Night Stranger :
*squirming on your mouth
rocking on your tongue
one hand rubs my clit as I rock
moaning louder with each breath
oh gawd yes!!!!!

Night Stranger said to The Girls:
-His fingers spread open Torri's cuntlips- He looks up into her steaming pink flower-
-He feels mirella's tunnel envelope his pulsing manmeat-

Ride me mirella - Up - down - Back and forth

Torri - Ride my face - Smother me

Torri said to Night Stranger :
rolling my hips*
*gushing over you tongue
gushing over and over
orgamic waves sweeping through my body and crashing with a huge GUSH

Night Stranger said to The Girls:
-His tongue probes Torri's fuckhole - Laps at her clit - His hands grasp her asscheeks - Fingers into her crack - Tip rim her puckered star-

-His hips buck in perfect sync with mirella's moves - His now throbbing cock deep into her canal - Thrust after thrust-

Torri said to Night Stranger :
mor orgasmic wave
I keep rocking
riding his thick tongue*

mirella said to Torri:
Reaching out to grasp your breasts, riding on the throbbing cock of Night Stranger , feeling my desire welling up inside me, my stomach taut

teeter on the edge, my sex impaled on the cock ofNight Stranger I my hips rise and fall woth a ferocious lust, my hands lift, clutching your breasts,, fingers grapsing your nipples, eyes gazing into yuir eyes, humid as the dark wave is poised over me.........

Torri said to Night Stranger :
trying to catch my breath
crawling toward the back*
(I really gotta get to sleep
it's after 3am
thank you both so so very much)

mirella said to Night Stranger :
My eyes widening, blasts of fire smearing my flesh, my sex gripping your cock...and then.......


screaming and cumming and writhing and cummingand howling and cumming and cummingand cumming

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-He feels her hot lava gush over his cock - down her thighs - onto his balls -
-That sends him over the edge -


-His hot thick seed spurts from his cock - Into the depths of her cave-

Take it mirella

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Sweat-shined flesh glistens in the light as I wail and cry out my release, the cock of Night Stranger plundering my cunt.

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-she comes crashing down one last time - His hands on her hips - His cock shoved deep in her cunt - Milked dry as her cuntwalls clench his meat-

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Shrieking as your boiling cum explodes inside me, my cunt bathed in the endless streamers of pearlescent cream that floods me


gasping for air,collapsing forward on you, heart pounding as aftershocks rip through me.

mirella said to Night Stranger :
Breathless as I sihnk slowly back to earth, panting, sultry smile curving my lips as I kiss you gently.

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-He warps his arms around mirella's back - Their chests glued together by their sweat - their combined juices ooze out of her pussy-
-Both totally spent - Totally satisfied-

mirella said to Night Stranger :
My head resting on your shoulder, my breath soft against your skin, inhaling your scent, smilng as I clasp your cock still uried inside me,feeling our blended spendings oozing from my well-fucked cunt.

Night Stranger said to mirella:
-His hands run up and down her back - from her neck - down to her ass- he graps her tight assflesh- Turns to kiss her neck - In a breathy deep voice - into her ear-
your're wonderful, 'rella

mirella said to Night Stranger :
My vcoice soft, smiling, as your hands run down my flesh, cupping my ass
So were you, Night.

kissing you again, gently, then smiling. Then,I stagger to my feet, a softmoan as your cock slips from my sex,and turn to face the audience that remains, smiling at the people as the Floopzy cameras zoom in on us. I can feel your cum trickling down the insides of my thighs.

mirella said to Everyone:
My legds still shaky, my brown-skinned body glistening with sweat, my hair still wet, slick down my back and stickignto my shoulders, I smile and wave, looking at each and everyone, hoping you all enjoyed the Feast of Passion.

Night Stranger said:
-He rises - Stands next to mirella - one arm around her waist - Waves - nods - bows to the audience and cameras-
Thank you all - Hope you enjoyed - as we did bringing you this show

Goodnight all

-He turns - mirella with him - they head to the back - the light on the rmp dim-

The Floozy Crew said:
The lights dim, the cast departing back stage.....and the crew hustles forward, beginning the clean up and dismantling in a calm, professional, and thorough manner.......and by morning, there will be no sign of the mess and the set.

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