If only the collage in the previous page and that little blurb of words up there can sum up what kind of person I really am! Those are just the basics, for each person is a complex individual, each with different experiences, opinions, thoughts, ambitions, and their own deck of cards to deal with in the Game of Life. The many dimensions of an individual is what sets one apart as "unique".

Greetings and welcome to my long-awaited homepage, visitor Counter! Sorry it took me YEARS to get this to completion. Please don't mind me, I just have a tendency to procrastinate procrastination =) Anyhooo, take a look around and don't forget to sign my guestbook. Enjoy!

What you will NOT find in my homepage

1. "Shoutouts" - Oh, come ON. And I thought you guys said I talk too much! Would you actually wanna hear me ramble on some more here? I ain't too fond of "shoutouts" anyway. I mean, why would I wanna profess my friendship/feelings/love/whatever towards someone on the WWW? So that I can prove I have friends? So that people other than the intended individual(s) can read all about us? Geez. It ain't anybody's business, and no one cares. And personally, I don't wanna be b*tched at for forgetting to include someone's name or putting them down in the wrong "order".

2. Day by day synopsis, secrets - No, I don't have the time or the interest to broadcast my daily life. And no, secrets are made to be kept. This is not my diary, and it's definitely not a confessional.

3. Celebrity Shrines - Leonardo DiCaprio is fat now, but gosh, he WAS my Romeo back in the R&J and Titanic days. Bruce Willis and Jude Law are old enough to be daddys, but that doesnt stop me from going ga-ga over them! And yeah, I have to admit, even after all these years I still think Keanu Reeves looks hot in Speed. Oh! and who can forget my other eye-candies like Andrew Keegan, Brandon Lee, and James Dean? HOWEVER... if you happen to like one or more of these dudes, you can check them out in their fans' pages elsewhere. You won't find them here cuz this homepage is all about ME!

What you WILL find in my homepage

Just who exactly am I?

Lotsa things to see here. Afterall, a picture speaks 1000 words, right?

Other webpages worth going to, as well as friends' homepages.

Leave your mark, and tell me you've dropped by!

Check out who signed my guestbook!

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Unless otherwise stated, all photos/pictures in this homepage are the sole property of Nausicaa.
All collages, banners and buttons are original artwork created by Nausicaa.
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