Wow! You're Here!

Thanks for doin this! I know it must be boring, but think about it! Now I can make the entire page more fun, just because of YOU!
Your name (you can go annonymous):

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Your URL:

How often do you visit my dinky web site?
Every Day! (You Dork!) *wink*wink*
Once per week
Once per month
Once per year
Never! You stink!

What page did you hate the least?
Other Stuff
Personal Area (such as my adoptions or my guestbook, etc.)
Screw you! I Hate Your Whole Site!

Will you visit again?
Yes, You Are My Goddess and I LOVE your site!
Not Likely!
I Don't Know! The voices in my head are confusing me!
I might, but all these questions you've forced on me suck!

Please add any comments you have below,
or I'll painfully torture you until you do!
I especially appreciate suggestions and complaints-
they help me run my page better!:


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