Heart room of
                     Floating Ice
Hi, I am your present host.
Hm... wondering why I've always choose nicks that are related to ice and cold when I am not that kind of person.
Probably, I want to show that there are more than what is seen on the surface
Or, just that I have absolutely nothing below.
You'd have to figure out which.

I love books very much and always trying to read new books. I did so because I've started reading rather late about 10 years of age. By the time, I get really into what called  "wolfing up books"
(from A little Princess). I've missed out quite a lot of time. Can you ever imagine seeing someone about twenty trying to read "Tales by Grimm brothers" or "Just so story"?
Well, it may be embarrassing but ...
Better late than never, right?
Here are some rules or motto of mine:
"The Best you can do is the best you can do"
(...so don't regret anything you've done)
"There is no try, only do or not" 
(From Star Wars)
"Every right comes with RESPONSIBILITIES" (From Spiderman)
"Life is an illusion that does not end with Death"
"If there is a solution to your problem, there is no need to worry. If there is no solution to your problem, there is also no need for worry"
(From Seven Years in Tibet)

Well, these may seemed a bit profound but these are what I believe in and do try to follow. When I have a problem that I cannot solve, I'd try to look for solutions in these words. Hope that they can help you in one way or another.
Why am I doing this ...?
I believe people have to learn from mistakes to grow up. Some ways are less painful ... when you have someone to guide or depend upon.

I believe in loving everyone and hoping happiness for all.
I can only say though i do not know you or that you've never seen me before, i do love you in my own way.
Not because you support me in this website ...
not because you may be the same race, religion, cultural group as me.
But because you are special and you too have thoughts and feelings and willing to share.
So Everytime you come here. I hope you can imagine me smiling and welcoming you here as if you are a long lost friend of mine...!      : )
Though I've written a lot about myself, I am a rather shy person. So with regard to any other personal information about myself ... I'd leave them out.
ANYWAY, i am just another grain of sand from sands ... not really worth of much notice.
So do go on to see the stories I've put out. The author, the charactors are more noticeable and interesting
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Once there is a man who always stroll on the beach, looking out for fishes and starfish that have been washed up by the tide and throwing them back to the sea.
An onseer asked him,"What you are doing is insignificant. There are still so many fishes and starfish that have been washed up and are dying."
But the man answered,"You are right that what I am doing is insignificant. But it means alot to the fish and starfish that have been given another chance to live."

The Little encouragement that I am sending out to you readers may seemed neligible, but i do hope that you can read and understand what I am doing. For I too am once a "fish" that had been thrown back to the sea.

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