Petunia is . . .
Fun Facts:
A very spunky grey and white kitty who reached out and grabbed us at the Pound.  Her loud voice (and purr) and friendly personality are a great addition to the family!
Petunia likes to sleep on top of humans, especially when they are reading or sleeping.
She enjoys chasing around her adopted sisters, Ginger and Daisy.
Although she is the youngest cat in the house, she likes to be the boss!
More about my pet:
Petunia lives with me, Eddie, the boys, some tropical fish, and her adopted sisters, Ginger and Daisy.  She in an inside cat, but given the chance, she will sneak out to find an exciting adventure outside.
A feather cat fishing pole is her favorite toy and she will do flips in the air while playing with it.
If you look at her, she will begin purring like a well-oiled motor. 
Likes: Dislikes:
- going to the vet

- being in the cramped cat carrier

-taking a bath

-getting my nails trimmed

-my humans not letting me chew up my feather toy

-hyper children that come to visit
-playing with my fishing pole

-sitting on my humans

-having grandma give me wet food to eat

-purring and meowing

-hissing at the outside cats through the window

-chasing balls and feathers

-following my humans around where ever they go
Her birthday is February 27, 2002.
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