Season Two Magical Beings
Episode 01: Abraxas
Abraxas a demon from the astralen plane, which actually takes witch forces, in order it. He can by reversereading a book, which gives the power to a witch and this increasesdisappear lets. So all Demons appears again, which was destroyed bye the Charmed Ones. To destroy Abraxas you have to go to the astral plane That succeeds at places of those a strong energy goes out.

Episode 03: Malcolm & Jane
About 80 years ago, the good witch Nell succeeded to catch the powerful demon Malcolm and put him into a painting on which a castle is pictured. Malcolm is able to blink and change very quickly the places. So he's unpredictable for his enemies.Jane, his girlfriend, who has the power of making fire and is really keen to get the power of Phoebe to see into the future or past, tries to find the most powerful witches in order to free her lover out of the painting. But Prue, Piper and Phoebe see what's going on and so the painting is burned and both demons who are catched in it are killed by the fire inside the castle in the painting.

Episode 04: Masselin
A hellspawn collectorA keeper of souls �Give him his dueHe�ll accomplish your goal.As a personal addition:Masselin makes deals with people, promising them their desires in return for innocent souls. Trapped within the demon, the unfortunates are kept alive, their souls tortured for the pleasure he gets from their suffering. The demon seeks willing, trusting souls, delivered by the one who sealed the pact.To Vanquish Masselin:A potion to vanishTo rid his foul purpose,His power infernal,Are boiled with these ingredientsA solution of Myrrh bark,Mixed with ElecampaneAlong with ---- Brown RiceIn Water to finish.Combine those togetherBlend them at onceContribute Copper LeatherYour task is almost done.The Demon must drink thisTo relinquish his victimsTo conquer his final breathIs his -----------.

Episode 05: Succubus
If a witch says itself loosely of all her human emotions and if they close a pact with the darkness at itself from dear grief to protect, she becomes a Socubus, a sexpossessd devil. It is to be nourished constantly on the search for young men your charm expired around itself with the help of their tongue by Testosteron of their victims. You only can destroy it when she burns.

Episode 06: Tuartha
This powerful witch is called Tuartha and possesses extraordinary forces. She doesn�t known scruples and kills everyone whos into the wayplaces itself, because their emphasis is the black magic. Their abilities cause undreamt-of abilities, for example she can itself awaycharms. Her assistant is her queue. she sends it around itself on the search for her wand. She looses it 200 years ago, of a chosenone with the power of the staff into a cave was locked up. If the witch should ever be in the possession of the staff, it sizes not possibly it to defeat. Only that it with it to take up can is Kyle,which the choseen one. Unfortunately only however very far back goes to recent more clumsy boy their line of ancestors. It possesses theability the forces of the magic wand to set free and to Tuatha thusdordhin send where it belonged.

Episode 07: Collectors
This Demons can change the knowledge from the brain into the flash-fast places and use their needle-shaped fingertips around humans to suck, where they can return this to their victims by the same method also again. This ability permits to make for them the victim powerless and with a knowledge gap get sick, so they can occur the entire knowledge of humans to exting or that the victim happening of the last days no longer can remember. The Collectors could decipher it on Eric and its father these the only one is those apartthere the mystery of the Akasha roles. The weakness of these Demonens their own knowledge thirst thus is its most sensitive place their own brain.

Episode 07: Akasha Rolls
Old scrolls those are contained that the entire future of the humans.Their true location an old board betrays in the museum of SanFrancisco. Eric destroys these, couse the secret into false hands does not turn out.

Episode 08: Waterdemon
This Demon torments its victims into death as it drowned. Once the mother of the three sisters tried to destroy it but she failed. It drives its nuisance at the Camp Skylark fordecades where Piper and Prue their summer holidays often spent with their mother. The only possibility to destroy it, is giving it a juicy current impact. Since by current water mole coolnessto be split know.

Episode 08: Sam
Sam was Patty�s Whitelighter. He lost his Whitlelighter status, because he didn�t play by the rules. He and Patty fell in love and he couldn�t protect her when she was about to vanquish the water demon. He is very sorry for the loss and when the Charmed Ones try to fulfill what their mother failed to do, he helped them and sacrificed his life for the greater good.

Episode 09: Hit Woman
Hit woman Ms. Hellfire has to kill 13 witches on behalf of Bane on Friday the Thirteenth. Barbas, the demon of fear, is back and still wanna eat fear of good witches. Of course, the Halliwell sisters are also ranked on the list of all witches who have to kill by her till midnight. That's why she knows everything about the powers of Prue, Piper and Phoebe. She changes her look and identity like every hit man before he accepts a new job. But changing these things on herself didn't help because Prue could handle with Ms. Hellfire's machine gun what means the death of the hit woman at the end.Bane and his guys are the rest of the allies of Barbas. But unfortunately Bane felt in love with Prue and so he's not very important to become destroyed by the Power of Three.

Episode 10: Cupido / Messenger of Love
Cupido is one of the many little helpers of the poeple who are in love. He is attacked by his rival Drozee, who steals the ring Cupido needs to survive and to help couples staying in love. The ring is the key to awaken love in the hearts of the people, but is a deadly mean when used by dark forces.

Episode 10: Drazi
Drazi is exactly the opposite of Cupido. He allow nobodys luck and destroys the love between two humans. Only a mixture from the book of the shadows can destoroy him. As long as he has Cupidos ring, he�s invincible.

Episode 11: Elias Lundy
Elias Lundy's a simple ghost but he has one power which makes him awesome: He can fire electrical shocks to everyone! Maybe he can do this because he was wrongly killed some years ago. Then he felt so in love with Martha, the wife of his boss, that he has carved their initials into the biggest oak tree at the residence of the family. Because Martha wasn't loving him, he sometime went mad and when he was attacking her, she killed him and buried his corpse at the mentioned oak tree. Since this time all male members of the family mysteriously died. Now the Charmed Ones try to dig up his dead body and destroy it. That's the only way to kill a ghost! But Elias puts his bones out of the grave and so there's only one other way to kill him: Martha, the object of his hate, has to die in order to save the male baby of her daughter.

Episode 13: Animal Humans
Since a spell cast by Phoebe, a snake, a rabbit and a pig becomes human. They don't wanna turn back into animals and so they do everything to avoid that. For example, the snake kills his victims by a toxic bite. In order to prevent the worst things the Charmed Ones have to make the spell going back.

Episode 14: P. Russell
P. Russel had the power of Pyrokinesis. She lived with her two cousins inside Halliwell Manor in the 20s. Phoebe Russel fell in love with the warlock Anton, who wanted to gain the powers of her cousins. He gave Phoebe a potion that tripled her powers and an amulett which made her immune to her cousins powers. The plan was a failure, cause Phoebe was overwhelmed by her cousins and srangled to death.

Episode 14: P. Baxtor & P. Bowen
These two good witches lived in the manor together with P.Russel. They had to kill their cousin, because she had conspired with a warlock named Anton. P. Baxtor was able to freeze, like Piper, and P.Bowen had the power of Aquakinesis. P. Baxtor and her husband Gordon Johnson had two children, one of them was Penelope Johnson, later known as Penelope Halliwell.

Episode 14: Warlock / Anton
Nobody knows how old Anton is but this warlock exists since 1924 anyway. He's immortal, cannot be freezed by someone and can turn himself into any person. He used this special power to kill the ancestors of the Charmed Ones at the time. But he felt in love with P. Russell, who was one of the Halliwell cousins at 1924 and gave her a magic drink to enlarge her powers. Also, he gave her an amulet, which makes her immune to the powers of her relatives too. He knows that he has no chance to win the fight against the powerful witches by himself. Because his plans haven't succeeded, he was trying for this time to find a person who is related to the soul of P. Russell to make a bound with. Now Phoebe Halliwell's this person in 1999. At the end the Halliwell sisters make him burn and prevent that the whole stuff of Phoebe's early life in the 20's is coming up again.

Episode 15: Demonic weapon
This weapon is only handed to upper level demons. The more good witches get killed by a demon, the higher he gets in the hierarchy. Then the demon also gets special powers, like being immune to a witch's powers. That is why Piper can't freeze him.

Episode 15: Litvak
Litvak has telepathic abilities and is therefor able to read one's mind. He also has the power to conjure a mystical fireball. Litvak wants to kill Bane (2.09 Ms. Hellfire), because he gained knowledge of the existance of demons. He uses his telepathic power to get bane to deliver him the Charmed Ones. But the plan fails, because Prue and Bane fall in love. Litvak gets vanquished by his own weapon.

Episode 17: Cryto / Demon of Vanity
Kryto is the demon of vanity. In the 16th century he travelled through the land and nourished from the vanity of the people. In exchange for their souls he gives back youth and beauty. That is why he is also able to bring death before time. To call Kryto, you have to use a magical spell and build him a body made of human skin. When he arrived he wanted to have magical powers in exchange for youth and beauty. Before he can gain more powers he is vanquished by the Charmed Ones, when they succeed in using everything they know about their powers to destroy Kryto.

Episode 17: Aunt Gail
Aunt Gail is an old friend of Penny's. They've known each other since they were young. She does some magic, but she is not a witch.

Episode 18: Bloody Mary & the Slasher
Bloody Mary is a role in the movie "My Husband the axemurderer" and is brought into real life by the demon of illusion. Bloody Mary goes after Piper and Leo. Since she is immune to a witch's powers, Bloody Mary has to be vanquished like in the movie - so she has to be pushed out of a window. The Axe Murderer has to be vanquished by electrocuting him.

Episode 18: Demon of Illusions
The demon of illusion only wants to spread aggression. He commutes between different worlds and can use his powers in different dimensions. He suggests aggression to the theater audience. The demon is able to bring movie creatures to real life. These creatures are immune to a witch's powers. The demon of illusion is vanquished inside a horror movie, when the film gets burnt.

Episode 19: Libris Demon
In the demonic hierarchy thereare none more insidious thanthose who belong to thisorder�for the work of the Demonis to keep the world in Darknessand Ignorance. The hauntinggrounds of these monsters arefound wherever humans have thepotential to find unequivocal proofof the existence of Demons.To vanquish one of their ranks a Witchmust keep this rhyme close to her heart.Demon hide your evil faceLibris die and leave no trace

Episode 20: Dr. Williams
Ever since Piper survived the deadly Oroia fever (2.12 Awakened), Dr. Williams tries to develop an antidote for the fever. He conducts experiments on laboratory shimpanzies which he injects blood samples of the Charmed Ones. Dr. Williams accidentally gets injected a mixed blood sample of the three witches and since the powers are in the blood, he suddenly develops the same powers as the Charmed Ones have. He realizes his potential and goes on a mission to kill people in order to get organs for implantation. Dr. Williams is killed in a fight against the Charmed Ones.

Episode 21: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
The four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have the destiny to bring on the end of the world. They bring war, fight and Chaos to the world. So far their plans never succeeded, as Leo states. As Prue, Piper and Phoebe go for a vanquish they accidentally send Prue and a horseman into another dimension. Phoebe and Piper are forced to work together with the rest of the horsemen in order to free her sister. Since their plan to bring on the end of the world has again not succeeded, the four horsemen of the Apocalypse vanish before the eyes of the Charmed Ones.

Episode 22: Council
The Council only meets in extreme urgencies. Since there has been a lot of losts lately in San Francisco, the Council orders a Genie and a dragon breath to kill the Charmed Ones.

Episode 22: Genie
A Genie lives inside his bottle. Any person rubbing on his bottle, frees the Genie and he grants three wishes. When he is ordered by the Council to trick the witches into making a wish each, he gets involved in the killing of Prue. He is very sorry and offers to get back into the bottle and grant another three wishes. After setting everything back to normal he is freed by the Charmed Ones.

Episode 22: Dragon
The dragon breath is a professional witch killer. He has the ability to breathe fire and to fly. He is orderd by the Council to destroy the Charmed Ones. When a Genie steals his power of flying, the dragon breath hunts the witches down and kills Prue. Eventually he gets vanquished by the Charmed Ones 


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