Season Three Magical Beings
Episode 01: Guardians
Guardians steal innocent souls. They leave a mark on the forehead of their killings. Guardians help criminals spreading evil. Their weak spot is the mark on their forehead. You can easily kill them by staking them like a vampire. You just have to hit the mark.

Episode 01: Jugde
This demon has the ability to look like a human being. His job is to provide criminals with a Guardian.He helps his charges to stay untouched by justice. The judge has the power to throw fireballs.

Episode 03: Trolls
Trolls are the deadly enemies of fairies. The can move very fast and do have magical abilities. They could change Kate into a fairy.The trolls don�t want to accept fairies to be the rulers of their kingdom. That is why they kidnap Thissle, the princess of the fairies, to gain the power over the kingdom.Since Trolls are from the same dimension fairies come from, they can only be seen by children.

Episode 03: Fairies
Fairies are not much bigger than a mouse, they look like children and have wings. They are very powerful magical beings. Fairies live in a kingdom and struggle to defend their kindom from Troll attacks. They can only be seen by children. Fairies like to hide stuff like keys and shimmering things. That�s like a game of fun for them. Their world exists on a parallel plane, that is connected to our world by the �in-betweens�. By moving through the shadows they can enter our world.

Episode 04: Eva
Eva is a good witch. In 1670 she helps the Charmed Ones rescue Charlotte and teaches them many things about magic, powers of Nature, wisdom and respect. Charlotte is mother to Melinda Warren.

Episode 04: Ruth
She is an evil witch, who serves black magic. Ruth wants to deliver Charlotte's baby to the evil side. That would stop good magic from existing in our time.

Episode 05: Abbey
Abbey is a waitress working in P3. She is a so called �Stalker�. Stalkers are fanatic fans who are mentally ill, very dangerous and unpredictable. Abbey loves and hates Prue. She is jealous of Prue, because she is so beautiful and successful . Abbey would like to take Prue�s place. That is why she steals Prue�s necklace and her favourite dress.

Episode 05: Troxa
Troxa is a demon who has the ability to cloak himself, just like Balthazor has. But because of his unstable biochemical structure he loses his cloaking abilities when he comes in touch with cold air. Troxa is send by the Triad to support Balthazor. He should accomplish where Balthazor failed � in destroying the Halliwell witches. Troxa does fail in killing the Charmed Ones, but gives a first hint on the demon who�s after the witches.

Episode 08: Krell (Demonhunter)
Krell is a bounty hunter. He's after Balthazor, because he killed the Triad. The demon has the power to throw lightning (like the ghost did in "Reckless Abandon")

Episode 09: Kirken (Alchimist)
Alchemists have the ability to transform anything (e.g. water to gold). They need a specific bottle to store a life's essence. This life's essence ressembles a human soul, but is of artificial nature.

Episode 09: Terra
She was made of the blood of an alchemist, but she didn�t want to cooperate with him. So Kirkan, the alchemist, wanted to put her sould back into a bottle. Terra didn�t want to lead a life in a bottle and stabed herself with a knife. So her soul could travel into another body. While being in a mortal body, the owner�s soul slowly dies, while Terra gains full control over the body.When she possesses Piper and the Charmed Ones vanquish the Alchemist, she wants to stay in Piper�s body. It�s almost too late when Prue finally realises that she needs to help Piper. After they have saved Piper they vanquish Terra�s soul.

Episode 10: Ice cream man
He is a mortal and his job is to lure demonic children into the ice cream truck. The ice cream man is able to get into the truck and out of it, while the demonic children can only get in. Inside the truck there is a so called "Nothing" that feeds on demonic children. When the ice cream man dies, another mortal is destined to take his job.

Episode 10: Demonic children
They have demonic powers and enjoy killing even though they are only children. In order to get rid of her greatest weakness, the ice cream truck, they lure Prue and Phoebe into helping them. Once they are freed they kill all ice cream men, until they find the real ice cream truck.

Episode 11: Nathalie
Nathalie is a Whitelighter who has just lost her strongest charge. Leo and her were comrades in the WW II. Nathalie strictly obays the rules and accepts no intuition. For a short period of time she is the Halliwell�s Whitelighter and tries to train them by the rules. Eventually Nathalie is killed by Eames.

Episode 11: Eames
A warlock, who tries to obtain the powers of witches and Witelighters to complete his master plan to orb up there and kill all the Whitelighters, so that they can't protect their charges anymore. Eames has the powers of Reflection, Cloning and Transmogrification. He kills Nathalie in order to gain access to the Whitelighter place.

Episode 12: Mr. Caldon
A demon who offers demonic powers to mortals. As soon as a mortal has six incisions on his lower arm he is completely converted into a demon. If a candidate fails in killing an innocent, Mr. Caldon initiates a fight against Wrestlers. The losers die. By training that hard Mr. Caldon severs the mortals from their weak human side.

Episode 12: Tom Peters
Tom is one of Prue's Ex-boyfriends from College. He was the captain of the football team. After he had his knee injured he went the evil way and accepted an offer to be recruited as a new demon.

Episode 12: Wrestler
They fight against demonic trainees in the "Demonic University". They send their opponents to hell.

Episode 13: Zile
A warlock who tries to get the powers of the Charmed Ones with the help of Dantalian. He fails and is only a mean to Dantalian's try to get the Book of Shadows. With Prue on his side he fights against Piper and Phoebe, but is vanquished by Piper.

Episode 13: Dantalian
Dantalian is a dark priestess, who aranges a dark marriage between the warlock Zile and Prue in order to turn the Book of Shadows evil. Once the power of three is set evil, Dantalian can get the book. Nevertheless Piper and Phoebe save Prue and vanquish Dantalian.

Episode 14: Bo
Bo is an Indio, who has the power of Premonition. Thus he is linked to Phoebe, not only emotionally but also physically. When Bo tries to save his town from Mr. Sutter he is shot ( and so is Phoebe). He hides from Sutter, but is sentenced to death. The town is cursed by a time loop. Thus the day repeats itself over and over again - until there is justice.

Episode 14: Mr Sutter
He gains control over a town by promising to link the town to a railway. He only wants to rule the town and gain profit. Sutter states an example by trying to kill Bo.

Episode 16: Angel of death
The Angel follows people who are about to die. At first Prue tries to vanquish him, but when she realises that the Angel is neither good or bad, she gives in and saves her live. The Angel wanted Prue beacuse she felt angry about him for letting her mother die. This anger stands beween Prue and her fight against evil, what eventually would have become her death sentence.

Episode 16: Seekers
These are Vampire-like creatures who suck the victims brain stem in order to get information. The Seekers try to get information on Balthazor, but they are vanquished by the Charmed Ones.

Episode 17: Shadow
Shadow was a protective ghost of a witch, but has betrayed her and therefor gained the status of a warlock. If he dies nine times (he was a cat before) he gains immortality. If he fails he is turned back into a cat. Shadow is vanquished by the Charmed Ones. They let him feel nine times the pain of death.

Episode 18: Lucas
He destroyed himself to get rid of his sins. Now he has to infect others with the seven sins in order to get their souls. He is vanquished when he is infected with all seven sins and is sent to hell.

Episode 19: Vornac
Vornac is a member of the "Brotherhood" just like Cole. He also wore a blood oath. Vornac serves Raynor, an upper level demon. Vornac is very suspicious of Cole, because he betrayed and killed the "Triade". He has the power of Transmogrification.

Episode 19: Tarkin
Tarkin is also a "brother" of Coles. He fights side to side with Vornac and Raynor, but is vanquished by Piper's new power.

Episode 19: Clea
She is also a member of the "Brotherhood". Clea is a spy. She uses her power of Invisbility to get information on Cole.

Episode 19: The Brotherhood
Some demons made a blood oath to serve the "Brotherhood" untill they die. Balthazor was a member of the "Brotherhood" until he betrayed and killed the "Triade". The Brotherhood tries to kill Pirelli, the boss of a company named Luxiron and to take his place in order to make a fusion that would give the demonic world a foothold in the human world.

Episode 20: Jenna
Jenna is one of the witches who vowed to protect the Amulett. When both parts of the Amulett are combined, the owner of it will be almost invincible. Jenna is very handy in making potions and knows a lot about herbs.

Episode 20: Raynor
Raynor is one of the leaders of the Brotherhood. He only reports to the Source. Raynor was Cole's mentor but tries to lure Cole into a trap. He has the power to throw fireballs and to read other's minds.

Episode 21: Banshee
A Banshee is a former witch. She cries aout with her high voice that kills her victims. Banshees feed on desperate souls. Their cries can only be heard by dogs. Thus Prue changes into a dog to track the Banshee down. When a good witch hears the scream of a Banshee long enough she is turned into one, and can only be saved until she kills her first innocent.

Episode 22: Shaks
He is the Source's personal assasin. Shaks is ordered to kill a doctor, who saved too many good persons. Shaks appears with the wind and can only be vanquished by the Power of Three. He is responsible for the death of Prue Halliwell.

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