** I don’t own the Troopers, so don’t sue me, besides I’m broke due to the DJ‘s I keep buying ... WARNING! This may contain any of the following: Adult themes/Yaoi/Graphic Sex/Strong Language/Violence/Non Consensual Sex. (Did I hit them all?) ** A special thanks has to go out to the following people who have motivated me time and time again into continuing this story. So I say thank you to Hiruma, Djinn and Tenku’s Girl for all they have done. They are 3 of the greatest friends a person could have.


Test of the Hearts

By Wildefyre



Chapter Seven

Returning Enemies




Touma stirred as his head throbbed violently and his stomach felt slightly queasy. He could feel sunlight hitting his face and tried to will it away. When that didn’t work he pulled the covers up over his head. “Damn Hangovers!”

The sound of movement in the room caused him to slowly lower the blanket and open his eyes. Peeking over them, ever so cautiously, he looked in the direction the noise came from. Touma saw a tall blond-silhouetted figure standing by the window wearing nothing but the dress shirt Touma had worn the night before. Touma’s heart started pounding in time with the throbbing in his head. He couldn’t remember much of anything past his arrival at the club.

“Seiji?” He said softly as he sat up slowly and tried to clear his vision. The figure slowly turned to face him. Touma’s eyes widened and he felt the blood rushing to his head. Oh my God... What have I done? Touma flopped back down and shut his eyes tightly, then pulled the blankets back over his head. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. I’m dreaming, that’s all. I’ll wake up and everything will be back to the way it was. I hope? Oh God I have really screwed up this time!”

The figure stared at Touma and smiled as Touma quickly ducked back under the blankets. “How cute!” Then turned back to the window to take in the morning sunshine.

A few minutes later and Touma felt the bed shift. Slowly he lowered the blankets down to just under his eyes making him look very much like a little kid. “G... Good morning Keely.” He stuttered then shut his eyes tightly. I can’t believe I did this! Oh God what the hell did I drink last night. Eh Baka, try a half dozen beers and then Kamikazes by the pitcher...

“More like Good afternoon, it’s almost 1:00 pm” She corrected him and couldn’t help but smile at the way he was looking at her. “You weren’t this shy last night. What happened?” She cooed at him.

“I uhm... I wasn’t?” He swallowed hard as he studied her a little more. Keely sat on the side of the bed, the dark blue dress shirt hugged her curves and his eyes followed the long lines of her legs that dangled over the side. I’m in deep shit here... I just know it.

“No you weren’t. Granted the alcohol may have had a major role in it after all you were pretty drunk last night.” She smiled and turned to face him, causing the shirt to ride further up her thighs. “Come to think of it, I wasn’t in that great a shape either. We did go through quite a few pitchers of those Kamikazes.”

Touma winced as he recalled them ordering one pitcher after another. “Uh Keely what exactly did I do last night? No offense or anything but I remember going to the club, we talked, we danced and we drank, (Boy did we drink) but I... I.” He blushed as he sat up a bit and then realized he had nothing on. Now I know I’m in deep shit. Quickly he tucked the blanket under his arms, embarrassed by his bared chest. “I can’t seem to recall much of anything at the moment.”

His eyes kept darting from her face to her legs and back again like two ping-pong balls. He was surprised to find himself getting slightly aroused by the whole scenario. Oh God! What do I do? She’s a girl for crying out loud! Uh boy now where have I heard that one before? Eep! I don’t know what to do with girls. Guys? Yeah... Girls? No! Not that I mind the fact that she is a girl. Girls are good... Different... But good. Deep shit I tell ya!

“Well we did do those things and we also did a little of this and a little of that... Oh but Plenty of this though.” She scooted up on her hands and knees to lean into him and brushed her lips against his, smiling when she heard him moan softly. “You also talked a lot about Seiji, your ex boyfriend. Don‘t worry though that‘s cool with me, I‘ve dated men who were bisexual before.” She sat back on her legs and smiled. Reaching out, Keely pushed the hair out of his eyes. “Gosh how I adore this hair! It’s so soft.”

“I DID? Talk about Seiji I mean.” He licked his lips, tasting her kiss. “Oh jeez!“ A little shocked to hear that and slightly embarrassed. Sinking down into the bed a little to avoid the sun hitting his eyes and to put some distance between himself and Keely, Touma just stared at her.

“Yes. In fact you even called out his name several times during the night.” She said and slid down to lie beside him. Putting her head down on his chest she smiled ever so slightly as she heard his heart beating rapidly. “You’re not nervous are you?” She teased and ran her long fingers over his collarbone.

Okay Touma just relax, take deep breaths.... Get a grip for crying out loud! This is basic anatomy 101! You’re a genius this shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. Yeah but this is female anatomy, which I know little about! It’s not like I’ve been with a lot of females! Oh crap I haven’t been with any! Deep, deep shit I tell you. I just wish I could remember if we slept together or not. Duh Einstein! You’re nude... She’s, uhm.... Well... She’s semi nude. She’s wearing your shirt no less. Figure it out!


“Oh God Keely I’m so sorry... I... I don’t remember doing that at all. If I did anything to offend you I’m sorry. No one wants to have the name of an ex called out while in the middle of... well... while in the middle...” Touma was cut off by fingers pressing against his lips.

“Shhhhh Touma, it’s okay. I think I know what you’re getting at and I‘m sorry if you misunderstood. You think you called out his name while we were in the middle of making love right?” She watched him nod his head slowly and blush. “Touma... Nothing happened! We didn’t make love.” She couldn’t resist giving him a quick kiss on the lips; the look of surprise on his face was just too sweet.

“We didn’t? Nothing? I... You... We... Oh boy. But you... My shirt... Me... Nude... In... Bed? Oh God!” He sat there slightly numb. “I just can’t remember anything!” We didn’t do anything? I don’t know if I should laugh or cry? So much for my male ego! He banged his head back on the headboard then immediately regretted the move as pain shot through his head. “Ouch! That was stupid!” He commented and rubbed the back of his head.

“Oh my! Are you okay?” She tried to suppress the giggle making it’s way out of her mouth. “We did do a whole lot of heavy kissing and touching, then we came up here and we started to make out but before you could say ‘Orion’s Belt’ you passed out. You were dead to the world... Trust me.” She laughed slightly. “I just threw your shirt on and laid down next to you and fell asleep as well.” Keely felt Touma relax a little and then his arms wrapped around her so she snuggled further into his body. “I will admit I was a little bummed that nothing did happen after all you are very sexy Touma.”

“We did... I did... You do?” He couldn‘t think straight his heart was thumping madly, she smelled so good to him and his hormones were now racing to his groin. Boy don’t I know how to make good first impressions? First I ask her out because she looks like Seiji, then I spend most of the night talking about Seiji, and then I pass out on her. Now I’m contemplating finishing what I started last night. Good one Touma!

“You know Seiji was a fool to let you get away but his loss is my gain I guess.” Her hand pushed down the blankets and fingers began a little dance over his chest. “Mmmm so smooth, so muscular.” She smiled when she felt him tremble slightly. She took her time as she pushed the blankets back even further and caressed his stomach.

“I... Uh... Ahh... Keely!” Touma jumped from her touch. Okay get a hold of yourself Touma boy... Eep if she moves any lower, she’ll have a hold of ME. Touma felt her hand going lower onto his abdomen. Yikes! Don’t press there... Not good... Full bladder... Very full bladder! Must empty... NOW! “Uh Keely?” He grabbed her hand and pulled it up to his neck. “I REALLY need to use the bathroom, so if you will excuse me?” He sighed and tried to hide his nervousness.

“Sure... it’s your house remember?” She could sense an uneasiness in him and hoped that he wasn’t going to ask her to leave. It had been awhile since she had been with anyone and this was too good an opportunity to pass up. “I’ll wait for you. Oh Touma? I hope you don’t mind but I got up earlier and grabbed a shower. “I just reeked of beer and cigarettes from that club Yuck! It was nasty!” She laughed.

“S’kay, I don’t mind.” He sat up and slid his legs out and onto the floor, running his hands through his unruly hair and hesitating. Oh shit now what? I’m butt naked here... Do I just get up and casually walk to the bathroom au natural or do I wrap a blanket around me?

He looked down at the bed. Ack! She’s lying on top of them! Now what? I knew I should have paid more attention to those porno movies Ryo and Shu use to watch then I‘d know what to do! But Nooooo I wanted to read! If she were Seiji, I’d just get up and go but she’s not Seiji and now I’m stuck here unsure as to what I should do and I have to pee like a racehorse! He cupped himself under the blanket. Oh boy do I have to go!

“Touma? You okay?” She sat up and slid behind him. “I thought you needed to go to the bathroom?” She kissed the nape of his neck and then started across his shoulders.

“I uh... I do... I was just letting myself adjust to sitting up. I have low blood pressure, getting up quickly is a no-no for me.” He laughed nervously. Thank God for that condition... Now let’s see here? Of course I could think better if she wasn’t doing that! He said as he felt Keely kissing his neck again.

Touma scanned the floor for anything he could use to cover himself. Spying his boxers laying just a foot or so in front of him he reached out with his foot to drag them closer. Unlike Mr. Neat Freak and always clothes, Seiji, I have noooo problem putting on the same boxers as the night before... At least until I can get to cleaner ones. Especially at a time like this! God I need to go baaaadddd! Ugh remind me though to go back to wearing briefs though. He thought as he looked down at the boxers and then realized that they really did nothing to hold you in place.

//He had only started wearing boxers because Seiji liked to see him in the satin ones and always bought them for him. Then he started buying comical ones for himself just for laughs and the shock factor. It was worth wearing them just to see the expression on Seiji’s face at times.//

Keely couldn’t help but notice Touma reaching for his boxers and laughed. “Oooo we’re being modest now... It’s not like I haven’t seen ‘IT’ yet.” She laughed when his head whipped around quickly in shock, to look at her. “We did get as far as removing our clothes in case you don’t remember. There was also some touching before you wound up in La La land. I must say I really liked what I saw. Boy did I like what I saw!”

“Well it’s a habit of mine to wear something at all times... Pajamas, boxers, shorts, a fig leaf... I can’t help it.” He shivered as her hands reached around him to glide up and down his chest and stomach.

Oh God... She saw me nude! A girl has seen Mr. Ya! Eep! My mother is... Uhm check that, was the only female to ever see it. Of course I was a baby at the time so that doesn‘t count. Oh well, first time for everything I guess!

Touma couldn’t help but break into a smile as he began to remember back to when he had started calling his sex Mr. Ya (1) and then, much to Seiji’s horror, he started calling Seiji’s sex Mr. Ken. (2)

/// The two of them had been drinking wine and were getting a pretty decent buzz from it too. That is when he had gotten into a rather silly mood. Seiji had begun his slow and deliberate process of turning him on and soon they were as nude as he was now. That’s when it hit him! A bad case of the sillies. He started laughing, much to Seiji’s dismay and then stood up.

Placing his hands on his hips and pushing his chest out like superman as he stood in front of Seiji. His erection hung straight out from his body to point straight at his lover. “Mr. Ya challenges Mr. Ken to a duel! Do you accept?” He had said with a deep super hero voice.

“Nani?” Seiji looked at him not sure just what to make of it all. The puzzled look on his face was so priceless.

“A duel Seiji, you do know what that is don’t you? Only instead of weapons we use these!” He relaxed his body momentarily and pointed at his member. “Like this!” Once again he resumed the pose and then started swaying his hips to and fro causing his erection to swing back and forth.

“I know what it is silly! God Touma you can be so weird at times.” Seiji sighed then propped his head up on his hand and tried to reach out and grab his lover’s length as it swayed in front of him. Al in all in was rather cute and a bit of a turn on. “Are you going to get back in bed or not?”

Seiji couldn’t help but laugh at the scene before him. There his lover stood, hands on hips, butt naked, with a glorious erection and mimicking a one sided duel. It was almost too much to witness and Seiji soon found himself laughing even harder.

“Not until you accept my challenge Seiji.” He stepped back to keep himself out of Seiji’s reach. “On your feet lover boy. Mr. Ya grows impatient.” His voice deepened again.

“Touma... Really! This is much too silly for me.” Seiji sighed and laid down on his back, his own erection pushed the sheet up like a tent pole. He needed Touma now but it appeared that the archer had other plans in mind at the moment. “Touma-san I’m horny! Look at me!” Seiji grabbed his sheet-covered length to make his point.

“So ze great Date is chicken to accept ze challenge ne? Ha! He‘s too scared! Ha! He‘s yellow!” He smirked and arched his eyebrow at Seiji knowing full well that it would get to his lover. “I guess our session then is finished for the day. My way or no way. Your choice Seiji-san.” He gave Seiji one of his patented ‘Touma faces’, eyebrow arched and a smirk on his lips.

Standing quickly Seiji looked at him. “I dear sir... Am no chicken... Nor am I scared or yellow! I accept ze.. I mean, the challenge.” Seiji was horny and he knew that if he didn’t humor Touma and his impulses he could very well find himself resorting to self-relief in order to end the ache.

That was something he didn’t want to do since it never seemed to be enough for him. Seiji had an insatiable sex drive and Touma matched his perfectly, which usually meant more then one round per session.

“Very well then... Mr. Ken, en guard!” He put his hands back on his hips and began swatting his erection at Seiji’s member. The contact was electrifying... The scene was hilarious. Seiji was just thankful that no one would bear witness to this moment of insanity. Both men laughed as the duel began.

Seiji soon found out that the little swordplay with their arousals was quite erotic and that it was turning him on even more. He couldn’t help but moan every time their members made contact and soon he was doing everything he could to keep that contact going.

He also laughed harder then he had ever laughed before and found himself clutching at his sides, unable to continue. Touma began doing a little victory dance around the room that is until Seiji had had enough and grabbed his lover in an all out passion filled kiss.

Their lovemaking session that night was even more explosive then either could have imagined. What the hell it went almost all night until they finally collapsed exhausted, sweat laden, sticky and just a little sore. ///

“Eh Touma? You in there?” If you don’t go to the bathroom soon you may not make it... You are squirming on the bed now!”

Touma shook his head at the calling of his name. “Sorry, zoned out for a minute.” Don’t remind me! I REALLY need to go! He pulled the boxers on and stood up only to notice that he had developed a massive hard on.

Awww man I’m going to shoot the person who neglected to inform me that today was ‘Murphy’s Law’ day! Shit! Okay, if I just keep my body slightly turned away, she won’t notice and I can make it safely to the bathroom. I can do this! I am strong! I am invincible! I am in such deep shit!

Keely watched as Touma walked towards the bathroom, he had his body turned but when he had turn again to step into the bathroom, she was finally able to see just why he had felt the need to walk so funny. Lying back on the bed she started to giggle.

“Poor guy has a hard on and was obviously embarrassed by it... Now if that isn’t just the cutest thing. Yeah I think I’m going to like being around him. He’s funny, he’s smart, and he’s cute. What the hell... He’s drop dead gorgeous!”

Once safely inside the bathroom with the door shut and locked Touma let out the breath he had been holding. Looking down at the stiffness stretching his boxers to the max he gently flicked his hand at it. “Thanks a lot down there! You just had to rise to the occasion didn’t you? Behave for a change, you get me into enough trouble! Jeez!”

Touma smiled and then remembered why he had come in there. “Oh right, bladder needs emptying. This should be fun; trying to pee with a hard on is always a real challenge. Okay buddy boy; my bladder is demanding relief, so if you cooperate maybe as long as Keely is here, you’ll get relief as well. When opportunity knocks... We screw like bunnies!”

He laughed to himself. Touma found himself actually liking the idea of having Keely take care of his ache after all who needs love to have sex? “You taught me that Seiji. That night you raped me there was no love involved, no heart-felt emotions, no true intimacy, just lust and a need to end an ache in the most vile and violent of ways. Love sucks anyway... All it gets you are heartaches that really screw with your mind. Fuck love I don’t need it! Not now... Not ever!

With his bladder emptied and his teeth brushed and a splash of aftershave to mask the scent of beer and smoke that had filled the club they were in the night before, Touma was ready to get down to business. “All I have to remember is that girls have different equipment, how hard can that be? Oh listen to me... I’m the one who stated the obvious with Shuten and Kayura!

Okay let’s see what I remember from talking to Lorelei and Nasuti. Boy get those two buzzed and they’ll talk about anything, including sex! Okay now I wonder if they were that open because they thought of me as one of the girls? Mental note: Ask Lors about that one. Now what was I thinking? Oh yeah... Right!

Okay, girls need more stimuli because they take longer to get aroused... Eep! How the hell do I know if they are aroused? God it’s not like they have a penis that sticks out and shouts ‘Hey I’m horny down here’, oh boy I’m in trouble! Listen, yeah that’s it, listen for the sounds they make, ask them what they like... I can ask questions... I’m good at that! Ack! But can I ask her THOSE types of questions without looking like a baka?

Oh god Keely is going to know I have never slept with a girl and then I’m going to die of total embarrassment. Then I’ll lose my erection, which will leave her frustrated and then leave me feeling guilty. So I’ll try and make it up to her by starting over and... MY GOD! It’ll become one vicious circle I just know it!

Guess I may as well go out there to my doom! Besides I have been in here way too long! Just as he was about to leave the bathroom a random thought entered his mind almost sending him into a series of giggles. Hehe now would be a good time to hear that music you always hear when people are heading towards their execution in the movies. That’s me all right, cause I’m going to die if I don’t pull this off!

Taking a deep breath he stepped out of the bathroom, his sex had finally gone limp making it safe to walk normally. Keely was lying on the bed on her stomach with her legs bent up at the knees and ankles crossed, looking at one of his star charts.

Touma swallowed hard as he noticed how the shirt had gone up till it just barely covered her ass. Well that looks inviting! No baka! Don’t EVEN go there, at least not without an invitation. Unless, of course, you want your ears boxed! “Ah sorry it took so long in there... all that beer really backed up.” He laughed slightly, trying his best to hide his nervousness.

“Yeah I know. I could hear you all the way over here.” She put the star chart on the nightstand and then rolled onto her side. “Care to join me?” She asked a little devilishly and patted the spot aside of her then lifting the covers for him to crawl under as she did the same.

Touma blushed at her comment about hearing him, he had forgotten how sound traveled in the house and how many times he had heard Seiji whenever he was in the bathroom. “Hmmm now that’s an invitation I can’t resist.” He smiled and crawled into the bed beside her and then quickly peeled off the boxers tossing back from whence they came... The floor.

Keely scooted over so she and Touma were face to face, their bodies touching ever so slightly. Touma put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer allowing her curves to mold against him. Hmmm different... but nice. There are more bumps but they’re soft ones just the same.

“So you wanna play?” She cooed, tired of wasting time, and began to lightly kiss his jaw. Touma moaned softly and turned his head till their lips met. Softly the kiss began but soon their raging hormones took over and the kiss blazed in intensity. Touma twisted his fingers into blond hair as he pressed his mouth harder against hers and when he felt lips parting he quickly pushed his tongue in past her lips to taste what she had to offer. She moaned softly into his mouth and Touma felt his sex quickly stiffening from it.

Keeping one hand in her hair he slid the top one down her side to rest on her hips and then pressed their bodies closer. “Uhhhnnn” He moaned as he broke the kiss and felt his arousal press against her body. He couldn’t help himself as instinct took over and he began to grind his groin against her, enjoying the sensation and wanting more.

“Oh Touma! Feels nice.” Keely sighed and maneuvered so his length slipped between her thighs. She had been quite pleased last night to discover that Touma was well endowed despite the fact that he was so thin framed.

Keely trailed her fingers down over his chest stopping to take a nipple between her thumb and forefinger, lightly tweaking it until it harden into a rock hard nub. When Touma tossed his head back she took her cue and started kissing down his throat, flicking her tongue out over the heated skin to taste its saltiness.

“Yessss.” Touma hissed as he continued his thrusts against her. He knew his body well enough to know that if he kept it up he would be coming all over the both of them all too soon. Finding the will power to stop, he rolled her onto her back and straddled her hips, being careful not to put his full weight on her.

Looking at her with lust filled eyes he bent down and began a trail of kisses from her jaw to her collarbone. His fingers fumbled with the buttons on the shirt and in a final act of frustration he pulled at the material till buttons popped and she laid there with her breasts exposed to his view.

“Do you like what you see?” She asked as her hand reached down to grasp his sex. “I know I do.” Slowly she began pumping him watching as his dark blue eyes fluttered closed and he began to moan. Another hand went up to tease a nipple which had Touma going crazy.

Touma cupped her breasts and began to slowly massage them, rubbing his thumbs over the now hardening nipples and smiling at the reaction it was causing, which only heightened his arousal.

It had been too long for him and he knew that if she kept up stroking him he would come all too soon and unlike how it was with another male, she couldn’t take him so he had to hold out. I have to get her first. He thought. Oral sex! Girls like that? Don’t they? God am I clueless or what? If I get through this I swear to the stars that I will head to the nearest bookstore for some ‘How to’ books!

“You have to slow it down.” He panted in her ear. “I’m too close. Let me take care of you first... then we can worry about me.” Touma slid down till he was lying between her legs, leaving a trail of kisses as he went. Now came the tricky part, he had never done anything like this with a female. He studied what was in front of him, uncertain about what to do next and feeling quite stupid at the moment. Come on you baka, same principal... Different equipment, that’s all.

“Here, right here... most sensitive...” She said breathing harder and pointing out the way, she had sensed his nervousness and the hesitation told her that this was a new experience for him. “Use your tongue Touma... Show me what magic it came perform.” She encouraged him. Her finger twisted into his blue hair as she waited for the contact that would send electricity through her body. “OH YES!” She screamed when she it finally happened. “First time with a woman Touma?” She managed to ask. “Don’t worry. You’ll learn.”

“Hai.” He blushed and again stuck his tongue out to taste her. He worked the area slowly listening to her pants and moans to indicate just where to concentrate on. Hmm not bad, I wonder what would happen if I did this. He stiffened his tongue and pushed inside her. Her moans resounded throughout the room and he found he had to hold her hips down onto the mattress. Touma could feel the ache building in his sex and worked her harder in hopes that her climax would happen sooner then later.

He decided to see how she would like having his fingers thrust into her and once he was sure she was ready he removed his tongue to replace it with two digits. Cool self-lubricating, makes it a whole lot easier for me, that’s for sure. He kept up his oral work on the sensitive nub she had pointed to earlier and by listening to her moans he discovered just when it was time to increase his movements.

“Oh yes Touma... feels so good, so very good.” She screamed. True to form, it did indeed take quite some time and effort until she was finally on the edge and still another few minutes to finally send her over the edge. “To.... TOUMA!!!” She yelled digging her fingers into his shoulders as wave after wave of pleasure over took her.

Touma felt her inner muscles begin to contract and then a sticky fluid coat his fingers. Finally! Jeez I could have had Seiji off twice in the time it took her! Now to end my burn. Okay Keel get ready for a ride you’ll never forget! This I can do! Touma got onto his knees and positioned himself between her legs. I hope I get the right opening, don’t need her pissed off now.

“Touma wait!” She sat up partially and reached for something on the nightstand. “Here put this on.” She said and handed him a small gold foiled packet.

“Nani?” He looked at her. Oh shit she wants me to use this? God what else is going to go wrong! He stared at the packet. Guess I should have seen it coming... Damn things were so much simpler when I was with Seiji! Damn you Seiji for messing my life up like this!

“It’s a condom silly; you have seen one of those before haven’t you?” She looked at him.

“Uh yeah, I have... I’ve just... well I never had a use for one.” I may be a little clueless but I’m not brainless! “Aren’t you on anything?” In the heat of the moment Touma had totally forgotten the possible ramifications of making love to a woman... pregnancy!

“Yes but this is for safety reasons... You know STD’s, AIDS and god only knows what else? It’s for your peace of mind as well as mine.” She sighed wishing he would just put the damn thing on and stop with the questions. “Here I’ll help you.” Taking the packet she opened it, then placed the condom on his sex, unrolling it till it touched the base. The fit was a little tight but it would do.

Touma looked down at the shield covering his length; he didn’t like the feel of it at all. He especially didn’t like the insinuation that he was or could be diseased. He also noticed that some of his desire had waned and now he was only semi erect. Well so much for having fun I guess. He was about to throw his hands up in defeat when Keely quickly got to her knees and then bent down in front of him.

“Oops looks like we need to resurrect the big guy. I’ll take care of that.” Grasping his member in her hand she laid a small kiss on the tip and then quick as a flash impaled her mouth on the length, catching Touma totally off guard.

“Uhhhnnn.” Touma moaned as the heat from her mouth consumed his sex. Even through the latex barrier the sensation was maddening. Slowly she brought him back up to the burn he had felt earlier. Touma placed his hands on her head and on reflex began a slow rock in time with her mouth.

His eyes wandered down to watch and from that angle Keely looked so much like Seiji that it drove Touma almost to the edge. “I’m getting close... I’m so close...” He panted and then quickly pulled her away to push her onto her back. “Not that way, this way.” He said and in one swift move pushed his length into her body till he was buried deep inside the heated cavern.

Slowly he pulled back then thrust back in to her enjoying the new sensations. It wasn’t as tight of a fit but that didn’t matter now. Keely began to play with his nipples as she too began to reach for another orgasm.

It didn’t take too long before Touma was thrusting into her rapidly, wanting so badly to end the ache. Faster he pumped until he felt his body tingle and the room blur. “Ahhh I’m going to explode!” He threw his head back and eyes flew shut as he thrust into her one last time before releasing his seed. Since his sex was incased in latex he felt the heat of his own release as it coated him, which only served to make his throbbing member pulsate more then normal.

Touma partially collapsed onto the body below him as the after shocks hit and his body trembled. As the waves of pleasure slowed, his mind began to clear and he began to think about what he had just done. That’s when a sick feeling overtook him and he felt nauseous as he realized that the whole time he had been making love to Keely he had been fantasizing that it was Seiji instead.

Exhausted and disgusted with himself, he pulled from her and quickly deposited the latex mess in the waste can. “I don’t know if I’m hungrier or sleepier?” He said as he went about collecting clean clothes. “I’m going to grab a shower; you’re welcome to hang out here if you’d like.” With that stated Touma walked into the bathroom making sure to lock the door behind him.

Breaking out in a cold sweat he immediately dropped to his knees in front of the toilet and promptly threw up.

Keely laid there for a few minutes before she slowly got up and gathered her clothes, dressing quickly as the tears streamed down her face. She could hear Touma hurling in the bathroom and she had a feeling it wasn’t from a hang over either. “How could I have been so stupid!” She cried. “None of that meant a thing to him... None of it!”

Touma’s aloofness after their session didn’t go unnoticed by her. “What the hell he didn’t even look at me afterwards.” She wasn’t dumb, she knew she’d been used, she had experienced it before but for some reason this hurt just a little more. Searching for and finding a pen and some paper she quickly jotted a note to Touma before silently slipping out of the room.

Touma sat on the floor of the bathroom rocking back and forth, he felt so dirty and disgusted with himself. Lately his emotions were like a roller coaster ride, going from one extreme to the next. It’s just how Seiji was after he had been raped. God if I had only known... I could have helped him then maybe we would still be together. What am I going to do? I still love him!

Quietly he began reciting words to a song he had heard years ago as the tears streamed down his face. “I gave you every bit of my time... You lied and you committed a crime... To present my feelings... With shallow meanings... How could you tear me apart...? He’s the mannequin of your dreams... You designed him... Nothing will stand in his way... A punch in the heart... Won’t tear him apart... Neither will the things they say...” (3)

Standing slowly Touma reached out and turned on the shower, allowing the water to get as hot as he could get it. Once it was ready he stepped in oblivious to the heat as it began turning his skin a bright shade of pink then a light red.

Picking up the soap and washcloth Touma began to wash his body, rubbing hard as though he was trying to rid himself of unseen marks. “So dirty... I can’t get clean... I am so soiled... Can’t GET CLEAN!” He cried as he scrubbed harder and harder. His mind temporarily shut down and any pain from his scrubbing was numbed.

He only left the shower after the water had turned ice cold. Standing in front of the mirror Touma viewed his body; it was red from the heat of the water and was rubbed raw in several spots. Carefully he dressed, combed his hair then brushed his teeth before exiting.

Walking into the room he was grateful to see the room empty, he couldn‘t face her... Not now... Not ever. Walking towards the bed he saw something lying there along with his shirt. He picked up the note that was lying on the bed knowing it was from Keely.


Sorry but I thought it was best that I didn’t stay. I’d like to say thanks for a nice time... But I don’t like to lie. Whatever your problem is you should get help for it before others get hurt by your actions. Women don’t like being used you know. You want a quick lay...? Find a hooker!


“BITCH!” He crumbled up the paper and threw it into the trashcan then pulled the sheets off the bed and took them downstairs. Walking outside he tossed them into the trashcan and then went back inside. He knew that that act was pretty drastic but he also knew that he could never bring himself to sleeping on those sheets again. It was like that with the emerald green rug that use to adorn the bedroom floor, which he had removed before moving back into the room. It was on that rug that Seiji had violated him and that was a memory he most wanted to forget.

Inside he set about making himself something to eat, sitting down at the counter in the kitchen he stared at the plate of food then pushed it away. “I need a drink!” Looking in the fridge he saw that he was out of beer and then he walked into the living room and stopped in front of the liquor cabinet. “Shit Ryo and Nasuti threw it all out and today’s Sunday! DAMN!” Touma punched the wall and his hand went partially through it. Good thing there’s no Seiji here or my ass would be in deep shit!

/// It was shortly after Seiji had left him that Ryo and Nasuti had dumped all the liquor away for fear of what he would do given the chance. They remembered the last time and didn’t want a repeat performance. That was when he and Seiji had an apartment in Sendai. He wasn’t an extreme drinker normally, a few beers once in awhile but no big deal.

Seiji walking out on him that first time sent his emotions into overload and alcohol became the relaxant of choice. Two weeks straight that’s how many nights of his past he couldn’t remember; lost to a drunken haze. It was Lorelei and Nasuti who finally set him straight and then hauled Seiji out of the Dojo one day while he was in the middle of teaching a class and read him the riot act! Hehe those girls were real spitfires when they were pissed! That night Seiji came home to him, they talked and cried through the night then made love as the sun rose to greet their new day. ///

“Well there won’t be a happy ending this time, will there? Seiji is a married man now... End of story.” Touma sighed at the empty cabinet, which he had never gotten around to replenishing since he didn’t have a need to. “Until now.” He thought. There were the clubs, but they didn’t open until later that evening and so he resolved himself into going upstairs to lie down.

Lying down on the freshly made bed Touma replayed the previous day’s events in his mind. “How could you do that to me Seiji? How could you tear my heart out like that? If you loved me like you always said you did, how could you find it so easy to hurt me? Well you’ve won! I no longer care Seiji. My heart is empty... Void of all feelings and love will never have a place in my heart again... It hurts too fucking much!”

Touma was jolted from his thoughts by the phone ringing. Reaching over to the nightstand he picked it up.

“Moshi moshi. County Morgue... You stab ‘em... We slab ‘em” He said it without even thinking but he still snickered at it. It was a line he had heard awhile back from Lorelei he thought; though he couldn’t be sure anymore.

(“Touma?”) The voice asked.

“Hey Lors how’s it going? How‘s the momma to be?” He tried to put on his best cheerful voice. He knew she was going to lecture him and that was one thing he didn’t want to hear right now.

(“Touma are you okay and all?” I’ve been worried about you, so has Shin.”) Her voice sounded so small to Touma.

“Hey I couldn’t be better kiddo! Punching Seiji-san and sending him for a swim was the best thing I could have done. Think of it as heartbreak therapy.” He could still see the look on Seiji’s face as he floated in the water. It was the first and only time Touma had ever hit him. Too bad Seiji can’t say the same. There had been 3 separate times when Seiji’s other wise controlled temper had flared up and he had struck him, 4 if you counted the night Seiji raped him. The last time was the worst; the other 3 were more along the lines of two people fighting though he could never bring himself to hitting back... Even when he wanted to.

(“Touma you may be able to fool the others, but I know better! Would it help if Shin and I came by to talk to you?”) She knew he was going to refuse her offer, but she had to try anyway. After they had helped Seiji back to the house, Lorelei had pulled Seiji into another room and had given him a piece of her mind. She had been furious with him and if it not for the fact that she was 7 months pregnant, she would have belted him herself. Seiji didn’t say a word to her he just went and changed then left with Suzume.

“No that’s okay. I’m fine. Really Lors. You need to take care of yourself and that baby. I’m just so sorry that all this is happening during a time when you and Shin should be walking on air.” That much was true and if he could have avoided having all this turmoil reaching her, he would have.

(“Touma you know that Shin and I are here for you if you ever need to talk. I love you Touma and it breaks my heart to know you are going through all of this. Don‘t shut your friends out okay?”) She felt the tears slide down her cheeks.

“I know and I love you too but I have to get on with my life now, there’s no hope for Seiji and I now that he’s married. I have to face the fact that I have lost him for good and move on... I’ll manage somehow. I would never shut you guys out, I promise.”

The two talked for awhile longer then Touma made her promise him that she would get some rest and try not to worry too much. Once he was satisfied with her responses he said goodbye. Now as he lay on his bed alone with no one to see, he curled into a ball and softly cried. I feel so numb Seiji. Whatever feelings my heart held are gone. I don’t ever want to feel this kind of pain again... Never! Never again will my heart know love. I gave you my most precious gift Seiji... My heart... You used it... You abused it... And you threw it away.


“Seiji may I speak with you for a moment?” Suzume stood in the doorway to the Dojo’s office.

“I’m really busy right now. Can’t it wait?” He sat back in the chair and looked up at her. It had been 2 weeks since he had introduced Suzume to everyone and while they had all tried to be accepting of her, he could see the disdain they had for his wife. Well maybe not totally for her, but for what she stood for mainly, his responsibilities to his family. They also saw her as taking Touma’s place in the swordsman’s heart but that was far from the truth. No one knew just how much of his heart Touma held.

“No it can’t.” She walked in and sat in the chair near him. Seiji had been practically avoiding her the past 2 weeks and even took to sleeping on the couch in the Dojo the past few nights, all of which was hurting her.

“Very well then... I have got to finish going over these books today though.” He reminded her. Taking off his glasses, he pinched the bridge of his nose to stifle the headache that was beginning to throb.

Looking back at Suzume, he could see the sadness resting in her eyes, and it did touch him. If things had been different he could have easily found himself falling madly in love with her, but that wasn’t the case. He cared about her maybe even liked her a little, but his heart would always belong to Touma.

“I understand. Seiji what have I done to cause you to dislike me so much? Have I said something wrong?” Her hands began to shake and tears slid from her eyes. “Please tell me so that I may make amends with you.”

“Suzume, you’ve done nothing wrong. I assure you, I’m still trying to adjust to everything that has gone on in my life that’s all.” He sighed and knelt down in front of her. “If I have said or done anything to cause this sadness I sincerely apologize. What can I do to show you?”

“Kiss me Seiji.” She looked up at him.

“Nani?” He was taken back by her sudden request.

“Kiss me the way a husband should kiss his wife. Kiss me like you mean it. Then I will know that what you say is true.” She pleaded with her dark eyes, waiting to see if her husband would honor her appeal.

“Very well, if it makes you happy then I shall do as you ask.” Seiji stood up and pulled her into his arms.

“No Seiji! Don’t do this just because I asked... Do it because you want to, because your heart wants to... Do it because you desire me.” She allowed the tears to fall freely down her cheeks.

Seiji lifted her chin up and softly brushed his lips over hers. “You mean like this?” He asked right before his lips crushed hers. Pulling her tightly against him he kissed her and when he felt lips part he tasted her. Softly she moaned and melted into him as her hands stroked his shoulders and then down over his chest.

The longer the kiss went on the more aroused Seiji became. Up until now he had only made love to his wife twice, each time he was left feeling unfulfilled and incomplete.

“Seiji, I want you dear husband. I want you to take me, love me, love my body as I would do of you.” She said breathlessly after they broke the kiss. Seiji looked into her eyes and the need to end the ache that was slowly burning within his groin was too great to turn away from. Walking over to the door, he shut and locked it then returned to his wife’s waiting arms.

“Lucky for us the rest of the family is away for the day.” He said as he kissed her again this time more deliberately. When the kiss broke Suzume stepped back from him and undid the kimono she wore, allowing it to slide off her shoulders and down onto the floor. She was completely nude now and stood there seeking her husband’s approval. “Very nice.” He smiled and pulled her to him.

Suzume was a very old fashioned girl not to mention she was quite younger then himself, so Seiji knew not to expect a whole lot from her. The two times they had made love she shied away from even touching his sex, leaving him to bring himself to a complete erection.

She didn’t even look at him while he touched himself instead she turned away and looked at the wall till he prompted her to face him. Even so Seiji got the feeling that there was more to his new bride then what he could see on the surface.

“I thought we might like to try something a little different.” She blushed quickly.

“What did you have in mind?” He was curious now. She definitely had his full attention. Seiji felt her hand snake down between them and press against the front of his Gi. “Su.. Suzume?”

“Relax dear one. I only wish to please you. Will you allow me to do this?” She asked.

“Hai!” He hissed as her hand rubbed the bulge that was now forming. “That feels good... So good.” Automatically Seiji began to push himself harder into her hand enjoying the friction the material of his Gi was having on his length.

Seiji stood there stunned as Suzume began undressing him ridding him of the garment then slowly sliding his boxers down to his ankles. Seiji stepped out them and kicked them to the side then watched as Suzume dropped to her knees to be level with his sex, which was now painfully swollen.

“If I do anything that does not please you, I ask that you tell me.” She said softly then gently kissed the tip of his sex. Seiji jumped from the sensation. Grasping it tenderly Suzume poked her tongue out to lightly touch him, not really knowing what to expect as far as the taste went. Little by little she trailed her tongue over the tip, taking note of Seiji’s reaction each time.

“Please Suzume?” His voice begged as he arched his hips to push his sex closer to her lips. “Take me in your mouth, I won’t make you choke... I promise. I need you to suck on me, please?” He reached down to take a hold of himself and to keep himself from going too far into her hot mouth.

He could see her puzzled expression and once again prompted her. “Just put you lips around it I’ll guide it in.” He pushed the tip to her lips and when they parted he entered. When her lips wrapped around the head of his sex he moaned loudly, it had been too long since he had had a mouth on his length and now there wasn’t anything that would stop him from seeking an end to his ache.

Suzume closed her eyes as Seiji guided himself further into her mouth, which was stretching to accommodate not only his length but thickness as well. Finally her lips touched his hand and she waited for what was next, trying not to gag from the fullness that invaded her.

“Suzume, close your lips tightly around me... Yeah like that. Now when I start to pull out suck hard like you’re trying to drink from a straw that’s clogged. Oh God that feels good!” He sighed and slowly with prompting Suzume began to catch on. Sucking in on the way out and then using her tongue to whirl around him on the way in.

Seiji took his hand away to rest them on the top of her head as he began to slowly move his hips. Looking down he watched as his wife devoured what she could of his length. She’s no Touma that’s for sure, but I guess this will have to do. He could feel himself getting closer and knew that if he didn’t slow down soon it would be over way too soon. He needed more though, so much more. Yeah like Touma’s tightness.

Pulling completely out of her mouth Seiji knelt down then lowered them both to the floor pushing her onto her back. He kissed her softly then made his way down to her breasts, taking his time to work each one. “Time for me to show you how good this can be.” He smiled then made his way down to the triangle of dark hair that laid at the juncture of her slim but well-defined legs.

He was thankful for the books he had read concerning woman and how to pleasure them as his mouth and tongue set to work. Of course after he and Touma became involved those books had gone into the trash.

Suzume moaned and began squirming about as Seiji’s hot tongue worked the sensitive nub, she felt fingers push into her, pumping in and out her as they worked on driving her to the edge and then a flash of bright light clouded her vision as she screamed her husband’s name. Never had she felt something so mind and body numbing. What surprised her most was just how quickly Seiji had got her to that point.

Seiji smirked as he felt her orgasm and quickly took his place between her legs as he guided his erection into her. “Are you ready Suzume?” He saw her nod and the glazed over look she gave him told him that she was still on that plane of pleasure. Lifting her legs onto his shoulders he began slowly at first, moving in and out of her. A need to reach that pleasured plateau took over and he began to increase his thrusts, closing his eyes he waited as he felt the burn rising from within his body.

Seiji found himself picturing Touma in his mind. Seeing the archer’s beautiful body covered in sweat and writhing under him as they made love. That image alone sent Seiji over the edge as he felt his seed spill into the body below him. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he never heard his wife cry out as she too felt another orgasm rock her.

Grabbing tissues Seiji pulled from her and cleaned himself off, feeling just a little guilty knowing that he had been fantasizing about Touma, while making love to his wife. “I need to finish these books.” He said nonchalantly as he picked up his boxers and slid them on. Grabbing his Gi he headed to the bathroom so he could wash up a little. I need to get this taste out of my mouth. Kind of like having morning breath Eeech! God how I miss the taste of Touma, now that was so much more pleasant.

Suzume quietly got up and slipped her kimono back on. She was getting use to Seiji’s non-emotional ways especially when it came to making love. At least this time he was a little more responsive and vocal. Maybe he was slowly warming up to her? She made it her goal right then and there to win his love. “Even if it’s the last thing I do.” She said as stared at the closed bathroom door before slipping out of the office.


“What can I get you buddy?” The burly bartender asked. The blue haired man had been coming into the club almost every night for the past two weeks, and most likely this night would end like all the other nights. The guy would sit there drinking until he found a partner, usually a very attractive blonde then they would go and find a table in the corner. There they would stay until last call when he and his new found lady would leave, staggering out the door to god knows where.

“A beer is fine. Thanks.” Touma looked around the club, it was still early but all ready the crowd was fairly large. Good that’ll increase my odds of finding miss perfect. He smiled and took a long swig of the cold beer. Touma was on his third beer when a hand touched his shoulder.

“Hey there good looking.” A soft voice spoke to him. Touma turned and found himself looking into crystal blue eyes. “Mind if I join you?” She asked.

Touma smiled as he took note of the blonde hair that framed her face. She’s pretty, she’s blonde and she’s tall. Good enough for me. “Hai.” He answered. “Hajimemashite. Boku wa Hashiba Touma.” He held out his hand to her. “I can speak English as well.” He said when her face gave off a puzzled look.

“Konnichiwa Hashiba-san. I‘m Morgana Jensen. You‘ll have to excuse me but my Japanese isn‘t very good.” She shook his hand and smiled.

Touma order drinks for both of them and they headed off to table set in a corner of the club, his eyes scanned the girl more and he liked what he was seeing. When they sat down she scooted closer to him and right from the get go she gave him signals that she was more then willing to be a player. Touma smirked and watched as she let her hand rest on his thigh. Looks like I won’t be alone tonight and here I thought I couldn’t live without Seiji. Guess I was wrong.


Seiji awoke to the sound of voices coming from just outside the office. He recognized one as being his grandfather’s but the second he couldn’t make out. In desperate need of a shower, he was thankful the office had a private bath with a small shower making it easier to emerge from the room looking clean and refreshed.

Grabbing a change of clothes Seiji headed in to take his shower the water would feel good on his aching muscles. I’m going to have to either get a more comfortable sofa in here or start sleeping in a bed. That would mean sharing it with Suzume and he wasn‘t so sure he wanted that. He just couldn’t get use to having her beside him in bed, it didn’t feel right to him and because of that, and he found it hard to fall asleep.

When Seiji finally came out of the office, his grandfather was no where to be seen and so he headed into the living quarters where the smell of food hit his senses. He actually felt hungry which was a miracle, considering his appetite had decreased over the past few weeks.

Seiji greeted his mother and younger sister who still lived with them and then gave a small token kiss to Suzume on the cheek before sitting down to join them. It was then that his grandfather and father walked into the room, and it was also then that Seiji noticed the TV cameras that followed from behind. I get the feeling that I’m not going to like this one bit. He sighed then looked down at his food as he grabbed his chopsticks.

“Ahh Seiji-san good to see that you are up.” His father greeted him. “These people will be following you around today, they are doing a piece on the Dates and the Dojo, please do what you can to answer their questions and help them out. Your grandfather and I think it’ll be good for the Dojo’s image. ” Seiji’s father instructed him and then introduced everyone.

“Yes sir.” Seiji politely bowed to them and answered their questions. Looking down at his food he found that the appetite that had returned was lost once more. Seiji sighed heavily; he hated talking to news people and hated cameras even more. He had dealt with both while working at the hospital and each time he found it more annoying then the last. His family was counting on him though and he would do his best to honor their wishes.

Somehow Seiji managed to get through the day though he was thankful when the news crew finally packed up and left the building. He wasn’t good at that sort of thing and felt quite uncomfortable the whole time. What he hated most was their constant interruptions while he was in the middle of teaching classes, even though he had asked them to observe quietly. He had answered more personal questions in one day, some personal ones he declined on, then he had his whole life and now all he wanted to do was take a shower and relax.

Walking in to the bedroom that he was suppose to share with his wife, Seiji grabbed a change of clothes and headed into the shower. As the heated water hit him he began thinking about his life and how messed up it had become. He missed Touma more then anything and wished like hell he could go back in time to when the two were happy.

Seiji was also worried about the archer especially since a mutual friend had told him that Touma was seen at his old hang out and drinking quite heavily. That scared Seiji and he knew that Touma wouldn’t drink like that unless he was giving up on everything.

God Touma don’t throw it all away like that. I wish I could help but I don’t know what I can do, I’ve tried calling but either you’re not at home or you hang up on me. I know I deserve it, I hurt you so very much and forever will I regret the choices I have made. I sometimes wish we could go back to those days when you and I only knew happiness but we can’t and now all I know is sorrow.

Lifting his head to the hot stream of water Seiji allowed it to wash away the tears that once again stung his eyes as they slipped out and down over his cheeks.


Touma woke to the sound of rain pelting the windows and sliding doors. When he tried to sit up he found it a little difficult since an arm was draped across his chest. When he did move the blonde woman opened her eyes and smiled at him. Feeling sick to his stomach Touma was in no mood for pleasantries especially when she reached down and grabbed his morning erection.

“Good morning Touma. Last night was incredible and it looks like you’re ready for more.” She began to pump his sex.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” He said and slid out from under her grasp.

“You liked it good enough last night.” She replied pulling the sheet around her as she stood up.

“I don’t even fucking remember last night. Okay? What the hell I can‘t even remember your name!” He snapped and pulled on a pair of jeans. His head was throbbing something terrible and his stomach was warning him of what was to come. “I think it might be wise if you left.” He said. “I’m going to take a shower please don’t be here when I get out. You can use the bathroom in the hall if you need it.”

He grabbed clean clothes and walked into the bathroom without saying another word and just like all the other times before, he knelt in front of the toilet and threw up. He felt like shit as he began to dry heave.

Getting up he wiped his mouth and then rinsed it out. “God why do I keep doing this? It‘s the same thing, go to the club, find a blonde babe, get drunk, screw her, get up the next morning and barf my guts out. The worst part is I don‘t even remember fucking them!” He told himself as he stepped into the hot spray of water. “I feel so filthy and disgusting.”

He began scrubbing his skin, a routine he had started the day he had had sex with Keely, trying scrub away the dirt and guilt he felt every morning when he would awaken with some girl in bed with him. He knew he had to stop before the whole thing killed him, but at the moment he didn’t care. Seiji was the only love he had known and now it was gone, leaving him lonely and empty.

When Touma finally finished which usually wasn’t until the water turned ice cold, he stepped out of the shower with skin that was red and raw. Slipping on sweat pants and a t-shirt he looked at his reflection in the mirror and what he saw staring back at him made him sick. He looked more then just a little haggard, his eyes were bloodshot and dark circles formed under them.

He looked so much older now and even his dark blue locks seemed lighter from the few grays he had been finding in them. He could tell just from his face that he had lost weight and the sparkle that once gleamed in his eyes, was faded and dull. “You’re a loser Touma...” He said and turned from the mirror in total disgust.

“Oh well I get a forced break from it all tonight. Shu and Ming are suppose to drop by for the evening. Guess I should try and eat something then clean up around here a little.” The house had been looking pretty nasty lately since all he did was sleep, drink and screw and do enough work to keep the money coming in. Seiji would have a shit fit if he saw the way this place looked. What the hell if Seiji was still here, I wouldn’t be in this funk in the first place. It’s all your fault Seiji-san! He yelled to the empty room.

Forcing himself to eat a few bites of cereal was a challenge but he did it anyway, he needed some energy so he could clean up the place. He knew he was about ten pounds lighter now but he really didn’t care and that was his frame of mind lately... He really didn’t care what happened to himself anymore, his heart and soul were like empty shells, everything that once held a meaning for him had been taken and tossed aside. He had nothing to keep him going... He was lost without Seiji and that angered him. I use to be so strong. Now look at me?


Later that evening after supper, Touma, Shu and Ming sat around watching TV and talking. Ming had offered to cook for the two men and surprisingly Touma even had enough of an appetite to have seconds. It may have been the simple fact that it was a home cooked meal, something Touma didn’t have the motivation to do lately or that he was with friends who knew and cared about him. Whichever it was, put Touma in a much needed light hearted mood and the evening went smoothly as the 3 chatted and laughed.

“Hey isn’t this that American show “Who’s Line is it Anyway?” Shu asked grimacing at the way the Japanese dubbed voices just didn’t match the faces on the screen.

“Hai. Though the original is better, this dubbed version sucks. The voices don‘t match and they have actually changed the words to some of the skits! I have seen tapes of the show from the US and it‘s so much funnier.” Touma said and laughed at the scene on the TV. “Hey I’ve got to hit the can I’ll be back in a minute.” Touma excused himself and went into the small bathroom just off of the kitchen.

Hearing the phone ring he cursed then shouted for Shu to answer it. “Never fails. Do people have radar or what? You’re either in the shower or taking a crap and BANG the phone rings!” Touma was just finishing when he heard Shu shout through the door.

“Touma let’s go! That was Shin, he and Lorelei are at the hospital and she’s in labor! Ming is calling Ryo and Nasuti and then she’s going to quickly call Seiji as well.” Shu was still shouting when Touma came out of the bathroom and laughed when Touma jumped slightly.

“Are you serious?” Touma’s face lit up and for once he actually felt happy about something.

“Sure am... Shin sounds nervous as shit... Shin is a real basket case. He sounded so nervous on the phone.” Shu laughed.

“This is so cool! Lors is going to be a mommy! Man it‘s so hard to believe my Lors is having a baby!” Touma’s whole being seemed more alive and boy did it felt good. He considered Lors his best female friend and now she was having a baby, a new life that would carry on her and Shin’s legacy.

“Can I ask you something Touma? I often wondered if there was ever a point where you may have had a crush or something on Lorelei? I‘m sorry if that‘s personal but I always wondered about that. I mean, you two were always so close and I can even remember at one point Shin had gotten his knickers in a knot over that whole thing.” Shu’s smile widened as he looked at Touma. “He actually thought that Lorelei was cheating on him with you. Was she?

“No Shu she wasn’t. Lors has always loved Shin.” Touma replied. “Listen, Can you keep this to yourself? I’ll admit at one time I did have a thing for her, but I knew she liked Shin and there was no way I could come between that. Now if her and Shin hadn’t of hooked up, I may have found myself asking her out and even falling for her. Face it Lorelei is a gorgeous looking girl and well I... uhm... I use to fantasize about her while whacking off.” Touma blushed bright red before walking out of the kitchen leaving a stunned Shu standing there.

“Hey wait... I thought you were... well you know... I thought you were gay?” Now it was his turn to blush. “How could a girl turn you on then?” Shu felt a little stupid asking that but he was quite confused now.

“Shu I thought you knew? I’m not gay... Neither is Seiji. We both have always liked girls. Yeah Seiji and I were lovers, but I could never ever see myself with any male other then Seiji. What Seiji and I had went beyond human love. I can’t explain it fully but we had a bond that made our union a natural occurrence. Since we’ve split up I’ve been seeing females exclusively and Seiji got married to one. We kind of knew it could happen someday.” Touma listened as he heard Ming talking to someone on the phone.

“Oh boy am I confused or what?” Shu sighed.

“Confused about what?” Ming asked as she hung up the phone. “Oh Ryo and Nasuti are going to meet us at the hospital and I called Seiji as well. He’s going to drive down. He said he wants to see Shin and Lorelei in person. Now what are you confused about oh husband of mine?”

“Touma isn’t gay, neither is Seiji! Even though they were lovers they liked girls all along.” The look on Shu’s face was just hysterical and Ming couldn‘t help but giggle a bit.

“Oh I knew that. I thought everyone did. Lorelei and Nasuti do and I think Ryo and Shin know as well. Seiji was always the only guy Touma found attractive and visa versa. They sure did make a cute couple.” Ming said as she grabbed her coat. “Sorry about that Touma.” She grimaced as she realized what she had just said.

“S’kay, don’t worry about it.” Touma smiled. “It’s true we did look great together.” He smiled and tossed Shu’s jacket to him.

“Why am I always the last one to know these things?” Shu said and watched as Touma and Ming laughed. “Oh Sure laugh at me. It’s because I have such a hard head right? Just call me ‘Mr. Clueless.’”

“Listen Shu we’ll sit down later and I’ll try to explain it to you in a way that you may understand. I know it sounds complicated and all, but you’ll see that it’s not. Okay?” Touma put his arm around Shu’s shoulder as they headed out of the house. “Now I do believe we have 2 friends that are about to make us surrogate uncles so let’s stop and grab a bottle or two of champagne and some of those cheap plastic glasses and then head to the hospital.”

“Good idea Touma-san.” Shu laughed as they pulled out of the driveway.


“Let me come with you Seiji? Please?” Suzume said to him as she watched him throw a few things into an overnight suitcase. She looked at him sadly.

Seiji sighed and gave in to her look. “You have ten minutes to pack an overnight bag.” He said as he closed his suitcase and walked to the door. “I want to be on the road in 15 minutes so move it.” Seiji really didn’t want her coming along but she was his wife and he had to be respectful, something he hadn’t been a whole lot of lately.

He knew that under normal circumstances he wouldn’t be this way with anyone especially his bride. But bitterness had set in and he resented the fact that he was stuck leading a life that was not of his true choosing, not all of it anyway. What am I thinking? When I decided to come back to Sendai I knew this could happen. My head was just so screwed up; I should have taken time to get my thoughts in order, maybe stayed at Ryo’s for a few days... Damn my stubbornness!

“I’m ready if you are?” Suzume walked over to him carrying her suitcase, breaking him from his thoughts. He had already spoken to Ryo who had extended an invitation to stay with him and Nasuti for the night to which Seiji had gladly accepted.

“Here, let me carry that.” Seiji said and took the small case from her. “We’re going to be staying with Nasuti and Ryo, and there’s something you should be prepared for.” He explained as they loaded up his SUV with their things. I didn’t think of this until now and for that I apologize.”

“What’s that?” She asked, cocking her head to one side, curious as to what he had to say.

“They have a rather large cat living with them.” Seiji said and looked away for a moment. The way Suzume had cocked her head was just too much of a reminder for him. Touma would give me that very same look, and every time he did, I found myself falling in love with him all over again.

“That’s okay, I love cats.” She was about to get into the car when Seiji took her hands in his. When she looked up into his eyes they appeared so soft and warm. The whole thing took her breath away. How handsome he is. How did I get so lucky? I just wish I knew what that pain is that lies deep in his heart. What happened to make you so sad Seiji? If you would just tell me maybe I could help heal the ache.

“This cat happens to be a white tiger by the name of Byakuen though Touma and Lorelei have dubbed him White Blaze.” Seiji smiled at that memory and the little ceremony they had held when they renamed Ryo’s pet. “Now if that scares you we can get a room at a hotel. Okay?” Seiji reached out to brush the hair from her face.

While waiting for Suzume to pack Seiji made a promise to himself to try and be a better husband to his wife and even though it was going to be hard, he was determined to succeed. She deserved that much from him.

“Oh my! A tiger! That’s okay though, as long as it‘s tame I should be okay.” She liked seeing this softer side to her husband and secretly hoped that it was just the beginning of things to come. “I don’t remember seeing it the last time we were there.” She commented then looked at him with her dark eyes. How she wished that he could love her the way she loved him, she’d settle for half of that if that was even possible.

“Ryo had him down at the cabins because of all the people that were there. Most wouldn’t understand why he would have a rare tiger in his possession while others would be quite frightened of it. Will you be okay with this? He‘s actually nothing more then an over grown spoiled house cat if you ask me. Ryo even had something done to him so he doesn‘t spray and leave an odor... Which was a relief to all of us.”

Seiji smiled slightly and brushed his hand over her cheek. “You’re so pretty Suzume.” He said as he studied her delicate features. She was pretty enough to make any man proud to have her by his side and he would have been too had the circumstances been different.

“I’ll be fine don’t worry about me.” She blushed at his comment. “Thank you Seiji-san.” Her voice cracked just a little. Turning her head she kissed his palm as it swept over the side of her face. That was one of the sweetest things he had said to her since they had been married and it touched her immensely.

“Okay then. Let’s get going shall we? As it stands now we’ll reach Toyama around one in the morning. Hopefully before that baby is born, though with Shin and Lorelei on never knows. Those two are always full of surprises.” He laughed a bit as he opened the car door for her and then closed it after she was in.

Walking around to the driver’s side, Seiji got in and reached over to take out the map, which he handed to her. “Here you can kind of follow on the map and this way you’ll get to know your way there should you ever have to. The route I normally take is highlighted” He pointed to the bright pink that snaked over the map.

Seiji then shocked her by pulling her head closer and kissing her softly. Suzume responded by parting her lips and allowing him to deepen the kiss, sighing softly as he explored her mouth. When Seiji finally pulled back she moaned at the emptiness her mouth now felt. “That was nice.” He spoke gently to her.

“Thank you Seiji. I will do my best to learn my way and to make you proud of me.” She smiled as Seiji started the car and they took off. Suzume was filled with a renewed hope that maybe Seiji was finally coming around and would be the husband to her that he should be. Maybe there’s a way to speed that up? She thought as they headed on their way.

Keeping one hand on the steering wheel, Seiji reached over with the other to take her small hand and hold it. I will try my hardest to be a better husband to her. I can’t blame her for what’s gone wrong in my life; it’s not her fault. She’s made her own sacrifices to become my wife and the least I can do is show her that I appreciate what she has done and will do. Please understand Touma, I owe her that much.


Touma, Shu and Ming sat in the waiting room waiting for any news from Shin about the baby. Looking up Shu spotted Nasuti and Ryo walk in and waved for them to come over.

“Hey guys any news?” Nasuti smiled and greeted the three of them.

“Nope! We’ve been here for about an hour or so and nothing yet.” Touma said as he fidgeted in his chair. “It’s amazing how long it takes to have a baby.” He commented.

“Yeah I guess you guys can’t fully appreciate what women go through to give birth.” Ming smirked at Touma. “If you did you wouldn’t have made that comment.”

“What is so tough about it?” Touma teased, he knew from all he had read that childbirth was painful, and women went through so much just to get to that point but it was fun to watch Ming get on her soapbox and start her rants. When Lorelei and Shin announced their news he found himself reading all he could about pregnancy and childbirth because he wanted to be able to help his friend if she need it.

What’s so tough? Let me tell you Hashiba-san! You go nine months with a child growing inside of you kicking you in the ribs, squeezing your bladder to hell, and pushing upwards so it’s hard to breath.” Ming began. “Oh and let’s not forget the morning sickness or as in poor Lorelei’s case, all day sickness. Oh and the heartburn, the sleepless nights, the hemorrhoids, the backache, the water retention and god knows what else!” She stood and looked at him with a devilish grin.

“Then there’s the whole delivery process! Oh the glory of those wonderfully painful contractions.” She stated as Touma rolled his eyes.

“Hey the girl’s on a roll.” Nasuti remarked. “I hear that pushing is the worst.”

“Oh GOD does that hurt! Let’s see you do that Touma... Push a baby out of your ass and then ask me ‘What‘s so tough about it?’!” Ming glared at him and stifled a laugh as she watched Touma slowly slump deeper into his chair.

“Sorry I asked.” All of a sudden he really didn’t want to know anything about childbirth, at least not with the way Ming was describing it. Getting constipated was enough of a pain... then to... “Hey wait a minute Ming you don’t give birth through your butt! That’s an unfair analogy!” He huffed and looked at her.

“Doesn’t matter Blue, it hurts just the same so shut up unless you want to experience some of that pain.” Ming shot back.

“Eh no thanks.” Touma responded softly.

“Hey when that baby is ready it’ll arrive.” Shu commented as he wrapped his arms around his wife from behind. “So? Are you two having fun yet?” He laughed and kissed the back of his wife’s head.

“Oh I’m just getting started dear.” She laughed as Touma drew his legs up and hid his face behind his knees. “What’s wrong Blue? Do I have you scared?” Before Touma could answer Ryo jumped out of his seat looking excited.

“Hey guys! There’s Shin!” Ryo pointed as Shin walked towards them. He was decked out in hospital scrubs and was smiling. The others stood up at once practically holding their breath. “Well?” Ryo asked and waited for him to say something.

“Sorry to disappoint you but it’ll be awhile yet, she’s not even fully dilated yet. I just thought I‘d come out to update you and stretch my legs.” Shin sat down next to Touma. He was all ready tired and it looked as if it was going to be one long night. Shin let out a whoosh of air as he rubbed his eyes.

“She’s getting cranky huh?” Ming said and laughed when she saw Shin crack a smile as well.

“OH YEAH!” His eyes went wide as he spoke. “Very much so.”

“Wait till transition! Ming said things that would have had a sailor blushing!” Shu told him and was rewarded with a playful slap from Ming.

“No! Lorelei would never... Would she? Oh dear God what have I got myself into?” Shin’s surprised expression had then all laughing hard. “It’s going to be a looonnnggg night I can feel it!”

“Hey do you think you could get me a pair of those?” Ryo asked about the light blue scrubs Shin was wearing. “Might be fun... We could play doctor.” Ryo looked at Nasuti with a devilish gleam in his eyes.

“RYO SANADA!” Nasuti blushed and punched him in the arm. “You are just bad to the bone.”

“Naaa He’s just a horny little bugger.” Shu laughed as Nasuti shot him a dirty look.

“You know? I think I may have a spare set at the house that Seiji left there. You can have them if you want. They may be a little long but you can cut the pants legs down.” Touma spoke up joining in on the banter. “Playing doctor can be fun Suti! Seiji and I use to play it every so often.” He arched an eyebrow as the others looked at him.

“Now for some reason I find that hard to imagine. Mr. Prim and Proper doing role-playing? That would definitely be a Kodak moment.” Shu laughed. “Oh Touma! Time for your prostrate exam!”

“SHU!” Ming laughed and then swatted at her husband.

“Yeah... Hey Touma I need to take your temperature. My thermometer’s ready.” Ryo chided.

“You guys are awful!” Shin blushed a bright pink.

“Oh listen to Mr. Innocent here! We know better though, don’t we?” Shu found the look Shin gave him just too funny and started laughing.

“Listen. I know it sounds wild but under that cool facade Seiji was a lot of fun. We had many laughs and playful moments... He also had his tender moments as well. I saw a part of him you guys didn‘t get to see...” Touma’s voiced trailed off. “Ryo, I’ll get those to you the next time I see you.” He faked a smile and Shin put a hand on Touma’s shoulder and squeezed it. There wasn’t a need for words; Shin could sense the pain Touma hid in his heart.

“Well I’ve got to get back to Lorelei. She’s actually handling this better then I am.” Shin smiled. “At least for now that is... Who knows what will happen as things progress.” He looked at Touma.

> “Are you going to be all right? < Shin sent a mental message to Touma.

(“Yeah I’ll be fine... Thanks Shin.”) Touma looked up at him. “Hey tell Lors that I love her and give her a hug for me. Okay?”

“Sure will.” Shin smiled and headed back to the room he had come out of. The rest just sat there and took turns going for something to eat or drink. Excusing himself, Touma went outside to get some fresh air. It was already after mid-night and Lorelei had been in labor for about five hours now. Pulling out a pack of cigarettes Touma took one and lit it, taking a long drag on it then letting the smoke out slowly, he looked up towards the sky.

“Hey those things can kill you, you know that don’t you?” Touma jumped at the sound of Shu’s voice as he walked over to stand next to him.

“So can a lot of other things.” Touma said, never taking his eyes off the sky.

“Tell me, when did you start that again?” He asked, referring to Touma’s smoking.

“A few weeks ago and before you say another word remember that this is my life Shu.” Touma took another drag from the cigarette.

“You’re right it is but listen if there’s anything you want to talk about I’m here for you buddy.” Shu said as his voice cracked just a bit.

“Thanks Shu... But like I told Shin, I’m fine.” Touma said and finished off his smoke.

“You know the day you told me about you and Seiji being a couple was a real shock to me. I couldn’t comprehend how two guys could fall in love. I guess I was just naive or something. Now I know that love is an emotion, it doesn’t care about being socially correct. When I saw how happy you were with Seiji it made me happy. You deserved that much buddy.” Shu stopped to see Touma staring at him. He could see the tears that glazed the archer’s eyes.

“Well it would seem that love doesn’t count for shit. What did I get for loving Seiji? Nothing!” Touma commented. “Second thought I did get some things. I got pain... I got sorrow... I got raped... I got a broken heart... and then I got dumped. Oh and let‘s not forget Seiji‘s wonderful surprise, I got to meet his lovely wife... Sosueme!”

“Uh that’s Suzume.” Shu corrected him.

“Yeah what the fuck ever.” Touma wiped at the tears standing in his eyes. “I’m going back inside.”

Shu sighed and followed him in. He wanted to kick himself for even bringing up the subject of Seiji. It was just plain stupid and Touma obviously couldn’t handle it yet. The two walked in to see Shin getting hugs and smiling from ear to ear. Touma rushed over to him quickly.

“Did you...? Did Lors...? Please say that you and Lors are new parents.” His heart was beating madly and he was actually shaking a bit.

“Yes Touma. Lorelei and I are proud new parents.” Shin barely got the words out before Touma crushed him in a tight embrace. Shin could feel Touma’s body shake and he realized the archer was crying. “Hey come on Touma. It’s okay really.” Shin spoke softly his own voice cracking from the emotions swirling inside him. He was a daddy. God that sounds so weird right now.

“I’m just so happy for you and for Lorelei as well. This is just so wonderful.” Touma stood back and wiped his eyes with the back of his hands. “So what is it? Boy? Girl? How’s Lors? Are mom and baby okay? Were there complications? Come on Shin give details. Don‘t keep me in suspense here!”

“Okay Lorelei is fine; there were no complications, not really anyway. As for sex... well we have one of each actually!” Shin couldn’t help but grin even bigger.

“WHAT!!!” Was the collective response, causing Shin to jump slightly.

“We had a boy who weighs 6 pounds 3 ounces and a girl weighing in at 6 pounds even... Lorelei had twins! Nice full term ones too, which surprised the doctor even more.” Shin explained. “Apparently one was hiding behind the other and their heartbeats stayed in perfect unison so we didn’t know.”

Shin couldn’t help but laugh for they all had the funniest looks on their faces. “That’s the same look the doctor gave us when Lorelei began having contractions again after our daughter was born.”

“Oh my GOD! That’s so cool buddy.” Shu was in tears now and he didn’t care who saw it. “Looks like the heavens are making up for all they put you and Lorelei through.” He hugged Shin tightly.

“Sure are. The twins will be shown soon at the nursery window just around this corner. They should be there after Lorelei is done feeding them and they get cleaned up and all.” He told them. “I’m going to get back to them now.” He smiled as the tears streaked down his face. He was elated to be sharing this with his friends. “Seiji should be here soon, would you guys mind filling him in?”

“Sure will. You give Lorelei our love in the meantime okay?” Nasuti cried and gave Shin another hug before letting him go back to his new family.

“Now that’s one brave girl! Nursing twins? I don’t think I could do that!” Ming shook her head at it. She had had a hard enough time nursing SinJin; she couldn’t fathom doing that with two.

“Hey I need to get the champagne and glasses out of the car.” Shu said and started to leave.

It was then that Touma saw... rather he sensed a presence heading towards them. “Seiji is here.” He said matter-of-factly.

“So what’s the latest news.” Seiji questioned as he walked into the room hand in hand with Suzume.

“It’s... TWINS! They had a boy and a girl!! Can you believe that?” Shu’s voice bellowed with excitement. “My best bud is a daddy. Excuse me I need to get something from the car.” Shu dashed out.

“Yeah Shin’s a daddy times two.” Touma added. “Konnichiwa Seiji-san. Konnichiwa Suzume-san.” He greeted them while hating the sight of his ex-lover holding hands with someone else. Seiji flashed him a smile while Suzume bowed nervously.

“Twins! Leave it to Shin and Lorelei to surprise us all.” Seiji commented.

“Yeah well they did have to make up for the miscarriages you know.” Touma stated.

“So how are you doing Touma?” Seiji studied his ex-lover carefully and the first thing he noticed was the weight loss. My God he’s way too thin. At this rate he’ll waste away. He looks so tired... and lost. Oh God! I’m sorry love, I truly am. Seiji felt the old familiar tug at his heart.

Touma had on black jeans that use to be quite form fitting but now they seem to hang from his shrinking frame. Seiji wanted so badly to question Touma on the weight loss but with Suzume clinging to him he couldn’t risk her getting suspicious.

“I’m doing okay I guess. How are things with you?” Touma found the conversation awkward at best. The other thing he found was that his stomach still did flip-flops whenever Seiji was near him. DAMN why do I still feel this way? Am I cursed to love him forever?

“Oh can’t complain. Business at the Dojo is picking up. Grandfather still insists I train with him, but he shocked me by telling me I could go back to working at a hospital part time if I wanted to.” Seiji smiled. Actually that had been an agreement he had made with his family when he accepted Suzume as his chosen bride. “I’m thinking of just being a fill in or something like that, maybe once a week or so.”

“You’re going to spread yourself too thin Seiji. Be careful that you don’t over do it.” Touma commented automatically, out of habit actually. He knew Seiji could be a workaholic at times, they both could, but they had learned to slow down over time. Jeez listen to me. I’m no longer in his life yet I’m acting like his mother.

“Oh Seiji-san will be fine. He can handle it.” Suzume smiled and hugged her husband. “He’s healthy and strong.”

“Are you cra...?” Nasuti suggesting they go look and see if they brought the twins to the nursery yet cut Touma off abruptly. They started to walk over towards the viewing window though Nasuti pulled Touma back with her to speak to him.

“Now is not the time or the place to argue with Seiji’s wife.” She said to him.

“I know Nasuti; it’s just that she didn’t see what I saw. When Seiji and I were living up in Sendai while in college, Seiji juggled school, the Dojo and studying. She didn’t see him almost collapse from exhaustion or break down crying because he didn’t think he could go another day like he was. I saw all those things and more.” Touma clenched and unclenched his fists. “I know this sounds stupid but I still love him very much and if there were a way to get him back I’d do it.”

“I know Touma and even though it’s hard, you have to let Seiji live his life now.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed it then the two joined up with the others. Shu walked up to them and passed around the glasses then opening the champagne he poured some into each glass though Suzume passed on one for herself.

“Here’s to Shin and Lorelei and miracles they have been blessed with.” Shu said and raised his glass.

“Here, here!” They all responded.

“Hey everyone look!” Ryo and the others turned to face the window as Lorelei and Shin walked in with each carrying a small bundle. Unwrapping the blankets they held out the babies towards the window. Nasuti and Ming were the first to start crying as they looked at the small miracles before them.

“Wow! Look how tiny they are.” Touma smiled.

Lorelei moved over towards Touma cradling a blue blanketed bundle. With her free hand she placed it on the glass and smiled as Touma raised his and put it on the glass over hers. Touma looked into the face of the baby as it slept, you could all ready see light wisps of auburn hair on his head.

Looking back at Lorelei with tears in his eyes he gave her the thumbs up sign and then watched as a nurse pressed a button so Lorelei could talk to them.

“Hey guys can you hear me okay?” Lorelei asked.

“Sure can Lors.” Touma felt the tears rolling down over his cheeks. “They’re beautiful Lors, just like their mother.” He told her.

“And what about their father? Huh?” Shin arched an eyebrow at Touma and giggled.

“Eh no comment.” Touma laughed.

“Touma, I want you to meet our son... Toushiba.” Lorelei said then held the baby boy closer to the glass. “Can you tell how we can up with his name?”

Shocked, all Touma could do was nod to her as the tears fell harder and his voice caught in his throat as he began to realize the honor they had just bestowed upon him. “Oh God Lors...” was all he could manage.

“Oh and this pretty little girl is Hana.” Shin smiled brightly and cooed at his daughter. It was truly a heart felt sight to see the way that Shin interacted with his new daughter.

“They named him after you Touma... “ Seiji spoke softly. Touma jumped slightly at the sound of his voice. He never realized that Seiji was standing behind him since he had been too wrapped up in the scene in front of him.

Moving up so he was besides the archer Seiji then reached over and lightly brushed his hand over Touma’s as it hung at his side. Seiji wanted nothing more then to hold Touma’s hand and to have that warmth in his hand but he couldn’t and that hurt.

“I know... I can’t believe they did that.” Touma’s voice trembled as he spoke.

Seiji then surprised Touma even more by leaning in as close as he dared while checking to make sure that no one was watching them. “I’ve missed you so very much Touma.” He whispered softly as his own voice shook with emotion. All Touma could do was stand there stunned by the words he had just heard, and shivering from the sound of Seiji’s soothing tone. He closed his eyes briefly in hopes of branding it all into his mind.

Touma finally looked to his side to see Seiji smiling at him with tears in his eyes. It took all of Touma’s might not to pull the blond swordsman into his arms and kiss away his tears. He still cares! What Touma did do shocked even him as he mouthed to Seiji; “I’ve missed you too Koibito.”

“Oh I see now...!” Suzume said finally understanding the name for Shin and Lorelei‘s son and breaking the tender moment she was managed to catch sight of. “That’s quite an honor Hashiba-san.” She spoke politely even though she really wanted to tell the blue haired one off.

“Hey guys we’ve got to go. I’ll be in a regular room tomorrow so come and see me or I shall go insane!” Lorelei said and laid her son in the bassinet that had a tag stating that it was Baby Mori. Shin did the same with their daughter.

Lorelei looked up at Touma who was standing very close to Seiji and gave them both a wink. One last wave was all they could get in before the curtains were drawn to allow the other newborns peace and quiet.

They all turned and began to walk away from the window with Touma’s gaze still fixated on Seiji’s when Suzume stopped everyone. “Listen. I hadn’t planned on giving out this news in this manner but after seeing those babies... I can’t help myself. This is just too good to hold in.” She seemed to come alive and beckoned for Seiji to join her. “I don’t in any way mean to steal Shin and Lorelei’s thunder, but I’m just so excited now.”

“Suzume, what are you trying to tell us?” Seiji asked. He quickly looked at Touma as if to tell him that he was in the dark just as much as everyone else when he sensed the archer’s tension.

“Forgive me Seiji for not telling you first while we are alone or waiting to tell you later. I know that would be the proper way to do this.” She stated. “Seiji? My husband... I love you so very much and with that in mind, I wish to announce that I am pregnant. Seiji and I are going to be parents.” She grabbed Seiji and hugged him, as he stood there frozen and completely stunned by the information he had just received.

“Hey congratulations!” Shu, Ming, Ryo and Nasuti said as they all gather around Seiji and Suzume, though they were stunned by the news and they could see by the look on Seiji’s face that he was as well. Seiji tried his best to smile but it wasn’t easy.

He turned to look at Touma who had gone white as a ghost and Seiji could almost sense the archer’s heart tearing into shreds. He could see the midnight blue eyes he loved to gaze into, glazing over with unspent tears on the threshold of spilling out and wished like hell that he could have spared him from this.

Seiji without a moment’s hesitation quickly opened his link to Touma. >> “Touma? Oh God I really didn’t know or I would have told you myself. This is just as much a shock to me as it is to you. You have to believe me.” <<

(“Fuck you Seiji!”) Touma sent right back and before Seiji could say or do anything else Touma ran out of the hospital and into the night air. Reaching into his pocket and ducking around a corner Touma quickly called on Tenku and a bright blue bubble encased him as it took him up into the night sky.

That’s it, it’s really over. No more hoping, no more thinking that maybe Seiji would find his way back to me. The ‘I missed you so very much’ was just a crock of bull. Once again I allowed him to pull me in just so he could strangle my heart some more. Touma fell to his knees inside the confines of his bubble and cried as his heart broke once again.

Seiji didn’t say a word to anyone as he raced out after Touma leaving the others stunned and bewildered. Just as he turned the corner he saw Touma soaring higher into the sky and all he could do was watch as he cried out to his former lover. Touma... Oh God Touma I sometimes wish those men would have killed me, because as it stands now, I’m slowly dying inside each and every day. It was never suppose to be like this. I thought you and I would always be together, I really did. Seiji then collapsed to his knees as the pain in his heart shattered his soul.

“Seiji!” Ryo and Shu shouted to him. “We sensed someone armoring up, what’s going on?”

“Touma took off in Tenku’s bubble. I really screwed up guys. I have truly lost the only person I will ever love. I couldn‘t get past my pride and honor and now look what I have to show for it!” Seiji ignored the tears falling down his cheeks and he really didn’t care anymore who saw them. “Where’s Suzume?” He asked as he got to his feet.

“Inside with Nasuti and Ming. She’s worried about you. She thinks you took off because you’re mad at her and the fact that she’s pregnant.” Shu stated. “Man how on Earth did things get so screwed up! We were all so content and happy and now look? It’s a shame to see how you and Touma have lost each other.”

“I have to check on Suzume.” Seiji replied as he wiped at his tears. “I messed this all up. It’s all my fault. When I saw Touma tonight I came to a decision that I was going to tell Suzume everything and then leave her, but now....” Seiji stopped; there was no point in talking about something that couldn’t happen now.

“She doesn’t know about you and Touma, does she?” Ryo looked at Seiji sadly.

“No, not that I‘m aware of though I know she suspects that I had a lover prior to her. My family wanted it that way and so they kept it from her about Touma and I.” Seiji spoke softly. “They were afraid no woman would agree to marry me if they knew I had been living with a man for all those years.” He explained.

“It was hard enough convincing my family that I really wasn’t gay and that Touma was the only man I had or could ever love. They didn’t think my potential bride would believe me at all. I almost wish I would have lied and told them I was gay, then maybe I wouldn‘t be in this mess and I‘d still have Touma.”

“We understand.” Ryo said and put his arm around the swordsman’s shoulders.

“I’m really worried about Touma guys. A friend of ours said that Touma has been seen in this one club drinking pretty heavily.” Seiji saw Ryo and Shu’s eyes light up. “Sorry it would appear that neither of you knew that. Something tells me that’s where he is headed.”

“Give us the name of the club... Nasuti and I will see if we can find him. You take Suzume back to the house. And Shu, you and Ming go home as well, get some rest.” Ryo said. He didn’t want Shu to go looking for Touma that wouldn’t be wise considering they were good friends and Shu had a temper that equaled his own. The only problem was that Shu would start a fight with out a moment’s thought.

Once back inside Ryo pulled Nasuti aside and explained everything they then took off in hopes of finding Touma. Shin had come out one last time after Ryo, Nasuti, Seiji and Suzume had left and Shu told him about Suzume announcing that she was pregnant.

“Oh dear how could she and Seiji be so insensitive especially with Touma here.” Shin frowned. “I’d better fill Lorelei in once she wakes up; this will not sit to well with her.”

“I have to give a point to Seiji, he had no idea Suzume was pregnant. He looked just as shocked as we did at her announcement. I get the feeling Suzume is going to get an ear full on the way back to Ryo and Nasuti’s place.” Shu told him.

“It’s such a shame too. When we were standing by the nursery window I saw Seiji standing really close to Touma and he just about grabbed his hand.” Ming commented. “I overheard Seiji tell Touma that he missed him.”

“Yeah Seiji told Ryo and I that he was thinking of leaving Suzume that was until she laid this info on him.” Shu could feel the tension growing inside of him. “Damn! Why can’t those two have some happiness?”

“I don’t know, but right now I don’t think Touma should be left alone.” Shin spoke quietly as he tried to calm his friend down. “Shu you have to cool that temper it won’t help Touma right now.”

“I know.” Shu hung his head. Don’t do anything stupid Touma. Please?


“Ryo there! The Lion’s Den! That’s the club Seiji said Touma use to go to.” Nasuti pointed over to a building that appeared to be ready for the demolition ball.

“Yuck Touma hung out there? What am I saying? He‘s still hanging out there!” Ryo crinkled up his nose at the place.

“Keep in mind it’s been a few years. According to Seiji, Touma came here the first time he and Seiji broke up over the whole issue of Seiji’s family.” Nasuti reminded him.

“Yeah I know. That seemed so major back then... Now it’s so small compared to their problems now.” Ryo sighed and they walked into the club. Ryo explained to the bouncer that he was trying to find his friend and they allowed him to go in. “There he is.” Ryo walked over to a table that held the archer and a fairly attractive blonde woman.

“Touma-san we’ve been looking for you.” Nasuti said as she stood there giving the blonde a once over.

“Ryo! Nasuti! So good to see you. Hey sit down and have a drink. My treat.” Touma smiled, they could tell he was slowly getting drunk.

“Eh why don’t we give you a ride home? You look like you need to just get some sleep. Besides you don’t have your car remember?” Ryo said to him.

“That’s okay. Uhm this is... Uh?” Touma stared at the blonde for a minute. “I’m sorry honey I forgot your name.” He leaned into plant a kiss on her cheek.

“It’s Brandi, Brandi Moore.” She held out her hand to Ryo. “Nice to meet you.”

“Sanada Ryo and this is my wife Sanada Nasuti.” Ryo introduced them. “Listen if you don’t mind we’ll take our friend home he’s had a long day.”

“I’m not a baby Ryo and I sure as hell don’t need an escort. So fucking what if Seiji and Sosueme are going to have a little Date? I don’t give a damn.” Touma’s words were like acid as they left his lips. He was angry and hurt. First Seiji makes him feel as though there’s still hope for the two of them, then moments later Seiji is tearing his heart out and squashing it. Touma wasn’t so sure he could take anymore, it hurt too frigging much!

“Oh you poor thing... Did your girlfriend dump you for another and now she’s having his baby?” Brandi cuddled closer to Touma, which had Nasuti ready to yank the bleached blonde’s hair out.

“NO!” Nasuti finally spoke out. “His BOYFRIEND left him, got MARRIED and is now going to be a father.” She was practically in the girl’s face now. “Touma here picked you out of ALL these other women solely because YOU look like his ex-lover!” Nasuti stood back up and smirked.

“WHAT? You mean you’re GAY! Oh gross!” Brandi shoved her way out of her seat. “I don’t date faggots!” She screamed and stormed off. Pleased with herself despite the fact that Touma was shooting daggers at her with his eyes, Nasuti sat down next to Touma.

“Thanks a lot! Do you know how hard it is to find blondes in a country where dark hair has the majority rule?” Touma slumped into his seat. “There goes my lay for the night!”

CRACK! Nasuti couldn’t take it anymore and slapped Touma’s face. “I never thought you would resort to this Hashiba! I thought you had more self-respect then that!” Her eyes filled with tears. “I know you’re hurting right now, we all feel your pain, but dammit this is not going to make things better! A Seiji look a like is not going to mend that heart and make you feel whole again and you know it! GOD you’re such a baka at times!”

“Suti’s right ya know.” Ryo looked at Touma warmly; his heart truly went out for the archer. “We all know how much you love Seiji but you need time to heal Touma, not go out and drink yourself silly. Please let us take you home, we can talk more there.”

Touma couldn’t speak; he was too busy trying to choke back the tears and so he nodded to Ryo then hugged Nasuti as the tears finally cascaded down his face. “I’m sorry... Please don’t cry.” He sobbed.


“How could you do such a thing? That was plain selfish to announce your pregnancy like that!” Seiji fumed. He was quite angry now, angry with Suzume and even more angry with himself. His mind filled with thoughts of Touma and the pain he surely was feeling at the moment.

During the brief moment that they had touched minds Seiji had felt a great deal of the hurt and heartache his former lover was feeling. It was so bad that Seiji almost cried luckily he managed to hold it together, but now he didn’t know what he was going to do.

Part of him wanted to say ‘Fuck it all’ and just go find Touma to show him how much he still loved him, while the reserved side knew that was impossible now. He was about to take on a new responsibility, that of a father... That thought alone scared the living daylights out of him.

“I’m sorry Seiji, I got caught up in the whole baby bit and just wanted to share our happy news with everyone.” She tried to hug him but Seiji only pushed her aside leaving her feeling dejected.

“Sorry isn’t good enough Suzume! God how could you do this, Touma was devastated!” Seiji knew he was riding a fine line now but he really didn’t care what she thought it had to be said. “I’ve hurt him so much all ready; he doesn’t deserve any of this! DAMN!!”

“Seiji I don’t understand? Why would Touma be devastated over you becoming a father? He’s supposed to be your friend, wouldn’t he be happy for you instead?” She had a feeling that she was going to find out that her suspicions were right about her husband and Touma.

“Under normal circumstances Touma would be happy, but these aren’t normal. You know nothing of my past and for that I’m sorry. Seiji started to calm down and he softened his voice. “Sit down I think it’s time you knew a little something about my past, the one my family tried to hide from you.”

Suzume sat beside her husband and listened as he spoke. By the time Seiji finished she knew everything... His love for Touma, his abduction and Rape, his raping of Touma and then his reasons for marrying her. Her tears flew down her cheeks the shock of it was overwhelming. She had been right and now it all made sense. She had suspected that Seiji had a lover before her but didn’t know who it was. Only tonight did she finally put all the pieces together. Now she was glad she had made that announcement even if it was on a whim. Sorry Hashiba-san but he’s mine. She thought to herself.


“Here. I’m no Shin but I think I got this right. It‘ll help with any hangover you‘ll be getting.” Nasuti said as she handed Touma a cup of tea, chuckling as Touma scrunched his nose at it.

“Ugh TEA! I’m too much of a coffee person.” Touma sighed as he took the cup and lifted it to his lips. “What’s in this?” He asked making a face at the taste. “It tastes like old gym socks! I can’t believe Seiji actually drank this shit?”

“Just drink it! You’ll be thankful that you did when you wake up tomorrow!” She bopped him on the head. “Seiji only drank that once and after that... He never got THAT drunk again.” Touma just snickered he had almost forgotten about that.

/// Seiji and Ryo had decided to try liquor out during a holiday party and later after the party ended they had found the two outside on the balcony tossing their cookies plus whatever else they had consumed, into the side yard below. He, Shu and Shin were left with the fun of putting the two to bed and then going out to hose the mess down in the yard. God how it stank, even with it being so cold outside. The next morning found Seiji and Ryo playing toilet tag, as they would take turns racing to the bathroom to throw up. Shin finally made his special blend of tea to help settle their stomachs and help with the massive headaches they had. ///

“What’s so funny?” Ryo asked as he plopped down and flicked on the TV.

“Eh nothing much.” Touma grinned. If Shin only knew that it wasn’t the tea that helped Seiji’s headache. Only he knew just what to do for Seiji to make him completely forget his headache.

/// After spending most of the day listening to Seiji moaning in pain, he had gone to sit on the blonde’s bed and began massaging Seiji’s back. Once he was sure that his love was relaxed he had prompted him to roll over. He trailed quick kisses down the blonde’s torso before taking his semi erect sex into his mouth. Suckling it he brought it to its full length. He watched as Seiji began to thrash his head from side to side and the moans of pain turned to moans of pleasure.

Reaching for the oil Seiji kept nearby he had coated his fingers and then slowly sunk them into Seiji’s tight heat. Pumping his hand slowly and matching that rhythm with his mouth as he brought Seiji ever closer to the edge. Seiji had reached over to rub the bulge in his jeans, but this was for his koi and he was content with the sensation of Seiji’s hot hand burning through his jeans.

When he heard Seiji’s moans increase he then increased the speed of his fingers and mouth, hitting that pleasure spot that lied deep within the man he loved. In a flash he felt Seiji’s sweet release gushing into his mouth to coat his throat with hot liquid and then he felt something else, his own release that left a rather large wet spot on the front of his jeans. Seiji slept the rest of the afternoon eventually coming downstairs for dinner and looking like a new man. Ryo on the other hand... Still looked like hell!///

“Hey guys look! It’s the Date Dojo! They’re doing a piece on it for this show.” Ryo called out and pointed to the TV screen.

“Ryo! Maybe Touma doesn’t want to watch that!” Nasuti threw a pillow at his head.

“OUCH!” Ryo replied as he rubbed his head then threw the pillow back to her. “That hurt!”

“No actually I’d like to see this. Please?” Touma asked. It was a chance to see Seiji in his finest element, teaching Kendo. It was one of the many things the archer missed with not having Seiji around... Watching him train. Touma would spend hours just staring at Seiji as the swordsman practiced each move, executing them with precision and grace unmatched by anything he had ever witnessed before.

“You sure Touma?” Nasuti asked softly.

“Yeah I’m sure.” Touma smiled. The three sat and watched the hour long documentary as it told of the Date family and its origins, which were steeped in history and traditions. Touma’s eyes fixated on the screen as Seiji was shown teaching his classes and Touma couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride swell in his heart over his former lover.

Once the show ended Touma noted the times it would be shown again so that he could video tape it. He then reassured Ryo and Nasuti that he was fine and he would do his best to turn things around in his life. Seeing Seiji on TV somehow renewed his hope of a life with the swordsman.

The show hadn’t been taped that long ago and the one thing Touma had noticed that Ryo and Nasuti didn’t, was that Seiji never once mentioned Suzume. He talked about his family, his life, his schooling, his medical degree and his friends, but never his wife! That gave the archer a small sliver of hope.

That night Touma fell asleep with a smile on his lips. Seiji was still his to some degree. They still had a bond and the swordsman in his own way made that known to Touma through the show. Even if Seiji was going to be a father, Touma was determined to keep that small flicker of hope alive. “Yes! I still have a chance... There really is a God! As hard as I try I just can‘t let go... Not yet anyway.”


“Well, well, well. Dr Date, you haven’t changed a bit!” He said as he flicked off the TV that was in the back of the limousine. “You’re still pretty and just so desirable.” He smiled.

“Roscoe!” He shouted through the glass that separated the back seats from the front.

“Yes sir?” The driver asked.

“Take me to this address and hurry.” He handed the driver a worn driver’s license. “How long till we can get there?”

“Sure thing sir. Dr Seiji Date... 1009 Tachi Drive. We should be there by tomorrow evening; it is quite a haul sir. You’re not sick are you sir?” The driver asked.

“No not really. I just want to visit an old friend. He’s someone I have had the pleasure of being very intimate with.” He replied. “VERY INTIMATE INDEED!”

“I see sir.” The driver stared at the photo of the man who had blond hair that fell over one violet eye and a smile that made him look very attractive. I wouldn’t mind having a go with him myself. Maybe the boss will share this time.

“Contact Nick, Lance and Charlie... Tell them to meet us there but to NOT go near the house till we get there. Understood?” He instructed. Closing the tinted window he sat back.

“I’ve missed you Doc.” Reaching down to rub his crotch he smiled. “We’ve both missed you... Muahahahahahahaha!!!”


End of Chapter 7


AUTHOR’S NOTES: (1) Ya means ‘arrow’ (2) Ken means ‘sword’ (3) Words by George O’Dowd, Roy Hay, Mikey Craig and Jon Moss.

So what did you think? Am I evil or what? ^_^ Want to know what happens next? Hmmmm? Should I post chapter 8? Should I? Be nice and leave reviews and then I’ll happily post the next chapter. If you really like this story feel free to direct other Seiji/Touma/Yaoi fans this way.

Touma: “That was shameless.”

Wildefyre: “You got a problem with that Smurfy?” **Glares at him.**

Touma: “Eep! Uh No not at all! In Fact, I’ll help! Hey tell your friends what a cool story this is and get them to read it!” **Leans closer to you.** “Besides she gets bummed out if not many people review it and I want to keep her happy so she gets me back with Seiji.... SO... Humor her okay? PLEASE?” **He gives you his best puppy dog eyes.**

Wildefyre: “Now who’s being shameless? Next thing you know you‘ll offer to strip naked for them!”

Touma: “Hey if that’s what it takes I’ll... I’ll... I’ll get Seiji to strip naked!”

Wildefyre: “Oh yeah right! Now that I’d love to see. Say Goodnight Touma.” **Shakes head and walks away.**

Touma: “Goodnight Touma. Hey! Wait a minute why did I have to...? Oh never mind.” ** He throws up his hands in defeat.** “Just leave a review okay? Well gotta run... See ya!” **Waves to you as he walks away.**

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