Please don’t sue me, I can’t afford it! I don’t own the Troopers (gosh darn it!) or anything affiliated with them.

Warning: YAOI!! LEMON SCENES ARE EMINENT!! You have been warned! Highly graphic Seiji and Touma Hentainess! We all know how much our boys LOVE to PLAY!!

This Chapter is dedicated to all those who have read this story... Domo Arigato! The lemon scene is dedicated to Hiruma! You rock girl! If it wasn’t for her I may have given up on this story ages ago. Thank You Hiruma, for all that you have done... Here’s to many more wonderful stories featuring the hottest duo ever to come out of Anime!!


Test of the Hearts

By Wildefyre


Chapter 14

From This Moment On



I do swear that I’ll always be there.

I’d give anything and everything and I will always care.

Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow

For better, for worse, I will love you with every beat of my heart.


“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you.” Touma smiled when he found Seiji in the kitchen sipping a cup of tea. “People are asking for you.” He said as he walked up to put his arms around the blonde’s waist.

/// Just as they had predicted, Nasuti and Ryo insisted on throwing a reception of sorts for Seiji and Touma after they had found out about the two and their life commitment. Of course both men tried to get out of it, but then Ming and Lorelei got wind of it, the three women made it their mission to throw the ‘mother’ of all parties as they had so boldly called it.

Actually it didn’t turn out too bad since they had kept the guests to just close family and friends, people who knew about Seiji and Touma and the relationship they shared. Of course Seiji and Touma did amass quite a few friends and so both men insisted on having final say over the guest list, which the girls were happy to agree with. ///

“Gomen, I just needed a break from all those people.” Seiji’s eyes sparkled as he looked into the face of his love. “I was feeling a little overwhelmed with that crowd. Granted they are friends and family, but still...” Seiji’s voice trailed off and he sighed.

“I had almost forgotten that you don’t like large crowds.” He brushed his lips over Seiji’s softly. “God I love you.” He whispered against the swordsman’s mouth. How good it felt to be in his arms and feeling their strength, knowing that they were now together for life. For the first time in a long time, Touma felt content.

“I love you too Touma, very much.” Seiji kissed Touma, pulling the archer close, moaning softly as Touma’s tongue slipped past his lips to explore the inside of his mouth. Seiji’s own tongue dueled with his briefly before settling down and guiding the other within the confines of his mouth. “Mmmm.” Seiji felt a sense of emptiness when the kiss broke and Touma’s lips left his.

“Don’t fret, there’s plenty more where that came from.” Touma smiled and brushed a hand over his cheek. “There’s a whole lot more in fact.”

“God I hope so!” Seiji smiled sweetly. “We should be careful though, there are kids running around and we don’t want to scar them for life should they see two men making like bunnies in a kitchen.”

“Don’t blame me because you are so desirable.” Touma smirked. “I can’t help it if I can’t keep my lips and my hands off of you.” Touma began a trail of small kisses over Seiji’s jaw line to his neck. Kissing down his neck, he pushed the material of his collar aside to suckle the tender flesh lying under it.

“Oh God Touma, if you keep that up I may wind up making love to you right here on the kitchen floor.” Seiji panted slightly as his skin began to tingle wherever Touma’s lips touched.

“Oh won’t that make for a Kodak moment!” Touma laughed against his throat causing Seiji to shiver. “I wonder who will have the honors this time of viewing the Golden Hinny?”

“You just won’t let me forget that day... Will you?” Seiji framed Touma’s face with his hands and brushed his lips over the soft flesh. “I guess Lors won’t forget it either. The whole thing probably scarred her for life.” Seiji laughed at the memory. Pulling Touma into his arms and hugging him tightly, he sighed into soft indigo hair.

“You think?” Touma chuckled. “So are you ready to blow this party and head out on our vacation?” Touma asked while taking in the light scent of Seiji’s cologne. “God you smell good. I could stay like this all day.” Touma leaned into him, keeping their bodies as close as possible.

“Anxious to leave huh?” Seiji kissed his temple then nuzzled his face in soft blue hair. “I have to agree though, having you close to me like this is something I never tire of.” Seiji whispered against his temple, smiling when the form in his arms trembled slightly.

“I want to get you alone so I can have my way with you. I want to strip you of these clothes and then I want to lick my way down this gorgeous body of yours.” Touma chuckled when he heard Seiji gasp. “I want to deep throat you, suckling until you scream my name as you climax, savoring your sweet taste... Then I want to...”

“Touma!” Seiji called out to him, cutting him off. “You’re turning me on talking like that... God I’m getting aroused just picturing you doing those things!” Seiji’s violet eyes were changing colors as his passions were taking over.

“So I feel.” Touma pressed his hips against the blonde’s letting him know that he wasn’t alone. “That’s Good though cause I want you so hot and bothered, you won’t be able to think straight once we begin making love. I want the walls down and you just letting go.” Touma began to once again kiss the flesh that lined the side of the swordsman’s neck.

“Are you saying what I think you are saying?” Seiji looked into his eyes, smiling when he saw how dark they were becoming. He knew the archer was becoming aroused, he could feel it as well and it couldn’t have pleased him more. “I mean we haven’t yet... I’ve been waiting until you were ready.” Seiji searched his face for the confirmation he needed.

“Seiji I want to make love to you, I want you to make love to me... I need you so badly. I think that it‘s time we start getting on with our lives.” Touma began his assault on Seiji’s neck once again. He was happy when Seiji tilted his head back allowing Touma access to the soft flash on his throat. “God you taste so good.” Touma remarked, already getting breathless.

“I want you too Touma, so very much.” Seiji reached down and cupped the archer’s chin with his fingers. “I want you to be sure though.” He spoke softly. They still had not made love, even after Touma’s results came back negative. Touma had been going to therapy in hopes of helping him to overcome his problems and fears and it was helping according to the archer. He had come to terms with many of the issues plaguing him and had learned to put them to rest, finally.

“I couldn’t be any surer then I am right now Seiji. I’m ready to put the past behind me and begin a fresh life with my life mate... With you.” Touma reached down and entwined his fingers with the blonde’s. “Let’s go and say our goodbyes and get going. I don‘t want to waste another minute of our lives together being apart and worrying about what happened in the past. We have the chance to start over again and that‘s something not a lot of people ever get.”

“Hai!” Seiji replied. He wanted nothing more then to take his lover away and spend a few days with just him. That was something they had not been able to do, having 2 children made that a little difficult. Most days Seiji was so tired from working at the hospital and then coming home to tend to his daughter, that he would fall into bed at night totally spent

“We have to make sure that Lorelei and Shin have everything they need to take care of Tyler and Skylar and then we can go, if that‘s what you want.” Seiji replied as he gave his lover a slow kiss. Both men headed back outside to where the party was being held. As they turned the corner to where everyone was, Seiji froze in his tracks, blinking several times in order to make sure he was seeing things correctly.

“Seiji? Isn’t that...?” Touma began.

“...My grandfather?” Seiji finished the statement for him. “I... I don’t believe it... Yet there he is!” Seiji could only stand there and watch his grandfather who was on his hands and knees and giving Hana a horsy ride. “D... Did he just neigh?”

“I think so.” Touma stated, just as shocked over the scene, as Seiji seemed to be. “Either your grandfather is going crazy or we are.”

“Would you just look at him? He’s having the time of his life!” Seiji jumped at the sound of his mother’s voice.

“Mother what’s gotten into him? Has he been drinking too much Sake?” Seiji asked, still in a total state of shock... He had never seen his grandfather like this in all his life. “I mean no offense mother, but...” Seiji watched in disbelief as Hana got off his grandfather’s back and Toushiba got on.

“I think the kids are making him feel alive and young again.” Seiji’s mother threaded her arm through his as she giggled at the whole scene. “He’s happy Seiji and that’s all that truly matters.”

Seiji nodded as he took Touma’s hand in his and raised it to his lips, kissing it lightly he smiled at the archer. “I agree mother.” Seiji was even surprised at how lighthearted his mother was, she was giggling like a schoolgirl, something she rarely ever did.

“Ni-chan! Come on we’re going to get a family photo taken!” Satsuki ran and grabbed his arm and her mother’s arm. One by one the Dates lined up, Seiji was in the middle with his mother and father on either end, Satsuki and Yayoi stood next to their father while Seiji’s grandfather stood besides his daughter.

“Wait!” Sensei Date called out. “Touma get over here and stand with your koibito, you’re part of this family now.” Seiji gasped softly over the words his grandfather spoke. To hear him being called koibito, well now Seiji was sure his grandfather had either lost it or had too much Sake.

Touma shyly walked over to Seiji who smiled warmly and then placed his arm around Touma’s waist as he stood next to him. “Not yet!” Sensei Date said and then grabbed Skylar from Lorelei’s arms. It was when he took Tyler from Shin that everyone stood in stunned silence. “I can’t forget my great grandchildren!” He announced and then smiled over at Seiji and Touma.

“Okay... I am about to cry Seiji. Then I will wind up looking like a total fool in front of your family. They‘ll call me ‘Wimpy’ for sure.” Touma leaned in and whispered to him. Seiji only chuckled softly as flashes from cameras blinded them, the tears stood in Seiji’s eyes as he smiled, and then he turned to plant a soft kiss on Touma’s lips. Touma could only look at him, slightly shocked at Seiji’s openness.

“God can’t you save that for when you two are alone and behind closed doors!” Yayoi said with disgust as they began disbanding. “That is just so unnatural! Two men should NOT be kissing like that, and especially NOT in public.” She watched as Seiji pushed the lock of hair from his right eye in order to glare at her. “Oh stop it brother dear, that doesn’t work with me and you know it. I meant what I said... You’re a disgrace to this family.”

“Yayoi!” Sensei Date’s voice boomed. He had heard his granddaughter’s remark and quickly took action. “You will apologize to your brother and to Touma, this instant!” He instructed. Yayoi knew better then to disobey him and she bowed to show her understanding.

“Gomen nasai.” She said and then quickly walked off, mumbling under her breath. Well I refuse to treat him like family, it is not proper and that is all there is to it. It is distasteful to even think about it and then grandfather invites him and his bastard son to stand with us for a family portrait... How humiliating.

Well Seiji, don’t expect me to except him with open arms, in fact if I had anything to do with it, he would be exiled from this family and so would you. You have done nothing but to bring shame to the Date name... I’ll change that someday, mark my words. Standing by a tree she watched her brother and his lover, along with her grandfather as the anger seared through her.

“Touma, I apologize for my granddaughter’s behavior, it was not how a Date acts.” He said as he handed the babies over to the two of them.

“It’s okay Sensei Date. I wasn’t offended. I‘ve gotten use to such comments, it sort of comes with the territory.” Touma replied shyly, lowering his gaze as he cradled his son.

“Well you should be, that was uncalled for... It may have taken me awhile to get use to all this, but I also know that people should respect one another and their convictions.” He explained. “Oh and please, for now on call me grandfather.” He smiled and started to coo over the babies. Touma’s head shot up to stare at him. “Don’t act so surprised Touma-san, you are my grandson’s life mate and that makes you a part of this family.” He said, never taking his eyes off of Skylar and Tyler.

“Domo arigato gozaimasu grandfather, for accepting Touma. It means a lot to me. I now it hasn‘t been easy on you, and for that I apologize. Gomen nasai.” Seiji found himself overcome with emotions and did something he couldn’t ever recall doing before... He kissed his grandfather’s cheek before hugging him.

“Well it would seem that we both have matured.” Sensei Date smiled. “Your happiness is more important then my stubborn pride Seiji, it’s taken me a long time to realize that. You showed great honor when you heeded the family’s call to duty, leaving Touma to take a wife and to bear a Date heir. That is more then most men would have done. You had a choice, to stay true to your heart or to the traditions of this family and you choose the latter. Thank you.” He looked at both men and felt that what he was seeing was more then right, it was fate...

These two were destined for each other and I had no right to stand in their way. “You showed to me that your family’s wishes were more important then your heart’s true desire and I commend you for that. I apologize for causing you both so much pain.” He bowed to Seiji and then to Touma.

“Grandfather? If anyone showed courage, it was Touma here. He never gave up on me... On us, despite everything that I had put him through and all that he had to endure from others. He’s the one who kept me strong.” Seiji looked over to see Touma’s cheeks staining pink as he spoke about him.

“Either way, I am honored to have you as part of this family Touma-san. Now if you will excuse me I promised some kids a story.” He winked at them as he trotted off.

“Well that was interesting and a little weird.” Touma remarked as he kissed his son who had fallen asleep in his arms. “Looks like two kids are worn out.” Touma smiled when he saw that Skylar had fallen asleep as well.

“Tell you what... Let’s get these two down for naps and then get out of here. I think I have had enough shocks to last me a lifetime.” Seiji’s smiled, rubbing his cheek against his daughter’s as she rested her head on his shoulder. “My sleeping beauty... Though I’m going to make sure that you’re prince charming is worthy of you before I allow you out of my sight.”

“Seiji, the over protective father... Now that’s a wild thought.” Touma laughed when Seiji gave him a playful growl. “Hey I was going to add that I would be shocked if you were anything but over protective. So there!” Touma stuck out his tongue at Seiji as both men headed for the house.


From this moment life has begun

From this moment you are the one

Right beside you is where I belong

From this moment on

“So are you going to tell me now where we are going?” Touma asked as he fidgeted in his seat. They had been driving for quite some time and he still had no clue as to their final destination. This is what I get for telling Seiji to surprise me... Why on earth did I do that knowing it would drive me insane not knowing?

“Patients grasshopper, you will know when we get there.” Seiji chuckled at the look Touma was giving him. “Come on... Where’s your sense of adventure?” He added then reached over to pat a jean clad thigh.

“Seiji I have had more then enough adventures over the past year and a half to last me a lifetime, don’t even ask for more!” Touma slumped down in his seat and then a mischievous smile spread across his face, which did not go unnoticed by Seiji.

“Okay what are you thinking? Better yet... What are you up to? I know that look Touma-san and I also know it usually means trouble... For me.” Seiji glanced over him, a little worried at what the archer could possibly have up his sleeve.

“Just try and avoid driving near vehicles higher then this one. Actually try to avoid driving beside or near any vehicles.” Touma smiled. Loosening his seatbelt he scooted closer to Seiji and his hand began to trail up the blonde’s thigh, inching ever so higher. He smiled at the feel of the muscles beneath his hand. Seiji had powerful legs and Touma loved it, especially when they were wrapped around his waist.

“Touma! You’re not going to... HAI!!” Seiji jumped as Touma began to slowly massage his length, bringing it to life rather quickly. “Oh God Touma you’ll cause me to have an accident.” Seiji could feel the heat of Touma’s hand through his pants and it only served to increase his desire for him.

“Just keep the cruise control on and like I said, don’t steer near any other vehicles... Touma wants to play.” He smiled as he began to unfasten Seiji’s belt and then his jeans. “God I love how you look in denim... it shows your erection quite nicely.” Touma traced it’s outline with his fingers before leaning down and blowing hot air through the fabric, causing Seiji to moan from the sensation on his sex. He did that several times until he felt that Seiji was completely erect.

Seiji did his best to slide down in his seat slightly and spread his legs a bit, giving Touma better access to what the archer wanted. He let out a small gasp as cool fingers reached inside and teased the tip of his length making it twitch and throb. “God Touma please do it love.” He pleaded as he tried to keep his focus on the road. Luckily for them, he was about to turn off the main highway and onto a smaller less traveled road.

“You’re wish is my command oh great one.” Touma fought against the restrictive material of Seiji‘s jeans, almost wishing now that Seiji had stayed in his dress slacks, which would have been easier to get around. After a few moments and a few choice words Touma had Seiji’s sex freed enough to enjoy. Licking his lips, Touma dipped down to flick his tongue across the tip of Seiji’s sex, moaning softly as he explored the slit and was rewarded with a drop of Seiji’s essence. It had been much too long since he had had the pleasure of doing this to Seiji and now all he wanted was to taste the swordsman and all he had to offer.

Seiji wanted desperately to close his eyes but fought against the urge, the effects Touma’s tongue were having on his sex were maddening. “Oh God Touma, it feels so good... Please Tou I need those lips wrapped around me in the worst of ways.” He punctuated his point by arching his hips up as far as he could, hoping to push past the sweet lips still teasing the tip. He growled in frustration when Touma moved with his hips keeping his mouth just at the tip and no further.

Touma chuckled softly as he forced Seiji back into his seat. “Weren’t you the one who said something about being patient?” Touma arched his eyebrow as he stared up into passion filled eyes. “Don’t worry. I may tease but I aim to please.” He smiled when Seiji laughed and then just as quickly Seiji’s laugh turned into a moan that filled the car’s interior.

Touma wrapped moist lips around Seiji’s length and slid him all the way in until his nose was being tickled by golden curls. Sliding back up the length, his tongue molded to the one side while bright white teeth gently scraped the other.

“Oh Shit Touma! A few more of those and I am going to lose it for sure... You have me so horny I could scream.” Seiji took his one hand off the steering wheel momentarily to brush blue hair out of the way. Glancing down quickly he watched as his length once again disappeared between pink lips. If there had been a way, he would have had Touma impaled on his length and riding him by now but for now he would have to be content with this.

Involuntarily Seiji began to buck his hips, matching Touma’s motion as best as he could. As the archer increased the suction, so did Seiji’s need to empty his seed into the heated cavity. He was rapidly losing control as Touma expertly work his length.

Realizing just how close he was getting, Seiji pulled over to the side of the road. It was getting dark now and with no traffic in sight, he felt it was best rather then risk getting into an accident. Try explaining that one to the police. ‘Sorry officer but my lover was giving me the blow job of a lifetime and well I lost control... Of the car as well.’

Putting the car in park but leaving the engine running, Seiji used both hands to keep Touma’s hair from blocking his view. He reclined his seat back slightly so he could stretch out better and then watched as his lover performed his magic.

“Yes Touma... Oh God I’m so close... Keep it up. Feels so good, so wonderful.” Seiji’s breath quickened as he forced his eyes to stay open and watch. Seiji caressed silky hair with his fingers as he lost himself in the heat of the archer’s mouth.

Touma’s head bobbed up and down on his sex, stopping once in a while to tease the slit and drink of the juices that flowed from it, all of which brought Seiji even closer to the edge. Seiji’s breathing quickened and the grip he had on Touma’s hair tightened slightly as Seiji whispered Touma’s name over and over. He wanted the burn to end; it was all becoming too much for him. “Please Touma...” Seiji whispered, panting as sweat caused his bangs to lay plastered against his face.

Sensing Seiji’s need Touma decided it was time to finish the swordsman off. In one finally motion, Touma plunged his mouth downward until Seiji’s sex touched the back of his throat, he knew the swordsman well enough to know that that act alone would send the blond over the edge.

Seiji cried out unable to hold back any longer and threw his head back against the headrest; his eyes fluttered shut as he bucked his hips one last time... The feel of his sex touching the back of Touma’s throat was more then he could stand. “TOUMA!” Seiji scream and then in a blinding haze of white came hard, spilling his seed into and down his lover’s throat.

His whole body seemed to be on fire as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through him. Trying desperately to catch his breath, Seiji sat there still tingling, while Touma licked him clean before replacing his length back into its resting place. Once he had the blond zipped, buttoned and belted he planted a kiss on the area as if to seal everything.

“Delicious!” Touma smiled as he sat up and kissed Seiji. The swordsman in a flash grabbed Touma kissing him hard and hungrily pushed his tongue past the moist lips to taste himself still lingering within and still warm. All Touma could do was moan as he melted into the kiss, knowing that he had started a fire within his lover that would smolder and build slowly until it was burning with desire.

Seiji wasn’t sure he could hold out until they reached their destination before ridding himself and Touma of their clothes and pleasuring each other but he knew he had to. He wanted this first time, after not making love to his mate in such a long time, to be special.

Breaking the kiss, Seiji pushed back silken locks of hair from Touma’s face. “I need you more then I could possibly say Touma. That was just fantastic and now I want more. More of those lips, those hands and God yes, that body.” Seiji’s voice was filled with lust and his eyes burned with passion as he looked at Touma. “I want us to make love as often as possible while on this vacation; I have a lot of time to make up for. I was a fool to ever let you go... Such a fool.” Seiji choked back the tears threatening to spill out. He was caught up in the emotions of it all, and quickly kissed Touma to keep himself from breaking down.

“We were both fools Seiji. Who knows? Maybe we needed that break so we could find our way back to each other and be stronger then we were before. Some good things did come out of that time we spent apart... A beautiful little girl and a dashing little boy... Our children. They are so precious to me... To us.” Touma kissed him softly. “I mean, God Seiji we have kids, our own flesh and blood... They are our miracles.” Touma wiped at the tears standing in his eyes.

“You’re right Touma... Our children have made our mistakes a little easier to bear. We just have to make sure that we never see them as reminders of that... They are not to blame for what we did.” Seiji kissed him back, finally allowing his own tears to fall. “God you are so desirable, I just can’t keep my hands off of you. I am ridding you of these clothes as soon as we get there... I need to see that body that I have missed, it‘s been way too long.”

Well then you had better drive on or we may never get there... My Light Knight.” Touma smirked.

“Light Knight? Where the hell did that come from?” Seiji laughed and shook his head as he put the car in drive and pulled back onto the road.

“Hehe... You like it? I made it up! Of course knight is spelled with a ‘K’, and that’s what you are... And... Being the warrior of light and all... Aura actually but hey it’s still light. That makes you my Light Knight.” Touma smiled proudly as he leaned over to rest his head on Seiji’s shoulder. “You are my Light Knight... And when it’s dark you can be my Knight Light.” He laughed hard when Seiji groaned loudly over his joke.

“You! My Star Shine, are just too much! Knight Light indeed!” Seiji laughed as he turned off onto an even smaller road. “We’re almost there. I’d say another thirty minutes should do it.” Seiji was just so overjoyed to hear Touma joking around; it was one of the many things he had missed during their time apart.

“I guess there’s no where to grab a quick bite to eat is there?” Touma asked when his stomach began to growl.

“But you just ate Touma-san.” Seiji gave him a quick glance, smiling and laughing softly. “That wasn’t enough for you?”

“Very funny! I’m laughing... On the inside over that one. As much as I enjoyed that liquid diet, my body needs some real substance or I may not have enough energy to screw your brains out.” Touma shot back.

“Oh we can’t have that now can we.” Seiji played along, enjoying the way they had fallen back into their little quirks. “Relax there’s a restaurant about a quarter mile up the road. A real mom and pop all-night diner I believe.” Seiji reached out to lace his fingers with Touma’s.

“I love you Seiji... More then anything.” Touma’s voice became serious as he brought Seiji‘s hand up to kiss each finger. They were finally on their way to a lifetime together and he couldn’t have been any happier.

“I love you too Touma... With all my heart.” Seiji leaned over to kiss Touma. “Now let’s go and grab a bite to eat then be on our way again. I want to get there before I’m too tired to play.”

“So where are we spending it?” Touma asked quickly.

“Touma! Don’t even try it!” Seiji replied quickly knowing that Touma was still bent on trying to get it out of him where they going.

“Boy you needn’t bite my head off! I was... Just testing you. Yeah that’s it... Making sure you knew where you were going.” Seiji just reached over and ruffled his hair before pulling into the parking lot of the diner.

“Well? You hungry or what?” Seiji watched as Touma’s eyes transfixed on something. Following his gaze he saw that it was the sky that held his attention. “They look even brighter tonight.” He said as he walked around the car to stand with the archer.

“They are! They are putting on their best show tonight just for us.” Touma looked at him and smiled.

Putting his arms around Touma’s waist he kissed him softly. “They approve of us don’t they?” Seiji smiled when Touma nodded his head. “Let’s go eat. I‘m kind of hungry myself.” Seiji took Touma’s hand and led him towards the diner, smiling at how the sparkle in Touma’s eyes matched the heaven’s to which he was attached.


From this moment I have been blessed

I live only for your happiness

And for your love I’d give my last breath

From this moment on

“Shin?” Lorelei said softly as she sat next to her husband who was dozing on the sofa. Her heart seemed to skip a beat, realizing how handsome he was and how lucky she was to have him.

“W... What? Is something wrong?” Shin asked, trying to shake the sleep from his mind. He looked at Lorelei unable to read her expression. “What is it sweetheart?”

“Shin? Remember this morning when I had that errand to run? Well it was more then just an everyday errand.” Lorelei twisted her hands as they rested in her lap.

“Okay... What was it for then?” Shin sat up; looking at his wife and just a little worried when he saw her nervousness.

“I went to see Dr Shikato... I had made the appointment awhile back.” She hung her head. Lorelei had always been very open and honest with Shin and now she felt bad knowing that she had withheld information from him.

“That’s your OB/GYN! What’s wrong? Lors, please tell me.” Shin cupped her chin and forced her head up, seeing the tears standing in her eyes caused his heart to beat faster. “Lorelei please, if there’s something wrong you need to tell me sweetheart.” Shin took the hands that she held out for him.

“Right after the holidays I realized that I was late...” Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she looked into his eyes. “Shin... I’m pregnant. I’ve known for quite some time now but I wanted to wait to make sure everything was okay before telling you.”

“Y... You’re pregnant? H... How far? Oh God Lorelei why didn’t you tell me?” Shin could feel his own eyes stinging with tears. He felt his heart filling with joy and love while at the same time he couldn’t shake the fear rising up.

“I’m almost 12 weeks. I wanted to tell you Shin... I really did.” She started sobbing as she spoke. “I wanted to make sure that this baby was okay... The other pregnancies that occurred naturally all ended between 10 and 12 weeks. Every time I miscarried I saw what it did to you. I watched as a small part of you died with our babies and I couldn’t put you through that again.” Her small frame shook with her sobs and teardrops splashed against Shin’s shirt. “I couldn’t hurt you again, I’m so sorry.”

“Oh God Lorelei, you should have told me... You didn’t have to go through this alone.” He held her in his arms as they cried. “I won’t lie to you... Sure it hurt when we lost the others, but we dealt with it together as we should have. I want to be here for you, but you can‘t hide these things from me. What if you would have...? You know, miscarried? I wouldn‘t have known what was happening.” He kissed the top of her head.

“I know Shin and I am so sorry. It’s just that the last one seemed to hit you the hardest and it tore me up inside to see you in so much pain.” She cried into his shoulder. “You didn’t eat right or sleep well for several weeks and that scared the hell out of me. I kept thinking that I had failed you... I knew how badly you wanted children.”

Forcing her to look at him, Shin reached out to dab at her tears. “Sweetheart, that last one was a tubular pregnancy. Your own life was at risk... Had that burst I could have lost you. That’s why it shook me up so much. We already knew the pregnancy had to be terminated, I was scared out of my wits that you would die as well.” Shin pushed her hair back and kissed her. “You have never failed me, don’t ever think that way. I am proud of you and all that you have accomplished.” His sea green eyes sparkled with moisture as he looked at her.

“I’m sorry Shin... Please don’t hate me for this. I just wanted to spare you from that heartache again.” She kissed him back and then planted several small kisses over his face. “I love you so much, and I’d give anything to you to make you happy, you know that.”

“Honey I don’t hate you... Gosh I never could do that. You are my life and soul.” He stroked her check. “H... How is the baby?” He was almost afraid to ask.

“It’s fine... In fact Dr Shikato said that this pregnancy looks like it will go to term, he saw none of the signs that caused me to miscarry in the past.” Her face brightened right before she frowned. “He also said that after this it was probably wise that I not risk getting pregnant anymore.” Her tears began flowing once more. Knowing she would never have another child and never know the joy of carrying a living being inside of her again hurt more then anything.

“I know that’s hard to accept Lorelei, but we both know why. Sweetheart even so, you have blessed me with 2 beautiful children all ready and now we’re going to have another.” His eyes twinkled as he looked into her face. Then he looked at her seriously and just slightly concerned. “Uhm Lors? There is only one... Right? Not that I wouldn’t want two more, it’s just that you had enough problems carrying Hana and Toushiba. I just don’t want to see you go through that again.”

“It’s just one baby; at least they hope so. They used an ultra sound to check on everything that’s why it took me so long this morning. They took their time and couldn’t see any others... So I’m pretty sure it is just one. Now they couldn’t tell what its sex but they said we could take a look in few more weeks.” Lorelei leaned into kiss Shin. “Shin? I love you. I love our children and I love this baby we‘re going to have... My life is complete.”

“I love you too... I just wish I had known, then maybe we would have thought twice about looking after Skylar and Tyler.” Shin remarked. “I don’t want you over doing it.”

“I have got that all taken care of, so don’t you worry my sweet Shin.” She playfully bopped him on the nose as she wiped at her tears. “I talked to Mrs. Date today and Satsuki is going to come by tomorrow and stay until Seiji and Touma return. Satsuki was elated to help, in fact Seiji’s mom and I had to make sure that she didn’t blow the secret too soon.”

“Good, cause I want you to rest as much as possible.” Shin pulled Lorelei closer, and laid his head on hers. “All I want is what’s best for you. You’re my life and I couldn’t take it if something happened to you.

“I would have told you this afternoon, but I didn’t want to take away from Seiji and Touma’s special moment... I’m sorry for keeping this from you.” Lorelei reached over to lightly run her hand across his chest.

“That’s okay. I understand why you did it. I just want to make sure that we have a healthy baby and that is going to start now. I love you for going through this again, I know it must not be easy.” Shin stood up and scooped her up into his arms. “And now my sweet, it‘s time for bed.”

“Shin Mori! Don’t you dare start treating me like a china doll!” Lorelei scolded him. “I’m quite capable of doing things for myself.” She hated it when Shin did that... As much as she adored his caring nature, Shin did have a tendency to over react, though he’d never admit to it. “I know what I can and cannot do... We’ve been down this road before.”

“Who said I was doing that? I know how strong of a person you are, I‘ve seen that inner strength many times love.” He arched his eyebrow at her, his eyes sparkled and a smile graced his face. “Unless the doctor has restricted you, I was planning to take you to bed to make love to you... I want my best friend, my wife and the mother of my children in the worse possible way.” He kissed her deeply.

“Oooo! Are you sure you can handle all three?” Lorelei laughed. “Other then taking it easy... No heavy lifting, not being on my feet all day and well into the night, there are no restrictions as of right now... So I can make love till the cows come home... Or until we wear ourselves out, whichever comes first.”

“I don’t know if you get that warped sense of humor from Touma or if he gets it from you... But it’s driving me insane!” Shin laughed as Lorelei stuck out her tongue at him. Carrying her into the bedroom, he gently laid her down.

Shin then crawled onto the bed, staying on his hands and knees as he straddled her body. Leaning in he captured her lips, tasting their sweetness. Lorelei moaned into the kiss and her hands came up to tangle in auburn locks. It was the sound of a baby wailing that broke the kiss.

“I am thoroughly convinced that children are born with built in radar.” Shin said as he rested his head against her shoulder. “Beep, beep, beep, beep... Attention! Attention everyone! Adults locked in a tender moment in bedroom... Time to cry!” He spoke in a tiny baby voice. Shin could feel the body under him shaking as Lorelei started laughing. His own green eyes were alive with mischief as well.

“Oh God Shin that’s just too funny! That chibi voice is adorable! Guess that warped sense of humor has grown on you.” She laughed harder. “Wait until I tell Touma this one... That oughta have him rolling on the floor.”

“That’s the scary part! Knowing you and Smurfy will have a good laugh over this.” He smiled. “Let me go see what is needed and I’ll be back in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.” He couldn’t help but laugh as Lorelei got caught in a giggling fit. “Now I know I am hanging around Touma way too much!”

“Oh but it makes you that much more adorable my little fishy.” She began giggling even more as he shook his head and laughed himself.

“Silly goose! I’ll be back... Don’t you move.” He got up but not before kissing her softly. “That’s just an appetizer, the main entree will be next.”

“Oh and what’s for dessert?” She smirked.

“Me! In fact I‘m the whole meal!” Shin smiled and quickly slipped out of the room. Lorelei laid there rubbing her stomach. This baby has got to make it to term this time; I want so much to do this for Shin. He loves children so much... Please let me give him this baby.

Tears sprang up in her eyes and she tried to wipe them away before Shin could see. While everything was okay thus far, the Dr was still a little concerned. He wasn’t sure if her uterus could handle another pregnancy and had even gone as far as to suggest terminating the pregnancy. Lorelei made it known that that was not an option... There’s no way I could do that. How could he even ask me? I love my children... I love my baby.

She was determined to carry this child to term. While she may have done it with the twins, they were her miracles, she knew that medically technology had played a vital role in their conception... The embryos had even been tested to make sure that they were strong and healthy before she had been impregnated with them.

I have to prove I can do this, without medical intervention. If I can’t then maybe I don’t deserve to be a mother. Lorelei heard Shin’s approach and composed herself, smiling when he walked in.


I give my hand to you with al my heart

Can’t wait to live my life with you

Can’t wait to start

You and I will never be apart

My dreams came true because of you

Seiji pulled up the long dirt driveway, smiling to himself when he had noticed that Touma had fallen asleep. “So much like an angel. I swear Touma, you must have been sent by the heavens to bring such joy into my life.” He said softly.

Pulling to a stop, Seiji got out to stretch his legs. Taking in a deep breath, he sighed, the air was crisp and clear and there wasn’t a soul to be had for miles. He and Touma would have all the privacy they could ever want or need.

Deciding to allow Touma a few more minutes of rest, Seiji began unloading the luggage and taking it inside the cabin he had rented for their getaway. Though it wasn’t any old cabin, this was more like a luxury home, spacious, beautiful and with everything they needed for the next 5 days.

/// After much debate, he and Touma had decided that a few days alone with no other people around, was what they really wanted for their vacation. A chance for them to rediscover each other and all that had strayed from them during their separation. Of course Touma had allowed Seiji to pick the place, wanting to be surprised by his choice.

That didn’t stop the archer from trying to get Seiji to tell him where they were going though. In fact Touma even resorted to giving Seiji the more breathtaking of looks just to get out of him the information he sought. Seiji held fast even though it wasn’t easy. ///

Once he had taken all of the luggage inside, Seiji opened the passenger door to wake up his sleeping lover. Thoughts of what Touma had done to him earlier floated into his mind and his skin began to tingle. Gently, Seiji traced Touma’s facial features with his fingertips and he smiled when a soft sigh escaped the archer’s lips. Leaning in, Seiji planted a small kiss on those exact lips, then began a trail of them over the sleeping form’s face. Seiji desired every inch of Touma, every line, every crease... The total package.

“Touma-san? Time to wake up, we’re here.” Seiji whispered near his ear before lightly nibbling on it, then sucking gently on the end of his earlobe.

“Jest a few more minutes... S’tired.” Touma said, smacking his lips and squirming to get a little more comfortable. Seiji just looked at him, surprised before smiling. “Some things will never change.”

“Touma? Wake up love and then you can go inside to a warm bed.” Seiji laughed softly. He kept up his assault on Touma’s features as his hand rubbed a thigh, inching up higher each time. Slowly he began tracing the slight bulge that was forming in Touma’s jeans. “Well maybe this will wake you then.” Seiji dipped his head down and began blowing on the spot his fingers had only moments ago traced.

“OH GOD!” Touma shouted, coming awake fully, startled by the feeling of Seiji’s hot breath on his length, even if it were through the denim material. “Now that’s what I call a wake up call.” He smiled as Seiji nibbled lightly on the material and what lay beneath it. “You can wake me like this any day... Any day at all.”

“I thought you’d want to sleep inside on a bed rather then out here in the car.” Seiji smiled as he straightened up and then leaned closer to the archer.

“That would be good.” Touma smiled as he drew the blond in for a lingering kiss. Running his tongue across Seiji’s soft lips, Touma was happy when they parted for him. Tongues dueled, explored and tasted before the need to breathe caused them to part. “God I love kissing you.”

“Well then let’s get inside and you may just get more.” Seiji nibbled his nose before taking his hand.

“Uh Seiji? Just one question... Where are we?” Touma asked as he looked around. “There’s nothing here other then that cabin and that‘s a big cabin too!” Touma exclaimed as he looked at the place, which looked more like a luxury home then his version of a cabin in the woods.

“Exactly my dear Touma, we are in the middle of nowhere. You said you wanted to get away and not be around other people.” Seiji smiled and turned to capture the archer within his arms. “It’s just you, me and nature... I hope this pleases you.”

“Oh it does... No one to bug us, what more could I ask for? Though if you give me a few I may come up with something.” Touma leaned in to once again kiss the lips he so adored. “So how did you find out about this place?”

“A doctor I work with, his family owns this cabin and the land... They were kind enough to rent it out to me for a few days.” Seiji pulled Touma closer, burying his face into indigo hair; he closed his eyes and smiled. “They were even kind enough to stock the pantry and add a few extras just for us.”

“Oh I can just imagine what those extras could be.” Touma shivered when he felt Seiji’s warm breath on his scalp.

“Why don’t we go inside to get settled in and then you‘ll see.” Seiji lifted Touma’s chin with his fingers and brushed his lips over the archer’s. “The inside is gorgeous, I think you’ll really like this place.”

“That sounds like a good plan.” Touma’s breathing was a little erratic as his heart began beating a little faster. He couldn’t believe how nervous he was feeling, this would be the first time they would be making love since that night when Seiji had raped him. Touma only hoped that he could do this without allowing those memories to corrupt the tenderness that was forming between the two. I have to remember that it’s over with, that part of my life is done... This is a new beginning. Seiji and I both did things that others would have never recovered from, but we survived. That goes to show how much we were meant to be.

“Hey whatever it is, we’ll deal with it together.” Seiji saw the look on Touma’s face and knew he was feeling conflicting emotions. Seiji also knew that if this were to be a success he would have to take it slow. Touma may have seemed like he was ready but the tension he felt in the archer told him differently. We’ll get there but only if we take it one step at a time. He thought.

Not wishing to dampen the mood, Touma forced a smile. “Yeah, together.” He kissed the blond and then smirked. “So who carries whom over the threshold? Maybe I carry you then come out here so you can carry me?”

“I’ve got a better idea, let’s just walk in... Silly!” Seiji laughed then kissed the archer’s nose.

Touma acted as though he was disappointed but soon took Seiji’s hand as they headed for the door. Looking up, Touma caught sight of a shooting star, closing his eyes he quickly made his wish. Please let tonight be as magical for us as your heavens are for you.

“I hope your wish comes true Touma-san.” Seiji whispered from behind as his arms slipped around the trim waist of the archer. Touma leaned back against the warm body, smiling when he felt soft lips touching his neck. Seiji kissed and suckled on the flesh, enjoying the soft sounds his lover was making. “You’re everything I have ever wanted in a mate Touma and I love you for the strength and courage you have shown throughout this past year and a half.”

Turning to face Seiji, Touma placed his hands on either side of the swordsman’s face. “I couldn’t have done it without the love and strength you gave to me for all those years. Thank you.” Touma looked into Seiji’s eyes and literally felt his breath being taken away as their faces drew closer until lips touched. The kiss was sweet and sensual, Seiji’s hands rubbed Touma’s back as Touma held fast to Seiji’s hips before bringing their bodies closer.

Touma moaned into the sweet mouth when he felt Seiji’s growing erection brush his own, sending tiny charges of electricity through every nerve ending. Instinctively he began to rotate his hips as the kiss broke and Seiji’s lips trailed down over his jaw to his neck. Throwing his head back, Touma sighed as Seiji’s lips worked over his throat arousing him even more.

“Inside... Now... Please?” Touma pleaded breathlessly. Without stopping his assault on the archer’s neck, Seiji began backing up, pulling Touma with him. Reaching back, Seiji grabbed the door handle and threw open the door. Once inside, the two men held each other in a warm embrace as they laid their heads on the other’s shoulder. “I love you Seiji.”

“I love you too Touma-san... Very much.” Seiji stepped back so that Touma could get a better view of the cabin’s interior. “I hope you like it. I came up here a week ago to check the place out and was surprised at how big it is.”

“This place is gorgeous Seiji.” Touma smiled as he looked around at the spacious living room that gave way to an eating area and then the kitchen. He saw that outside the glass doors in the living room was a deck and walked towards it. “We can spend some nice nights out there looking at the stars.”

“Oh we can do more then that out there Touma. Come, I’ll show you.” Seiji took Touma’s hand and led him out onto the deck. That’s when Touma noticed the large hot tub off to the side. “We can have a little fun in there as well.”

“Yeah and with no one around to watch us, we don’t have to wear anything.” Touma’s mind was all ready thinking of ways to pleasure his lover in the hot tub but first he had to get through tonight. God I hope I can do this... I want Seiji. That I’m so very sure of yet I’m afraid that the past will interfere. Touma sighed to himself as he looked over at Seiji.

“You, my love, are plain naughty.” Seiji smiled then laughed as he pulled Touma closer for a kiss. “Touma, we won’t do anything you’re not ready to handle... Okay?” Seiji’s voice seemed to soothe the archer as Touma nodded then smiled, amazed at how well Seiji could read him. Walking back inside, they finished exploring the rest of the cabin before ending their tour in the master bedroom.

“Wow, I like this place... I like it a lot!” Touma was excited about the place and the fact that it was theirs’ for the next 5 days. “This place is magical Seiji. Kind of like our little love nest hidden in the woods.”

“Yes it is and now watch this.” Seiji picked up a remote and pushed a button, a fire came to life within the fireplace causing Touma to gasp.

“Cool! Seiji the magician.” Touma smiled. “So where’s your magical wand?” He asked teasingly.

“Oh it’s right here, and waiting for you.” Seiji grabbed Touma and pressed his hips against Touma’s thigh, allowing his lover to feel the erection he was sporting.

“Oh and what a fine magic wand it is! The more you rub the bigger it grows... Now what would happen if I did this?” Touma smiled then dropped to his knees. It didn’t take the archer long to have Seiji’s pants undone and lowered freeing Seiji‘s engorged length. Sticking out his tongue, he flicked it over the tip before wrapping his lips around the head and sucking.

Seiji tried to remain steady as his knees started to get weak; moaning softly he looked down at the archer as his length disappeared between two well experienced lips. “Doing that gets you all the wishes you want instead of just three.” Seiji panted as he played with the soft blue hair that Touma sported, while his other hand held his shirt up and out of Touma’s way.

Touma looked up at him and smiled. “I only want one wish.... I want you on the bottom.” He said and then went back to pleasuring him with his mouth, increasing the speed and suction, trying to bring his lover to a quick mind shattering orgasm.

Moaning louder, Seiji panted as he gently bucked his hips. “Then you'll get all of me just as you want it, Touma.” Seiji shivered when he caught the dark color that now occupied Touma’s eyes and knew that being on the bottom meant Touma would have him screaming and thrashing about, begging for more. “I feel like I should be doing this to you, you haven’t gotten off yet.” Seiji moaned softly, the sensations that Touma was having on his length were so delightful.

“There’s plenty of time for that koibito.” Touma smiled before taking him in until his lips touched soft golden curls. Smiling as best he could with his mouth full, Touma then began to purr, vibrating against Seiji’s length. The more Seiji moaned the more Touma purred until he felt Seiji’s sex stiffen and throb madly.

“OH GOD!!!” Seiji cried out, surprised when he felt the burn so quickly ascending up from his balls and into his sex. “My God I’m going to come all ready!! TOUMA!” Seiji threw his head back and a pleasure filled groan escaped him right before he came, fast and furiously.

He shot his seed into the waiting mouth as his whole body began to shiver. Seiji’s thought for sure that he would pass out from the intensity... His hips rocked back and forth and his legs trembled ready to give out... It took all of Seiji’s will to remain on his feet.

Touma smiled as he drank in the sweet liquid before licking him clean, Touma then pulled Seiji’s pants up and zippered them back up. Licking his lips he smiled. “There... Hope that keeps a smile on your face for awhile.” Touma wanted to make sure that Seiji was fully sated for several reasons... The biggest being that he still wasn’t sure if he was ready for intercourse; something was still holding him back.

There was a fear that continued to gnaw at him and he knew part of it was the memories of Seiji raping him... The other was the secret he harbored; one he could never tell Seiji for it would crush the swordsman for sure. Touma knew he should have told him when he first remembered, but he couldn’t bring himself to doing it, even though he had tried several times. Looking into Seiji’s eyes, Touma smiled and then kissed him trying not to let the blond see the hesitation or guilt he was feeling.

It seemed to be working because Seiji stood before him with a big grin on his face and eyes that were filled with desire. Seiji reached out and wrapped his arms around Touma’s waist. Slipping his hand between them he rubbed the bulge in Touma’s jeans. “You didn't get to have any fun yet. Allow me the honors of pleasuring you. I can do magical things to you as well.” Normally Seiji wouldn’t have to ask but he sensed the turmoil in his lover and wanted to make sure that everything they did was Touma’s decision. He knew Touma needed to feel in control and needed to know he had the right to stop what they were doing whenever he felt like it.

“Oh then by all means... Show me the magic.” Touma chuckled before kissing him passionately. Even if he wanted, he couldn’t deny Seiji, this was the man he loved since he was a teenager, the man he been with since the night of his twenty-first birthday... And even through the hardships, his love remained, steadfast and true.

“Mmmmm, I am the master of magic, my dear Touma, I even have a license.” Seiji chuckled then began to undo Touma’s jeans as he licked at the tender and sweet flesh on Touma’s throat. He purred softly and smiled when he felt the archer shiver. “Do you want me to suck you off?” Seiji asked against Touma’s skin. “Whatever you want Touma... It’s your choice. Tonight is your night; I am yours to do with as you wish... I want you to feel good and enjoy our eventual joining.”

Touma nodded, understanding fully what Seiji meant, sighing contently as he looked into violet eyes now turning purple with passion. “Please Seiji... I need that mouth of your mouth on me, devouring me... Draining me dry.” Touma said between gasps for air. He watched as Seiji dropped to his knees, sliding Touma’s jeans along with his boxers slowly down his lean legs.

Once freed of the restrictive material, Touma’s length stood straight out, its purple tinted head indicated just how aroused he was. Seiji wrapped his cool fingers around Touma’s length enjoying the feel of it in his hands, before dipping his tongue into the slit to explore it and drawing out the milky liquid flowing by droplets from it.

“So sweet Touma-san... So deliciously sweet.” Seiji cooed before devouring Touma’s length in one fluid motion. His other hand reached between muscular thighs to cup and caress balls heavy with his lover’s seed and that only served to make Seiji hotter, knowing it was all for him. Seiji suddenly needed to taste it, to feel it’s heat as it coated his mouth and throat and so he worked Touma’s length, making love to it with his mouth.

Teeth gently scraped the top while a moist tongue molded around the underside making the flesh tingle. Soon Seiji switched tempos, wanting more then anything to bring great pleasure to his lover and so he bobbed his head as he held fast to Touma’s hips, causing them to meet his movements... Hard and fast.

“Damn Seiji don’t kill yourself there.” Touma said as he felt the tip of his sex hitting the back of Seiji’s throat a little harder then normal. He was quite taken back by the urgency of Seiji’s desire but when he looked into Seiji’s face and saw the need in his eyes Touma knew that Seiji was in total control of his actions.

Seiji felt Touma begin to move his hips, matching his movement easily and so he resisted moving them for him. Looking up, he saw Touma’s hand go up to tease a nipple as the archer’s moans became louder. Seiji increased the suction on Touma’s sex while maintaining the pace he had set, which was all the archer needed to finally go over the edge.

“Seiji! Oh God Seiji! I’m coming.... Dear God I’m coming!” Touma pushed his length deep into Seiji’s mouth as his sex twitched, shooting volley after volley of the creamy white liquid down his lover’s throat.

Seiji was surprised at how much there was as he tried to swallow it all only to have some trickle out and down over his chin. Just like Touma had done, Seiji licked his lover clean before pulling his pants back up and then standing to face him. “Well you have obviously been saving that up.” The blond chuckled as he went to wipe at his chin only to have Touma grab his hands and pull them away.

“Sure have! I’ve been a good boy for over 2 weeks.” Touma grinned proudly and then leaned forward to lick the excess off Seiji’s chin. “Waste not, want not.” He smiled. Touma found he needed Seiji’s support to stand, the whole thing had left him weak in the knees and low on energy. “Man now I need a nap after that.” Touma laughed softly.

“Why don’t you do just that while I go take a shower.” Seiji kissed Touma slowly before scooping him up and depositing him on the bed. “Maybe once I get done you’ll be ready for the real fun.”

“Just remember, I got dibs on being on top... And what fun I’m going to have with that.” Touma smirked before pulling the swordsman down for a deep, lingering kiss. “Now off to the showers before I decide to just take you now. Oh the things I want to do to this body!” He laughed when he felt Seiji shudder. “Mmmm I see that turns you on... Now get that shower and then get that gorgeous ass of yours back here.”

Touma was quite content and accepting of Seiji being the dominant one in their relationship in the past, though it was always fun to switch roles once in awhile. Now Touma felt a great need to be the dominant one as though he needed to prove to himself that he still could be.

It was then that Touma realize that that must have been how Seiji had felt the night he raped him. Only because he never allowed anyone to know what had happened to him all that anger built up inside of him, Seiji couldn’t help but explode...

I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time that’s all. I’m certain that had he told me everything, had he confessed to being raped we would have been going through a healing time like this and not the way it did happen.

Everything made sense now... Touma felt the remaining demons leaving and all that was left was a deep love for his best friend and life partner. Feeling reenergized Touma looked around the bedroom and smiled. Time to surprise Seiji for a change... Tonight will be as magical as that first night we made love... And like that night so many years ago, it will be just the beginning of many more magical nights.

Seiji stepped into the shower, smiling. So far so good, now if we can just get past the making love part then we’re home free. Seiji only hoped that whatever demons Touma may still have concerning sex he could find a way of slaying. If not then I’ll just be happy knowing that we are together for life, and let the rest happen when it happens. I love him and that’s all that matters, whatever obstacles lay in our paths we’ll overcome them together....

Seiji closed his eyes and ducked his head under the spray, allowing it to soothe away the worries and tension as his mind reached out gently to touch his lover’s. He was slightly surprised when he felt it and knew it was much more active then he had anticipated. Maybe he’s dreaming or reading. Seiji thought as he soaped up his body.

His mind turned to his daughter and he felt a tug at his heart. As much as he was enjoying this time alone with Touma, he missed his little girl terribly. I bet Touma feels the same way about Tyler... We’ll put a call into them tomorrow that should ease our minds.


From this moment as long as I live

I will love I promise you this

There is nothing I wouldn’t give

From this moment on

“Ryo you know we have to start thinking of baby names, after all in four months our baby will be here.” Nasuti called out to her husband who was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. She smiled when she saw the light go off and Ryo stepped into the bedroom, naked and looking quite sexy to her. “Any suggestions?”

“You know I haven’t really thought about it... I guess I just assumed we’d look at each other and know what our child will be called.” He shrugged his shoulders as he climbed into bed beside her. “Suti have I told you lately just how much I love you?” He asked as he pulled her into his arms.

“Right before you went to brush your teeth, but you can tell me again... I don’t mind hearing.” Nasuti smiled, snuggling closer and resting her head on his chest.

“Well I love you.” Ryo kissed the top of her head then sighed. “Are you scared? About being a parent I mean?”

“Positively terrified Ryo. What if I don’t know what he or she wants when they cry? What if our baby gets sick and I don’t know what to do for it... There are so many things to know when it comes to raising a child. What if I can’t do it?” She replied as she laid there listening to the sound of his heart beating.

“I know you’ll be a great mother Suti so don’t you worry. Look at Seiji and Touma? Seiji finds himself a widower with a newborn and Touma has a son he never knew about, dumped into his lap.” Ryo took a deep breath. “Yet those two have managed to do what most single parents have to do everyday of their lives... They are raising their children, and doing a pretty damn good job of it too.”

“You’re right Ryo... We’ve got each other and we’ll get through it together.” She kissed his chest. “Now about baby names? I was thinking of Sakura if it’s a girl... What do you think?” She tilted her head up to look at him.

“I really like that one... Very pretty! Hmmmm? Sanada Sakura, it sounds very sweet! Let’s go with it.” Ryo bent his head down to capture her lips. “She’ll be our little cherry blossom.” He grinned, tiger blue eyes sparkled and danced as he looked at her.

“That was easy... Here comes the hard one. What about for a boy?” She asked.

“Hmmm? What would be the perfect name for a son?” Ryo pondered it but came up blank, sighing softly he looked at his wife. “I honestly don’t know.”

“The one I thought of was Hiro.” She looked up and smiled.

“You’re so much better at this then I am. Sanada Hiro? It has a nice ring to it... In fact I think it’s perfect, just like you.” Ryo cupped her chin and kissed her tenderly. “I love you Nasuti, with all my heart and soul.” Ryo choked back the tears. He had been in love with her for so long, every since they had first met. Sure he was only 14 then, but even then he knew that they were destined to be together. Fate had brought them together to save the world from the evil that had infested it and it was that same fate that had brought their hearts together.

“I love you too Ryo... I have loved you since that first day I met you in Shinjuku and I will love you until the end of time.” Nasuti scooted up so she was face to face with him.

“God Nasuti, you’re so beautiful. I feel like the luckiest man on this earth, I’ve got you and now we are going to have a family... What more could I ever want? I have it all. Every one of my hopes and dreams came true the day that I met you.” Ryo once again captured her lips as he pulled her as close as he could. His one hand rested on the side of her growing stomach and when he felt the movement from within his eyes filled with tears. “Did you feel that? He or she just kicked my hand.”

“I surely did... Our baby just acknowledged their daddy.” Her green eyes misted over as she leaned in to kiss him softly, just as her hand snaked down between them to grasp his sex. “I’m not sleepy yet. Care to tire me out?”

“Well when you put it like that, how can I resist?” He smiled, his tiger blue eyes came to life as he moaned softly from the delicate hand now working his length into a harden state. Reaching between them, Ryo slid his hand between her legs and lightly rubbed, causing Nasuti to spread her legs further allowing him better access to her heat. “I want you sweetheart, I need you.” Ryo spoke softly as his lips brushed hers.

“I want you too Ryo... Please?” She panted as a finger slipped inside her causing her to squirm. Looking into his eyes she could see the fire blazing brightly, al the love and passion he was feeling was there for her to see and she wanted it all... Every last ember.


You’re the reason I believe in love

And you’re the answers to my prayers

from up above

All we need is just the two of us

My dreams came true because of you

Seiji walked out of the bathroom and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight that greeted him. The room was adorned with many candles burning brightly. The hint of sandalwood hung in the air, filling his senses and having the most delicious affect on him all ready. Classical music played softly in the background and Seiji smiled. It was one of his favorite CD’s; Touma had bought it for him for his 25th birthday.

“So are you going to stand there with your mouth hanging open or are you going to join me?” Touma knelt on the bed with his arms extended, inviting Seiji to come to him.

“I thought you wanted to take a nap?” Seiji smiled as he walked over and sat on the bed. His hair was still damp and hung down into his face as droplets of water ran down over his back and chest.

“I tried but I couldn’t sleep so I decided to surprise you.” Touma began licking at the drops of water as though they were his only source of moisture to quench the thirst he had for the blond.

“Where did you get all the candles?” Seiji asked as he shivered from the warm touches of Touma’s tongue on his now cooling skin. Seiji could feel the goose bumps forming as his lover came around to the front and continued drinking of the moisture still cloaking his body.

“I found a lot of them here and I also packed a few of our favorite ones.” Touma said as looked down at the silky thigh peeking out from the terry cloth towel. Running his fingertips up the path of the slit he watched as Seiji’s eyes began to flutter shut. “Beautiful... Absolutely beautiful.” Touma’s voice was nothing more then a soft whisper against his ear.

“You’re the one who’s beautiful Touma-san.” Seiji spoke just as softly as he allowed himself to be lowered down onto the bed, wrapping his arms around Touma’s waist as the archer followed him down. Seiji lightly caressed Touma’s back, muscles rippled under his fingers making him sigh with contentment. How Seiji loved the feel of Touma’s skin, perfectly smooth even now after all these years.

“I love you Seiji, so very much.” Touma said as he nibbled on an earlobe before laying soft kisses down and over the side of the swordsman’s face causing Seiji to shiver and moan softly. Touma flicked his tongue out over the skin enjoying the taste and wanting more.

“Love you too Touma-san.” Seiji moaned as Touma rubbed his groin against his. “Uhhhhnnn! God how I want you... More then I have ever wanted anything in my life.” Seiji panted as he lifted his hips to try and keep the contact his now hardening member craved. Turning his head slightly, Seiji caught Touma’s lips with his, parting his lips immediately so the archer could have full access.

Touma moaned softly, his tongue slipping into his lover’s heated mouth, tasting the sweetness as Seiji’s tongue playfully dueled with his. Touma felt Seiji’s arousal graze his sending a shiver up his spine. The need to breathe finally broke the kiss and Touma began a trail of kisses down the side of Seiji’s neck, stopping to lightly suck on the milky smooth flesh.

When Seiji pushed his head back to expose his throat Touma knew it was a sign that he was giving Touma full control. And so the archer made his way over it laying down a slick trail with his lips and tongue until he was at the hollow of his lover’s throat.

Seiji moaned over and over as his lover took a slow pace in their lovemaking. His own hands began to lightly caress Touma’s sides and back, allowing himself to feel every rib, every vertebrae and every muscle the archer had in that area.

When Touma raised his body slightly, Seiji snaked his hands between them to play with pink nipples, tweaking them with his thumb and forefinger until they were rock hard nubs. Seiji smiled when Touma arched his back and pressed his erection down onto his own, rubbing over it slowly making it twitch and dance under the towel that still laid between them.

“Yes Seiji, God that feels so good. You know how much that turns me on... I love it when you play with my nipples.” Touma gasped as Seiji pulled the archer’s upper body upwards so he could dip his head down to flick his tongue over the now harden pebbles, while continuing to thrust upwards with his hips.

Touma quickly pushed the swordsman back down onto the bed and made a beeline for the blonde’s chest with his lips. Almost blindly he groped with his mouth, searching for a nipple to suckle, sighing with content like a newborn when he latched onto one.

Seiji wasn’t sure how he was going to hold out with Touma’s slow assault on his body but he knew he had to. He wanted Touma to be in full control and to decide when to move on to something else. Of course he wouldn’t have to wait too long as the archer began to kiss his way down to his stomach.

Seiji’s eyes once again fluttered shut as soft lips and a warm tongue traveled all over his body, as if studying each detail of him. How he loved those lips and the man who owned them! His heart could've just burst with the love and lust he had for him. Pushing his hips up he groaned when this time Touma raised his own to avoid Seiji. He knew Touma was teasing him in order to make him want the archer even more and it was working... God how it was working! He squirmed on the bed, his head rolling to one side as he tried to catch his breath... Touma knew just the right buttons to push to cause him to lose all control and Seiji couldn’t have been happier.

Grabbing the archer, Seiji pulled him up to for a passionate kiss. One hand entwined in Touma’s silky hair while the other rediscovered his lover’s body to memorize once again each detail that was all ready etched into his mind and heart. Seiji knew he would never get tired of the feel and sight of him, his taste or scent nor the sounds he would always make when aroused, he loved it all.

As Touma’s fingers, lips and tongue soon began their journey again gliding over Seiji’s body... The archer sighed softly, taking his time to savor each area and soon he was wanting more... More of the heavenly body below him.... More of his sweet taste of his lover‘s skin... More of what made Seiji so unique. Lips dipped lower until he stopped to dip into and taste the blonde’s belly button, chuckling when he heard a soft snicker escape the blonde’s lips.

“A little ticklish are we?” Touma said as he licked at the fine line of gold that snaked down from Seiji’s belly button to the larger crop of gold surrounding Seiji’s sex. Touma quickly slid up to lay a kiss on what he considered to be the softest lips his had ever touched. “Just wait until I get to those silky sweet inner thighs.” Touma smiled and just as quickly slid down the bed to begin his assault from the bottom up.

Seiji was well aware of what he was in for and so he tried his best to concentrate on something else, but it did him little good as Touma made his way up the swordsman’s long muscular legs. Soon lips were laying soft kisses on the most tender of Seiji’s body, his inner thighs. Seiji’s sex was twitching madly now surprising even him... He was so close to coming and Touma hadn’t even laid his lips on that area yet. He felt the tips of Touma’s hair tickle his balls and groaned, he needed the ache to end and soon. “Touma-san... Please?” Seiji said hoarsely.

When Touma heard that and saw how Seiji’s balls had constricted he knew the swordsman couldn’t take much more and decided to stop the teasing and bring fulfillment to his lover. Scooting up slightly Touma’s tongue snaked out to taste the pool of pre cum that collected at the tip of the blonde’s sex, moaning softly he drank in more... Savoring it, wanting and needing more of the jeweled liquid.

Wrapping his lips around the head Touma created a tight vacuum. He then reached up with one hand to play with a pink nipple while the other slid down under his lover’s balls and lightly traced the entrance to Seiji’s now flushed and heated body.

Seiji knew that was it, too many sensations at once for his mind to process, with a sudden cry and thrust of his hips he gasped then practically screamed as Touma’s lips loosened enough to take him all the way in. Just as the tip of his length touched the back of the archer’s throat, he came in a blinding rush, white light clouded his vision as his hot seed shot forth and down Touma’s throat.

Once Touma had Seiji licked clean he wasted no time in getting the blond ready for the next part. Prodding the swordsman to get up on his hands and knees, Touma slid up on the bed to kiss him.

“I need you now Seiji... Are you ready for it?” Touma asked as he started kissing down his back.

“Yes Touma... Oh God YES!” Seiji panted still feeling the tingle and contractions of muscles from his last climax. “I want you inside me Touma; I need you to fill me! Please Touma make love to me.” Seiji pleaded and wiggled his ass, wanting the emptiness to be taken away. “Touma, now do it... I’m so fucking horny!” Rarely did Seiji swear, unless he was extremely pissed or extremely aroused. Seiji smiled to himself, they were finally going for it and Seiji couldn’t have been happier. The moment he had waited so long for, wanted so badly, was about to happen... Their joining.

Touma took his position behind Seiji as he took himself in hand he gazed down at the silky smooth ass his lover possessed and sighed. He had wanted this for much too long to have it end in a matter of moments, no, there was something else he still needed to do. Something else he still desired and as the dominant one this time he was going to get it. Dipping his head down he began to trail soft wet kisses across the silky skin and smiled to himself when he heard Seiji moan. Slowly and sensually his hands massaged the flesh before parting the two halves and exposing what his mouth truly craved.

“OH GOD TOUMA!!” Seiji cried out as he felt the heat of his lover’s tongue sliding down along the crack till it began to tease his opening. Holding as still as he could he waited and then sighed loudly when he felt Touma penetrate him with his tongue, wiggling it inside him bringing his spent sex slowly back to life. Thank God his towel was now lying under him for he had a feeling he was going to need it.

Touma took his time teasing the inside of Seiji with his tongue, enjoying the heat and the velvety feel that surrounded him. Touma wiggled his tongue causing Seiji to moan and pant and he knew his lover was becoming aroused once more. He teased him for a little longer before bringing it back out and inserting his now oil coated finger... Seiji couldn’t help but push back onto his hand, meeting his finger thrusts. Soon a second finger joined the first, stretching the blond, preparing him for what would soon come.

Seiji was going crazy with lust now. “OH GOD YES!!!” He cried out as his hips began to rock with the archer’s slick fingers. Closing his eyes tightly with passion and delight from all of the sensations running through him Seiji gasped when Touma hit his sweet spot. Jolts of pleasure coursed through him as he rocked his hips even harder.

Touma always knew how to touch him, how to make him squirm and moan. “Now Touma... Please take me!” Seiji panted and threw his head back; all his self-control was gone and now he only wanted that feeling of his lover buried deep inside of him.

Touma withdrew his fingers for he too was losing control; the need to make love to Seiji was much stronger then he had ever imagined could be possible. Coating his length and then Seiji’s opening, Touma positioned himself and slid the head of his sex in slowly, fearful of hurting his lover. Hearing a grunt, Touma remained still to allow Seiji time to get use to the intrusion after such a long hiatus.

Seiji gave the signal to continue by pushing back on Touma’s length, further burying more of it within his body, slowly they moved until Touma was in to the hilt. Touma then began a slow thrusting motion moaning loudly at the feel of Seiji’s velvet heat surrounding his length.

Soon the pace was quickening as Seiji rocked back and forth, sweat began dripping from both men and Seiji’s sex twitched with renewed life. Reaching under the well-toned body Touma grasped Seiji’s length and began pumping in time with their movements.

“Touma harder please and faster... I can’t take much more of this koibito.” Seiji looked back at him with glazed over eyes that spoke volumes of the need blazing within him.

Touma could only nod as he began thrusting his hips harder, slamming into the body in front of him, feeling the tip of his sex hitting Seiji’s pleasure spot time and time again. Knowing full well that he was on the home stretch, Touma quicken the motion of his hand on Seiji’s sex, as both men moaned in unison.

It was a good thing that they were in the middle of nowhere for the sounds they were making had gotten quite loud now. Eighteen months of emotions were now coming forth and their vocalizations expressed almost all of them. All inhibitions were gone, all that was left was the lust and love each one felt for the other and the need to pleasure and be pleasured.

Seiji knew he was about to lose it when his balls tightened along with his length, his whole body was on fire... “TOUMA! OH GOD LOVE!” Seiji cried out as he shot his seed out and over Touma’s hand. Quickly Seiji tightened his inner muscles while his own climax racked his body, wanting his lover to experience what he had just felt.

“OH SHIT! OH GOD SEIJI!” Touma screamed as his sex was engulfed in tight muscles. That was it for the archer as well. The feel of Seiji hot liquid on his hand, the blonde’s cries and the constriction of muscles were more then Touma could take and he let loose with a torrent of semen that coated the inside of his lover and flowed out to trickle down Seiji’s inner thighs.

Touma closed his eyes as his body convulsed from his orgasm; each and every nerve ending seemed to be alive with pleasure causing the most exquisite of feelings to flow over him.

Seiji found he could no longer stay up and collapsed down on to the bed, oblivious to the mess under him and between his legs. Touma soon followed still buried deep inside his lover. Both men laid like that for quite some time, basking in the after glow and allowing their hearts to return to normal.

“Seiji I have to pull.” Touma said as he slid out slowly bring with him some of the excess. “Looks like we have a bit of a mess and you just took a shower too.” Touma smiled as he grabbed a tissue to wipe up what he could.

“Leave it and get up here.” Seiji requested as he shifted onto his back then winced when he realized he had forgotten to remove the towel. “Shit! Guess I’m taking another shower.” He laughed as Touma nestled beside him and then kissed him deeply.

“Seiji, that was fantastic... I have never come so hard or so much. I love you... I love you so much.” Touma’s eyes misted over.

“I love you Touma-san, with all my heart.” Seiji took Touma’s hand and kissed it before laying it over his heart. “Thank you for loving me, for being here with me, and most of all... Thank you for never giving up on me.” Seiji turned his head to capture the archer’s lips.

“Hey you believed in me... In us. Even though we spent some time apart, my heart was always right here.” Touma smiled and patted Seiji’s chest. “That’s where it will always remain, from this moment on.”

“From this moment on....” Seiji repeated as his lips touched the heavens, and his heart soared with the stars.


From this moment as long as I live

I will love you, I promise you this

There is nothing I wouldn’t give

From this moment

I will love you as long as I live

From this moment on.

Touma stood at the doorway to Skylar’s room and watched as Seiji rocked his daughter. They had been back for almost a week now and each day was more magical then the last. He smiled to himself as he listened to Seiji softly singing.

Golden Slumbers fill your eyes// Smiles awake you when you rise// Sleep pretty darling do not cry// And I will sing a lullaby.” Seiji kissed his daughter’s forehead before getting up and placing the sleeping infant into her crib. Looking up he saw Touma who now had tears in his eyes and went to him.

“That little tune always gets me.” Touma smiled through a haze of tears. “God how I love you.”

“I love you too Touma... For as long as I live you will always be in my heart.” Seiji drew the archer closer as his lips captured the other’s. Soft and sensual the kiss began before the urgency took over and the kiss became more needful. “Our room... Now... Need you.” Seiji said breathlessly as he took Touma’s hand and walked quickly across the hall.

When Seiji opened the door he nearly fell over. On the floor laid the mattress cloaked in the same colored sheets they had used the night they had first made love. Candles adorned the dressers and tabletops. The robes they had worn that night also hung from the closet doors.

“Touma h... how on earth?” Seiji asked in surprise as he turned to him.

“Oh a little magic... And Nasuti and Ryo’s help.” Touma smiled as he drew Seiji into his arms and held him. “I have never forgotten that first night, the magic you had created or love that we had made.” Touma’s lips trailed down the side of Seiji’s neck.

“Neither have I.” Seiji got out before lips claimed his. Reaching back Seiji closed and locked the door and then allowed Touma to lead him to the mattress.

“Take me Seiji... Just like that first night. Make love to me; fill me with your heart and soul.” Touma pleaded as they lowered.

Seiji nodded as he kissed his lover, slowly removing his clothes and tossing them aside. Seiji then stood to remove his own before blanketing Touma with his body.

That night they recreated the magic that had started them off on their journey and though their hearts had been tested many times over, they had always come back to this moment.

The sounds of their lovemaking filled the room and soon both men, spent and tired, laid in each other’s arms.

“Oh one more thing Seiji.” Touma smiled and clapped his hands and there about their heads a soft glow appeared... Rope lights that spelled out ‘Touma & Seiji 4-Ever’, hung from the ceiling. Touma felt Seiji’s body shake and knew the swordsman was crying. He didn’t speak, he just pulled the blond to him and kissed him, softly, slowly and with all the love he had and would ever have... From this moment on.




Yeah I did it! I finally finished this monstrosity!!! Yup this is it guys... Except for a small epilogue to tie up a few loose ends, this story has come to an end.

Touma: “You mean it’s completed, finished, done with...?” *He looked at Wildefyre in shock.*

Wildefyre: “Yes it is and don’t tease me... I’m ready to cry as it is!” *Tears stand in her eyes.*

Seiji: “I can’t believe it’s over... 11 months have gone by so quickly. I’m going to miss this.”

Lorelei: “So will I.” *Starts to cry and Shin quickly hugs her.*

Shin: “There, there sweetheart. It had to end sooner or later! We all knew that.” *He too feels saddened by its ending.*

Ming: “Do you think the readers will be sad to see this completed?” *She started to sniffle and looked to Shu for support.*

Shu: “Hey I’m sure they will miss not seeing regular updates on this.” *Hugs his wife closer.*

Ryo: “Maybe she’ll come out with a new mega fic.” *He smiled.*

Nasuti: “Yeah but she’s done everything you could possibly do to Seiji and Touma... What’s left?”

Wildefyre: “There are other characters here, not just Seiji and Touma...” *Looks at them with an evil grin.*

Everybody: “HELP!!!!!!!”

Wildefyre: Okay guys there it is... Please don’t forget to check out the epilogue and leave a review. It’s much appreciated. Thank you to all who have read this... It’s been a blast and I couldn’t have done it with out you.

Hiruma! I did it! I finished this! Now get that darn “Untitled” of yours finished!!!

Touma: “Hey maybe she could actually give it a title. I gave her one but she hasn’t used it.”

Seiji: “Oh you mean ‘Choices’! Yeah I liked that one. I’m surprised she hasn’t titled it yet. Maybe you need to be more persuasive Touma-san.” *Seiji kissed him and then smiled.* “We all know she has the hots for you, so go and persuade her, or wear her out... Which ever comes first.” *Sends Touma off to Hiruma’s.”

Wildefyre: “Oh Hiruma will most likely wear him out... Now Blondie since you’re all alone... Let’s see what I can do for you.” *Pounces on Seiji and begins to strip him.*

Shin: “Uhm excuse them... Private moment you know.... Hey take care everyone and don’t forget to leave a review... We will all miss you!!

Everyone: “Goodbye!!!!!!!”

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