Please don’t sue me, I can’t afford it! I don’t own the Troopers (gosh darn it!) or anything affiliated with them. Warning: This story may contain any of the following... Yaoi/Adult Themes/ Rape/Strong Language/Sexual Descriptions/Angst/ Violence.

I managed to get this far without having to do this but.... Some people just don’t get it. Please heed the warnings... This story is about a same sex relationship, okay? That doesn’t mean that I am implying that Seiji and/or Touma are gay, I NEVER once state that they are. This story is purely fictitious and not once do I state that anything that is written within these chapters follows the true characters.

Please if you have a problem with pairings, don’t read and then leave a comment asking me to stop writing about them like this. The only thing that does is piss me off to the point that I want to write more. You see I’m stubborn like that. Okay now with that said... Let’s get to what is important.... THE STORY!!!




Test of the Hearts

By Wildefyre


Chapter 13

The final Test




“Oh my God...”

Touma couldn’t move. His chest seemed to tighten up and while the room stopped spinning, his legs still had trouble supporting his weight. The memories of that long forgotten night were coming back to haunt him.

Keely bent down to pick up the infant then turned to face Touma as her lips curved in a semi smile. “Touma, this is your son, Tyler.” She announced as she gentle rocked the baby.

“M... My son? B... But how?” This just couldn’t be happening, not now! Not when he and Seiji were finally finding some sort of happiness. “W... We took precautions, you were adamant about that.” Touma’s face was pale as he stared at the baby. There was no mistaking his parentage, not with the head of blue hair he sported. It was lighter then Touma’s but that was most likely due to Keely’s blonde hair.

“My guess is... The darn rubber tore, had a hole in it, was defective, overflowed... Take your pick. They aren’t fool proof you know.” Her voice was laced with sarcasm. She didn’t have time for this, and she was in no mood to defend herself.

“H... How old is he?” Touma asked, unsure about what to do. He could feel Seiji’s eyes boring a hole through him and he couldn’t forget the feeling as Seiji yanked his hand away from him. He had felt so cold and alone at that moment. It was as though Seiji had abandoned him, leaving him to face this on his own. Please don’t be angry with me Seiji, this is just as much a shock for me as it is for you.

“He’s 4 months old. If you want proof I have his birth certificate with me, not that you would need proof as to whether he’s yours or not... There aren’t a whole lot of men walking around with blue hair you know.” She lightly stroked the baby’s head pointing out the hair color. Like father, like son, I guess you could say.”

“Why didn’t you contact Touma as soon as you found out you were pregnant?” Seiji, who had been standing by quietly, couldn’t hold in his frustration any longer. “Why bring him here now?” Seiji felt the pain in his heart as he stared at the child; someone else now had a claim to what was his, his Touma. Am I jealous? No it can’t be... I have a child, so that shouldn’t matter. Then what is it? A reminder of the pain we endured? The hurt I put Touma through? That’s it, it has to be; now Touma will be reminded of what I caused him to do... Oh God!

“Listen Blondie, I didn’t find out I was pregnant until after I had gone back to the US. Besides it had become obvious that I wasn’t anything but a one-night stand to Touma. I was a substitute for you!” She spat back at him. “The only reason Touma slept with me was because I looked like you! From what I heard from friends, he made it a habit for awhile to prowl the clubs for women who resembled you. He would get drunk, take them home, screw them, and then toss them out... As if they were nothing but garbage!” Keely choked back the tears.

“I’m aware of that, and while I don’t condone what Touma did during that time, I won’t criticize him for it either. We both made mistakes during that period of time.” Seiji’s words were monotone; his voice remained steady as his mind took in all that was occurring. “That still doesn’t justify you’re reasons for not informing Touma that he had a son.” It also meant that Touma was irresponsible, he didn’t think things through, and now this is the end result.

“I was getting to that!” The baby in her arms whimpered so Keely quickly stuck a pacifier in his mouth.

“Those things are an evil; maybe you should use other methods of calming him.” Touma winced at the sight of the pacifier in his son’s mouth. He wanted so much to take the baby from her arms, his son, but he feared the man beside him and his reaction. He knew this had to be tearing Seiji up inside, but there was nothing he could do now, the damage was all ready done.

“What do you know? It shuts him up and that’s what counts.” Keely hissed. “As I was trying to say... my family thought it best that I try and get a hold of Touma and we did try.” She stared hard at Touma. “You wouldn’t take my calls or any of my family’s calls. We left messages galore. The few times I actually reached you, you hung up on me. I wasn’t going to just leave a message saying you have a kid, So if anyone is to blame, blame him!” Keely pointed to Touma as she returned her glare to Seiji.

“Touma is this true?” Seiji asked calmly trying to keep his temper in check. He was angry that Touma could have been so mean to this woman, she didn’t ask to receive the treatment she had gotten from Touma. Ever since Suzume’s death, Seiji had been haunted by the way he had treated her and he hated himself for it... Just like Keely, they were both innocent victims in this whole mess that he and Touma had created for themselves.

“Seiji how the hell do I know? I don’t remember much of it and if I recall I was getting drunk quite a bit back then.” Touma turned quickly and stared at Seiji. “You had given me an awfully large pill to swallow if I recall correctly. I choked on it big time! So don‘t chastise me okay?” Touma was trying his best not to break down, the hurt in Seiji’s eyes was so apparent and it was there because of him. Still he could help the anger that surfacing, he needed Seiji’s support not his criticism.

Touma turned his attention back to Keely when Seiji didn‘t respond. “Keely I just want to know... What do you want me to do? You want money? Fine I will be responsible and help out... But I want visitation rights. If that is my son I have a right to see him and I will exercise that right.” Touma looked at her. What the hell am I doing? She doesn’t deserve my anger? I was the baka that night, not her. I let Seiji get to me; I was too damn weak to handle it... I’m so sorry. Tears threatened to spill out but he forced them back quickly.

“Excuse me.” Nasuti finally chimed in. She had stayed out of the mess until now. “Why don’t I make us all some tea and then you can sit down and discuss this like adults.” I should have stopped Touma that night... I knew what he was doing; I could have prevented this. God why can’t these two find the peace they so need right now. Ryo I need you, I don’t know how to handle this... Quickly she turned her back on them, trying to hide the tears that escaped from her eyes.

“That’s a good idea Nasuti, thank you.” Seiji responded softly, sensing Nasuti‘s pain. “Touma I need to check on Sky and then I’ll be back so we can all talk.” Seiji said, almost coldly. He was unsure about any of this, what would happen if Keely went back to the states? Would Touma follow just to be near his son? That thought alone scared him more then anything.

“No offense Seiji, but this is my problem, I can handle it.” Touma said, not even bothering to look back at the blond. The one thing he did not need was Seiji scrutinizing him, after all Seiji was no saint either, there were products of his mistakes as well.

“Touma this is our problem, we’re a couple remember?” Seiji felt hurt that Touma wanted to exclude him from this. A couple? Were they really? It had been so long that he wasn’t sure. They had their moments, but something always blocked their way, maybe it was a sign... No he couldn’t think like that, he loved Touma, and just like everything else that came their way, they would get through this as well. At least he hoped so.

“Fine Seiji, do what you want.” The words came out stronger then Touma wanted them to, but this was just too much for his mind to process at the moment. He couldn’t think straight and he was a little scared all at the same time. He wanted nothing more then for Seiji to just hold him and tell him, reassure him that everything would be all right. He needed Seiji’s strength, but he was too prideful to ask for it and it didn‘t appear that Seiji was willing to just give it to him.

Nasuti brought tea to Touma and Keely, who finally allowed Touma to hold his son. She couldn’t help but smile at how much he looked like the archer. The baby’s hair was a shade lighter and had Keely’s eyes, pale gray almost violet, and that’s when Nasuti realized how uncanny it all was. The baby looked like Touma and Seiji due to Keely’s resemblance to Seiji, it could be as though the two men had had a baby together.

“He’s really cute Keely and so tiny.” Touma couldn’t help but smile down at the infant in his arms. This was his son, his own flesh and blood. It was almost instantaneous, the bonding between a father and his child. As soon as the infant touched his arms, Touma’s heart expanded and tears had moistened his eyes. My son, I did this, I helped create him... Now I know what Seiji surely must have felt the first time he held Skylar. I’ve just met him and I already love him so much.

“Why didn’t you keep trying to reach me?” Touma asked as the baby began crying softly. On instinct Touma laid him against his chest and rocked him, effectively calming and soothing the baby.

“I guess I got tired of being hung up on and ignored.” Keely finally said. She didn’t want to argue with Touma; she just wanted to get this all over with. “You’re good with him, a natural. He never quiets down that easily for me.” Her heart pounded hard in her chest as she watched Touma with his son. I’m doing the right thing, I’m sure of it now.

“Did you try writing?” Seiji asked as he walked into the room carrying a baby monitor.

“Yes. Once, but it came back! Return to sender, addresses unknown, was stamped on it. I sent a four-paged letter back in April I think... I wanted to wait till after the first trimester before doing anything. My family has a history of miscarriages in the first 3 months and figured it would be pointless to say anything only to lose the baby before I could get a reply back.” Keely sighed; this was not going like she had wanted. She had hoped to be in and out of there quickly with no hang ups, but Seiji and Touma kept hitting her with one question after another. I should have figured it would be like this... This is too important to rush through.

Seiji realized that she had sent the letter to the house, after the incident with Luis. “Touma was no longer living there, I did have a notice in to have the mail forwarded to Ryo and Nasuti’s and then eventually to my family’s home in Sendai. It should have been forwarded.” Seiji replied skeptically.

“Well then the postal system screwed up, not me! Listen I still have the damn letter if you don’t believe me!” Keely was getting tired of Seiji’s interference. Damn what a hard ass! How did Touma ever hook up with him? Touma may have been a jerk but he seems too down to Earth for this guy. Seiji also seems a little too sophisticated almost snobbish for someone like Touma. I guess opposites really do attract.

“Well you came here to Nasuti’s now, obviously to find me... How come you didn’t use Nasuti as a way to tell me about all this back then?” Touma asked as he stroked his son’s cheek. His skin was so soft and he smelled good. He still couldn’t believe it that Tyler was his. Touma turned his head slightly and kissed his son’s cheek.

“Just be glad I’m here at all, okay? I don’t have time for these questions.” She had had enough. “Now as to why I am here...? Well it would seem that my current boyfriend isn’t fond of children, he has two grown son’s and doesn’t want to be bogged down with an infant not this late in his life. He‘s a prominent man within a large social circle and I have gotten quite use to the lifestyle...”

“Sounds like a nice guy. What a jerk!” Touma said sarcastically. “So is this all about money and social status? Are you that gung ho on living life on easy street? Does this baby mean anything to you? It doesn’t to your boyfriend that’s obvious! How can you stay with such an asshole? Sounds to me like this guy isn’t worth your time or your effort.” Touma knew he was pushing all the wrong buttons, but this was his child and to think he may not be wanted by his own mother was more then he was willing to accept.

“Shut up Touma! At least he isn’t some drunk who screwed me then tossed me aside... He helped me through my pregnancy. He was there to take me to Doctor appointments, he was there when I started bleeding and they had to stitch my cervix closed so I wouldn’t miscarry. He was there to comfort me when I got scared, he was there when I went through 36 hours of labor... HE WAS THERE!!” She yelled at him, hating him even more for his smugness. Tears began to glaze her eyes and she hated him for making her lose her control.

“Hey had I known I would have been there too.” Touma shouted back. “I can’t do anything if I don’t know about it... So don’t even put me on a frigging guilt trip!” Touma felt the baby stiffen in his arms and quickly softened his voice. “Shhhh It’s okay Ty, daddy’s here. I’m sorry for scaring you.” He planted small kisses on him, sighing when Tyler calmed down and relaxed under his arms.

“Yeah... Right! You were too busy fucking every blonde, Seiji look-a-like, that you could find!” Her fists clenched into balls. “Shit who knows if there aren’t anymore little Touma’s running around? After all I had to practically beg you to wear protection!”

Seiji almost choked on his tea at the mentioning of other possible children, which was something neither of them had contemplated. Touma did get a little out of hand for a while... What if he produced more then one child? Did this mean he had to worry about other women showing up with claims to Touma? His heart sank even lower; this was all too much.

Now what? Do I get suspicious if I see a child that even remotely resembles Touma? Oh God what if years down the road some kid shows up and claims that Touma is their father, then what? Do I want that kind of turmoil in my daughter’s life?

“Touma did you use protection with the others?” Seiji didn’t want to ask, but he knew he had to... For his own peace of mind.

“Seiji I honestly don’t remember. I may have.” Touma could sense the fear in Seiji’s voice and he hated what was happening. “I wish I could reassure you on this, but I can’t... I’m sorry.” Touma hung his head, too ashamed to look at Seiji. What have I done? Damn I really screwed up this time. Why am I always doing things like this? God I just don’t seem to learn.

“So we may have to deal with other cases just like this? Mother‘s showing up with children that you may have fathered?” Seiji’s voice had an icy edge to it but he couldn‘t help it. “This is what drinking does to you Touma! It has a tendency to make you stupid!” Seiji couldn’t hold the anger in; it was gnawing away at his soul little by little.

“I don’t KNOW! Okay? I just don’t know! I hope that this is the only one, but I can‘t see the future, I‘m not a psychic.” Touma handed the baby off to Keely. “What do you want me to do Seiji, try and track down every woman I slept with during that time and ask if we used protection? Hey since we slept together once do you have a kid with blue hair running around? It could be that I‘m his father?” Touma stood in front of Seiji, his cheeks burning with anger.

“Is that what you think of me now? That I’m stupid? Maybe you should put yourself in my position, try and see, understand all the pain I was going through at the time. Oh that’s right the great Seiji Date wouldn’t have lost control like that, he would have just run home to mommy and daddy!” Stormy blue eyes shot daggers at the blond. “Maybe I was too stupid to know what protection was, looked like or was used for... Maybe I was stupid for allowing you back in my life!” Touma regretted saying it, he knew he had hurt Seiji, but he was pissed and when that happened words just spewed out of his mouth.

“Guys this is arguing is not helping matters.” Nasuti stood up and stepped between the two. “We are all aware of Touma’s... indiscretions. What he did wasn’t right, but what’s been done is done. Take care of the here and now.” Nasuti glared at them both.

Sighing, Seiji sat back down. “Exactly how many women are we talking about Touma?” Though Seiji had been curious before, he had never asked that of Touma. He didn’t want to upset him, but now in light of everything, Seiji knew it was a question that needed an answer. He hated the fact that Touma had used sex as a way to vent his anger... Would he have to worry about that every time they argued? Whether Touma would go out and get drunk then sleep with someone? It had happened once before, before this incident... It could happen again. Was this a pattern the archer had?

“I don’t know? A dozen, maybe more...” Touma hung his head, that was something he wasn’t proud of, Seiji may have slept with another, but it had been his wife, not some stranger every night. “I’m so sorry Seiji.” He really was but he knew that sorry was no consolation for his behavior. I’m nothing more then a two-bit whore... No wonder I was raped. I asked for it. I don’t blame you Seiji if you leave me; I’m no good for you now. Tears once again threatened and he quickly wiped them away.

“Touma we will talk about it later. Right now you have this to deal with. Let‘s just hope that we don‘t have more women coming to the door because of your drinking.” Seiji spoke to him like a father would his child, and Touma hated that more then anything.

“Keely what are you going to do with the baby? You said your guy doesn’t want kids. What are planning?” Touma didn’t even look at Seiji as he sat down next to Keely. He felt too ashamed, too hurt by Seiji’s remarks. He deserved it though, Seiji was right, drinking didn’t help ease the pain, it was just causing new aches to arise.

“I’m giving up all parental rights and giving you your son.” Keely’s voice shook a little but she didn’t cry.

“What?” Touma could only look at her as her words hit him.

“He’s all yours Touma if you want him; otherwise he’ll be put up for adoption.” Keely collected herself and held her head up. “Of course I would need your permission for that, or proof that you’re an unfit father. Suffice to say, from everything I have found out over the past week from friends that shouldn’t be too hard to do.” Her voice had turned cold, but she had to be like this. It was the only way she was going to get through this without breaking down.

“How can you give your own child up that easily? It’s like he means nothing to you!” Seiji looked at her, shocked. He wanted nothing more then to tear that child away from her; she didn’t deserve to be holding him, not when it was obvious she cared nothing for the baby cradled in her arms. It didn’t matter to him how the child came to be, Tyler was still a baby who deserved to be loved, he didn’t ask to be placed in this situation, he had no choice.

“I can because he’s nothing more then a reminder of a night I’d sooner forget.” She spat. It wasn’t true, not all of it anyway. Sure she wanted to forget that night with Touma, but giving up her child was the hardest thing she was ever going to do. She loved Tyler, but sometimes choices have to be made, even ones you know you will regret for the rest of your life. I have to do this... It’s for the best. Touma will give Tyler the love he deserves, I know that...

“Every time I look at him I think of the humiliation I was put through. First by Touma, then by my own family. When my family found out I was pregnant they lost all respect for me. Sure they helped me, but I could see the disappointment in their faces... I was the whore who had a bastard son. I’m tired of the looks and the people talking behind my back. You deal with it Touma.” Keely glared back at Seiji just as hard as he glared at her.

“You bitch! You’re willing to trade in your child for a man? You’re disgusting! You‘re worse then a whore... God I just want to... Grrrrr!” Touma stood up and glared at her, anger seeped through every pore of his body. “I will gladly take and raise my son, but I never want to see your sorry ass around here ever again! Is that understood?” His anger was at the boiling point now and he had to hold himself in check for fear that he would actually hit her.

“Don’t you ever call me that! This wouldn’t be happening if you had just shown better control... You’re the one who’s disgusting! You’re the whore Touma! I didn’t pick up men every night and sleep with them! I hope to God that you used protection with the others... If not then you could be in a lot of trouble!” Keely placed the baby back in his infant seat. “I’m not just talking about the possibility of other children either!”

“What’s that supposed to mean? Tell me you bitch!!” Touma stepped forward and Seiji quickly shot up and out of his chair to keep the archer from moving any closer to Keely. “What are you insinuating Keely?” Touma’s eyes had darkened as his anger took over.

“One of those women you slept with during your drunken binges died of AIDS last month! You jerk! So pray to the high heavens that you used a condom or you may have signed your own death certificate!” She hated herself for telling him in this manner but he made her so angry. As she looked at his face and the change from anger to shock, she wished she could have taken it back. Oh no, I didn’t want him to find out like this... Great Keely you just had to blurt that out like it was nothing special!

“Oh God... NO!” Seiji’s face drained of all color and his chest tightened. “Touma oh God!” Seiji couldn’t take anymore, quickly handing the baby monitor to Nasuti he headed out of the room, he needed air, and he needed to clear his head. Tears began streaming down his cheeks, he couldn’t think straight, hatred was clouding his thoughts, taking over his actions. Oh my God no, not this... No I can’t stay here... I need to get away.

“Seiji wait... Please?” Touma tried to grab his arm; tears were running down Touma’s face now as well. “Seiji I didn’t know... I’m so sorry, I really am. Seiji, don’t leave me here alone. Please don’t run out on me again.” Touma begged the swordsman and then watched in horror as Seiji yanked his arm away.

“Leave me alone! I don’t want you anywhere near my daughter or me until you are tested! Just leave me alone!” Seiji’s tear filled eyes were steel gray as he gave Touma a glance before bounding out of the room and the house. His tears streaked his cheeks as he ran, heading for the woods, needing time to comprehend everything and decide what he was going to do. I’m sorry Touma but I need to get out, I need to think... I’m afraid if I stay that I’ll say something I’ll regret... Forgive me Touma. Oh God not AIDS, anything but that... Seiji’s lungs began burning as he ran, crying into the wind.

Come back Seiji, please... I’m scared. Don’t leave me again! Please don’t leave me! You always run away when I need you, stop hurting me... Please stop hurting me. Touma swiped at his tears, he was trembling now, and afraid of what his indiscretions may have just cost him. Shaking and feeling sick to his stomach, he turned to face Keely.

“Are you sure about this?” His voice quivered, shocked by the revelations, unsure about anything and scared out of his mind.

“That’s what I heard from a friend at the club you use to hang out in.” Keely said. “Touma I didn’t mean to just blurt that out... I am sorry. I hope that it’s a false alarm, I really do. I was just so angry. That wasn‘t how I should have told you... And yes I was going to tell you, but I wanted to do that when we where alone.” She wiped at the tears on her cheeks, saddened by the look on Touma’s face and the scene she had just witnessed.

“Knowing all this... Why are you offering to hand over the baby to me?” Touma asked, nothing made sense and now all he wanted to do was cry. His voice shook as the tears kept coming. He could hear Nasuti sobbing out in the hall where she had bolted to after hearing the news. He thought of how she had to be hurting, how Seiji must hate him now and how the others would view him. Will they all hate me? Will they be afraid to get near me now? I may have gained a son, but I might have lost my family.

“Because I can’t keep him and I know that with you, Tyler will get all the love he needs to grow up happy. I love John too much to give him up. He has been so good to me, and if you must know, I never wanted children in the first place. I had tried to have my tubes tied in the past, but they won‘t do it if you have never had a child, just in case you change your mind.” She hung her head. “I had it done after I had Tyler, I‘m just not one to be tied down to a child. I‘m sorry.”

Keely looked up at him and saw that he was still crying. “I know you’ll be a good father to him. I’ve already seen proof of that. I’ll just hope and pray that you are around to watch him grow up that’s all. Please Touma don’t hate me for this, I just can’t lose the man I love.” She began crying.

“I’ll do it... Just tell me what we need to do to make this official.” God things just wouldn’t let up, he wasn’t sure just what he was going to do now. He couldn’t stop thinking of Seiji and the pain he had to be feeling. It hurt him to know he was putting Seiji through this and at that moment wished like hell that he could change things. Touma couldn’t help but compare Keely to his own mother, at least Keely was trying to make sure that her son grew up knowing what it was like to be loved.

“I’ve already spoken to a lawyer, we can go to him now, if you’d like and get the papers drawn up and signed. It won‘t all happen immediately, there are waiting periods and such, but we can set things in motion at least.” Keely looked down at her hands. “When I came here Touma I never expected all this other stuff to happen. If there was another way... If I can do anything to help... I will. I just wish I could take back my anger.”

“I understand. Hey this is my fault; I’m the one who couldn’t keep my zipper shut... I’ll just have to deal with the consequences, I just hope no one else has to deal with the after math of my stupidity.” He though about Seiji, the look on the swordsman’s face had spoken volumes. Touma also thought about Skylar, as well as the other guys and their kids... Oh God what have I done? Please don’t let anyone be hurt by this, please?

Touma felt his heart once again shattering, knowing he may have lost the very things he had always tried to protect... His friends. He also knew he may have just seen the end of what he and Seiji had fought so hard to regain... The love they shared.

“So should we go to that lawyer?” Keely asked as she placed some things back in the diaper bag. “I just hope that Seiji finds the strength to forgive you Touma. I’m sorry that he had to hear that the way he did, he didn’t deserve that... I am so sorry. If only I had controlled my anger... I didn‘t come here to hurt you, I swear to God I didn‘t.” Keely laid her head into hands as her body shook from the sobs.

“It‘s okay Keely, you‘re not to blame... I‘m sorry for the way I acted, for not being there for you and most of all for treating you the way I had.” Touma scooted forward and wrapped his arms around her. He really did feel sorry for her, she was just as much a victim in all this as the other women. Is this how Seiji felt about Suzume? Is that why he was able to forgive her so easily? God I am such a fool. Seiji I really do need you. Even if you can never love me again, I still need your friendship. The tears slid silently down over his cheeks, stinging his eyes.

Touma looked up to see Nasuti walk into the room, her red rimmed eyes told him all he needed to know. “Nasuti, I’m sorry about all of this. Please don’t hate me.”

“I could never hate you Touma-san and you should know that. If there’s anything I can do to help, let me now okay? You will always be my friend.” She reached out to grab his hand as he extended it to him. “Just give Seiji some time, I’m sure things will work out.”

“Suti when Seiji comes back would you tell him where I’ve gone?” Touma squeezed her hand and smiled. He had been so rapped up in everything that was hitting him that he just now realized that most of his memories had returned.... They were all flooding back, the good and the bad.

“Sure Touma, I will. Touma, we’ll all get through this I know we will and so will you and Seiji.” Her green eyes filled with tears.

“I hope so.” Touma said sadly. “Nasuti, make sure Seiji doesn’t leave... I need to talk to him; we have to settle this. I know he may not want to talk to me but he has to... We can’t leave it at this. I won’t blame him for hating me, but we still need to talk this out.” He looked up and met her eyes. “I’m sorry to be putting you through this as well, especially with you being pregnant and all.”

“I will make sure he gets the message. Be careful now and don‘t you worry about me, I‘m okay.” Nasuti walked them out, her arm firmly hooked into Touma‘s; she had this overwhelming desire to protect him. He was like a brother to her, they all had been, Ryo may have stolen her heart but she gave all of them her love. Nasuti watched as Touma scanned the area for any signs of Seiji, sighing to himself when he couldn’t feel the blonde’s presence anywhere and she quickly gave his arm a knowing squeeze before stepping away.


Seiji walked into the house totally spent. He had spent several hours out in the woods meditating yet was no closer to the answers then he was before. All he knew was that he needed to be tested, just to be safe. He knew Skylar hadn’t been in contact with anything that would transmit a disease of this magnitude, but he had... That day in the hospital when he and Touma had fooled around. He wanted to kick himself now for losing control that day, for allowing his hormones to cloud his judgment.

What was I thinking? That was not the place to be doing those things... I knew better, yet I allowed my desire to control my rational thought. I should have resisted but I didn’t... I have no one to blame but myself, I just hope my daughter doesn’t have to pay the price for my stupidity.

“Nasuti? Where’s Touma?” Seiji asked as he walked into the kitchen, he saw that she had been crying and he felt his heart tear a little more.

“He went with Keely to the lawyers; he needs to sign some papers to gain full custody of Tyler.” She explained. “God Seiji, when will it end? How much more has to happen before you and Touma can be happy? How much more heartache do you two have to be put through? It‘s just not fair.” Her tears started to fall again.

Seiji quickly went to her and wrapped his arms protectively around her. “I don’t know Suti. Come on and sit down, you shouldn‘t be put through this, you have an unborn child to care for. I‘m sorry.”

“I just hope this all ends Seiji, and soon. I know Touma loves you, this has to be hurting him just as much. Please try and understand what he’s going through... Don’t hate him for this.” She sobbed against his shoulder.

Seiji couldn’t respond, not with the thoughts running through his mind at the moment. “I’m taking Sky into the hospital with me; I need to be tested as soon as possible. Skylar should be okay unless I test positive... I just can’t leave her here while I go, please try and understand that.” He knew how that sounded but he was parent first and a doctor second.

“Touma should get tested as well. Tell him that I can get him in anytime he wants to have it done or give him the names of a few reliable clinics if he‘d rather go that avenue.” Seiji kept his back to her as he spoke, he knew that if she saw his face, she would know immediately what he was thinking and he wasn’t ready with answers to any of the questions she would throw at him.

“Do you think she was telling the truth Seiji? It just seemed to come out of the blue... Maybe she is mistaken in what she heard.” Nasuti knew she was grasping at straws, but it was a little bit of hope to cling to.

“I wish I knew, Suti. Still Touma can’t remember if he had unprotected sex with any of those women, that’s a reality we can’t deny. Even if it’s not true about this one, what about all of the others?” Seiji sighed as he stood up; his face bore the pain that was lying in his heart. “If Touma asks, tell him I’ll be back later.” Seiji replied dryly then went to get his daughter. He felt as though someone had punched him hard. The pain in his heart seemed to intensify as his mind tried to deny everything that was transpiring.

I hope that for your sake Touma, this is a false alarm... I Pray that it is since we both have responsibilities now... Children to nurture and to raise. A disease like AIDS doesn’t care about those things, it’s unmerciful in its attack, not caring about age, gender, race, social status or sexual preferences, those points are of no concern to it. AIDS latches on to its host like some blood-sucking leech, draining your body of its most precious commodity... Life. Death is its final destination and it does what it needs to... In order to achieve it, unrelenting and cold, much like death itself. AIDS is death... Only worse.

Tears cascaded down Seiji’s face as he thought about the passage that an AIDS patient had written only an hour before his own body had failed him, sending him to an eternal slumber. Oh God please don’t let that happen to us... Just this once spare Touma and I from such pain... Spare our children from the agony of losing their fathers, spare the others the sorrow of losing their friends.

Leaning against the door to his daughter’s room Seiji cried, tears fell rapidly splashing to the floor. His legs finally gave out as he slid down to the floor; shivering and scared he couldn’t stop the flood of emotions that spilled out.

Several long minutes passed before he had the strength to stand and walk inside the room to gather his child in his arms, the miracle he had created. “I love you so much Sky. You’re daddy’s little girl and all I want to do is protect you... I have to sweetheart and if I need to leave Touma in order to do that, I will. I’d give my last breath if it meant keeping you safe.” Softly he kissed her as tears once more stung his eyes.

On the drive into the hospital Seiji tried to decide how to go about all this without the hospital worrying over health concerns. He thought it best to just act as though he was following up on tests that had been done to him some 15 months ago, when he had been raped. He knew Kenji would cover for him as well, and so with that in mind, he prayed that all of this worrying was over nothing. Small amounts of hope were all he had at the moment; he had to hold on to them... For his daughter’s sake.


“Mamma, wead! Wead gook.” Toushiba handed Lorelei a book and tried to climb into her lap. “UP!” He commanded to her.

Lifting him onto the sofa, Lorelei smiled. “Okay we’ll read a book, then it’s off to bed for the two of you. Hana, you want to read this too?” Lorelei looked at her daughter who was still scribbling in her sketchpad.

“Yea! Mamma wead!” She quickly scampered over to the sofa and waited to be lifted up Sitting beside Lorelei, she looked at the book. “Tree bears... Wead mamma.”

“Okay then... Once upon a time there lived three bears.....” Lorelei began to read just as Shin walked into the room, the look on his face told her that something wasn’t right, she wanted to find out what was the matter, but knew it would have to wait. Hana and Toushiba would have to be taken care of first, that she was certain of. “...And Goldilocks never took a walk in the forest again, lest she come upon three hungry bears.” Lorelei closed the book and saw that both kids were looking quite sleepy.

“Okay you two time to brush teeth and get to bed.” Shin announced.

Toushiba‘s eyes widened and Lorelei knew what that meant. “WUN!” Toushiba shouted and quickly slid off the couch, trying to get away. Hana, always the one to follow her brother’s lead, did the same.

“Oh no you don’t smarty-pants!” Lorelei grabbed Toushiba but Hana slipped by her. “Get back here Miss Silly!”

“NO!” She shouted shaking her head as she tried to run... Of course being only 11 months old her running was not very good yet and she smacked right into Shin’s legs who scooped her up.

“Now where do you think you’re going? Huh?” Shin laughed at the squirming mass in his arms. “Trying to get away are we?” Shin started tickling her and she squealed with laughter.

“No bed...pway!” She giggled harder. “Daddy pway orsey. Pease?” She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed. “Pease daddy.”

“Okay horsey it is.” He shifted Hana around to his back. Hana could ask for the world and Shin knew he would most likely try and get it for her, Toushiba as well. He loved his children more then anything and it showed in his eyes every time they were near him.

“Me too daddy!” Toushiba giggled as he reached out for him.

“Let me get your sister up then I will come back for you... You ready Hana.” Shin laughed and did his best horse gallop all the way up to her bedroom. Placing her down he smiled. “Now you stay put while I go get your brother.” Shin smiled then trotted out of the room and back downstairs for Toushiba.

Lorelei was tickling Toushiba when Shin came down to get him. “Okay sport lets go for a horsy ride, daddy’s here.” Lorelei laughed as she put her son on Shin’s back. Following them both to the stairs.

“Hi daddy!” Shin stopped in his tracks when he saw Hana sitting on the bottom step.

“I told you to stay put.” He half groaned but smiled at the face she was making.

“My fisy is bad...” She held up her stuffed whale for him to see. “Make me tum town.”

“Your fishy told you to come back down?” Shin couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh what a bad little fishy he is.”

“Nutter wide pease?” She gave him the eyes that would always melt his heart.

“Okay, come here squirt. You get the front.” Shin picked her up. Holding Toushiba on to his back, he held Hana to his chest as they made their way back up. “I’m getting too old for this.” Shin said as he placed both kids down and rubbed at his lower back.

Lorelei chuckled and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Darling you are not getting older, just better.” She said as she kissed him. “I’ll give you a back rub later if you want.” She smiled when Shin moaned softly. He knew all too well what her back rubs led to and that thought alone was making him hot.

With two sets of teeth brushed, what teeth they had, 2 glasses of water given, several hugs and kisses bestowed and favorite stuffed animals taken care of, Shin and Lorelei headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Lorelei had to find out what had her husband looking so down earlier; it was gnawing at her too hard.

“Shin what’s wrong?” She asked, slipping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder. “You looked so sad earlier and I can feel the tension in every muscle you have.”

“I was on the phone with Ryo earlier, he thought we should be made aware of something he and Nasuti just found out.” Shin sighed, he had been thinking about just how to tell since the phone call. There was no easy way; the news was going to hurt no matter how much he cushioned it.

“What’s that? Shin what is it? Oh Gosh did something happen with Nasuti and the baby?” Lorelei asked, she was exhausted and wanted to just have her husband whisk her off to bed but now all she wanted were answers. “Shin please what is it?”

“It has to do with Touma... Lors this is bad. I‘m sorry if there was any other way....” Shin let out a breath that made his whole body tremble.

“Oh God now what? Please Shin tell me?” She pulled back to look into his eyes. “You’re scaring me.”

“Keely, that girl Touma met last year? Well she showed up at Ryo and Nasuti’s today.” Shin ran a hand through his hair; it was a little shorter now. Gone were the side burns, now his hair was more stylish as it feathered back and away from his face, making him look much more mature. “Lorelei? Touma has a son... A four month old little boy named Tyler.”

“W...What? A son?” Lorelei sat down quickly on the stool at the counter. “Are they sure? Oh my God!”

“According to Ryo the baby has blue hair, so I think it’s safe to safe that it’s Touma’s.” Shin stood beside her. “There’s something else. Touma gave Ryo the okay to inform us...” Shin’s eyes clouded over with tears. “Keely dumped a bombshell into Touma’s lap and it’s major.”

“Shin what is it? Is there something wrong with the baby?” Lorelei was shaking now. She could sense the tremendous pain Shin was feeling now. How he had managed to hide it from her earlier was a mystery, but now it was flowing from him and it scared her.

“During that time when Touma was going to the clubs and picking up girls... He can’t remember if he actually slept with all of them or even if he used protection with most of them.” Shin stopped trying to fight the tears back and allowed them to fall.

“Lors I wish I didn’t have to tell you this sweetheart, I know what it’s going to do to you. Keely informed Touma that one of the women may have died of AIDS last month. I‘m so sorry darling.” He could see the shock registering on her face as his words reached her.

“NO! NO! Shin that’s not right! NO!” Lorelei burst into tears. “How can you even say that? Touma is okay... He would never put himself in that kind of danger. He‘s too smart.” Lorelei’s mind was trying to process the information but she kept trying to push it back out.

“Lors Touma’s not sure of anything right now but he’s going to get tested just to be safe.” Shin went to hug her and was shocked when she pushed him away.

“NO not Touma... You’re lying. He can‘t Shin! I won‘t listen to this anymore. Keely is lying, she‘s trying to hurt Touma that‘s all. She‘s just trying to...” She went to leave but the room began spinning. Had it not been for Shin’s great reflexes Lorelei would have fallen to the floor, instead she collapsed safely into his arms.

Kissing her head he gently carried her upstairs and laid her down on the bed. “I’m sorry Lors, I wish you didn’t have to know.” Shin crawled in beside her, concerned as he stroked her cheek. “I love you Lors, and I‘m so sorry you had to be told about this.” He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly.

This was hitting a little too close to home now, for Lorelei anyway and Shin had known that all along. Lorelei had lost her only brother to AIDS right before the two of them had gotten married. She had watched him slowly die, wasting away until he was nothing like the man she called her brother. Colin was the last of immediate family, and Shin remembered how hard Lorelei had taken his death. God please don’t hurt her anymore, Touma is so much like a brother to her, it’ll kill her if he is HIV positive, and if he should get full blown AIDS, I’d hate to think how she’ll take it.

“Shin?” She called to him weakly.

“I’m right here sweetheart.” Shin pulled her closer, wishing like hell that he could have spared her from this.

“I don’t want to go through this again... It was hard enough watching Colin as he got sick... I don’t think I can handle it.” She sobbed softly. “I’m sorry for being so weak, but I can’t watch Touma get sick... I can’t.”

“Hey, maybe we’ll get lucky this time, maybe Touma will find out he doesn’t have it... We have to keep the faith.” He kissed the back of her head.

“I’m scared for Touma... And for Seiji. Neither one deserves any of this... it’s so cruel. AIDS is such a cruel disease Shin. I have seen what it can do... I don‘t want to see Touma or Seiji go through that.” She turned to face him, burying her head in his chest and weeping. Shin held her until her tears subsided, and sleep finally overtook her.

“You just sleep now. I’m sure that in the morning you’ll be stronger. I’m scared for them as well hon...” Shin spoke to the dark room before exhaustion claimed him as well.


“Are you sure you heard right?” Ming looked at her husband through her haze of tears. Shu was crying quite hard now.

“Hai! There was no mistaking what I heard Ming... Touma could very well have been exposed to the AIDS virus. Ryo was pretty clear on it.” Shu was still sitting on the floor by the phone where he had collapsed after getting Ryo’s phone call.

“My God... It just keeps coming! This frigging nightmare just won‘t end.” Ming was still too shocked by it all.

///She wasn’t sure what had happened at first when she came down to make breakfast, the phone had rung and Shu had gone to answer it. After a few minutes she had heard his cries and then silence... She found him sitting on the floor, his knees to his chest, rocking back and forth and crying.

What ever had been told to him had to be horrific to reduce him to that. Then he told her, his words seemed to cut right through her, One of the women Touma may have slept with had died from the AIDS virus. ///

“Maybe Touma won’t get sick, maybe he won’t even have the disease... Look how he and Seiji have fought their way back from every crisis that has come their way.” Ming spoke softly as she cradled her husband in her arms. “Those men don’t deserve this, not now... God they have been through more strife then any human should ever be put through.”

“He’s my friend Ming (hiccup), he can’t die... Not from something so horrible. Look what Lors went through with her brother (sniffle), she was a mess.” The tears just kept coming, he couldn’t stop them. “What about all of us, our kids? Do we have to worry about whether they had been exposed?” He looked at her with reddened eyes.

“We should talk to Seiji; he will most likely have a lot of answers for us.” She replied then went white. “Oh God what about Seiji? That day in the hospital... Oh dear God!” She clamped her hand over her mouth. The realization that two of her friends could be infected hit her... Let the nightmare end; please just stop it now. Her mind screamed.

“There’s something else Ryo told me. Keely was the one who told them, she had tracked down Touma to tell him that he had a son.” Shu’s voice was so small that it tore Ming’s heart out to hear it. “He’s 4 months old, his name is Tyler and he has blue hair... Ryo said he looks just like Touma.”

“MY God how sadistic is this bitch?” Ming was angry now. “Hi Touma, here’s you son, but don’t get too attached cause you may have AIDS and we know what happens if you get sick... DAMN! I wish I could strangle her scrawny neck!”

“She gave Touma full parental rights to Tyler. She signed away her rights.” Shu sniffled and rubbed at his eyes. “She doesn’t want her own child, how sad is that? How can she do it? How can she be so cold as to sign away the child she carried for nine months, then raised for another 4..? How Ming?” Shu’s tears began falling again. “How can a mother reject her own child? I saw how it hurt Touma just to have his parents ignore him... God if they would have rejected him it would have killed him.”

Shu looked up at her; his eyes held so much pain and sorrow. “How can someone hate their child enough to do that? Children are a gift, not a hindrance! They’re here to remind us just how precious our own lives are. How can she hate him like that?” Shu buried his face into her shoulder as his whole body shook from the force of his cries.

“I don’t know baby, I just don’t know.” Ming held onto him tightly, for as tough as he looked on the outside, one would be surprised to see just how sensitive a heart he truly had. Ming brushed his hair back from his face and just sat there allowing the big guy to cry until his whole body was spent. “I love you Shu, don’t you ever forget that.” She kissed his cheek.

“I love you too Ming... So much, so very much.” He whispered hoarsely. “I love our son too; I will never stop loving either one of you. If you and SinJin ever left me, I would surely die.”

“We will never leave you Shu; you’re stuck with us.” She assured him, ten kissed him softly. Ming found that Shu’s need to be as close as he could to her was so overwhelming that the only way for him to relieve it was by making love to her. They did so right there in the hallway, on the floor...


Touma sat at the computer terminal, staring at the screen; the images that jumped out at him made him sick. It had been 2 weeks since now since he had discovered he was a father and that he may have been exposed to this horrible disease. Glancing to his side he watched as his son slept peacefully, unaware of the tragic events that could be occurring. Touma smiled as he watched him, the one bright spot amongst this whole mess.

What hurt Touma most was how much he also looked like Seiji, Tyler had pale gray/violet eyes, like Keely but they were so close to Seiji’s. Keely could pass for Seiji’s twin, that’s how much she had resembled the swordsman. Touma shivered when he thought about how Tyler looked so much like he and Seiji and that if it were humanly possible, they could have easily passed him off as their own child.

Tears slipped down his cheeks at the thought of Seiji; he missed him so much. Five days ago the blond had decided he needed time to think and so he and Skylar had returned to Sendai. Seiji tried to be as gentle as he could when he broke the news to Touma, but Touma’s stubborn pride once again took hold and their parting was less then pleasant.

/// “What? You’re leaving? Just like that?” Touma spun around to face Seiji when the swordsman had told him. Why couldn’t Seiji see that he needed him there, not six hours away in another city?

“Touma please... Try and understand. I need some time to think. I can’t do that here.” Seiji’s voice remained soft but without emotion.

“That’s a line of bullshit Seiji and we both know it!” Touma’s eyes misted over. “You’re running... Again! You bastard!” Sure go ahead and stab me in the back once again Seiji! God will I ever learn or am I destined to be this pathetic wimp when it comes to him?

“Touma I’m not...” Seiji felt hurt by the comment even though he had expected it. When he had made the decision to return to Sendai for a few days, he had known that a fight would most likely ensue when he went to tell Touma.

“How can you do this to me again? How Seiji?” Tears fell from midnight blue eyes. “Just like before I need you and just like before you are running back to mommy and daddy, like some scared puppy with your tail firmly tucked between your legs.” Touma balled his fists as the hurt spread outward.

“Touma I’m only going home for few days, just to allow us both time to get our heads on straight.” Seiji held his head up; he couldn’t afford to allow his emotions to win. Not this time.

“BULLSHIT!” Touma hissed, clenching his teeth and staring the blond down. “Stop it with your fucking lies! You are once again taking the easy road! The cowards way out! You can’t face the horrors and so you run, leaving me to deal with it all alone like before... Go then! Get the hell out!” Touma shouted.

“I will be back. I’m not abandoning you Touma?” Seiji tried to reason with the archer, but in truth he wasn’t sure just how incorrect Touma really was. They had barely spoken to one another in over a week. Seiji knew he was avoiding him yet he couldn’t help it. He was scared too why couldn’t Touma see that?

“Like hell you aren’t!” Touma’s anger took over and soon he had Seiji by the shirtfront and pushed up against the wall. “Get out of my face you coward! Just go home to your family and stay away from mine!” Touma hissed. “I don’t need your crap right now, in fact Seiji... I don’t need you!”

Seiji did nothing to fight back, even when Touma left him go and then turned back to land a punch to his midsection. “I’m sorry Touma. Please know that, I still care about you.” Seiji gasped as he tried to suck in air.

“Listen to yourself Seiji; you can’t even say that you love me... Can you?” Touma turned his back to the blond. “You are so disgusted with me that you can’t love me anymore... Well then I guess we should just end this here. You‘re free Seiji, free of this pathetic soul.” Touma’s shoulders shook and Seiji knew the archer was trying to keep from breaking down.

“I’ll be honest Touma; I’m not sure how I feel at the moment. I can’t deny that what has happened hasn’t changed my feelings.” Seiji’s voice took on its characteristic monotone sound. “That’s why I need to go away, so I can sort through it all. You know that things have been strained between us over the past 2 weeks or so. We both need some time to clear our heads.” Seiji swallowed hard, he could feel his calm control waning little by little.

“Well then go... Just don’t come back! I don’t want you anymore... You and I are through! It’s over with!” Touma collapsed to his knees, his sobs now filled the room. “I don’t want you anymore.”

“Touma?” Seiji started moving towards him but Touma held his hand in the air to stop him.

“Go Seiji... Go and leave me what little dignity I have left.” Touma couldn’t look at him, he knew that if he did, he would take back everything he had just said. He loved Seiji with everything he was. “GET OUT NOW! GO! My son and I will be better off without you in our lives.”

Seiji found himself moving towards the door. He wanted to run to Touma and tell him to believe in him, to just give him those few days and see that he would indeed be back, but he couldn’t. His pride just wouldn’t allow it. Seiji slipped out the door, closing it softly, he never heard Touma sobbing for him to stay and not go. He never heard the archer cry out that he loved him. ///

Touma got up and walked over to the window, it was starting to get dark, and the stars began making their nightly appearance yet he didn’t seem to care. Nothing mattered any more, except for his son that is. Without Seiji around it was as though a part of him had left as well. He knew he had to keep going for his son’s sake, Ty needed him, depended on him and there was no way Touma was going to let him down.

Looking up at the stars as tears slid quietly down his face, he realized just how much he needed Seiji as well. He needed his strength, his warmth his love, he needed Seiji in his life, it was just too empty without him. Hearing his son cry out, Touma quickly collected himself, wiping his eyes with his shirtsleeve and went over to the bassinette, scooping Tyler up Touma gentle held him.

“It’s okay Ty daddy’s here. I love you and no matter what happens I will make sure that you are always loved and well taken care of.” He kissed the side of his head and nuzzled his face in the soft coating of hair on the top of his son‘s head.

“I hope that I will be around to see you grow up, but if not I will make sure that you are raised by people who will be there for you, you will not know the loneliness I experienced as a child.” Touma sat on his bed, scooting up to rest against the headboard, with his knees bent he placed his son on his legs, smiling when Tyler opened his eyes to look at him.

“Hey there bright eyes, so do you want to sit and talk to your old man ne?” He chuckled at the little noises Tyler made and when he smiled up at him Touma thought for sure that he would lose it. “You’re smiling! That’s the first time I’ve seen you smile. I’ve got to add that to our journal sport.”

Touma grabbed the journal that he had started that day Keely had shown up with him. He was determined to preserve these moments spent with his son, and so he started a daily journal where he wrote down what went on that day as well as little messages to Tyler that he could read when he got older.

There was so much he wanted to tell him about, so much information he wanted to give him, so many things he wanted to show him. Touma just hoped that he would be given the time to do that. Putting the journal back down he smiled once again. “Okay sport it’s story time.”

“Let’s see now where did I leave off with our story...? Oh I remember now.” Touma had started telling Tyler about his acquiring the armor of Tenku and his time spent fighting the Dynasty and Arago.

Lying down with Tyler on his chest Touma began, soon both were fast asleep, with Touma’s arms wrapped protectively around his son and Tyler’s head resting on Touma’s chest right above his heart.

At some point during the night Touma was unaware of the figure that gently lifted the sleeping infant from him and placed the baby back in the bassinette returning to pull the blankets up over the archer before laying a kiss to his forehead. The figure smiled down at Touma, whispering a silent good night before slipping back out of the room.


“Seiji! Hey when did you get in?” Nasuti was startled as she walked into the kitchen and saw the blond sitting at the counter eating, and feeding his daughter.

“I think it was around 1:00 this morning... I figured it would be easier to travel at night. This way Sky would sleep for most of the drive. Gomen, I guess I should have phoned you to let you know I was coming back.” Seiji explained as he watched Skylar take the last of her bottle. “Okay little one time for your morning bath and then a nap.” Seiji put her to his shoulder to burp her.

“God she’s getting so big, Seiji. She’s looking more like you everyday. May I?” Nasuti held out her arms for Seiji to hand the baby to her. “Welcome back Skylar, Auntie Nasuti missed you. So did Uncle Ryo.” She giggled at the face Sky made. “We all missed you.”

“Nasuti? H... How has Touma been?” Seiji looked at her with concern. “I know he was quite angry with me when I left. Not that I blame him, bur I sensed that his anger was masking his hurt.”

“Well he’s doing what he must to get by I guess. All things considered, I’d have to say that he’s showing a great deal of maturity and strength. Unlike some that I know!” She watched as Seiji winced, knowing that the last sentenced was directed solely at him.

“We all are Suti.” Seiji quickly said as he stood at the sink to wash out the baby bottle.

Nasuti rocked the baby in her arms as she spoke. “First he’s told he’s a father, then he’s given this bombshell news that he may have been exposed to a horrible disease, and then while trying to cope with all that... The man he loves and trusts walks away from him, leaving him to face all of this alone.” Seiji couldn’t miss the sarcasm in her voice and hung his head, knowing she right. “I’m sorry for being so blunt Seiji, but I have to speak my mind.”

Nasuti stared at Seiji, she knew that he had to be going through his own hell but it couldn’t compare to what Touma was facing. At least Seiji had a family to turn to; Touma’s parents were just too busy with their own lives to even care.

Shortly after Keely’s departure Touma had phoned them to tell them that they were grandparents, and to some how break the news that he may have been exposed to AIDS. His mother gave him her new email address and asked him to email her a picture of Tyler and his father said that it was about time before announcing he had to go. Neither said a word about the AIDS thing. Nasuti had seen the hurt look in Touma’s face that day and it had torn her up. He needed his family’s support more then ever, but like all the other times, their lives took precedence over his.

“That’s okay... You’re right though, I did walk away and it was a cowardly thing to do.” Seiji looked to the floor feeling guilty. “I needed time to think, time to put everything in perspective. I know it wasn’t the best way to handle it, but I just wasn’t thinking clearly at the time. I am sorry for everything I have put you and Ryo through and I’m especially sorry for all the hurt I have placed upon Touma.”

“Then tell him Seiji! Tell him what’s in your heart. He needs to hear it... Whether it’s good or bad he has a right to know. For once do the honorable thing Seiji. Running won‘t solve anything, I had hoped that you would have learned that by now. Was I wrong?” Nasuti’s green eyes glared down at the swordsman. She may have only been 3 years older then he but with the exception of Ryo, she had always viewed them as her younger brothers.

“I will, Nasuti. No you were not wrong, I was. I wasn‘t running away this time, I just took the time to think about everything. I guess I should have handled this differently, been clearer on my intentions.” Seiji straightened up to look at her. “Can you watch Skylar and Tyler for a little while this afternoon? I think it’s time Touma and I sat down to talk, I mean really talk. Maybe we can take a walk down to the cabins where we can have some privacy.” Seiji looked at her sadly. “I just hope that he’ll even want to talk to me. I hurt him big time, I know that.”

“Sure Seiji, take as long as you need. I‘d be more then happy to watch my two little angels.” She handed the baby back to him, giving Skylar a kiss as she did so. “As for Touma, if you have to, drag him down there. You two do need to talk and he needs to see that, which means you have to be persistent.”

“Thanks. Now if you will excuse me, I need to give her a bath, and get her down for a little nap.” Seiji stood up and kissed his daughter. “We were a little cranky this morning, weren’t we?” He smiled at the look his baby gave him. “Maybe I’ll shock everyone and take a little nap myself; I’m still tired from the drive.” He yawned. “Excuse me.”

“Now that needs to be marked on the calendar! A day to go down in history as the great Seiji Date takes a morning nap.” Nasuti laughed as Seiji stuck out his tongue at her before heading out of the kitchen and up the stairs.


Seiji nervously paced back and forth within the cabin’s interior, waiting for Touma to show up. He had spent over an hour convincing the archer that it was important for them to talk things out. Touma at first felt that they had said all that was needed the day Seiji had gone home to Sendai. What more was there? Seiji knew that it was just the stubborn attitude emerging from Touma but they still had so much more to discuss and he wasn‘t going to back down.

“Don’t do this for me, Touma... Do this for our kids.” Seiji finally said. He knew it was a cheap shot, using the kids as a tool to get Touma to talk to him, but he had run out of options, it was the only one left. He couldn’t help but smirk when Touma remarked that he was sounding like Nasuti more and more since she had a way of using things against him in the same manner.

Seiji jumped when he heard the door open. Turning to watch as Touma stepped inside with a face that held no expression what so ever.

“Thanks for coming Touma. I really do appreciate it.” Seiji nervously walked over to a chair and sat down, motioning for Touma to do the same.

“Well you didn’t leave me any other choice, not when you use my son and your daughter to lay a guilt trip on me.” Touma replied sarcastically as he looked around the cabin, avoiding the blonde‘s gaze. It held a lot of memories for him especially since he had regained all of them several days after Keely’s bombshells.

“Gomen nasai Touma. That wasn’t nice, I know that but you had me in a corner.” Seiji looked at his hands, which were shaking slightly. “We didn’t really talk before I went home, there are still a lot of issues we need to deal with, it’s important that we do so.”

“I think your walking out made things loud and clear Seiji! You can’t handle the fact that I may have been exposed to AIDS and now want me out of your life.” Touma spun around to face him. “I’m fine with that, if that’s how you want it.”

“Touma I now I didn’t handle things very well, I’m sorry... I needed time to get my head together. I needed to see just where I stood, where we stood. I needed to make my family aware of what could happen even if my chances at getting AIDS is very remote.” Seiji’s eyes held all the pain he was feeling at the moment. “I was scared Touma. Yes as a doctor I know more about this disease then your average person, but that didn’t stop me from feeling afraid. I‘m only human and now that I have a child I see things differently.”

“Scared? You want to talk about being scared?” Touma balled up his fists. “Let me tell you about being afraid Seiji! I have a son I never knew existed until a month ago... Now I may not get to see him grow up to be a man. His mother abandoned him, handing him off like used furniture and now his father could wind up with a disease that could kill him.” Running his hand through his hair, Touma stopped to look out the window. “How do you tell your child that you have a disease that may someday make you so sick it will slowly kill you?”

“I’ve been looking up everything I can on the AIDS virus and it scares the living hell out of me Seiji. Sure a lot of people are HIV positive and never get AIDS, but I have to prepare for the worse. I can’t afford to just let it slide.” Touma could feel the lump swelling in his throat. “A few days ago I spoke to a man who lost his companion to AIDS and what he told me about what he went through had me praying to the high heavens that I never get sick.”

Touma’s eyes filled with tears. “I know you know most of this, the symptoms and what patients experiences since you are a doctor, but I saw these things through someone else’s eyes... I saw his pain and heartache, the deep sadness at watching someone you love die slowly and that scared the living shit out of me.” Touma looked at the swordsman sadly. “Oh God Seiji, I don’t want to have it happen to me. I don‘t want to die like that... I‘m so sorry for putting myself in this predicament. I wasn‘t thinking and I should have. I knew better, I saw what had happened to Lorelei‘s brother.”

“Touma?” Seiji spoke softly, seeing the archer’s shoulders shaking he quickly got up and crossed the room, his own heart was slowly breaking over seeing his best friend and lover so sad, hurt and scared. “Please Touma, I want to be here for you. Don’t shut me out. I realized while I was in Sendai that I can’t do without you. You are my other half, the man I have loved for so long and still love with everything I have. You and I have been through so much and the way we got through it was as a team.” Seiji put his arms around Touma’s waist. “I need you Touma, please don’t leave me.”

“I’m so scared Seiji... I don’t want to die... not like that.” Touma could no longer hold in the emotions, turning in Seiji’s arms to face the swordsman he began to cry. “This guy’s told me that when his mate started getting sick it was so hard to watch. His companion would go to take his pills, only to throw them back up, and then he’d have to start over again. Sometimes he had to wear an adult diaper cause he couldn’t control his bladder or bowels...” Touma spoke through his sobs. “I can’t do that Seiji. God it would be so humiliating.”

“He watched as his lover’s body started wasting away as the disease progressed. I don’t want that to happen to me.” Touma began shaking; his sobs became so forceful that Seiji had to slowly lower the two of them to the floor. “I don’t want to die like that, slowly... while everyone I care about watches. I don’t want my son to see his father waste away to where he’s not even recognizable.” Touma cried into Seiji’s shoulder. “I don’t want Tyler to look at me with disgust or worse yet fearful of even being near me. That would kill me Seiji.”

“Shhhh Touma, it’s going to be okay... we’ll face this together. I’ll be here for you, I promise.” Seiji felt the heat of his own tears stinging as they rolled down his cheeks. “They have made such great strides with medications, many live for years without ever getting full blown AIDS. We’re not even sure that you have the virus.” Seiji combed his fingers through indigo hair. “Tyler would never be disgusted with you, not when he’ll grow up with so much love from his father.”

“But I could Seiji and I have to prepare myself for that possibility. I saw pictures and read accounts from families of AIDS victims and it scared the living hell out of me.” Touma sobbed softly.

“Once you get full-blown AIDS things get bad... Your body fails you. This guy said his mate got to the point where he couldn’t do anything for himself. Someone had to feed him, dress him, and bathe him... Someone even had to wipe his butt for him. I don’t want to become like that Seiji... Please, don’t make me. Don‘t allow me to be reduced to someone like that, to feel so degraded and ashamed.” Touma buried his face in the crook of Seiji’s neck. “Don’t make me live that kind of life.”

“What are you saying Touma?” Seiji swallowed hard, he had a feeling he knew the answer... He didn’t want to hear it. He closed his eyes tightly trying to shut out the dark thoughts. Please don’t say it Touma, don’t tell me that.

“If I get full-blown AIDS, I want your permission to die... Please Seiji? Allow me to die with my dignity still intact.” Touma looked up at Seiji, both men were crying hard now. “Allow me to end my life while I’m still the person everyone knows and not some shell that once held the mind and body of a fighter.”

“No... Please don’t ask me that. I can’t do that Touma.” Seiji hugged him tightly. “I couldn’t let you go... I’d be lost without you.” Tears splashed down into blue hair as Seiji tried to make sense of it all.

“I don’t want to leave you either Seiji, but I can’t stand the thought of being totally dependent on someone else for my day to day living... To reach a point where I can’t even take care of my own child, to have to bear seeing the pain and sorrow in my son’s eyes as his daddy lies in a bed covered in sores, unable to do anything.” Touma began crying, shaking and sobbing harder then Seiji had ever seen. “I don’t want to lie there helpless while my friends look on with pity in their eyes, or worse yet afraid to be near me for fear they could get sick as well. I don’t want to live like that. I can’t Seiji... I need you to understand that.”

“Touma I wouldn’t mind... I’d be happy to take care of you; I would want to be able to do that... Don’t deny me that.” Seiji buried his face in Touma’s hair. “If it means having you with me longer, then I’d gladly do it. I now I’m being selfish, but I won’t want to let you go any sooner then I’d have to.” Seiji’s own body began shaking as he sobbed.

“If that time ever comes and our friends do act that way then the four of us will find a place where we are accepted; there are places like that. I... I can’t let go Touma. Don’t make me, please love, don’t force me to let you go.” Seiji allowed the hot tears to fall, all the emotions he had been holding in now flowed furiously out of him. He was finally feeling the fear that he had tried to deny, the fear that the man he loved could someday die, well before his time.

“Seiji listen to me! I love you too much to have you see me like that.” Touma place his hands on Seiji’s cheeks, forcing the blond to look at him. “As a doctor you know full well what will happen with me... You know me well enough to know that I couldn’t live like that, so please don’t ask me to.” Touma’s eyes filled with more tears.

“I want you to raise Tyler. Chances are you won’t have AIDS, and you are the one person I know who will raise Tyler to become a strong and honorable man. You‘re strong Seiji, stronger then I‘ll ever be, it‘s one of the reasons I fell in love with you all those years ago. From the first day we met in Shinjuku I have admired and respected you, looked up to you and yes, worshipped you. You are everything I have always wanted to be, and I know my son will grow up proud and strong through your guidance.” Touma tried to wipe at the tears that fell over his cheeks, but it was futile, his heart was as open as it could be and nothing could stop the torrent of emotions the archer was feeling.

Seiji’s eyes widened and he began to shake his head. “No Touma we are not going to keep talking like this... Stop it now... Do you hear me? You are not sick, you don’t have AIDS! YOU ARE GOING TO LIVE! I won‘t let you die, I have fought too hard to keep you in my life and nothing is going to stop me from doing so now. I love you too much, you are so much apart of my heart and soul that I couldn‘t separate us even if I tried. If the truth be known Touma, you are the strong one here, not me... You! You have proven that time and time again, while I have shown nothing but weakness. No Touma, I could never be as strong as you, but I‘ll try for your sake.” Seiji grabbed Touma and kissed him hard.

Touma never had time to react to Seiji kissing him and when he finally got the blond to pull back, all he could do was stare at him. “Seiji please, don’t put your health at risk. As much as I love you, I won‘t put you through any of that, this part of us can‘t be any more. We can’t be lovers if I test positive; the risk to your own health is much too high a price to pay because of my own stupidity.”

“Touma with everything you have read, you should know that kissing will not spread the disease. I won’t stop loving you just because there’s a chance I could get AIDS; I refuse to allow fear to control me any longer.” Seiji wiped at the tears on Touma’s cheeks. “I have been such a fool Touma, I almost allowed that fear to cause me to lose you and that scares me. You mean more to me then anything in this world, with the exception of my daughter of course, and I hate the fact that I have once again hurt you.”

Laying his forehead against Touma’s, Seiji blinked at the tears in his eyes. “I don’t understand how you can continuously go on forgiving me... I don’t deserve it. I don‘t even deserve your love yet time and time again it‘s always there for me. You are such a forgiving man; your heart is so big.”

“Seiji it’s easy for me, especially when it comes to you. I forgive you because I love you... That’s all that truly matters to me. With you in my heart I can face anything, with you in my life I can overcome the greatest of obstacles, you and you alone give me that strength.” Touma closed his eyes as Seiji’s sweet breath caressed his face. “I seriously doubt that I would have made it as long as I have if it weren’t for my feelings for you. Even when we were apart, it was my love for you that kept me alive Seiji.”

“Thank you Touma... You have always been so forgiving, that’s one of the reasons I fell in love with you, that along with your stubborn pride, the way you see what you want and just go for it. I can’t count all the times I had wished I could be more like you.” Seiji’s eyes sparkled as he looked at his lover. His heart pounded madly with the love he felt for him.

“Know this Touma, I am through allowing fear to control me, for now on we fight side by side, just like always. If the world turns its back on us then so be it, we will persevere because we have each other and we now have two beautiful babies that need us and love us unconditionally. I do love you, with all my heart Touma.” Seiji replied and then kissed him again, pulling the archer as close as he could to him.

Touma gave up resisting as he gave into the kiss. He reached up and curled his fingers into blond hair, parting his lips when Seiji’s tongue began demanding entrance. For the moment all their problems were forgotten, time froze, it was just the two of them, their heart and the love they shared, leading them on and giving them strength.

Seiji’s soft moans filled the tiny space as he felt himself becoming lost in the sheer bliss of having the other man’s lips on his, the warmth of his body close to his and their hearts beating together in perfect time. Seiji wished liked hell that they could just stay like this forever, lost in each other’s souls, but he knew that sooner or later they would have to face the reality of it all, that their time together could be cut short. For now though, they would be happy just having this, each other’s comfort, each other’s hearts and each other’s love.

They remained there on the floor, for quite some time, talking, kissing and holding onto one another, knowing that the future for them was so uncertain. What had become clear for both of them was the fact that they had finally found their way back, and this time it was for good.


“Are you sure you can handle both of them?” Seiji asked as he rushed around his room grabbing things.

“Hey it’ll be no problem, Sky, Ty and I will have a blast together...” Touma smirked a little. “Listen to how that sings Seiji!” Touma sat on the edge of the bed grinning.

“Cute, real cute Touma!” Seiji just rolled his eyes and smiled at the archer. “Listen I should only be a few hours, I hope, but if you need me here’s my pager number... Don’t hesitate to call and Nasuti should be back by lunch if I’m not.” Seiji ruffled the mop top of blue hair as he passed by Touma. “Damn why did Kenji have to call a mandatory staff meeting now? Have you seen my...?” Seiji looked up to see Touma jangling his keys in the air and grabbed them as he hurried past him.

“Would you relax, I’m sure he had his reasons. Now be a good doctor and get going!” Touma laughed then stood up to face the blond. “Here allow me to give you my famous ‘Calm him down’ kiss. That usually works to cure the stress.”

“Since when do you have a calm down kiss? A famous one no less... Just how many others have you used this on?” Seiji allowed himself to be pulled into strong arms.

“Since now and you my sweet are the first one to be graced with it. You‘re the guinea pig.” Touma whispered as his lips lightly brushed over Seiji’s. “You will...” Another brushing of lips. “... Be calm...” Yet another quick brush as lips barely met. “...You will relax and feel nothing but serenity and peace.” Touma’s lips then claimed Seiji’s fully as the swordsman wrapped his arms around Touma’s trim waist.

“Mmmm... Wonderful technique, you use that well.” Seiji’s eyes sparkled as he looked into Touma’s. “God how I love you.”

“I love you too Seiji. Now if you don’t get going you’re going to be late and we wouldn’t want that.” Touma picked up Seiji’s white lab coat and handed it to him. “Here you go my love doctor.”

“Are you trying to get rid of me?” Seiji looked back at the archer as he was being pushed towards the door. “Love doctor? God you have been reading Nasuti’s romance novels again haven’t you?”

“Yup on both accounts! The kids and I are going to get out and play in the sandbox today and we know how freaked you get when Sky has sand in her hair, so get going before you lay witness to such a horror.” Touma smiled when Seiji groaned. “I read those to get new ideas on pleasing my man... So stop complaining.” Touma pinched Seiji’s ass.

“Ouch! Pervert!” Seiji smacked Touma’s hand away. “You’re bathing her then!” Seiji scolded. “And don’t you dare lay her on my bed! Last time I found out about it AFTER I crawled into bed... With the sand!”

“Yeah, that was kind of messy... Sorry.” Touma laughed at the reminder. He could still hear Seiji shouting obscenities from across the hall, since the two had decided that for now they would have separate rooms. When Touma had come out of his room to see what was the matter, there Seiji stood in the nude brushing sand off his ass. Touma laughed so hard he almost wet his pants. Then to Seiji‘s horror Nasuti and Ryo had come running to investigate the noise, they both had gotten quite a free show before Seiji was able to cover himself up.

“But that was last week, this is a new day... Now go kiss your kids and get going.” Touma prodded.

Seiji froze then turned to Touma. “Did you hear what you just said? You said for me to kiss my kids... plural.” Seiji’s eyes misted up.

“Yeah I did, didn’t I? That’s because I think of you as Tyler’s other daddy.” Touma reached out and stroked Seiji’s cheek. “Daddy Seiji. How lucky can a kid get?”

“Thank you Touma that means a lot to me.” Seiji smiled. “You know you’re Skylar’s other daddy, and if it’s okay that’s what I want her to call you someday, Daddy Touma.” Seiji leaned in and laid a soft kiss on Touma’s lips.

“Thanks... I‘ll try not to let any of you down.” Touma quickly composed himself before he wound up as a mass of mush. “Now you have a meeting to attend so scoot!” Touma escorted Seiji over to the kid’s rooms then downstairs and out the door. “Drive safely and watch out for little old ladies with shopping carts!” He laughed when Seiji gave him a weird look. “Hey those carts can really hurt; they should have a license for them!”

“Oh God Touma...” Seiji got into his 4-runner and just sat there before bursting into a fit of laughter. That was the one thing he was so glad to have back... Touma’s ability to make him laugh loud and hard. Touma always had a knack for making Seiji laugh harder then he ever thought he could. Giving Touma one last smile and a wink Seiji pulled out of the driveway, wishing like hell work was not where he was heading off to.

Touma watched till Seiji was out of sight before going back into the house, smiling at how things had been progressing over the past week or so. He and Seiji were slowly getting back to where they once were; though one thing still remained a no show in their relationship... Sex. Until he was sure about his health status he was not going to risk Seiji’s health, plus he had another problem... The few times that Seiji placed his hands any where near his ass, Touma found himself freezing up and almost panicking.

If and when they ever could take it farther, it was going to have to happen slowly, Touma was sure of that now. Shrugging to himself, Touma raced upstairs to get the kids ready for their outing.


Nasuti came home to find Touma out cold on the lounge chair; a baby in either arm, looking quite the picture of happiness as the three of them slept. “How cute they look, like three angels. Too bad Seiji isn’t here to see this.” Picking up the mail she walked into the kitchen as she sorted through it.

“Bills, Bills, donations, donations... Oh God.” She froze as she looked at the envelope addressed to Touma. “Damn Keely, I hope that this is just you writing to see how Touma’s doing with Tyler.” She placed it on the counter, wondering if she should just go and wake Touma up. “No he looks too happy, let him have that moment... Just in case.” A knock at the back door cause her to jump, she smiled when she saw that it was Lorelei.

“Hey sorry to just drop in on you like this, but my car is acting funny and I didn’t trust driving all the way home.” Lorelei smiled as she was let in. “Mind if I call Shin, maybe he can swing by and take a look or at least we can drive home in tandem this way if I get stuck he’ll be there.”

“Oh that’s okay, listen Ryo is due home in about an hour, he can take a look if you’d like.” Nasuti smiled. “Where are the twins?”

“Oh Shin’s sister took them for the day; her and her husband wanted to take them to see Shin’s mother and then to the aquarium. For some reason they seem to think I need time off for good behavior every now and then.” Lorelei laughed as she sat down at the counter. “So where is everyone? It’s way too quiet here.”

“Oh you have to go take a peek, Touma is in the living room, sound asleep with both kids in his arms, and it’s the cutest sight.” Nasuti giggled as Lorelei quickly got up and tiptoed in to see for herself.

“Oh God Suti, that is cute.” Lorelei bent down to pet Socrates who had followed her in. “I guess he and Byakuen are getting along.”

“Yeah that overgrown house cat thinks Socrates is his baby now. I don’t know who has which animal more spoiled? Ryo with Byakuen or Touma with Socrates, and they say we women are notorious for such things.” Both giggled over that.

“Hana and Toushiba want a puppy so badly, so Shin and I are going to look at some this weekend. A friend he works with, the wife breeds Japanese Chins and they just had a new litter born 8 weeks ago, so we’ll take a look.” Lorelei’s eyes sparkled. “They are so cute and even though I was leaning towards something a little larger, Shin fell in love with these and well what can I do?”

“Oh I can hear smart assed Touma now... Here comes Shin and his Chin.” Nasuti remarked before both women broke into peels of laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Touma asked as he walked into the kitchen still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Hey there Munchkin.” He said as he laid a kiss to Lorelei’s cheek.

“Oh just a joke about Shin and a dog... How are you doing Touma?” Lorelei looked at him unable to hide her concern.

“Healthy as a horse, if that’s what you’re getting at. I’m fine Lors, don’t you worry okay?” Touma knew that the news had hit her the hardest, having lost a brother to AIDS and all. “Seiji and I are in this till the end; we will not go down without a fight.”

“Well if there’s anything I can do, you two just have to ask. You know that Shin and I would do anything for you and Seiji.” She smiled when he gave a knowing hug. “I love you, and Seiji and I want to be there for both of you. You two have many friends rallying behind you; we’re not about to let you go through this alone.”

“We know. Thanks... It really does help.” Touma grabbed a cookie and some milk before sitting down beside Lorelei.

“So where are the kids?” Lorelei asked.

“Oh I took them up to their cribs to finish out their naps.” Touma said as he swiped a cookie from Lorelei after finishing his own.

“Hey you thief!” Lorelei swatted at him. “You’re as bad as the twins!”

“Yeah but you love me just the same.” Touma just laughed then winked at her.

“Oh Touma a letter came for you.” Nasuti said quickly, reaching for it then handing it over. “I hope it’s nothing bad.”

“SHIT!” Touma said when he saw whom it was from. Without opening it he stuck it in his shirt pocket and seeing both women looking at him, he tried to smile. “I’ll read it later, no sense in spoiling a good mood right now.” He shrugged. Neither girl said anything; they could already sense the tension coming from Touma. Both just hoped that what ever the letter held it was not something to further hurt the one they cared for.

“So what’s for dinner?” Touma asked, trying to break the uneasy silence that hung over the kitchen.

“Got any suggestions Smurfy?” Nasuti finally spoke up. “Maybe we could get Ryo to bring some take out home; I’m beat and well I really didn‘t feel like cooking tonight.”

“Well then I guess I’ll cook dinner then.” Touma shot up from his seat and began looking around the kitchen, stopping when he felt Nasuti and Lorelei staring at him. “Hey come on now, I have learned how you know, and I’m damn good too! Just ask Seiji when he comes home.” He spoke with a voice filled with pride.

“Knock yourself out Touma, just leave my kitchen intact okay.” Nasuti giggled when Touma shot daggers at her.

“Grrrrr! Some days you can’t even buy respect around here!” He mumbled and continued on with his quest. “Offer to cook dinner and what do you get? Smart assed comments from two giggling females!” His comments only got Nasuti and Lorelei laughing harder. “Smart asses!” Touma shot back at them.

“Awww but we love you Smurfy.” Nasuti winked and then broke into another series of giggles as Lorelei joined her.

“That’s it! Out of the kitchen! NOW!” Touma pointed towards the living room. Both girls saluted him before leaving, laughing themselves silly the whole way. Touma smiled as he began to cut up some vegetables.


“Wow that was great Touma, thanks!” Ryo smiled as he pushed himself away from the table and rubbed his stomach.

“Yes Touma, you really did a wonderful job.” Seiji leaned over and kissed the archer lightly. “You’ve become quite the little chef.”

“Aw jeez thanks you guys.” Touma blushed, making a face and then laughing. “Hey Ryo, you get dish patrol... Have fun!” Touma said quickly before getting up and racing into the living room.

“What the... Now wait a minute... I... I... Oh boy you pay him a compliment and what do you get?” Ryo sunk into his chair.

“Oh come on I’ll help.” Nasuti said as she started to clear the table.

“No way, you can sit out there and keep me company, but sitting is all you do.” Ryo took the dishes from her and kissed her. “I’ll take care of these. You can just leave your dish there Seiji.”

Nodding as he got up from the table, Seiji walked into the living room to find Touma sitting on the window seat staring out at the night sky. He could sense immediately that something was bothering the archer and that concerned him.

“Touma what’s wrong?” Seiji sat by his legs rubbing a hand across the denim material of Touma’s jeans.

“Hey Seiji, I didn’t hear you come in.” Touma spoke softly, his gaze never leaving the window.

“Listen Touma why don’t I quickly check on the kids, let Ryo and Nasuti know and then we’ll go take a walk... Something is bothering you and I won’t rest until I know what it is.” Seiji stood up, kissed the top of Touma’s head and strode out of the room. Touma reached up and fingered the letter still in his shirt pocket, sighing softly.

Before long both men were out in the cool night air as they slowly walked down towards the lake. Seiji reached out to entwine his fingers with Touma’s as they held hands.

“What is it Touma? Even at supper I could tell you had something on your mind.” Seiji then froze as he turned to the archer. “D... Did you get the test results back? Oh God Touma... Is that it?” Seiji could feel his heart beating so hard in his chest that it actually hurt.

“No Seiji, that’s not it. I wouldn’t have withheld that from you.” Touma sighed and walked over to the dock, sitting down he ran slender fingers through his now longer locks of hair. “Remind me to get my hair trimmed will ya.”

“Touma what is it then? Please tell me... Let me help.” Seiji’s eyes watched for any signs that would clue him in as to what was going on. Sitting down beside Touma, Seiji pulled the taller man into his arms. “Just remember that I love you Touma. No matter what, that will never change.” He spoke into soft indigo hair.

“I know Seiji. I love you too.” Touma smiled slightly then pulled the letter from his shirt pocket. “I got this from Keely today; I’ve been unable to open it.” With shaky hands he gave it to Seiji. “I’m scared Seiji. What if she has decided she wants Tyler back?”

Seiji stared at the letter in his hands. “She can’t do that can she? I thought she signed over her rights to you.”

“She did, but that won’t take permanent affect for one year. It’s sort of like a grace period, this way if the parent changes their mind or it’s discovered that they were forced to do it, it can be reversed without a court battle.” Touma stood up and walked to the edge of the dock, thrusting his hands in his pockets, he peered out over the lake as the moonlight danced over its surface.

“I see, that still doesn’t mean that this is bad news.” Seiji waved the letter in his direction. “Touma, you won’t know unless you open it.”

“I can’t Seiji. You do it. If it is bad news I think I can handle it better coming from your lips.” Touma gave the swordsman a quick glance then resumed his gaze back over the lake. “I know that what she did was hard on her, she acted like it was no big deal but I saw the look in her eyes Seiji, it was tearing her up inside. Still, I can’t bear the thought of losing my son. I won’t let them take him away from me.”

“Touma I’ll be glad to open this if you want, but remember what ever its contents hold, we will deal with it together.” Seiji spoke quietly as he slowly opened the envelope.

“So help me Seiji, if they try and take him, I will fight them with everything I have. I love Tyler so much Seiji; I can’t lose him now... Not ever. If I have to take my son and go on the run, then I’ll do that, whatever it takes Seiji...” Touma could feel the tears welling up and tried hard to hold them back.

“Touma, she doesn’t want Ty... I think you had better sit down for this.” Seiji told him. Touma could see tears forming in violet eyes and quickly sat down next to him.


I’ll make this as short as I can since I know I’m not your favorite person right now. When I returned to the States, John could see how selfish he had been and how much I missed my son. He was all set to hire the best lawyers in order to get him back. I told him no... Tyler was where he belonged, with a father who loved him dearly.

I then asked him to hire a detective instead, for I had a friend who needed some answers. Touma below you will find the name and address of a woman who was the sister of the lady who died. Apparently her husband is a businessman and working there in Tokyo. I would have tracked her down myself but I figured you would want to hear what she had to say for yourself. I wish you the best of luck. I hope that whatever answers you find, you will have the strength to handle.

Please give Tyler a big hug and kiss from me, I do so miss him. You will be in my thoughts and prayers Touma, along with your koibito. You are truly an amazing guy and I consider myself lucky to have met you. I know that our son will grow up to be just as wonderful as his father is.

The very best to you and yours,


“She has a name and address at the bottom of a Mrs. Dinah LongShore.” Seiji handed the letter over to Touma who was softly crying now.

“I can finally find out for sure now. My nightmare will either end or the real one will finally begin.” Touma sniffled and carefully tucked the letter back into his shirt pocket.

“I say we make arrangement to leave first thing in the morning... No sense in putting it off.” Seiji allowed his own tears to fall silently down over his cheeks. “Whatever the outcome it won’t change how I feel about you Touma, I will still love you.”

“Seiji? I’m scared....” Touma turned to the blond and was immediately pulled into two strong arms. “I am so scared.”

“So am I Touma... So am I” Seiji held Touma as tightly as he could knowing that they soon would have the answers they so desperately needed, he just hoped that for once things would end on a happier note.


“So how are we supposed to find this woman? I mean look at this park Seiji! It’s huge!” Touma commented as the two men hurried along the winding paths.

“Look we’re to meet her at the central fountain at 2:00pm, and she’ll find us.” Seiji smiled at Touma. Touma had gotten next to no sleep last night, but more then made up for it on their drive to Tokyo and now was a bundle of energy.

“Oh and how will she do that?” Touma asked as he watched the various people pass by. He could feel his heart pounding already as the nervousness set in. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, I mean what if she really doesn’t know for sure what her sister died of? What if she decides she wants to see me suffer and lies? What if....?”

“Touma would you relax.” Seiji stopped walking and pulled the archer behind a large group of bushes. “Listen when I spoke to her on the phone, she said she was more then happy to meet us in person and answer our questions. She didn’t want to do it over the phone only because she was trying to protest her sister’s memory and didn’t want certain information to be given to just some unknown on the phone.” Seiji leaned in and lightly kissed Touma, drawing him closer and hugging him tightly.

“Sorry I guess I’m just a little nervous.” Touma smiled and kissed him back. “So do you know what this woman, Dinah looks like?” He asked.

“No, but I told her to look for a man with blue hair who may appear to be a little hyper, I figured you’d be easier to spot in crowd then I would.” Seiji chuckled at the look Touma gave him.

“Jeez thanks... You’re all heart Seiji.” Touma wrinkled up his nose, which had Seiji laughing harder. “Oh well I was always the cuter one.”

“Yeah right, keep dreaming!” Seiji laughed and riffled his hair. “Now let’s get going, we don’t want to be late... Cutie Pie!” Seiji pinched Touma’s cheek and quickly took off running down the path. “Hurry it up slow poke!”

“Seiji! You’ll pay for this!” Touma shouted and took chase.

“I already am!” Seiji teased back. When he saw that Touma was catching up he quickly sped up himself knowing full well that he wouldn’t be able to out run the archer. Touma eventually did catch up and then pass Seiji.

“Hurry up slow poke!” Touma shouted as he put distance between himself and the blond. Before long the two men found the fountain, slightly out of breath and panting they took a seat on a bench and waited.

“Excuse me? Are you Hashiba Touma?” A woman about forty or so asked. Her Long blond hair hung down past her shoulders and her face to show the stress she was under, quite clearly.

“Hai.” Touma said and quickly stood up. “I am Hashiba Touma and this is Date Seiji.” Touma spoke nervously as he made the introductions.

“I’m Dinah LongShore, I assume I spoke to you then Mr. Date.” She smiled and held out her hand to him.

“Hai. Thank you for meeting with us, it is appreciated.” Seiji shook her hand and bowed slightly. “Our deepest sympathies on your loss.”

“Thank you.” Dinah said then looked around. “Come on there’s a little area over this way that is not as crowded, we can talk better there.” She said and turned for the place as Seiji and Touma followed. Dinah was right the spot was much quieter, with very little pedestrian traffic. Finding a spot under a large Sakura tree the three sat down in the grass.

“You wanted to know about my sister... Correct?” She began; her hands shook as she folded them in her lap.

“Yes, I do.” Touma spoke up. “I met your sister... Uhm...” It hit Touma right then and there, he couldn’t remember a name. Closing his eyes tightly and feeling the heat rise in his cheeks he felt like he could kick himself. Why now? Why didn’t I realize it sooner that I didn’t remember her name? Damn that should score some big brownie points! For someone supposed to be so intelligent I have the tendency to do the most stupid of things.

“Please excuse Touma here he’s a little nervous.” Seiji saw what was happening and quickly interjected. “You see he met Donna at a club about a year ago, they both got a little drunk.” He said since he had been told the sister’s name when he had called Dinah.

“Sounds like my sister.” Dinah sighed heavily. “It’s okay, my sister was known for her rather drunken promiscuous ways, so don’t feel bad about forgetting her name.” She reached out and laid a hand over Touma’s. “Donna was an alcoholic and while I tried everything I could to get her to stop, it always failed.”

“I’m sorry.” Touma looked up to meet her gaze. “I don’t mean to be blunt or anything but you see I can’t really remember that night, and well I know we wound up back at my place and all, but I don’t remember if we... Well if we...” Touma felt so stupid at the moment, he hated the fact that he had done such acts. “I have no idea if we slept together or not. I was going through a bad time in my life and well I did some things I am not proud of.”

“We all do Touma; the important thing is you obviously have learned from them... I just wish Donna would have. Maybe then she’d still be alive.” Dinah wiped at a tear that had started down her cheek. It still hurt to talk about her sister. She missed her tremendously.

“Ms LongShore? May we ask what your sister died of?” Seiji finally asked, he was trying to make this as least painful as possible for all parties.

“Huh? Why do you want to know that? I thought you said your friend was trying to recover lost memories.” She looked up at Seiji.

“I am... Kind of. I had a bout with amnesia due to an accident.” Touma quickly told her. “Just recently I discovered I had a son, and well his mother made a comment that I had better remember if I had used... If I had used protection with the women I had slept with because one had died recently.”

“Wh... What did she tell you my sister died of?” Dinah’s eyes filled with tears.

“AIDS.” Came Touma’s short reply. “She said one had died of AIDS.”

“Oh dear God and you think? Oh you poor man!” Dinah quickly reached out to hug Touma.

“I don’t think we understand what you are getting at?” Seiji said as he watched this stranger manhandling his koi. Had it been a different situation he would have found it funny that he was feeling so jealous.

Sitting back she smiled then frowned. “My sister did not... I repeat she did NOT die of AIDS! Donna died from the affects of alcoholism; it practically ate away her liver!” Dinah stated sternly. “She most likely was already quite sick the night she and you hooked up, the booze just hid it. I guess the way she looked to most people gave the impression she was dying of AIDS, plus bars and clubs are notorious for spreading rumors.”

“You mean she didn’t have AIDS? She wasn’t HIV positive?” Touma’s eyes widened as the tears streaked down his face.

“Not even close... You’re off the hook!” Dinah smiled. “Now in light of all this I surely hope that this teaches you a lesson. If you can’t keep it in your pants, wrap it in latex or suffer the consequences!” She practically scolded Touma.

“Ma’am I will never EVER do anything so stupid again for as long as I live.” Touma spoke through his tears then felt Seiji’s arm snake around his waist. Not caring about who saw it, Touma laid his head back onto Seiji’s shoulder as he wept. “I’m clean Seiji! Oh God I don’t have it. I don’t have AIDS.”

“I know Touma-san.” Seiji lightly kissed the top of his head. Though he wasn’t for public displays of affection, his emotions at the moment were just too overwhelmed by the news.

“Oh gosh you’re the guy! My sister called me that one day and boy was she pissed!” Dinah started laughing. “She said a guy with blue hair picked her up and just when they were about to have sex he passed out but in his sleep he kept saying another man’s name and that he loved him! Donna was so mad that she almost slept with queer! No offense, those were her words not mine.” She laughed harder.

“Huh? She said I passed out before we even had sex?” Touma sat up and watched as Dinah nodded while laughing. “Seiji I swear to God I will never drink like that again. I have truly learned my lesson...” He felt Seiji give him a squeeze acknowledging his statement.

“I’m sorry for laughing but for 2 weeks my sister actually laid off the booze. I really thought she was going to go straight and sober... Thank you, Touma. I had my real sister back even if it was short lived.” Dinah leaned over and laid a small kiss on Touma’s cheek.

“Thanks. I think.” Touma smiled. “I’m sorry that your sister couldn’t stop drinking, it must have been really hard on you and your family.” Touma looked at her sadly.

“It was at first but after a while you kind of numb yourself to it.” Dinah said and then looked at her watch. “I would love to stay and chat but I have to pick up my kids from the sitter’s and then it’s home to start dinner. I’m sorry about this, but the life of a parent is not a leisurely one, as you must know.” She looked at Seiji and Touma who both smiled back at her.

“That’s something we both have become well aware of you, though Seiji here seems to have a better handle on being a parent then I do.” Touma laughed.

“That’s only because I have been doing it for a little longer then you, Touma-san.” Seiji’s voice remained soft and gentle, which just took Touma’s breath away.

“Oh I didn’t know that both of you had children. That must be quite a lively house then.” Dinah giggled slightly. “My husband was all thumbs when our first child was born... Still is to some degree and we have 4 now.”

“And we find 2 a handful.” Touma’s eyes sparkled as Dinah pulled out her wallet and showed them her family. Not to be out done Touma then showed her a photo of Tyler and then one of Skylar.

“Oh they are so beautiful! For being two guys you would have most hetro families quite jealous!” Dinah remarked as she handed the photo back to Touma. “I’m so glad we had a chance to meet and I hope and pray things work out for the two of you. You really do look very cute together.”

“Thank you.” Touma said, blushing as he stood up and helped Dinah to her feet. “Thank you for taking time to meet with us and for answering our questions. I can’t begin to tell you how good it feels to have that weight lifted off my shoulders.”

“Well you lay off the booze and just to be safe, if you did sleep with others, still get tested. Do it for yourself, that gorgeous man you have and for your child... Your children actually.” She smiled.

“Hai I will.” Touma felt Seiji’s arm go around his waist and give it a squeeze.

“Can we give you a ride to any place?” Seiji asked softly, his lavender eyes seemed to smile back at her. Dinah found that she liked his calming nature.

“Oh no my car is right outside the park, I’ll be fine. It’s a beautiful day; you two should enjoy each other’s company for awhile and be happy with everything the good Lord has given to you.” Dinah remarked and began heading for the path. “I really did enjoy meeting you. Good luck and God Bless.” She waved and headed off.

“She was really nice. I liked her.” Touma smiled as he turned to face Seiji. “I’m so glad her sister didn’t have AIDS. God what a relief.”

“Well we still need to wait on those results Touma, just to be sure... About the others I mean.” Seiji’s voice seemed a little sad.

“You’re still disappointed in me aren’t you?” Touma felt the lump in his throat and quickly turned his back on the blond. “I’ve already said I was sorry for my mistakes, what more do you want from me?”

“Touma it’s not that.” Seiji sighed. “It just scares me to know that whenever things got bad for you, and there have been a few, you would head for the clubs. Drinking and anger don’t mix, you wind up doing things you later regret. This is a good example.”

“I’m sorry, I really am Seiji. All I can do it promise you I will try and not allow that to happen anymore.” Touma felt slightly hurt by Seiji’s comments but he also knew the swordsman was right.

“You’ll do better then that Touma-san. I know someone at the hospital I think you should talk to, he may be able to help you so this never does happen again.” Seiji walked up to him and from behind slid his arms around Touma’s lean waist. “I love you, with all my heart Touma; I don’t want you to do this for me or even Ty, but for yourself.”

“Okay, I will... I want to Seiji. I don’t ever want to be this scared again.” Touma closed his eyes as Seiji’s breath caressed the side of his neck before soft lips began leaving a trail of kisses.

“Mmmm How I have missed this.” Seiji purred as he continued kissing the tender flesh. “Let’s find a nice restaurant and have dinner here before heading back home. We can celebrate the good news.”

“I’d like that Seiji... Good thing we packed a change of clothes. Now where can we change?” Touma asked. Leaning back into the warm body behind him. “God you know that kissing my neck has always been a turn on for me.”

“I know, why do you think I’m doing it?” Seiji’s voice was soft and sweet next to Touma’s ear. “There are public changing rooms here in the park; I saw them as we came in.” Seiji gently nibbled on an earlobe.

“Uhnnn! God Seiji! You’re driving me nuts here.” Touma shivered slightly. “Seiji... Uhm Seiji? We really should stop this.” Touma moaned softly when Seiji ground his hips up against his rear end. “Please Seiji? I can’t do this... Oh God please stop.”

Seiji was beginning to get aroused as he assaulted Touma’s neck with his mouth. The archer’s moans spurned him on. Then he heard the pleas, Touma sounded so scared and that’s when the blond froze. Pulling back and away from Touma Seiji spun him around so they were face to face. “Touma? I... I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“It’s okay Seiji... I’m sorry too. I just can’t yet.” Touma trembled a little. “I guess I still have some issues that need to be dealt with... I hope you can understand that Seiji. I want you as much as you want me, but every time we start getting too hot and heavy I feel this panic rise and I can’t stop it.”

“Touma it’s okay. It was inconsiderate of me to do that. We’ll make sure you get some help and we’ll take it as slow as you need.” Seiji smiled then leaned in to kiss him but stopped. “Is kissing okay?”

“Kissing is fine.” Touma smiled. “I also think we should wait until my test results come back, let’s not do anything we may regret later.” Touma allowed Seiji to pull him closer as their bodies melded together. “Thank you Seiji, for you understanding, patients and for your love.”

“Thank you Touma, for giving me a reason to love... Now how about that dinner? I’m starving.” Seiji kissed Touma softly and when he felt the archer responding he deepened the kiss, happy to have the love of his life in his arms, happy to know that man he loved would be around for a long time to come.


Touma waited patiently for Seiji who had said he had to go and look for something before heading back home. When Touma asked to come with, Seiji calmly said ‘no’ that he wanted to surprise the archer and so Touma opted to wait in the car.

///Dinner had been great, both men seemed to be in high spirits, free from the worries of everyday living and with a great weight having been lifted from their shoulders, they found their laughter once again. Several times during dinner Seiji had leaned over and rested his and on his, and even when fellow patrons stared at them, Seiji simply ignored it. Touma found himself smiling and staring into soft pools of lavender, lost in the eyes of his love and wanting nothing more then to taste the sweetness of Seiji’s lips. ///

God Seiji how can one person feel so much love for another? Sometimes I am amazed at how full my heart feels when you are so near and how lonely it gets when you are away. I want to make love to you so badly, I really do, but I’m scared... What if the nightmares of what happened to me cause me to lose control like they did for you? I couldn’t bear the thought of hurting you... It would kill me. I can only hope that with your patients and love that I can finally slay these demons forever and then truly show you how much I really love you.


“Touma? Are you okay? Touma?” So lost in his thoughts was he, that Touma never heard Seiji return and climb into the car with him. Now Seiji looked at his love, concerned as he tried to snap him out of it.

“Huh? Oh Seiji... Gosh I really zoned out ne?” Touma turned in his seat and smiled. “So what did you get me?” One blue eyebrow arched up as he stared at the blond in the seat next to his.

“You’ll see... Later.” Seiji’s smile lit up his face as he started the car and headed towards the freeway entrance. “Oh and don’t bug me about it or you won’t get it until I feel like it.” Seiji quickly said when he saw the archer opening his mouth. He had to laugh when Touma quickly shut his mouth and sat back in his seat, crossing his arms and pouting.

“You are plain mean Seiji... You tease!” Touma huffed.

“Why don’t you take a nap and maybe when you awaken I’ll be ready to give you your surprise.” Seiji reached over and patted his leg.

“Oh yeah like I’m going to be able to sleep now... Fat chance!” Touma twisted in his seat trying to find a comfortable position. Seiji reached back and grabbed the small travel pillow they kept in the car just for these times and handed it to Touma who snatched it away then settled back down.

Soon the car was filled with the sound of Touma softly snoring and Seiji couldn’t help but smile. I’ve have missed that sound more then anything Touma-san. Driving on Seiji found himself humming softly to the radio as Touma slept, happy that the road ahead for them seemed to be free from all obstacles... Finally they were on their way, nothing was ever going to drive them apart ever again, and Seiji was determined to make sure of that.

At some point Touma began to stir and that’s when he realized that they had left the main road and were now on a graveled one. “Seiji? Wh... Where are we?” Touma rubbed at his eyes as he tried to focus them.

“We’re here... That’s where we are.” Seiji announced and stopped the car. “Come on we’re going for a walk.”

“Nani?” Touma looked out the car window and his breath caught in his throat. “Oh wow Seiji! This is beautiful!” They were in the middle of nowhere on a high hilltop, everywhere Touma looked, stars danced across the sky. Quickly stepping out of the car Touma took in the breath taking sight. “Thank you Seiji.”

“Oh this isn’t the best part; this is just the beginning.” Seiji held a blanket in his arms as he grabbed Touma’s hand and they walked up the path to the very top. Once Seiji spread out the blanket both men sat down. Seiji had placed them near a fallen tree and so he leaned back against it then coaxed Touma to sit between his bent legs.

“My closet romantic... Always knew you had it in ya.” Touma sighed as he leaned his back against the swordsman’s chest and his head fell back onto a broad shoulder. Seiji’s arms held him firmly in place as they looked up into the night sky.

“I could only be this way with you love. You bring out the best in me.” Seiji trailed light kisses down the side of Touma’s face. Seiji looked around and it seemed like the sky was a blanket they had crawled under, the stars twinkled, winking their approval to him as he took one arm and reached for his jacket pocket.

“Isn’t this the most gorgeous sight you have ever seen Seiji? Look at them all... Tiny points of light, smiling down at us.” Touma’s eyes sparkled, mirroring the flickering from above. “They’re happy Seiji! Happy that we have finally found ourselves and the love we share for each other. I love you so much...”

“Touma I love you too, from the deepest recess of my heart.” Seiji spoke softly. “I can’t ever imagine my life without you in it. To think I almost threw all this away makes me realize just how much I need you.” He kissed Touma’s cheek.

“I feel the same way Seiji... I never want to be without your love again.” Touma turned his head so his lips could meet the other’s.

“I was hoping you would say that.” Seiji spoke against his mouth. “Touma with the stars as our witness... You would make me the happiest man on Earth if you would agree to be my life mate. I want to spend the rest of my life with you... Please Touma?” Seiji pulled out a small velvet box and opened it. Inside was a simple gold band with 2 stones, one Sapphire and one Emerald. He held it out for Touma to see. “Accept this ring as a token of my undying love for you.”

“Seiji? Oh God Seiji?” Touma’s eyes stung as tears formed. He stared at the ring; his hands shook as he reached out to touch it. “I love you Seiji and Yes, I would be honored to spend the rest of my life with you... As your life mate.” Tears then streamed down over his cheeks as he turned to face Seiji. When he did he saw Seiji’s own cheeks were now wet with the tears he too was shedding, quickly he began kissing them away.

“Thank you Touma... Thank you for always being here for me and never giving up on us. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make up for all the hurt I have caused you.” Seiji removed the ring from the box and slid it onto Touma’s ring finger. “I love you and as far as I am concerned we are united as of right now. This may not be legal in the eyes of society, but it‘s a commitment I intend to take very seriously.” Seiji kissed Touma gently. As far as he was concerned their uniting was as binding as a marriage and he fully intended to treat it as such.

“Well then maybe we should get you a ring as well, after all I don’t want anyone hitting on my man.” Touma smiled and kissed Seiji softly. “Of course you know the others are going to be mad that they didn’t get to see us do this...”

“If they want they can throw us a reception and as far as a ring for me... Well I had hoped you would say yes and so I got myself a matching band.” Seiji smiled and reached into his other pocket. “All we need is just the two of us and the heavens Touma... The stars have heard our commitment and now know that we will be together for all eternity.”

“Yes Seiji, you are right. The heavens have given us their blessings... I can sense it.” Touma took the other ring and slipped it onto Seiji finger. “You and I are now one. One heart, one mind, one soul and with a little patients, one body.” He kissed the blond softly. “We are now no different then any other married couple and if people have a problem with it then they can go to hell.” Touma proclaimed.

As the two sealed their silent vows with a deep kiss, neither seemed to notice how the sky changed as the brightness of the stars intensified, showing their approval to the Uniting they had just bore witness to, glowing brightly as two hearts joined as one. In the eyes of the firmament Seiji and Touma were bound for life, as it was always meant to be.


End of Chapter 13


Okay I guess you’re wondering if this is the end or not...? Not just yet... I do need a to tie up a few loose ends and then there’s the best part still to come... The lemon scene. We can’t just let our guys go without that now can we? I promise that next chapter WILL include a delicious sex scene and you guys know what my lemon scenes are like... Right?

Touma: “You mean this whole story will be finished soon?”

Wildefyre: “I think so. I may do some side stories and with all the various things that happened within these chapters, I could easily take sections and do a ‘What if?’ story.”

Seiji: “Wow... I can’t believe it’s about to end. I’m kind of sad.”

Wildefyre: “How do you think I feel? I started this baby with ‘Home at Last’ back in April of 2001, it’s going to be hard to say goodbye.” *Gets teary eyed.* “This was my baby...”

Shin: “There, there, I’m sure you’ll find another story in you to write.” *Pats her on the back*

Wildefyre: “Still I’m going to miss writing this one. It’s been so much fun.”

Ryo: “You still have to finish this, you have to tie everything into a neat little package and Seiji and Touma need a hot sex scene... Those two deserve it! So you won’t have to say goodbye yet.”

Shu: “Ryo is right and if the readers really want that lemon scene well they need to leave some reviews now... Come on guys let’s hear from you. You’ve read this girl’s lemon scenes before you know what she can do... Tell her you want Seiji and Touma all over each other like: Moss on a stone, mold on cheese, mildew on grout fungus on.........”

Seiji: “Shu! I think they get the picture! Jeez!” *Looks a little pale.* “Gomen for that... Please do review and Domo Arigato to all of you who have reviewed in the past.” *Gives the readers a wink and a smile.* “I want to screw my koibito’s brains out so tell Wildefyre for me okay?”

Wildefyre: “Until the next chapter... Thanks for reading and reviewing. Lemony Goodness will be your reward!!”


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