Please don’t sue me, I can’t afford it! I don’t own the Troopers (gosh darn it!) or anything affiliated with them. Warning: This story may contain any of the following... Yaoi/Adult Themes/ Rape/Strong Language/Sexual Descriptions/Angst/ Violence.




Test of the Hearts

By Wildefyre


Chapter 12

Forgotten Memories




Touma looked at him for a moment before finding his voice. “I have one question, no make that two... Who the hell are you? And why the fuck were you kissing me?”

Seiji could only sit there, shocked by what Touma had said. “Well... I...You... We...” Seiji wasn’t sure just how to answer him. Nothing made sense and most of it still hadn’t fully registered in his mind.

“Okay, Okay let’s take this one question at a time. Number one...Who are you?” Touma asked as he tried to move away from the blond whose body still crossed his.

“I’m Seiji... Date Seiji.” Seiji stood up and then quickly moved to the chair. “You really don’t know who I am? Oh God!” Seiji looked at Touma as he tried to understand everything that was occurring. Maybe he’s just disorientated... He’s been out of it for awhile. Seiji’s mind tried to reason.

“If I knew who you were do you think I would be asking?” Touma snorted and then turned to the blond who was still staring at him. “Wait a minute! You’re that woman’s husband... Oh what was her name? Suzume! Yeah that’s it! You’re Suzume’s husband. Correct?” Touma could feel his head starting to pound and he winced slightly. Damn this isn’t my day.

“Hai. I am.” Seiji replied then lowered his head. “I mean I was. She died shortly after giving birth to our daughter.” Seiji’s voice lowered as he looked down at his hands.

“Oh wow... Hey I’m sorry man. I wish I could have done more for her but I was in bad shape myself.” Touma looked down at the casts covering his leg and arm. “Guess I still am.” He chuckled slightly as he tried to take a survey of his body and the wounds he had. “Of course I don’t know how I got like this, but it must have been something major.”

“Touma can you remember anything about your past? Can you remember what happened to you?” Seiji asked and then pressed the call button. He had to get Dr Kobe and quickly.

Touma shook his head as he tried to remember but all he got in return was a headache that was really bothering him now. “Nothing what so ever. I mean I get these feelings... Like I should know you but that’s it.” He frowned. Something about the blond was more then just a little familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. “I’m assuming I was in an accident. I remember being at the bottom of an embankment with your wife, we were both pretty messed up, but how we got there is a blank.”

“Okay, I called for the doctor; he may have some answers. At least about why you can‘t remember anything.” Seiji said softly. I hope.

“Okay now, for my second question... Why the heck were you kissing me?” Touma’s midnight blue eyes practically burned a hole through Seiji as he glared at him.

Just as Seiji opened his mouth to give some sort of explanation, Skylar awoke and started crying. “Excuse me.” Seiji said and dashed over to the bassinet, thankful for the interruption. Scooping up his baby he smiled. “I uhm have to change her and she’s hungry so...”

“Wow so that’s your kid huh?” Touma tried to see the small infant that Seiji cradled in his arms. “I’m glad to see that she made it okay. Is she your first born?” Touma watched as Seiji worked on the baby. “What’s her name?”

“Hai on both accounts and her name is Skylar.” Seiji said as he changed Skylar’s diaper. This was something he was still having to get use to, and felt even more awkward knowing he was being watched. “My family, well mainly my younger sister, Satsuki calls her Sky for short.” Seiji told him as he finished and scooped her back into his arms just as nurse Kaga walked in.

What is it about Seiji that is more then just a little familiar...? Is he that close a friend? The man kissed me... Why? Touma observed Seiji as he spoke quietly to the nurse and then watched as she quickly exited the room. “Seiji how long have we been friends?” Touma finally asked.

“Hey you remembered we’re friends, that’s a start.” Seiji’s smile lit up his face. “We’ve known each other since we were about 14 years old.” Seiji walked over to him as he held his baby close to him. “Do you want to see her?”

“Since we were 14 huh? How old am I now?” Touma asked then groaned when he tried to move and a slight pain shot through his abdomen. “Remind me not to do that again.” He grimaced. “Yeah I’d like to see the baby. I almost thought I was going to see her being born... You’re wife was close to giving birth. Oh by the way, it was she who said we were friends.”

Seiji walked over to Touma and held Skylar out for him to see, watching as Touma smiled at the baby. “You’re 30 now. As for the pain I can get you something for that or Dr Kobe will after he examines you.” Seiji spoke softly so as not to startle his daughter. The smile he had earlier faded when he realized that Touma didn’t even remember them being friends.

“She’s really cute... She has your nose and eyes.” Touma couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride as he looked at the baby. He also couldn’t shake the feeling he had ever time the blond was near him. “So I’m 30. Jeez my best years have gone by and I can’t even remember them.” He frowned. “You’re a doctor right? I mean that’s what your wife had said anyway.”

“Yes I am though I only practice on a part time basis since I also help run my family’s Dojo. I‘m currently on a leave from that right now.” It all felt so weird to Seiji. Here was his best friend, his one time lover, the man he once proposed to and now Touma remembered none of it. It was like talking to a casual acquaintance rather then someone he knew intimately.

“Wow and now you have a kid, must be tough juggling it all or it will be anyway.” Touma squirmed a bit in the bed. “So you still haven’t answered my other question... Why did you kiss me?”

“Touma, maybe we should wait until Dr Kobe examines you. If you have amnesia it may not be a good idea for me to explain that all to you... It’s kind of a long story. A very long story.” Seiji felt uneasy now and wished he would have shown better restraint when Touma had awoken from his fever-induced slumber. It was actually more like a coma he had been in since being brought in with today being the first time he had regained consciousness.

“Jeez well I just hope that that’s not your usual method of greeting friends or your own special form of bedside manners cause it could get you a bloodied or broken nose.” Touma shot him a look then watched as a doctor entered the room.

“Well... Well... Hashiba-san! You’re awake finally! I also hear from Nurse Kaga that you’re having a problem remembering things.” He said as he walked up to Seiji. “Good morning Dr Date, how’s this precious little baby doing?” He cooed at Skylar.

“We’re fine.” Seiji said. “I think I’ll leave you two alone for awhile. I need to get her fed anyway.” Seiji told them. “We’ll talk later Touma.” Seiji smiled slightly and then turned to leave.

“Oh you can count on it... I have a lot of questions and I get the feeling you have most of the answers.” Touma couldn’t help but smirk when he saw the blond stiffen slightly.

“Like I said Touma, we’ll talk later.” Seiji didn’t turn around; he couldn’t let Touma see the flush that fell upon his cheeks nor the sadness that filled his eyes. Seiji took his daughter down to the doctor’s lounge where he kept a stash of bottles and after mixing the formula he sat down and began to feed his baby.

“Great now what do I do? Do I tell him about us? If so will he accept it or reject it? Do I try and beat around the bush? Should I be straightforward? Damn! Things just keep going from bad to worse.” Seiji was so lost in his thoughts that he almost forgot to stop and burp his daughter. “Oops sorry about that princess.” He chuckled as Skylar let out a belch that would have made Shu proud. “Guess you were due ne?” As he looked into his daughter’s face he felt his heart just turning to mush. Gently he kissed her cheek. “Daddy loves you very much.” He said sweetly.

Seiji stretched out on the sofa after he had finished feeding Skylar and she fell asleep while lying on his chest. He smiled and kissed the top of her head, sighing softly to himself. He loved how she always smelled, like a mixture of baby powder and lotion, that unique scent babies always seemed to have, he closed his eyes as he took it all in. Softly he rubbed her back, listening to her delicate breathing while in his mind he tried to figure out how to deal with Touma.

He wasn’t ready to answer questions from Touma, nor was he sure just how much information to give him. He didn’t want to run the risk of Touma being totally turned off by the fact that they had been lovers. “What if he never remembers us? Oh God what will I do then? Try and start over? What if he has no interest in me other then just as a friend? God this is so unreal!”

Getting up carefully so as to not awaken the baby, Seiji decided it was now or never as he made his way back to Touma’s room. He saw Dr Kobe coming out of the room and walked up to him. “How is he?” Seiji asked, concerned and a little nervous to hear the findings.

“My guess is that it’s temporary, after all he did have a bad concussion when he was brought in plus that poison running through his system... All I can say is take things slow and one day at a time. As for his physical injuries, they are healing quite nicely. He was complaining of abdominal pain so I had Hiruma bring in a pain reliever.” Dr Kobe explained. “He’s asleep again so that should give you some time to let this all absorb into your mind. I know it must be hard on you.” He said and carefully scooped the baby out Seiji’s arms. “God how I miss my kids being this small.”

“Kenji I may have made a bad situation worse... I was just so happy to see Touma wake up that I... Well I... Uhm... I kissed him. I didn’t know or else I wouldn’t have done that. Now he’s asking why I kissed him? How should I handle that?” Seiji blushed over telling him something that he considered personal. “I haven’t had much experience with patients that have memory losses so I‘m not sure about what to do.”

“Only offer enough info to satisfy his curiosity. It’s best in these cases to allow the return of memories to happen slowly or else it’s like the brain goes into overload and they have trouble accepting certain things.” He handed the baby back to Seiji. “Just tell him that you’ve been friends for many years and since he had been so close to death, it was relief that caused you to do what you did.” He chuckled as Seiji’s cheeks went from pink to red. “Don’t worry I’ll keep this to myself.”

“Thanks. Well I uhm... I kissed him more then just once. It was more like I showered him in them and then I kissed his lips... Not that easy to explain away.” Seiji looked down at his sleeping daughter, feeling quite embarrassed.

“That is a problem.” He sighed. “Okay looks like you may have to talk to Dr Fujima, he’s the authority on this... He may have some suggestions for you. Why don’t you have Hiruma take Skylar down to the nursery so you can go and speak to him? Touma will be asleep for a few hours at least.” Kenji said and then laughed.

“Guess I should. Thanks Kenji.” Seiji relaxed slightly. “Maybe next time I won’t be so enthusiastic.” Seiji chuckled.

“Guess not.” Kenji laughed as well. “As far as you’re concerned though, I hope to god that there isn’t a next time. You have been through enough doctor!” He patted him on the back and just as they started down the hall Seiji stopped.

“Shoot I left her diaper bag in the room. Can you hold her while I go back and get it?” Seiji asked then handed off the baby to Dr Kobe. Going back to the room Seiji silently slipped into the room for the bag. Before leaving, he walked over and looked down at Touma who appeared to be dreaming...

“No... You can’t hurt him like that... How can you do that to him?” He mumbled in his sleep. Seiji frowned and made a mental not of it with the intention of asking Touma about it later. Sighing to himself he left, but his heart was heavy. Seeing Touma like this was hard and now he faced the reality that he would have to tell the others about this latest turn of events knowing they would all take it badly.

His thoughts immediately went to Lorelei and Nasuti who would most likely take it the hardest, knowing that Touma remembered nothing of their friendship or that Lorelei and Shin had named their son after him.


“Shit what else can go wrong? This is crazy!” Shu paced back and forth as Ming watched him.

“Shu all we can do is like Seiji said... Find ways of helping Touma remember.” She sighed and put down her sewing. Getting up she walked over to him and slid her arms around his neck. “Think how hard this is on Seiji, Touma remembers nothing of their relationship.” She said and snuggled her head into the crook of his neck.

“Oh man I forgot about that. Damn Seiji must be going nuts!” Shu held his wife closer and kissed the side of her head. “I don’t know what I would do if you ever forgot whom SinJin or I were. I think I would go insane.”

“I feel the same way.” Ming replied softly. I was thinking... Why don’t we try and put a photo album together of some finer moments with Touma and take him for a walk down memory lane.” Ming played with the hairs at the back of his neck, taking in his scent, which always brought a smile to her face. Shu always smelled so fresh and clean with a hint of musk from his after-shave. “You know I love you so much Shu, you and SinJin mean the world to me.” She began to kiss his neck.

“I love you too hon.” He said and then scooped her up into his arms. “So ya wanna go upstairs and play?” His eyes sparkled with a hint of what was to come. “SinJin is sound asleep and we have nothing better to do right now.”

“Oh you know how much I adore playing with you.” Ming got out before Shu’s lips were firmly planted on hers. She felt herself being carried upstairs and then being placed gently on the bed. Breaking the kiss and taking in air, she stretched out on the bed and smiled. Looking at her husband curiously when he just stood there staring at her. “Are you going to join me or what?”

“In a minute. I want to memorize everything about you... every curve, every crease, every line... everything that is you! I want to make sure I never forget your face, your body, your smile... I want to remember it all.” His eyes glistened with tears that were just forming.

“Oh come here you big lug! God who would believe that a man built like you would have a heart as soft as snow.” She held out her arms for him and Shu fell into them. “You are truly one of a kind and I am just so happy that I’m the one you married.” She kissed him.

Shu moaned into the kiss as his hands began exploring the body he had grown to know so well. Fingertips danced delicately over soft skin as he slowly undressed her. “I want you so badly Ming.” He said as he began kissing her neck and down over her chest smiling as she began breathing heavier.

“I want you too Shu, Oh God how I want you.” She panted and helped him to remove his clothes when he sat up. “I want to scream when I come.” She grinned and watched as Shu’s smile grew bigger.

“Now that’s my kind of request.” He laughed as he lowered her and himself back down onto the bed.


“Okay so tell me again... Who are these people?” Touma asked as he sat and stared at a photo Seiji had given him.

“This is Ryo Sanada, you and he are really good friends and this is Nasuti, his wife, we’ve known her for a long time as well. In fact we all lived in her grandfather’s house for a few years.” Seiji sat on the edge of the bed explaining things to Touma.

“Okay I got that thus far.” Touma shivered slightly. For some reason he couldn’t help it, having Seiji this close to him was causing his skin to tingle. Why? He watched him out of the corner of his eye as he spoke; he couldn’t help but find the blonde’s features to be quite handsome.

“Now this is Shu and his wife Ming, they got married shortly before Shin and Lorelei did. Shu and Ming have a son named SinJin, who is quite a handsome little boy.” Seiji smiled as he turned to look at Touma; blushing slightly when he realized that Touma was staring at him. Quickly Seiji turned his attention back to the photo.

“And this is Shin and Lorelei, right?” Touma stared hard at the photo... Something about Lorelei seemed so familiar. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure whatever you want.” Seiji looked into Touma’s eyes and felt his heart pounding.

“Did I have a thing for Lorelei? I mean she seems so familiar, more so then the rest right now.” Touma swallowed hard. Why am I having these feelings? Damn you’d think that I want to kiss him or something. But why? Do I like guys instead of girls? No he would have said something by now if that were the case.

“Well if you did, you never told anyone, and neither has Lorelei.” Seiji chuckled slightly at the look Touma was giving him. “You two have always been best buddies, as you are fond of calling it. Lorelei and you hung out together a lot, played practical jokes on everyone and just had fun together. She, Nasuti and Ming became the sisters you never had but always wanted.”

“Okay, now I assume I’m not married, since I’m not wearing a ring... And if I were engaged I would think my fiance would be here hovering over me instead of you. Ditto with the married bit. So do I have a steady girlfriend or am I dating anyone right now?” Touma arched an eyebrow. Seiji didn’t seem all that comfortable with questions like this and he was curious as to what the blond would say.

“No you don’t have a girlfriend.” Seiji sighed softly and turned his face away from him. God why can’t I just tell him? I’m afraid he’ll reject me, that’s why.

“Okay then do you know if I’m dating any girl casually?” He watched Seiji stiffen. Hmmmm, that’s curious.

“No Touma you are not.” Seiji started getting up off the bed only to have Touma grab his arm. “What the...”

“Am I gay?” He looked up at Seiji, desperately searching for an answer. “It’s okay if I am, I think... I just want to know who I am.”

“Touma, you’re not gay... At least not in the sense of the word.” Seiji looked down at his hands. Oh gosh here we go... This is not going to be easy.

Alright, I’m not married or engaged... I don’t have a steady girlfriend or even a casual one that I’m dating and I’m not really gay... Whatever that means.” Touma was trying to grasp it all but Seiji was being a little too vague for his liking. “So am I bi or do I just sleep around with anything that breathes?” Sarcasm seeped out in the tone of his voice.

“You don’t sleep around Touma in fact you had one lover for about 7 years. This is a little complicated so allow me to finish before you comment. Okay?” Seiji took a deep breath and watched as Touma nodded. Okay Seiji you may as well get this over with... God I hope this doesn’t blow up in my face.

“Okay then. Like I said before you had one lover for about 7 years, and while you are not gay, that lover was a male. You two just had a bond, a friendship that ran deeper then most friendships do and somehow the two of you fell in love.” Seiji took another deep breath before continuing. “Both of you never saw yourselves as gay or even bi for that matter, in fact you both said that if you weren’t with each other, you would have been with a girl. That‘s just how it‘s always been. No one has ever been able to explain and no one has tried.”

“So what happened? Did we break up? If we were still together he would be here right?” Touma laid down further in the bed, he was starting to get a headache plus this new information was a little overwhelming. So what’s your connection to all this Seiji? Come on out with it.

“Well it’s a very long and complicated story, but a series of events occurred and you two split up.” Seiji finished and got up, walking to the windows he looked out over the city.

“You seem to know a lot about my life, a little too much to be nothing more then just a friend... What gives Seiji? Just how close are we? Or should I say... Were we?” Touma didn’t have to look to see Seiji’s whole body stiffen, he swore he could almost sense it. “Come on Seiji, this is my life here, I have a right to know.”

“We... We were, rather are very close Touma.” Seiji pressed his forehead against the cool glass. Taking a deep breath and swallowing hard he tried to find the words, but decided to just tell it like it was. “I... I was that lover... Your lover. We had a relationship for close to 7 years.”

“What? Are you serious?” Touma sat back up quickly and felt the room spinning. Seiji who had heard the motion knew what had happened and quickly raced back over to Touma’s bed.

“Careful Touma, you have low blood pressure and sitting up that rapidly is not a good thing.” Seiji’s voice took on a sincere concern. “Yes Touma... You and I were involved. We loved each other very much.”

“I don’t understand, you were married and now you have a kid... How...? Why...? Oh boy you were right when you said this was complicated.” Touma allowed Seiji to help him to lie back down. “Well that explains why you kissed me when I woke up last week. Now why didn’t you say anything when I would ask you..? I mean I have questioned you for the past week on this.” Touma looked up at Seiji.

“My biggest question is... What happened to us? Why did we break up?” Touma felt Seiji lightly caress his cheek, deciding he like it, he leaned into the touch.

“Please Touma, that is just too complicated to give details on... Something happened in our lives that was quite horrific, I married to try and forget it. I guess I was going through denial, I don’t know. I do know that I regretted it and have tried to make it up to you.” Seiji tried to explain, hoping that Touma would understand to some degree.

When Touma turned his head into his caress Seiji felt his heart lurch. “I think we should leave it where it is for now... I don’t want to overwhelm you, though that’s just what may have happened all ready. I’m sorry for not being open about this, but it’s not the easiest thing to talk about.”

“Well then I guess I’ll have to hope that my memory come back or you feel comfortable enough to finally tell me everything. You are right though; I do need some time to absorb all this. I’m not sure just how I feel and well I don’t want to bum you out or anything, so if you don’t mind I think it’s best that we just keep this... Us on a friendship only level.” Touma sighed and winced, his headache was getting worse.

“Sure Touma, that’s fine with me. Are you having some kind of pain?” Seiji asked and immediately placed his hand on Touma’s forehead.

“My head is killing me. Do you think I can have something for it?” He asked as he closed his eyes. He decided that he enjoyed the feel of Seiji touching him, it felt natural like it was something he always loved. Touma also knew that until he could remember more, he couldn’t risk hurting the blond by appearing too interested.

“Sure let me go get something. You haven’t had any pain meds for awhile now; do you want something that will help you to sleep?” Seiji brushed the hair from Touma’s face and sighed softly. I’m so sorry Touma, I wish I could explain it more, I know this is confusing to you, but I need some time too. I need to figure out how to tell you everything without hurting you.

“Yes, that would be great. I think I would like to just sleep for awhile, maybe that would help.” Touma kept his eyes closed, he wasn’t sure how he would react if he opened them and found himself staring into those violet eyes. They had this way of grabbing him and pulling him into their depths and he just couldn’t handle that at the moment.

“Okay then. I’ll be right back.” Seiji retrieved the medication and then once Touma had taken it and started drifting off to sleep, Seiji pulled the blankets up around the archer.

“Thanks Seiji.” Touma’s words slurred slightly.

“No problem Tou, sleep tight.” Seiji smiled.

“Seiji? Thanks for answering my questions. I am glad you finally told me and if it’s any consolation, I’m happy to know that you have been a big part of my life.” Touma smiled when he heard a choked sob fill the room.

“Thank you Touma.” Seiji tried to hold his emotions in check but still found himself bending down and lightly kissing Touma’s forehead. “You sleep well now.”

“I will.” Touma said and then felt the pull of sleep taking him deeper into its lair. He felt nothing but contentment at the moment and rather liked the feel of the blonde’s lips as they touched his skin.

Seiji watched and listened, once he was sure Touma was out, he silently slipped out of the room to lean against the closed door, he smiled to himself. “Well that didn’t go too bad. He didn’t tell me to take a flying leap so I guess that’s a good sign.” He then headed for the nursery to be with his daughter.


“Lorelei, can I ask you a question?” Touma looked at her and Shin as they sat there. They had brought photo albums with them for Touma to look at in hopes of jogging his memory to some degree.

“Sure Touma. What is it?” She smiled. It pained her and the others to have Touma view them as complete strangers, considering all they had been through.

“I didn’t want to ask Seiji this because I didn’t want to upset him, but I have been having this dream quite a bit over the past week. Did something really bad happen to me?” He saw her face drain of its color and knew he had hit on something. “Please, I need to know.” He pleaded with them.

“First of all, can you tell us what you remember of the dream you’ve been having?” She asked, then looked at Shin hoping to get some reassurance that she was doing the right thing. Lorelei wanted to be honest with Touma but she didn’t want to cause any undo stress to him either.

“Okay, that’s fair.” Touma closed his eyes as he recalled what he could of the dream. “I’m lying on a bed, tied up... I’m nude and it hurts all over... I always seem to wake up just when this guy... uhm he... Well he shoves something into me.” Touma shivered and quickly opened his eyes, which had tears standing in them. “I get the feeling it’s not just a dream... That it’s a memory recall.”

“Y... Yes it is Touma. It is a memory.” Shin spoke up.

“That’s what I was afraid of...” Touma turned his face away from them, he felt more of the memory hitting him and tears trickled down over his cheeks. “I... I was uhm... I was raped... Wasn’t I?”

“Yes Touma... You were. I’m so sorry that it’s this memory you are recalling... I’d do anything if you could forget all that.” Lorelei quickly grabbed his hand. “You have to know that none of it was your fault, you were the victim in it all.”

“It’s okay, I‘m okay with it... I think. There was more then one guy, wasn’t there?” He asked as feelings of shame over took him.

“Yes, there were.” Shin stood up and laid his hand over his and Lorelei’s. “Should I go get Dr Kobe, Touma?”

“No... No I’m okay.” Touma turned to look at him, his face wet with his tears. “Were they caught? The men who did that to me?” He held his breath, hoping that they had.

“They are all dead Touma.” Lorelei finally said. “Seiji killed the leader, Luis. When he found out what they had done to you, Seiji went into a blind rage. From what we know, Seiji really did a number on the guy.” Her tears now slid down her cheeks.

“Good! Well... I guess you could say my knight in shining armor came to save me ne?” He tried to smile.

“Yes he surely did.” Shin responded. Nodding to Lorelei Shin excused himself, thinking it was a good idea to get either Seiji or Dr Kobe. Sure Touma seemed fine at the moment, but he didn’t want to risk Touma becoming stressed out.

“He loved me didn’t he? Seiji I mean?” Touma finally said. He was still trying to absorb this latest bit of information, trying to make sense of it all. God I was raped? What else has happened to me that they aren’t telling me?

“Touma, he still does. Seiji has never stopped loving you.” Lorelei smiled. “That I know for a fact.”

“What happened with us then? Why did we break up? If we were so much in love as you say, why did it end?” He asked. “I mean I keep asking Seiji that same question but he keeps avoiding it.”

“Probably because it’s painful for him to talk about.” She looked out the window as she spoke. “I can say that the break up wasn’t your fault Touma. Too many things had occurred; it was like a domino effect. Seiji will be the first to admit that he made a huge mistake in leaving you. He just couldn’t deal with what had happened to him... You two had so many things happen, it was like one nightmare after another.” She looked at Touma sadly. “Sometimes love can’t fix what gets broken; time has to do that.”

“What happened to him?” Touma asked, he had sensed something with the blond, a past that was filled with pain, but every time he questioned Seiji about it, he would freeze up. “What could have been so horrible?”

“Look Touma I really shouldn’t be answering questions that Seiji should be answering.” She went to get up but Touma grabbed her arm.

“I just told you, he won’t tell me. Look Lorelei, if I’m to understand what happened in my past, who I am, and where my life is at the moment... I need my questions answered.” He pleaded with her with his eyes.

Sighing, Lorelei sat back down. “I always did hate it when you looked at me like that! I’ll tell you, but promise me that you will talk to Seiji about this as well, okay?” She watched him nod. “I know this may not be easy to hear but Seiji was raped as well, before it had happened to you. That man, Luis? Well he was the one who raped Seiji and then came back for more that’s when he got a hold of you.”

“Awww fuck! No wonder Seiji was a mess... To be so in control then to have that done to you...” He looked at Lorelei, puzzled by the comment he had just made. “How did I now that Seiji was so gung ho on control?”

“That’s because I was.” Seiji said as he walked into the room. “Okay Touma you want to know it all, well you’ll get it all.” Seiji handed Skylar to Lorelei. “Would you take her out of here for awhile? I want to be alone with Touma.” Seiji wasn’t mincing words and that kind of scared Lorelei.

“Seiji I’m sorry... I didn’t know what...” Lorelei felt guilty about telling Touma what she did. “Please don’t be angry.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it. I’m not angry Lors, sorry for snapping.” He touched her cheek and smiled. “Just give us some privacy for awhile, okay?” Seiji gave her another smile and Lorelei quickly left with Skylar to join Shin.

“Okay Seiji, I’m ready... Start at the beginning and don’t stop until you have told me everything.” Touma arched an eyebrow at the blond.

“Fine Touma... I must warn you, some of what I say, you won’t like... I just hope that you will understand and not let it effect what you think of me.” Seiji stood by the window, watching the throngs of people below. Well this is it, no turning back now.

“As Lorelei has already told you, I was raped... They abducted me from the parking garage of this hospital... ... ... ... ...And then we ended up here, where we are today.” Seiji had not looked at Touma during the whole story, he couldn’t, he could feel Touma gaze on him the whole time and it was unnerving. He also couldn’t bring himself to allowing the archer to see the tears as they formed in his eyes. The memories still hurt, they were still too much apart of him.

“So you raped me, then you turn and run, go off and get married while stringing me along, then try and redeem yourself by saving me not just from my attackers but from my botched suicide attempt... And you call that love?” Touma didn’t know if he wanted to cry or get pissed off by the blonde’s confession.

“Yes... In a nutshell that’s how it went. If it makes you feel better to put it that way, then that’s what I did.” Seiji hung his head. “Know this though, I have hated myself ever since that day.”

“I think I want you to leave now.” Touma said coldly. As much as he wanted to feel sorry for Seiji and the turmoil the blond was going through, he just couldn’t.

“Touma I...” Seiji felt the tears stinging his cheeks as they fell and he turned to face Touma.

“I said LEAVE!” Touma’s dark blue eyes glared harshly at him, his own tears were held in check.

“Very well.” Seiji knew it was of no use to protest and so he slipped silently out the door. Touma sat there before picking up the picture Seiji had left there of the two of them and threw it against the wall.

“Damn you! I really wanted to like you!” His tears finally streaked down his cheeks as he slid down into the bed. “Now what do I do?” He asked himself as he cried. “What the fuck do I do!”


“He hates me Ryo and I can’t say that I blame him.” Seiji set his teacup down and sighed.

“Just give him time Seiji, I’m sure that once he has had time to absorb it all, he’ll change his mind.” Nasuti rubbed his back and frowned.

“I should call Shin and make sure Lorelei is okay, she left the hospital in tears. She blames herself for Touma’s refusal to see me anymore. She was only answering his questions.” Seiji reached for his cell phone and walked over to the other side of the room. After a few minutes he came back over to them. “No one answered... I’ll try again later.”

“So when do you think they’ll allow Touma to come home..? Come to think of it, where will home be for him?” Ryo sat down next to his wife and cradled her in his arms.

“They said in a week or two he should be able to come home.” Seiji smiled at the two, deciding he had to just let things calm down. “So you two ready for parenthood?”

“Well with Skylar here it’s giving us some practice, that’s for sure.” Nasuti looked over at the cradle that held Seiji’s sleeping daughter.

“It’s also getting us used to wakening up fifty million times a night.” Ryo yawned and got a jab from Nasuti over his comment.

“Sorry about that guys, I wonder if she’s getting colicky or something.” Seiji frowned. “Generally she’s a good sleeper, but the past few days, well she’s been waking up more and crying a lot more.”

“Oh don’t worry about it... All babies have their fussy periods; she’s no exception.” Nasuti heard Skylar begin to stir. “Oops, sounds like she’s about to blow! I’ll get a bottle started for you Seiji.” Nasuti headed out to the kitchen while Seiji scooped his daughter, cradling her tightly. Her small cries began to subside as he gently rocked her.

“Heh, looks like she wanted her daddy.” Ryo chuckled. “So are you getting use to being called that?”

“No... It still sounds kind of weird you know. Some times I look at her and find myself amazed that I helped to create her... It’s a true miracle.” Seiji’s eyes misted up as he kissed her forehead.

“So is that what I’m going to be reduced to after Suti has the baby? A pure sap?” Ryo slid down into the cushions of the couch.

“Yes Ryo, with any luck... That’s exactly what you will become. You’ll find that you will love that role. I know I do.” Seiji smiled. “I know it sounds weird, but gosh she’s so tiny and so precious...”

Nasuti walked in carrying Skylar’s bottle. “Mind if I feed her?” She asked, looking at Seiji and giving him her best ‘please’ smile.

“I guess I could give up one feeding... Sure, be my guest.” Seiji handed the baby off to Nasuti, making sure she was holding her just right, and that she stopped to burp her every so often. Ryo found himself laughing himself silly over Seiji’s antics.

“Oh God Seiji you wanna talk about an over protective parent... You act as though Nasuti is going to do something wrong.” Ryo chuckled.

“I guess you’re right Ryo but she’s my baby and I have a responsibility to make sure she’s well taken care of. If you have a problem with it then...”

“Whoa Seiji! Calm down! I don’t think Ryo meant any harm by it.” Nasuti said, effectively cutting Seiji off.

“Yeah Seiji. Man you are tense... Maybe you should go and meditate or something. I read that babies can pick up on things like that real easily.” Ryo said with a smile.

“Hai! They can. Gomen nasai Ryo... I guess you’re right... this whole thing with Touma has me bent out of shape.” Seiji ran his hand through his blond hair that was getting a little longer now in the back. “Can you guys keep an eye on Sky? I think I’ll take your advice and do a little meditating... I’ll go down to the cabin or something where it‘s quiet.”

“Sure go on... There are candles in the closet down there and matches in a kitchen drawer.” Nasuti smiled.

Seiji kissed his daughter, smiling at her content face as she laid in Nasuti’s arms. “Daddy will be back soon.” Seiji slipped out of the house quietly and headed for the cabins.

As he meditated his mind wandered to Touma, shocked to feel the link still intact and opened. He directed some of his calm towards Touma like he use to whenever Touma was stressed, either with a class, work or an archery tournament, hoping it would help Touma jog his memory. Even though he had been told a lot about his past, he still recalled virtually none of it, Seiji knew that if he could, Touma would see that the love they had still burned brightly.

Just then he felt pain and hurt and the then the link closed. Opening his eyes he gasped... How? Oh God his subconscious must still remember how to shut down the link... I shouldn’t have probed so deeply! Damn I may have screwed it all up!


“Knock! Knock!” Shu said as he stuck his head into Touma’s room. “Care for a little company?” Shu’s grin covered his face.

“Shu? Right?” Touma smiled at the silly grin the bigger man wore. “Sure come on in.”

“Boy I would have been screwed had you said no!” Shu walked in carrying a large picnic basket and with Ming in tow.

Touma looked at the basket with curiosity. “Eh do you always carry a picnic basket with you or are you that big an eater?”

“Watch it Smurfy... You eat just as much as I do! So there!” Shu laughed.

“Yeah but he can get away with it... It doesn’t cling to him the way it does you!” Ming retorted. “Actually Touma we have a little surprise for you.”

“A surprise? For me?” Now Touma was really curious especially after Shu set the basket down and he saw it move. “No offense, but I think your lunch is moving.”

“Oh that?” Shu said looking at the basket then quickly going to the door. Looking up and down the hallway and making sure no one was around; he shut it then bounced back over to Touma’s bedside.

“How do things look out there?” Ming asked, anxious to pull their surprise.

“The coast is clear!” Shu grinned wider then reached into the basket. “Come on little one come and see your daddy.”

“DADDY?” Touma’s eyes went wide and then he saw what Shu had meant when a puppy was pulled out of the basket. “Is that your... puppy?” He asked cautiously and then smiled when Shu set it down on his lap.

“Nope! It’s yours.” Shu laughed as the puppy’s tail began wagging feverishly, happy to see it’s owner.

“Hey there... Gosh you are so cute.” Touma used his good arm to pet it and was rewarded with several sloppy kisses. Just then tears began streaming down Touma’s face. “Socrates... I’ve missed you.” He said and pulled the puppy closer.

“Hey! You remembered.” Ming smiled; her heart was racing now. “Do you remember who gave you the puppy?”

“No... I don’t think so.” He tried to remember, but it just wasn’t coming to him at all. That frustrated him, he remembered the puppy’s name, he remembered that he got it just recently but who gave it to him and why, just wouldn’t register.

“Seiji gave him to you, for your birthday.” Shu said and put his arm around his wife’s shoulders. “According to Shin and Lorelei you were so happy that night. You and Seiji had started to patch things up and were going to try and start over. Of course he had to wait till after the baby was born and he divorced the wicked witch but... You and he were still very much in love. Not that it matters now... You can’t remember any of it, the bitch is dead and Seiji now has the cutest little girl...” Shu voice trailed off, the sadness very much apparent.

“Seiji? He gave him to me?” Touma watched as the puppy cocked his head at him and a flash of memory hit. “I... I remember sitting in a park with Seiji, we had been... kissing, and Socrates cocked his head just like this.” Touma blushed a little.

“That’s great Touma!” Ming held her breath.

“He really does love me... I... I have been so foolish. I allowed a memory to get the better of me and I shouldn‘t have. Until I can remember everything, I have to be a little more understanding I guess.” Touma looked up at Shu. “Could you call Seiji and tell him that I would like to see him?”

“Sure can!” Shu smiled and grabbed the phone. Seiji wasn’t home so he left a message with Nasuti who couldn’t help but cry over the news. “Touma I left a message with Nasuti but I can also see if he’s on duty in the hospital, if you’d like?”

“Yes... Please?” Touma buried his face in the puppy’s fur, then pulled back and scrunched up his nose.

“Uh oh I forgot about that. Touma, Socrates got skunked last week, we took him to the vet and they cleaned him up, but said it would take several weeks till the smell was totally gone. You can only smell it if you get as close you just did.” Ming laughed at Touma’s expression.

“So you tried to play with a skunk ne?” He laughed as the puppy licked his face. “Guess you’ll be a little more careful from now on.” Touma looked up at Shu and Ming and smiled. “Thank you for sneaking him in. I didn‘t realize how much I have missed him.”

Touma gave Socrates a hug and was rewarded with more kisses. The more he tried to pull away the more determined the puppy was to get at his face. “I’m drowning in puppy slobber... What a way to go.”

“Hey what are friends for, besides the little guy missed you. He’s been moping around house too much.” Shu laughed at the sight before him. “Now let me go and see if I can locate Blondie.” Shu slipped out of the room.

Ming stayed behind to watch the playful exchange between dog and owner. She couldn’t remember when she had last heard Touma laugh so hard, and now was glad that she allowed Shu to talk her into this little escapade.

All too soon their fun had to end, Shu had to sneak the puppy back out before the nurses made their rounds or else feel their wrath. He didn’t want the latter and so he rounded up Socrates and placed him back in the basket, much to Touma’s dismay. “Hey we’ll try and sneak him in again real soon.” Ming said as she grabbed her coat.

“Seiji will go ballistic when he finds out why I asked all those questions about the nurses on this floor and their round schedule.” Shu gave Touma his silliest grin, which got Touma snickering as well.

“Before I know it you two pranksters will be back at it... Then we will all be in trouble.” Ming laughed, leaning over to plant a kiss on Touma’s cheek. “You hurry on up and get better. We miss having you around.”

“I will. Thanks again for bring Socrates in.” Touma yawned. “Guess I’ll try and take a nap. I still have quite a bit of stamina to get back.” He yawned again. “Man I swear I sleep more then I am awake!”

“You do that buddy, after all you’re famous for your sleeping habits.” Shu joked as Touma closed his eyes. “Sleep tight Touma-san.”

“Uh huh... I will and thanks for coming by. You two are the greatest.” Was all Touma got out before sleep overtook him. Shu and Ming made sure Touma’s blankets were up over his sleeping form before silently slipping out and holding their breath as they made their way out of the hospital without raising suspicions about the basket.


Touma awoke sometime later and realized he had a deep need to use the bathroom, reaching for the nurse’s call button he stopped when the door to his room opened and Seiji walked in.

“Touma, I got a message that you wanted to see me. Is there something wrong?” Seiji was in his hospital greens, a white gauzed mask hung from his neck and some type of mesh covers were over his shoes. “I’m due in surgery in a little while, but I wanted to stop in here first.” He smiled.

“I didn’t mean to have you dragged away from something so important.” He said guiltily. “It could have waited.” He couldn’t help but think about how good looking Seiji appeared in his hospital gear. The blond was indeed quite attractive, sexy even, and he could see why he had most likely fallen for him, after all who wouldn’t.

“Oh it’s okay they’ll page me when they are ready... I have my pager on.” He said and pointed to the device attached to his hip.

“Seiji before I tell you why I wanted to see you... I uhm... I need to use the bathroom and please don’t make me go on one of those God-awful bedpans!” He seemed to almost scold Seiji. “Whoever invented those things was seriously disturbed.” He smiled when Seiji started laughing.

“Okay let me get a chair, I can wheel you over and well help you but since you have a leg and arm in a cast, it’s going to require that I... I uhm...” Seiji felt his cheeks flushing and he couldn’t finish. Oh jeez I’m a doctor for crying out loud, this shouldn’t bother me. Yeah but this is my former lover, who doesn’t remember the us... Seiji mind rationalized.

“Yeah I figured as much but it’s still better then those cold metal, kill your ass pans!” Touma laughed as well. “Okay Doc, ready when you are. Oh just to ease the embarrassment... I only have to pee, but I have to go badly!” Like I’m going to protest if you have to wind up holding IT for me... I may be a little crazy but I’m not stupid. Touma smiled to himself, he knew he was falling for the blond, their wasn’t anything he could do about that.

“Well then let’s get you in there Touma-san.” Seiji helped Touma into the chair and into the bathroom, doing what he had to do, keeping his mind in that doctor and patient sort of frame. Once done he helped Touma back into bed, making sure that he was covered up and comfortable.

“Boy that felt good!” Touma grinned. “Emptying my bladder I mean.” Touma blushed after he realized how it sounded. “Seiji I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for the way I have been acting. I know you’re only trying to help but until my memory returns there’s no way I can fully understand what has happened in our lives.” Touma felt his heart pounding as he looked into Seiji‘s eyes.

“No Touma I should have been honest with you right from day one... You had a right to know those things and I kept putting off telling you. I am so sorry.” Seiji wanted more then anything to just hold Touma, to once again feel the warmth of him in his arms.

“I didn’t realize certain things until this afternoon when Shu and Ming snuck Socrates in to see...”

“They did WHAT?” Seiji’s jaw dropped.

“They brought my puppy in for me to see. I remembered Seiji, I remembered his name and I remembered that you gave him to me and how we wanted to try and make our relationship work. Granted Ming had to tell me first, but after she did, all the memories of that night came back.” Touma felt bad knowing he may have gotten Shu and Ming in trouble. “Please don’t be mad.”

“You remembered?” Seiji’s face softened and he watched as Touma patted the side of the bed in an invitation for him to sit. Seiji did so and was surprised when Touma took his hand. “Touma?”

“Seiji I know we must have had something between us that was very strong, and hopefully in time I will remember, until then, I hope that you will be patient with me. I do remember us talking about starting over, and I remember you kissing me, and me kissing you and how good it all felt.” Touma found himself mesmerized by Seiji’s violet eyes. “Oh God...” He said and before either man knew what was happening Touma reached up and pulled Seiji’s head down as their lips met in a sweet kiss.

When they parted Seiji took a few minutes to steady his breathing. “Touma... Why?” Was all he could think of asking. The kiss was more then he had hoped for from the archer.

“I guess I wanted to see for myself if I still liked kissing a guy.” Touma arced an eyebrow at Seiji. “Actually if I still felt the same kissing you... If I still enjoyed it.”

“So what’s the verdict?” Seiji asked, licking his lips and feeling the heat rise in his cheeks.

“I’m not sure I think I need to gather more data.” Touma joked before once again laying claim to the softest lips he had ever known. Touma then took it a step farther, parting his to allow Seiji entrance. He couldn’t stop the moan that escaped his throat as Seiji’s tongue explored his mouth, igniting a slow burn in his body. Touma’s slender fingers entwined themselves into Seiji’s blond locks as the kiss heated up.

Seiji couldn’t believe what was happening at first, Touma’s lips on his were enough to make his head swim but when the archer parted his lips and allowed Seiji to explore the heated depths, he though for sure he was going to drown in the emotions he was feeling. This was too good to be true, his Touma was kissing him and from the way the archer was reacting, he was enjoying it as well.

Touma felt himself beginning to become aroused as the kiss would break slightly so they could grab some air and then resume. He got the feeling that this was where he was meant to be, in the arms of this blond Adonis.

Touma then felt the urge... A deep need for more of Seiji and so with his good hand he dipped it down and began pulling on Seiji’s shirt, trying to free it so his fingers could make contact with the warm flesh.

“Uhnnn...” Seiji moaned and pulled back. “Touma we can’t. Not here... plus it’s too soon.” Seiji said, trying desperately to slow his heart rate down and still the arousal that was slowly growing between his thighs. “I don’t want to rush things.”

“Don’t you want me Seiji?” Touma looked at him sadly, though a passion was slowly building in the stormy blue depths.

“Oh God Touma I want you more then anything... But a hospital isn’t the place... Plus what happens if your memory returns and you start thinking differently.” Seiji reached out to stroke his cheek. “I think we should wait... But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy more of this.”

“I understand.” Touma did understand but the feeling of rejection still washed over him. He had to be sure that Seiji was serious and so he grabbed the blond for an all out assault on the other’s mouth.

Seiji found his control slipping as his mind tried to think of ways to allow for some privacy between himself and Touma. He felt himself becoming erect as Touma’s tongue delved deep into his mouth, and then began an assault on his neck and throat. Just then his pager started going off causing Touma to jump.

“Damn! Now they fucking page me!” Seiji cursed. “Touma I’m sorry but I’m needed in surgery.” He frowned, and was a bit relieved as well as he felt his erection dissipating. Try walking through the halls with that, not like these scrubs hide much.

“That’s okay... I understand... Now shoo and go take care of your patients.” Touma’s cheeks were flushed and his eyes were almost black with passion. He could see that Seiji’s eyes had darkened and now were a deeper shade of violet. “Did you know that your eyes change color with your moods?”

“Yes and so do yours Tou.” Seiji kissed his nose. “Listen I’ll be back a little later and then we can talk, okay?” Seiji stood up.

“You’d better or I’ll come looking for you. I still need to collect more data as well.” Touma winked at him then smiled. Seiji gave him a soft kiss to the lips before leaving. Smiling to himself, Touma realized that he wanted to make a go of it with Seiji and planned to tell him when the blond came back. Slipping down into the bed, Touma smiled as his body still felt the tingle from their little session. “Hurry back Seiji... I want more.” Touma smiled as his eyes grew heavy with sleep.


Touma awoke to the sun hitting his eyes, sitting up as best as he could he tried to shake the cobwebs from his head. Looking around he frowned, Seiji had promised to come back, but never did. Touma felt the sadness hitting him. He had been so happy last night, but now he wasn’t sure what to think.

Maybe he’s decided I’m not what he wants... Could I have been too aggressive for him? Did I scare him off? Many thoughts and scenarios began running through his mind as he felt himself on the verge of tears. His quiet angst was brought to an end when Nasuti and Lorelei walked in, smiling and carrying a tray of food.

“Hey you! The nurse says you slept through breakfast. Now how do you expect to get better if you skip meals?” Nasuti said and set the tray down.

“I hadn’t noticed the time.” He said almost dryly.

“It’s 11:45 am, sleepyhead!” Lorelei tousled his hair. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“Oh I’m just peachy. And you?” The sarcasm was quite evident in his voice.

“Okay Smurf out with it! What’s got your knickers in a knot?” Lorelei stood there, hands on hips and eyes blazing into him. Nasuti was practically a mirror image.

“You know you two look like the twins from hell when you do that!” Touma said trying to change the subject quickly.

“Oh no you don’t Touma, either you tell us what’s wrong on we will badger you until you do.” Nasuti smirked.

“Okay!” He put his good arm up in the air, he somehow knew that you didn‘t get into a debate with those two, it was a no win situation. “First of all, if that’s for me... I am starving so please help me to eat it...” He said motioning to the fact that his right arm was in a cast. Nasuti sat down and started to feed Touma while Lorelei looked on.

“Seiji and I had a talk last night... Uhm actually we did more then talk. We were necking up a storm.” Touma blushed a bright red.

“Oh my God Touma! That’s great!” Lorelei smiles, the joy in her voice is unmistakable.

“Well he got called into surgery and he was suppose to come back here to talk, only he never did and now I wonder if he ever wants to see me again... Maybe he’s decided it’s not right or that I’m not what he needs or maybe he’s realized that by having a relationship with me could traumatize his kid as she gets older.” Touma sadly turn his face away from them.

“Oh God Touma that’s not it at all... Seiji didn’t come back here cause he couldn’t.” Nasuti said frantically. “Last night we rushed Skylar here, she spiked a fever that was so high she had convulsions. Scared the living hell out of Ryo and I too.”

“What? Oh my God Suti is she okay? What about Seiji? He must be a mess... I need to see him I have to go to him.” Touma tried to get out of bed.

“Touma calm down, she’s fine now... She had an infection in her throat. They have her on antibiotics; Seiji is with her now.” Nasuti held the archer down. “He told me to tell you he’ll stop in later... I’m sorry I just forgot to say something. Guess being pregnant warps your brain or something.”

“Are you sure? About Skylar I mean?” Touma still had a look of fear in his eyes.

“Yes, Touma I am. They did all sorts of blood work-ups on her to make sure.” Pulling the covers back up, Nasuti tried to reassure Touma that everything was indeed okay.

“B... Blood work?” Touma asked. Why didn’t he like that idea? Something about the baby was on the edge of recall, but it wouldn’t come to him.

“Yeah... I guess they can tell if there’s an infection running through you that way. I’m not the medical expert here.” Nasuti couldn’t help but notice the look on Touma’s face. “Touma? Is a memory coming back to you?”

Touma closed his eyes, he could see himself lying on the ground, and a woman was nearby, Suzume... She was telling him something, he didn’t like it. Then he remembered, the memory slammed into him causing him to jump, he started shivering as he realized what it meant. No it can’t be, she has to be Seiji’s baby, she just has to... His mind started screaming.

“Touma?” Lorelei noticed what was happening and quickly laid her hand on his forehead. “Touma please what is it? What’s wrong?” She practically held her breath as she waited for some sort of reply.

No I can’t let them know, I can’t let Seiji know, it’ll break his heart. He loves Sky too much. He thought as he heard his name being called. Shaking off the images he quickly brought himself back to the present. “Oh I’m fine, I thought I had something there, but it wouldn’t come to me. I guess it’s just not ready to.” He said.

“You sure you’re okay?” Lorelei asked, brushing the hair from his face she could see in his eyes that he wasn’t being totally honest but decided to just leave it be for now.

“Y... Yeah I’m fine, a little tired that’s all. This remembering thing is exhausting.” He tried to smile yet the image still clouded his thoughts. “Maybe I should just try and rest for awhile.” He faked a yawn.

“Well as long as you are okay then... Hey I’ll see ya later, Shin wants to stop in and we got permission to bring the twins as well. That’s if you’ll feel up to it.” Lorelei kissed his forehead.

“That would be great... Seiji keeps telling me about them. Who knows, maybe seeing them will knock some memories loose.” He winked at her.

“Okay... Yeah maybe they will.” She smiled.

“Touma you take it easy now and Ryo and I will see you tomorrow.” Nasuti leaned in to kiss his cheek.

“I will and thanks for stopping in, thanks for the food too.” Touma smiled and adjusted himself on the bed. “Hey Lors, tell that husband of yours that I want some of those chocolate chip cookies he’s famous for... I haven’t had one in ages.”

Lorelei felt the tears wet her eyes. “You remembered! Oh God Touma, I sure will and I will make sure he whips up a batch just for you.”

Once the girls had left Touma laid there, he wasn’t sure what to do with what he knew... “If I tell Seiji, it could crush him, and if I don’t and something happens... He may hate me for not saying anything. Damn of all the things to remember!” He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but it was getting harder. He was tired of lying in bed, and wanted nothing more then to just go home!


“Okay Touma, everything looks good, the casts will come off in two weeks but I can discharge you as early as tomorrow if you’d like.” Dr Kobe smiled when he saw the grin spread across Touma’s face.

“You bet I’d like! Of course that should be contingent on my finding a place to stay... Seiji says the house I use to own got pretty messed up. I doubt I’d want to stay there anyway, I get the feeling the bad memories may out weigh the good.” Touma tried to think of what he would do... Deciding that eventually he could always find an apartment.

Just then, Seiji walked in and Touma’s smile seemed to get even bigger. It was to the point now just seeing the blond caused his heart to flutter. Seiji was carrying Skylar in one arm with a diaper bag flung over his shoulder. At least the bag didn’t look like one, especially like one of those cutesy ones all the women liked. No this one was more like a duffle bag but it served its purpose and suited the man who used it.

“Hi Kenji. Hello Touma-san.” Seiji smiled, shaking Kenji’s hand then leaning down to give Touma a light kiss. Touma smiled at the baby asleep in Seiji’s arms and was pleased when Seiji placed her on Touma’s lap for him to hold. “Just watch her head, okay?”

“Gotcha.” Touma said and found himself just mesmerized by the sleeping infant in his arms.

“I was just telling Touma that I should be able to discharge him tomorrow.” Dr Kobe spoke up. “His one concern is about where he would stay.”

“Oh gosh yeah we need to talk about that. I guess you could stay with Ryo and Nasuti, they have more then enough room.” Seiji enjoyed watching the way Touma interacted with Skylar, it seemed so natural.

“You said I was staying with Shin and Lorelei before, what about me just going back there?” Touma looked up at Seiji and when violet eyes locked onto his he felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest. My God I’m falling in love with him... I mean I was all ready, but I don’t remember that so technically it doesn’t count... God he’s so handsome and I sound like a hormonal depraved teenager!

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Shin’s mom is there right now. She took ill about a week ago, so Shin insisted she come and stay with them.” Seiji couldn’t stop staring at Touma; they had grown so much closer over the past week... He knew he was very much in love with the archer and got the feeling that Touma was starting to fall for him. At least that was what he hoped. It never fails to amaze me just how good looking he gets over the years. God I just want to take him to bed and make love to him for days on end.

“Well, I’ll leave you two to work things out... I have several other patients to see before I’m due in a conference. God I hate those things!” Dr Kobe made a face that had Seiji laughing.

“Oh God I am so glad I have not had to deal with those since being back. Dr Yamato’s talks are the most boring things I have ever encountered.” Seiji said. “Anyway Kenji, have fun!”

“Gee, thanks Seiji! Payback‘s a bitch, just remember that.” Sarcasm was what seeped off of the words. Dr Kobe was about to walk out when he stopped and turned around, looking at Seiji a little funny before his lips curved into a smile. “It just hit me! You are wearing jeans Seiji! I don’t think I have ever seen you wearing a pair of jeans!”

“Oh that... Well Skylar decided she was going to spit up all over me this morning and I grabbed the first thing I got my hands on to change into.” Seiji blushed. “Plus Touma and I use to have this ritual of me going casual once in a while, and he going for the more dressy look.” Seiji looked out from under his bangs at Touma. “Guess old habits die hard.”

“Well I bet I’m going to hear every nurse on this floor gushing over the fact that Dr Date is wearing skin tight, butt hugging jeans!” Kenji chuckled when he saw Seiji’s cheeks go red, his laughter got louder as he walked out and into the hall.

“He’s right you know. They are quite form fitting, and may I add that they compliment the form they are on quite nicely.” An eyebrow arced as Touma felt Skylar squirming. “Uh oh someone is waking up.”

“Touma you are too much... Don’t worry just stroke her cheek and she’ll go right back to sleep.” Seiji sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked his daughter’s cheek. “That’s my girl, you stay asleep for a little while longer. I love you Sky.” Seiji planted soft kisses on her cheek and then turned his head upward to lay a kiss on Touma as well.

“Mmmm I want more!” Touma pleaded, he just couldn’t seem to get enough of Seiji’s lips. Seiji was like a drug, one dose and instant addiction.

“Well then let me get this little girl situated first.” Seiji scooped up Skylar and placed her in the cradle one of the nurses has brought in for him to use. Once that was done he gracefully strode back over to sit beside Touma once again. “Now where were we?”

“I think this may help jog your memory.” Touma smirked and with his free hand, grabbed Seiji’s shirt and pulled him closer. Touma couldn’t help but moan as Seiji’s lips touched his, sighing in contentment when a heated tongue pushed past his lips to explore the inner trenches of his mouth.

For the past week He and Seiji had been playing a little game, kissing until both had become thoroughly aroused, then backing off so that they could each settle down. Each time it took less and less time for them to get excited. So the kisses would end sooner then either wanted.

Today Touma had other ideas, so as the kiss progressed and they started becoming aroused, Touma’s hand snaked down to rub the bulge that was clearly pushing against the denim fabric of Seiji’s jeans. Touma was a little shocked to feel Seiji spread his legs ever so slightly, allowing him more room and so Touma took his cue by applying just a little more pressure as he rubbed the unseen heat.

Breaking the kiss, Seiji panted, his violet eyes much richer in color now and the ache stronger then he had imagined. “God if you keep this up I’ll have a huge wet spot in my jeans, then those nurses will really have something to talk about.” He moaned softly.

“Well we can’t have that now can we...” Touma’s eyes held a devilish look to them and Seiji was about to find out why as he felt the zipper to his jeans being tugged on. “Got any baby oil on you? Get it if you do, close the curtain around us and we can end our aches...” Touma cooed as he kissed along Seiji’s jaw line.

“Oh God Tou you drive a hard bargain, but what if someone walks...” Seiji couldn’t finish, Touma had undid his jeans and now a warm hand was wrapped around his throbbing sex. “Are you sure about this? I don’t want to... RUSH things.”

“Yes, I’m sure! Nurse Kaga doesn’t check on me for another 30 minutes, we have plenty of time... Get the baby oil Seiji.” Touma’s tongue dipped out to taste the flesh on Seiji’s throat, causing Seiji to squirm and moan in delight.

“Yessssssss.” Seiji hissed, quickly covering himself, he dashed for the baby oil and pulled the curtain closed, only keeping it open just enough to see Skylar. Seiji draped part of the blankets across his lap, just in case, and then coated Touma’s hand while he did the same with his. He couldn’t believe what they were about to do, but he was too horny to care at the moment.

Reaching under the blanket Seiji pushed past the front flaps of Touma’s pajama bottoms to grasp the swollen member within them. “Let me know when you’re close so I can grab some tissues and pull the blankets away. It would be a little hard to explain the mess on the sheets.” Seiji purred as Touma began stroking him.

“I... I will! Oh God it’s been so long Seiji... I have missed you and this...” Touma’s eyes fluttered halfway closed as the pleasured filled sensations over took his senses. Seiji was running his hand over his entire length, using his thumb to graze up over the head and smooth out the liquid that leaked from the slit. Touma’s only regret was that due to his arm being in a cast he couldn’t play with his nipples while Seiji jerked him off. “Oh yes Seiji, feels like heaven... So wonderful.”

Seiji took note of what could possibly be a memory recall from Touma but couldn’t ask him at the moment, he was enjoying the feeling of Touma’s hand stroking him, too much to talk. “Oh God that’s good Touma... So very good.” He bucked his hips in time with Touma’s strokes as he felt himself nearing his climax, quite quickly too. “I’m not going to last too much longer Touma... Oh God I want to come, I want to feel that rush again.” Seiji moaned.

It wasn’t long before both men were groaning and tissues were being pulled from the box. Seiji barely had enough time to fling the blankets off them when Touma gave a small cry as he came, shooting volley after volley into the tissue and Seiji’s hand. Touma’s orgasm was the final straw and soon Seiji was following suit, biting his lower lip to keep from crying out. His hot seed soaked through the tissues to coat Touma’s hand.

Touma lifted his hand and inspected the mess. “Well I guess I’ll need to wash up.” He smiled.

“Here, allow me.” Seiji grabbed the tissues from Touma and then one by one began licking off Touma’s fingers, moaning softly as he did. All Touma could do was watch and feel the heat slowly returning to his semi erect member.

“Damn you’re making me hard again.” Touma said softly and then gasped as Seiji shifted himself and a heated mouth covered his sex. “OH GOD!” Touma cried out then quickly clamped his hands over his mouth.

“Keep an ear out for anyone coming in... Tell them you’re using the bedpan.” Seiji said then dipped down to once again take Touma’s sex into his mouth. It had been way too long since he had had the pleasure of doing this and now that they had broken through the walls, he wasn’t going to ever allow them back up.

Touma’s mind was a whirlwind of emotions as his sex was being devoured by Seiji’s hot mouth. The cast on his leg prevented him from moving his hips too much and so all he could do was grasp the blond locks on Seiji’s head and hold on. Was this how it always was with them? If so, then they were quite the hentai, but who cared. “Oh God Seiji a little more and I’m going to explode! Your mouth is so hot!” Touma used his good hand to play with his nipple, eyes closed, he began feeling the burn slowly rising.

Seiji could tell Touma was close, more and more pre-cum leaked from the slit and Seiji found himself greedily lapping it up, anticipating the full force of Touma’s climax and the sweet taste of the man he loved. Just then he felt Touma’s sex stiffen more in his mouth, expanding and throbbing madly, then Touma cries as the hot liquid splashed against the back of his throat. Making sure he had licked him clean, Seiji tucked Touma back into his pajama bottoms before sitting back up.

“You okay Touma?” Seiji asked as he leaned down to kiss his lips.

“WOW! That was Earth shattering!” Touma’s eyes slid open and in one swift move Touma pulled Seiji’s head down and kissed him hard, pushing his tongue past moist pink lips. He had the sudden urge to taste the inside of Seiji’s mouth, wanting to know what the blond had only seconds ago tasted.

When air became a need, Seiji broke the kiss and looked into the dark eyes of his once again love. “I guess I should clean us both up a bit more and make sure everything is in order... Hiruma, er... Nurse Kaga is pretty observant.” He said.

“Okay... Seiji?” Touma looked at the blond.

“Yes Touma?”

“I think I’m falling in love with you...” Touma blushed. “In fact I’m sure of it now.”

“I love you too.” Seiji choked back the tears, hearing Touma speak those 3 simple words was all his heart ever wanted to hear and now that he had said them Seiji knew their hearts were on the way to healing.

Seiji had barely finished cleaning up when Shin and Shu walked in with Ming and Lorelei following closely behind. Greetings were said and the four sat around Touma’s bed with Seiji and Skylar.

“So what have you guys been up to this morning?” Shu asked innocently. He saw the look in both their eyes and knew something was going on. Sure they all saw him as not being as observant as Shin or the others, but with age came experience and he observed two men looking as though they barely missed getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

“Oh nothing much... Just hanging out I guess.” Seiji avoided Shin and Lorelei’s eyes, knowing full well that those two would see right through him. “Why do you ask?”

“Oh just that you two looked a little flustered when we walked in, and well there’s this little stain here on the edge of the blanket...” Shu grinned from ear to ear, he had seen stains like that once too often and knew all too well what they were.

He and Touma had teased Shin and Lorelei about the same thing many times during their youth. “They really should use lighter colored blankets; dark blue shows too much dirt.” Shu started laughing when he saw Seiji and Touma’s cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

“Oh my God! You two didn’t?” Shin sat there shocked as he looked at Seiji who had his head lowered and looking at his daughter whom he held in his arms. Touma on the other hand was all teeth as he grinned at them. Shin couldn’t believe that Shu was still pulling this, how many times had he and Touma embarrassed him over this same thing? Now it was Seiji and Touma’s turn, though Seiji did not look too happy about being caught.

“Seiji! Of all the people I would have never... Oh my God!!” Ming was just too shocked to think straight. “In a hospital room? I’m just jealous that Shu and I never thought of it... You got one on us!”

“Before you guys allow your imaginations to get the better of you... Touma and I did NOT have sex, so wipe that thought right out of your minds.” Seiji scolded then glared at the group. He could feel the bed shaking and when he turned around Touma was in a fit of hysterics. “And just what is so funny? We‘re about to be massacred by our friends, humiliated beyond belief and you find it hysterical?” The more Seiji talked the harder Touma laughed.

“Oh God Seiji... The look on your face is priceless. Just think of it, Dr Date gives his lover a blow job in his hospital room right after they had finished jerking each other off... What a juicy piece of hospital gossip that could be!” Touma laughed harder till the tears streamed down his cheeks.

“Oh thanks for giving out details Touma. I was hoping to salvage some of my dignity, yours too. Obviously you have none.” Seiji got up and walked over to the cradle to grab Skylar’s diaper bag. “Sky and I are going out for some air... We’ll be back in a few.” He snapped slightly and then left.

“Uh oh I guess I went too far... I didn’t mean anything by it.” Touma looked as though he were about to cry. He really was just joking, he had no idea the blond would take it so personally.

“Touma it’s not your fault, you haven’t gotten all your memory back so you don’t remember certain things.” Shin tried to calm the archer. “I’m sure once Seiji realizes that he’ll be back.”

“What is it that I should remember?” Touma was trying not to cry. They had been so happy until he had opened his big mouth. “Stupid amnesia... How can I function if I can’t remember certain things? God I’m such a baka!”

“You’re not a baka Touma; Seiji won’t stay like that for long, you’ll see.” Lorelei tried to tell him but he just looked away.

“Lorelei is right Touma. You see Seiji has always been a very private person, he isn’t one to wear his heart on his sleeve, or show too much of his emotions.” Shin spoke up as he grabbed his wife’s hand. He could tell she was upset over Touma ignoring her.

“Seiji sometimes wears this mask, to hide what he’s feeling or thinking. For the longest time he had this wall up, a facade if you will. Always keeping his emotions to himself, always in control.” Shin spoke softly as he explained it to Touma. “Granted over the years you have managed to get him to open up and relax a little around his friends but he still has trouble with being THAT open.”

“So by me giving details of our little escapade, I embarrassed him... I broke one of his silent commandments. ‘Thou shall not give details of personal sex acts, to friends’. Man I screwed up big time didn’t I?” Touma couldn’t hold the tears back and they fell softly down his cheeks. “I didn’t know guys.”

“Like I said Touma, he has gotten more open, he kisses and hugs you now around others, even holds your hand... But details of what normally transpire behind bedroom doors is still private to him.” Shin said as he grabbed a tissue and handed it to the archer. The room was silent as Touma sat there staring at his hand.

“If I have done anything to offend him, I am so sorry.” Touma’s voice was almost a whisper. “If I had known all this I would not have said anything. I wasn’t trying to be malicious you have to believe that... I love Seiji and to know I did something that hurt him...” His voice trailed off, tears stung his eyes and his hand shook as he thought about the look Seiji had given him right before he made his hasty exit.

“Listen Smurfy, I’m sure that after awhile Seiji will realize this and he’ll be back apologizing for being so moody about it. Just give it time.” Lorelei got up and sat on the bed next to him. “I know that Seiji loves you very much and with all that you two have been through, he is not about to let something as minor as this pull you two apart. You have to believe in that too.” She said and brushed the hair from his face.

“I know that... I just feel bad that I didn’t stop and think, I should have known better...” Touma tried his best to smile. “Yeah I may not remember everything, but I should have gotten a feel for his personality through what I remembered.” He explained. “I didn’t take the time... I didn’t take his feelings into consideration and that was mean of me.”

“Seiji will understand Touma... I’m sorry too, if I hadn’t of joked around none of this would have happened. You do take Seiji‘s feelings into a great deal of consideration. We have all been a witness to that one more then one occasion.” Shu looked at Touma sadly. “Me now? Well I just don’t know when to keep my big mouth shut that’s all.” That statement had the others looking at him and nodding in agreement.

“You’ve got that right.” Ming replied as she lightly punched his arm. “You have never been known for being subtle... Or for setting brain in action before putting mouth in motion.”

“That’s because I’ve got this rock hard head.” He said and knocked on his own skull. Touma took one look at him and started laughing hysterically through his tears.

“Oh God Shu! How many times have we heard that phrase from you, especially while fighting the Dynasty?” Touma laughed.

“Hey you remember that?” Shu looked at him.

“Yeah I guess I do... Some memories seem to come back without me even knowing it.” Touma looked at them, yawning; he could feel his eyelids getting heavy. Crying always did that to him; at least it did lately.

“I think someone needs a nap.” Ming smiled.

“Yeah he’s had too much activity all ready this morning.” Lorelei giggled at Touma who stuck his tongue out at her.

“Thanks a lot Munchkin! Maybe you‘re just jealous... ne?” He smirked at her and she promptly returned the favor by sticking her tongue out him. “Now if you guys don’t mind I need a nap. Shin your wife has a problem with her tongue, maybe you can help her with that.” Everyone starting laughing, Touma was slowly acting like his old self again and it really felt good.

“Okay Smurfy... Seems like some things never change. You still tease me to high hell and always find an excuse to take a nap.” Lorelei pulled up his blankets and kissed his forehead, then snickered as she whispered in his ear. “Sleep tight now lover boy!”

“Smart-ass!” Touma replied as his eyes started to slide close. Touma was sound asleep before the room had a chance to empty. Shin gave Touma a final glance before closing the door.

“Welcome back Touma-san, we’ve missed you.” Shin smiled and then took his wife’s hand as they walked away.


When Touma awoke again he found Seiji asleep on the chair beside his bed. Smiling, Touma was just happy to see that blond had indeed returned. Using this moment he took in the sight before him. Seiji’s hair hung down over his right eye, the back was now down past his collar, the color was a gorgeous shade, looking as though it had been kissed by the sun. Touma could still feel its texture on his fingertips, soft like silk.

The white cotton shirt had the top two buttons opened, exposing just enough of the milky smooth skin, the jeans the swordsman wore hugged his trim hips just perfectly, he was truly a sight to behold. Sighing softly, Touma couldn’t help but wonder how he got to be so lucky to have this God like creature for his own. Smiling, he realized just how deeply his love for the blond was becoming.

It was only when he thought of the baby that his smile changed, he had a secret that could destroy everything... The knowledge he held could shatter that golden warrior’s heart and that scared him most of all.

What am I going to do? I can’t just tell him... But he has a right to know. Oh God I just don’t know what I should do. I can’t talk to the others, they’ll only tell me that Seiji has a right to know, or else they will tell him. I can’t hurt him though; he loves that baby too much. All I can do is hope and pray that She really is his, or else her real father doesn’t have a clue... Touma wasn’t sure how long he laid there lost in thought. It wasn’t until movement from the chair brought his mind back to the present and he found himself staring into intense violet eyes.

“Good you’re awake... We need to talk Touma.” Seiji stood up and stretched, then sat back down on the side of the bed.

“You’re right, we do.” Touma said softly. “Listen Seiji about earlier today? I’m so sorry, I never meant to embarrass you...”

“It’s okay Touma, I was just taken by surprise with your comments and I didn’t know how to react to them.” Seiji grabbed Touma’s hand and held it firmly. “I have to remind myself that until your memory returns fully you won’t remember how things were, or how I feel about certain things.”

“Yeah but I still had no right blurting out something so personal.” Touma squeezed Seiji’s hand. “Was I always one to be so blunt and open like that? I don’t honestly know.”

“Actually if the truth be known, we both believed in keeping certain areas of our relationship private.” Seiji looked into Touma’s eyes then reached out to stroke his cheek. “Our sex life was always something very private between just the two of us... We were reserved when in public and then once the doors closed, all inhibitions dropped and we would be like two animals, allowing our emotions to take us to heights unseen by anyone.”

“I had a feeling you would say something like that. Look I promise I will keep my mouth shut from now on about those things... Please just don’t let what happen ruin what we have going.” Touma’s eyes pleaded with the blond.

“Don’t worry, that will never happen Touma-san, I love you too much.” Seiji leaned closer till his mouth was almost touching Touma’s.

“Promise?” Touma whispered, feeling the other’s sweet breath caress his face.

“Promise.” Seiji said as his lips finally made contact. The kiss was slow and sensual, lasting until both men needed to break for air. “Now you get out of here tomorrow and I have talked to Ryo and Nasuti, so if it’s okay with you, you’ll be staying there.”

“What about you?” Touma asked, his lips still tingling from the kiss, his hand still firmly gripped in Seiji’s.

“I’ll be there as well. I figured that we would wait until you had healed and were ready mentally, then we’d find a home up near Sendai.” Seiji looked at him hoping the archer would be okay with it. He still wanted to honor his family and run the Dojo... Maybe even continue part time at a hospital as well.

“You mean you want me to live with you and the baby?” Touma’s heart was pounding.

“Of course Touma. I want us to be a family, maybe we can check into the legality of you adopting Skylar, if that’s what you would want.” Seiji smiled sweetly.

“You really mean that? What about her mother? I mean she had two parents, I’m not so sure...” Touma’s mind was going crazy. Great now I know I can never tell him.

“I kind of checked into things and as long as I can produce proof that I am Skylar’s father and that her mother is deceased, and we go through a waiting period... I think it can be done.” Seiji raised Touma’s hand and kissed it. “Listen we have plenty of time to discuss this, so let’s not worry.”

“Produce proof? H... How would you have to do that?” Touma tried not to let his fear show through.

“That I’m her father? I don’t know if it’s a matter of showing her birth certificate or if they will need harder evidence, but hey if a blood test is called for, then I will do that... Whatever it takes. I want us to be a real family so much Touma.” Seiji’s eyes seemed to sparkle as though the sun had placed small specks of itself within them.

“Oh... Uhm like you said, we do have time yet.” Touma winced a little, hoping that Seiji didn’t hear the hesitation in his voice.

“I’m sorry Touma, this is obviously too much for you to take in right now. I shouldn’t be rushing you like this.” Seiji’s voice was so soft that Touma would have walked through a wall of fire just to hear it. “Listen we’ll slow it down, take it day by day and see what happens. Okay?”

“Okay.” Touma smiled and then Seiji’s lips were once again claiming his. Seiji couldn’t help but laugh against Touma’s mouth when he heard the archer’s stomach growl. “Oops guess I’m a little hungry.” Touma blushed.

“I’ll go and get you something to eat, you were sound asleep when they brought the lunch tray around.” Seiji smiled and brushed the bangs out of Touma’s eyes, laughing when that one strand slid back into place across his nose. “I know, tell me what you are hungry for and I’ll go get it... You deserve a break from this hospital food for a change.”

“Hmmm? Don’t tell Shin or Lors but I could go for some Sushi and rice, oh and egg rolls.” Touma’s smile broadened. “You are a lifesaver; the food here is starting to get to me.”

“Sushi it is then... There’s a Sushi bar across the street. I’ll be back in just a few then.” Seiji grabbed his wallet from the small table where he had placed it earlier. “I don’t know how you wear tight jeans and keep your wallet in your back pocket... It’s uncomfortable. I can‘t even sit with it in my pocket. Guess I should just buy looser fitting jeans.”

“Hey I’ve had years of practice! I prefer your jeans as tight as you can stand them... Gives me a better view of that gorgeous ass.” Touma beamed, then chuckled. “Oh and Seiji? Don’t forget the pickle!” He called to him as Seiji started out the door.

“You’ve got it love!” Seiji winked then slid out the door. Touma smiled to himself as he laid there. Things were finally looking up for the two of them, they were slowly making their way back and it felt so good. The only thing dampening the whole mood was the issue with Skylar; he had to make sure Seiji never found out... Even if it meant refusing to adopt the little girl.


Seiji carefully wheeled Touma into the house and when they reached the living room, a thunderous cheer rose up as everyone had gathered to welcome Touma home. Two small children ran up to him, giggling as they did so.

“Unca Touma!” The little boy looked up at him. “Wecom hom.” He said proudly.

Touma couldn’t help but smile through tear filled eyes. “Toushiba, Hana! God you two get bigger every time I see you.”

“Boo Boo!” Hana said as she pointed to his leg. “Boo Boo!” She repeated with his arm. She then proceeded to kiss both places. “All betta!” She exclaimed and smiled.

“Why thank you Hana, that did make it feel better. Touma laughed.

“Okay you two let Uncle Touma get into the room and comfortable on the couch.” Shin said as he swooped down and scooped them both up into his arms.

“DADDY!!” They both said and started kissing him all over his face. “Love you.” Hana said. “Love you.” Toushiba echoed.

“I love you too.” Shin smiled and kissed them both.

“God who knew back when we were 16 that this is what our futures held. Shin you are truly lucky.” Touma said as Seiji lifted him and sat him on the sofa so his leg was up on the sofa. “Thanks Seiji.” Touma looked at him and smiled before returning his attention back to Shin.

“I am lucky! I have a beautiful wife and two beautiful children; I can never thank the Gods enough for giving that to me.” Shin took a deep breath, feeling the emotions swelling in him. “Now Seiji knows what it’s like and soon Ryo here will know as well.” Shin added.

“Hey you guys, why don’t we get the food ready.” Ming said hoping to give Seiji and Touma a few minutes to themselves. “Come on you men can help, and Seiji can just sit there with Touma, looking cute, and keep Smurfy happy.” Ming laughed when Touma stuck his tongue out at her. “Right back at you lover boy!” Ming winked.

“Oh no here we go... You and Touma are starting your thing again!” Ryo laughed, his big blue eyes brightening up as he watched the way Seiji fussed over Touma. “Hey Seiji careful or you’ll become just like Shin!”

“Now what’s that suppose to mean?” Shin turned to look at Ryo.

“You know, that Mother Hen complex you have... God we ended up feeling like hen pecked chicks after awhile.” Ryo laughed.

“So that’s the thanks I get for spending all those years, feeding your faces, nursing your wounds, tending to your ailments and listening to your sob stories?” Shin glared at Ryo.

“Okay you two, take it into the kitchen... NOW!” Ming grabbed them both by the ears and pulled them towards the kitchen.

“Oh God that’s so funny!” Shu laughed and then felt Nasuti grab his ear.

“Let’s go, you’re no exception!” Nasuti smiled at Seiji and Touma as she walked past them. Touma was doubling over with laughter as he watched the whole scene.

“It feels good to be home... It feels good to have everyone here too, just like old times.” Touma wiped the tears from his eyes. “Oh that look on Shin’s face when Ryo called him a Mother Hen, that was just too much!”

“Do you know how good it is to hear you laughing like this Touma?” Seiji scooted up so he was closer to Touma. “It just has my heart flying through the air.” Seiji leaned down and softly kissed the archer, smiling when Touma wrapped his arm around his waist.

“About as good as it feels to be out of that hospital and home at last?” Touma smiled then kissed Seiji back. “So you want to sit here and cuddle?” He arched an eyebrow and sat forward, inviting Seiji to join him.

“Thought you’d never ask.” Seiji quickly slid in behind Touma allowing Touma to lean back into him as Seiji slipped his arms around Touma’s waist. Touma rested his head back onto Seiji’s shoulder enjoying the feeling as Seiji held him close.

Touma smiled as Seiji kissed the side of his head. “I have missed this so much Touma...” Seiji whispered into indigo locks, enjoying the scent. Seiji had seen to it that Touma’s hygiene was taken care of during his stay in the hospital, including having someone come in to wash the archer’s hair.

“I feel the same Seiji. I have missed everything about you.” Touma sighed as he settled into the soft warm body behind him. This was where he belonged, he was sure of that now, it felt right, so natural... Nothing was going to destroy his happiness, not memory loss and certainly not some secret he had to keep. He just hoped that it wouldn’t come back to haunt him. Just let us be happy for once... That’s all I ask.

“Hey what are you thinking about? You seemed to have zoned out on me.” Seiji asked as he shifted slightly to allow for his legs to stretch out completely.

“Gomen... I was just thinking about how happy I am right now. Even though I only remember bits and pieces of our past, I feel so content here with you, like I was meant to be here.” Touma sighed softly and closed his eyes. He moved with the rise and fall of Seiji’s chest as the blonde’s breathing relaxed and soothed him.

“That’s because we are meant to be here Touma-san... We have always meant to be together. Sure we have had a few obstacles placed in our paths lately, but our roads have never been too far apart and in the end they have always met.” Seiji squeezed him a little tighter and smiled at the soft sounds the archer was making. “Are you falling asleep on me?”

“Yup, you’re much more comfortable then that hospital bed.” Touma smiled. “Of course this is going to be short lived.”

“Why do you say that?” Seiji frowned slightly.

“Because I hear Skylar crying.” Touma opened his eyes, turning his head to look at Seiji and smiling.

“You hear her? I don’t...” Seiji looked into the midnight blue eyes staring up at him. Just then the wail got a little louder. “Damn you do better then I do... Thanks.” Seiji kissed Touma and was about to get up when Lorelei walked in with Skylar.

“Don’t you two look cozy?” She smiled as she rocked the baby in her arms. “Somebody wanted her daddy. I put the twins up in one of the bedrooms to take a little nap and heard her starting to build up steam, so I thought I had better bring her to you.”

“Lay her on my lap would you Lors?” Touma smiled and watched as Skylar was placed down. Seiji and Touma worked together to soothe her and calm her cries.

“Don’t any of you move, I have got to get my camera, this is definitely one for the trooper’s photo album.” She said, referring to a photo album the five of them passed around, adding photos that were special to each of them. “I’ll also get her a bottle; she’s most likely due.”

“If I didn’t have these casts on we could be out of here before she gets back.” Touma laughed, and then saw the flash hit his eyes. “I hate that!!” He scolded Lorelei and then saw three cameras pointed at them.

“Let them go; besides I think we make a gorgeous family.” Seiji tilted Touma’s head up and kissed him softly as another flash went off. “Now I definitely want a copy of that one.” Seiji chuckled as he kissed Touma again.

The afternoon passed quickly, and before anyone knew it nighttime was upon them. Little by little the others said their goodbyes, gathering up kids and heading home. Seiji had gone to give Skylar her evening bath before feeding her and putting her down for the night. Touma was sitting on the sofa playing with Socrates when Nasuti brought in a snack for him.

“Thought you might like something else to eat since you didn’t eat a whole lot earlier.” She smiled, then noticed the distant look in Touma’s eyes. “Is something bothering you Touma?”

“Suti? How do I tell Seiji that I want to sleep in a room by myself? He was under the impression that we would share his room, and well... I’m just not ready for that.” He looked at her sadly.

“Oh I guess we didn’t think of that, granted you’d have your own bed, but if you want your own room that can be arranged.” She looked at him sympathetically. “I’m sure Seiji will understand.” She patted his thigh and smiled.

“Arrange what? What will I understand?” Seiji stood there with Skylar in his arms, as she drank from her bottle, a hand towel was thrown over his shoulder.

“I think I’ll leave you two alone.” Nasuti said and quickly left the room.

“Coward...” Touma mumbled, then looked up at Seiji. “Uhm Seiji can we talk a minute?” He asked timidly.

“Sure Touma-san, whatever it is please tell me, I can see that something is bothering you.” Seiji slid the ottoman over and sat in front of Touma. “What’s on your mind? Whatever it is I‘m sure we can work it out, but you have to tell me what it is first.” Seiji looked a little concerned but tried to smile despite it all.

“Seiji, about the sleeping arrangements? I uhm... well I think it’s best if I have my own room for now. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being with you... But I’m not ready to for that...” Touma blushed brightly.

“We do have separate beds Touma. I just thought that with us being in the same room I could help you then if you need anything... That’s all.” Seiji felt a little hurt, though he did understand.

“I understand. I just don’t know how well we are at controlling ourselves, after all look what happened in the hospital the other day... I’m not ready to take it farther, and I’m scared that if something started I wouldn’t be able to stop it.” Touma closed his eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you Seiji but I just can’t have intercourse with you yet.” Touma hung his head. “I still feel so ashamed over what happened to me.”

“Touma you shouldn’t be ashamed... what happened to you, what happened to us, was not our fault.” Seiji’s heart lurched, he could feel the sadness coming from Touma and it hurt him. “If you’d feel more comfortable sleeping in another room, then we’ll switch you. I’ll put Skylar in with me, and then I can use her baby monitor for you. This way if you need help I’ll hear you.” Seiji smiled as he placed Skylar at his shoulder and patted her back.

“Seiji, thanks for understanding. I’m sorry to be a pain and all, but I just need a little more time, I need to remember more about us and deal with some of the memories I do have. I want that first time, after this long hiatus, to be special and something we both want more then anything... A little more time is all I need.”

Touma chuckled when he heard Skylar give off a healthy burp. “Is Shu giving her lessons? Man she’s good at that.” Seiji just looked at Touma and the funny look he was giving him and Sky before breaking into a fit of laughter that resounded throughout the house.


“Okay Touma, try walking, use the bars to steady yourself, the leg may feel stiff but a few sessions of physical therapy should help that.” Dr Kobe replied as he watched his patient take a few steps. “I bet you’re happy just to have those casts off.”

“Am I ever!” Touma grinned and found the walking a little easier then he had expected. He turned to look at Seiji who was watching him carefully at the other end of the bars. Seiji was on duty but had taken the time to come home and bring Touma into the hospital to have his casts removed. “So what do you think Dr Date?”

“Looking good Touma.” Seiji held his breath when he saw Touma stumble slightly but catch himself. “Take your time Touma... You don’t want to fall and wind up back in a cast, or worse, back in the hospital.”

“Hey the only way I am ever going to see the inside of a hospital again is as a visitor. I have had it with this place.” He laughed and got to the end of the bar where Seiji was waiting for him. Reaching out, he took the hand that Seiji extended to him. “I did it, now do I get a reward?”

“Yup!” Seiji swept him into a hug, thankful that the room was empty. “You ready to grab some lunch and then I’ll take you back home.” Seiji smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

“YES! This walking has me starving.” Touma beamed. “Do you have to come back into work then?” He hoped Seiji would say no, but knew how important his work was and so he hung his head a little.

“Seiji why don’t you just stay home, we can call you if an emergency arises.” Dr Kobe said, noticing Touma’s sad expression.

“Are you sure?” Seiji asked, he really didn’t want to come back in actually, he wanted the chance to spend time with Touma and his daughter. The past two weeks things had been a little hectic at the hospital and Seiji found himself putting in more hours then he liked.

“Go home and be with your family Dr and that’s an order... I’m Chief of Staff now so I can do that!” Dr Kobe gave him a big smile.

“Thank you Kenji.” Seiji grinned and then looked at Touma. “Why don’t we eat, go home, I’ll change and then we can take Sky and Socs to the park?”

“Sounds good to me!” Touma smiled and then looked at Dr Kobe. “Thanks Doc, you’ve done a lot for me and I truly appreciate it, but and I mean this in a nice way, you‘ll have to look elsewhere for a new patient. I have no intention of coming back as anything more then a visitor.”

“Hey it was my pleasure and I intent to hold you to that, the both of you! Now you two scoot and please do me one favor?” He looked at Seiji and Touma. “Stay healthy and stay out of trouble.” He shook Touma’s hand and then patted Seiji on the back before leaving.

“Now that’s a promise I don’t mind making.” Seiji said and then led Touma out. They found a nice place to grab a light lunch, laughing and joking as they ate their meal. The drive home was peaceful as Touma held Seiji’s hand for most of the way.

“I love you Touma.” Seiji glanced over at the archer and smiled, his heart pounding as Touma’s eyes locked on his.

“I love you too.” Touma picked up Seiji’s hand and kissed it. Soon they were pulling into the driveway and Seiji got out to help Touma. “Let me try on my own okay?” Touma said. “I want to surprise Nasuti. Too bad Ryo had to go into work early.”

“Okay but I’ll stay right here in case you need me.” Seiji smiled as Touma slowly made his way to the door. He found he did need Seiji’s help once when his leg cramped a bit but then he was able to continue. “Let me get the door.” Seiji said as he put in his key and opened it. Both were surprised by Nasuti who was standing there ready to open the door herself.

“Look Suti no casts!” Touma beamed. It was Seiji who noticed the look on Nasuti’s face.

“Nasuti what’s wrong? Is it Skylar?” Seiji’s eyes went wide as his heart started pounding, fearing that something may have happened to his daughter. He had been a little jumpy ever since the day Skylar had been rushed in with a high fever.

“No... Skylar is fine Seiji. She’s upstairs sleeping.” Nasuti heard Seiji let out the breath he had been holding. She then frowned some more as she looked at Touma. “Touma? There’s someone here to see you and I don’t think you’re going to like this.” Nasuti gestured towards the living room. “I tried to explain about your amnesia... Seiji, Touma... I’m sorry.” She bit her bottom lip as she looked at them.

“Now what? Damn can’t people just leave us alone!” Touma said angrily and limped into the living room. He stopped dead in his tracks, with Seiji beside him and Nasuti behind them both. He was shocked by the person sitting there, and felt his stomach lurching. The memories flooded back instantly. That’s how it was now, anything could set it off and the memories associated came back all at once, sometimes over powering him.

“K... Keely?” Touma swallowed hard, flashes of that night, many months ago ripped through his mind.

“Long time no see Touma...You’re certainly looking good.” She smiled then looked past him. “Hello Seiji. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter and I am sorry to hear about your wife.” She forced a smile.

“Arigato Keely, now what are you doing here?” Seiji glared at her, he was getting a bad feeling about the whole scene.

“Seiji, it’s okay, I can handle this.” Touma said softly. “Well Keely? Why are you here?”

“Nice to see that you remember me. I didn’t know what to expect after Nasuti told me about your amnesia. That’s good you remember me now since it’s less that I will have to explain.” She glared back at the both of them.

“What do you want Keely? My memories come back little by little, but yes I remember you.” Touma stiffened as he sought out and found Seiji’s hand, grabbing it, he squeezed it tightly.

“So you two are back together... That’s great.” Keely noticed Touma lacing his fingers with Seiji’s. “Listen I won’t take up too much of your time but I have something for you. A gift from our one night stand.” She said and glanced over to the sofa. It was the cry of a baby that brought Touma’s gaze to where she was looking... There in an infant seat, a baby cried out.

“Touma? No...” Seiji could only stare at the scene before him. “No...”

Touma gasped and felt Seiji’s hand pull from his as they stared at the little boy with light blue hair. Touma looked, the room began spinning and he sought out a chair to clutch to, keeping him from falling forward and then he found his voice.

“Oh my God...”



End of Chapter 12


Author’s note: Originally I was going to end this chapter very sweetly, with no cliffhanger. *Everyone gasps in shock* BUT... while discussing this chapter with Tenku’s Girl, she planted a thought in my mind that wouldn’t leave me alone. I just had to follow through with this and for that I am sorry. Please don’t hate me... *Hides behind Seiji in order to avoid anything thrown at her.* If anything, blame TG for this. (Just kidding TG). *Smiles nervously*

Oh and the little lemon scene is dedicated to Hiruma... Thanks for the long chats at night and for keeping me sane!

~ And now the next installment of Senseless Chatter at the End of a Story ~

Seiji: “I think you enjoy torturing us like this Wildefyre... You are evil!”

Touma: “Just when we were starting to work things out too.” *Grabs Seiji’s hanky and blows his nose.*

Wildefyre: “Oh stop complaining this story is this close to being finished.” *Shows them with her hands.*

Seiji: “It is? You mean the torture will end and Touma and I will live happily ever after?” *Grabs Touma and hugs him.

Wildefyre: “Hmmmm? Maybe.” *Smiles at them*

Shin: “Oh that’s cruel... You and Hiruma must have taken evil lessons together. Between your two stories and the one you are doing together, well you have brought evil to a new level!” *Scold her.*

Wildefyre: “Yeah, isn’t it great? Just watch it fish boy or I may do a fic with you and Oh the things I‘d do to you.” *Looks happy with herself.*

Shin: “You are so mean. LORELEI!” *Runs off looking for her to defend him*

Touma: “Please Wildefyre, just let us be happy, we deserve that.” *Pleads with her.*

Wildefyre: “I’ll think about it.” *Walks off, Seiji and Touma go running after her, pleading with her.*

Shu: “Oh boy here we go again! Hey you guys, please don’t forget to leave a review, okay? Wildefyre as you can see gets influenced quite easily and if enough of you plead for a happy ending... Seiji and Touma may just get that.” *Gives the readers his best puppy dog eyes.* “PLEASE?”

~ Stay tuned for the next installment of: Senseless Chatter at the End of a Story. ~

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