Please don’t sue me, I can’t afford it! I don’t own the Troopers (gosh darn it!) or anything affiliated with them. Warning: This story may contain any of the following... Yaoi/Adult Themes/ Rape/Strong Language/Sexual Descriptions/Angst/ Violence.



Test of the Hearts

By Wildefyre


Chapter 11

Love’s Smallest of Miracles


“You’ll get us both killed you nut!” Touma shouted as he tried to block her blows. “I won’t let Seiji’s baby be harmed. I won’t!” Just then Touma looked up and saw a deer darting into the road as he swerved to avoid it Suzume got a hit in to his groin. “Oh FUCK!” Touma cried out in pain and that’s when he lost control.

He couldn’t keep the car from slamming into the guardrail. Going through it, the car began rolling down the embankment. The last sound Touma heard was Suzume’s screams mixing with his own before he lost consciousness.


“Come on SinJin time to get you up for a nap.” Ming took her son out of the car as Shu went to open the front door. Walking in they both sighed. It had been a long day already. Christmas shopping with a toddler was never easy and SinJin had proved that many times over during the morning.

“Do you want me to take him up?” Shu asked as he sat the packages by the hallway stairs. “You look frazzled.”

“Frazzled isn’t even close to how I feel!” Ming sighed as she shifted SinJin in her arms so she could get her coat off. “I just wish I knew what got into him.” Ming looked at the sleeping form in her arms and brushed the hair from his face. It seemed almost impossible that the little angel asleep in her arms at the moment, was the same devil that wrecked so much havoc on their morning. “God Shu he looks more like you everyday, so very handsome.” She smiled and her dark eyes sparkled as she looked up at her husband. “Eats like you too!” She chuckled.

“Thank God he has his mamma’s nose... Mine is just too scary!” Shu laughed. “Have I told you how much I love you?” Shu leaned over and kissed her as he stroked his son’s cheek.

“Oh all the time my sweet.” She giggled. “Let me put him down and then we can spend some time cuddling and maybe a few other things as well.” She winked as she started up the stairs. “I do have that new teddy that I haven’t tried on yet.” She smiled.

“I’m going to check for messages while you put him down for his nap.” Shu said and smiled at the thought of spending some quiet time with his wife, especially if she was going to model some new lingerie for him.

“Okay but hurry I’ll be waiting for you in our bedroom.” She licked her lips seductively and watched as her husband stood there with his mouth curled into a devilish grin.

“Damn you’re so sexy when you do that.” Shu chuckled and headed into the kitchen where the answering machine was. Pushing the button on the machine to listen he frowned as the first few messages were from his mother and her mother and someone trying to sell them a pre-paid funeral package.

“Jeez rushing me are you?” He chuckled.

*BEEP* (Shu I’ll explain later but Suzume is here and is in labor. I’m taking her to the hospital. Come by and get Socrates and take him to your place. I have my cell phone with me to call the Dates. Thanks.) *Beep, beep, beep.*

“Holy Fuck! MING!” Shu yelled and quickly ran up the stairs. “Ming!” He ran into SinJin’s room.

“Shu calm down! Oh great now you have SinJin upset.” She scolded him as the toddler began crying.

“Gomen but I just got a message from Touma! Suzume showed up at Shin and Lorelei’s! She went into labor and Touma had to take her to the hospital!” His heart was pounding and he looked just a little more then worried.

“Oh Christ! Okay I’ll go ask Mrs. Yamana to come over and watch SinJin. Call the hospital and see if they got there, use your cell phone.” She said as she walked out into the hall. “Do you think we should call Ryo? What about Shin and Lorelei?”

“Let’s find out what’s going on before we worry them.” Shu said and sighed. “Suzume being at the Mori’s cannot be a good thing. Anytime she’s around, there’s bound to be trouble.”

“God I just want to slug that bitch!” Ming commented and then called the neighbor.

“Well stand in line behind Seiji, Touma, Lorelei, the guys and me!” He commented sarcastically as he went to get his cell phone. So help me bitch if you hurt Touma I’ll personally give you a free ride to a plastic surgeon! You’ll need it after I pound your face in! He thought as he dialed the hospital’s number.


“Wake up Touma!”

He heard the voice shouting and felt annoyed at the fact that he was being roused from his sleep. Touma moaned, cursing under his breath “Come on just 5 more minutes. I’m too tired to get up yet.” He smacked his lips and settled down though he found it hard to get comfortable since something was making his stomach really hurt.

“Damn you! Wake up and help me you baka!”

“Go to hell!” He replied. Then he felt the trickle of something running down his forehead and into his closed eyes. “Damn you! Knock it off with the water!” He swatted into the air.

It took Touma a few minutes to realize that the moisture running down his face was just too warm and sticky to be water and he reached up to touch it. “Shimatta!” He cursed as pain shot through his arm and shoulder. Opening his eyes it took quite sometime to realize that he wasn’t lying in a bed but rather head first down a rather steep incline.

“What the fuck?” He went to sit up and screamed in pain and quickly laid back down. “This isn’t good... Not good at all.”

“Well it’s about time! Help me baka! My leg is broken and the contractions are getting stronger.” Suzume bit her lower lip hard as the pain hit.

“Huh?” Touma looked over and gave her a quizzical look. “What happened?”

“We had an accident you idiot! Oh God TOUMA!” Suzume screamed as a contraction hit. “We have to get to the hospital; this baby isn’t going to wait much longer!” She panted as she tried to keep herself calm.

“Excuse me and I mean no offense to this lady... Who the hell are you? Come to think of it... Who the hell am I?” Touma stared at the obviously very pregnant woman who appeared to be in a good deal of pain. He just stared at the unfamiliar face.

“Touma this isn’t funny! I know I’m not your most favorite person but stop the nonsense or we’ll both die out here.” She looked at him and gasped, as his face held no hint of recognition. “Oh my God! You really can’t remember? Can you?” She asked, shocked by the revelation.

Touma shook his head at her and looked at his arm, which lay limply at his side. He could plainly see the bone protruding through his shirt and he reached out to touch it. “Are we married or something?” He asked and then looked at his hand and found no ring though he could see one gracing her left hand.

“Oh please! No way! We are not married...” She made a face at the thought.

“You’re wearing a ring.” He said and motioned to her hand. Reaching down he saw that there was blood coming from under his shirt as well and when he tried to check it out he realized that the lap belt of his seatbelt must have dug into his abdomen. “I appear to be injured pretty badly... Were you driving or was I?

“That’s because I’m married to someone else.” She winced from the pain. “And yes you were driving, if that’s what you want to call it.” She planned to take full advantage of his amnesia. After all moments like this didn’t present itself all the time. If it not for the fact that they were in a bit of trouble. She would have been overjoyed at the turn of events.

“Are we having an affair then?” He asked nonchalantly as he looked around for something to brace his arm with.

“NO!” She responded quickly. “Damn you Touma!” “She hissed and shut her eyes as yet another contraction struck.

“Is that my name? Touma?” He asked as he took a branch and broke it so it was the right size for his arm. Listen how are your arms? I need you to tear my shirt into strips and tie this branch to my arm... I need to splint it as best as I can.” He said and tried to scoot over to her only to realize he wasn’t going anywhere. He had failed to notice that the bottom half of his right leg was pinned under the roof of the car.

“Yes! Your name is Touma, Touma Hashiba... Okay? Now help me this baby wants out and I have to get to the hospital NOW!” She spat.

“How do I know you then? He asked as he tried to wiggle his trapped leg, sighing to himself when he realized that it was futile. “Well we’re not going anywhere, my leg is trapped and if yours is broken... Got any suggestions?”

“Enough with the 20 questions!” Suzume shouted as she tried to keep herself from screaming. She sighed when Touma got quiet on her. “You’re an acquaintance of my husband; you knew each other from college.” She lied. “You’re the genius not me! You surely should have a way to get out of this.”

“I am? Well I don’t feel like one.” His brows furrowed together. “So why am I taking you to the hospital and not your husband?” He asked.

“My husband, Seiji, is on a business trip to Tokyo and I was in Toyama to visit a friend when I ran into you at the train station. And no I don‘t know why you were there, maybe you were seeing a girlfriend or something off.” She took a deep breath and continued. “I asked if you could give me a lift to my friend’s house and just as we got into the outskirts of the city my water broke.”

Suzume sighed. “Believe me I wonder why you’re considered a genius... You’re more like the village idiot!” She finished with her teeth clenched as pain wracked her body.

“Oh. Arigato for telling me.” He said. “I can’t move, my leg is trapped under the car... Is it possible for you to scoot over here? I need this arm splinted before the bone severs a major artery.” He told her. He wasn’t sure why he had any knowledge of medicine, he had a feeling it wasn’t because he was in the field but maybe he really was that smart. “Excuse me but what does your husband do? For a living I mean?”

“WHAT?” She asked, shocked by his line of questions.

“I seem to have a slight knowledge of medicine but I don’t think I am a doctor or anything.” Touma explained. “For some reason I get the feeling that a good friend is one and I may have gained knowledge from them.”

“My husband runs his family’s Dojo and yes, he is a doctor... Maybe you got some knowledge from him.” Suzume said as she tried to crawl on her side, to him. “Oh God!” Suzume stopped when she felt another contraction. “Listen Touma this baby is breeched and if we don’t get out of here, I can’t be sure of its survival.”

“What?” Something clicked in Touma’s mind but only for a brief moment. All he knew was that the baby had to live. That it was important to someone he was close to. Could it be that her husband is that good of a friend? I don’t know? Why can’t I remember? He looked over at Suzume as she lay on the ground breathing hard with pain clearly etched on her face. “Reach out your hand as far as you can... I’ll try and pull you over to me.” Touma instructed.

Suzume did what she was told and after a great deal of effort on both their parts, they had managed to lock hands. Touma struggled through his pain as he inched Suzume closer, fighting to keep the black swirl from enveloping him and wrestling with the wave of nausea that swept over him.

“Excuse me Suzume-san but I’m about to get real sick in... [Oh God here it comes.] In just a... [I can’t hold it back.] Minute... That was all Touma got out before throwing up violently on the other side of where he was laying.

He felt his stomach cramping and he began to sweat as he whole body started shaking. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m sweating but my teeth are chattering.” He said. “Need to rest for just a bit... Need to sleep.”

“Oh that is just so gross!” She said sarcastically and closed her eyes tightly, trying to keep herself from getting sick as well. When she opened her eyes she noticed that Touma was starting to close his and that’s when Suzume remembered about the poison and her eyes flew open wide in fear. “NO Touma don’t fall asleep!” Not yet anyway, once we are pulled out of here, you can close your eyes forever! She smirked. “TOUMA!”


“Well if they’re not at the hospital and no one is answering at Touma’s? Then where the hell are they?” Shu asked as he paced back and forth in Ryo’s living room. He and Ming had rushed to the hospital and stayed for over an hour with no one matching Suzume’s description showing up.

They then had called Touma’s and got no answer, which worried Shu even more. Since they were so close to Ryo and Nasuti’s they had decided to stop there. Shu had this feeling that something bad had happened and he knew Ryo was thinking the same thing.

“Shu, let’s drive over to Touma’s maybe they had beaten you to the hospital and they sent Suzume back home. Touma could have deposited her at the train station for all we know.” Ryo was trying to remain calm but something about it all was scaring the living daylights out of him. “Suti where’s the spare key to Shin and Lorelei’s?” He asked.

“Hanging on the hook with the other keys.” She replied as she looked up from her spot on the couch. She felt bad that she wasn’t much help but the past few days had been miserable for her. She had been feeling terribly sick and figured she had the flu or something.

“So how are you feeling? Any better?” Ming asked as she knelt in front of Nasuti.

“Not really. I’ve been so sick to my stomach Ming and I’m so tired as well.” She said weakly.

Ming looked at her and then smiled. “Eh Suti? Are you having any strange cravings?” Ming whispered as Ryo and Shu were just in the dinning room.

“Yeah... Sort of. Why?” Nasuti wasn’t so sure she liked where this was heading.

“How late are you love?” Ming started to smile. She knew the symptoms all too well.

“I’m not sure. My cycles have always been erratic.” Her eyes began to widen. “No? You don’t think?”

“Oh yes dear! I think that some pyro boy and his flamethrower are going to have a little ember!”

“Oh my God Ming!” Nasuti broke into a smile. “It hadn’t even dawned on me!”

“Suti Shu and I will be right back we’re going over to Touma’s. Shu needs to get Socrates anyway, if Touma isn’t there.” Ryo leaned down and kissed his wife. “I hope you feel better soon love.” He looked at her sadly, his tiger blue eyes filled with concern.

“I will hon don’t worry.” She smiled. As much as she wanted to tell him she thought it best to do when he was not about to rush out the door. “Ryo?”


“When you get back home I’d like to talk to you about something. Okay?”

“Sure thing doll face.” He winked and flashed a smile her way. Nasuti thought that at that moment her heart would burst with the love she was feeling for him. It was the same smile he had given her that day, so many years ago, after he pulled her and Jun from the volcano that Shuten Doji had thrown them in.

“I love you Ryo Sanada.” She looked at him with eyes that sparkled.

“I love you too.” He smiled again and jogged off to catch up with Shu who was already outside and in his car.


“Do you think I should call and see how Touma’s doing?” Lorelei asked Shin as she laid her packages down on the table in their suite.

“Hey you heard him. He’s quite capable of taking care of himself. You have got to stop worrying.” Shin said as he pulled her into his arms. “We’re on a holiday and so it is my duty as your loving and devoted husband to make sure you are thoroughly relaxed and worry free.”

“Oh and just how are you planning to do that?” She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m feeling a little tense... Help me to relax.”

“Well I’ll start off with a little of this.” He kissed her gently. “Then move on to a little of this.” He hands came up to slowly unbutton her blouse, pushing it off her shoulders he kissed the exposed flesh. “Then there’s always this.” He spoke seductively as he grinded himself against her hip.

“Oh Shin I love you so much... Please? I need you!” Lorelei moaned softly as Shin’s touch awaken every nerve ending and his arousal was felt through his slacks. Scooping her up Shin carried Lorelei into the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed as he covered her with his own body.

“I want you too my love. Lorelei, I love you with all of my heart and I can’t thank you enough for giving me 2 beautiful children. The three of you are more precious then any gem could ever be.” His sea green eyes glistened with the tears that began falling. Gently Lorelei reached out to touch them and then she began kissing them away.

“You’re so sweet Shin. You always were... It’s the reason I fell in love with you and it’s the reason I will love you for a lifetime.” Lorelei began kissing his neck, suckling softly on the sweet flesh.


“Touma? Touma it’s Ryo! Are you here?” He listened for a response, getting none he walked into the house with Shu closely behind. It was Socrates that greeted them with little yelps and a tail wagging faster then one a speeding car.

“Poor thing, I bet he has to go out.” Shu said and picked up the puppy who immediately began kissing him. “Bleech! Puppy slobber!” He commented as he wiped his face with his sleeve. “He’s most likely hungry as well... But first things first.” He grimaced as the puppy licked him again. “Now cut that out!”

“Listen why don’t you let the little guy out and I’ll check around.” Ryo instructed as he went towards the stairs, laughing a little at Shu and the puppy. “He is cute that’s for sure.”

“Okay. I just hope we don’t find Touma here, Ryo. I don’t want a repeat of the last time.” Shu said as he was hit with the memories of Touma after Seiji had violently raped him. Nodding, Ryo took off up the stairs while Shu headed outside with Socrates.

“Okay boy you have five minutes so make the best of it.” Shu said as he put the puppy down. “And don’t you even think of running off!” He laughed.

Shu watched as the puppy ran around the yard playfully and only turned away from it when he saw that Socrates was about to do his business. “Jeez, I hope Ryo didn’t find anything in there.” Shu looked up at the house, which was unlike most of the Japanese styled homes in the area. No this house looked as though it should be nestled amongst an old English seaside village.

Shu couldn’t help but smile as he remembered the day Shin drove him out here to see the house he had secretly bought for himself and his new bride. Shin and Lorelei had been married less then a month when Shin had stumbled upon the home. He remembered how worried Shin was over showing the house to Lorelei, fearful that she would be upset that he had not consulted her on it.

As luck would have it though, Lorelei fell in love with the place the moment she laid eyes on it. “So alike they are. God that’s scary!” Shu chuckled then turned to Socrates. “Come on boy time to go in.”

Walking back in Shu saw Ryo coming up from the basement. “Well? Find anything?”

“Not a thing out of place... At least not that I can see.” Ryo’s spoke softly as though he were afraid to jinx anything. “Now what?”

“I guess we grab some supplies for Socrates and head back to your place.” Shu said and then spotted the answering machine blinking. “Hey you don’t think he would have left a message do you?”

“Shu! Who leaves a message on their own machine?” Ryo chuckled and shook his head at his friend.

“I do!” Shu gave him his best grin. “I mean if I’m out and I need to remember to do something when I get back home, I’ll call and leave a message and then if I forget I hear the message and viola! Instant reminder. Plus this isn‘t exactly Touma‘s house...” He laughed as Ryo gave him that ‘What a great idea’ look.

“Well I guess it won’t hurt to check but first let me get another pen this one isn’t working.” He scampered into the kitchen, looking for anything to write with.

“So Ryo... How long has Nasuti been sick?” Shu shouted out to him.

“It’s been on and off for about a week now. Mornings are the worse. She goes to eat and boom it’s time to kiss porcelain.” Ryo reappeared from the kitchen holding up a pen. “Found one finally. Dang Shin and Lors keep this place too clean.”

“Uh Ryo? Has Nasuti been fatigued a lot lately and has she had strange food requests?” Shu asked as he pushed the button on the machine. “Also has she been a little more amorous then normal, despite being sick?”

“Yes to all 3. Why?” Ryo listened to several messages that were from telemarketers. “Shin and Lors won’t miss these.”

“Well I could be wrong, but I get the feeling that I should be congratulating you!” Shu’s face broke into a big grin.

“Congratulating me? Why would you do that?” Ryo asked and jotted a number and message down that was left for Lorelei.

“Well Ming was the same way as Nasuti... When she found out she was pregnant.” Shu watched as the color drained from Ryo’s face.

“Oh my! You don’t think...” Ryo looked at Shu who was nodding and grinning like a man who had just gotten laid for the first time. “Nasuti? Me? Parents?” Ryo’s brain literally froze as any rational thought died off. He was just about to speak when a message came on that literally blew his new happiness to bits!

“Touma? It’s Reiko, please forgive me for what I’m about to tell you but I didn’t have a choice... I’m so sorry! Touma do not eat the food that I prepared for you! Please! You need to get yourself to a hospital immediately; you’re being poisoned! I’m sorry but I had no other choice but to do it, I needed the money to help my brother. I don’t know the name of the person who initially asked me to do it but it was a woman who asked me to double the dosage in the food I made and left for you. I only hope that I’m not too late... and I can only remember that the antidote had something to do with snakes. I have to go now. Once again, I’m sorry. Bye!”

There was dead silence as Ryo and Shu stood there and stared at the phone. Several long minutes passed before either one moved or spoke, the message was just too mind numbing.

“OH FUCK! Not again!” Ryo’s heart was pounding madly; unsure as to what to do he quickly picked up the phone and began dialing.

“Who are you calling?” Shu ran his hand through his hair as he paced back and forth. “Man we have to find Touma! Shit Ryo what if he’s in the hospital now or worse....”

“Don’t even think it Shu.” Ryo glared at him, his tiger blue eyes blinked back the tears that were starting to form. “Yes I need to reach Mori Shin. He and his wife are staying there.” He tapped his fingers on the table as he waited to be put through to Shin and Lorelei’s suite. “They should know what’s happening... God this is going to hurt Lors, Nasuti as well!”

“Oh jeez and what about Seiji?” Shu stood there feeling sick as it all hit him.


“Oh God Shin that was incredible!” Lorelei cooed as she snuggled closer to her husband, still trying to catch her breath. “You never fail to amaze me my love. I’m still tingling from it.” She kissed his chest and then laid her head down on it.

“Hey you weren’t so bad yourself.” Shin wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. He too was trying to regulate his breathing and the pounding of his heart. “I think you brought new meaning to the phrase ‘mind shattering orgasm’ because that my sweet was one hell of a session!” Shin smiled as his eyes began to drift close only to be jolted back to a state of consciousness by the ringing of the phone.

“Mmmmm, don’t answer it. With our luck it’s Shu calling to give you pointers.” Lorelei said, sleepily. “Well you could show him a thing or two.” She felt Shin’s warmth leave her as he rolled away to get the phone and she groaned. Burying herself further under the covers, she grabbed a pillow and placed it over her head to drown out the conversation. “Can’t we have one day without something happening...” She started to drift of to sleep though part of her got this feeling she wasn’t going to get very much.

“Moshi Moshi?” She heard Shin greet the unidentified caller. “WHAT? OH GOD NO!” Lorelei quickly sat up and noticed that Shin was trembling.

“Shin what is it? What’s going on?” She sat behind him, pressing up against his back.

“Hang on a minute Ryo, I want to fill Lors in.” Shin pulled the phone from his ear and turned to Lorelei. “Touma’s in trouble. Shu and Ryo are at our house, they said there’s a message on our machine from Reiko... She claims that she’s been poisoning Touma.”

Lorelei’s hands came up to cover her mouth in order to stop the sob from escaping. “Oh my God Shin, this can’t be happening, not again!” She began to cry. “Wh... What are Ryo and Shu doing at our house? Oh NO! Touma! Is he... Shin!” Her mind was going in one hundred directions. This isn’t fair; Seiji and Touma were finally getting back on track. Why God, why are you doing this to them?

“They haven’t heard from Touma since this morning when he left a message on Shu’s machine.” Shin repeated to Lorelei what Ryo was telling him. “He said that Suzume showed up at our house and then went into labor. Touma was going to take her to the hospital.”

“So are they at the hospital?” She asked, her heart was in her throat while at the same time her hatred of Suzume was beginning to bubble to the surface.

“They called and no one fitting their description has come in. Shu and Ming actually drove there earlier... They haven‘t been there.” Shin told her. “Ryo, listen Lorelei and I will leave as soon as possible; we’ll have our cell phone on so keep us posted.” He and Ryo exchanged a few more words and then Shin hung up.

“That’s it Shin! The bitch dies!” Lorelei hissed as she got out of bed and began to dress. “Either she dies naturally or I’ll personally choke the life out of her!”

“Lors calm down sweetheart.” Shin had only seen his wife this angry on a few occasions and each time it took a great deal of effort on his part to calm her down.

“No Shin! I want that woman’s head on a stake and I will gladly put it there myself.” Lorelei was steamed and nothing Shin or anyone else said was going to change that. “I tried to be nice to her, I really did and all that woman has done is make all of our lives miserable. Now Touma... Oh God Shin!” Lorelei sobbed.

“Hey it was Reiko who poisoned Touma not Suzume; we can’t blame her for this.” Shin pulled her to him.

“Oh she has a hand in this Shin! I just know it.” Lorelei pulled away and finished dressing. “I’m so angry right now that I could smash that conniving bitch’s head into a wall. She’d better have her health insurance paid up, or better yet Seiji should make sure she has some, cause I’m putting her back in the hospital after she gives birth.”

“Lorelei Clarisse Mori!” Shin spun around and looked at her. “That’s enough! That’s Seiji’s wife and whether we like it or not we have to give her the benefit of the doubt.”

“Fine you do that and I’ll give her broken face!” She spat back. “And don’t ever use my middle name!”

“Lors, please let’s not fight over this.” Shin walked over to hug her only to have her step back.

“Shin please understand... Touma is my best friend and if he would die I don’t know what I would do.” Her tears fell rapidly.

“I know exactly what you would do love. You’d lay in wait for the day to pounce on Suzume like a tiger hunting its prey and would most likely give her a face lift only it would be a Lorelei Special.” He smiled and cocked his head at her, which had her laughing through her tears.

“Oh Shin I love you so much.” She said as she threw herself into his waiting arms.

“I love you too sweetheart” Shin cupped her chin and kissed her sweetly. “I’m just glad that I married you cause I would so hate to be your enemy. Jeez where were you when we fought Arago.” Shin laughed as his mind pictured Lorelei going after Arago or even the warlords.

“Waiting for a handsome Marine Biology student to come along and sweep me off my feet.” She giggled.

“Oh really and did he ever show up?” He smiled.

“Yes he did! In fact I married him and bore him two beautiful children.” She kissed his neck. “And if it weren’t for the fact that we have to leave and help out a friend in need, I’d be making slow (a kiss to the throat), sensual (a lick of the flesh), and passionate (a soft suckle on an earlobe), love to him.” She cooed.

“The first chance we get to be alone again, I am so holding you to that.” Shin’s voice oozed with arousal. “It’s amazing how hot you make me.”

“Good! Gotta keep those fires burning you know. Oh and Shin here’s a little something to think about on the drive home.” Lorelei quickly stooped down and placed a kiss to the front of his jeans then stood back up and licked her lips as she walked into the adjoining bathroom.

Shin could do little more then stand there with his heart beating fiercely and a hard on raging between his thighs. “Maybe I’ll do the bitch in myself!” He said as he tried to control the urge to go running into the bathroom and taking his wife right there on the floor. “This isn’t fair!” He groaned as he went to start packing.

Once packed up and checked out, the two set off for home with Lorelei still fuming and wanting a piece of Suzume.


“Just let me rest for a few... I feel so tired.” Touma said as a cramp hit him. “God this pain is horrible! I feel like I have rocks in the pit of my stomach.” He whimpered slightly then tried to clear his head.

“Okay we have to get out of here only I don’t know how we’re going to do that.” Touma looked around him, he had to free his leg somehow and then maybe he could get up to the road and flag down a car.

“Well if you have any ideas please share them...” Suzume stated and looked away when she saw Touma’s arm and how bad it was.

“I need you to splint this arm and I have to stop this bleeding... I don’t know how yet, but I need to free my leg. It moves slightly though it hurts like hell... It’s probably broken as well but if I can just raise this car up a bit I may be able to get loose.” He saw a rather large branch nearby and tried to reach for it.

“Hey I’m in labor here and you want me to touch that arm? Another thing, there’s no way I’m going to try and lift anything... I’m pregnant!” She felt a pain shoot through her leg and screamed.

“I’m not asking you to lift anything, but we do need enough leverage so I can push on something one handed. I know it won’t be easy but you will have to collect a few things for me and don’t give me the pregnant routine. Either we try and get out of here or you will be having a baby in the woods!” Touma watched the shocked look on her face.

“Fine tell me what to do...” She sighed and began breathing through yet another contraction. “We have to hurry; this baby won’t wait much longer!” Suzume did her best as she followed Touma’s instructions. She didn’t care if Touma never made it out of there, but she had to... This was her chance to finally rid herself of the man who kept her husband from loving her.


“We have to find them!” Ryo hissed as he and Shu drove along yet another road. They had been taking every possible route they could think of between the Mori’s home and the hospital in hopes of spotting anything that would give them a clue as to Touma and Suzume’s where a bouts.

Just then Shu’s cell phone rang. “I hope that this is good news.” He said as he handed the phone to Ryo to answer since he was driving and couldn’t do it.

“Moshi Moshi?” Ryo sighed when he heard Shin’s voice.

(“Have you found anything yet?”) Shin looked at his watch, it had been over two hours since they had gotten the call and had come back home.

“No nothing at all. Man what if Suzume did something to Touma... He could have been abducted for all we know.” Ryo frowned. “Have you been able to sense him at all?”

(“No I’ve felt nothing... Sorry Ryo.”) Shin knew that Ryo was upset as they all were, and he wanted nothing more then to feel Touma touch his mind, to give them a sign that he was okay. (“Where are you two now?”)

“Hang on...” Ryo looked for anything to tell him just where they were and smiled a little when he saw a sign. “Yamaguchi Road.” He stated.

(“Have you passed Osaka drive yet?”) Shin asked.

“No I don’t think so. Why?”

(Turn onto it, it’s a short cut to our house, the road is tricky since it winds through the hills, so be careful. Touma usually takes that road when he wants to just get away from all the traffic.”) Shin explained.

“We’re coming up on it now.... If we find anything, we’ll let you know.” Ryo told him as the reception on the phone got worse from static. He eventually lost Shin and hung up.

“Turn onto Osaka Drive, Shin thinks Touma may have taken that road, it’s a short cut.” Ryo said and pointed to where they needed to turn off. “Come on Touma... Help us find you.” He said as he watched out for anything to give them some clue. He kept getting this chill that ran down his spine and he knew that he was not going to like the out come of this day... Not in the slightest.


“It’s useless; this car is not going to move.” Touma said and laid back down. His arm and stomach were bleeding pretty badly now, plus the last time that he threw up, he threw up blood which didn’t sit too well with him... Or Suzume for that matter who almost got sick herself.

“I know this may not be easy for you Suzume, but you have got to try and make it up to the road. You have to save that baby.” Touma felt himself weakening. “I can’t let Seiji’s child die... I don’t know why or anything just that you have to make it for his sake.”

“Hmpf! Like I care? I mean the only reason I want this baby to survive is because of my lover... Not because of my husband.” Suzume didn’t care what she said now, the pain in her leg was unbearable and she was going into shock from the blood loss.

Her statement stunned Touma. “You mean this baby may not even be your husband’s?”

“Yeah isn’t that a gas huh? He doesn’t deserve this child anyway.” Suzume cried out as the strongest contraction yet hit. “There’s no way I’m going to make it up that hill... Oh GOD!” She shouted and tried to blow through the contraction. The urge to push was starting to get stronger but she knew she couldn’t do that.

Touma felt a twinge of hatred hit him for Suzume and then it was as though he had always hated her, so seething with venom he growled at her through clenched teeth. “How dare you hurt Seiji like that! So help me, once we get out of here I will make sure he knows what a bitch you really are!”

“No you won’t Touma. You see there’s a chance you won’t make it to the hospital and even if you do? Well Seiji really wants this baby and you won’t do anything to hurt him like that... Telling him will devastate him and you can’t bear to break his heart like that.” She laughed and then screamed.

Touma laid there not sure about what she meant only that some of what she said was true... What do I do now? Damn this leg! If I could just get it loose! He thought and gave another yank on his leg only to have the pain stop him immediately.


“Ryo stop! Look!” Shu pointed to skid marks and the guardrail that was busted.

“That doesn’t mean anything Shu, you see those all the time.” Ryo commented as he halted the car in front of the broken guardrail.

“I know but it can’t hurt to check it out. What do we have to lose?” Shu said and jumped out of the car. Walking to the edge, he looked down and what he saw had his heart in his throat. “Holy shit! Ryo there’s a car down there and.... OH FUCK! It looks like Touma’s! Call for help now!” Shu shouted and began making his way down the embankment. His heart was pounding, it was quite steep and he had to take it slowly or else he could find himself at the bottom and not faring too well.

“Touma! Touma can you hear me?” Shu shouted as he inched his way down. Ryo was then close behind him and almost slipped but Shu managed to stop him. “Careful this is tricky here. Man, if he’s down there why won’t he answer?”

“Thanks man.” Ryo said nervously. “TOUMA!” He looked at Shu and frowned. “Maybe he’s unconscious.”


Touma opened his eyes at the sound of someone calling his name. He was having trouble breathing now, and when he tried to call out to the unseen voices, the only sound that left his lips was a low wheeze. His body was going numb and he had the feeling that he was dying, as he gasped for air, though very little got sucked in.

“Help me... Please.” He whispered and looked at Suzume who was whimpering and getting closer to delivering. He noticed that she was starting to hemorrhage and that concerned him. “Hang in there Suzume... You have to for your husband.” He said softly and then felt the pain tighten in his chest. He hated the fact that he would most likely die not knowing anything about himself... He hated that most of all.

“I don’t know if I’m going to make it... My baby! Oh God my baby!” She cried, her voice was hoarse from screaming, crying and just talking. She knew she was in bad shape, she had started bleeding shortly after her resistance to pushing had faltered and she had tried to push. “I haven’t felt the baby move Touma... I haven’t felt it move.”

“Hang in there... You have to.” Touma told her again. “I hear voices, they’ll find us, don’t worry.” He was trying to stay positive for her sake. “Do me a favor? If I don’t make it, don’t tell anyone that I had lost my memory... It’s not like it’ll matter or anything, okay?”

Touma was finding it harder to take in air; his lungs just weren’t cooperating. He figured that his body was becoming paralyzed, though he wasn’t sure why the injuries he had would cause that. He then gasped as the world around him went black. “Suzume? You there? Suzume?” He called out frantically.

“I’m right here baka, what’s your problem now?” She still held on to her hatred of him, she had to, it was keeping her alive.

“I can’t see, I CAN’T SEE!” Touma was panicking a little now, which wasn’t a smart thing to do since it required using more air then he could draw in.

“So what!” She said and went back to watching for anyone to come down from the hill.

“Yeah... Guess you’re right.” He said and felt himself drifting downwards into a cold spiral that made him wonder if death was on its way.


“Okay Seiji is on his way, he‘s heading right to the hospital. He said he could get information faster that way. Something about monitoring incoming messages from rescue personnel.” Lorelei said as she walked over to her husband. “I just hope that he is okay with driving, he sounded so shaken. I mean his wife, his unborn child and his best friend are all missing.”

“I want to hear this tape again... We have to figure out what Reiko means about this antidote.” Shin said as they gathered around the tape player and listened to the message that had been left, warning Touma of being poisoned.

“What if they don’t find him in time? Oh God Shin, this is so unfair.” Lorelei sobbed. “Why can’t Seiji and Touma find the happiness they deserve? Why is fate being so cruel to them?”

“None of us knows Lors. Maybe it’s a test.” Ming sighed.

“You mean like a test of strength? Only this is a test of the hearts... To see if they truly are meant to be together?” Lorelei shook her head. “I just can’t fathom anyone being put through all this just for some test. My God we almost lost both of them several times!”

“I know it doesn’t make any sense, but we all go through tests some of which we never even realize we have been put through.” Ming explained. She told the others of what her grandfather had once told her and they listened quietly.

“I get the feeling that if you told Touma all that, he would find it hard to believe... He needs something more scientific, something with facts.” Lorelei stated then looked at her watch again. “Why hasn’t Ryo checked in? I thought for sure that we would have heard something by now.” Lorelei looked at Shin.

“I’ll try and call him but there could be a chance he is out of range.” Shin got up and went into the other room so he could hear.


“We’re getting closer; there’s Touma’s car.” Ryo said and then stopped in his tracks. Oh SHIT!” Touma’s car was lying on its hood, and from the looks of it, Ryo could tell that it had rolled several times as it came down the embankment. “Damn I hope they are okay, that looks pretty nasty.” Ryo said and ran ahead of Shu. In a flash he had gotten this urgency to get down to the crash site as quickly as possible.

“Ryo be careful man!” Shu shouted to him as he too allowed his momentum to take him the rest of the way down.

“Touma? Hey man can you hear us?” Ryo shouted as he came upon the rolled over vehicle.

“Over here!” Ryo jumped at the sound of a female voice and quickly dashed around the other side.

What he saw almost made him sick. Suzume was lying there, her leg bent funny and panting as she was going through labor. Right beside her was Touma, and he looked to be in very bad shape as he went over and knelt beside him.

“T... Touma?” Ryo reached out to feel for a pulse.

“Oh Fuck Ryo! Is he...?” Shu stood there stunned.

“He’s alive but just barely. We have to get them out of here, Shu can you lift this enough for me to pull Touma’s leg out?” Ryo asked pointing to where Touma’s leg disappeared under the car.

“Hey I’m the one having a baby here. I need to get to the hospital now you two.” Suzume said as she cried out from the contractions.

“We’ll get you both out so just hold your pants on.” Ryo told her as he examined the abdominal wound that Touma had. “Man looks like his seat belt cut in pretty deep.”

“Well won’t that look good to people if I lose this baby and Touma survives?” Suzume glared at Ryo.

“Just what is that suppose to mean?” Shu interjected, getting angrier by the moment at Suzume and her wisecracks.

“Oh just that you two are so worried about my husband’s lover, while his wife and unborn child lie here bleeding to death.” She smirked. Even while in labor she could be just as much of a bitch as usual.

“I said we’re going to get both of you out of here and I meant it.” Ryo hissed. He was really worried about Touma, his breathing was so slow, and his coloring was frightening. “Shu Touma is hurt really bad, I think he’s dying.” Ryo choked back a sob.

“Oh no he won’t, we almost lost him once, and we’re not going through that again.” Shu said and in one mighty grunt, lifted the car enough for Ryo to pull their friend free. Ryo pulled off his coat and placed it over Touma, trying to keep him warm. “Where are the frigging rescue people, they should have been here by now!” Shu said as he looked up the hill from where they had climbed down, in hopes of seeing someone that could help them.

“Well I don’t think we can wait much longer, Touma’s pulse is getting weaker and he’s having a lot of trouble breathing, we may have to carry him out of here ourselves.” Ryo looked up at Shu and Shu knew then just how serious the situation really was.

“Hold it a minute, you need to get me out of here first! Do you hear me you two lunkheads?”

“Shut up Suzume, you wouldn’t be in this mess if you hadn’t come here... You bitch you just had to keep up your shit didn’t you?” Shu walked over to her and took off his coat to lay over her. “Just be thankful that you’re pregnant with my friend’s baby, or else I really wouldn’t give a shit if you bled to death.” Shu spat at her and started easing her leg into a better position.

“Yeah I mean it would save Lorelei from wanting to kill you!” Ryo smirked at her.

“Listen and listen good you morons! If this baby dies, Seiji will be told that you refused to help me, it will be your fault that he lost his child. How do you think he’ll take that huh?” She hissed back at them and then screamed as Shu moved her leg. “What the fuck are you doing you baka?”

“First of all Suzume, Seiji has heard enough of your fucking lies to have trouble believing anything you say and secondly I need to straighten your leg to splint it if I have to carry your sorry ass out of here.” Shu told her. They could hear sirens in the distance and sighed. “Well looks as though your ass is saved.” He smirked.

“I hope the others were able to figure out that damn message from Reiko about this poisoning.” Ryo ran his hand through his hair as he held onto Touma’s hand. “Something tells me Suzume, you know all about that now don’t you?”

“I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about! Listen this baby is coming, and I can’t stop it. It’s a breech, you jerks, you know feet first! Why the hell do you think I’m bleeding? Get me help now!” She screamed and passed out.

“Shit Ryo, we need help down here!” Shu stood up and saw the EMTs heading down the hill. “Hurry we have two people down here, one is in labor the other is hurt really bad and we think he’s been poisoned. HURRY!” Shu was starting to panic now, Touma had started convulsing and Ryo was doing all he could to help him.

Both men stepped back as the EMTs took over. Ryo watched as they tried to stabilize Touma, praying to whom ever would listen that he’d be okay. “Don’t you fucking die on us Touma! Not now. Not after all that we have been through.” He whispered just loud enough for Shu to hear.


“Oh thank God they found them!” Lorelei laid her head on Shin’s shoulder and cried. “Seiji said that they went down an embankment, all he knows thus far is that Suzume is in labor and hemorrhaging and that Touma is pretty bad shape. He wouldn’t give me details.” Lorelei looked at the others.

“Well I guess it’s back to the hospital for us.” Ming said as she grabbed coats and started handing them to everyone. “I just wish that one time we would be going because it were a happy occasion and not something tragic.” She commented. “Guess we’ll have to count on you Nasuti.”

“Why Nasuti?” Shin asked as he helped Lorelei with her coat.

“Oh that’s right you guys don’t know.” Nasuti blushed. “I think I’m pregnant, but don’t say anything to Ryo yet, he doesn’t know.” She told them.

“Oh gosh that’s fantastic Suti! Congratulations!” Lorelei hugged her, happy to hear some good news for a change.

“I’ll get a test done before making a formal announcement. I just thought I was sick... Ming here is the one that made me realize that it was more.” Nasuti hugged Ming. “Now let’s go and help our friends again, and pray that this time we don’t lose anyone and that we never have to do this again.”

“Amen to that Suti.” Ming responded. “Amen to that...”


“RYO! SHU! What’s going on?” Shin asked as he, Lorelei, Nasuti and Ming raced in. Both men were sitting in chairs and neither looked too good. Actually both looked quite shaken.

“All we really know is Touma’s arm is broken, he has a deep laceration to his abdomen, his leg may be broken and as for the poisoning, well they are running tests to see if they can determine what type of poisoning it is.” Ryo sighed. “As for Suzume, well they rushed her up to delivery, Seiji is there now and we haven’t heard anything yet.”

“How much more must we go through before we get to enjoy a quiet and peaceful life?” Lorelei asked as she sat down. “Did you see Seiji when you got here?” She asked them.

“Yeah but he wasn’t in any mood to talk, he met the ambulances and when they pulled Suzume out he rushed back in with her. He looked scared, that was certain.” Shu said. “Suzume had said something about the baby being breeched and she was bleeding pretty badly.”

“Oh God if he loses this baby Seiji will be devastated. I know none of us are fond of Suzume, but I think we need to pray that she makes it, at least for that baby’s sake.” Nasuti pointed out and laid her head down on Ryo’s shoulder.

“Fine with me but as soon as she has this baby and is healed and healthy, I’m putting her right back in here!” Lorelei hissed which got everyone’s attention.

“Dang you’re spewing more venom then Naaza’s damn sure-kill!” Shu laughed at the look Lorelei was giving.

“I mean it guys, I have had it with that bitch! How dare she come to MY HOUSE and cause trouble, that bitch’s ass is mine!” Lorelei got up and walked over to the windows. “If Touma dies because of her I swear to god I will get her!”

“Lors we don’t know for sure if she was behind Reiko’s poisoning. For all we know this may have been Reiko’s own doing!” Shin said as he tried to calm her down. “We already went over this.”

“Oh yeah? Tell me Shin why would Reiko want to poison Touma? Touma had never met her before... As far as I know there’s no reason for her to hate him, nor to have a vendetta against you or I or Seiji.” She turned to look at him. “No this whole thing smells of Suzume and I’ll find a way to prove it!” Tears formed in her eyes. “He can’t die Shin...” Her voice trailed off as she collapsed into his arms.

“Shhhh honey, it’s going to be okay. This will all work out, you’ll see.” He held her and kissed the top of her head. “Do us a favor though, if for some reason this baby doesn’t make it? Try and hold your temper in check for Seiji’s sake.”

“I will... I promise.” She said and laid her head against his chest. She always felt safe in Shin’s arms, and now was no exception. “I love you.” She whispered.

“Love you too.” He told her softly as he led her over to the others. “Now we wait.”

“You know I was just thinking. It hit me when Shu mentioned about venom. Could Reiko have been talking about snake venom? I mean anti venom, like they use for snakebites?” Ming looked at them.

“You may have something there! Oh God that has to be it!” Lorelei stood up. “I’ll be right back!” She raced over to the nurse’s desk and spoke to the nurse. The others watched as Lorelei explained and then seemed to be getting annoyed. Finally throwing her hands up they heard her shout. “You’d better hope he lives!” She then walked back over to them.

“What happened?” Ming asked.

“That bitch! She told me that Touma is in surgery and that the doctors are working on him... And they are running tests. They can’t just administer something to a patient just because someone speculates that they MAY know what the cure is!” She sat down on the chair. “I’ll just hope that I can speak to Seiji soon and maybe he can do something. Let’s just hope Touma lasts that long.” She looked around as everyone lowered their heads.


“Seiji I’m so scared... What are they doing?” Suzume’s words slurred as she laid on the operating table.

“Shhhh save your strength, they are just about to open the uterus up. A few more minutes and we’ll be parents.” He told her as he dabbed her brow with a gauze and looked around the curtain to watch. “You’re doing fine, Dr Kuzumi has the bleeding under control and the baby’s vitals are holding.” He told her.

Actually the baby’s heart rate was quite low, but he figured it wouldn’t be in Suzume’s best interest to know that, she would only start panicking which wouldn’t help the baby. They were worried that the cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck and now Seiji watched and prayed that his child would live.

“Seiji? If we have a girl I would like to name her Skylar if that’s okay with you. I know it’s not very Japanese, but I had a half-sister named Skylar who died when she was quite small. I’d like to do it in her honor.” Suzume smiled. In reality it was a name her and Mizuki had chosen but she wasn’t about to tell him that. They chose the name to honor her mother, it had been Mizuki’s idea and she was all too happy to go with it.

“If that’s what you want? Sure Skylar it will be and I think it’s a very pretty name.” Seiji smiled down at her, for now all her mean deeds were forgotten as they awaited the birth of their child. Seiji watched as Dr Kuzumi worked. Noticing the look of concern on his face, Seiji held his breath.

“Okay Seiji, we need you to cut the cord now.” He told him and Seiji knew that meant the cord was around the baby’s neck. Taking the scissors in his shaking hand he reached in and cut between the clamps as a lump developed in his throat at the sight of his baby’s head.

“Hey Suzume, he or she has a full head of hair. I can see it right now.” He told her as he watched the doctor prepare to pull the baby out.

“Can you tell the sex yet?” She asked her voice weak and filled with worry.

“Not yet... soon though.” Seiji said as he came back to her and leaned closer to her. Just then Seiji did something that shocked even him... He kissed her forehead. “You’re doing fine; it won’t be much longer. Do you have any pain?” He asked her as he smiled. His eyes were glassy with the tears that were ready to fall at any given moment.

“No I’m fine. Seiji is our baby okay? I’m so scared Seiji, what if it doesn’t make it. I’m so sorry...” Tears filled her eyes.

“Hey come on no tears here, not unless they are happy ones okay?” He spoke softly to her, no matter what she had done or how many people she had hurt; this was not the time for him to dwell on this. She had carried a living human being in her for 9 months, and the thought of losing it had to be bringing her more grief then she was letting on.

“Okay you two it looks like we have a little girl here.” Dr Kuzumi announced as he held up the baby. Seiji could see the baby’s coloring wasn’t good and he swallowed hard. “We do need to help her to start breathing so as soon as we have that done you’ll get to hold her.” He patted Suzume’s arm.

“Seiji! We have a daughter! Oh God a little girl!” Suzume could no longer hold back her emotions as she began to cry.

“She’s so pretty and so tiny Suzu... She looks like you.” Seiji was overcome with emotions as tears streaked down his face. “You did it.” He told her and kissed her forehead. He then watched as they worked on his daughter, holding his breath he waited for a cry or anything that would signal that she was okay. Please, let her live... Don’t take my baby from me. I haven’t had a chance to tell her that I love her. Seiji’s tears slid down his cheeks.

“Seiji what’s happening? Why isn’t she crying? Oh God don’t tell me... Please don’t let her die.” Suzume cried out.

“Shhhh Shhhhhh Shhhhh they’re working on her, I’m sure that once they aspirate her, things will be okay. They are doing everything they can... They also have to get a weight and height on her and examine her. Those things take a few minutes sweetheart.” He leaned down touching his lips against her cheek. “Have faith love.” He whispered. Just then the room was filled with a sound that brought tears to even Dr Kuzumi’s eyes as a baby’s first cries filled the air.

“She’s alive! Oh god Seiji she’s alive!” Suzume cried as she buried her face into her husband’s shoulder, who was now sobbing as well over the joy of hearing his daughter crying.

“Mr. and Mrs. Date here’s your daughter.” Dr Kuzumi said as he laid the wrapped bundle on Suzume’s chest. “She’s very pretty just like her mommy and comes in at a healthy 6 pounds even and a tall 20 1/2 inches long. She going to be tall just like her dad!”

Seiji’s eyes filled with more tears as he looked down into the blanket at the crying infant. When he reached in to touch her face a small hand grasped his finger. “Oh God... Oh God.” He got out before losing it to his emotions.

“Look she’s holding your hand Seiji.” Suzume sobbed as she watched Seiji react to the baby grabbing his finger. “Yes Skylar that’s your daddy.”

“Her hands are so tiny! It’s amazing.” Seiji smiled through his tears. “Look she’s opening her eyes!” Seiji felt like his heart was about to burst, he couldn’t believe that he could feel so much love for someone so tiny yet here he was smiling down at what was surely the love of his life now.

“Seiji? Why don’t you hold her?” Suzume guided his hands to the bundle and Seiji lifted his daughter into his arms holding her against his heart.

“Hey there Skylar, I’m your daddy. Happy birthday little one.” He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. That was when he realized that he was holding a miniature version of himself and Suzume. He helped to create her; she was really his baby.

The whole thing boggled his mind, and now he knew what Shu and Shin felt the first time they held their babies. The joy and elation that had to have gone through their hearts at seeing their baby, or as in Shin’s case, babies, for the first time. He didn’t think he would ever let her go as he stared into the face of an angel... His little angel.

“Excuse Dr Date? I’m sorry but I need to retake her APGAR and we need to check her over. Since Suzume won’t be nursing, we’ll get a bottle made up for you to feed her then.” A nurse told him and as Seiji handed his daughter over he felt an emptiness that he had never experienced before. “Now we’ll bring her back real soon so don’t fret.” She smiled and then walked over and placed the baby in a bassinet.

“Okay Suzume I’m sorry that we couldn’t do a bikini cut due to this being an emergency C-section, but I tried to stitch you in way that the scar will hopefully be very minimal.” Dr Kuzumi told her. “Oh and congratulations on your new family Seiji.” He shook Seiji’s hand who was still smiling from ear to ear.

“I’m so tired.” Suzume announced after awhile.

“That’s because I gave you something, we still have to set your leg and I figured the epidermal would wear off before we had a chance to finish. Dr Yukki will be doing the work on your leg.” He explained. “Seiji will you be scrubbing in? We‘ll be taking her to O. R. One if you want to.” He asked.

“Huh? Oh no I won’t be. Suzume if you don’t mind, I’ll go and let the others know about the baby and all, plus I should check up on... Well I should see how Touma is.” Seiji felt guilty about going to see Touma, but despite everything that had just happened and the miracle he had just witnessed, he still loved Touma.

“Oh yeah, sure. Go ahead.” She responded though groggy. After seeing the way Seiji reacted to his daughter, she felt confident that she had finally won him over. Of course there was the outside chance that Touma wouldn’t make it, which meant she won anyway. “Tell them I said hi.” She said as her eyes fluttered shut and soon she was sound asleep.

Seiji gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before walking out of the room.


“Grrrr! Man all this waiting is driving me crazy!” Shu said as he paced back and forth. “I think I’m going to go and get a bite to eat. Anyone want to join me?” He asked as they others just stared at him.

“Shu you just ate not more then 20 minutes ago!” Ming laughed and shook her head at him.

“Can I help it if all this nervous waiting makes me hungry?” His voice was quite serious though the others couldn’t help but laugh.

“Seems like no matter what changes in our lives, Shu’s need to feed will always remain a constant factor.”

“Yeah Shu loves to eat doesn’t he?” Came the voice from behind them and Lorelei was the first to jump out of her chair and turn around.

“SEIJI! Oh my god! What’s happening? No one will tell us anything. Did Suzume have the baby? Is it a boy? A girl? Is it okay? Is Touma okay? What about the poisoning? Is he going to make it?” She began firing questions at him.

“Lorelei you’re as hyper as a kid on a sugar high. Calm down and I’ll tell you all I know.” He was still smiling.

“Sorry. Oh I need to tell you.... I tried to tell that bitchy nurse but she wouldn’t listen. I wonder if Reiko meant that Touma’s poisoning could be countered with anti venom.” She said and looked at him.

“Hai, Dr Kobe thought the very same thing. Let me start at the beginning okay.” He directed her to a chair and then sat beside her. “Okay well I have a brand new daughter and her name is Skylar, she’s so tiny but oh God she’s so pretty guys. She‘s 6 pounds and 20 1/2 inches long, dark head of hair and the sweetest thing you’d ever lay eyes on.” Seiji was beaming now. “Here they took a Polaroid of me holding her.” He handed it to Lorelei who immediately burst into tears.

“Oh my God Seiji, she’s gorgeous!” She handed the picture off and threw her arms around Seiji’s neck. “Congratulations! I’m so happy for you.” She kissed his cheek and then moved aside for the others to have their turn.

“Welcome to the Daddy club Seiji!” Shu smiled.

“Now it’s just Ryo and Nasuti left.” Shin said as he added his congratulations to Seiji.

“Yeah come on guys. Oh gosh it was so cool guys. I reached out to touch her tiny cheek and her little hand grabbed my finger... It was just so amazing.” Seiji’s eyes sparkled as he spoke; there was no doubt that he was deeply in love with his newborn baby.

“Oh that’s what Hana did to Shin. He burst right into tears when it happened.” Lorelei said and watched as Seiji nodded in agreement. “Seiji not to spoil the moment or anything... But what about Touma?” She asked almost hesitantly.

“Well as I said earlier Dr Kobe took what info we had and his first reaction was snake anti venom. Now they had to make sure that Touma wasn’t allergic to it first before giving him any. Once they were sure of that, they started him on the anti venom.” Seiji paused for a moment as he tried to get everything straight in his own mind. It was like a nightmare to him that just wouldn’t end.

“Do they think he’ll be okay?” Ryo asked. He had seen how bad Touma really was and to be perfectly honest he himself didn’t think the archer was going to make it to the hospital.

Seiji sighed before answering. “The next few hours will be critical. If he can hang on then we stand a chance and then it’s hoping he’ll make it through the night.” He paused and swallowed hard.

His voice got quieter as he spoke again. “I’m not going to lie to you. Touma’s in bad shape guys. How he made it this long is beyond me. Dr Kobe said his blood cells were being overtaken with his poison. It causes them to virtually explode... It’s a good thing he was unconscious, or else he would be in excruciating pain.”

“Oh shit! He survives a fucking rape, beating, and a gunshot and now he has to endure this! How much more?” Shu got up and walked away from the others. “Can any of us get into see him?” He asked with his back to the group. They all knew Shu was crying, despite his size the man had a heart of gold and was much more sensitive then he let on.

“I’m sorry, but not at the moment. He only got out of surgery a half-hour ago. His leg was pretty badly damaged but I did help there before they took him up. I used some of Korin’s power to heal it enough to make the setting easier and to ensure he’s have full use of it. His arm is broken and he did have a deep laceration on his lower abdomen as well as some internal injuries and a concussion.” Seiji ran his hand through his hair. “We were starting to get things together guys, if I lose him now...”

“Don’t even think it! Touma is not going to die! Do you hear me? He is not going to die!” Lorelei looked at him as her eyes filled with tears. “He won’t!”

“Seiji do you think if we directed some of our armor power towards him that it would help?” Ryo asked.

“Hai.” Seiji said as he hugged Lorelei. “You’re right, he will survive this Lors. Touma’s strong and our love will get us through this just as it has gotten us through every thing else.” He assured her. Just then he heard his name being paged.

*Dr Date please come to O. R. one stat. Dr Date to O. R. one stat.*

“Shit that’s the O. R. they took Suzume to. Excuse me.” Seiji raced out of the room and to the elevators.

“Oh man now what?” Ming said as they watched Seiji disappear into the elevator.



“Dr Yukki what’s going on? They wouldn’t let me in.” Seiji’s eyes were wide with fear.

“Seiji this isn’t easy for me to say and I wish there was another way but there isn’t. We lost Suzume, I’m so sorry.” Dr Yukki hung his head.

“Wh... What? She was just going to have her leg set. What happened? I don’t understand.” He could feel the tears bubbling to the surface.

“Seiji we think it may have been a blood clot that broke off and traveled to her heart. We did everything we could to save her, but her heart just wasn’t strong enough.” He reached out and put a hand on Seiji’s shoulder.

“We just had a baby, a daughter... She was so happy. She was looking forward to getting into a room so she could really hold her.” Seiji sat there stunned. Sure he wasn’t happy with Suzume’s personality but she was still his wife and the mother to his baby girl. “Oh God.” Seiji put his head in his hands and wept, he was tired and his emotions were raw, he cried knowing his daughter would grow up not ever remembering her mother and that hurt him the most.

“I’m so sorry Seiji. Is there anyone we can get up here for you?” Dr Yukki asked and all Seiji could do was shake his head. “Okay. If you want to see her they should be done cleaning up in O. R. one.” He said before getting up and walking silently out of the room.

Seiji wasn’t sure how long he sat there in the dim room but he waited until his tears had subsided before going over to the O. R.. His body trembled as he walked into the room. Gently he pulled the sheet down to reveal the ashen face of his wife and he reached out to stroke the now cold cheek.

“I’m so sorry Suzume, so very sorry. I never gave you the chance you deserved.” He whispered. “You didn’t ask to marry into this mixed up situation and had I been honest with you right from the beginning, maybe I could have spared you. I’m sorry.” He pulled a stool up to sit on when he felt his legs shake. “You gave me a beautiful daughter and I thank you for that. I promise you I will do everything I can to make sure she knows just who her mother was.”

Seiji raised a cold hand to his lips and kissed it. “Maybe a part of me had fallen in love with you, and I know that if I could have been stronger maybe we could have had a chance. I was weak and I allowed another love to come between us. Forgive me Suzume.” Fatigue weighed heavily on Seiji as he laid his head down on her.

“I will do everything I can to bring our daughter up to be like you dreamt. I haven’t forgotten all the things you told me, your dreams for our child and what you hoped she’d be like. I will never forget.” His tears streaked his cheeks. “You will forever live in my heart Suzume and in our baby girl.” He couldn’t hold back any longer and all the pain he had felt over the past few hours came pouring out as he cried. “You’re my sparrow for always.” He whispered.


“Excuse me?” A nurse walked over to the group that was gathered still in the waiting room. It had been an hour since Seiji had rushed upstairs and they had all decided to wait to hear what had happened.

“Yes?” Nasuti answered her.

“Dr Date asked me to relay a message to you. He wants you to know that Hashiba Touma is holding his own so far. He also said to tell you that at 8:15pm Date Suzume passed away.” She spoke softly. “My deepest sympathies to all her friends.” She said and left the stunned group sitting there.

“Oh my God...” Nasuti said and sunk into her chair. Though they all disliked Suzume, this wasn’t what they had expected to hear.

“Seiji! Oh my god he must be devastated. To have his wife give birth then die within hour or so after... Oh shit!” Shu was just too stunned to even comprehend it all.

“Shin do you think we should try and find Seiji? I don’t know if it’s such a good idea for him to be alone right now.” Lorelei walked over and took comfort in her husband’s arms.

“It’s past visiting hours, I doubt that they would allow us up on the floors.” Shin sighed. “Seiji’s parents should be here soon, I’m sure they will be of help. I bet Seiji is either with his baby or with Touma right now.” He just couldn’t believe what was happening.

“I think we all need to go home and get some rest, Seiji and Touma are going to need our strength over the next few days.” Nasuti told them. “I also think that for Seiji’s sake, we bury the hatchet as far as Suzume is concerned. I know that we all hated her at one time or another, but we have to remember now that she was Seiji’s wife, and she did produce a child with him. Seiji now has to raise that baby on his own. He’s too proud to ask for help, but we all need him to see that we are here to help any time he needs it.”

“Suti is right. Seiji won’t ask for help, we are all aware of that. It will be up to us to make sure he knows he has friends to lean on whether he wants it or not.” Ryo said.

“Let’s get some rest and meet back here in the morning.” Nasuti told them. They left a message for Seiji, letting him know that his parents could call any of them if they needed a place to stay for a few nights and the same went for him and then headed off to their homes. Shin and Lorelei made arrangements for Shin’s sister to keep the twins for one more day so they could help Seiji and Touma.


Before heading to the nursery Seiji checked in with Touma. He still had not regained consciousness, which had the doctors slightly concerned, but he had stabilized and that was the most they could hope for at the moment.

“I’ll be down at the nursery for awhile should there be any change with Touma’s condition.” Seiji told the nurse.

“Oh that’s right we heard that you had a little girl. Congratulations Dr Date, I bet you and your wife are very happy.” She said, unaware of what had transpired with Suzume.

“Domo Arigato gozaimasu.” Seiji said and just walked off. He was in no mood to tell her about Suzume. He knew that by the next day the whole hospital would know, news traveled fast around there, especially in a place stocked with gossiping nurses.

When Seiji reached the maternity ward and the nursery, he saw that his family had just arrived and so with joy over showing off his newborn daughter and sorrow over the loss of his wife, he walked up to them.

“Seiji she’s beautiful!” His mother cried as he approached.

“Congratulations my son, you have produced a fine heir.” His father told him and then pulled him into a hug. “She’s gorgeous.”

“Domo Arigato gozaimasu Mother... Father.” He smiled though his heart was also heavy with his grief.

“You are saddened Seiji... Are you not pleased with the child you have helped bear?” His grandfather asked.

“It’s not that... It’s Suzume.” He said and felt the tears slip from his eyes. “Gomen nasai for my slip of emotions.” He turned his back trying to get his feelings under control.

“Seiji what happened? What’s wrong son?” His father asked.

“I’m sorry to say that earlier this evening Suzume died.” Seiji found his control wane and the tears flowed down his cheeks.

“Oh God Seiji! I’m so sorry. No one told us anything, how did it happen?” His mother asked as she held on to him tightly.

“They think it was a blood clot.” Seiji sniffled and then his father and grandfather gathered around him. “I have to get in touch with her family... I have to tell them.” He said.

“Why don’t you leave that to us..? You have enough to worry about with a newborn. We’ll take care of that.” His Father said and hugged him.

“We heard that Touma was in bad shape, what happened?” Mrs. Date asked.

Seiji explained to them about Suzume showing up at the Mori’s and about her going into labor and that Touma was driving her to the hospital. He then told them about Reiko and the poison that was fed to Touma. He also told them that the others were speculating that it was Suzume who was behind it all.

“And what do you think son?” His father asked.

“I’m not sure, but I can’t imagine that she would resort to murder to get Touma out of the way. I want to honor her in death and believe that she had nothing to do with it.” Seiji looked in the window at his daughter who was sleeping. “I don’t want our daughter growing up with that hanging over her head.”

“Then believe it to be so... Suzume could be mean but I too doubt her involvement.” His mother assured him. They turned to look when a nurse came out of the nursery.

“Excuse me Dr Date? It’s almost feeding time so if you gown up you may come in and feed your daughter if you would like.” She smiled.

“Hai.” He said coming back to life, his eyes sparkled and he looked at his family. “Please excuse me, but I have a little baby that needs me.” He smiled and quickly kissed his family before heading off. Seiji’s mother, father and grandfather stood and watched as Seiji sat in a rocking chair while a nurse showed him how to hold his baby and feed her.

Seiji watched his daughter feed, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest at the pride and love he felt for her. Several times she opened her eyes and stared at him and he found himself speaking softly to her, cooing to her and even singing to her. When he went to burp her and she did it, quite loudly too, he even found himself laughing. “Well that must mean you liked it ne?” He chuckled and cuddled her. “I love you Skylar Date. You are my heart’s desire. My little princess.” He cooed to her. Before long he found himself drifting off and a nurse came over to take the baby from him.

“Gomen, I must be a little tired.” He said and rubbed his eyes. He kissed his daughter on the cheek before handing her over. “Daddy will be back later princess, I promise.” He felt empty without her in his arms but he knew he had to go for a little while. There was someone else who had a special place in his heart; someone who needed him just as much.

“Please Touma... I need you to survive; I need you now more then ever. I don’t know if I can do this alone, and now I need your strength my love. Help me raise my baby... I want her to grow to love you as well.” He thought as he made his way to ICU.


“Okay thank you, I appreciate this very much. Yes I will okay, bye then.” Mr. Date hung up the phone and sighed. “Holy shit how do I tell Seiji this?”

“Tell Seiji what dear?” His wife walked in with tea for him and set it down.

“This whole situation with Suzume gets stranger and stranger. Seems that the people we thought were her parents? Aren’t... well not really anyway. That was her stepfather I spoke to. Suzume’s mother died 2 months ago and now the stepfather wants nothing to do with Suzume. He wasn’t even sorry to hear that she had died.” He said and slumped down into the sofa.

“Oh my. Correct me if I’m wrong but at the wedding ceremony didn’t she introduce him as her father?” She asked. “They were present when Seiji was introduced to Suzume as well. What’s going on?” She looked at him.

“I don’t know but he’s going to fax me a copy of her birth certificate, he said if I want to find her real father and inform him of her death to be his guest.” He got up and walked into the den with his wife following. “Here it comes now... I don’t know what to do? Seiji has enough on his mind right now.”

“Well maybe we can check into a few things and if the trail looks cold or too hard to follow we just let it be.” She said and watched as her husband read the fax and then saw his face go white.

“Oh God no! It can’t be... OH GOD NO!” He looked at his wife, shock registered quite fully on his face.

“What is it?” She was a little scared now. “What? Tell me?”

“Suzume’s father... His name is Luis Augustus.” His voice trailed off as he sat down in the chair. “What have we done?”

“Oh my god.... Seiji!” She too had to sit down, the news weighed heavy on her. Had their eagerness to marry off their son and to produce an heir put him and now their granddaughter in jeopardy? Neither one spoke as they lost themselves to their own thoughts. Seiji would be devastated with the news that was for sure.


“Okay I just checked and there’s been no change.... Touma’s still in a coma.” Ryo said as he slid into bed beside his wife.

“I just hope he pulls through Ryo.” Nasuti snuggled closer to him; she needed his warmth and strength right now.

“Hey he’ll pull through don’t you worry.” Ryo held her close. “How have you been feeling? You didn’t seem as sick tonight.” He asked.

“Oh that? Ryo? There’s something you should know. Now it’s not official or anything... I’ll have to have a test and all but, I think I’m pregnant.” Nasuti looked into his eyes, which were filling with tears.

“Oh Suti that’s the best news ever... Oh God Shu was right then. He suspected as much but when you didn’t say anything, I figured he was wrong.” He kissed her forehead.

“Well it was Ming who figured it out. So are you happy?” She looked worried.

“Happy? Suti I’m elated, we’re going to be parents... I’m going to have a son or a daughter of my very own. I have wanted this for so very long.” Ryo began to cry. “I love you so much, so very much.” He cupped her chin and raised her head as his lips brushed over hers.

“I love you too Ryo... I’m so happy, we’ll finally be a family.” She smiled and waited for his lips to claim hers and she melted into the kiss as they sank down into the bed. Ryo reached over and turned off the light without breaking the kiss and then his hands went around her waist as he pulled her closer to him.


“Good morning Seiji.” Dr Kobe said as he examined Touma. Seiji had gone to Touma’s room and sat beside his bed, falling asleep to the sounds of the machines that were now keeping him alive.

“What... What time is it?” Seiji asked as he stood to stretch out his legs. Smacking his lips he realized he need a shower, shave and a tooth brushing as soon as possible.

“Uhm it’s 9:15am.” Dr Kobe told him then jotted something down in Touma’s chart. “Well he has surely surprised me. Touma made it through the night. Now all we can do is wait.” He said as he looked up at Seiji. “I hear congratulations are in order Papa Date.”

“Hai.” Seiji blushed. It was going to take some getting use to, being a father and all, but he couldn’t deny that it felt good. “I have a daughter now.”

“Yes I stopped down at the nursery and had a peek; she’s gorgeous Seiji.” Dr Kobe shook his hand. “I was sorry to hear about Suzume, my deepest sympathies to you and to her family.” His smile faded. “I know what you’re going through, I lost a sister the same way, to a blood clot right after she gave birth to my nephew. It’s rough but you know you have to keep going forward, there’s a newborn that needs you now.”

“I know and thanks Kenji.” Seiji looked at the floor. “How did your brother-in-law handle it, I mean with having a baby to take care of and no wife?”

“He leaned on everyone who offered help and my advice to you, is to do the same.” He told Seiji. “I know you are a work alone type of guy, but believe me there are going to be days where you feel as though you just can’t take it... That’s something that’s common even for two parent families. If someone offers to help out, whether it’s with the baby, the house, errands, whatever, jump on it.”

“Arigato, I will keep that in mind.” Seiji walked over and began taking Touma’s pulse. “He still hasn’t regained any type of consciousness.”

“Actually I didn’t expect him to yet; his body has taken quite a beating, Seiji. He’s got a long road ahead of him if he’s to recover.” Dr Kobe pulled up a chair and motioned for Seiji to sit down. “Thank god that woman made some mention of snakes, cause we would have never thought of snake anti venom as an antidote for this poison. Our lab guys are still scratching their heads over this.”

“So I’ve heard. They have no idea what it is then?” Seiji ran his hand through his hair and wrinkled his nose. He knew he looked like hell and the stubble on his face was beginning to itch him like crazy.

“None! They do know that it is ruthless in its attack on the blood cells, they literally explode... God it’s a good thing he isn’t awake or else he’d be in quite a bit of pain.” Kenji looked at Seiji. “Looks like you could use a freshening up ne?”

“Oh God could I ever.” Seiji chuckled. “I look that bad huh?”

“Actually no and I really hate you for that. You’re making the rest of us doctors look bad.” He laughed. “Oh that reminds me! I saw your parents down at the nursery; they want to speak to you when you have a moment. They said they were going to go grab some tea and that they would be back at the nursery window in about an hour.”

“Great that gives me enough time to grab a shower and to shave. I don’t know how you can handle having a beard, this thing itches like mad.” Seiji proved his point by scratching at the stubble.

“Actually it stops itching as it gets a little longer.” He laughed. “Hmmm now that would be interesting to see. Dr Date with a beard and mustache.”

“I don’t think so.” Seiji laughed and got up from his seat. “Listen if there’s any change with Touma...”

“I’ll have you paged. Now go get cleaned up and go be with that new baby of yours. Well make sure Touma gets everything he needs.” Kenji smiled and walked out of the room with Seiji.


Forty-five minutes later Seiji found himself feeling a whole lot better having showered and shaven. He tightened the drawstring on the green scrubs he had put on and then pinned on his hospital ID tag before walking out of the doctor’s lounge and heading for the nursery. He kept getting stopped by other personnel as they offered their congratulations and words of sympathy at the birth of his daughter and the death of his wife.

It wasn’t easy for him, to go from one emotion to the next, from joy to sorrow. He was proud as a peacock to speak about his little baby, yet his heart sank knowing she would grow up without her mother there to guide her. He knew he and Suzume were on their way to a divorce, that he was certain of but he had hoped that she would still play a large role in the raising of their child, he felt that that was important.

Now he would have to play both roles and he was just getting use to being a father, how on Earth would he play the role of mother as well? Well like Kenji said, lean on others. God I hope I can do this. My God what will I do when she asks about babies and where they come from, or about boys, and oh shit what about all those things moms talk to their daughters about?

This should be good! I can just see me trying to explain to her about periods and why girls get them... Won’t that be good for a laugh? Well I do have mom, Satsuki, Yayoi, Ming, Lorelei and Nasuti to lean on for that. Okay Seiji get a grip, first of all she’s not even a day old yet, you have plenty of time to get gray hair over that. Seiji laughed to himself as he stood in front of the nursery window and stared at the babies.

“So what’s so funny?” Seiji jumped to see Lorelei and Shin standing there.

“Oh it’s nothing really.” Seiji said and smiled.

“She’s gorgeous Seiji.” Lorelei said and wrapped her arms around his neck as she hugged him and then gave a kiss to his cheek.

“She really is man... Congratulations.” Shin smiled.

“Thanks you two.” Seiji beamed with pride as he kept an arm around Lorelei’s waist. “I can’t believe I helped to create something so tiny and beautiful.”

“Oh they don’t stay that way forever you know... They get bigger.” Shin laughed. “And as they do you experience new emotions and problems. Hana and Toushiba are just 9 months but they are already pulling up and trying to walk. I swear they will be walking before long.”

“It seems just like yesterday when I was standing here while you two showed them off. Where does the time go?” Seiji said as he stared at his baby girl. “Speaking of which I was to meet my parents here. I wonder where they are?” He looked up and down the corridor.

“Oh they are in the lounge; we saw them as we walked by.” Lorelei squeezed Seiji’s waist. “Listen I’m really sorry about Suzume. I feel bad that I never gave her a chance Seiji and I hope you’ll forgive me for that.”

“Hey we all had bad opinions about her, even I did.” He said and bopped her nose. “You are forgiven Munchkin.” He laughed when she drew back from him then swatted his arm.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?” She laughed then smirked. “Call me that one more time and I post on the bulletin board in the lobby of this hospital! A certain picture I have of a certain blond parading around in butt ugly red plaid shorts and a yellow Hawaiian shirt... I’m sure you remember that.” She laughed when she saw his eyes go big.

“No! You still don’t have that picture do you?” He asked, almost too afraid to hear her reply. “Touma and Shu dared me to wear that get up just to get that one girl off my tail. I had even told her I was involved with someone and still she hounded me. It was either do that or kiss Touma, which I couldn’t do since my family was at that picnic, though it would have been a better choice.”

“Oh honey not only do I have that picture but I also had copies made... So don’t piss me off.” She pretended to look angry. “Oh when Skylar gets older she’s going to love seeing it!”

“Okay you win.” He said as he put his hands up in defeat. “Just don’t ever show that picture around here or my reputation as an impeccable dresser would be ruined for life. Above all do not show that to my daughter.” He winked at her then laughed.

“If you will excuse me, I really need to go talk to my folks. Hey why not stick around I haven’t had breakfast yet and could use some company. Meet me in an hour down at the cafeteria.” He said and waved as he trotted off down the hall.


“Mother... Father... Sorry I’m late but I ran into the Mori’s on the way.” Seiji explained as he kissed his mother and hugged his father.

“How are they doing? The twins must be getting big by now.” Mrs. Date smiled.

“Hai, they are. I’ll ask them to bring the twins by the Sanada’s before you leave.” Seiji smiled and pulled a chair around to sit in front of them. “So what brings you here so early? As if I didn’t know but I thought I’d ask anyway.” He chuckled.

“Any thing new with Touma-san?” His father asked, trying to avoid for a little while longer giving the news he had to Seiji.

“Iie. He’s still in a coma, but that may help his body to heal. He made it through the night, which is good. We’re just taking it one day at time.” Seiji looked down at his hands. “Just so you know Suzume’s death won’t change anything, I still want to be with Touma.”

“We figured as much but realize that it’s not going to be easy now that you have a child.” His father said and then reached out to grab his hand. “Whatever you decide to do is fine with us. We only want to see you happy.”

“Arigato. Touma makes me happy and yes I know it’s going to be tough and I will have to be careful so that Skylar isn’t picked on as she grows up, but I’m sure that if I can bring her up properly she’ll be strong enough to handle it. I’m sure Touma and I can find ways of making things a little less confusing.” Seiji sighed.

That was something that really hadn’t crossed his mind. How would he handle others teasing his child about having two fathers? One day at a time Seiji... At least for now. He thought to himself.

“Oh your grandfather sends his best but he headed back to Sendai, he didn’t want to keep the dojo closed another day. You know him.” Mrs. Date laughed slightly.

“Hai. I’m surprised he closed up yesterday to make the drive here.” Seiji winked and got a playful smack on his arm for his comment. “What? You know it to be true. When Yayoi had her baby, he didn’t close up. Gosh she must be ticked off that he did that for me and not for her.” He pondered that and then shrugged his shoulders.

“Seiji I called Suzume’s father and well I found something out that you may not like. I wish it didn’t have to be like this, but the man we thought was her father was in fact her stepfather.” He paused while his son took in the information.

“Okay, so another lie has been told. What else was she keeping from me?” Seiji sat back in his chair and sighed heavily.

“Her real father. Seiji had I known this, I swear to you that we would never have chosen her for your betrothed.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the fax. “Her stepfather faxed over Suzume’s birth certificate, her mother died 2 months ago. She was told but it’s obvious she never said a thing to you.” He handed the paper to Seiji and waited, as his son looked it over.

“What? This can’t be?” Seiji went white as he read the names on the birth certificate. “Mother’s name: Skylar Ishidora and Father’s name: Luis Augustus. My God...!” The paper fluttered to the floor as Seiji bent forward and rested his head on his arms. “She lied to me all the way. She told me Skylar was a half-sister’s name, that she had died and she wanted to honor her.” Seiji combed his hands through his hair as he looked up at his parents. Tears began filling his violet eyes.

“Seiji we’re so sorry, we didn’t know.” His mother knelt in front of him and wiped at his tears. “Your father spent this morning checking into things and this Augustus has no other living relatives, you and Skylar should be safe.”

“She lied mother, she lied right to the end. How could she do this? Why for crying out loud?” Seiji allowed his tears to fall. “Surely once I told her what had happened to me she had to have made the connection.”

“Maybe she didn’t know who her father really was.” His father said as he tried to calm his son.

“No she knew. She had to. Oh my God, then she MAY have been behind Touma’s poisoning! Augustus was infamous for having drugs specially made for him.” Seiji shivered at the realization of it all. “Could she have been behind Luis coming back and going after Touma? Oh God father what have I done?” He hung his head and wept.

“Seiji! Seiji listen to me! You have done nothing but give us the most beautiful granddaughter we could have hoped for. Suzume paid the ultimate price for her transgressions, her life. I say we put this behind us now and move on. You have to for Skylar’s sake.”

“You’re right father.” Seiji straightened up wiping his tears and pulling himself together. Seiji then got an idea and a smile spread across his face. “Come with me please.” He said as he stood up and then escorted his parents to a room next to the nursery. “I’ll be right back.” Seiji was gone in a flash leaving his mother and father confused. When he returned he was holding his daughter who was wrapped in a pink blanket.

“Oh my God Seiji.” His mother wept as he walked towards them.

“Generally grandparents get to see the newborn in the patient’s room, well since Suzume passed away, this is how we’ll do it.” Seiji handed them gowns. You do have to put these on first.

Once they had done that Seiji removed the blanket from the baby’s head. “Mother... Father... Meet your granddaughter... Skylar Date.” Seiji held up his baby using one hand to support her bottom while the other gentle cradled her head. He stood there proudly and his smile was brighter then any smile they had ever seen grace his handsome features.

“She looks just like Satsuki when she was born. Look at all that hair. Oh gosh Seiji she’s so precious.” His mother cried.

“Hey Sky I’m your grandpa.” Seiji’s dad smiled through tear filled eyes.

“Would you like to hold her mom?” Seiji asked as he gently handed his daughter to her.

“Seiji? You called me mom.” She looked at him with wide eyes. “You haven’t called me mom since you were a teen. Thank you.”

“Well Touma called you that all the time, remember?” Seiji laughed as they sat down. “Actually he called everyone’s mother mom. I think it made him feel good since he never called his own mother anything but by her addressed name.”

“I never knew that about him. Gosh I guess that since Touma’s going to be a part of this family we had better know him a little better.” She laughed as she rocked her granddaughter. “Look she’s opening her eyes. Seiji they’re going to be violet! Your eyes were this color when you were born... She’ll have your eyes.”

Seiji leaned in and planted a tiny kiss on Skylar’s forehead. “She’s really mine mom! Can you believe that?” He smiled as he felt the tears hitting his cheeks. “I can’t believe how much love I feel for her, it feels like my heart is going to burst.”

“We know Seiji. That’s how we both felt with all three of you.” His father said as he was handed the baby to hold. “I guess we’ll have to look in the attic for some of Satsuki and Yayoi’s old clothes. I’m sure we have some of their little kimonos up there yet.” He smiled as he cooed at his granddaughter. “Your grandpa is going to spoil you rotten. Yes he is.”

Seiji smiled through tear glazed eyes as he watched his parents. He was upset about Suzume and her lies but she was gone now and nothing was going to tear his family apart now. He, Touma and Skylar were going to be just that... A family.


Seiji sat quietly as the funeral for his wife started. In his arms he cradled his daughter who had been allowed to go home from the hospital just that morning. He looked down at the sleeping figure with a heart filled with love for his daughter.

On one side of him sat his parents and on the other, his sisters with his grandfather directly behind him. His family had gathered around him to give him the strength he needed to get through this day.

Satsuki had taken an instant liking to Skylar and had even proclaimed herself to be Seiji’s fulltime babysitter. Yayoi even though she adored the baby, thought she looked too much like Suzume and so she didn’t fuss with her as much, which was fine with him.

Seiji looked around the small room and saw that his friends had made the trek to Sendai and now sat in the back. Ryo smiled and nodded letting Seiji know that they were there to support him in any way they could.

As the funeral progressed and then moved to the cemetery Seiji found his control failing and tears soon flowed freely from his eyes. Sure Suzume hadn’t been the nicest of people towards the end, and he knew she was hated by most of his family and friends, yet she had been his wife. She had also given to him a gift more precious then he could have imagined... His baby girl.

As the funeral ended, Seiji walked up and place a white rose on Suzume’s casket and then a smaller one from their daughter. He found it hard to walk as his knees started to shake and his body convulsed with his sobs and his family sprang into action. Satsuki took Skylar while his parents each took an arm and helped to escort their son to a waiting car. His grandfather walked behind with his head hung. He hated seeing his grandson so distraught especially during a time when he should be happy.

When Seiji got to where his friends stood each one reached out to him, each one gave him a silent look that told him they were feeling his pain and sorrow. Lorelei seemed to be hit the hardest, she had truly hated Suzume the most and now her guilt at all the things she had said, weighed heavy on her mind. Seiji pulled away from his parents and walked up to her, pulling her to him, he hugged her.

“Hey it’s okay Lors... All is forgiven.” He whispered before releasing her and heading for the car.

Seiji couldn’t help but notice a man in a black suit and sunglasses standing off to the side and so he walked up to him. “Excuse me? Were you a friend of Suzume’s?” He asked. Something about the man bugged him and he couldn’t help but shiver.

Removing his sunglasses, the man smiled back at Seiji with pale violet eyes. “Yes I was... Suzume and I were close friends. I’m sorry about your loss.” He spoke softly then looked at Satsuki who was holding Skylar. “She a beautiful baby... Congratulations.” He said. Replacing his glasses, he turned to leave.

“Wait!” Seiji finally said. “We’re having a small get together at my family’s home... You are welcome to join us if you’d like.” Seiji told him, this man had him slightly spooked and he wanted to find out why.

“Uhm thanks... But I’ll pass. I’m sure we’ll see each other again.” He said. Seiji didn’t see the smile that he held. You can count on it Seiji Date... We’ll meet again. After all you have something that may belong to me. He thought to himself as he gave a wave over his shoulder and then got into his car and took off.

Seiji stood there for a few minutes as a chill ran the length of his spine. Turning to Satsuki he took his daughter and held her close to him, getting the sudden urge to keep her as close to him as possible. Taking a deep breath, he nodded to his family and they finished their walk to the cars.


Seiji yawned as he looked at his watch, he had returned to the hospital the day after Suzume’s funeral when he had gotten a call saying that Touma had taken a turn for the worse during the night. Keeping his daughter with him meant finding a place to put her while he was with Touma and the hospital helped tremendously.

They had set up a bassinet and table for him in Touma’s room so that he could keep her close. They had also brought in a rocking chair and made sure he had everything he needed to take care of her. The nurses had even volunteered to look after her so Seiji could eat or take a shower.

Looking down at his now sleeping daughter, Seiji walked over to sit by Touma’s bed. Three days had passed since his return and Touma’s fever still raged on. Not even Korin’s help had been able to break it as he had tried time and time again. Now it was 4:00am and with any luck Skylar would sleep for a few hours, allowing him to get some sleep as well.

Seiji took Touma’s hand in his and lifted it to his lips; kissing it gently he closed his eyes and prayed.

Please Touma, don’t leave me now. I need you more then ever my love. You and I can finally be together, and we can be a family now. Please Tou wake up.”

As tears streaked down his cheek, Seiji laid his head down, keeping Touma’s hand firmly clasped in his. Exhaustion was taking over as his eyes fluttered close. Soon he was fast asleep with images of happier times he and Touma had spent together, floating through his head and into his dreams.


Seiji was jolted awake by a tugging on his hand. Looking up he realized that it was Touma and he was awake. The fever had finally broken and now his koibito was staring at him.

“Oh God Touma! You’re okay now... Everything will be okay.” Seiji quickly sat on the bed beside him and showered Touma with kisses. “You don’t know how worried I have been... I’ve been so scared that I was going to lose you.” Seiji rained more kisses over his love’s face and then finally claimed his lips.

Touma’s eyes went wide as lips touched his and he quickly fought to push them away. Seiji felt hands pushing on him and he immediately broke the kiss. “Touma? I’m sorry I guess I carried away there. It’s just that I love you and well... I...”

Seiji saw a look in Touma’s face that frightened him and now with his heart pounding he looked at him. “What’s wrong Touma? Please koibito tell me?” Seiji smiled in hopes of relaxing the archer.

Touma looked at him for a moment before finding his voice. “I have one question, no make that two... Who the hell are you? And why the fuck were you kissing me?”


End of Chapter 11


Oh she does it again! Okay so what did you think? I hope this wasn’t too lame but the holidays had me going crazy and I wanted to get this out as soon as I could.

Please be kind and leave a review. I’d also like to now what you guys have thought of the original characters in this story... Luis Augustus, Lorelei, Ming and of course Suzume (as if I don’t know what you think of her). You can tell me in your review or email me if you would like. [ [email protected] ]

I ask because I would like to use them in some side stories later (Mainly Lorelei and Ming and possibly Suzume) but don’t want to if the readers really didn’t like them. Hey your opinions are important so don’t forget that!!

Lorelei: “Ding-dong the bitch is dead, the bitch is dead! Oh Gomen! I know it‘s cruel but I can’t resist!” *Goes off skipping and singing.* “Ding-dong the wicked bitch is dead...”

Shin: “Well at least I didn’t have to watch my wife beat up my friend’s wife. You know I hate fighting.”

Lorelei: “Dammit I was robbed of some serious fun!” *Walks away looking sad.*

Touma: “That would have been great to see! I would have had my money on Lorelei, that’s for sure!”

Shu: “So would have I!”

Shin: “You guys are impossible!” *Goes off to find his wife.*

Touma: “Still it’s a shame we never got to see those two fight. Oh well maybe wildefyre can bring in a character for Lors to beat up!”

Shu: “Either that or she could have had her beat one of us up!”

Touma: “Now she wouldn’t be mean to us... Would she?” *Looks at wildefyre*

Wildefyre: *Just stands there and grins... Touma and Shu take off quickly.* “Hey don’t forget to leave a review!”

.... Stay tuned for the next installment of “Senseless Chatter at the End of a Story” .....

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