** I don’t own the Troopers, so don’t sue me, besides I’m broke due to the DJ binge I went on recently... WARNING!! This may contain any of the following: Adult themes/Yaoi/Graphic Sex/Strong Language/Violence/Non Consensual Sex. (Did I hit them all?) **



By Wildefyre

>> This story takes up where “Home at Last” left off. <<

You may want to read ‘Home at Last’ first since this starts with references from that story.

Chapter One

The Calm before the Storm



Opening his eyes slowly, Touma turned to his side only to find the other side of the bed empty and already cold. Sitting up and looking about the room he stretched as a smile crept over his face. “Did it really happen?” He asked himself, and felt the butterflies fluttering around in his stomach. “Did Seiji really ask me to marry him?

He looked over to the nightstand and retrieved the book of poetry Seiji had given him. Opening the front cover he stared down at the words that his lover had so carefully written. “.....If your heart doesn’t hear, when my arms draw you near...” Touma felt the tears well up behind his eyes. “Oh God Seiji, I love you so much.”

Touma got up, he saw that it was already 2:00 pm, stretching again and letting out a yawn he headed for the bathroom and a hot shower but first he had to empty the full bladder that made it slightly uncomfortable to walk.

While waiting for the water to reach a warm temperature Touma thought about the morning’s events. Seiji was finally home and back in his arms. The tingle of that morning’s lovemaking was still very fresh on his mind and in his body and he felt that familiar thrill. “Looks like I’m not the only one rising.” He commented while looking down at himself and chuckling. His sex began twitching and slowly coming to life. He stepped into the shower and raised his face up to the spray.

The hot shower felt good against his skin but did nothing to squelch the desire rising in his groin. “Seiji is probably a little sore, so it’s just you and me kid!” His hand wrapped around his length as he set a slow and soothing pace. As he pleasured himself his mind wandered back to this morning and the look of ecstasy on Seiji’s face.

Touma couldn’t remember the last time he had seen Seiji that emotional, or vocal for that matter. Jeez he screamed loud enough to wake the dead. He thought.

The images of his lover writhing and moaning under his manipulations began to work wonders on Touma’s painfully swollen sex. Images of Seiji’s beautiful face twisted in the throes of passion, his body glistening with sweat thrashing about under his oral stimulation made him hotter then the water coming out the shower head.

So lost in his thoughts was he, that he never heard the bathroom door open nor the sound of clothes being removed. It wasn’t until Seiji had stepped into the shower did Touma become aware of the other’s presence. “Here, allow me.” Touma jumped as Seiji knelt down in the tub and kissed the tip of his sex. “I heard the shower go and thought you might like some company.” He smiled as he looked up into Touma’s face. God he looked so gorgeous.

“Oh God Seiji! You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that! Ya nearly gave me a heart attack.” Touma said clutching his chest to make his point.

“I’m sorry Touma-san. I’ll make it up to you right now.” Seiji said in a soft voice that Touma would always melt over.

Touma looked down only to see his length disappear between Seiji’s soft pink lips. The sight alone was enough to make Touma want to cum, but he held off, wanting more of the sweet man at his feet.

Leaning back against the shower wall to steady himself he reached out to push the hair from Seiji’s face so he could watch his lover’s expert mouth suckle him. “OH God Seiji, how I have missed having you suck me off like this.”

Touma moaned and set a slow rhythm in time with Seiji’s mouth, and what a mouth it was. Soft gentle lips, gave way to a hot-tempered interior that always drove Touma insane, not to mention a tongue that instinctively knew just what to do in order to elicit moans of pleasure from its benefactor’s throat.

Entwining his fingers into golden sun drenched locks Touma stared down into the eyes that seem to go from a light violet to a deep purple during moments of passion. He’s so beautiful and to think he’s all mine. Touma smiled at that thought.

“Oh God Seiji that feels sooo damn good... So wonderful.” Touma whispered. With the position that Seiji was in, Touma could move his foot slightly to rub against Seiji’s own growing desire. Carefully he manipulated it, feeling it harden and pulsate under his toes.

Touma watched as Seiji reached for the soap to rub his fingers over it. He knew what was coming next and just that thought excited him even more. He shivered slightly in anticipation. “Do it Seiji.” Touma hissed through clenched teeth.

“Now, let’s make sure you’re clean all over.” Seiji commented, momentarily removing his mouth, much to Touma’s dismay. Seiji chuckled slightly at the pout Touma gave him and quickly kissed the tip of his sex.

“Why? You’re only going to get me dirty again.” Touma replied arching an eyebrow and smiling.

“How many fingers do you want?” Seiji teased. “One?” Slowly he traced the outer rim, watching as Touma’s face softened and his eyes began to flutter shut in anticipation of what was to come next. Gently Seiji inserted his finger before pushing in to the hilt. “You’re so hot in there Touma... So tight... So smooth.” Seiji practically cooed.

// He had been in the kitchen looking over messages and such when he had heard the shower go, thinking about their session earlier had gotten him horny and so he had set out to end his ache. He had gone without it for 6 long months, which was a record for both of them and one he hoped he would never break. When he had walked into the bathroom he could see through the door and the sight of Touma touching himself was just too much for the swordsman to bear.//

“OOhhh.” Touma moaned and shuddered as he felt a finger hit that spot deep within his body. His whole body began to tingle and a pleasured shock wave snaked its way along the length of his sex. “More Seiji, I need more!” Touma looked down at the blond with eyes glazed over in a passion haze.

“Okay, how about two then?” Seiji inserted a second finger pumping and twisting them in and out as his mouth went back to work on Touma‘s swollen member. Slowly with the intent on giving Touma as much pleasure as possible he suckled him as his fingers stretched and prepared him.

This was the man he was madly in love with, the one person he wanted to spend a lifetime with. Touma knew him better then anyone could. This wonderful person had stuck by him, accepted his sometimes unemotional nature, never asking for more then Seiji thought he could give. How on God’s green earth did I get so lucky? He thought.

“SEIJI!” Touma grabbed his shoulders for better support, moving his hips to Seiji’s pace. “MORE, you tease, MORE!!” Touma squirmed and pushed back against Seiji’s hand. “I need more dammit.”

Touma was stunned at how horny he was considering they had just made love only a few hours ago. What the hell I’ve been celibate for 6 months that’s a lot of sexual frustration to let out. He smiled to himself.

“More it is.” Seiji pushed in a third finger and each digit seemed to do a separate dance within Touma’s body. Touma began to push harder against his fingers in an almost frenzied way, squirming and grinding against his hand. Seiji sensed Touma’s urgency and need to climax and so he set about using his mouth and hands to finish his lover off. “Touma play with your nipples for me.” Seiji requested and looked up at him as Touma did what was asked of him.

Touma blushed at Seiji’s request and his hands moved up to tweak and rub his sensitive nipples. The sensation was maddening and midnight blue met violet eyes as Touma moaned in pleasure. Several finger thrusts later and his reward came (literally).

Touma cried out Seiji’s name as he came and Seiji greedily swallowed the salty juice his lover had given him. Once he was sure he had drained him, Seiji then stood to kiss the lips that practically begged to be claimed.

“Do me now Seiji, please?” Touma asked tasting himself on his lover’s lips and tongue. Turning his back to him and placing a foot up on the side of the tub to allow for better penetration, he beckoned for him with his eyes. “Seiji I need you more then anything... I need you inside me... I need you to take me now.” Touma wiggled his ass at him and smiled and noticed the change in the water temperature so he adjusted it. Don’t need a cold shower right now, thank you. He smiled to himself.

“With pleasure my dear Touma.” Seiji stood behind Touma and guided his soaped up sex to his lover’s opening, slowly pushing in and then pulling almost out. He continued this for a few more thrusts, each time going a little deeper, hitting home just a little harder as he listened to the moans and erratic breathing coming from his one and only.

Touma saw that his own sex was beginning to awaken once again and reached down to pull on it. Pumping himself in time with Seiji’s thrusts, knowing that Seiji was getting ever closer to that point of no return.

Seiji knew that Touma was pleasuring himself, he reached a hand around to enclose over Touma’s “Let me do that.” He said against Touma’s back. Touma removed his own hand and brought it up to a nipple to tease it. “I love it when you touch yourself Touma-san, it makes me hot knowing what you’re doing to yourself.” Seiji’s warm breath whooshed along side of his ear.

Turning his head, Touma‘s mouth sought out and found Seiji‘s, the heat of their lovemaking spilled over into the kiss. “Together, Okay?” Touma said into Seiji’s mouth. Seiji could only moan sweetly in response. Seiji rubbed his chest against Touma’s back causing his nipples to become hardened nubs heightening his own pleasure level.

Both men were panting and working as one in order to bring pleasure to the other. Seiji rained feather soft kisses across Touma’s back as Touma tightened his muscles from within. “Touma, I’m going to... AHHHH! Touma! I‘m cumming!” Seiji shouted then gave three quick thrusts as he spilled his hot seed into Touma‘s heated cavity.

Hearing Seiji shout out his name sent Touma over the edge and he shot his load against the shower stall, volley after volley splattered and ran down the wall to mingle with the now cooling water.

Seiji pulled out and swung Touma around to claim his mouth in a heated kiss, tongues dueled and explored as their heartbeats began to settle into a more manageable rhythm. Seiji pressed against him and pushed his hips into him as he continued the kiss.

“I love you so much Seiji; my heart feels like it could burst from it.” Touma said as he planted lightening quick kisses over Seiji’s glowing face, tears fell from Touma‘s eyes freely. He moaned softly as Seiji’s semi erect sex touched his. “Feels like someone is still horny.” Touma said in a devilish voice.

“I love you too Touma-san. You mean so much to me. You’re my heart, my soul, my very being.” Seiji said as his hands pushed the hair from Touma’s face and he kissed the tears away while his own slid down his cheeks. “Now if we don’t get through cleaning up we’re going to freeze. This cool water will ruin this hard on if we stay in much longer.” He added shivering slightly in the process.

“Brrrrr, we may have to get a bigger water heater if we keep this stuff up.” Touma’s said as he leaned into Seiji for warmth and realized that he too was now fully erect and ready for another round with his blond lover. “Quickly, on the floor by the radiator... I want to go for a ride.” Touma said as he shut off the water and guided Seiji out of the shower and onto the floor.

Since he still had quite a bit of Seiji’s prior release in him, it was easy for him to just impale himself on his lover’s pole. Touma rode Seiji to another explosive orgasm and both men laid there totally spent, for several long minutes. “It’s amazing that we still haven’t slowed down... I hope this continues for a long time.” Touma smiled and then laid claim to tender lips that were only too happy to be taken.


Touma and Seiji stepped out of the bathroom, towels working to dry skin and hair. Seiji smiled to himself as he watched Touma from behind and couldn’t resist reaching out to grab at the ass he so loved impaling himself in.

“Hey watch it freshy!” Touma turned to him rubbing his behind. “That last round was quite a ride, I may not be able to sit for the rest of the day.” Touma walked over and stood in front of his dresser looking down at the pictures that were placed there. Pictures of his friends who had become a like a second family to him.

“I told you to slow it down but you were like a man on a mission and boy what a mission it was.” Seiji chuckled softly then noticed Touma staring at the pictures. “We can always call them ya know?” Seiji said softly as he came up behind him and slipped his arms around the archer’s waist.

“Yeah, I know. Actually I see Shin and Lorelei quite a bit... Shu and Ming are now back from China so that’s good. We should tell them the good news, right?” Touma asked. He leaned into Seiji taking in the fresh clean scent that was unique to Seiji. “God, how I love the way you smell.” Touma closed his eyes, knowing that this was where he belonged, in the shelter of his lover’s arms.

“Yes, I believe we should. We have to pick a date as well.” Seiji rested his chin on Touma’s shoulder holding him as close as he possibly could. “Maybe tomorrow we can go and look for some rings, nothing splashy just something simple. I was thinking that maybe we could get rings with either our birthstones in them or if you like an emerald and a sapphire to symbolize our armor colors.” Seiji sighed against his neck sending a shiver down Touma’s back.

“I’ve already picked my Date... You!” Touma laughed.

“Not my name silly, a date for our big day. Besides it‘s pronounced differently. ” Seiji laughed and playfully bit his neck.

“Seiji?” Touma turned in the arms that held him, to face his love. Sliding his arms around the swordsman’s waist as well, he planted a light kiss in the hollow of his throat.

“Yes, Touma?” Seiji looked into his midnight blue eyes and sighed. Where there was once heartache and pain filling his eyes, only love and happiness could be seen shinning within them.

“I don’t think we should call our day, a wedding, it sounds too much like a man and woman thing.” Touma said, his brows furrowing.

“Okay, what should we call it? You choose, okay?” Seiji smiled and brushed his lips over Touma’s.

“Mmmm.” Touma said in response to the light kiss. “How about a ‘Unity Ceremony’?” Touma paused for a moment taking in his last statement. With his eyes widening he smiled. “That’s it Seiji! A Unity Ceremony. I think it’s perfect.” Touma looked like a kid left alone in a candy store as his eyes sprang to life and the smile he bore lit up his entire face.

“I like it Touma-san, you truly are a genius.” Seiji responded enjoying the enthusiastic look his lover was giving him. “We got that settled but now we need a date?” He kissed his forehead.

“I’m not sure, why don’t we get dressed, go down and grab a bite to eat, and mull over the calendar?” Touma kissed him quickly then pulled from his arms only to have Seiji grab him and pull him back. Seiji cupped his chin and kissed him softly and then let him go. Touma groaned and smiled at him. “If it weren’t for the fact that I’m hungry I’d throw you onto the bed and take you.” He said and sashayed away from.

“Well you can always do that after we eat.” Seiji teased him by taking his towel off slowly and then rubbing himself. “I like to go for rides too you know.” He watched as Touma stood frozen in place and looked at him with his silly grin plastered on his face.

“You got yourself an after dinner date lover boy, the space cowboy is ready to rumble.” Touma finally joked.


Soon Touma had slipped into a tight pair of black jeans and a t-shirt. He decided against putting on underwear, making it one less item to take off later. Seiji too had opted for jeans, something Touma rarely got to see on him. // They had made a deal awhile back that Touma would be a little dressier at times if Seiji would be a little more casual and it was working nicely. //

“God how I love the way your ass looks in those jeans. Mmmm Mmmmm HOT!” Touma remarked as he watched Seiji bend over to get a pan.

“Why you pig!” Seiji replied, feigning shock over Touma’s statement by placing his hands on his cheeks.

“Oink! Oink! Sexy!” Touma looked over at Seiji who broke into fits of laughter along with Touma. Soon a late lunch, early dinner was being enjoyed by both men, which Touma had prepared. Seiji was amazed at how good of a cook Touma had become since their days at the Yagyo mansion.

“Okay, it‘s official then. We will hold a Unity Ceremony 3 weeks from Saturday.” Seiji said as he circled the day on the kitchen calendar.

“Correct as usual oh warrior of Courtesy!” Touma saluted him, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Seiji leaned into him till their noses touched. “You, my good sir, are just plain silly!”

“Ah ha.” Touma said and quickly kissed Seiji’s nose. “Your turn to do the dishes, I’ve been doing them for the past six months.” Touma chuckled as he got up to put his dishes in the sink.

“You know, if we both work on them, we’ll get them done sooner, and then we can have some play time?” Seiji replied as he walked over to Touma and swept him into his arms. Holding the blue haired archer close to him, Seiji began grinding himself against Touma’s thigh. “What do you say my Space Cowboy? Hmmm?” Seiji whispered in his ear.

Touma felt a shiver run down his spine as Seiji’s warm breath whooshed in his ear. Smiling, Touma curled his fingers in Seiji’s hair to pull his head down, eyes locked briefly as their mouths met in a sultry kiss. Breaking the kiss, Touma sighed as he reached out to caress Seiji’s cheek.

“Ya know I can never resist that seductive voice of yours Seiji.” Touma kissed him again, harder this time. Seiji’s lips parted slightly in response to Touma’s kiss, allowing the archer complete access to its recesses. Seiji responded by grinding his hips against Touma’s thigh eliciting a pleasured moan from the archer’s throat.

Sighing softly Touma explored his lover’s mouth with a hungry vengeance. Finally parting, their faces flushed from the heat of the kiss; they locked eyes. Midnight blue met violet; no words were spoken, as their gaze spoke volumes.

The ringing of the phone was what finally broke the optic trance both men held on each other. “Don’t get it, let the machine answer it.” Touma said, trying to hold on to the blond swordsman tightly.

“Touma, I have to, I’m a Doctor, and it could be an emergency.” Seiji replied, not wanting to break the embrace either, but break it he did. Reaching out he grabbed the phone before the machine could turn on.

“Moshi Moshi, Date/Hashiba residence?” He said into the receiver. Touma stood behind Seiji and began to lightly run his hands up and down Seiji’s chest.

“Yes...? When...? How long before they arrive...? I see... Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can... As soon as he arrives and is stable, get him prepped.” With that Seiji ended his conversation and groaned as he hung up the phone. Touma was still caressing him, awaking an urge deep within his body.

“Ya, have to go dontcha?” Touma asked, seeing the disappointed look on Seiji’s face.

“Fraid so. A six-year old boy is being flown in; his arm was badly mangled in a car accident. I’m the only one right now with this knowledge on advanced microsurgery.” Seiji sighed.

“I understand, don’t worry.” Touma smiled, hoping to cheer Seiji up.

“Thanks, but this ruins your birthday, I was going to take you to that club you love so much, and then for a late snack meal at that Morimoto‘s. I figured we‘d wind up back here and have our own fun then.” Seiji looked to the floor.

// Touma had such a crappy childhood, filled with loneliness and parents too busy to spend any quality time with their son. Touma couldn’t ever remember having a birthday party till that first one Nasuti and Shin threw for him years ago, the only other one was when he was five and that one was the only happy one of his childhood.

Seiji could still see the look on Touma’s face and the tears that slid down his cheeks. It had touched his heart in such a way that he had made a promise right then and there to make every one of Touma’s birthdays, something the archer would remember for a lifetime.//

“Seiji, it’s okay, you have all ready made my day special by asking me to marry you. I couldn’t be any happier then I am right now.” Touma placed two fingers under Seiji’s chin drawing his face upward to meet his gaze. “I love you so very much Seiji. Mere words could never fully express the feelings I have in my heart for you.” Touma leaned in and kissed him tenderly.

“Still...” Seiji was cut off by another kiss.

“Hush!” Touma commanded. “There’s a little boy that needs your expertise right now. Go help him, love.”

“I could be gone most of the night, you know.” Seiji said, his heart aching for the man who always seemed to give his love to him unconditionally.

“I’ll be here when you get home; I’m not going anywhere.” Touma replied and kissed him again.

“Thanks and be forewarned I plan to make all of this up to you.” Seiji said devilishly.

“Okay, I’m warned.” Touma laughed. “Now scoot and get to the hospital.” Touma turned Seiji and marched him to the door, giving him a quick deep kiss then smacking his ass as Seiji walked out the door.

“You’re going to get it for that!” Seiji replied as he headed for his car.

“Yeah, yeah, promises, promises.” Touma laughed then stood in the doorway as he watched Seiji pull out and drive away.



Seiji quietly crept into the bedroom, exhausted beyond belief. His body barely carried him to the bedroom he shared with Touma, who was now sound asleep. The operation to repair the little boys arm had taken over 12 hours, now all anyone could do was to wait and see.

Seiji slipped out of his clothes and pulled on a pair of green silk pajama bottoms and slid silently into bed next to the warmth of his lover.

“How’d it go?” Touma asked sleepily, causing Seiji to jump slightly.

“Hey, I’m sorry if I woke you.” Seiji replied, allowing Touma to pull him into his body for a hug. “Well, the operation lasted quite long, and we hope it was successful, we’ll just have to wait and see.” He added. Seiji could feel Touma’s face nuzzle into the back of his head; his arms held him tightly.

“I told you I’d be here when you got back and I meant it.” Touma said, taking in Seiji’s scent which was always so refreshing and he loved the feel of Seiji’s soft hair as it rested against his face and tickled him slightly. “Hey you don’t smell like the hospital this time.” He chuckled and kissed the back of his head.

“I showered before coming home. I was way too sweaty and bloody. Not exactly someone wants to see on a person.” Seiji replied then turned to face his lover. His right arm and Touma’s left were stretched upwards over their heads with their hands joined, their other arms were on each other’s hips. “You didn’t stay awake all this time, did you?”

“Naaa, I fell asleep earlier, but this bed has been feeling too empty lately, and I missed you. I must have heard your car in the driveway or somethin’.” Touma could hear the fatigue in Seiji’s voice. “You need to get some sleep mister.” He kissed Seiji’s forehead.

“I am so tired Touma, what with the jet lag and the operation....” His voice trailed off as he felt Touma’s fingers make small circles up his side and down over his back. Touma quietly hummed a lullaby to help relax his love.

“Sleep now, we’ll talk in the morning.” Touma said and resumed his soft humming. Seiji leaned over and brushed his lips against Touma’s.

“Thanks, you always seem to know what I need.” He said, shifting in the bed so his back was to Touma which allowed Touma to hold him close against his own body. He closed his eyes as Touma’s humming filled his mind helping him to drift off to the land of dreams.

Touma listened as Seiji’s breathing took on a different tempo, signaling that sleep had finally come and caressed him. “Good night Seiji, I love you.” Touma gave Seiji a light kiss then closed his eyes as sleep once again claimed him for her prize.


Seiji stirred slightly, opening his eyes he allowed them to adjust to the sunlight that streamed through the windows, as he scanned the room. Smiling to himself he remembered the sound of Touma’s voice softly humming a soothing lullaby to him.

Seiji stretched then sat up, looking at the clock he gasped. 10:00 all ready! I never sleep this late! Then again getting in at five in the morning coupled with the jet lag.... He sat there drawing his knees to his chest. It sure felt good though; maybe Touma has the right idea after all. He still felt tired but that would have to wait now.

He thought back to the previous day and the wonderful look on Touma’s face when he had asked the archer to marry him. He was glad that he had taken Shin and his wife, Lorelei’s, advice.

// Seiji had run into them in the states two months after being there himself. They had been there to visit some friends of Lorelei’s. The three had made arrangements to get together for dinner and it was during that dinner that Lorelei asked when her and Shin were going to see Touma and he married. Lorelei thought it was the perfect thing for them to do and Seiji had to agree.//

Sure it wasn’t a legal thing, society was still behind in the times, but it would symbolize the commitment he and Touma had for one another. I have got to call those two and thank them. He said then turned his head when he heard the bedroom door open.

“You’re awake.” Touma said carrying a tray and setting it down on the bed. “I fixed you something to eat. I can’t have you getting sick on me you know. Especially with our ceremony in only 3 weeks.” Touma leaned over to kiss Seiji’s tender lips.

Seiji kissed him back then smiled. “Thanks, it smells great.” He said and felt his stomach growl. “I’m starving.”

Touma set the tray across Seiji’s lap, then kissed the top of his head. “I figured you would be. I’ve got a few things to do on the computer, so take your time, enjoy, and I’ll see you in a little while.” He said and tapped the end of Seiji’s nose.

“Careful you could end up spoiling me.” Seiji laughed.

“That’s the whole idea Seiji.” Giving him a wink as he slipped out of the room.

Touma went into the room that served as his home office and set about completing his tasks. So engrossed in his work had he become that he didn’t hear Seiji walk into the room. It wasn’t until Seiji slipped his arms over Touma’s shoulders and rested his chin on top of his blue hair, did Touma become aware of his presence.

“Seiji! You’re making a habit out of scaring the shit out of me.” Touma said as he spun his chair around and pulled the swordsman into his lap.

“Sorry about that. I swear it wasn’t intentional.” Seiji commented. His arms held fast around Touma’s neck, as his hands played with the hair on the back of Touma’s head.

“That’s okay.” Touma reached out to hit the save button, once it was done he shut done his program and then turned his attention to his lover who was nuzzling his face in his hair.

“Hmmm, I love how soft your hair feels. Smells good too.” Seiji purred.

“Speaking of smelling good my freshly showered Adonis.” Touma kissed Seiji’s neck, lightly sucking it and enjoying the purring sounds Seiji was making. “I see you like that.” He said then did it again.

“Oh Touma, I can’t. I actually came in here to tell you that I needed to go into the hospital for a while. I want to check on that boy plus I have a few other patients to see.”

“I figured as much. It’s okay though, I have to finish this report and work out the kinks in a program I‘m writing.” Touma’s eyes sparkled as he looked into Seiji’s face.

“I’m not on call tonight, so I’ll make it up to you then.” Seiji brushed his lips over Touma’s. “We can go and pick out rings and maybe have that dinner we missed last night. I doubt we’ll get into Morimoto’s though.”

“You know I’m going to hold ya to that. Don’t ya? Touma answered back with his own lips. “Anywhere we go Seiji is fine by me, just as long as I’m with you.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Seiji kissed Touma a little harder this time.

“I like this when we just hang out and make out.” Touma laughed then slid his hand between Seiji’s legs to massage his inner thigh.

Seiji’s hungry mouth claimed his in a heated embrace. Long slender fingers curled into blue hair, as Seiji felt Touma’s hand make it’s way up the length of his thigh. “Touma!” Seiji jumped as he felt the heat of Touma’s hand reach his sex, which was slowly hardening. “I really have to go. I... uh... I need to...” Seiji didn’t finish instead he covered Touma’s mouth with his own, kissing him passionately and licking Touma’s bottom lip to signal he wanted in.

Seiji all of a sudden needed to taste Touma, to feel the heat his mouth gave off. He squirmed as Touma kneaded his now swollen sex through the material of his slacks. “Feels good...so good.” He spoke into Touma’s mouth. All of a sudden he felt himself being lifted then deposited on his feet.

“Well, you’d better get to the hospital. Don’t want you to be late now.” Touma smirked at him and arched an eyebrow.

“Oh no you don’t!” Seiji said and quickly tackled his blue haired lover to the floor. “I’m horny as shit, and if I don’t take care of this hard on now, I will surely go crazy.” His mouth pressed against Touma’s in a flash squelching any protests he may have gotten.

Clothes were quickly shed as hands, lips and tongues snaked and slithered over exposed flesh. The sounds of moans and a deep need for fulfillment filled the room as Seiji entered Touma who was on his hands and knees.

“Do it hard and fast.” Touma pleaded as he looked over his shoulder to see the smile broaden on Seiji’s face.

“I aim to please, and if it’s fast and hard you want, then that’s what you’ll get.” Seiji replied as began thrusting into Touma. Holding onto Touma’s hips with one hand his other hand reached under Touma to pump his sex in time with his thrusts. Seiji loved the way Touma could control his inner muscles and make then constrict around his length. “God Touma that’s so tight... feels blissful.”

Both men began a to moan softly and the volume rose as they got closer to release when finally they both cried out in unison. Seiji felt his seed shoot out and into the depths of Touma’s body while at the same time feeling the heat of Touma’s own release spray out and over his hand, hitting Touma’s stomach and dripping to the carpet.

“Oops, guess we should have put something down on the floor.” Touma said breathlessly, his body still being rocked by spasms. “I’ll clean it up as soon as I can move. You okay back there?” Touma collapsed onto the floor, not caring about the mess at the moment. Seiji collapsed at his side, his breathing still coming in rapid spurts.

“Uh Touma? How did we get from ‘I need to leave’ to a mind shattering quickie?” Seiji asked, raising up on an elbow to look at Touma, who rolled onto his back, while his fingers traced imaginary patters across his chest.

“I don’t know, but it sure was fun.” Touma laughed then stopped to stare into the violet eyes of his lover who was watching him and smiling. “What? Do I have something stuck in my teeth?”

“Not at all.” Seiji kissed him softly. “I just find that laugh of yours so intoxicating, which’s all.” He chuckled as he watched Touma’s cheeks turn a light pink. “I especially love that innocent way you blush; it’s so endearing.”

“Aww jeez! I’m so embarrassed!” Touma said, then covered his cheeks with his hands. Seiji laughed at Touma’s comical look.

With his attention diverted, it gave Touma the chance he needed to pounce on top of the blond. “Now, if you don’t get dressed and get out of here, I’m going to ravish this gorgeous body of yours again.”

“Oh dear!” Violet eyes flew open in mock horror, then Seiji started to laugh. “I’m already spent, so please kind sir, have pity on me.” He laughed harder. Touma’s stamina for sex was truly amazing and was equally matched by his own.

“I warned you, and I refuse to pity you.” Touma gave Seiji an evil grin then proceeded to tickle him. “Take this... and take that.” He laughed.

“Touma!! Stop!” Seiji was laughing and trying to squirm out from under Touma. “No please, not my thighs, anything but that!” Seiji lost all control as Touma reached back to tickle the sensitive spot on his inner thighs.

Touma laughed hard knowing he had Seiji now. The swordsman’s inner thighs were quite ticklish and extremely sensitive and Touma took advantage of it. “Say UNCLE and I’ll stop.” Knowing it would be hard for Seiji to say anything since he was laughing so hard.

“Un.... STO... UNC.... TOU....” Seiji cried out. He really couldn‘t string a whole word together. Using all the strength he could muster, Seiji lifted up off the floor into a back bend with Touma still on his chest and one heck of a priceless look on his face. He then used his legs to buck Touma up and over his head to land with a thud right above him.

“HEY!” Touma shouted. “No fair you cheated!” He pouted as he stood up, rubbing his butt.

“I sir, don’t cheat! I merely saw a way out and took it.” Seiji replied matter-of-factly. “Are you okay though? You landed pretty hard.” He asked. Walking over to make sure that Touma was all right.

“I hurt my ass, thank you!” Touma then quirked an eyebrow and grinned. “Care to kiss it and make it all better” He looked at Seiji with puppy dog eyes.

“Why You!” Seiji growled. Touma forgot about his clothes and quickly ran out the door and down the hall to their bedroom with Seiji hot on his heels. Just as Touma made it into the room, Seiji came flying in and straight at him as he tackled the archer, sending both men sprawling onto the bed. Touma was now face down on the bed with Seiji straddling his back.

“Now let’s see how you like it!” Seiji laughed and began tickling Touma, who just so happen to be overly ticklish.

“Seiji! No!” Touma started squirming and laughing. “Oh gods Seiji please stop I have to pee!”

“Say the magic words first.” Seiji bent down and whispered in his ear.

“Oh shit Seiji I really need to go!” Touma said again.

“WRONG! Those, my dear love, were not the right words.” Seiji laughed.

“Pretty please?” Touma pleaded as Seiji’s tickling stopped and turned to gentle strokes. God that man could perform miracles with his hands. “Seiji, I love you and....” Touma stopped when he felt Seiji roll off of him and over to his side.

“‘I love you’ those were the words.” He smiled then reached out to caress a redden face. “You’d best get to the bathroom; we don’t want any accidents in this bed!” He joked then kissed him.

“Got it!” Touma quickly planted a kiss back on Seiji’s lips then ran off to relieve himself. By the time he got back out Seiji was not in the room.

Walking out into the hall he headed back towards his office as Seiji came out of the other bathroom. He was all ready cleaned up and dressed.

“I really need to get going.” Seiji smiled at the still nude Touma. “And you need to get some clothes on.” He pulled the archer to him, wrapping his arms around his lover’s waist.

“I though that maybe you’d like me to stay this way.” Touma smiled then drew Seiji’s head down for a slow kiss. Breaking to breathe Touma laid his head on Seiji’s shoulders. “Seiji? Thanks!”

“What for?” Seiji asked, stroking the blue hair he adored.

“For allowing me to see a part of you that no one else gets to see. I doubt you even let your family see this crazy, laugh your head off, and be a kid, side of you.” Touma looked into his eyes and smiled.

“I feel so comfortable with you Touma, it’s only natural that I’d let myself loose, plus you seem to bring that side out of me. Your wild and wacky, kid at heart, personality is rubbing off on me.” He said and then claimed the sweet mouth he longed for every minute of every day.

“I love you Seiji.” Touma said as the kiss broke.

“I love you too.” Seiji replied. “Now, I’d better get going.” He said. “Call me at the hospital later, if you want to.” He kissed the archer one last time and headed down the stairs.

“See you later koibito!” Touma shouted down to him.

“Gotcha!” Seiji shouted back.


“Hello Doctor Seiji Date speaking.” Seiji sat back in the leather chair in his office.

(Hi there good looking!) It was Touma, and it was just whom Seiji needed to hear from. It had been a long afternoon all ready. He could feel the headache that was plaguing him most of the afternoon, getting worse and winced from the pain.

“Touma! What’s up?” Seiji asked, wishing like hell that he were at home rather then there at the hospital.

(How bad is the headache?) Touma’s statement took Seiji by surprise, leaving him speechless. (Seiji? You still there?)

“How...?” Seiji felt a smile creep across his face despite the pain. “You know me too well my koi.”

(Why don’t you come home and I’ll give you a rub down?) Touma pleaded.

“I’d love to, but I still have some patient charts to go over and the good old paper work to fill out.” Seiji rubbed a temple with his free hand. “Plus we have a problem here.”

(What’s that?) Touma asked.

“Remember that little boy from last night?” Seiji started.


“His father, the baka, is trying to take the kid home!!” Seiji had anger in his voice now. He reached out to fix the photos sitting on his desk just to keep his fist from balling.

(Is he crazy, the kid just got out of surgery, where’s the guy’s friggin’ brains!) Touma commented

“I don’t know, anyway we have child services coming in, so I need to speak to them. I’m sorry, but I may be home later then expected.” Seiji really was sorry; he and Touma had spent so little time together since his return from the states.

(Hey, don’t worry about me, you take care of this first, okay?)

“Thank you Touma. I guess I have a lot of making up to do for you.” He said, his headache was pounding so hard he could feel the blood flowing through the veins in his temples.

(Naaa, but I wouldn’t mind a marathon sex session one of these nights.) Touma laughed.

“You’re on!” Seiji laughed as well. Touma had quite a libido, but then again, so did he. A knock at his door caused Seiji to jump slightly. “I have to go, I told all parties in this thing to meet at my office, and I think they’re here.”

(Okay. I love you Seiji, and please take something for that headache.) Touma told him.

“I will, and I love you too.” Seiji sighed as hung up the phone. He really didn’t want to be there, he wanted to be at home, resting, enjoying the company of his best friend and lover.

Crossing the office to the door, Seiji welcomed the arrivals, then excused himself to go get something for his headache.


Once again, Seiji found himself quietly slipping into his bedroom and once again he found that Touma was awake and ready to soothe the day’s stress from his weary body.

“Come here and I’ll hold ya.” Touma smiled as Seiji undressed and put on sweat pants.

“I’m so sorry about tonight, I know I promised I’d be home early and we’d have a special evening, but....” Seiji’s words were cut off by the gentle lips Touma offered to him. Seiji accepted them with a needful hunger, hoping the kiss would melt away all the thoughts racing in his head.

Breaking the kiss, Touma looked into Seiji’s eyes, the dark circles told him all he needed to know. “You need to slow down; this isn’t good to keep up this pace.” He stroked his cheek as he spoke.

“I know. I wish I could, it’s just that I have so much to do.” Seiji turned his head slightly to kiss the palm that lay on his cheek. His voice was hoarse from fatigue. “I need to keep up or it’ll get out of hand.”

“That’s fine, but you also need to take care of yourself. Seiji, I don’t want to see you collapse from exhaustion.” Touma’s voice cracked slightly. He loved this man and to see him so tired, as he was now, was very hard on him.

“I’m sorry, I know this is upsetting you. I’ll try my best to slow down. I promise.” Seiji leaned into him and brushed his lips over Touma’s. Hearing him sigh, Seiji did it again. “Make love to me Touma. Please?” Seiji’s eyes took on a softness that Touma only saw during Seiji’s most vulnerable times.

“You sure?” Touma asked, his hand was already caressing the smooth skin of Seiji’s chest.

“Yes, I want you to take me. I need you to love me.” Seiji gasped as Touma’s mouth covered a nipple to harden it. “I want you so much Touma.” His eyes fluttered shut as Touma began to work his magic over him.

“Seiji, I all ready do love you with my heart and soul, you know that.” Touma replied and then kissed him hard. Touma planted gentle kisses down Seiji’s body stopping to strip him of his sweat pants and then taking him in his mouth. “You taste so good Seiji.” Touma smiled as he lapped up the pool of pre-cum his lover was offering to him.

Touma worked him with his mouth and eventually oiled up fingers began pumping in and out of Seiji’s heated body. He quickened the pace little by little until Seiji finally screamed out from his orgasm. Touma took his time licking him clean before scooting up to lay claim to sweet and tender lips.

Touma oiled up his own sex and entered Seiji’s body. Slowly and deliberately he thrust into him watching for signs that Seiji was reawakening with desire.

“Touma, that feels so good, God how I love this sensation.” Seiji cried, his eyes were open to look at his lover though they were glazed over with passion. Touma saw Seiji was beginning to hardened again and reached out to pump him in time with his own thrusts. Touma adjusted his angle so that he was now hitting Seiji’s pleasure spot dead on, sending Seiji into a frenzy.

“Enjoy my love, this is all for you.” Touma said and pumped his hand and body faster. Touma sensed Seiji nearing release and quickened his thrusts. Both men cried out as their lips locked and their orgasms rocked their bodies.

Once they had settled, Touma went to get a wash basin and rag in order to clean Seiji up, by the time he finished, put the stuff away and slipped back in bed, Seiji was fast asleep.

“Sleep tight Seiji. I loved you then, I love you now, and I’ll love you always.” Drawing Seiji’s body into his, Touma settled down to sleep.


Seiji read the morning paper as he sipped his tea; feeling slightly more refreshed then he had last night. Somehow he and Touma’s lovemaking always made him feel better.

He glanced at his watch and sighed. He really didn’t want to go into the hospital; he was getting a bad feeling about today. You’re just tired yet, that’s all. He told himself. Taking a slip of paper from his shirt pocket, he read it twice then put it back.

Finishing his tea and breakfast, Seiji made his way upstairs to see Touma before leaving. Creeping into the room, he silently walked over to the bed, Touma was still sound asleep. Seiji knelt down at the side of the bed, brushing blue hair out of his lover’s face; he leaned in to plant a kiss on his lips.

“Ya gotta leave huh?” Touma said sleepily, his eyes remaining shut.

“Yeah, I need to get caught up on all this paper work that piled up while I was away.” Seiji sighed heavily.

Touma’s eyes flew open, he sensed something unusual in the sigh that sent shivers throughout his body making him shudder. “Seiji, what’s wrong?” He asked trying not to sound too worried.

“Oh nothing really. I guess I’m just tired.” Seiji replied as he rested his chin on his folded arms. He didn’t want to worry Touma since he had been too happy lately and why should both of them by down.

“No, I can sense you’re worried about something, now what is it.” Touma was sitting up now. He grabbed Seiji by the arm pulling him onto the bed. “I’m not letting you go until you tell me.”

“I’m fine.” Seiji kissed his nose. He knew he was going to have to say something to satisfy Touma’s curiosity. Sighing again, he looked at his hands. “Remember I told you I had a meeting with Child Services, and the father of that little boy?”

“Yeah, the one who wanted to take his kid home even though you had just repaired the kid’s arm only hours before.” Touma felt a pang of fear grip him. “Seiji what happened?”

“Well when I left the hospital this was on my car.” Seiji pulled a piece of paper out of his shirt pocket. “Now don’t freak, I’m going to show it to security this morning.” He assured him.

Touma stared down at the piece of paper; his stomach seemed to knot up. ~WATCH YOUR BACK, FAG! THIS ISN’T OVER! ~ Touma looked up at Seiji, the shocked still registering on his face.

“Seiji, why didn’t you show me this last night! This is serious stuff.” Touma’s voice was demanding an answer. “He calls you a fag, how does he know?” Touma’s head was spinning.

“I didn’t want to worry you, besides I don’t think anything will come of it. I do think it was the boy’s father, but he was quite angry at the time.” Seiji was trying to calm Touma down. “I think he saw the photo of you and I from Shin and Lorelei’s wedding. It’s okay, really.” Seiji leaned into kiss Touma but Touma wasn’t buying any of it.

“Seiji, a kiss is not going to make this go away.” Touma felt the heat rise in his cheeks. His heart was pounding from fear. “I’m driving you to work.” He stated and got out of bed to grab some clothes. Seiji grabbed him and pulled him back down onto the bed.

“Touma, I have a lunch meeting with another doctor, you can’t chauffer me around. I’ll be fine!” Seiji stared at him, his eyes glaring. Touma sighed, hating himself for giving in so easily.

“Okay, you win, but you are to call me if anything else happens. If worse comes to worse, use the mind link, take your orb, anything! Just be careful!” Touma felt tears swell in his eyes. He grasped Seiji’s face between his hands. “I love you, you fool!”

“I love you too.” Seiji said and then felt Touma’s lips touch his. Touma kissed Seiji gently, and when the other’s lips parted he slipped his tongue in to taste what was always a sweet welcome to his senses.

Seiji pulled Touma closer wanting the warmth of his lover’s body as close to him as he could get it. Touma was moaning into his mouth and normally that would make him horny but he had too much on his mind right now. He just hoped that Touma didn’t notice or else it would have the archer worrying even more.

He was worried about the note, especially since this guy had obviously taken the time to search the parking garage for his car. All surgeons had a parking spot with their names on them. Seiji made a mental note to not park in his spot today.

“Seiji, please be careful and make sure they know about this note.” Touma spoke, as the kiss was broken.

“I will.” He smiled then kissed him one more time before getting off the bed. “I’ll see you this evening.” Seiji added then gracefully walked out of the room.

Touma listened to the footsteps as they made their way down the stairs, and then listened as he heard Seiji’s car start and pull off. He felt another shiver hit him and pulled the covers over himself. He couldn’t shake the awful feeling creeping over him, like his happiness was about to be shattered. Oh God please let Seiji come home safely to me.


Seiji began the drive to the hospital, angry that now Touma was worried about him. Nice going you baka, you’ve spent more time at the hospital then with the man who makes you happy. You rush off to the hospital on your lover’s birthday, and now you have scared the daylights out of him. He slammed his hand on the steering wheel.

Well, I’ll get as much done as I can and then head home early. Maybe I should stop at that pastry shop Touma loves so much and pick up some of Touma’s favorites. Yeah, that should cheer him up. Seiji smiled as he neared the hospital, but soon an eerie sensation washed over him, something was wrong.

Try as he might he couldn’t push the thought from his mind... He couldn’t stop the slight shaking of his hands or help but wonder if coming into the hospital today was a mistake. Okay, Seiji, knock it off, you fought a dynasty for crying out loud, a note written in anger shouldn’t bother you like this.

Seiji found himself almost wanting to turn around and go back home to the safety of his lover’s arms, the feeling of dread was that strong, but he didn’t, he pressed on. A few minutes later and Seiji was making his way towards the parking garage, he managed to banish the foolishness and now was whistling along with the car radio. Seiji was not about to allow this darkness to control him, he couldn’t, he would stay in control just as he always did for that was how he had lived most of his life.

The hairs on the back of his neck still stood up and his heart was pounding, but he refused to heed their warnings of danger... No he was Seiji Date, running scared was not an option.

THE END of Chapter 1



Well? What did you think? Please remember to read and review. I really would love to hear your thoughts on this, they are much appreciated. Chapter 2 will be up soon and chapters 3 as well as 4 within a day or so. For those who have read this before... I have done minor revisions; nothing splashy just little additions here and there. Please be nice and leave a review...

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