Pretty Woman; Chapter One

By Wildefyre & Hiruma

Done as an Email RPG



This was written in answer to the challenge put forth by Djinn and hence it’s dedicated to Djinn.

We do not own the troopers or anything affiliated with them so please don’t sue us... We’re broke!




BOLD TEXT- was written by Hiruma

Regular Text - was written by Wildefyre



The Departure


“So what do you intend to do about it?” Ryo sat at the dinning room table staring at his friend and brother in arms.

“I have to honor this Ryo; I have no other choice.” Seiji Date answered as he once again read the letter he had just received.

“Simple as that huh? What about Touma? Have you thought about his reaction to all this?” Ryo’s voice got louder as he pounded his fist on the table.

“Ryo we’ve been through this before, Touma knows all too well that my duties to my family have to come first, he’s accepted that. Why can’t you?” Seiji wasn’t in any mood to get into a debate with their illustrious leader but here he was, doing just that.

“Why? I’ll tell you why Seiji! You weren’t here the first time he went through this; you skipped out without even saying goodbye. How do you think he felt? Then you call a week later and tell us the news.” Ryo now was in Seiji’s face; his anger growing with each word that left his lips.

“I’m sorry about that and I more then made it up to him. It wasn’t the right thing to do, I know that now and Touma knows how badly I still feel about that!” Seiji pushed the hair from his other eye.

“Oh and that makes everything okay now... Huh? Come off it Seiji! You know damn well that this news is going to hurt him. He loves you!” Ryo sat back down. You get the one I love and look what you do to him... I would never hurt him like that. Ryo thought to himself.

“I never said it wouldn’t hurt Ryo! Touma is mature enough to understand! He’ll....”

“I’ll what?” Seiji and Ryo swung around to see a bleary eyed Touma standing in the doorway.

“T... Touma how long have you been standing there?” Seiji asked as he got up and walked over to his lover.

“Obviously not long enough!” Touma looked into Seiji’s eyes. “So is anyone going to tell me what I’m mature enough to understand or do I have to guess?” He quirked an eyebrow at both men.

“Go ahead Seiji, this is your problem, tell him. No time like the present.” Ryo smirked knowing full well that the swordsman wanted to tell Touma in his own way, at his own pace.

“Seiji?” Touma looked at him with worry. “What is Ryo talking about?” He didn’t like the feel of this not in the slightest.

Sighing loudly, Seiji grabbed the letter and handed it to Touma. “You may as well see this now. I was going to come and show it to you in private, so we COULD TALK (looking at Ryo) but someone decided to ruin that.” Seiji glared at Ryo as he sat there.

Touma read through the letter feeling his heart shattering as he did so. Putting on a brave front he looked at Seiji. “So when are you going to leave to go back home?” He asked trying to keep the tears from forming.

“I figured I’d return next week. I need time to tie up loose ends and such.” Seiji sensed the sadness emanating from Touma and reached out to stroke his cheek. “I’m sorry Touma... I truly am.” He said softly.

“Hey don’t worry, we all knew this was going to happen sooner or later.” He tried to smile when on the inside he felt like he was dying. So is that what I am to you Seiji? A loose end? I thought I meant more then that. “It’s cool Seiji. Hey I just hope she’s not like the last one. The bitch from hell!” He chuckled when he saw Seiji wince.

“Oh god I remember that one... Man oh man she was worse then a bitch.” Ryo couldn’t help but laugh at the memory.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

Seiji’s family had chosen a bride for him, Bekiyo was her name. Apparently her parents whipped a name out of thin air just for the sake of naming the screaming kid. When Seiji first met her she was as nice as nice could be but as the wedding drew closer, her true side came out and boy was it evil!

She demanded he cut off all ties to his friends and when she found out about Touma, she scratched him from the guest list and finally the other guys as well. She even took his armor orb and threw it into the woods telling him that someday he would be a father and she wasn’t about to lose him in a battle to raise the little brats alone.

Of course none of this sat well with any of the guys, especially with Touma. He was not about to cut off his friendship with Seiji even if he did have to let him go as a lover and so he found ways of getting messages to Seiji. Usually that meant going through Seiji’s younger sister, Satsuki.

One day Bekiyo found out about this and Seiji came home to catch Bekiyo slapping Satsuki. That did it! The wedding was called off and Bekiyo was banished from the Date household, leaving Seiji free to return to his true love, Touma.

~~~ End Flashback ~~~


Seiji turned to Touma; his violet eyes looked at his lover sadly. “We should talk about this koibito.”

“What’s to talk about? You family has chosen a new bride for you and you have to honor your duty as a Date heir. End of story. It was bound to happen sooner or later, we both knew that.” Touma grabbed his jacket. “If you don’t mind I need to get out for awhile.” He said softly.

“You haven’t eaten yet.” Ryo said as he looked at him and saw the hurt in his friend’s face. Damn you Seiji, just look at him, his heart is breaking already. How could you do this to him?

“S’kay, I’m not hungry right now anyway.” Touma hung his head and went for the door. “I’ll be back later.”

“Wait Touma-san. I’ll go with you; it’ll give us a chance to talk.” Seiji said as he reached for his jacket.

“Seiji, no offense or anything... But I need to be alone right now. We’ll talk when I get back.” His voice cracked and he knew he had to get out of there fast. “Excuse me.” He said and rushed out the door. Running as fast as he could he headed for the forest and for his and Seiji’s secret spot, a large out cropping of rocks that was high up in the hills.

From those rocks you felt as though you could touch the sky and Touma wished like hell that it were nighttime so he could see his stars.

Tears flowed down over his cheeks as he ran and then he pulled out his armor orb to call upon his sub armor. Touma watched as the familiar blue bubble encased him and carried him high into the sky where he floated until he found the spot. Once back on the ground, Touma collapsed to his knees and cried.


“So you’re not even going to go after him are you?” Ryo said as he got up from his seat.

“You heard him Ryo, he wanted to go alone and I have to honor his wishes.” Seiji commented as he headed for the stairs.

“You and your frigging honor! Shove that honor up your ass Seiji!” Ryo hissed through clenched teeth as he grabbed his jacket from the hook. “I know Touma and that spiel about being alone was a cover-up. You’re an asshole at times Seiji, you know that? If you don’t believe that Touma is hurting right now, then you are delusional. Well I’m not going to honor shit... I’m going to find him.” Ryo quickly ran out the door before Seiji could protest.

“Suit yourself Ryo... I have plans to make.” Seiji spoke to the empty house as he ascended the stairs. Once inside the safety of the room he and his lover shared, Seiji was able to let the wall down. Crumbling onto the bed, his tears slid from unchecked eyes. He knew Touma was hurting. He knew the archer was in as much pain as he was right now.

Ryo just couldn‘t see that Touma and he had this thing about being alone during times like these. Seiji had every intention of going to find the archer as soon as a proper amount of time had passed. “Touma I am so sorry, I really am. If I could get out of this, you know I would.” Seiji curled into a tight ball as he tore the letter he still held in his hands, to shreds and allowed it to fall to the floor.


Even before Shin opened the front door, he knew something was wrong. He could feel it in his heart and the silence in the mansion was a dead give away. He knew that Seiji, Touma and Ryo had to be home, their vehicles were still parked in the garage or outside along the side of the house.

If it were just Touma and Seiji home, then he wouldn’t be worried by the silence, except if it were also silent in their bedroom. But if both Ryo and Touma were home, then there was bound to be noise yet not even the TV was turned on.

Going upstairs, Shin looked around, none of the lights were turned on. Ah, alas he found signs of life; a thin strip of light was coming out from the bottom of the door leading into Seiji and Touma’s room.

Knocking quietly, for one would not dare to barge into Seiji and Touma’s room, you can never tell what they’re doing in there, Shin waited for a response. He got none. Preparing himself for one hell of a surprise and a tongue lashing for coming in if the couple was in there doing ‘stuff’, he opened up the door.

Peeking inside, he saw that Seiji was asleep, curled up in a ball on the bed and on the floor were the pieces of a letter. Whatever was going on around here had something to do with that letter, Shin determined. Though he longed to go over and try to see what the letter had been about or whom it was from, he knew it would be better if he just waited to be told.

Going back down the stairs, Shin almost ran into Shu, who was about to say something. Raising his hand, Shin cut him off. "No, we’ll just have to wait and see what the hell is going on around here."

Sighing to himself, Shu asked, "Why am I always one of the last people to find out?"

Grinning, Shin replied, "It’s the law of nature."


The calming darkness of night had swept over Ryo as he continued to search for Touma; the only light to guide him was the full moon above and the sea of twinkling stars. He could no longer see the lights from the house, he was far too deep in the forest and even though at this rate he knew he was going to get lost, he didn’t care.

Despair filled him, knowing that there were hundreds of trees in this area and only one Touma, the archer could be anywhere.

A sick, angry feeling sunk in Ryo, as he thought about how Seiji was dealing with all of this. He couldn’t believe that Seiji could be so cold, especially to someone he supposedly loved. Not only was he furious about that, but what enraged him the most was that Seiji had Touma’s heart and soul and now he was treating it like it was nothing to him. Ryo knew that he would never even think of doing such a thing.

Looking around him, he began to wonder if maybe Touma had hurt himself, on purpose or not. Usually Touma was a rational thinker, though when it came to Seiji, one could never tell. “Damn it Seiji, if Touma’s in pain, even if it was an accident, I’m going to make you hurt twice as much.”

Some shuffling in the brush caught his ear and he turned around to find Touma walking, totally unaware that Ryo was there. His head was bowed, making his hair fall into his face and hiding those bright blue eyes, which were probably either filled with tears or just sadness.

Touma had come down from his and Seiji’s spot earlier. He found himself thinking about the many nights he had spent there with Seiji and right now he didn’t want to remind himself of those times. It was just too painful knowing that now he wouldn’t have anymore of those moments.

He didn’t want to go back to the house that meant he’d have to see Seiji and that’d only meant that the blond would want to sit down and discuss things. He wasn’t stupid, he knew all Seiji was going to say; ‘that it’s his duty’ and it always came first. Duty to his family, the Dojo and then Touma.

Touma was never first when it came to those things.

Misery weighed down in his torn and broken heart, fearing that once Seiji was married, he would be alone. Alone... Something that he became afraid of once he met the guys, something he was terrified of once he and Seiji had become a couple.

Touma just about jumped out of his skin when he felt a warm hand rest on his shoulder. Spinning on his heels, he saw Ryo standing there, a sympathetic look on his face. He didn’t say anything to his friend, he didn’t want to have to say anything, he just hoped that Ryo would get the hint and leave.

"Touma . . . I . . . I guess there really isn’t anything that I can tell you that’ll make this all better, huh?"

"If you thought there was then you’re even denser than I originally thought," was Touma’s cold reply.

Giving Touma a sad grin, Ryo shrugged his shoulders, "I can always hope. Please don’t keep this all inside yourself, Touma, you’re only going to hurt yourself."

It was Touma’s turn to shrug, "What is there to keep inside? Seiji’s getting married, we all know that. Now he’s going to leave me and pretend that I never meant anything to him or maybe he doesn’t even have to pretend."

Touma’s face had that cold, ‘I don’t give a damn’ expression, but his eyes betrayed him, they almost always did. They showed his real emotions and quite frankly, Touma did give a damn and all of this was tearing him apart.

"Don’t give me that!" Ryo snapped. "I know you’re in pain and you don’t have to hide it from me, I’m your best friend." His tone then softened, "I wish you didn’t have to go through this, I wish Seiji wouldn’t put you through this... Again. Touma, please-"

"Why aren’t I worth it?" Touma whispered. "How come I’m not worth the effort? Why won’t he fight his family to be with me? I’d fight for him!" Clenching his fists; tears began to stream down Touma’s face. Sitting down on the cool grass, Touma stared up harshly at the sky. "I don’t mean anything to him, do I?" He asked, not expecting an answer.

Ryo couldn’t stand it a second longer, he knelt down next to Touma and pulled him into his arms, letting the archer cry against him. "You mean everything to Seiji, how can you not?"

"Then why?" Touma sobbed. "He isn’t even trying to get out of it."

"Seiji loves you, he’ll come through in the end, you‘ll see." Ryo tried to reassure him. I hope. Ryo held the crying man till he was finally silent and had fallen asleep, more out of emotional exhaustion than physical. Touma, I’d do anything to bring that smile back to your face and to make you happy again.


Carefully Ryo picked Touma up and held him tightly in his arms as he made his way back towards the house. “You sleep now Touma-san. I’ll keep you safe.” Ryo shyly nuzzled his face into the archer’s blue hair. “So soft Touma, so very soft. I don’t understand how Seiji could even want to give someone so special as you up, but he and I will have another talk, and soon.” He said out loud.

“It’s not fair that Seiji gets all this when he doesn’t even seem to appreciate it. I would though. I would love to have everything your are Touma.” Ryo frowned at the mere thought of the blond but he would do just that, have a talk with him and if he had to... he’d beat some sense into the swordsman.

Reaching the house and not wanting to disturb Touma as he slept, Ryo kicked at the door until Shin answered. “Oh my God Ryo what happened?” Shin exclaimed as Ryo walked in with the sleep Touma still gently cradled in his arms.

“He’s not hurt, if that’s what you’re wondering. Not physically anyway.... I hope you have something in that ‘mother of all’ first aid kits that you keep, for a soon to be broken heart, though.” Ryo commented as he headed for the stairs with Shin following behind.

“What do you mean Ryo? What’s going on? What happened?” Shin questioned him as they reached the top of the stairs and just in time to see Seiji coming out of his room.

“I’ll explain later.” Ryo told Shin and then glared at Seiji who stood there as though he was unsure about what he was seeing.

“What happened Ryo? Did he...? Did he try anything?” Seiji walked towards them looking for any signs of blood or injuries on Touma. Seiji wanted to kick himself for allowing his pride to keep him from going after Touma and now his lover laid limply in Ryo’s arms.

“Personally Seiji, if I were Touma I’d say that you’re not worth killing myself over but I’m not him.” Ryo hissed. “Don’t worry he’s just exhausted from the hours he spent crying out in the woods. This is all because of you and your frigging DUTY!” Ryo hissed and headed for his room.

“Where are you taking him?” Seiji asked. “Bring him to our room.”

“Are you crazy? Like he really needs to be reminded of what’s to come? Give me a break Seiji. I’m putting him in my room and don’t even try and take him out.” Ryo’s anger was building but first he had to lay Touma down. The archer had had enough turmoil for one day; he didn’t need to witness an altercation between his lover and his friend.

Once he had the archer on the bed and tucked in, he whistled for Byakuen. “Byakuen don’t let Seiji so much as touch Touma. You got that boy?” Ryo knelt down and hugged the big tiger, smirking a little at the thought of his tiger chasing Seiji through the house.

“You have no right to do that Ryo!” Seiji glared at him. “He belongs in our room with me!”

“Oh yeah right, that’s a good one Seiji! And you have no right breaking the heart of a man who has loved you and stood by you all this time. You’re a Baka Seiji and you know it.” Ryo pushed him out of the room and closed the door, leaving Byakuen in the room with Touma.

“Don’t you think this is hurting me as well? I hate this more then anyone... But I....” Seiji couldn’t finish since Ryo effectively cut him off.

“But you have a duty to your family to fulfill and you don’t give a damn who gets hurt just so you can honor that. Right?” Ryo was in his face now as his anger boiled up and over.

“Listen Ryo, whether you want to believe it or not, I do care. I hate doing this to Touma but my hands are tied.” Seiji sighed yet his facial expression never changed.

“Oh yeah? Prove it then Seiji! Prove it to Touma that you do care! Prove to him that you do love him!” Ryo got into the blonde’s face. “What’s wrong Seiji? Too scared? Oh I know you’ll pull the same routine you did the last time right? You’ll leave, then send letters and photos of you and your new bride to be, making sure to grind Touma’s heart to bits before rushing back into his arms as though nothing ever happened. Right Seiji?” Ryo glanced at Shin who was still standing there only now his mouth hung open in shock. “How dare you play with his heart like that!”

“Ryo? Seiji? Would one of you kindly fill me in on what is going on here?” Shin requested.

“With pleasure.” Ryo growled at Seiji. “Seiji’s family has once again chosen a bride for Seiji and he’s all set to honor his family’s wishes even though it’ll break Touma’s heart. He couldn’t even break the news to Touma gently. Mr. Blunt and to the Point just hands Touma the letter so he can read it for himself.” Ryo clenched and unclenched his fists as he stood there. How can you live with yourself Seiji? I know I couldn’t.

“If you knew anything about my relationship with Touma... And it’s obvious you don’t! You would know that Touma and I are open with one another and yes that means being blunt.” Seiji took a step forward towards Ryo as a way of challenging him. “Why don’t you stay out of our lives and stop worrying about how we work things out and just worry about your own pathetic life.”

“WHY YOU!” That was it Ryo had all he could take of Seiji’s smugness and charged the blond who just gracefully stepped out of the way allowing Ryo to go crashing into the small table that sat in the hallway.

“You’re blinding yourself with anger. That only causes you to be careless.” Seiji said as he walked over, picked Ryo up by the shirtfront and landed a fist into the warrior of fire’s mid-section. “Like I said Ryo... Mind your own business. Touma and I are quite capable of handling our own lives without your half-witted interference.” Seiji allowed Ryo to finally slide down to the floor and then the swordsman turned on his heels and headed back to his bedroom.


Shin went over to help the bearer of Rekka up, naturally worried, but Ryo just shrugged him off, telling him to leave him alone. Gritting his teeth at the pain from Seiji’s punch, Ryo glared at the retreating blond. "Maybe Touma was right, maybe he doesn’t mean anything to you. Aren’t you even the least bit concerned about what you’re doing to him or what’s going to happen to him once you’re happily married? Why won’t you even try to get out of this? At least then he’d know that he is worth the effort!"

The image of Touma crying in the forest and his sorrow filled words echoed in his mind, he couldn’t stand it when one of his friends were so upset, especially Touma. Gods Tou, I wish I could do more, but I can’t force him to do anything, especially when he’s acting like this.

Seiji ignored Ryo and slammed the door behind him with such force it caused the walls to shake. Leaning against the door, Seiji fought down tears. Why couldn’t Ryo just keep his nose in his own business? He didn’t want to talk about this with Ryo, Shin or Shu, this didn’t concern them, they just didn’t understand.

He did have a duty to his family and he had to honor it. During his whole childhood that was what he had been taught, what he had been groomed for. As the only son of the Date clan, he had a role to play and it didn’t matter if he wanted to do it or not, this was his fate. It was a fate that he had hoped he would never have to fulfill once he met and fell in love with Touma.

Sighing softly, Seiji lightly banged his head on the door behind of him, if only things were different, then he could be with Touma, but they weren’t. Now he would have to get married to the girl his grandfather most likely picked out for him. Why did all of his happiness have to be taken away? Why did his family have to be so damned traditional?

Now he could only hope that the girl was unacceptable again so he didn’t have to get married or that she was actually someone he would grow to love, even if it was only in the slightest bit.

Even if I do fall in love with her one of these days, I know I won’t feel as strongly about her as I do with Touma. My dear Touma, I am so sorry I’m doing this, but I have to and I know that you’ll understand one of these days if you don’t already.

Going over to his closet, he pulled out his suitcase, he had to get packed so he could go home and it also gave him something to do for the time being. He would have to leave soon to meet his bride; he could only wonder what she’d be like, and the letter his family had sent him wasn’t overflowing with details.

She’d probably be from a family similar to his; raised knowing that one-day her parents would choose a husband for her. Proper, traditional, sweet and everything that Seiji had been dreading.

Once he was finished with his packing, he hid the suitcase in his closet. If he and Touma were going to be talking later on in their bedroom, he didn’t want the archer to see that he was ready to go home. Sitting on his bed, Seiji looked out the window, gazing at the stars. He cursed Ryo for having Byakuen keep him from seeing Touma; he wanted to spend all the time he could with his love, even if it was just watching him sleep.

With tears slipping down his cheeks, Seiji buried his face in his arms and his body began to shake a little from his sobs. Not only was he saddened that he was going to be leaving his love, but also that his life was being given away to some girl he has never met. Now he’d have to spend the rest of his days with some woman he couldn’t fully love and care about. "Why can’t this happen to someone else? Why does it have to happen to me?"


"I can’t fucking believe this," Shu muttered once Shin told him what was going on and what happened upstairs between Ryo and Seiji. He stared down at the smooth, white tablecloth on the table they were sitting at in the kitchen; the brightness of the lights above them highlighted the grimness on their faces. "How can he do this? Again?"

Shin scowled at his friend, "We have no right to judge Seiji, and you know how he is when it comes to his family. We have to respect his decision and help Touma through this; he’s going to be hurting even more once the wedding comes around. I know you’re mad at Seiji, I am too, but we have to support him too, Touma isn’t the only one in pain."

"You know that Ryo would probably rip off your head if he heard you say that."

"Ryo’s proving he has much restraint, I’m surprised he didn’t try to rip off Seiji’s head to begin with." Rolling his eyes, Shin added, "but knowing him, it’s not going to be long before he really explodes. What happened upstairs was only the tip of the iceberg."

Shu grinned a little, "Or more like the spark of a forest fire. Do you have any predictions about when that’s going to happen?"

"I say when Seiji tries to leave."

"Nah, it’s got to be the day before the wedding."

"I doubt that."

"You wanna bet?"

"You’re on, Kongo." Blinking, Shin shook his head, "I can’t believe we’re doing this! We’re making a bet in the middle of all of this. I think Ryo would rip off both our heads for this."

"Speaking of Ryo, where is he? I haven’t seen him all day," Shu commented.

"I think he went into his room to check up on Touma. Hopefully his tiger won’t mistake him for Seiji and bite his leg off."


Ryo sat on the edge of the bed watching the archer toss and turn in his sleep. Even in this short a time, Touma had managed to tangle himself up in the sheets and blankets. His slumber wasn’t the least bit restful, he kept muttering and his body twisted in ways Ryo didn’t think were possible.

Pushing back bright blue locks of hair, Ryo pressed a soft kiss on Touma’s brow before whispering a good night and leaving the bedroom. Though he was horribly tempted to slip into the bed with the archer, he knew that the gesture wouldn’t be appreciated, so he opted to sleep in the living room on the sofa.

Just as Ryo’s lips brushed against Touma’s skin, the archer softly murmured, "Seiji..."

If only I were the one in your dreams, Touma.


Touma slowly opened his eyes, he had thought he had heard Seiji’s voice and he was.... ?... !!... CRYING!(?) Quickly Touma got up and then realized he wasn’t in his own room, rather he was in Ryo’s?

Confused he moved towards the door and promptly tripped over something large and hairy. It took him a minute to realize what it was and he scowled at the beast who continued on with its slumber.

“Damn you Byakuen... you over grown house cat!” Touma whispered and stood up. Scratching his head he looked around the room. “Okay if I’m in Ryo’s room... Then... Where the hell is Ryo?”

Touma looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:00am already as he slowly made his way out of the room and down the hall to the room he and Seiji shared. Soon it’ll be just me in that room. That thought caused pained sob to escape his lips.

Even though it hurt him Touma knew deep inside that Seiji really didn’t have a choice. Sure he wanted nothing more then for Seiji to fight for him... to prove that he was worth it... but what good would that do? No Seiji had a responsibility and he had to honor it no matter how much it hurt him.

What if the roles were reversed, what if were I who had to leave? Could I? Would I? Damn this had to be hard on Seiji!

Slipping into the room, the sight before him nearly tore Touma’s heart out. “Oh God Seiji.” He said as he moved closer to the bed. Seiji laid on his side curled into a ball.

One of Touma’s sweatshirts was bunched up in Seiji’s arms and his pillow was pulled as close to his body as Seiji could get it. Sitting down on the bed Touma brushed the blond locks from his love’s face.

“Oh Seiji... We’ll get through this, somehow. I love you too much to give you up that easily.” Touma leaned down and planted a kiss on a pale cheek. “You will always be mine Seiji... Our love... will never die. Even if it can never be joined anymore, our love will remain strong and true.”

“Do you mean that Touma?” A weak and sadden voice asked, causing Touma to jump slightly.

“Hey of course I do. Sorry to have woken you love... Go back to sleep we can talk in the morning.” Touma said and kissed his cheek again.

“Don’t leave me Touma...Stay and let me hold you tonight... Please?” Seiji scooted back on the bed in hopes that Touma would honor his request.

“You got it love. Anything for my Seiji. You know that.” Touma slipped out of his clothes until he was totally naked. He had this sudden urge to banish all barriers between he and Seiji and with a little prodding he stripped Seiji as well. “I don’t want anything between us tonight. I need to feel you and only you next to me Seiji.” He said as he crawled under the covers. Seiji reached out and scooped him into his arms pulling him close to his body.

“I agree Touma... no barriers... just you and I... skin to skin... I want the feel of you to be forever imprinted in my mind... no matter what happens, no wife of mine will ever be or feel this close to me. I will always keep a barrier there between us. She will never be allowed to lie with me without a garment on. I promise you that much.” Seiji said as he kissed the back of Touma’s neck and shoulders.

Seiji’s tears slid silently from his eyes as he held Touma close, breathing in the scent that was so unique to his blue haired archer. “I love you Touma.”

“Good night my koibito... I’m yours forever. I love you too.” Touma whispered and snuggled as close as he could against the warmth of Seiji’s body.


Silently Ryo snuck up the stairs and to his room. He wanted to make sure that Touma was okay and that Seiji had not tried to get to him. Reaching his room he saw that the door was partially opened and his heart just sank.

“If Seiji managed to trick my tiger and get in... I’ll put his head through a wall!” Ryo hissed.

Slowly he opened the door and walked in to see the room empty with the exception of Byakuen who was sleeping on the floor by the bed.

“Some guard tiger you are!” Ryo snorted and walked back out of the room and down the hall. “Well I guess I may as well just check and make sure.” He said and slowly pushed the door open to Seiji and Touma‘s room. The moonlight lit up the two bodies that laid there. Ryo could see that Seiji was holding Touma close to him and that Touma appeared to be sleeping peacefully.

Damn it! Why can’t you see Touma how I would love to hold you like that... I wouldn’t let you go either... I wouldn’t let another person come between us! Tears slid down his cheeks as he slipped silently out of the room. Walking back to his own room he felt like his heart was crumbling. I will get you to see all of that someday Touma... I promise.


Seiji awoke the next morning with Touma’s hand gently grasping his sex, a thumb was rubbing over the tip and Seiji arched forward on impulse. “Touma... I don’t think...” Soft lips silenced him quickly.

“Shhhh. We don’t have much time left and I want to make the most of what we do have. Let’s not waste it arguing or talking about things we can’t change.” Dark blue eyes sparkled as they looked at him. “Besides I want to make sure that you remember these days... and whenever you are with your wife you’ll think... Oh Touma could do this better or Touma really knew what to do with that....” Touma smirked and then leaned in to claim the lips he knew he was going to miss.

“They are all going to accuse me of using you, you do know that don’t you?” Seiji said as he broke the kiss and gasped as Touma pushed his own erection up against his... “Now I know I’m going to miss that... I’m going to miss everything about our lovemaking.” Seiji felt the tears sliding from his eyes and down his face.

“If the guys say anything mean about you well they’ll just have to deal with me.” Touma kissed away Seiji’s tears. “Now unless you have any objections... I plan to make wild and passionate love to you... and I plan to have sex with you as many times as humanly possible between now and the day you leave... Got that lover boy?” Touma nipped at Seiji’s nose and smiled when he heard Seiji chuckle.

“You know that could make both of us very sore for quite some time....” Seiji’s eyes seem to come to life as he looked into the face of true love. “But it would be a wonderful way to remember, that’s for sure.”

“My point exactly... Every time we’d go to sit down, we’ll remember. Now shut up so I can kiss you properly.” Touma laughed as he pushed Seiji onto his back and rolled on top of him.

“Mmmmm Mmmmmm... I am so going to enjoy this.” Touma smiled and pushed his erection against Seiji’s hardness and just as the blond moaned Touma’s lips captured his sweet mouth.

The kiss was hot and passionate, both tongues dueling for control over it, yet Seiji backed down after awhile, allowing Touma to have his way with him. Their hips humped against each other, making both of their sexes throb with unhindered need and lust. Seiji bucked himself with more force, enjoying how it felt every time their lengths rubbed together.

Their kiss only lasted for so long before the archer grew wary of the simple act and descended upon more interesting things. Touma ceased in moving his hips with Seiji's and his lips traveled down the blonde's chest, savoring the taste that Touma knew he'd be the only one to fully appreciate. He took in the intoxicating scent Seiji had, the one that he enjoyed waking up to.

Seiji tossed his head from side to side as Touma's sharp teeth grazed his skin and nicked at his dusty pink nipples, making them hard and taunt. His tongue flicked over them, making another part of Seiji even more hard and taunt than his nipples. Lifting the lower half of his body, the blond silently begged Touma to relieve some of the pressure centered between his long legs, but his love ignored his request, instead, he found entertainment in Seiji's bellybutton.

Whimpering softly, the blond tried to brush his sex against Touma, pleading for the contact he had earlier. The archer was able to avoid the touch as a devilish grin graced his face.

Grasping his waist, Touma held Seiji down on the bed, so he could not move that part of his body anymore. He then nibbled on the inside of Seiji's thigh as if it were a fine delicacy, purposely neglecting Seiji's erection, making the blond squirm with impatience.

What Touma loved most about making love with Seiji was that he saw so many different sides of the beautiful blond. The others saw Seiji as cold, calm and collective, but once Touma got him in bed, he could be just as expressive and warm as anyone else.

The patience the blond had could all be taken away by a few touches and kisses from Touma, it was easy to make him lose his control. And it wasn't only when making love; they had their tender moments when they'd just hold each other in a loving embrace.

"You're brooding again," Seiji said breathlessly. He knew that whatever Touma was thinking about wasn't upsetting him. He didn't have that look on his face but he was still curious as to what was on the archer's mind.

Touma smirked a little and finally spoke. "I want you to scream my name when I take you."

Seiji shivered with anticipation and desire, he wanted Touma inside of him, and he wanted to feel Touma's hardness pressing against his pleasure spot. He just about cried out as cool fingers traced around his opening and right away he shoved his hips forward, trying to impale himself on those fingers.

"Getting anxious my love?" Touma slipped two of his fingers inside of Seiji, spreading them out.

"Touma, stop teasing me!" Seiji whined, an uncommon thing heard from him, though Touma brought out many uncommon things about him.

Touma didn't reply, he just reached over for the lube sitting on the nightstand that they always had on hand. After all, you just never know when you’ll have the urge to make love to the gorgeous body next to you. Withdrawing his fingers, he took the time to spread some of the cold gel onto them and slid them back inside of the blond.

A small gasp escaped Seiji as he felt slicked fingers probe inside of his body, searching for that certain spot that'd send him over the edge. The blond moaned loudly once Touma found exactly what he was looking for; the archer even had the nerve to brush that spot a few times before totally neglecting it.

Growling with frustration, Seiji angled himself so he had Touma's fingers right where he wanted them. Sighing softly, he closed his eyes as his lover decided to stop being so cruel. His eyes opened again, as a hot tongue ran down the side of his length, then silky lips closed over the very tip, sucking madly at it. Seiji's entire back arched off the bed, shoving the rest of his penis into Touma's heated mouth, catching the archer off guard.

Touma nearly choked on Seiji, but managed to keep working on the swollen sex in his mouth, using his tongue to caress it on all sides. With his fingers teasing Seiji's opening and his tongue now stabbing at the slit in Seiji's length, it didn't take very long for the blond to release his seed into Touma's awaiting mouth. The archer swallowed eagerly enjoying the taste of his lover’s essence. Then leisurely cleaned the sated sex off, before finally removing his mouth.

The blond didn't have much time to recover from his orgasm before Touma's erection pressed against him. This simple act only heightened the sensations still cursing through him.

Touma knew that Seiji remained riding that plane of pleasure for several long minutes after he would orgasm and would stay there until he either took Touma or Touma took him and then would completed the cycle of love making.

Right before the swordsman came Touma had lubed up his own sex in anticipation of what was to come next. Smiling now at the serene face before him Touma decided to have a little fun as he rubbed his erection around the puckered entrance of his koibito. He felt Seiji raising his hips trying to impale himself but Touma was having none of it as he kept Seiji from going any further.

“Oh no you don’t sunshine... Not yet anyway.” Touma’s midnight blue eyes sparkled with mischief.

“Touma I need it now!” Seiji panted as he continued to seek out the stiff member of his lover. He needed to feel that fullness, needed to have Touma inside of him bringing him that completeness he so desperately wanted.

“Oh don’t worry love you’ll get it and when you do... You’ll be screaming my name.” Touma kept rubbing the head of his erection around Seiji’s opening, just to make the blond squirm. After a while Touma would then push past the tight rim till the tip of his penis was barely inside only to pull right back out. He watched as Seiji’s own sex began to come back to life. “Oh good you’re hardening.” Touma smiled and then reached into the drawer of their nightstand.

“Touma please! You’re driving me nuts!” Seiji opened his eyes and stared at his lover. “What are you doing now?” He asked curiously and whimpered when Touma pushed into him a little further only to pull right back out. “OH GOD! This is too much!” Touma was managing to keep Seiji on a plane of ecstasy that was both titillating and frustrating.

“Seiji not only will you scream my name... But sex with anyone else will be dull compared to what I’m about to do to you! I‘m sure this will bring back some memories, my dear.” With that, Touma clamped a ring around the base of Seiji’s penis making sure it was snug but not too tight. He then grabbed a small silver vibrator and lubed it up. “NOW Seiji the fun begins!”

Seiji eyes went wide as Touma slid the vibrator into him until it touched his pleasure spot. “Oh God Touma NO! This is torture and you know it!” Seiji knew it as well for he had pulled the same stunt on Touma a week ago. The whole thing had Touma screaming at the top of his lungs by the time he was done. Luckily for them, no one was home at the time but someone was now and Seiji knew he was in trouble.

“I see by the look you’re giving me that you remember this.” Touma smirked and turned on the vibrator so that the low hum vibrated against his prostrate causing Seiji to buck his hips involuntarily as he more or less humped the air above him. Touma then set about pleasuring Seiji with his mouth once again. “Mmmm! Delicious Seiji! But then again, you always taste so good to me... So very good.” Touma said as he licked him like a lollipop.

Touma’s one hand lightly caressed Seiji, sliding up the taunt muscles of his abdomen and then down over the sleek line of his side to end at a trimmed waist and slim hips. Touma would then repeat the cycle, enjoying the sounds his lover made.

“Oh God! Oh God!” Seiji cried out as he felt the sensations causing a tingle that raced through him touching every nerve. Seiji also knew that as long as Touma kept the penis ring on him he wouldn’t be able to come no matter how close he got. It was that thought that drove him even crazier. His whole body was beginning to hum as every nerve ending came to life.

Touma wrapped his lips around Seiji’s sex, just under the head and started purring which drove Seiji wild. The blond was beginning to moan even louder now and it was taking all of Touma’s strength to keep Seiji’s hips down on the mattress.

Touma pulled back on the vibrator so that it was just barely touching Seiji’s secret spot and then he began to suck harder on Seiji’s sex. Soon he had Seiji thrashing about and on the brink of tears.

Touma was still not through with playing and so he laid himself down to cover Seiji’s body, reaching between them Touma made sure that his length touched Seiji’s and he began to slowly rub the two together. “Do you like that Seiji? Feels so good doesn’t it?”

“Touma you know damn well how this feels! Please love, finish me off? I want to come so badly. I know you want to as well.” Seiji’s mind was on overload as the sensations wracked his body, one wave after the other.

“Touma only smirked as he rubbed his length over Seiji and pressed his lips to the blonde’s.

Breaking the kiss Seiji thrashed his head from side to side, he couldn‘t take too much more. “T.... Touma? Please? Oh God please!” Seiji looked at him with hazed over violet eyes, sweat covered his body and glistened causing the blonde’s muscles to look more defined. “I need to come so badly... This is driving me crazy.” He pleaded with his lover and his voice quivered with anticipation.

“Soon my love... Soon.” Touma smirked then turned up the vibrator still another notch as he positioned himself between Seiji’s legs. Applying more lube to his sex, Touma watched as Seiji scooted down and laid himself on Touma’s lap then raised his legs to place them gently on Touma’s shoulders. Seiji was moaning and calling out for Touma to take him and that was exactly what the archer intended to do.... “Okay Seiji, get ready to scream.”

Seiji’s eyes went wide as Touma removed the vibrator and then put his hand on the cock ring, in one quick and swift motion Touma plunged into Seiji to the hilt while removing the ring.

“TOUMA! OH GOD TOUMA! TOUMA, TOUMA, TOUMA! AHHHHHHHHHH!” True to his word, Touma had Seiji screaming at the top of his lungs. Not just screaming his name but screaming in general. It only took one more hard thrust before Seiji was shooting his seed up over their abdomens as well as over the blonde’s chest, neck, chin and even in his hair.

Touma cried out Seiji’s name as he felt Seiji’s inner muscles contract and tighten around his length. “OH GOD! SEIJI!” That was it for the archer as he released his hot seed into his lover’s waiting body.


“What the hell was that?” Shin said as he looked towards the stairs.

“SEIJI!!” Shin, Shu and Ryo raced up the stairs each thinking that Touma may have gotten more then just a little angry with the swordsman. Racing to the room Shu didn’t even think twice as he pushed at the door to break the lock.

As the door flung open they stood frozen in their spots at what they saw next. Touma was still lying on top of Seiji who was just now coming down from his orgasm.

“Don’t you know to knock!!” Touma shouted at them. Quickly he threw a sheet over their nude forms as he glared at the three. “Get the hell away and be prepared to hear it from me as soon as I get dressed!” Touma told them.

“Listen we’re uhm... well we’re sorry but we heard Seiji scream and we just thought you may have hurt him or something.” Ryo explained, the color drained from his face as he found himself staring at Touma.

“You’d scream to if I did to you what I just did to him, and now if you will leave we’d like some privacy!” Touma was getting a little angry. When he looked down at Seiji he saw the blond was actually trying to stifle a laugh and so he glared at him as well. Looking back up and seeing the three still there he found he had had enough! Picking up a book from the nightstand, Touma hurled it across the room. “Get the Fuck out!”

That was all the three needed to see and hear and left quickly, closing the door as best as they could to give the lover’s their privacy. Just then Seiji found he could no longer contain himself as he broke out in laughter that filled the room.

“Sure laugh will ya! I had you covered with my body... it was my nude ass they saw, not yours!” Touma tried to look angry but it was to no avail and soon he too was caught by the need to just laugh.

“And what a fine ass it is.“ Seiji said between fits of laughter. “Touma you will always be my star shine... no matter what.” Seiji said tenderly as he wiped at the tears that began to form. Touma always brought out the best in him. Touma could make Seiji laugh himself silly and that was something Seiji loved about him.

“Thank you Seiji and you will always be my sunshine.” Touma leaned down and kissed the lips he knew he was going to miss.


“Can I help you pack anything else? Touma asked as he sat on the edge of the bed, his heart was heavy with grief.

“Thanks but I think I’ve got it all.” Seiji stood with his back to Touma as he fiddled with the buttons on his shirt.

The little time Touma had left with Seiji had gone by way too fast. He had spent that precious time practically glued to Seiji’s hip, even waking up early to be with his love. Now he was sitting there, dreading the moment Seiji would leave. He wanted to cry, but he had to be strong, if this was unbearable for him, then this had to be ten times worse for Seiji.

Looking over at the blond, he hoped that his love would be able to find happiness in the woman chosen to be his wife, but he also hoped that he would always be in Seiji’s heart.

That girl has no idea how lucky she is. She gets to be married and have the children of the greatest man put on this little green earth. Touma thought to himself. Even if he were a girl, he doubted that Seiji’s family would ever approve of the coupling, but at least then they’d stand a chance.

Staring down at the floor, the archer wondered if he would ever be able to move on. If he would ever find someone whom he would love as much as he loved Seiji or someone who could love him like Seiji did.

With a wave of sadness going through him, he knew that he could never find someone to love like Seiji again. There wasn’t anyone else in the world who could understand and love him like Seiji could, no one else could spark that flame in his heart.

What he had with the blond was a once in a lifetime thing, yet even though it felt so right, so perfect, it was not meant to be. He wasn’t apart of Seiji’s future outside of being his friend. At least he wouldn't be completely cut out of his love's life, Touma didn’t think he would be able to take that.

Looking back up, he found Seiji gazing at him, just from his look he knew that his lover didn't want to leave. The both knew he had to, honoring his family’s wishes was what Seiji was raised to do and he wouldn’t go back on it. Neither of them wanted this to happen. This wasn’t what they wanted for the future.

But things don't always work out the way you want them to.

"I ... I should get going now. It's a long drive." Seiji said after a long moment of silence, he could hardly keep his sorrow out of his voice. He didn’t want to upset Touma even more by breaking down.

"Yeah." Touma replied, not trusting his voice to say anything more. His eyes watered up, he refused to let the tears fall, not in front of Seiji, it wouldn’t be fair. Touma helped the blond move the last few boxes of his things downstairs and into Seiji’s car, the others had helped him load most of his possessions in his car earlier.

As they went back upstairs to get the last box, Seiji grabbed Touma’s wrist and pulled the archer to him. "I didn’t want to say my good-bye to you in front of everyone else," Seiji whispered sadly.

"Hey, it isn’t like this is going to be the last time we’re going to see you. We’ll see each other before your wedding." Touma’s voice cracked with emotion. He began to tremble, trying to hold everything back. Be strong for Seiji, you have to be strong for Seiji.

Throwing his arms around Seiji’s neck, Touma hugged him tightly, the blond wrapped his arms around Touma’s waist in response. "I’m going to miss you though ..."

"I love you, Touma, I always will."

"I’ll always love you, Seiji, I could never stop loving you."

The blond fiercely kissed his love, for all he knew, this could be the last time he would get to kiss those sweet lips. His tongue greedily plundered Touma’s hot, moist mouth, while pressing the archer’s body closer to his. He was a bit surprised that Touma didn’t fight for control over the kiss, instead he was being submissive.

Seiji could feel wetness on Touma’s cheeks, he didn’t know if they were his or Touma’s teardrops, but he didn’t want to pull away to find out. When the kiss did end, Seiji found that they were both crying, their salty tears mixed together on their cheeks.

"Seiji, before you go, take me. Please?"

"Touma ..."

"This will probably be our last chance. Please? Take me as fast and hard as you can. I want you inside of me for one last time. I want how I feel imprinted on your mind and heart, so you’ll never forget." Touma said huskily and gave him his famous puppy dog eyes.

"How can I refuse you when you look at me that way?"

Seiji kissed Touma again and proceeded to quickly strip his love of all of his clothes and pushed him onto the floor. Straddling Touma's thighs, Seiji got undressed in record time.

Grabbing the lube, he handed it to Touma, who put some of the gel on his hand and began to slowly cover Seiji's sex with it, making it harden even more with each stroke.

"Mmmmmmm, I'm going to miss your skilled hands," Seiji murmured to himself for Touma was too busy at his task to hear the blonde's comment.

Snatching the lube, Seiji spread some of it on his fingers and shoved them inside of his love, stretching out his tight entrance. Touma's hand faltered in its movement as he moaned and raised his hips, wanting more of Seiji.

All sounds from the archer were silenced when Seiji covered his mouth with his own as he took out his fingers and gently pushed himself into Touma. Seiji moaned himself as he felt Touma's warmth and tightness surround him; he could never get tired of it.

Touma wrapped his arms around Seiji's shoulders, as the blonde's thrusts became aggressive as he picked up the tempo. His hips met every single one of Seiji's thrusts.

His body tingling with pleasure even more so as Seiji took his erect penis in his hand, pumping and squeezing it. His breaths came out in short gasps, his love was being rougher than usual, but he didn't care, it felt so wonderful.

With their lips still locked together, Seiji could feel Touma's groans vibrate against his mouth. Holding back his release, his plunged into Touma even harder, he didn't want to hurt the archer, but he wanted to be as deep in him as he could.

It wasn’t just the pleasure of the act that was dancing through him, but it was the feeling of be a part of Touma, being a piece of that beauty in the form of a man. His heart was beating madly from it all, as if it were trying to escape, he as sure Touma could hear it too.

This is where he belonged, right here with his star. As he almost brutally made love to Touma, he couldn't help but wonder who would take care of him? Who was going make sure Touma felt loved? That he was loved? Seiji would just have to trust the guys to do that once he was away.

Never had Touma felt this complete before, even in midst of their most passionate love making in the past. With Seiji deep inside of him, he felt that his heart, soul and body were finally whole, as if the cold depths of space had merged with the warmth of the sun. He wanted that moment to last forever, for time to stop and have Seiji all to himself.

It won't last forever ... He's going to leave, but Seiji will always be in my heart, he'll always be a part of me. I'll love him till my soul no longer exists.

I love you so much, Touma. Maybe we'll be together again in a different place and time ... I can only hope that I won't have to wait that long though before I get to make love to you again.

Both men screamed out their releases at the same time, panting heavily for air. Seiji collapsed on top of Touma, not wanting to withdraw from him and not minding the sticky seed puddles on Touma's stomach and chest.

"Thank god for the person who invented quickies," Touma muttered under his breath.

"What're you talking about? We invented quickies!” Seiji joked lightly, getting a soft chuckle from Touma.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Touma couldn't stop himself from sobbing out loud and soon Seiji's own sobs joined with his.


Ryo looked sadly at the closed bedroom door. He could hear what was going on in there and he wasn’t the least bit happy. Not just because he wanted to be the one making Touma writhe with pleasure, but also that he was afraid that Seiji was just going to hurt the archer even more. They had been going at it ever since they found out that Seiji’s family had picked out a bride for him.

At nights, Ryo couldn’t help but feel turned on by Touma’s moans and he found his hand drifting to between his thighs more often than he’d like to admit. Whenever he did, he always had the picture of Touma’s round, bare ass in his mind, wondering what it’d be like to be inside of it and knowing only Seiji knew what it was like.

When he, Shin and Shu barged in on Touma and Seiji while they were in bed, Ryo thought he was going to die of happiness as his eyes caught sight of Touma’s perfect form in the nude. He had to literally fight down his erection and keep himself from drooling ... if Touma knew what he was thinking; the archer would be a little bit more than just mad at him.

Heading back into his room, Ryo flopped himself onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. Even though he was angry with Seiji, he was going to miss the blond. Seiji was a good friend and it wasn’t his fault that Ryo just happened to be in love with his boyfriend. Sure the bearer of Rekka was jealous of Seiji for having the heart of such a wonderful man, but he couldn’t hold it against him.

They were all going to miss Seiji.


Seiji held on to Touma as their sobs began to subside. He could feel Touma pressing his body as close to him as humanly possible and so he held him, held him as though his life depended on it.

“Seiji? It hurts, it hurts so badly. I don‘t want to lose you. I don‘t want you to leave me.” Touma sniffled, his voice weak and hoarse from their cries of passion to their tears of sorrow.

“I know Tou. My heart is heavy with this as well.” He kissed the top of his lover’s blue head. “I won’t say goodbye love; it’ll never be goodbye for us.” Seiji could feel the tears beginning again. He thought he could do this, prepared himself even, for the day he would leave his lover to take a wife.

Now as he lay there in the afterglow of their lovemaking, listening to the sound of their tears, he wasn’t so sure anymore. Touma had become a part of him, an extension of his soul. In fact he was no longer able to tell where one stopped and the other began yet there he was, ready to break that perfect circle they had formed with their hearts.

“It’s okay Seiji, don’t worry. You are doing the right thing. Your family is counting on you to fulfill your duties and for you to endure this heartache in order to do so, is admirable. I don’t know if I would ever have that kind of strength or courage.” Touma scooted up to look into tear filled violet eyes.

“Oh God Touma why do you have to be so unselfish?” Seiji reached out to stroke his cheek. “I almost wish you would scream at me, get angry with me... Tell me you hate me.” His voice trailed off. “Maybe it would make this easier. Why love? Why are you so understanding?” Seiji sobbed.

“I could never do any of those things Seiji, you know that.” Touma brushed his lips over Seiji’s. He could feel the tears slipping from his eyes and when they fell to splash on his love’s cheek, all he could do was watch as they slid down over perfect skin. “Please Seiji... Know that I will always be here for you even if I can’t be anything more then a friend. I’ll accept that role and somehow learn to live with it.”

“But can I?” Seiji asked out loud.

“Nani?” Touma felt his heart slowly breaking the longer they laid there.

“I don’t know if I can accept being nothing more then your friend. Look how much we went through just to get together? How many nights of sleep did we lose as we agonized over our feelings for each other?” Seiji sighed sadly. “God Tou that first time we spoke of our feelings for one another were the sweetest words I had ever heard. That night when we made love for the first time, I never knew just how beautiful an act it truly was until I was filling you. Right here Tou I have everything I could ever want... You.” Seiji pulled the archer down onto him and wept. “So if that’s the case, why am I leaving?”

Touma raised himself up so he could see Seiji’s face and when he saw the hurt and sadness that was clouding his normally bright eyes, it ripped at his heart. “You’re leaving because you made a promise a long time ago, way before we fell in love, way before we got together, way before we had ever met; that you would honor your family and their traditions. This is how it must be, my golden warrior.” Touma said nothing more as he leaned down and pressed his lips to Seiji’s, kissing him with everything he had in his heart and soul.

Seiji moaned and wrapped his arms around Touma’s waist pulling the archer as close to him as he could. Breaking the kiss Seiji looked into Touma’s eyes, brushing the hair from his angelic face he smiled. “One last time Koibito, take me hard, fast and furious. Love me with everything you’ve got.”

“It’s the only way I know how to love you Seiji... With everything I’ve got.” Touma kissed him again as he reached for the lube lying on the floor. He knew they were only putting off the inevitable but at the moment he really didn’t care. This just meant that Seiji was his for just a little while longer. He could have a few minutes more of his lover’s heart and soul and for one last time he could show Seiji everything he was... He was an open book with its pages flapping in the wind, waiting to be touched and appreciated.


“So is Seiji leaving or what? They’ve been up there for what seems like forever!” Shu moaned and rested his chin on his hands.

“They’re saying goodbye, leave them be.” Shin remarked as he tried not to cry.

“Well they’ve been saying goodbye for almost an hour now! Why is that taking so long?” Shu practically whined. He was hungry and Shin had told him he wasn’t going to make anything until he got to see Seiji off.

“I don’t think they are using words to say goodbye, silly!” Shin almost laughed at Shu’s sometimes clueless mind.

“Then what are they using to say their goodbye with?” Shu asked nonchalantly.

“SHU! You can’t be that dense, can you?” Shin looked at him, stunned.

“What? What do you mean?”

“Shin means that Seiji is up there making sure that his departure is even harder on Touma!” Ryo said sarcastically as he entered the kitchen. “How can Touma allow that?”

“Allow what?”

“Ryo you know it most likely is a mutual thing they are doing.” Shin commented, shocked at Ryo’s attitude.

“Doing what?”

“Yeah right! Look how Touma was after he read that note! Do you honestly think he would be a willing participant after all that?” Ryo got into Shin face.

“Willing participant for what?”

“Yes I do Ryo! I wouldn’t doubt it if it were Touma who initiated it.” Shin shouted back.

“Initiated what?” Shu looked at both men.

“SEX!!” Ryo and Shin spat at Shu.

“They’re up there making like bunnies, screwing each other’s brains out, making wild passionate love, and having hot sex!” Ryo said bluntly.

“Jeez I’m sorry I asked.” Shu sunk down in his seat. “No need to bite my head off you know.”

“Shu’s right Ryo!” Shin walked over and rubbed Shu’s back. “My God with the way you’re acting one would think that you’re jealous of Seiji.”

Ryo froze for a moment, wincing and wanting to kick himself for allowing his emotions to get out of control. Good one Ryo, shout it to the world why don’t you. Hey I’m in love with Touma! Turning back to Shin he glared at him. “I am not jealous of anyone! I have no reason to be jealous so just forget it!”

“Forget what?” Seiji’s voice was soft and smooth as he stood in the doorway with his arm around Touma’s waist. Touma had his head resting on Seiji’s shoulder and the flush on both men’s cheeks spoke volumes as to their activities prior to coming downstairs.

“Oh it’s nothing.” Ryo said softly, hanging his head and trying to avoid Touma’s stare.

“I guess it’s time huh?” Shin was wringing his hands trying to stay strong but his bottom lip betrayed him as it quivered.

“Come on Shin it’s not like it’s forever. We’ll see each other soon.” Seiji released his hold on Touma and gracefully strode over to the auburn haired man. Placing two fingers under Shin’s chin, he drew his face upwards. “Take care now Shin, stay strong and never change. The goodness you have in your heart is something we all have enjoyed bearing witness to.”

“Seiji?” Shin was stunned. Never had he ever seen the blond like this before. Seiji just didn’t do those types of things. “I don’t understand...”

“I know I’m out of character right now, but I wanted to leave something with each of you... A piece of my heart.” Seiji took in a deep breath as he walked over to Shu who was another one uncomfortable with showing emotions. “Until we meet again my friend. You take good care of Shin, he’s worth all your effort.”

“How... How did you... Seiji?” Shu stood there stunned.

“You give him the same looks I use to give Touma before we got together. Shin does the same to you.” Seiji whispered.

“Shu? I wish to give you these.” Seiji handed Shu a pair of numchucks that had been given to him long ago. “I know they will be well taken care of.” Seiji stood up straight and tall as he fought to keep his slowly deteriorating emotions under control.

“Thank you Seiji. I won’t ever let these out of my sight.” Shu threw his arms around the blond and held him tightly, surprising Seiji. Seiji smiled and then looked at Nasutei who was crying hard.

“Nasutei, please? I will come back often and you can all come up and visit anytime, you know that.” He walked over to her and she threw herself into his arms.

“Damn you! Damn your traditions!” She cried.

“Funny? That’s exactly what Touma said.” He teased as he laid his chin on top of her head and held her. “You’ll make some guy very happy one of these days. I‘m certain of that Suti.”

He looked over at Ryo as he spoke. Seiji then whispered in Nasutei’s ear. “Don’t give up on him just yet.” He cupped her chin and then kissed her sweetly.

“You take care. Write, call and visit as often as you can.” She sniffled and Touma walked over to her to comfort her. Seiji then looked at Ryo and frowned a bit.

“I realize that you are angry with me Ryo but understand this... I leave here with a heart that is heavy and full of sorrow. Touma and I have made our peace and have accepted this destiny and so must you.” Seiji held out his hand to Ryo. “I’ll keep in touch, I promise.”

Ryo stared at the out stretched hand for the longest time. “I still say that if you truly loved him you’d stay. How can you even think of marrying and sleeping with someone else? How Seiji?” Ryo could feel the anger boiling to the surface once again.

“Ryo I am trying my best to leave here on friendly terms with you, don’t do this.” Seiji spoke through clenched teeth.

“You mean like the last time?” Ryo smirked. “Touma cried for days, he didn’t eat, he didn’t sleep... We had to watch him fall apart while you played the role of the dutiful son. Well Seiji as far as I’m concerned... Leave but do us all a favor... DON’T COME BACK!”

“RYO! THAT’S ENOUGH!” Touma shouted at him and went to Seiji’s side. He could sense the hurt the swordsman was feeling over Ryo’s words. “Come on Seiji, I’ll walk you out.” With some subtle prodding Touma got Seiji to turn away and walk towards the front door.

“We’ll come too...” Shu said and started for the door only to have Shin pull him back into the kitchen.

“No Shu, let them alone. Let them have these last few moments alone.” Shin’s voice cracked and his tears fell softly down his cheeks. Shu immediately pulled the smaller warrior into his arms and held him as he cried.

“I’m going for a walk.” Ryo said as he grabbed his jacket and walked out the back door. He made his way around the side of the house and watched as Seiji and Touma were locked in a heated embrace.

Damn you Seiji! Even now you still have Touma under your control. Oh Touma can’t you see, there’s no future with him anymore but there could be with me. All you have to do is open your eyes. Ryo couldn’t watch anymore and he ran for the woods as his tears streamed down over his cheeks.


“You take care now and keep in touch okay?” Touma said through his tears that had started falling as soon as they had stepped outside.

“You do the same Touma-san.” Seiji wrapped his arms around the archer and held him tightly, taking in his scent and imprinting in his mind. “If there was another way, I’d....”

“Shhhhh. Let’s not worry about the ‘what ifs’, they can’t help and we have to understand that.” Touma had cut off Seiji by placing his two fingers over the blonde’s lips.

“I love you so much Touma.” Seiji began crying as he looked into the most beautiful mid-night blue eyes he would ever bear witness to. Brushing blue hair from Touma’s face Seiji lightly stroked his cheek. “Promise me one more time that you will move forward.”

“I promise Seiji.” Touma’s eyes glistened with his tears. “It won’t be easy, but I’ll try. I love you Seiji.”

Touma and Seiji sealed their parting with one final kiss before Seiji got into his car. He could swear he felt his heart shattering as he looked at Touma’s tear filled eyes. He watched as Touma touched his chest and then placed his finger at his lips before extending his arm towards him.

Seiji couldn’t help himself as he did the same before backing down the driveway. His tears were falling fast and furious but he knew he had to do this... For his family.

Touma leaned against the garage wall for support as he watched Seiji drive off. Tears streamed down his face and he found himself wishing the Seiji would just turn around and come back but he didn’t.

The archer slid down the wall and drew his knees to his chest as the others came out and surrounded him, offering him, their silent support.




So what do you think of it thus far? We would love to hear your comments so please drop us a line or two! A review left for us would be just as nice. Both give off big grins. ^_^ Please be patient with us and we will try and get chapter two out as soon as we can.

Hiruma: “And don’t forget to read our other great fics! You can find them on Djinn’s site and other places, which are inferior to her Seiji/Touma shrine!”

Trunks: “Stop trying to promote your fics and sucking up to Djinn. You’re not supposed to do that anymore.”

Hiruma: “And who says I can’t?”

Wildefyre: “The court order, remember?”

Hiruma: “Damn...”

Wildefyre: “But... What they don’t know won’t hurt them! Hi Djinn! Hope you like what we did thus far!”

Hiruma: “More to come after the holidays... We need a teensy weensy break!”

Seiji and Touma: “Yeah and we need more lemon scenes!”

Hiruma: “You get plenty so shut up!”

Seiji: “Yeah right! Look what you and Wildefyre are doing to us in your fics? Now have me ditch the broad and get back to my Touma-san pronto!”

Touma: “Yeah ditch the broad!” *Looks at Seiji lustfully* “Let’s go practice our lemon scenes again.”

Seiji: “Okay!” *Walk off while stripping each other.*

Hiruma, Trunks and Wildefyre: *Sweat drop.*

Seiji and Touma: “Don’t forget to leave a review please... These girls are ruthless and we’re afraid of what they may do to us in their fics.” *Both man bow and then realize they are naked as Jaybirds.*

Seiji: “Eep! Great now look what we’ve done? We’ve given the readers a free peep show!”

Touma: “Eh Seiji that’s no peep... That’s the whole damn bird!”

Seiji: *sweat drop* “Why me? Please be kind and review this for Hiruma and Wildefyre. Domo Arigato”

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