*** (April 04, 2001) I don’t own the troopers, (Which is such a downer) so please don’t sue me. This came to me one night after reading one too many sad fanfics so if it makes you sad, blame all those Authors of sad fics that came before me. A word of warning this is Yaoi Implied with Seiji & Touma as the pairing (MY favorite pairing of course). Read and Review but please be nice or at least semi nice. Okay? ***



Seiji’s Letter


By Wildefyre



Dear Touma,

How could you just up and walk away,

From the lifetime of memories we had.

My pride wouldn’t let me beg you to stay,

And now my days are so empty and sad.

My tears won’t stop their constant flow,

And my body just quivers and shakes.

My darling Touma I just have to know,

Can you feel just how my heart aches?

I call out your name in the dead of night,

Awakening to my screams and drenched in sweat.

I search for dawn and an end to my fright,

Daydreams of a better life and the time we met.

My heart is dying with each passing day,

Come back to my arms, it’s where you belong.

Touma forgive me and understand when I say,

I love you and miss you, and I was so wrong.

All My Love.



(Seiji stared down at the words he had written; tearstains could clearly be seen on the paper he was using.)

Touma forgive me, I should have written this sooner. I don’t know why I waited and now I’m so sorry that I did. Second chances have passed me by, never to be had again.

(He fought to keep his eyes open and his hand shook as he continued.)

I know I have no right asking for your forgiveness, nor do I have the right to expect others to understand why, but I hope you can and that they will, even if that seems impossible now.

(He picked up the newspaper lying beside him his finger lightly traced a photo on the front page. He felt the hot tears flow from his eyes and down his cheeks. God he didn’t think he had any more tears to shed.)

I’m so sorry my love, sorry that I allowed my pride to get in the way, sorry that I hurt you and threw away something that was so precious. Our Love...

(He stopped to clear his thoughts, but his mind was fading fast, his whole body was shaking now and he knew there wasn’t much time. Struggling to keep heavy eyelids open just long enough to finish, he continued.)

I want you to know that I love you, that has never changed. I could never stop loving you. You will forever be my heart, my soul, my very reason for life and for death.

(He drew in another breath, his chest ached with each one he took. Not much now longer and he would be free. He looked back down at the paper dabbing the tears up that threatened to smudge the writing and obscure the emotions contained within.)

To all my friends, forgive me. I will see you all someday.

To my family, I love you and I am most sorry. Please Be strong and carry on.

To Touma-san, wait for me, I’ll be there soon my love. I loved you then, I love you now, and I’ll love you forever.

(Exhausted, Seiji closed his eyes for the last time. When he was found, his poem and note laid beside him along with the newspaper. In plain view was the article telling the world about the death of renowned Scientist and Astronomer Hashiba Touma, the victim of a self inflicted gun shot wound.)




**** Okay So what did you think? Good? Bad? I told you I read too many sad fics! I hope you liked it just the same. Yeah I know the guys are really OOC, sorry about that for those who believe in keeping them in character. Now go Read “Touma‘s Sorrow” to find out why Seiji-san did what he did. Don‘t forget to leave a review.****

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