NOTES: I don’t own the Troopers... so don’t sue me! I’m broke! Yaoi/Adult themes-Contains graphic sex scenes! Actually this whole thing is one big sex scene! You have been warned! Please do not read if you are under age! I do not want to be responsible for your mommy and daddy going ballistic... Okay?

Chapter Three

No one Cares-The Bedroom Scene

By Wildefyre



(Okay, get your fans running or open a window cause it’s going to get hot!)

“I cannot wait to see what the heavens have brought to me under that robe.” Seiji whispered as he pulled Touma into his arms to recapture the lips he was becoming addicted to.

“Seiji, you have made all my wishes come true. Thank you.” Touma stroked Seiji’s cheek.

“I have only begun to make your wishes come true. We have a lifetime to make everyone of our wishes come true that’s if you will have me.” Seiji nuzzled his face into Touma’s hair.

“Now that I’ve got you Seiji... I’m never letting you go.” With that Touma claimed Seiji’s lips as they slowly lowered themselves down onto the mattress. Two hearts were now beating as one, two souls joined as two bodies united.


(Here’s what really went on behind that closed bedroom door.)

“This must have taken you a long time to do.” Touma exclaimed breathlessly as he broke the kiss for some much-needed air. “So there is a romantic side to the great Seiji Date.”

“I guess there is. Just keep it to yourself, okay? I‘ve got a reputation to protect, you know.” Seiji smiled and pulled Touma close to kiss him. “God how I love kissing you Touma. I never knew how incredible something so basic could be.” Seiji gave him three quick kisses before laying claim to Touma’s sweet lips once again.

A soothing sigh escaped Touma’s lips as he reached out to run his fingers under the folds of Seiji’s robe. Softly he caressed him using his fingertips to discover secretive spots that had Seiji purring. Breaking the kiss Seiji moaned into Touma’s cheek causing him to shiver from the heat of Seiji’s breath.

“Does this feel good Seiji?” Touma found that even the scent of Seiji’s breath was intoxicating, sweet like peppermints.

“Hai.” Seiji replied then pressed his lips against Touma to keep himself from crying out as Touma’s thumb brushed over a nipple sending a surge of electricity through his body. It felt like his skin was on fire as Touma’s fingers danced their delicate trail over his chest, stopping long enough to play with a nipple, and then move on.

“Good.” Touma’s hand snaked down between them to undo the sash while his mouth once again laid claim to the lips he knew he would never get enough of. Touma helped Seiji to sit up so he could remove the robe, making sure that they retained the lip to lip contact. Carefully Touma placed it on one of the beds and still the kiss remained in tact as it grew in intensity.

With Seiji lying before him nude, Touma sat up to take in the warrior’s body from head to toe. Everything about Seiji was perfect, from his soft golden locks, which Touma was finding that he loved running his fingers through, to his long legs that ended with well manicured toes. Touma wasn’t a stranger to Seiji’s nude form, but it was different this time, this time he was looking at the body of his soon to be lover.

Looking into Seiji’s eyes Touma could see that Seiji’s desire for the archer was doing a slow burn and threatening to ignite into a raging inferno. “Seiji, you’re so beautiful.” Touma kissed his lips. “So handsome.” Another kiss. “So exquisite.” Still yet another kiss. Each kiss brought a sigh of pleasure from the blond lying next to him and only served to increase the yearning flowing through Touma‘s veins.

Touma lowered himself onto Seiji as he began his trail of kisses down Seiji’s face and over his cheek. His hunger to know his lover’s body was consuming him as he explored, probed and studied him. Lightly he suckled on Seiji’s earlobe causing Seiji to shiver slightly. “Are you cold?” He asked devilishly.

“Not in the slightest.” Seiji wrapped his arms around Touma, enjoying the warmth of the body above him. Touma dipped a heated tongue into his ear causing him to jump. “Mmmm. Do you know how much of a turn on that is? It all feels so good Touma, so very good.”

“Good.” Touma continued to trail kisses to the other side and after getting the same reaction, he began working his way down Seiji’s neck stopping to kiss the hollow that sat right above his breastbone. When Seiji cooed Touma knew he had found another highly sensitive spot on his lover. Touma kissed his way across Seiji’s collarbone, giving each shoulder playful nips.

Seiji’s moans were filling the room as Touma kissed his way down over his chest. It was like being in heaven to Touma. Finally... After all this time and so many fantasies he was touching and tasting the object of his desire.

So many nights he dreamt of making love to Seiji, so many days he imagined himself doing things to bring pleasure to the swordsman and now he could act out those dreams for real. His tongue snaked out to tease a nipple, which caused Seiji to squirm beneath him.

Seiji rested his hands in soft blue locks as the sensation of Touma’s hot tongue touched his nipple, then lips suckled it as teeth playfully teased it into a rock hard nub. “Touma! Oh yes! So good... So hot... Want more.” Seiji moaned as Touma’s lips kissed their way over to the other side to give the other nipple the same careful treatment.

Every sensation he felt seemed to go right to the ache between his legs and reflexes had him thrusting his hips upwards, pushing against the silky material of Touma’s robe. They were just starting out and already Seiji could feel the need gnawing at him. Seiji’s mind went crazy as Touma’s tongue and lips made their way down his chest to his abdomen stopping to explore his navel.

Never in his wildest dreams could Seiji have imagined something so simple feeling so exquisite. “God Touma, you’re driving me insane.” Slender fingers combed through blue locks as violet eyes blazed with desire.

Sliding back up quickly Touma captured Seiji’s mouth in gentle kiss. “This is just the beginning.” He spoke into Seiji’s mouth. Touma’s face was flushed with excitement as he broke the kiss to stare in soft violet eyes. “How am I doing?” He asked as he bent down to nibble on Seiji’s earlobe.

Seiji pushed his erection up against Touma’s making the archer shudder and moan into his ear. “Does that answer your question?” Seiji hissed.

“You sure?” Touma began sucking on Seiji’s neck. Seiji was still grinding against him and it was driving him wild. “Uhnnnn” Touma began to pant.

“Of course I’m sure. Why do you ask?” Seiji threw his head back as Touma began to meet his thrusts. “Ahhh! Touma!”

“I... You see... I uhm... Seiji, I‘mavirginandhavenevergonebeyondkissingandthatwaswithagirl.”

The confession came out in rapid-fire succession with Touma burying his face into Seiji’s shoulder just as quickly, too embarrassed to look at him.

Seiji couldn‘t help but chuckle slightly at Touma’s innocence. He found the whole thing quite adorable. “Touma...” Seiji tried to raise the archer’s head but it wouldn‘t budge and he heard a faint voice say “Nah ah” so he had to use a little more force. “Touma look at me.” Seiji chuckled again. Finally his head raised but Touma kept his eyes shut. “Touma, please?”

Seiji waited until Touma opened his eyes. “I’m a virgin too. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m honored that I’ll be your first.”

“It’s just that I’m not sure about what to do.” He blushed a bright shade of crimson and was about to hide his face again when Seiji stopped him. “I don’t want to mess up.” Touma’s mind was finally taking in what Seiji had told him. He, Touma Hashiba, would be Seiji Date’s first lover.

“Oh god Touma. What you’re all ready doing... everything thus far, has all felt so wonderful. Just use your imagination, do whatever feels right to you. You and I will know what feels good and what doesn’t by each other’s reactions.” Seiji pulled Touma’s head down and kissed him softly. “Listen; if things are moving too fast, we can stop you know. I want this to be special for both of us. Okay?”

“Seiji, I want this more then anything, I want YOU more then anything.” Touma smiled at the thought that Seiji was actually enjoying what he was doing to him. It was just what Touma needed to hear; his confidence was growing stronger. He kissed him softly. “Are you sure you want to go through with this?” Touma finally asked.

“I’ve never been surer about anything in my entire life. Yes Touma I want you in the worst possible way. I think that the way my body is reacting to you proves that.” The look in Seiji’s eyes could have brought anyone to their knees; it was so breathtaking to Touma.

“I guess we‘ll learn together then.” Touma said and began his trail of kisses once again. He decided he was going to kiss and taste as much of this blond Adonis as he could. Reaching Seiji’s stomach Touma stopped to dip his tongue into Seiji’s navel, enjoying it when he felt Seiji’s body push upwards.

Touma reached the line of fine hairs that ran from Seiji’s navel down to the golden curls that surrounded his sex. Touma smiled at the way it seemed to be standing at attention, awaiting his inspection.

Yeah he had taken peeks at Seiji in the past, the usual male ego bit of comparing sizes, now at full length Touma saw that they were equally matched. Seiji was well blessed that was for sure and could have had any girl walking around with a silly grin on her face for weeks. Instead he would have that honor now.

Groaning at the very thought of having that pillar of beauty buried deep inside him, Touma decided to build the anticipation... just a bit. Sliding all the way down Touma grinned as he began again, this time with Seiji’s toes giving each one his full attention, then his foot. Touma shot Seiji a wicked smile. “So Seiji, by any chance... do you happen to be ticklish?”

Seiji lifted his head to look at Touma through half way opened eyes. His new lover had been showering him with the most erotic sensations and now he was asking about being... ‘?!’ Seiji’s eyes went wide with the realization of what Touma had asked. “Touma! Don’t you dare!” Seiji felt a finger lightly sweep over the bottom of his foot. “TOUMA!” This time the finger made more contact and Seiji tried to pull away. “Touma I’ll get you for this!”

Before Seiji could protest any further Touma smiled, patted his leg and began tickling the bottom of Seiji’s foot. The blond was laughing and trying his best to squirm free but Touma held fast to his leg. Touma loved hearing the sound of Seiji’s laughter, it was like a sweet melody to him and only proved to him that Seiji’s gorgeous voice was a perfect match to the body it came out of.

“So you are ticklish! Well I’m making it my future job to learn every ticklish spot on this gorgeous body of yours Seiji.” Touma stopped the tickling and waited for Seiji to relax a bit, before getting back to what he was doing before.

Touma started kissing Seiji’s ankle, then his shin and then his knee, making his way up his lover‘s leg. He began a slick trail with his tongue up the inside of Seiji’s thigh, once he reached the juncture where the legs met, he slid down to work the other leg, but not before planting a quick kiss on the tip of Seiji‘s length.

Seiji found himself going wild as Touma touched and kissed his way up and down his body even the tickling felt good to him. He was a little concerned about Touma discovering the most sensitive and ticklish spot on him but he decided to deal with that later. He nearly jumped out of his skin when Touma laid a kiss on his sex. “Oh God Touma!” He cried out, he had never experienced having lips touch him there and he knew then that he needed more.

When Touma slid down and began working his way up the other leg, Seiji thought the whole thing was more erotic then he could have imagined. Now he wanted more then anything to get rid of the burn that emanated from his groin. His breathing was coming in shallow pants and he gripped and pulled at the sheets under him when he felt Touma’s fingers make contact with the hot flesh of his sex, for the first time. “Yes Touma, touch me there.” He hissed through clenched teeth.

Never had a mere touch been so electrifying or so needed as it was now. “Touma, please!” Seiji thrust his hips up, as a way of telling Touma what he needed more then anything. Oh God... Feels so hot... So good... Please I need more.” Seiji’s head thrashed from side to side as Touma’s hand slid up the length of his member and then lightly squeezed the head. “Aaahhh! TOUMA!”

Touma took Seiji’s length in his hands feeling each beat of the swordsman’s heart under his fingers. Laying back down between Seiji’s legs and licking his lips, his tongue darted out to lay a slick line of saliva over Seiji’s tender balls. He listened as Seiji sucked in a large gulp of air just as his hips popped up off the mattress.

Deciding to see just how Seiji would react, he carefully took Seiji’s balls into his mouth. He smiled to himself when he heard Seiji leave out a muffled cry and then felt long fingers brushing through his indigo locks. Touma swirled his tongue over and around them, giving them his full attention. He felt them beginning to constrict from the heat of his mouth before releasing them to continue his careful exploration of his lover’s body.

It took both hands to keep Seiji’s hips pinned to the mattress as he slowly slid his tongue up the underside of Seiji’s length. Reaching the tip, he dipped his tongue into the pool of pre-cum that settled there, enjoying the sweet taste that was all Seiji. ‘His Seiji.’ God how good that felt to say.

Seiji couldn’t believe what Touma was doing to him. It was utterly maddening. For a moment he wonder about Touma and the whole virgin thing. I guess being a genius has its virtues. He thought. Never before had he felt sensations such as these and Touma’s tongue was making him tingle all over, he found it hard to lie still and just allow Touma the leisure of his explorations.

Seiji couldn’t control the moans of pleasure that escaped his lips, nor the way his body jumped every time Touma’s tongue touched an unexplored area, and when Touma made his way up his length to stop and taste him, Seiji went wild. “Oh God Touma. Yes! That feels good... so good.” Seiji’s eyes fluttered closed as he waited for what he knew would be next.

Touma clamped his lips over the head of Seiji’s sex then swirled his tongue over and around the rim, sending jolts of electricity surging through Seiji’s body. The tip of his tongue played with the slit and was rewarded with more of Seiji’s sweetness.

Touma took a deep breath and then plunged Seiji’s full length into his mouth till it touched and tickled the back of his throat. He watched as Seiji’s face projected a look of pure bliss, his mouth formed a near perfect circle as he cried out. “Touma! Ohhhh! You’re turning me on, making me hotter love. I’ve never felt anything like it...” Seiji had one hand on Touma’s head and the other was clawing at the mattress and Touma felt proud knowing it was he that was doing this to Seiji. He was making this gorgeous man writhe and moan, he was responsible and that felt good.

Seiji’s golden curls tickled his nose as he held still for a moment to allow the muscles in his throat to relax then he slowly slid back up, creating a tight vacuum, until only the head remained inside. Touma’s eyes gave off a hint of playfulness as he allowed the anticipation to build before finally descending back down to the base.

Seiji bit into his arm, hard enough to leave a mark in order to quiet the scream escaping his throat as he felt the tip of his sex touch the back of Touma’s hot and moist throat. Again and again Touma continued his assault on Seiji bringing him right to the brink of ecstasy. “God Touma, it feels good. You’ve got me so frigging hot! You‘ve...AHH, Down.”

Seiji was breathing harder wanting so badly to just end the ache but he also wanted to pleasure Touma. He couldn’t think straight; it was as though he were going through sensory overload.

Touma sensed Seiji’s dilemma and pulled his mouth away to speak to his love. “Seiji, this is for you, all for you love. It’s what I want for my birthday.” He smiled and before Seiji could say anything he thrust Seiji’s swollen member back into his mouth.

Picking up the speed he used one hand to play with one of Seiji’s nipples while the other gently held his length steady. The sounds Seiji was making were having a delicious effect on Touma and he knew he’d have to be careful. He ground his own hips into the mattress to quiet the closeness his own release was reaching for.

Finally Seiji could take no more, he was much too close to coming and so he began to thrust his hips upwards to meet his lover’s lips. He could feel the fire in his balls, blazing, heating his release. “That’s good Touma keep it up... Not much longer.” Seiji propped himself up on his elbows and watched as his blue haired lover’s head bobbed to meet his own thrusts. “Yes Touma! I’m so close... So close...”

Touma increased the suction, using his tongue to slid up the underside and take a quick lap at the slit before plummeting down. Touma felt Seiji’s balls tighten and his sex expand right before he felt the first wave of his lover’s seed shoot to the back of his throat. Volley after volley of the hot and salty stuff filled his mouth and he did his best to swallow as much of it as he could.

When Touma had tighten his mouth around his sex, Seiji couldn’t help but wonder if this was what it would feel like to be buried in Touma’s body, those thoughts coupled with Touma’s tongue finally sent him up and over the edge. “Touma! OHGODOHGODOHGOD! AHHHHH! Throwing his head back, his vision blurred in a haze of white and he felt his seed rise up his length to splatter inside the heated cavity. His nails dug into the sheets hard enough to tear them; he heard his blood whoosh by his ears as he continued to spill into his lover’s mouth.

Touma used his tongue to clean his lover up, taking his time, mainly because he almost shot his own seed into the mattress but somehow managed to stop the process. He listened as Seiji was still giving off low moans and then scooted up to plant a small kiss on his lover’s lips. Brushing the sweaty hair that was plastered to Seiji’s face away, he stared into the face of satisfaction. “You okay?” He asked.

“Yes. Oh God Touma that was unbelievable. You were fantastic. I can‘t begin to describe the sensation... Your mouth... That tongue... Oh God Touma.” Seiji slowly opened his eyes to a blushing face above his.

“I take it then that I did okay for my first time.” Touma smiled and put his lips next to Seiji’s neck.

“Oh Touma, that was better then okay. That was the most mind blowing, earth shattering, I can’t believe I came that hard or that much, orgasms I have ever experienced.” Seiji wrapped his arms around Touma and when the archer lifted his head, Seiji captured his lips in a heated kiss. He could taste himself on his lover’s lips and in the confines of his mouth and as the kiss intensified Seiji could feel himself beginning a resurrection.

Breaking the kiss Seiji looked into Touma‘s glazed over eyes. “It’s my turn love.” Seiji needed to taste Touma, needed to know what secrets the archer’s body held and needed to bring as much pleasure to Touma as Touma had done for him.

Touma could only nod as he was pulled into an embrace, parting his lips so that Seiji could enter. Seiji adored the softness of his lover’s lips and when he entered his mouth he began exploring the heated cavity, taking in the taste of the archer’s sweetness. He felt Touma’s arms circle his neck as he moaned into him. Their tongues parried as they hungrily attacked each other in a heated duel. The more Touma moaned the harder Seiji’s sex seemed to get.

Slowly Seiji untied the sash that held Touma’s robe closed sliding it down over smooth shoulders. Immediately his lips began kissing the exposed flesh. Working together Touma was soon free of the garment and Seiji slowly lowered him to the mattress as he kissed his tender lips again.

Seiji broke the kiss and allowed himself the luxury of taking in Touma’s naked body. “You are so like the heavens Touma... mysterious and beautiful.” Seiji kissed his chin then down over his throat feeling the pulse throb under his lips. “Even the taste of you is wonderful. If the sky had a taste, this would be it.” Seiji’s voice was soft and gentle something Touma loved to hear.

He kissed Touma again; hands entwined in blue hair as Seiji grinded his now fully erect sex against Touma’s hot length. Their kiss deepened as Seiji gently caressed Touma’s shoulder sliding long fingers down and over the archer’s chest. His thumb rubbed over a tanned nipple making it hard. Breaking the kiss finally, Seiji took a cue from Touma and began kissing his way downward, enjoying the taste as his tongue snaked down Touma’s neck. “So sweet” Seiji cooed.

Making his way over Touma’s collar bone and then down onto his chest Seiji flicked his tongue over a harden nipple causing Touma to moan. He could feel fingers combing through his hair and it gave him goose bumps. Seiji found it fascinating that such a small touch could do that to him, but then again this was Touma doing it. The man he had thought about for so long, the person who out of the blue had captured his heart.

“Seiji, god that feels so good.” Touma moaned, his eyes fluttered shut and he concentrated on each new sensation. When he felt the warmth of Seiji’s breath on his nipples he arched his back wanting even more. “Uhnn, feels... Oh Yes!” His thoughts left him when Seiji began to suckle him like a newborn baby. The sensation he felt was like nothing he could describe, it did have the effect of causing his sex to twitch madly beneath the lean body that covered him.

Seiji smiled at the response he was getting from his lover and so he continued downward, kissing as much flesh as his hungry mouth could lay it‘s lips on. Once reaching his navel Seiji slid up to allow his tongue the chance to taste the skin he had kissed only moments before. “I love the feel and taste of you Touma. You excite me like no one ever has.” Normally, Seiji couldn’t envision himself talking like this but somehow Touma brought out emotions in him that he usually kept locked away and now all he wanted to do was to express himself to Touma in any way he could.

Slowly Seiji made his way down and over the taunt muscles of Touma’s abdomen and like Touma, he stopped to dip his tongue into his navel as his fingers brushed through the blue curls that proved his hair color was indeed natural. He knew that Touma surely had to have been close to the edge several times and he found it amazing that two people, as hot for each other as they were right now... could last so long. It was a true testament to their desire to please and pleasure the other.

Touma pushed his hips up and his sex brushed against Seiji’s hand eliciting a moan deep from the archer’s throat. Seiji kissed his way down further avoiding the one thing he knew Touma wanted touched. Not yet love. He thought to himself.

Straddling Touma’s legs Seiji massaged his inner thighs, feeling how the muscles moved and constricted under his expert touch. Seiji was a little more then shock when Touma playfully pushed his legs together trapping Seiji’s sex and balls. “Uh Touma, careful there okay? No need to damage the Date family jewels.” Seiji looked into Touma’s face to see a smile cross over it and both men couldn’t help but giggle like silly kids.

Touma‘s face then took on a serious look and Seiji waited to see what his lover had to say. “Seiji. I want you; no I need YOU to make love to me. Okay?” His eyes pleaded with his lover showing a deep need within the midnight blue orbs.

Seiji was so overcome with emotion by the request that all he could do was sit there stunned before shaking his head yes. Tears welled up not only in his eyes, but also in his heart over Touma’s request and it told him that Touma trusted him. Seiji had heard that the first time can be quite painful and so he was ready to allow Touma to take him, sparing his love for at least a little while.

“Touma are you sure? I’ve heard that it hurts the first time. I don‘t want this to wind up being a bad experience for you.” Seiji wanted to reach out to kiss him but Touma still had him trapped.

“I figured as much, but I know it won’t last long, besides it’s with you and I trust you Seiji, I know you‘d never hurt me intentionally.” Touma released Seiji so they could share a tender kiss.

“Oh God Touma, I promise I will be as gentle as I can. Thank you.” Seiji kissed Touma again as a tear slid down his cheek; his heart felt like it was about to burst. To have Touma put that much trust in him told him that being with Touma was indeed the right thing.

Seiji broke the kiss to slide down and lay between Touma’s spread legs. He laid his head down on Touma’s thigh and softly caressed the silky flesh. Planting small kisses on the insides of Touma’s thighs Seiji smiled as he came face to face with Touma’s sac that dangled below his sex, heavy with his very essence. Deciding that one good lick deserved another, he kissed Touma’s balls then gently covered them with his mouth.

“Oh God Seiji! Your mouth is so hot...Feels wonderful.” Touma panted heavily as Seiji’s mouth worked wonders on him. Then he felt warm fingers curl around his swollen member giving it a few lazy strokes and Touma’s mind went wild. He wanted to come so badly it hurt and now here Seiji was teasing him.

When Seiji’s fingers felt Touma’s first drops of pre-cum, he carefully abandoned Touma’s balls to kiss his way up the underside of Touma’s length. Reaching the tip he licked at the droplets to get his first taste of the quiet archer. Hearing the hiss from Touma’s mouth he smiled at him. “Delicious, Touma.” Keeping his eyes locked on him, Seiji planted a light kiss on the tip before allowing the head to slide onto his tongue. Closing his lips around it, he inched it into his hungry mouth stopping every so often so his throat could get use to the fullness.

That’s what it was too, Touma was well endowed, truly a sight to behold, long... and just thick enough to make anyone wet just from the sight of it... male or female. Seiji felt honored in knowing that he was the first to enjoy all the splendors Touma had to offer. A beautiful body to go along with an equally beautiful heart and soul.

Touma let out a gasp when he felt Seiji’s soft lips close around him and he watched as little by little more of himself disappeared into the swordsman’s hot mouth. Reaching out he played with a strand of Seiji’s hair, the lock that always covered his right eye, pushing it away so he could watch as Seiji devoured him. “That feels good Seiji... I love how you are making me feel.” He smiled and winked at the swordsman. A cry escaped him when Seiji sucked in his cheeks to create a vacuum that not even space could copy.

Touma had to use all his self-control not to thrust upwards for fear of gagging his lover. “Yes Seiji... Feels good... More.... Need More.” Touma’s eyes were glassy but he never took them off the scene before him. It was so erotic watching his swollen sex being consumed by soft pink lips. Midnight blue and violet eyes locked as Seiji continued to attack on Touma’s member. “Your mouth is so hot, Seiji... Do you know that?”

Seiji would have replied but his mouth was full so he let his actions speak for him as he used his mouth to make love to him. Before long he could sense that Touma was getting close so he stepped up his motions, bringing the length out so his lips were around the head, using his tongue to play with the slit then sliding all the back down till lips touched blue curls. Touma carefully pushed his hips upward to meet Seiji’s mouth, lightly hitting the back of the blonde’s throat each time. “Oh My God Seiji...Feels...Need... Hot...Ache...” Touma began to thrash his head from side to side as the feelings took control of him.

“Seiji, I’m so close! Oh gods Seiji, yes, feels good! Seiji!” Touma couldn’t help it as his hips bucked. SEIJI I’M GOING TO.... MYGODI’MREADYTOEXPLODE! I’m cumming!” That was it, Touma felt his balls tighten and the burn rise from his base, up the length of his sex. White lights flashed before his eyes as he felt himself release into Seiji’s mouth. He was breathing hard, his body went stiff as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him and he felt as though he would continue shooting his seed forever.

“Touma? You still with me love?” Seiji asked as he finished cleaning up his lover, savoring the salty liquid. He never realized how wonderful this all could be and to taste Touma’s very essence was more then he could have asked for. What got to him even more, was the destruction of his once under control, emotional walls. No amount of mental discipline could have ever prepared him for the things he was feeling right now. Try as he might, he just couldn’t keep the walls up and he could live with that if it were for Touma’s eyes only.

When Touma came Seiji had a hard time keeping himself from doing the same. He found himself having to grab his sex at the base to hold his release back. He knew that the mere sight of Touma in the throes of ecstasy could send him over, after all it had happened before. Sliding up the length of his lover’s body, Seiji claimed Touma’s lips in a kiss filled with a desire, and a silent plea.

It took awhile for Touma to clear his mind, then he felt Seiji’s lips on his and he tasted himself, causing him to moan loudly and he understood its fury. “Take me now Seiji, please?” Touma asked, still out of breath from his orgasm.

“I need to prepare you first, roll over and pull your knees under you.” Seiji instructed him, natural instincts were kicking in now. Seiji got to his knees and scooted behind Touma, running his hands down and over his back to help him relax.

Laying his palms on the small of Touma’s back he smiled at how well it fit. Like a glove. He then slowly pushed upwards, his thumbs touching each one of his vertebrae. Out across the shoulder his hands slid and then down over Touma’s sides. He continued this for several rotations until he felt the muscles soften and relax.

Touma clutched a pillow and buried his face into it, waiting for that moment when Seiji would enter him and the pain would hit. Eyes were closed tightly as he tried his best to stay relaxed, but nothing came. Instead he felt calloused but gentle hands sensually massaging his back. He could feel himself relaxing under the expert touch and sighed softly. Lower the hands went, till they were caressing and kneading his ass. Seiji’s expert touch worked wonders as Touma felt himself relaxing more and more.

Touma’s eyes flew open and his head went up then the shock hit him for the massage had stopped and hands were replaced with lips and tongue and were now moving down his back and over his ass. Seiji had a special way in mind to prepare him. He felt Seiji’s tongue swirl over his ass to where both halves met. Touma’s mind went crazy with the realization of what Seiji was planning to do. Is he going to? No it can’t be... HE IS! Oh my GOD! Touma couldn’t believe what was happening “SEIJI!” He cried out as he felt the heat of Seiji’s tongue slithering between his ass cheeks, stopping at the entrance to his body.

Seiji was ready to reach for the bottle of oil he had put beside the bed, when an insatiable desire to taste even more of the archer hit him. Bending down he slid his tongue over the smooth skin of Touma’s ass, using his hands to push the flesh apart so he could trail his way to his lover’s opening.

He chuckled at the response he was getting from Touma and quickly looked at him. “I said we should use our imaginations.” He gave a devilish smirk and a wink to Touma and bent his head down to continue. Seiji used his tongue to wet the wrinkled passage before pushing its way past the tight muscle, surprised to find his taste sweet, not gross like most people would think. {Hey I just write them okay.}

Touma nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt Seiji’s tongue enter him, pushing his face harder into the pillow he let out a scream as his lover’s tongue squirmed around inside, tickling every nerve ending that was there. “Oh Gods Seiji... Too much... Not enough. Needitneeditneedit.” He moaned, feeling his own sex hardening again he reached under himself to grasp it and slowly work its length.

Touma couldn’t believe that this was Seiji Date doing this, never would he have imagined this coming from someone so dignified. Just like himself, Seiji seemed to have an inner fire that blazed in the heat of passion causing both of them to lose all inhibitions. It almost made him cry knowing that he was being honored with a side of Seiji no one else would ever see.

Seiji withdrew his tongue and gave Touma’s ass a playful bite and laughed when Touma jumped and let out a yelp. “Touma, if any of this is too painful you tell me and we’ll stop. There are other ways we can seek release.” Seiji kissed the small of Touma’s back. Hearing Touma sigh and seeing his head nod Seiji reached over to grab the bottle of oil, opening it he then poured some into his palm.

Dipping his fingers into the oil he rubbed it over Touma’s entrance before slowly inserting a finger into the tight cavity. Once he was sure the muscle there had relaxed enough he pushed in further, slowly twisting and wiggling it from within while his other hands lightly stroked Touma’s back and ass to help the archer stay relaxed.

Touma winced a bit when Seiji pushed a finger into his body but slowly the pain was replaced by pleasure. He began a slow rocking motion pushing against Seiji’s hand; the more he pushed back the deeper Seiji‘s finger seemed to go. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations coming from inside him. “More Seiji! I want more!” He looked over his shoulder at Seiji who’s face was flushed and his eyes were glassy, damp golden locks were hanging down in his face and Touma wished he could just reach out to brush them away.

“More it is love.” Seiji pushed a second finger inside the tight opening. God he’s so tight and hot, I know I’m not going to last long when I enter him. Seiji used both fingers to stretch the muscles and then he began a pumping motion with his hand. He felt Touma pushing back to meet him and he went even deeper. Seiji’s own sex was throbbing and he tried to ignore it for just a little while longer.

One finger was great, but two were like heaven to Touma, Seiji was so gentle with him. Seiji’s fingers were now deep inside him and he loved it. When Seiji inserted a third finger he seemed to go even deeper still, driving him wild. In a flash of light he felt the most mind blowing sensation; Seiji had hit something inside him that sent a surge of pure unyielding pleasure straight to his harden member. “Seiji! Oh GOD!” He cried out and his head went back as he pushed back even harder onto Seiji’s fingers.

Seiji had felt it too, he knew he had hit Touma’s prostate but he never realized just what kind of reaction it would bring. When Touma screamed and began to push back harder, Seiji found the whole scene more erotic then he could have imagined. Touma’s face was blissful and he could feel the muscles tighten around his fingers. “God Touma! Seeing you like this is incredible.”

“Seiji, I need you so badly! Please Seiji, I need you! I want you!” Touma was in tears now; the passion of the moment was just so overwhelming for him. He looked into Seiji’s face as the swordsman poured more oil into his hand to coat Touma’s opening and his own sex.

Seeing the tears running down Touma’s face had Seiji’s heart in his throat and he knew he needed to consummate their new love. They would finally be joined heart, soul and body. Once Seiji was sure he was thoroughly lubed he guided his sex to Touma’s opening and pushed the head through the still tight rim. Lying down over Touma’s back he soothed him. “I’m sorry love, if it hurts too much I’ll stop.” His voice was filled with concern for his lover.

“Don’t stop, I need you Seiji! I need you in the worst possible way.” Touma panted, trying to get use to the intrusion making its way into his body. Touma turned his head so he could meet Seiji in a kiss and Seiji used this to push in a little more. Touma let out a small grunt as he felt himself being stretched even further.

Hearing Touma grunt, Seiji broke the kiss and looked at him. “I’m hurting you, I can’t do this.” His eyes held a sadness. “I’d never forgive myself if I hurt you Touma. Let’s find another way to get off.”

“I’m fine Seiji; the pain is already subsiding. I can take this and YOU CAN do this.” He gave Seiji a small smile. Touma could sense Seiji’s hesitation and knew that he had to do something and quickly; taking a deep breath he lunged back until he felt Seiji’s balls hit his ass. Touma buried his face into his pillow to keep himself from screaming. God that hurt. His mind yelled. He knew he was going to pay for that move tomorrow morning when he went to sit down, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Seiji couldn’t believe it when Touma had pushed himself back to fully impale himself his sex. The whole act had literally taken his breath away. “OH GOD TOUMA! Why did you do that? You have got to be hurting.” Seiji waited till Touma raised his head. “Look at me Touma.” Seiji saw tears in Touma’s eyes and knew he indeed was hurting. “Touma, let’s stop this, I’m hurting you. We can do other things and maybe try another da...” He couldn’t finish for Touma had begun to move slowly by squirming and grinding against him, it was having the most wonderful effect of his throbbing member.

“Seiji it’s okay now, I’m fine. You’re all the way in now, it’ll feel better soon. Trust me.” Touma turned to look at him. The pain was already changing into a delicious warm feeling inside of him. Seiji began thrusting with slow and steady strokes, closing his eyes and concentrating on the feel of his sex being massaged by tight muscles.

“Touma, you feel so good, so tight, so hot.” Seiji more or less cooed into Touma’s back. Straightening up Seiji laid his hands on Touma’s hips so he could watch as he slid in and out of his lover, which only served to make him hotter for the man giving him so much pleasure.

“Seiji, please! I want more... You won’t hurt me. I just need you to speed it up.” As much as Touma liked the lazy pace Seiji had set his throbbing sex was demanded more.

Seiji clung tightly to Touma’s hips as they quickened the pace with Seiji pushing into Touma hard enough to make his balls slap against the archer’s skin. Seiji reached under Touma’s body to grab his hot length pumping him in time with their own rhythm.

Soon two sweat soaked bodies were moving as one like a frenzied dance, their grunts and moans filling the room as they worked towards fulfilling each other’s needs. Touma looked at Seiji who seemed to be on a whole new plane. “Seiji let me flip onto my back. I want to see your face when you come.” Touma requested. Seiji could only nod and quickly pulled out so Touma could reposition himself. Scooting into place, Touma threw a leg over Seiji’s shoulder as Seiji reentered him.

“You are truly a dream come true.” Seiji said still keeping a steady pace and leaning down to kiss Touma. Seiji once again took Touma’s member in his hand and the two began their journey home.

Touma felt his release edging near and began meeting Seiji’s thrusts with a vengeance. Reaching out he to play with Seiji’s nipples he continued watching the swordsman’s face as it reacted to the sensations. “Together Seiji. I want us to come at the same time.” Touma whispered, his heart racing with anticipation.

Seiji increased his thrusts no longer capable of holding back. His need to fill the man below him and end the ache was his final destination. Leaning over so he could hit Touma at a good angle and capture his soft lips, he thrust harder into Touma. He knew he was close, his balls constricted and he could feel the burn making its way up his shaft.

“Touma...I’m going to...OH GOD TOUMA! I.... I’m...!” Seiji’s voice left him as he felt his release shoot out to fill the cavity he was imbedded in. His whole body went rigid; eyes lost focus as flashes of white light danced in his vision. He felt volley after volley shoot forth as he tried to catch his breath. What he didn’t feel was the hot white liquid, from Touma’s release, that was running down over his chin, neck and chest.

Touma knew Seiji was ready to let go, he could feel Seiji’s sex expand and saw Seiji’s eyes fly shut. Touma felt his own release making it’s way up and out of his body as he heard Seiji scream his name and then He felt the heat hitting his insides coating them with Seiji’s essence.

Touma’s vision blurred in a haze of white, screaming out Seiji’s name, fingers dug into his love’s flesh as he lost himself in the sensation as his body jerked. Hot sticky liquid shot out in burst after burst of pleasure, hitting he and his lover coating them and mixing with their sweat.

Several long minutes passed before either could move or speak. Finally Seiji regained enough of his wits to look down into Touma’s face. Violet passion filled eyes met mid-night blue ones and Seiji felt his heart leap. He found himself falling deeper and the emotions just poured out of him as he collapsed onto Touma his body shaking with his sobs.

Touma held him. Pushing the sweat soaked hair from his lover’s face. “Hey what’s wrong?” He asked while planting tiny kisses over Seiji’s face. Touma felt his own wall of emotions spill forth as his tears mixed with Seiji’s. “Where’s that strong swordsman I know so well?”

“I love you Touma. God how I love you. I never knew I could feel so much for one person.” Seiji replied in between choked sobs. He began planting kisses all over Touma’s face and neck. “Sorry but that strong swordsman seems to have taken a sabbatical.”

“I love you too Seiji and I don‘t mind seeing this side of you, in fact I‘m honored that you have allowed me to experience this.” Touma felt as though his heart would explode from all the feelings he held in there for the blond swordsman.

Seiji sighed softly, exhausted beyond belief. “Touma, I have to pull out, sorry.” He said and kissed his lips as he slowly removed himself. He felt Touma stiffen as he did and quickly rolled to the side pulling the archer into his arms, completely oblivious to the mess.

“Are you okay? I hurt you didn’t I? Oh God Touma I’m so sorry. I never....” His words were cut off by Touma’s lips covering his and he melted into the kiss. “Mmmm.” Seiji moaned, loving the feeling of the soft lips touching his.

“Seiji...” Touma said against Seiji’s lips. “I won’t lie, yeah it hurt especially my spur of the moment move, but I’m telling you now... I wouldn’t have traded this for anything in the world.” He spoke tenderly and then turned so he and Seiji could spoon and allow for more skin to skin contact.

“Maybe a warm bath will help soothe the ache.” Seiji replied sleepily. He pulled Touma closer and snuggled into him.

“Yeah it might, but let’s wait till morning. I’m too beat to move.” Touma smiled. He closed his eyes enjoying the aftermath of their lovemaking. “Hey love, we seem to have quite a mess here, maybe we should clean up a bit.” Touma said as he felt the stickiness on Seiji’s chest as well as the overflow at his ass.

“Who cares...? Too tired.” Seiji replied as he pushed his face into the back of Touma’s head. Touma laughed, he was definitely getting to see a whole other side of the man who at times would seem unapproachable because that was not the reply he thought he would get. “Mr. Neat and Tidy must be on a sabbatical as well. Huh? He felt Seiji shake his head, ‘yes’.

Turning to plant a quick kiss on the blonde’s lips Touma slipped from his arms. “Be back in a second.” Seiji mumbled some reply that Touma couldn’t make out. Padding over to the bathroom, Touma filled a basin with warm water then grabbed a washcloth and towel. Setting it on the floor by the bed he tenderly cleaned his lover off. Laughing when a silly grin crossed Seiji’s face. “Why you... I’m going through all this work thinking you’re asleep and here you are faking it.”

“Yeah, it’s kind of nice having someone taking such wonderful care of me.” Seiji opened his eyes and stared at Touma, watching as he tenderly washed him off. “I’ll be nice and help you change the sheets though.”

The two men worked together and soon had a clean bed to crawl into. Seiji blew out the candles then laid down beside Touma. He pulled Touma into his arms burying his face into blue hair. “Clap twice and then look up.”

“Nani?” Touma turned his head to look behind him.

“Clap twice and then look up. I’d do it but my hands are preoccupied.” Seiji was lightly caressing Touma’s stomach. Shrugging his shoulders, Touma did as he was told. Looking up he saw a red heart with his and Seiji’s initials in it, all lit up.

“Happy birthday Touma-san. I love you.” Seiji propped himself up and gazed into Touma’s eyes.

“I love you too Seiji.” The two men sealed their night of passion with a tender kiss. Pulling the blankets up around them, Touma settled back into Seiji’s arms enjoying the warmth he gave off. “Thank you for making my Birthday wish come true.” Closing his eyes he smiled. And to think when I made that wish before blowing out my candles, I wished to be kissed by Seiji. I got that kiss all right and a lover to boot! Talk about your bonuses!!

Soon the room was quiet except for the snickering that could be heard on the other side of the door. Two figures turned and embraced, happy that there was yet another satisfied couple in the house.



Okay there you have it. I surely hope that you liked it.

Authors notes: Now don’t flame me for making Seiji all mushy and sugary sweet, that goes for Touma as well. It’s my story and I like them like that so there (Blows raspberries at everyone). I know that they are grossly OOC but you have to admit it’s a lot better then Seiji being a cold hearted Ba**ard! Right? Please be kind when you review... Or I may have to borrow Hiruma’s bamboo poking stick that doubles as a whacking stick! ^_^ I hope to someday make a sequel to this but right now all my creative energies are going into my “Test Of the Hearts” series. It would be nice to see how Seiji and Touma deal with telling the others about their relationship, as well as telling their families.

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