
By: Tenku's Girl


“Why did you do this Touma?” Seiji asked insistently when the archer didn’t answer.

Touma dropped his head and looked at the ground. He looked at his wrists where the wounds had once been. No doubt Seiji had used Kourin to heal them along with the gash in side.

“I don’t know,” Touma said quietly. He felt Seiji’s hand grab his chin and jerk his head up. Violet eyes were laced with tears and a look of anger. Touma tried to turn away but Seiji held him fast.

“That’s not a good enough answer.”

“What more do you want?”

“Touma people don’t try to kill themselves for no reason.”

A lone tear slid down Seiji’s face. Cautiously Touma reached up and wiped it away.

“Don’t cry Seiji,” Touma whispered.

“Then please talk to me.”

Seiji studied Touma carefully. The archer seemed smaller and more vulnerable than Seiji had ever seen. The rash bravado, sharp wit and cocky attitude were all gone. In their place was self-doubt and fragility.

“Touma … please?” Seiji pleaded with him.

“I don’t know what to say Seiji.”

“Well…” Seiji started off slowly choosing his words carefully. “Why did you slit your wrists? Was it because of what Ryo said?”

“How do you know what Ryo said?”

“I was there Touma. Standing at the top of the stairs. I heard everything.”

Touma felt a blushed burn across his cheeks. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled.

“Sorry for what? Saying that you loved me? Touma …” Seiji put his hand on Touma’s cheek, rubbing his thumb over the soft skin. “Touma that meant a lot to me. That’s something Ryo’s never said to me, not even when we were together.”

Touma looked at Seiji confused. “You’re not together now?”

“Do you really think I want to be with a person who treats his friends the way Ryo was treating you?”

“But Ryo wasn’t-”

“Don’t Touma. Not everything is your fault. I know you were raised to think that way but that’s going to change starting tonight.”

Touma opened his mouth to protest. Seiji let out a mock growl and pulled Touma close so he could properly shut him up. Touma let out a noise of surprise as Seiji kissed him.

Slowly Seiji broke the kiss. He ran his tongue over his lips smiling at Touma.

“Seiji? Why did you do that?” Touma asked suspiciously.

“Because it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long while now.”

Seiji chuckled at Touma’s baffled expression. “Come here.” Carefully he pulled Touma into his lap, letting the archer lean back on his chest. Wiggling so he was comfortable against the rock he was propped up on, Seiji wrapped his arms loosely around Touma’s waist.

“Want to know the reason Ryo was acting so hostile towards you?”

“Yes ...” Touma said hesitantly.

“He knows that our relationship is over. It has been for a while. But he’s jealous because I want someone else.” Seiji moved his mouth close to Touma’s ear. “You,” he whispered. He felt Touma shiver in his lap.

“Seiji …” Touma said softly. He turned his head so he could look at the swordsman. “Are you sure?”

“More sure than I have been about anything in my life.” Seiji brushed the hair on the nape of Touma’s neck aside so he could kiss him there. “I love you Touma,” he worked out between kisses, moving along the line of Touma’s jaw.

Touma moved his head so his mouth met Seiji’s. They kissed slowly, taking time to taste each other and perfect the tilt of their heads. Breathlessly they broke apart. Seiji pulled Touma closer and hugged him.

“Shall we go inside and face the tiger?” Seiji asked him, resting his chin on Touma’s shoulder.

“No …” Touma leaning comfortably against Seiji. “Let’s stay out here a while longer.”


* kibo = hope

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