Part II

~ Ten Years Later ~

The bright sun sparkled in the sky as it was lowering down into the west. The earth was covered in soft green grass, that was speckled with the occasional wild flower. The air was cooling considerably, for the summer season was fading into autumn.

Rolling hills stretched out into the distance, till they hit the ocean to the east. The horizon to the north was lined with ridged mountains and to the south were towering volcanoes. And going west was the deep forest that was said to go on for over a hundred miles.

�We should start heading back home, there�s nothing to report and it�ll be dark soon.� Lady Toki suggested.

It had been a long day of scouting and nothing turned up like usual, but one could never be too cautious. Taiyo-sama had regular patrolling missions run every week ever since the war with the Yami. There was still the fear that someone could be out there, planning the end of the Sun God�s land.

As many parents would say, better to be safe than sorry.

Shu agreed with Lady Toki, there wasn�t anything and going home sound like a good idea. Actually, he was just anxious to get the noble Lady Toki in bed. Their not so secret affair had been going on for quite a long time and they found themselves madly in love with each other.

�All right, let�s go now. Where�s Touma-kun?�

Yoshi pointed south to where Touma was standing. �He�s been staring blankly over there for the last couple of minutes. I know that he�s strange, but I never knew . . .�

�I dare you to say that to his face.� Toki challenged.

Shaking his head frantically, Yoshi said, �No way, if Taiyo-sama heard about that I�d be broken in half, if Touma doesn�t get to me first.�

They both knew that wasn�t the only reason why Yoshi wouldn�t insult Touma. The once handsome child, who was constantly teased, had grown up into a lovely young man that was more desired than any of the exceptionally beautiful men or women of Taiyo origin. Even if he was shunned for his bright blue hair that reminded so many of Anubis, no one would ever think of calling him that now. Anyone, woman or man, would welcome Touma into their bed.

Heartily patting Yoshi on the back, Shu grinned. �You�re a wise boy.� Then walking over to his friend, Shu looked south with the eighteen year old Touma. �What do you see, Touma-kun?�

�Someone�s coming,� Touma�s voice was barely audible.

The warrior knew better than to interrupt Touma any further when he was concentrating so hard, even Lady Toki and Yoshi were being silent. There was a small crease between his eyebrows and his eyes were a shade darker than normal.

�It�s . . . It�s Lord Ryo!� Touma exclaimed excitedly.

�Lord Ryo? Why is he coming? Is there any danger?� Toki�s hand went right to the bow strapped to her back.

�N-No, though I do sense a band of his people along with him. I think he�s just coming to visit, it�s been a long time since he�s visited Taiyo-sama.�

�Only five years, Touma-san! It just seems like yesterday he came to annoy Taiyo-sama,� she laughed softly.

�Toki-san, Touma-kun is still mortal, seven years is a long time for him,� Shu reminded her.

�I think Taiyo-sama will be pleased that Lord Ryo has decided to come.� Yoshi said more to himself than to the group.

�Pleased?� Shu raised an eyebrow. �He�d probably be more annoyed than anything else.�

�Shall we wait for Lord Ryo to come so we can accompany him back to the palace?� Touma asked. He was thrilled at the thought of seeing Ryo again, the ninja had become a good friend of his, someone he could confide in.

�That wouldn�t be a good idea, Taiyo-sama might get worried and send out a search party. Lord Ryo will be fine, he�s traveled here too many times to get lost.� Toki climbed up onto her horse. �It�d be best if we start going now, it�ll be night soon.�

It took them about an hour to get back to the Taiyo land, night had already began to fall. Seiji was getting nervous at the sight of the approaching darkness and the fact that his patrol group was still out. He relaxed as he sensed Touma�s presence nearing the palace, any minute now they�d come to see him to give him their report.

Walking down the hall to go greet the scouting group, he met with them halfway as they were going to his chambers. All four of them knelt before him, none daring to raise their eyes to look at the god.

�My Lord, we have returned from our patrol and have not seen anything unusual.� Shu told the Sun God. �But, Touma-kun was able to sense the Fire Lord and some of his people are coming this way for what he believes to be just a visit. That is all.�

�Thank you, Shu-san, you�ve all done well and are excused for the rest of the day.�

�Thank you, my Lord.� Shu and the others got up to leave.

As Touma was about to leave, Seiji caught a hold of his wrist. �I thought that maybe you�d like to stay with me as I wait for Ryo-san to come. I know he would like to visit with you too.�

�I�d love to.� Touma started following Seiji to his private chambers. �I�ve missed Lord Ryo over the years, it�ll be nice to get the chance to talk with him again.�

Seiji chuckled at Touma�s formalities. �You know that Ryo-san is going to give you an earful if you talk to him like that, he hates it when one of his friends call him lord.�

�Well, that�s what you taught me. Ryo-san will just have to blame you.� Touma smiled sheepishly.

�Ryo-san will be delighted to see you again, he is very fond of you.� Seiji said this with a touch of bitterness in his voice that Touma didn�t notice. It wasn�t that he was jealous of Touma, since he had once yearned to have Ryo, but rather upset with Ryo for being so infatuated with Touma.

When Ryo had come five years earlier, Seiji could clearly see the hunger in the other god�s eyes for the young boy. Seiji knew that it wasn�t uncommon to take a person when they were only a teenager, but the Sun God would not allow Touma to lose his virginity at such a young age and not to Ryo.

The Sun God had the admit that Touma was the most beautiful person he had ever seen, knowing that Touma probably surpassed him in beauty. It must be difficult for some to keep their hands off of him, but all knew that Seiji would be deeply angered if Touma were to lose his virginity to someone other than himself.

Ryo just had to learn that Touma belonged to the Sun God and not the Fire Ninja. And Seiji would take the boy when he felt Touma was good and ready to take on the role of his lover.

�Perhaps I should go change into something more appropriate, I would not want to be in the company of two gods in my work clothes.� Touma said, aware that his clothing was streaked with dust and his boots were covered in dirt. He was also in need of a bath, his hair felt grimy as well as his skin.

�Touma, when will you learn? Even if you were in rags, I�d still want to be with you,� a familiar voice said from behind of them.

�Ryo-san!� Touma would�ve ran to hug him as if he were a child again, but he was filthy from the patrol. �I didn�t expect you to come so soon!�

�Well, I am a god. It�s good to see you again, Touma.� Ryo embraced the boy, heedless of the fact that he was covered in dust. Pulling back a little, Ryo got a better look of his face. �I knew you�d grow up into lovely young man, though I didn�t know you�d be this breath taking.�

A light blush rose up on Touma�s cheeks and he lowered his eyes. �Y-You�re too kind, Ryo-san.�

�I�m only stating the truth.� Ryo then turned to Seiji, smiling at his old friend. �Aren�t you even going to welcome me?�

�Welcome? You drop by unannounced and you expect me to welcome you?�


Seiji rolled his eyes and bowed gracefully. �Very well then, welcome, Lord Ryo, to my humble home.�

Ryo gave the Sun God a mock look of hurt. �I don�t think you mean that! Don�t talk to me, Seiji Taiyo, you only hurt my feelings!�

�Taiyo-sama!� A young servant came running. Kneeling, she said, �Lady Setsuko has arrived, she wishes to speak to you.�

�The Sea Goddess?� Touma was slightly curious, he knew of some of the other gods and goddess, but he rarely heard of Lady Setsuko.

A frown darkened Ryo�s face, by nature, he didn�t get a long with the Sea Goddess. �Why is she here? Come to beg for assistance for some fucking war she can�t fight?�

�Don�t be vague, you�re setting a bad example for Touma.� Seiji glared at Ryo, then softened his look. �I�ll tell Lady Setsuko that you send your best wishes. Touma-kun, please show Ryo-san to where he can sleep for the night and where he can bathe, I know he�d want to get washed after his long journey. Goodnight, Ryo-san, Touma-kun.� With that, Seiji followed the servant to where Lady Setsuko was waiting for him.

The Sun God wasn�t the least bit surprised to find the Sea Goddess sitting on his throne in the Sol Chamber. Her thin, pale fingers traced the edge of the arm of the golden throne as she watched Seiji walk up to her. Setsuko�s black hair spilled over her shoulders, contrasting with her smooth, white skin and her round, ocean green eyes didn�t miss a thing.

�I must admit that you, out all the gods and goddesses I know, have the finest things in your home. Except for the High God of the Earth, of course, though I don�t think even he has a delicious boy like Touma under his thumb.� Lady Setsuko smiled sweetly at Taiyo-sama.

�First the Fire Ninja, now the Lady of Water. Who�s next?� Seiji sighed, people needed to start telling him when they were coming.

�Try Anubis, ruler of the Yami.�

�He�s dead! Don�t even joke about that!� The Sun God�s voice was sharp and full of anger.

�I�m not,� Setsuko replied. �There has been some strange activity going on near my coast. I�ve been able to feel a lot of dark power, I don�t know if it�s the same as Anubis� though. All the people I�ve sent over there to investigate the situation have turned up dead. I fear that if it is Anubis, he�ll attack you.�

�I�m grateful for the warning,� Taiyo-sama�s voice was shaky. What if it was Anubis? Was he ready for another war? Was his people ready for another war?

Setsuko got up and wrapped her arms around Seiji. �Whoever it is, if they even think of coming here to try to harm the all mighty Sun God, I will personally shove my spear up their ass. Know that I�ll fight along side of you, Seiji-san, and so will many others.�

�Setsuko-san, thank you.�

�I�ll keep you posted on this. Now, you go back to Ryo-san and your little Touma-kun and have fun.� She winked at him with an air of slyness. �And next time I see you, I hope I�ll come with better news.�

�I hope so too.�


Touma escorted Ryo to the bathing room, even though the Fire Ninja knew where it was. The boy just wanted an excuse to talk with his good friend, it had been too long since Touma had gotten the chance to just chat with Ryo.

�Well, I�ll leave you alone so you can have your privacy,� he said as they got to the bathing room.

Ryo laughed at Touma�s modesty. �Come on, join me, I know you�re in need of a bath yourself. And it�s not like you�ve never seen another naked man before.�

�Um, okay.� Touma went in with Ryo. He was always uncomfortable being nude in front of someone, but he didn�t want to offend the Fire Lord. And it wasn�t uncommon to bathe with friends, so what was his problem?

Right away, Touma opened the valves to the pool, adjusting them so that the perfect temperature of water came out. He quickly averted his eyes as Ryo undressed and got into the pool.

His friend looked up at him and smirked. �You know, Touma-sama, you can�t take a bath with your clothes on.�

�Y-Yeah, I . . . I know.� The younger boy flushed at the sound of Ryo�s nickname for him.

Sitting down on the bench, Touma starting taking off his clothes. Ryo was glad that the boy�s back was to him, then he couldn�t see that the Fire Lord was staring at him. Ryo�s heart began to beat a little faster as soft, pale flesh was exposed as Touma removed his shirt, then his pants and underwear. The Fire Lord had to fight down the erection he was getting from seeing Touma�s round, tight ass that was just begging to be fucked.

In all of his years, the Fire Lord had never seen such a perfect, limber body. Each muscle was well toned from the boy�s training, making him both strong and flexible. There wasn�t a single scar on him, his skin was smooth, pale and had to be warm to the touch.

The Fire Ninja was disappointed that Touma was in such a hurry to hide his beautiful body. As the boy entered the pool, he moved to the deeper end, so that only his head, neck and shoulders were visible. Then Touma ducked his head under the warm water to wash out his hair, disappearing from sight.

�Could it be that my Touma-sama is embarrassed about being naked?� Ryo teased lightly, once the boy�s head appeared from under the water.

�A little bit.� He confessed as he grabbed a wash cloth and a bar of soap and started scrubbing at his skin. Although he loved to go out on scouting missions, seeing the world outside of Seiji�s land was always fascinating, Touma hated coming back home so filthy. He made sure that every inch of him was squeaky clean, even the spaces between his slender toes.

Touma stiffened as Ryo�s strong hand wrapped around his arm and pulled him over to the more shallow side of the pool. �Relax,� the Fire Lord whispered. �I�m just going to help you with your back. It�s a very tricky place to reach.�

Nodding silently, Touma handed Ryo the soap and wash cloth. The tension in his muscles began to ease as his friend rubbed soothing circles on his back. Closing his eyes, Touma melted at the tenderness Ryo was showing him, not protesting when the Fire Lord began to wash his chest.

Leaning on Ryo, Touma sighed with content, his whole body was relaxed and comfortable. The wash cloth was soon forgotten and experienced hands caressed his front side. Fingertips circled around his nipples, lingering to massage the small nubs of flesh there, making a new sensation spark up in him. It felt good in an unsettling way.

�Do you like this, Touma-sama?� Ryo purred, securing an arm around Touma�s slim waist.

A loud gasp escaped Touma as he felt something hard slip between his butt cheeks, grinding against the opening in Touma�s body. He almost panicked, his heart beating like mad, not knowing what was happening. It was like when Ryo touched his nipples, except the feeling was a hundred times stronger. In a way, he wanted to impale himself on that hardness, to feel what it was like inside of him. But this was all too much for him and for once his fear overcame his curiosity. He tore away, scared, from Ryo�s body once his friend released him.

�Ryo-san . . .� He wanted to ask the Fire Ninja about what had just happened, but the look on Ryo�s face was totally oblivious.

�If I stay in here a moment longer, I swear I�m going to fall asleep. I love you and Seiji-san, but the distance I have to travel just to say hello would probably wear out the High God himself!� Ryo climbed out of the pool and slowly dried himself.

Scurrying out of the pool, Touma hurriedly dried himself and slipped into one of the soft bathrobes hanging on the wall. He then folded his clothing and put them in the basket in the corner of the room, one of the servants would come to pick it up later and clean them for him.

�So, Touma-sama, where will I be sleeping tonight? Perhaps in your room?� The Fire Lord inquired.

�N-No. Th-There�s a . . . a place f-for you to s-sleep in Seiji-san�s ch-chambers.� The boy stumbled over his words, unnerved by the way Ryo was looking at him.

�Would you be so kind and show me where I�ll be staying for the night?�

�Of course, Ryo-san.�

Touma thought he was going to trip and fall on the way to Seiji�s chambers. Ryo�s hand was resting on the small of his back and the god�s body was so close to his, he had to struggle to keep from trembling. The god�s hot breath heated the back of his neck, at one point Touma could�ve swore that he felt Ryo�s lips brush against his hair, but he didn�t dare turn his head to ask Ryo if he did.

The boy was thankful when they got to Seiji�s chambers, he wanted to run as fast as he could to his bedroom and lock the door. �Here we are. I bid you goodnight, Ryo-san.�

�You�re not even going to come in and chat with me? It�s been five years, I know that there�s things that we need to catch up on.�

Touma hesitated. He longed to go to bed and sleep the night away, however, he did want to talk with Ryo like he had when he was younger. �Okay, but you better not keep me up too long. I have to wake up early for morning exercises tomorrow.�

Walking into the chambers, Ryo closed the door behind them and smirked. �Seiji won�t give you a break, will he?�

�He will, once I finish my training.� Touma sat down on one of the chairs, making sure that the bathrobe fully covered him.

�That should be soon, shouldn�t it?� The Fire Ninja sat next to Touma.

�Yes, sometime this year he says.�

Running his hand up Touma�s arm, Ryo murmured, �You�re a man now, it�s almost hard to believe it. And I was right, you did grow to surpass even Seiji�s beauty.�

�Don�t say that, it can�t be true,� Touma whispered, trying to hide his now red cheeks.

Cupping Touma�s face in his hands, Ryo rubbed his thumb across silky, red lips. �But it is true, Touma-sama.�

Touma froze as Ryo opened up his bathrobe and slid it off his shoulders. Ryo�s tongue traced his earlobe, sending shivers down his spine, then traveled down to his neck. One hand rested on his cheek, while the other explored his body.

Touma didn�t understand what Ryo was trying to do to him, what he wanted from him. The boy wished that the Fire Lord would just leave him alone and let him go to his bedroom. He didn�t want Ryo touching him like that, the sensations he had felt in the pool were returning and they frightened Touma. So many thoughts ran through his head, it made him unaware of what was going on.

He was then snapped back into reality when a rough hand slipped between his thighs, pumping his penis.

�St-Stop. Please . . .� Touma whimpered helplessly, he was horrified to find himself liking the way Ryo was stroking him and was getting hard from it.

�You�ll enjoy this, I promise you.� Ryo tightened his grip on Touma�s sex.

Letting out something that sounded halfway between a moan and a sob, Touma freed himself from Ryo�s grasp and rushed to the other side of the room. His eyes were wild with renewed fear and he was shaking violently. Tears began to blur his vision and soft sobs filled the chambers.

Ryo was at Touma�s side in a matter of seconds, hugging the boy closely to him, petting his still damp hair. �Shhh, it�s all right, Touma-sama. There�s nothing to be afraid of, I understand that it�s your first time. Let me guide you.�

Touma�s world was in a daze, the next thing he knew it, he was laying in the bed meant for Ryo, without any clothing to protect him. The now naked Fire Lord straddled his legs and trying to rub the tension out of the muscles in the boy�s form, just to have his attempts weakly swatted away. Grabbing Touma�s wrists in one hand, Ryo harshly pinned them above his head.

�Just stay still, it�ll hurt at first, but then it�ll start to feel so good, trust me.�

�No, stop it,� Touma muttered. He knew he could use his powers to throw Ryo off of him, but did he have the right to do that? To a god of all beings walking the Earth? That wasn�t an option, all he could do was try to talk Ryo out of it. The tears fell faster as a finger probed at his entrance. He didn�t want this, he didn�t want this. �STOP IT!!! PLEASE STOP IT!!!� Touma�s begging turned into screaming.

Ryo ignored the screams and added another finger, stretching out the tight, puckered hole that his length was throbbing be in.

Touma screamed louder at the pain when Ryo put in another finger. �STOP!!! RYO-SAN, STOP THIS!!!! SEIJI-SAN!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!� He could no longer find the strength to form words and all he could do was sob.


Seiji looked at one of the clocks and determined that his friend would still probably be awake and there�d be time to visit with the other god. He needed someone to talk to after what he had learned from Lady Setsuko. It was discouraging news, he had hoped for longer peace, now it seemed like he wouldn�t have more than maybe a year of it.

The Sun God could hear shouting echoing throughout the corridors of his palace. Picking up his speed, Seiji rushed to find out where the sound was coming from. He was shocked to find that it came from his own chambers. What the hell could be going on? Seiji was nearly enraged when he found that the doors were locked, so he had to break down them himself.

His heart skipped a beat or two at the scene that greeted him. A naked Ryo was on top of an equally naked Touma, who was sobbing loudly, a sound that tore at Seiji�s very soul. Seiji didn�t hesitate to knock Ryo off of the boy and give his now former best friend a punch across the face.

�What the fuck do you think you�re doing?!� Taiyo-sama yelled at the Fire Ninja. He had never felt such rage in his long life. �How DARE you try to dishonor our friendship, to dishonor TOUMA, in such a way!?� Hitting Ryo in the face again, Seiji could feel the slick blood of a god coat his knuckles, but he didn�t care. �Speak for your actions, you bastard!�

Ryo tore away from Seiji and quickly put on his pants. �What do you expect? You have a ravishing boy you keep to yourself and you don�t even fuck him! You know that with his looks anyone would try to get into his pants. You�re a fool, ignorant to the fact that you have the most gorgeous person on this Earth wrapped around your little finger and you think that everyone will obey you and not touch him!�

�You should know better! He is of my people! He belongs to me! You have no right to even THINK of touching Touma!� Seiji snapped back, his anger rising with each word. He grabbed Ryo again, ready to punch some sense into the God of Fire.

�Seiji-san?� Touma meek voice reached the Sun God�s ears.

Throwing the Fire Lord to the side, Seiji ran over to the boy that was still on the bed. Touma threw his arms around Taiyo-sama�s neck and buried his face in his chest, crying heavily. Picking up one of the blankets, Seiji draped it over Touma to cover him up before enveloping him in a comforting embrace.

�It�s over now, Touma-kun, you�re safe, I won't let anyone harm you." Seiji looked around the room to find that Ryo had already left. It didn't matter now, he had to calm down Touma first before dealing with Ryo.

Once Touma no longer had anymore tears to shed, he pulled away from the Sun God, holding tightly onto the blanket covering him. Looking Seiji in the eyes, he asked, "What did Ryo try to do to me?"

Sighing softly, Seiji pulled Touma back over to his side, putting his arm around his waist. "I've sheltered you too much, Touma-kun, I've made you too vulnerable to people or gods, like Ryo. Remember when we had our real conversation about making babies?"

Touma laughed softly, leaning his head on Seiji's shoulder. "You mean the conversation without the Baby Goddess?"

Seiji chuckled as well. "Yes, that one. Well, that's kind of the same thing Ryo tried to do to you."

"B-But I'm not a woman, he can't have a baby with me."

"True, though people don't always have sex to have children, it's also a very pleasurable act. And men can have sex with men, just one is kind of like the woman and the other man puts himself in the opening that his mate has."

�But why have sex with another man?�

�Because sometimes men are more desirable than most women and some men find it more pleasing to have another male as their mate.�

"So Ryo was . . . was going to put himself inside of me?"


Looking up at Seiji with big innocent eyes, Touma asked, �Would you ever do that to me?�

�I would never force you, Touma-kun. Sex can be very beautiful and pleasurable, the joining of two souls as a friend of mine used to say. It can also be ugly and painful, like when someone tries to force themselves onto another, like what Ryo tried to do to you. I want it to be beautiful for you and I wish to have the honor of being your first and maybe even your only. I promise that I would never hurt you, I�d only show you the love that I feel for you, my little one.� Seiji ran his hand over the silky skin of Touma�s cheek. �I love you so much, Touma-kun.�

�If that is what my god wishes, then you shall be my first.� Touma replied quietly. The thought of Seiji doing to him what Ryo tried to do was almost frightening, but he tried to rid himself of that fear. //Seiji-san promised he�d never hurt me, he hasn�t lied to me yet . . . aside from when he tried to explain where babies came from for the first time, but that�s an exception! He loves me, he wouldn�t hurt me, he loves me . . .// Looking up at Seiji, he brushed his lips against the god�s. �I . . . I love you too, Seiji-san.�

Touma stiffened in surprise as Seiji pressed his lips harder against his, but he loosened up, reminding himself that this was Seiji, he wouldn�t hurt him. A warm tongue wiggled its way into Touma�s mouth, this was something new. Never had he ever been kissed like this, though he had to admit that he rather liked it. Timidly, he experimented a bit with Seiji�s tongue with his own.

The kiss was clumsy on Touma's part, making Seiji realize how innocent he really was. The boy didn't even know how to kiss properly! He had always suspected that Touma might've had a girlfriend or boyfriend while growing up, yet he was so naive that there he couldn't have possibly have one. It showed how obedient Touma was to the god and it excited Seiji to know that he was the first to kiss Touma like this.

Before Seiji could control himself, his hands slipped under the blanket that was covering Touma. A small noise of surprise came from the boy, telling the god not to go that far. Breaking off the kiss before things would go beyond what Touma wanted, Seiji got off the bed and went over to his cabinet to pull out a soft, cotton, dark green shirt and pants for Touma to get dressed in. �Here, I know you do not wish to be sitting there wrapped in only a blanket.�

�Thank you.� Touma gratefully took the clothing. He hesitated a bit though, did he want Seiji to watch him get dressed? But that really wasn�t his choice, Seiji was his god and it was Touma�s duty to obey his commands, not to demand things, even simple stuff like turning around. Much to his relief, Seiji turned his back to Touma, allowing him to dress. Fumbling a bit with the clothing, Touma quickly put them on.

Seiji turned to face Touma and gave him a small smile. �Come, you�ll sleep with me tonight. I would not feel comfortable having you be alone after such a scare, unless you want to go back to your room, then you may.�

Earlier, Touma craved for the safety and sanctuary of his room, though now the thought of his room seemed cold and empty. The promise that Seiji wouldn't hurt him reassured him that the blond wouldn't do anything that Ryo had tried to do. Plus, his god's comfort came before his uneasiness.

"I'd rather that I stay with you tonight, I wouldn't be comfortable being alone either."

"Wonderful, we'll stay in my private chambers, that way you won't be woken by servants knocking at my door in the early morning." He then walked over to the large set of doors on the other side of the room that led to his private chambers. Touma followed behind of him, next to his own room, he liked Seiji's private chambers the best out of all the rooms in the palace. He had been in there many times before, probably more than anyone else, but he had never spent the night in that room.

Looking over at Seiji, Touma saw that the god was frowning at the darkness he saw through the windows. The room itself was well lit with candles, but it wasn't the same as the light of the day that usually flooded through the windows.

"Do not be sad, Taiyo-sama," Touma addressed him formally. "As long as my lord lives, the sun will rise in the morning and greet the day with light. Even in the night it is not completely dark, the moon and stars shine down upon the Earth with their own faint light."

"I do not think that I could be sad with you around, Touma-kun, even if the moon and stars were covered by clouds." Seiji replied softly. He then moved over to where the closet was and started to take off his robes.

Touma looked away, his cheeks burning again. He had never actually seen Seiji naked before and shamefully, he found himself wanting to take a peek. It was tempting, all he had to do was quickly move his eyes over in that direction and Seiji would never have to know. However, he refused to do it, he was very loyal to his god, not doing anything that might upset him.

Loyalty was a funny thing to Touma. It was supposed to be something built on trust, yet it just seemed that all there was to it was doing what Seiji told him to do and being as respectful to him as possible. Sometimes he wished that he didn't have to do everything that Seiji asked or more like demanded of him. It wasn't that Touma resented his god, it was just that sometimes he wanted to do things his way.

Once in awhile, Touma would become determined to tell Seiji how he felt about certain issues, but his determination would melt away when he saw the god. It was a bit of fear that plagued him and the fact that he never wanted to do anything that'd anger Seiji. Taiyo-sama could've chosen kill him when he was first brought to the palace, but he decided to let Touma live and the god cared for him. Why anger one of the only people who had ever truly showed him love and affection?

Seiji went over to Touma, dressed in only a thin, loose fitting robe that he usually wore to bed. He stood behind of the younger boy, wrapping his arms around Touma�s waist and rested his cheek against his soft hair. �Let�s go to bed, it is late.�

For the first time, Touma touched the large bed in this chamber and found that it was soft and warm under his hand. Carefully he climbed on it and slid underneath the covers, waiting for Seiji to settle in. He curled up next to Seiji as soon as the god laid down next to him.

�Seiji-san? Why did you not kill me when you had the chance?� Touma whispered softly, almost sadly.

The Sun God was startled by his question, the way he said it was as if the boy wished that Seiji did kill him. �Because I think it was love at first sight, how could I kill such an innocent young boy? Little one, why would you ever ask me such a thing?�

�It just doesn�t seem to be a logical thing to do. For all we know, I�m a Yami like Anubis and I�m a risk to all of your land.�

�Touma-kun, I have very high doubts that you�re a Yami and if you were, I know you would never be a risk. There is no evil in your heart, I can feel it.� Seiji smiled softly and rested his hand on Touma�s chest. �You�re a darling boy with only love and kindness inside of you, it would�ve been a terrible waste if I had killed you or if you had died during the invasion.�

Touma clutched the hand over his chest. "Seiji-san ..."

Seiji then silenced those sweet lips with his own. "Shhh, it's time for sleep now, little one. We can talk later." With the young boy at his side, the Sun God could feel his instinctive fear of the dark wavered and soon drifted off to sleep.


Touma woke up late the next morning, alone on the large bed that he slept on. Blinking a few times, he tried to think of where the Sun God had gone off to. Looking out the window, he saw how high the sun was in the sky and realized how late he had slept in. Seiji-san was going to furious at him for missing his morning exercises!

Scrambling out of bed, Touma was about to bolt out the door, then he remembered that he still needed to make the bed. He knew how much it annoyed Seiji to sleep in a bed with rumpled sheets and the servants didn�t dare go in these chambers to clean up. Hastily making the bed, Touma race out of the chambers and down to his own small room.

Taking off the cotton pajamas he had borrowed from the Taiyo-sama, Touma tugged on his work clothes and boots. The whole time he was cursing himself for sleeping in. For the last ten years he hadn�t been late for a single training session, even if he was sick. Usually Shu would come into his room and check if he was awake, but he wouldn�t be able to this morning for not knowing where Touma was.

Rushing down the hall, Touma was in such a hurry that he ran straight into someone as he rounded the corner. Both men fell flat on their backs, a bit dazed by the impact. The other man got up, angry that someone ran into him. Then Touma got up and saw who it was.

Almost right away both men sneered at each other.

�Shin ...�

�Touma ...�

Something like hatred ran between the two men. Neither of them liked the other and were almost in a sense rivals, both were battling for the affection of a god, a battle that Touma was clearly winning. Though Touma was afraid that one of these days Shin might catch Seiji's eye and then the god would forget about the naive boy he was training. Shin had more confidence in himself, while Touma was lacking in it, that gave the older man an advantage over the child.

"Well, Touma-san, aren't you supposed to be training right now? Or did the child forget about his duties? This is so similar to the time I caught you in the garden during your studding time." Shin smirked at the younger boy, pleased by the angered look on Touma's pale face.

Touma narrowed his eyes and glared at Shin. "I have no time for you right now." As Touma tried to leave, Shin stepped in his way. The boy knew that Shin was stronger than him, the older man was about two hundred, fifty years his senior. "Please get out of my way, Shin-san."

"Why would I want to do that? I love to see you so flustered when you have no control over a situation. So where were you? Sleeping in another person's bed no doubt. Who was it? Shu-san? No, couldn't be, he's too loyal to Lady Toki. Then was it a lowly servant? Or maybe it was Lord Ryo, he's had his eye on you. What did you do? Begged him to fuck you?"

Reminders of what almost happened last night filled Touma's head, shamefully he lowered his eyes and he tried to get passed Shin once more. But the older man obviously wasn't finished and wouldn't let him by.

�Shin, just get out of my way. Do me the greatest favor and just leave me alone just for one damn day or I�ll have you regretting it.�

�Oh, the boy grows a spine and sticks up for himself. But are you any match for superior fighter?�

�You fight? I thought you were just a prostitute,� Touma shot back, usually he�d never say such things, but Shin brought out the worst in him.

�Well, you�d know, you�re beginning to fall into those habits. Who were you with, little Touma? Were you greeting our honored guest last night?�

Touma felt his face flush at the mention of Ryo again. He didn�t know how he felt about the Fire Lord anymore, he wanted to still be friends with him. But not if he was going to pull that stunt off again. He was confused ...

Raising an eyebrow, Shin's smirk got bigger, taking Touma�s blush and his confusion as embarrassment. "So you were with Lord Ryo last night! I bet I can guess what happened too. You spread your pretty white thighs for him, wanting it like horny bitch. Then he shoved himself into your tight little ass and you screamed for harder, for more.

�Of course, for no one loves like a god, he gave it to you and you enjoyed every second of it. You thrust your thin hips against him, trying to drive him deeper into you, moaning like a whore. All the while wondering how Taiyo-sama would feel if he were to throw you on his bed, his hands all over your body and ...�

"SHUT UP!" Touma's eyes flashed a dark blue that perfectly matched the night and all of a sudden Shin went flying towards the wall. Blinking a few times, Touma collapsed to the ground, feeling drained. His head felt light and dizzy, he hadn't involuntarily used his powers for such a long time.

"You little bitch!" Shin's body began to glow a light blue and with his now slowed reflexes, Touma didn't have a chance to dodge the blast of water element energy coming towards him.

A sharp cry escaped Touma as he went skidding across the floor, until he hit the wall at the end of the hallway. The blast hurt more than it should've, but in his already weakened state, it hindered Touma greatly. He tried to pull himself back onto his feet, but he couldn't even manage that.

"What's wrong, Touma-san? I thought that you had been trained by Taiyo-sama himself, you should've been able to block that attack. Weak, that's what you are. The Sun God is wasting his time on you. I'm wasting my time on you." Not giving Touma a chance to respond, Shin left towards his chambers.

"This is just great," Touma said to himself, knowing he was going to remain slumped on the floor like a broken doll till someone found him.

Closing his eyes, he wondered where that great power of his came from. It wasn't like his other abilities, this one felt more powerful, more dangerous than the rest. And he couldn't use it at will, it always surfaced when he was angered and helpless. He wondered why it didn't rise when Ryo tried to have sex with him, but figured that he was confused and scared, not angered like he had been before.

What had just happened now was only a fraction of what these powers could really do. If he had wanted it, Shin would've gone through that wall and wouldn't have gotten up. It still took a lot out of him though.

It was a weird little ability of his, no else seemed to have it. All the others could control their powers, but Touma couldn't control all of his. This worried him, Seiji had told several times that uncontrollable powers were a terrible thing to have and the High God frowned on them. With uncontrollable power comes rage and from rage comes evil. It was how Anubis, Lord of the Yami, rose up as the Warlord he was.

"Touma-kun?" A large hand cupped his face and patted his cheek lightly. "Wake up, Touma-kun."

Opening his eyes, Touma found Shu kneeling next to him, concern etched on his face. "Hey, Shu-san," the boy smiled weakly at his friend.

"Good, I was afraid that you were unconscious. What happened? Almost everyone in the palace could feel powers rise, coming from this area. Were you attacked? Is there an enemy inside the palace walls?" Panic began to show in Shu's eyes. He had heard of Lady Setsuko's report of strange activity near the coast.

"No, no, it's nothing like that. I just ran into the wrong person and the wrong person said the wrong things."

"I'm guessing that the wrong person was Shin. Can't you two ever find peace?." Shu didn't like the hatred between the two, they needed to focus on defending the land, not on killing each other. This time he was afraid that things got out of hand. "Why did he attack you?"

"Because I attacked him first."

Shu smartly slapped Touma across the face. "Why the hell did you do that? You know better than to provoke him!"

Touma was shocked that Shu had hit him and almost couldn't reply. "I ... I didn't mean to! I couldn't help it, it just happened."

"How does an attack just happen, Touma?!"

The boy winced at his friend's tone. "I don't know," he whispered.

"Come on," Shu jerked Touma to his feet. "I can't believe you ..."

"I'm sorry, Shu-san."

"Save it for Taiyo-sama! Has he taught you nothing in your training? I thought you were special Touma, but you�re no better than Shin."

That stung more than the slap itself. Turning his head, Touma hid the tears in his eyes. From anyone else, it wouldn�t hurt as much, but this was Shu, one of the only people who loved him.

�Touma-kun ...� Shu felt awful about what he had said to the young boy. He couldn�t expect Touma to be perfect all the time and Shin was one of those people who just wouldn�t leave you alone. �Hey, I didn�t mean any of that.�

Pulling Touma into his arms, he held the thin body against him for a few minutes, listening to him sniffle now and then. Shu had to remind himself how young Touma was, compared to his three hundred years, Touma was truly a child at the tender age of eighteen.

�Come on, Touma-kun, we�ll go find Taiyo-sama and explain what happened, I think he was concerned that something happened to you.� Putting his arm around Touma�s waist, Shu let the young boy lean against him as they walked down the hall, their footsteps echoing in the empty corridor.


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