Author’s Note To All The Happy Readers: I suggest that those of you who are either: Pure of heart and mind, weak hearted, under the age of the fifteen (at the very least), good little Buddhist / Jewish/ Mormon/ Muslim/ etc. children or just very narrow minded, then RUN! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!! For Hiruma’s lemon scene is coming up! Obviously Hiruma is not a very good Buddhist girl . . .

Oh yes, this is the part that is dedicated to Wildefyre, sorry Djinn, you don’t get the lemon scene, but all the angst is under your name. And I’d like to say thanks to Tenku’s Girl, if it wasn’t for T.G., then I’d be horribly insecure about my lemon scene, but she likes to boost my ego. Anyway, I hope that all of you people will be kind, this is my first time writing such a scene, well, Wildefyre helped me write it, so I feel confident people will like it (actually, she just improved it, so now it’s a hell of a lot better than it was to begin with) . . . Well, onto the fic! Peace out happy readers- Hiruma

Chapter 5

Seiji, do you love me?

The question echoed in Seiji’s mind. Sitting up, the blond looked down at the blankets, pondering over what Touma had asked. Did he love Touma? A small voice told him that it was too soon, for he had just broken up with Ryo and this was not the time to be with Touma.

Another part of him was still bitter from seeing Ryo with that other man and it was that part he was afraid of. Was he just using the archer? He hoped not. Especially after all Touma had done for him.

Something within his heart was trying to tell him to go for it and to sweep this man off his feet then show him that the world wasn’t only full of loneliness for him. Looking over at the archer to stare at his sorrowful eyes, he then knew that if he didn’t love Touma already, then he was falling in love with him.

Touma sat up as well and he could feel tears in his eyes for the second time that night. He feared the answer that might come from the blond and he didn’t want to lose the friendship they had rebuilt.

The silence between them was almost too much for Touma to take and the longer it took for Seiji to come up with an answer, the more it was tore him up inside. He knew it had to be an awful mistake for him to ask Seiji if he loved him but then he noticed Seiji staring at him intensely.

A small gasp was audible before Touma was totally silenced by Seiji’s lips. His cheeks felt wet as tears slipped from his now closed eyes. Touma was terribly confused; did this mean that Seiji loved him?

Once Seiji tore his lips from Touma’s, he gazed soulfully into large, bewildered eyes. With one arm securely around his hips and the other around his shoulders, Seiji leaned closer so their foreheads were just barely touching. “I love you, Touma,” Seiji said softly, for the first time.

Wiping his face, Touma smiled, “I love you too, Seiji.”

Pressing a kiss into azure hair, Seiji pulled Touma closer to him. “I think this time things can work out between us.”

Touma nodded and said out loud more to himself than to Seiji, “That is if you don’t cheat on me this time.”

“What?” Seiji asked sharply. Touma’s statement caught him totally off guard. His heart nearly stopped as fear and pain seized his body. // Touma knew all this time? But... How? Was someone home when it happened and told Touma? Did Ryo tell him? How did he know? //

// I can’t believe I just said that! I’m going to screw everything up again. // Touma lowered his eyes so that he was staring at the fabric of the comforter, which currently was the only thing covering him up. He believed that he had just ruined his chances to be with Seiji again. Still, he couldn’t get over the fact that Seiji had actually cheated on him... With one of his best friends no less.

“You knew all this time,” Seiji stated flatly. He blinked back the tears that were forming in his eyes and bit down softly on his lower lip. Tenderly, he cupped Touma’s face in his hands and lifted his head so that the archer was looking at him again. “I’m so sorry you had to go through so much and I was the one who put you through all of it.”

“It’s all right; it’s in the past now. Let‘s just leave it there.” Touma’s voice was just above a whisper as he spoke. “I . . . I was just so angry with myself and I know that if... If I had done things differently, then it wouldn’t have happened. Seiji if being with Ryo made you happy, then I had to be happy for you. Maybe it was for the better.”

“Tou! That was all my fault and I honestly don’t think it was for the better. I hurt you and I’ll never forgive myself for that. I need to know though; how did you find out?”

“I came home early and I heard you and Ryo,” Touma shut his eyes, willing that awful memory to go away. That memory from six years ago was still fresh in his mind and if asked, he could probably recall almost everything that happened while he was standing in the hallway.

“Love, I’m so sorry.” Seiji held the archer close to him, “I’m sorry and I want to make it all up to you. I want to make up for all the pain I’ve caused you. Just tell me how.”

“You said you loved me Seiji and that is more then enough for me.”

“Do you forgive me?”

“I don’t think I could love you if I didn’t.”

The blond smiled, giving the archer a light kiss on the lips, “You’re too good to me.” Lying down, Touma pulled Seiji next to him. “Hold me Seiji. Hold me for the rest of the night.”

“Your wish is my command, love.” Seiji whispered softly and wrapped his arms around Touma as he pulled the covers up over them. Seiji buried his face in soft, blue hair, enjoying the feel of it.

Squirming around so that he was comfortable, Touma rested his head on Seiji’s shoulder and took in the light scent of cologne the blond wore. Feeling completely warm and safe, Touma soon fell asleep in Seiji’s embrace. Seiji laid there content with listening to Touma’s soft rhythmic breathing and soon it’s soothing sound had lulled him off to sleep as well.


Thick, gray clouds covered the sun the next morning, yet Seiji didn’t mind since the scene that greeted him when he awoke, made his day. Touma was sleeping peacefully in his arms and sometime during the night the blankets had gotten shuffled around so that the upper half of Touma’s naked body was exposed to him. Seiji’s mouth had gone dry, as the urge to lower the blanket was almost too much to bear; however he didn’t want to disturb Touma’s rest.

At first he started caressing the archer's cheek and pressing his lips against Touma's. Then every once in awhile Seiji would kiss the pale skin of his lover’s chest or lick daintily at now hardening nipples. Each caress, each touch caused the archer to groan in his slumber causing Seiji’s control to slip a little more. The final straw came when Touma called out his name in a desired filled voice and immediately Seiji felt himself harden.

Pushing down the covers even further, Seiji kissed, nibbled and tasted his way down to Touma’s stomach and then skipped to his thigh. Nibbling carefully on the smooth white skin he found there, he looked up when Touma started breathing harder and soft moans began to escape his lips.

Seiji smiled when he remembered just how sensitive Touma’s thighs really were. With his hand, he caressed the other thigh and spread the archer’s legs as far as they'd go as his mouth moved up to the awakening flesh lying between long lean limbs.

Touma was having the most pleasant of dream. At first Seiji was just holding him in bed, touching him carefully but then his mouth was moving down his body and along his chest to his stomach before moving to his legs. Moaning at every advance, Touma managed to think about how vivid this dream was and how real it seemed. He felt exactly how real it was when the blonde's hot mouth closed over the tip of his manhood and a slippery heated tongue massaged it on all sides.

Opening his eyes, he saw a puddle of blond hair on his abdomen as Seiji worked on bringing his erection to life and doing one hell of a job at it too. "Whadda way ta wake up..." Touma mumbled through a haze of pleasure and he arched his back once Seiji's mouth covered all of him, going clear off the bed.

His vision began to blur as Seiji sucked even harder on him, running his tongue all over the smooth shaft and he just about cried out when he felt himself nudging the back of Seiji's throat. Clenching the sheets in his hands, Touma closed his eyes again and began to pant heavily.

It had been a long time since someone had done this to him and it felt so good. His whole body began to tingle as Seiji worked his length and when the blonde’s tongue dipped into the slit at the tip of his sex, Touma thought for sure that he had died and gone to heaven.

With his heart beating like crazy and his desire increasing by the second, the archer knew he was getting closer to coming. “S... Seiji! I... Oh God! Feels so good... Been too long!” Heated pleasure coursed throughout his body until he reached the breaking point and could no longer contain the fire burning through his soul. He gasped the blonde's name and his eyes flew open as he released his seed in a mind blowing orgasm into Seiji's waiting mouth.

Swallowing the hot, salty seed that his lover had fed him, Seiji then carefully and lazily cleaned Touma's sated sex with his tongue. Crawling up to the archer and laying next to him; Seiji pulled Touma into his strong arms. Kissing the archer's sweaty brow, Seiji soothingly petted his hair. "Good morning, my dear Tou."

"Oh and what a good morning it is! You can wake me up like that any day." Touma sighed softly and cuddled against his lover. He could feel Seiji's arousal through his boxers as it pressed against his thigh and Touma grinned slightly. "You look like you could use some attention as well. Now let’s see what we can do about that." Reaching down to run a finger over the rapidly hardening shaft; Touma then took it in his grasp and stroked it slowly. Seiji whimpered in complaint when Touma withdrew his hand once the archer felt something warm and wet coat his fingertips.

"Maybe we should get rid of these first." The archer explained as he nibbled on Seiji’s earlobe and then playfully snapped the waistband to Seiji‘s boxers. "Once that’s done then maybe we can do something a little more interesting than just having me touching you. If you need suggestions... I know a few.” He purred against Seiji’s cheek.

Within a second, Seiji's boxers were off and on the floor; he didn‘t need to be told twice that was for sure. Sitting up and grabbing Touma, he kissed him passionately as his hand slid down to the smooth flesh of Touma’s ass. Delicately he began fingering the archer's opening and smiled when Touma moaned softly. "Oh I know exactly what we can do my koibito. Do you have any lubricant?” He asked as he kissed his way down Touma’s neck.

"There might be some lotion around here that we can use. I haven‘t had the need to keep lube on hand in years." Touma leaned over and started looking through the drawers of his nightstand. He shivered as Seiji continued rubbing his finger across his opening.

"If you don't hurry, I might just have to take you right now." Seiji proved his point by grinding his swollen sex against Touma and sliding a saliva coated finger into him. “Oh God Tou you’re so tight and hot in there.” Seiji cooed as he felt Touma‘s velvety heat surround his finger. “You make me so horny Touma... I want you in the worse possible way.”

"H-Hold a . . . a sec." He just about dropped the bottle of lotion he had found as Seiji slipped in yet another finger. Touma closed his eyes and panted as he pushed back against Seiji’s hand. “Oh yes, feels good... So good!” He whispered as he felt the tingle starting to once again work it’s way to every nerve and fiber within his body.

Snatching the bottle away from him, Seiji took out his fingers long enough to coat them with lotion and before eagerly sliding them back in to start prepping Touma. Seiji also spread lotion on his length stroking himself a few times and moaning from the pleasure it gave him. The blond pushed the other man onto his back, still stretching out the tightness his throbbing penis would soon occupy. Twisting and spreading his fingers, he wiggled them around, teasing Touma as much as he could while watching his lover’s face for any sign of pain.

"Damn it, Seiji, I'm ready! Take me NOW!" Touma hissed, not wanting to wait any longer. Seiji nodded, bringing one of the archer's legs up on his shoulder and the other around his waist. Touma quickly took in a deep breath of air as something hard and hot pressed up to his opening.

Slowly, Seiji began to thrust into him, making him excited again. Along with the pleasure of being filled came the pain since he hadn't been taken like this in years. Biting down on his lip, he tried not to cry out and instead he willed himself to focus on other, more enjoyable sensations.

At first Seiji started out at a leisurely pace, pushing in a little more with each thrust. He was getting worried though, he knew that his love was holding back a scream, it was etched so clearly on Touma’s face and if Touma bit down any harder on his lip he'd probably draw blood. Even with the lubricant, it was hard to move in and out of the body in front of him, it was tighter than he would've imagined and it was driving him off the wall.

The only time he could think of being inside such a tight body was when he first took Touma's virgin body over six years ago and now it was as though he was being given a second chance. //This time I won’t screw it up Touma, I promise you that.// He thought. His body ached for him to slam himself as far as he could into Touma, to have that velvety heat all around him, but that would cause too much pain for the archer and so he held back.

"Faster," a soft whisper pleaded.

"But it'll-"

"Faster!" The plead became a demand as slim hips started rocking at their own rhythm, trying to drive Seiji deeper into Touma.

Not wanting to disappoint his love, Seiji went faster and soon lost control. He went in and out at a quicker rate; sweat covered his body as he sought to please both himself and his lover. Angling himself into a better position, he pushed in more forcefully, the small gasps Touma was letting out and the whisper of his name being said over and over again encouraged him to pick up the pace even more.

The archer moaned loudly as the movement inside of him became both quicker and harder. The wonderful friction it was causing in him was almost maddening; he was unable to stop himself from wildly bucking his hips in time with Seiji’s thrusts. His eyes lifted up to look at Seiji’s handsome face and found that the blond had been staring at him the whole time.

Sliding his leg that was over Seiji’s shoulder down, he wrapped it around his lover’s waist, pulling Seiji even closer to him. The ability to even hold a thought for even a second was lost as Seiji hit his pleasure spot repeatedly sending jolts of the pleasure through him and then the blond took a hold of his stiff and throbbing penis. Touma hissed.

“Oh gods!!” Touma threw his head back into the pillow behind him, panting as though he had run miles in a sprint.

Shifting his position so that he was right above Touma, Seiji kissed him gently, never ceasing in his actions. “You called?”

“Harder, harder, harder, harder.”

His strokes had become to the point where they were almost violent. Though in the back of his mind he was concerned about hurting Touma, he couldn't have stopped himself now even if he wanted to. It wasn't only the great excitement that this act caused him, but seeing that look on Touma's face, the look that told him he was doing everything right.

"SEIJI!! I‘M GOING TO... OH GOD I’M CUMMING!" Touma's second orgasm flowed over Seiji's fingers and coated both his and Seiji's stomachs.

That was all Seiji could take, seeing his lover in the throes of yet another orgasm sent him over the edge. "TOUMA! TOUMA!!" Seiji cried out and shot his seed deep inside of the body he was inside of. Trembling at the force of his climax, a lingering pleasure pranced through his system and made his nerves tingle with delight.

The blond realized that he hadn’t had such a mind shattering orgasm since the last time he was with Touma, never had Ryo ever made him feel like this. He was vaguely aware that Touma had pulled him down on top of the beauty underneath him.

Warmth washed over Touma as Seiji's tired form settled on him, shifting now and then to get comfortable. Hugging the blond close to him, Touma closed his eyes and drifted into sleep, though not before hearing Seiji whisper, "I love you," in his ear.

It was well into the afternoon when Touma woke up, he had been cleaned off from their love making earlier that day and he was dressed in flannel pajamas. Heavy quilts were pulled up over him, his head was resting in Seiji's lap and one elegant hand was tangled in his hair. Glancing up, he saw Seiji with a book in his free hand with a completely relaxed look on his face. Touma had noted that during the past weeks the blond had been a little up tight but there was no trace of that now.

He couldn’t remember a time when he was this comfortable or this happy. Seiji loved him and for the moment, nothing else in the world mattered. Shifting a little, he winced in pain, his ass was horribly sore, but it was all worth it.

“I knew I’d hurt you,” Seiji said softly, putting down his book and looking apologetically at Touma.

“I’m fine really. Sure I’m a little sore, although I’ve been through worse. If I had a choice, I’d do it all over again, even if it would hurt more.” He reassured Seiji. “What time is it? I feel like I’ve slept the day away.”

“You just about did, it’s five now.”

“Five?! No wonder I’m hungry.”

“I’ll make you something to eat then, I can make a killer Gyoza dumpling.”

Touma started to get up, “No; I know where everything is so I’ll make us something quick to eat.”

But Seiji would not allow him, “I’m sure I can find everything just fine. Now, you go take a shower and crawl back into bed, I want to make you something along the lines of dinner in bed.” After giving the archer a firm kiss, Seiji ran out of the room before Touma could argue.

Seiji was true to his word, he did make a killer Gyoza dumpling . . . and it was currently killing Touma’s poor stomach. He forced a smile and swallowed every bite though, not wanting to hurt Seiji’s feelings and asking himself what did he do to deserve this.

Thankfully the sauce came out of the bottle instead of homemade, so Touma drowned the small dumpling in it, making it tolerable to eat. The pork in it was a little too much on the pink side for Touma’s liking, leaving him to wondering if the blond had steamed them long enough. He also wondered how Ryo put up with it, no doubt the bearer of Rekka had to eat this. He probably either had dead taste buds or a stomach of steel. Still, Ryo was the worst cook Touma had ever seen, of course he wouldn’t know if this was bad or not.

“I’m so glad you liked it!” Seiji smiled brightly, the kind of smile that you'd only see if you were alone and close with him. "I can make more if you want."

"No thank you, love, I couldn't eat another bite." He meant that too.

Seiji frowned slightly, “Shin’s right, you are too skinny, and you should really eat some more.”

“No, no, no, I’m already full.” Seiji’s frown deepened. “I promise I’ll eat a snack later on tonight, I’m really not hungry anymore right now.” //Either I teach him how to cook or keep him out of the kitchen.// Touma smiled thoughtfully.

“Fine, but I’m going to make sure you eat more during dinner, can’t have you wasting away on me, I love you too much,” the blond replied, kissing his cheek. “I’ll take this for you,” grabbing the empty plate, Seiji shuffled out of the room and returned, sliding down on the bed with Touma.

Curling up next to Seiji, Touma muttered, “How the hell am I going to explain this all to Ken?”

“Try when he gets older and can understand all of this. He’s a smart boy and he loves you, I’m sure it won’t be such a shock to him.”

“I hope . . . I want this all to work out so badly, we could be just like a little family, except Kenji would have two dads instead of one dad and one mom.” A thought then hit Touma, what if Seiji didn’t want to have to be committed to both him and Kenji. If Seiji were going to be with him, he would have to take on some responsibilities concerning Ken as well. “You . . . You do realize that if you want to be with me, you have to be a parent to Kenji too, right? I can’t be with you if you don’t want kids, cause I’ve already got one.”

Seiji chuckled, “Tou, my dear, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to help you take care of Kenji too. He’s a sweet boy and I’d be happy with helping you raise him. Granted I'm not the prefect parent like you might be, but I'll do my best. What I don‘t know, I‘ll learn and you can teach me.”

"That's more than I was hoping for. I love you so much, Seiji."

"I love you too, Touma."


Seiji held firmly onto Kenji's hand as they walked through the mall the next day. He had gone to pick up Kenji from his parents' house and taken the boy shopping with him since Touma had to go to work for another meeting. The archer had given him a lopsided grin this morning and commented about how his work was manipulating meeting arrangements so he could go to the office and fix all of their computers as well. He also claimed that he was going to demand a raise and that the company would not be able to refuse him since no one else could get projects done faster than he could.

Though Seiji would've preferred to spend the day at the apartment with Touma and Kenji, this gave him the perfect chance to shop for a Christmas present for him. Thankfully it was winter break for the university, so it gave him a lot of free time.

"Seiji, maybe Papa wants the stars," Kenji suggested. "When we go star lookin, he says he wants to be with stars sometimes. So maybe we can get him stars and then he can be with them."

Smiling, Seiji nodded in agreement. "I think giving him stars would be a great idea and you should give them to your papa since it would be more special if it were just from you."

Kenji beamed with pride and joy, little dimples showed up on his round cheeks as his lips curved up into a smile that Seiji knew would probably become the same endearing smile Touma has.

"I know where to get them!" Dragging Seiji into the nearest toy store, he found a packet of glow in the dark stars. "I have stars in my room and now Papa can have them in his room too! Do you think that Papa will always be happy with these stars? Maybe he'll stop bein sad sometimes. Since you lived with us, Papa's been more happy, but I'm scared he'll get sad again."

"I'm sure Touma will be much happier now that you've gotten him stars," Seiji reassured the child.

"Seiji? Are you ever goin to leave? Cause me and Papa would get sad and I don't like it when we're sad and then Papa might cry, I really don't like it when he cries." The boy's silvery, violet eyes began to fill with tears, "Please don't ever leave."

Kneeling down in front of him, Seiji wrapped his arms around the little boy. "Hey now, don't cry, Ken. I'm not going to leave you and Touma, I love both of you, and nothing could make me leave." Seiji felt the tug at his heart as he held Kenji in his arms.

"Do ya swear never to leave?"

"I swear never to leave. Do you feel better now?" Seiji pulled away to look at Kenji.


"Good! Let's go pay for the stars, then we'll go get some ice cream and after that we’ll look for another gift for your papa. How does that sound?"

Kenji perked up at the promise of food. "Can I have a hot fudge sundae?"

"Sure, as long as I can have bite and you don't tell Touma that I'm spoiling you."

"Yay!" Kenji jumped up and down, excited that he was getting ice cream. The little boy ate a lot and it didn't show at all. He was a lot like Touma in that aspect. He had a high metabolism that kept him thin, despite how much food he ate. And like Touma, he had a sweet tooth, but so did all young children his age. Still, in almost every way, Kenji was just like Touma.

At the ice cream shop in the mall, Seiji sat quietly at the table, sipping on the tea he had ordered for himself as he watched Kenji. Only once did he have to reminded Kenji of his manners while eating. Other than that, Ken was totally proper and very careful not to get anything on his dark green sweater.

Even though Seiji wasn’t Ken’s father, he was proud in that father like way since Ken was the only kid in the room that was so well behaved. What he was most impressed about was Touma's ability to raise his son like this when he really had no good example to follow.

"We need a talk;" Kenji said sternly, his voice low so no one else could hear.

"Oh? What do we need to talk about?" Asked Seiji, curious about what the boy wanted to say.

"Do ya wanna marry Papa, like Momma wants to marry Matsuji?"

Seiji promptly choked on his tea, taking a few moments to clear his chest. "What makes you ask that?" Seiji blushed. //Well the apple surely doesn’t fall far from the tree. He’s just like Touma, blunt and to the point.//

"Cause you said before you and Papa weren't married and ya look at him like other kids momma and papa who're married. If ya wanna marry Papa then that’s what you should give him for Christmas, gettin married.” His big eyes held an endearing innocence that had Seiji melting. //Yes, definitely an offspring of Touma’s.//

“Ken, I . . . I don’t think right now is the time to get married. That will have to come later on down the road. Marriage is a lot more complicated than it sounds and now is too soon for it."

"Oh," a look of disappointment crossed Kenji's face, and then it lit up again. "You could give Papa the ring and promise to marry later."

"That's called ‘being engaged’ and it's too soon for that as well." Seiji replied, sorry that he had to disappoint the little guy.

Sighing with frustration, Kenji rolled his eyes dramatically. "Then what are you goin ta give Papa? Its gotta beat the stars."

"When it comes to your papa, the only thing that can beat the stars is you."

"Ya can't give him me, silly," Kenji pointed out. "You could give Papa a ring or those wrist ring thingies that have those stones that look like stars. They come in different colors too."

"That might not be a bad idea . . ."

While Seiji and Kenji were discussing what to get for Touma in the ice cream shop, Touma was just walking into a restaurant. This was the part of the day Touma didn't tell Seiji about. Since the blond didn't know of the troubles he was having, he decided it was best to not inform Seiji that he also had a meeting with Grace, Kenji's mother. Touma was nervous and he kept thinking about the last time he saw Grace since it wasn't a very good experience.

She had called the night before, while Seiji was sleeping, and had asked Touma to hear her out. Touma couldn't say no, even though he was furious about what she had said to him. Alas he still considered her his friend and, after all, she was his son's mother so they had to try and get along.

He quickly caught a glimpse of Grace's light hair color among all the black hair in the area and walked to the table. Sitting down across from her, Touma politely said his hello and tried to ignore the fact that his hands were shaking. With his hands twisted in his lap, Touma unconsciously traced the scar on his left wrist over and over again. He was just happy that up till now, Seiji still had not taken notice of it. It was only a matter of time though before he did and Touma knew he’d be in for a lecture from the blond.

"How are you, Touma? Despite you being nervous, I have the wildest feeling that you got laid recently." Grace suggested, smiling knowingly. “There’s no mistaking that glow.”

Right away Touma relaxed, she was sounding like the Grace he knew and loved, as a friend, of course. She also had an uncanny knack of knowing when someone just had sex. True, he did make love with Seiji the other day for the first time in six years and first time with anyone for over four. It was also true that after that, they did proceed to have sex four more times that night and he was feeling pretty good. With one exception his ass still hurt like hell.

"Let's just say that I got lucky and leave it at that." Touma grinned like a Cheshire cat, knowing that Grace was dying for details but she’d have to play along if she intended to find out.

"You're not going to leave me hanging, are you? I told you about my first time with Matsuji."

"Against my will! I had nightmares about it too! Once I was able to sleep again!" Touma protested.

"Fine, be that way." She huffed. "Just tell me, who was it? Some hot, juicy, stud muffin with pale skin, dark hair, blue eyes, long legs, great body and a charming, lovable, English accent."

"Careful, Grace, you're drooling." Touma smirked and arched his eyebrow.

"Come on; tell me who it is!" She pleaded.

"I'll give you two hints, it's one of the last people you'd think of and it's a guy."

"It's that Shin guy! Ever since I saw that picture of him in a white and pink striped apron, I knew he'd become gay!"

Touma just about burst out in laughter. “No, even if Shin were gay, I would never go for him, for two reasons. First, he's too cheerful for his own good at times and second, Mizu would have my head. Guess again."

"It's got to be Ryo then! First he sweeps the blond off his feet, now he's after blue boy. He sure knows how to rip a perfectly good couple apart."

"You're wrong! Try again." He prodded.

"Did you get a hooker?" She teased.

"What kind of guy do you think I am!?!?" He turned beet red.

Laughing at the embarrassed look on Touma‘s face she replied."I take that as a no then. Hmmm? No way! It can’t be? Seiji? It's got to be Seiji! OH MY GOD!" Her eyes went wide and her mouth hung open in shock.

Touma's eyes got that dreamy look in them. "It was perfect, I never thought that sex could be that... that... that indescribable. And he loves me, Grace! He really loves me and he said it more than once!"

Grace was truly happy for Touma for he had finally found his love. "So, who got the top?"

Touma's face turned totally red. "Um . . . Seiji." He said softly.

"You've got to be kidding me! You're a natural aggressor, Touma! You couldn't be on the bottom, unless he was riding your penis."

Never had Touma been so horrified by Grace's bluntness. "Do we have to have this conversation in public? People are beginning to stare."

"Quiet, or I'll shout out in graphic detail the night we had sex. Now, by your reaction to my question, I'm assuming the only thing he was riding was your ass, which by the way, is one good-looking ass. Blue Boy, why aren't you the one on top, hmmmm? I think I know why, because this Seiji guy you've told me about before sounds like a control freak. You need to take some control and show him some of your moves and you need to learn some new moves while you're at it."

Touma had drained all the water from the glass in front of him, he didn't know what was worse, having this conversation with Grace or being yelled at by Mizu. Clearing his throat, Touma stated, "I know this isn't why you called me here."

"Oh yeah," Grace's cheerful expression disappeared and fear began to rise up in Touma. "I want to apologize, for hurting you like I did the last time I saw you. It was stupid of me. I didn't mean a word of it and I had no right to say it, you're a great father. To try to make it up to you, I'm going to let you have Kenji for Christmas this year, but I still kind of want him over for New Years."

"Do you mean it?" Touma sounded like a child getting a new toy. He was so excited, he never got to spend Christmas with his son before. That was the time that Grace usually had him.

"Yeah, so I won't take him next week and he won't come over till New Years Eve, does that sound okay?"

"Of course it's okay! Though I don't think I'll ever forgive you for what you said to me that day," Touma added darkly.

"I know that, I'm still trying to make it up anyway."

"Thank you, Grace. I’d stay to eat but I want to get home before Seiji and Kenji do. Bye." He said and kissed her cheek.

"Bye, Touma." She giggled as she watched his well defined jean clad ass walk away from her.

People stared as Touma left the restaurant and skipped over to his car while singing to himself. He was in one of the best moods he'd ever been in. Everything was going right for him; fortune had to be smiling down on him today.


Seiji peeked into the apartment to see that Touma's shoes were neatly in their place by the door and his house slippers were gone. Damn, the archer had made it back before them. He then glanced into the living room and saw that Touma was stretched out on the couch, flipping through a magazine. He was facing away from Seiji, or he would've seen his love. Going back over to where Kenji was waiting by the door, Seiji fished out a fantasy book from one of the several bags they had.

“We’re resorting to plan B. You distract your papa in the living room and I’ll get the bags to my room. You know what to do, right?"

"Yep!" Kenji nodded and took the book. He then bounced into the living room, shouting out a greeting to Touma. "Papa! Lookie at what we got you! Lookie, Papa! We got you a book!"

Putting down his magazine, Touma took the book from Ken. “Hey! I’ve been looking for this book; it’s the next one in the series I’ve been reading.”

“I helped picked it out!”

Once Touma's attention was drawn to his son, Seiji ran past the room and down the hall. He then shoved all of the packages into the back of his closet, hoping that Touma wouldn't accidentally find it. All of the archer’s presents were in there and he didn’t want Touma to see any of them. Making sure that everything was in the very back and hidden by his clothes, Seiji walked back out to find Touma and Kenji. They were still in the living room and Touma kept gesturing to the bare corner of the room.

“This is where we’re going to put up the tree,” Touma was explaining to his son. “And I have some ornaments that we can decorate it with. It’ll have to be a very small tree though but when we get a house one of these days, we’ll get the biggest tree you have ever seen and put all the trimmings on it.”

“Papa, why do people celebrate Christmas?”

“Um, it’s some Christian holiday I believe... Honestly I don’t know all the details so you’ll have to ask your momma. I’m sure she would know.”

“Seiji!” Kenji hopped over to the blond. “We’re goin have a tree and everything! I get to have Christmas with you and Papa!”

“That’s great!” Before Seiji could say anymore, the boy had already left the room, going into the kitchen for a snack. “Does he usually spend the holidays with his mother?”

“Yes, but she wanted him to spend Christmas with me this year and it’ll be the first time.” Joyfulness radiated from Touma, then it faltered a little. “Are you going home for the holidays?”

Seiji paused as he thought about it. “I don’t know, maybe we could go there for Christmas Eve and just stay here for Christmas. Wherever I am, I just want to spend the day with you, only if you want me around.”

Touma’s cheerfulness returned and he gave Seiji a quick kiss. “I’d be honored to have you stay here.”

Making sure Kenji was still in the kitchen, Seiji asked, "Now that Ken's home, should I sleep in my room?"

Touma chewed on his lip lightly as he thought. It would be a good idea to have Seiji sleep in his room while Kenji was home, but he didn't want to sleep alone anymore. As long as they didn't do anything, then he didn't see any harm in it."I think I'd rather have you sleep in my room instead."

Placing his arms at Touma's waist, Seiji brought the archer closer to him. "Hmmm, I think I'd rather sleep in your room too, it has a nice, soft, big bed and it's also got a warm, gorgeous body to snuggle up to."

“Papa!” Seiji and Touma jumped away from each other at the same time as Kenji came scampering into the room again. “Papa! We have ta buy the tree! We don’t have the tree yet!”

“All right, go get your jacket and we’ll go see what we can find.” Touma couldn’t stop smiling; this is the life he wanted for his son, the life he wanted as a child.


“Seiji! Come on... I can think of better things to do other than grading papers besides it‘s winter break!” Touma pouted and gave his lover his best puppy dog eyes.

The blond kept his eyes on the assignment he was currently grading, knowing that if he looked up he was going to give in. Touma's puppy dog eyes were a force that could not be overcome and he wanted to finish evaluating the essays he had his students turn in before winter break.

Though making out with Touma was more interesting than what he was currently doing; he wanted to finish his task so he wouldn’t have to worry about it later. He knew Touma had to be getting frustrated with him especially since Kenji was spending the day with his friend Suzu and Touma wanted to take advantage of the time his son was away.

“Seiji! You’re not being any fun.” Touma pouted some more as he sat there with his arms crossed.

“I have work to do Touma-san and I don’t want to play right now.” Seiji sighed.

“Fine, be that way... I‘ll entertain myself then.” Touma got off the couch and 1

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