This fic is dedicated to Wildefyre, you know why? Cause it's her birthday present and she's someone who always helps me out when I need it and who’s just fun to talk to! Thanks, Wildefyre, and I hope that you have a happy birthday ^_^

Determined To Get Laid

Touma was sitting comfortably on Seiji’s lap, facing him, as they were once again lip locked, both were oblivious to the world around them. His arms were wrapped around Seiji’s neck while Seiji had a tight grip on his waist. The archer wasn’t surprised as the blonde’s hands slipped under his shirt, madly groping every inch of skin he could get his fingers on, then finally settled on teasing nipples till they were taunt.

Touma slowly buried his hands in soft, golden locks of hair. How he loved to touch that hair, it was like being able to touch sunlight. Inching his body closer to Seiji’s, Touma’s lips left Seiji’s and started going down his neck, tasting the sweetness of that pale, smooth skin. Under his lips, the archer could feel a purr rise from Seiji’s throat, exciting him even more.

Warm hands began to drift lower, massaging the hard muscles of Touma’s abdomen and brushed against a path of soft blue hairs leading down from his navel. Fingers began to trace the fly of his incredibly tight jeans, causing chills to go up the archer’s spine. Those fingers then started unbutton the jeans, slipping passed the waistband of silk blue boxers, and started stroking the hot piece of flesh between quivering thighs.

Seiji watched the expression on Touma’s face, afraid that he was going to cause his boyfriend discomfort, but was encouraged by the pleasure on the archer’s face. His thumb then rubbed over the tip of Touma’s sex, enjoying the soft sounds coming from his boyfriend.

“S-Seiji!” Touma moaned, resting his head on broad shoulders as he began to pant. This was new, they had never gone below the belt before, their relationship was still fairly new. Before things could go to far, he snatched Seiji’s wrist and pulled it away from his now throbbing crotch.

“I thought you’d like it if I touched you there.” The blond then busied himself with nibbling on the snow white ear in front of him.

“I do, but we don’t know when the guys will be back. What would they think if you had your hand down my pants?”

“I don’t care what they think. If they don’t like it, then we’ll just pack up everything and move out so we can do this undisturbed. If they do like it, then they can watch and we can lend them our home movies.”

Touma laughed softly, then stopped and looked at Seiji with confusion. “What home movies? Have you been taping us making out!?

“Well, I need something to watch when you’re gone for long periods of time! You know when you were a gone for a whole day visiting your mother, I just about went insane! Can’t have that happening again.” He teased the man resting on his lap as he gently petted denim covered legs.

“You’re hopeless without me, admit it.” Touma grinned, he loved this side of Seiji. So open and loose, even making jokes and smiling all the time. It hurt Touma to see it all hide under the cool surface of the blonde’s indifferent mask when others were in his presence. Words couldn’t describe how honored Touma felt that Seiji had shown him of all people this wonderful, beautiful side of Date Seiji.

“I am, I’m totally hopeless without you. How have I lived so many years without you?” Pulling Touma into a passionate kiss, Seiji started taking off his clothes, needing to feel Touma’s naked body pressed up against his own. They had been going out for two months now and all they’ve been doing is playing around. Seiji longed to feel what it was like to be inside of Touma ... what it’d feel like for Touma to be inside of him.

Once his mouth was free from Seiji’s, Touma clutched onto the blonde’s arms. “Maybe we should go to our room first.”

Staring into Touma’s stormy blue eyes, Seiji could tell that the archer wanted this just as much as he did. All they had to do was scamper off to their room, rid themselves of their garments and let their love and hormones take over.

But then their hopes for making love for the first time was crushed as the sound of the garage door opening warned them of their friends returning home early. It startled Seiji so badly that he stood straight up, making Touma fall to the floor. Scurrying to button shirts and pants, they sat down on opposite ends of the couch, Touma grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

The thing that Seiji despised most out of anything in the world, even more than darkness, was being interrupted in the middle of fooling around with Touma. And it seemed to happen a lot. They were being careful so they wouldn’t get caught, but it frustrated him that they had to stop their activities just to spare their friends from being mentally scarred.

What got him just as much was the guys’ attempt to set Touma out on a date with every girl they randomly picked off the street. Just a week ago during dinner Shin had mentioned to Touma that a girl at his work place was interested in him and wanted to know if he could arrange the archer with a date with this mystery girl. If it hadn’t been for Touma’s comforting hand on his thigh, Seiji would’ve gotten up, shook Shin by the shoulders and screamed into his face that Touma was his and like hell was he going to let fishy boy set his boyfriend up on a date with someone other than him.

Looking over at Touma, the archer was watching a baseball game with a blanket thrown over him. He knew that was to hide his obvious erection that Seiji had proudly caused. Once they were alone again, Seiji wasn’t going to waste time playing and was going to get right to the point. There would always be time to play, but one never knew when they’d get the chance to go at it like bunnies!

Scooting next to Seiji, Touma put the other end of the blanket over the blond and touched Seiji’s knee with his hand, hidden under the blanket. The blond smiled fondly at his boyfriend, and rested his hand over Touma’s. He had to resist the urge to snuggle up against Touma, for he could hear the others coming inside the house. Picking up a magazine, he began to casually look through it as their friends came in.

“Hey guys!” Shu flopped down onto the other side of the couch. He looked at the TV strangely. “Who are these guys? An American team?”

“Yup, it’s the Seattle Mariners, you know, the team Ichiro is now on. They started televising the games here because of him.” Touma answered, sounding like the authority on baseball, which he was in the house.

“Oh yeah,” Shu nodded his head like he knew what Touma was talking about and continued to watch the game.

“Why didn’t you two want to come with us?” Shin asked as he sat down in his lazy-boy chair. “You missed a good movie.”

Seiji shrugged, “I wanted to do some meditation and he was catching up on homework.”

Rolling his eyes, Ryo sighed, “Only you two would skip a movie to do those kinds of things.”

//Oh, we had a much better reason not to go, Ryo. If you had a boyfriend with lips like Touma, then you’d understand.// Seiji thought to himself, smirking slightly.

“Hey Touma, a really cute girl was hired at my family’s restaurant, I got to talk to her and she said that she was looking for a guy. You interested?” Shu asked, a giant grin on his face.

Everyone’s attention was then turned to youngest out of the five. Touma bit his lip as Seiji’s grip on his hand became a little bit too tight. He knew how Seiji felt whenever the guys would do this. Of course he would never even consider the offer, but the blond couldn’t help but feel jealous.

“No thank you, Shu, but I’d rather not go out with someone I don’t know.” He replied as politely as he could, thankful that Seiji’s grip on his hand loosened.

“If you would just give one of these girls a chance, I’m sure that you’ll get to like her. We’re just concerned that you’re never going to take the effort to find a nice girl to settle down with. You’re twenty-one and you’ve never had a girlfriend before! I don’t think that’s very healthy, Touma.” Shin scolded him like a mother would do to a child.

“Thanks for the concern, but I’m perfectly happy without a girlfriend.” Standing up, Touma stretched a bit and yawned. “I think I’m going to take a nap.”

It took all of Seiji’s will power not to grin like an idiot. That was an clear invitation for him to follow and engage in some interesting activities. After Touma left the room and everyone began to drift off to other places in the house, Seiji waited about fifteen minutes before going upstairs to the room they shared.

He was thankful that they had already been sharing a room before they became a couple, it got rid of any suspicion that they were together. Slipping into the room and locking the door behind him, the blond made his way over to his bed, where Touma was laying, waiting patiently for him. Lowering himself on the bed, Seiji nuzzled Touma’s neck.

“It’s about time you got here, I was about to fall asleep.” Touma muttered, pulling Seiji closer to him, soaking up the heat he provided. “Mmmm, I love you.”

Seiji froze. “That’s the first time either of us have ever said that.”

Touma froze too. “Really? Well, I meant it. I love you.”

“And I love you too.” Kissing Touma gently, Seiji slowly deepened the kiss. Not breaking the kiss, he shifted them so that he was laying under Touma’s warm body. Wrapping his legs around Touma's slender waist, Seiji pulled the younger boy close to him and ground his hips against his boyfriend's.

Touma started blushing when he felt Seiji's arousal, trapped in the restraints of his light colored slacks. His body began to react favorably to the feel of Seiji under him. Breaking the kiss, Touma scattered tiny kisses over the blonde's face, going down to his neck and unbuttoning his shirt, suckling at the exposed skin.

He suddenly let out a yelp of surprise as Seiji firmly grabbed his ass, kneading the soft flesh he found there. Leave it to Seiji to catch him totally off guard and to reduce him to a puddle of mush. Sinking down so that he was fully resting on the body below him, Touma mewled happily at Seiji's attentions.

The archer found that the growing desire to make love to Seiji was gnawing on his very soul. The ache was unbearable, almost driving him mad. He idly wondered if his boyfriend felt the same way, if he had this undying need inside for Touma, like he had for Seiji.

"If we were very quiet, do you think that we could have sex without being noticed?" Touma's warm breath caressed Seiji's ear as he asked the question, which actually startled Seiji. Out of the two of them, it was usually Seiji who made all the sexual advances, but the blond wasn't complaining, he rather liked the thought of silently being intimate with Touma.

"Do you think you can keep from screaming with pleasure when you enter me?" Seiji smiled mischievously at Touma.

"It'd be hard, but I think I could manage."

"Then what's stopping us, lover boy?"

"Well, um ... Don't I ... I need to prepare you?" Touma's face went beat red, a bit embarrassed that he wasn't very sure as to what to do.

"You sure do! But don't worry, I have some sandalwood scented oil that we can use, I bought it just for this purpose."

Touma looked relieved, then shock and a bit of hurt flashed in his eyes. He noticed that the bottle of oil was half empty, his stomach churned a bit at the thought that he wasn't Seiji's first. He had dreamed of learning with Seiji the ways of love making, not to be taught by Seiji.

Seiji couldn't help but chuckle at Touma's downhearted expression, he knew what the archer was thinking. Wrapping his arms around Touma comfortingly, he smiled gently at his love. "I know what's on your mind, my dear, but rest assure that you are my first. The bottle's half empty because ... I, um, prefer to use oil when I ... Well, you know ..." It was now Seiji's turn to blush.

"Did you ever think about me when you were pleasuring yourself?" Touma asked uneasily.

"Did I ever? Of course! You were the only person on my mind. I love you, Tou, I've loved you for quite some time. I've only fantasize about you when I'm alone in bed," Seiji said, soothing away Touma's fears and doubts. "Take me, Touma, please."

Before Touma could even open his mouth, there was a loud knock on the door. Interrupted again! Groaning with frustration, Touma crawled under the covers of Seiji's bed, while Seiji shoved the oil into a desk drawer, then opened the door.

"Oh Seiji, I didn't know you were up here. Is Touma awake? He has a phone call," Shin informed the blond in his usual cheerful tone.

Were they so wrapped up in their passions that they didn't hear the phone ring? There was one right in the room and yet somehow they failed to hear it. That just proved to Seiji how much of his mind Touma took up, it left little room for anything else.

"Hm? I've gotta call?" Touma raised his head, then reached over for the phone and picked it up. "Hello?"

Shin went back downstairs and Seiji sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for Touma to finish his conversation, doing his best not to eavesdrop. He wished that Touma would hurry up so they could pick up from where they left off. Looking over at his love, he saw a bright smile light up his face.

After Touma finally hung up the phone and turned to Seiji, a smile on his face. “That was my mom, she’s going to be in Japan next week and she wants me to go with her to Osaka for a visit, we’ll probably go see Dad.”

“How long will you be gone?”

“Only a couple of days.”

Seiji fell back on the bed, throwing an arm across his face. “A couple of days!? How can I survive without you?” Grabbing Touma, he pulled the archer back on top of him, kissing his pale face. “I guess I’ll have to spend every second with you till then. Now, what can we do before you leave next week?”

Touma grinned, “I’ll only be gone for a couple of days, it’s not like a year.”

“My love, an hour is like a year to me. So, where were we?”

Their lips met and hands began to tug at clothing. The need inside of them was raging out of control. Shirts were unbuttoned, tossed to the side, and pants zippers were starting to come undone, soon those were tossed aside.

Seiji closed his eyes as Touma curiously groped the front of his boxers. For one so inexperienced, Touma was comfortable at grasping the blonde’s length, manipulating it into a hard pole. It left Seiji to wonder how many times his beautiful archer has slipped his hand between his own thighs after a rowdy dream or fantasy. The thought of that made Seiji harden even more.

“SEIJI! TOUMA! DINNER!” Shin shouted from downstairs.

“Noooooo, they’ve interrupted us again!” Seiji moaned. “Remind me to kill Shin.”

“You’ll have to wait in line.” Touma sighed. He could see that Seiji was painfully aroused and needed release. Before his boyfriend could get up to put his clothes back on, Touma yanked down his silk boxers, lowered his head so it was between strong legs and slid Seiji’s sex into his mouth.

At first it was difficult to fit all of Seiji in his mouth, but slowly he eased the rest in. He began to suck, then used his tongue, trying to get Seiji to come as soon as possible before someone came looking for them. Touma was a bit surprised when he tasted some of Seiji’s seed already beginning to leak out. He knew his love was getting close.

Biting down on his lip, the blond held back a scream of pleasure. Touma’s hot, wet mouth was hungrily suckling on him as hard as possible. His moist tongue was everywhere at once, running down the sides of his shaft, stabbing at the slit at the tip and sharp teeth scraping at the base. Burying his hands in soft blue locks, Seiji groaned as Touma caressed the balls hanging behind his length with the palm of his hand.

Never had Seiji ever imagined that this could feel so good! Touma’s mouth has always been wonderful to taste while kissing or when it was traveling over his body, but this was heaven! He would’ve never thought that this was Touma’s first time.

Touma winced a little as the hands in his hair tightened even more, then soon Seiji’s climax came with blinding rush. The archer tried to swallow all the seed that his love fed him, but found that some dribbled down his chin.

Seiji laid there on the bed panting, staring up at his smiling Touma. Sitting up, Seiji leaned forward, licked up the semen on his love’s chin and pulled him into a deep kiss.

“You’re amazing, Tou, I wouldn’t trade you for anything else the world.” The blond ran his hand down Touma’s soft cheek.

“I hope you wouldn’t! Come on, we should get going.”

“What about you, my dear?” Seiji could see a bulge in Touma’s boxers.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ve got it covered. All I have to do is think about Lady Kayura trying to seduce me ... again.” Touma closed his eyes and shuddered. “See, it’s going away already!”

Laughing at his love, Seiji shook his head as they were getting dressed. “You’re a strange one, Tou, but you’re my strange one.”

Right then and there, when Seiji’s eyes were locked with Touma’s, Seiji made a promise to himself. He and Touma were going to have sex by the end of this week before his boyfriend left to visit his mother.


Seiji’s plan was very uncomplicated, wait for the guys to leave, then whisk Touma up into their bedroom and sink into their desires. It was very simple and it would’ve all worked out, except for the fact that everyone seemed to be home that week. He thought about going out to the forest to put his plan into action, it was a good location, romantic and just down right kinky. And plus, how many people could say that their first time was in a forest? However that was not to be, with the rain pouring down outside and the thought of mud really wasn’t the least bit appealing or kinky to either Seiji or Touma.

Going out and driving to some unknown location was out of the question too. There was the risk of a police car driving by and finding two boys naked, in the middle of sex. It wasn’t the ideal place either, it looked difficult to move around in his car’s back seat and what about afterwards? Seiji has always thought that he would wake up in the morning next to Touma in a large, soft bed, not a car seat.

Looking out the window, staring woefully at the rain, Seiji thought about how they only had four more days till Touma left. What then? Seiji would have to wait another couple of days before they got the chance to be together again and the blond didn’t think he could take it. At nights when he laid in bed with Touma, it took all that he had not to jump on his love and start humping him right in the middle of the night, heedless of the noise and the fact that Touma probably wouldn’t wake up until it was all over.

It wasn’t just the thought of being intimate with his boyfriend that was getting to him, but the need to join their hearts and souls. They were made for each other, their souls begged to be one, it would be far more than just a physical act. The pleasure of it all would just be the really big extra bonus to it. Plus, Seiji found himself getting horny just looking at Touma.

Yes, this was very unlike Seiji, the usually cool, calm, reserved man, but Touma just made him lose all of his control. There had to be a way around all of this!! He just wanted one night where it was just the two of them, with no one to walk in on them or for there to be anyway for them to be discovered. They needed to get away.

That was it! He had just solved their problem and everyone thought that Touma was the genius around here. It was so simple that he felt dumb for not thinking of it in the first place!

They would go out for the night to a hotel. And not just any given place, he’d get them the most romantic hotel room Seiji could find in Japan! Or within reasonable driving distance, he had already ruled out making love in the car and he didn’t want to lose all of his control before they could even get there. This had to be perfect for both of them, so he had to start looking for a suitable hotel for them to stay at and see what kind of rooms were offered.

He could feel himself shiver with delight at the thought of a naked Touma pressed against white, silk sheets, waiting for him to come. There would be no fear of the guys walking in on them and they could make as much noise as they pleased ... As long as other people didn’t complain.

Getting up, Seiji wanted to run to Touma and tell him the answer to their problem. But wait! Why tell Touma now? Seiji could always surprise him, the look on his face would be the sweetest thing in the world. He would make it a night that neither of them would forget.

Running up to his bedroom, Seiji pulled out a phone book and started looking up hotel numbers, trying to determine which one he should take Touma to. For once he was relieved that Touma wasn't home, Shu and Ryo had dragged him out to only Buddha knows where, saying that he needed some fresh air. Writing down a few hotels that he'd consider going to, Seiji snatched his credit card. He only used the piece of plastic for emergencies, but this was an exception.

When Touma got home later that night, it looked as though he were ran over by a train or two. His clothes were clinging onto his thin frame, normally bright blue locks were darkened with mud and rain and his pale skin was covered in dirt. That was the last time he let Shu and Ryo convince him to play football while it was raining.

Peeling off his shoes, socks and shirt in the front room, he had the feeling that he was being watched and he had a good idea who it was. Looking up, he wasn't surprised when he saw Seiji leaning against the doorway, smirking at him.

"You look tired ... Let me guess, Ryo, Shu and a football."

"Hm, I wonder what made you think of that. Actually, I went outside and rolled around in the mud until I decided that I had enough." Touma replied sarcastically.

"Well, whatever you did, you need a bath. Be careful not to get too much dirt on the carpet."

Rolling his eyes, Touma said dramatically. "I get beaten half to death and you're worried about the carpet! Now I know how it is, carpet first, Touma second."

"You're just about right, but it's my bonsai tree that comes second, you're third." Seiji jested.

"I knew it! Ever since I laid eyes on that poor excuse for a tree, I knew you loved it more than me!" Glancing around to make sure no one was around, Touma kissed Seiji firmly against the lips and whispered, "But can your carpet and bonsai tree give you pleasure like I can?"

Seiji's eyes sparkled with desire. "I think you know where you really stand in my life." Grabbing Touma's hand, he laced their fingers together and with his other hand he cupped Touma's cheek, running his thumb over a silky soft bottom lip. Just as he was leaning in closer to kiss the archer, he jumped back as he heard Ryo approaching.

"Hey, what're you two doing over here?" If Ryo wasn't horribly dense, then he would've taken note of how nervous his two friends were and how they were trying to act innocent, as if nothing had happened.

"Seiji's just teasing me, cause you and Shu nearly killed me today," the archer stuck his tongue out at Ryo.

The blond stayed quiet, his eyes were fixed on Touma's pink tongue as he stuck it out at Ryo. He knew what kinds of exotically pleasurable things Touma could do with just his tongue. Naughty thoughts crept into his mind as he envisioned himself wrapping his arms around Touma and start sucking on that tongue as hard as he could, making his love weak in the knees.

"Seiji? Are you in there, man?" Ryo and Touma were looking worriedly at their friend who had totally spaced out.

"Huh? Oh sorry ..." Seiji blushed sheepishly, "I was, um, thinking about something ..."

"Okay, well, I've got some stuff to do, see ya."

After Ryo left, the couple went up to their room and into the bathroom connected to it. Sitting on the edge of the tub, Seiji watched as Touma's body slowly sank into the hot water and stretched out to make himself more comfortable. Taking off his own shirt, the blond took some shampoo and scrubbed all the dirt out of his boyfriend’s hair. Then he soaped up a wash cloth and started washing Touma.

Smiling at Seiji's gentle touch, Touma's muscles totally relaxed as the blond massaged the tension out of them. It felt wonderful to lay in the hot water with Seiji ravishing attention upon him. Everywhere was cleansed, from his toes to the tips of his hair, making sure that he was clean. Touma was about to get out of the tub once the water had drained away, since he was no longer filthy and there was no use sitting in an empty tub, but something stopped him.

Okay, so it wasn’t just something. It was Seiji’s hand firmly closed around his penis.

Seiji’s hand was slick with soap, making his strokes easier, but he went at a very slow pace, wanting to draw it out as much as he could. When he would reach the very tip, he would lean down so his tongue could run over the head of Touma’s sex, taking in his boyfriend’s flavor from the semen already dibbling out. He was fascinated by the look on the archer’s face, lightly sweating, his eyes shut, mouth slightly open and the unmistakable look of ecstasy.

Taking in the tip of Touma’s length in his mouth, Seiji started to do to his boyfriend what he did to him. His lips and teeth skimmed the smooth skin on the sex he was devouring, causing Touma to squirm and moan. But he found that he couldn’t take in all of Touma. He knew his boyfriend was large, but he didn’t really realize how large till he tried doing this!

Settling on the best he could do, the blond worked Touma with his tongue and the heat of his mouth. He just about choked as Touma raised his hips, shoving more of himself into the blond. Quickly, with a bit of embarrassment, Touma lowered his hips, seeing that he was about the suffocate Seiji.

With his now free hands, Seiji reached over and played with the dusty pink nipples on the archer’s well toned chest. Under his palm, he could feel Touma’s heart pounding wildly as he continued to play the body under him like an instrument.

The feeling in Seiji’s own heart was indescribable. Knowing that Touma had waited patiently for the right person to do all this to him and that the person was the blond himself, made Seiji feel like he was luckiest person in the world. To have such a treasure in his life, to be allowed to love him and kiss him, was more than Seiji could’ve ever asked for.

It wasn’t long before Touma’s seed shot into Seiji’s awaiting mouth and was swallowed up greedily. Then his shaft was carefully cleaned off and released from the warmth it was trapped in. Touma looked at Seiji with passion filled eyes, the need in him was stronger now and he longed for the blond.

“I want you, Seiji. Make love to me right here and now, please?” Touma begged.

“I know, love, I want you too, more than ever. But we can’t do it now, we’ll have to be patient.” Seiji kissed Touma’s dampened brow and rubbed his neck. “I have something planned for us tomorrow night.”

“You do? What is it?” Curiosity was flowing out into Touma’s voice and words. His eyes lit up, eager to know what was happening.

Beckoning for him to stand up, Seiji helped his boyfriend dry off and get dressed into his pajamas. “You’ll have to wait till tomorrow, it’s a surprise.” Said the blond as he ushered Touma back into their bedroom.

“But I want to know now!” Touma sat down on Seiji’s bed, his arms crossed against his chest and pouted.

“You’re so adorable when you don’t get your way.” Seiji grinned and pinched Touma’s cheek like an old aunt would do to a child.

“Please, tell me.” Using his famous puppy dog eyes, Touma would not be out done by Seiji’s will of steel. He knew exactly how to get what he wanted from Seiji and he wasn’t holding back any of his tricks. Batting his eye lashes prettily, Touma gave him one of his most heartbreaking expressions and ran his hand up and down Seiji’s arm. “Please ... I love you, don’t you love me?”

Seiji almost flinched. A new weapon for Touma to use, he didn’t see that one coming. That wasn’t going to get him to spoil his surprise though, even those puppy dog eyes that got him almost every time. Instead, he just turned his back to Touma and changed into his pajamas.

When he looked over at his boyfriend, Touma still had that saddened expression. Walking over to his love, Seiji gave him a seductive kiss and looked straight into his stormy blue eyes.

“I do love you, Touma, more than anything else in the world. And it’s because I love you that I’m keeping this a secret.”

A scold formed on Touma’s face. “I hate it whenever you win.”

“And that’s why I love to win. Let’s get some sleep.” Sliding under the covers of the bed, Seiji waited to see if Touma would join him.

“It’s too early to go to bed,” Touma stated flatly.

“Well, either you go to bed now and sleep with me, or you go to bed later and sleep by yourself.”

With that said, Touma got into bed next to Seiji and threw and arm and a leg over him. “I can’t wait till I find out what the surprise is ... Seiji, is it a pony?”

“Don’t ask me, I’m not going to answer. Go to sleep, Tou.” Closing his eyes, he tried to fall asleep, but his bed partner refused to shut up.

Settling his head on Seiji’s chest, Touma continued with his parade of questions. “Is it a trip to Paris? Or maybe it’s an apartment to we get to live in. Are we going sailing? Stargazing? Out to dinner? Out to a movie? Are we going off to go at it like bunnies? Or are we going out to buy guns so we can kill Shin?”

“Tou, if you don’t stop asking question and go to sleep right now, you’re not going to get your surprise.”

Then all was silent.

The next day Touma was kicked out of the room as Seiji packed for their over night stay at the hotel he had chosen. The blond was very thorough at his job of packing. He had one set of clothing each for the next day, their pajamas just encase it got too cold and they needed them, toothbrushes, tooth paste, a hair brush, a full bottle of scented oil and condoms (a man could never know when his boyfriend might demand that he use one).

Once he was finished, Seiji grabbed the duffel bag, with all of their stuff in it, off of the bed and headed downstairs. It didn’t take him long to find his boyfriend laying on the couch, watching TV.

“Are you ready to go?” Seiji asked.

“I sure am! Look, I even got my shoes on.” Touma smiled, his was thrilled to see that Seiji had a duffel bag in his hand, that meant that they probably weren’t coming back till the morning or they’d need the duffel bag to shove one their friend’s body into it. Hey, he didn’t know if they were going to go through with killing Shin for disturbing their fun.

“Where are you two going?”

At the same time, Touma and Seiji spun around to find Ryo standing in the doorway with Shu and Shin behind of him. Both cursed in their minds and tried to think of something to say.

“We’re going ...” Touma was lost for words.

“Um ...” Seiji tried to think of something to say.

“On a short trip ...”

“To go ...”


“That sounds fun! Hey, maybe we should all go!” Shin suggested brightly.

“What?!” Seiji and Touma said at the same time.

“It’d be kind of like a camping trip, I think we need to spend some more time together.”

Touma could only shake his head. //Shin is digging his own grave.//

“But you can’t!” Seiji replied. “You’re not ready! We’re going to miss the best hours of the night!”

“We don’t need to pack, it’s just over night.” Ryo answered.

“No, but this is only supposed to be for just Tou and I.”

“Why?” asked Shu, confused about what was going on.

“Are you really going stargazing?” Shin raised an eyebrow.

“If you are, where’s Touma’s telescope?” demanded Ryo.

“What’s happening?”

“What’s really going on here?”

“Are you two mad at us?”

“Huh? Are they leaving?”

“What don’t you want us to come?”

“They’re plotting against us! That’s it!”

“I don’t understand, someone explain to me what’s going on.”

“SHUT UP!!!!” Seiji yelled over the nosy and persistent questions. An uneasy silence settle over them. It was a rare occasion to hear Date Seiji raise his voice above a speaking tone and it surprised everyone, even Touma. And the blond was far from done. “You want to know why we’re leaving??? I’ll tell you why!!! BECAUSE I WANT TO HAVE MY BRAINS SCREWED OUT BY MY BOYFRIEND!!!! THEN I WANT TO SCREW HIS PRETTY LITTLE BRAINS OUT!!!!! AND I CAN’T DO THAT WITH THE THREE OF YOU AROUND ALL THE TIME!!!!!”

Shin, Ryo and Shu stood there in utter shock. There wasn’t a sound made as the words sunk into their minds and they began to comprehend what Seiji had screamed.

“Dude, who’s your boyfriend?” Shu asked.

Seiji’s face went red, then he turned to Touma, roughly grabbed him, dipped him and gave him the longest French kiss either of them had ever experienced. As soon as he let Touma back up, he wrapped his arm around his boyfriend’s slim waist and stared at his friends.

“Shin, Ryo, Shu, this is Hashiba Touma, my boyfriend. I’m madly in love with him, we’ve been going out for two months and I have yet to have sex with him. Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re going out so we can fuck each other. And to answer your previous question, Ryo, Touma’s telescope is in his pants.” With that said and done, Seiji and Touma left for his car.


“I can’t believe you said that! Oh the look on their faces! It was too much!” Touma laughed as he fell back onto the bed, a content smile on his face.

He was happy with the nice room Seiji had picked out for them. It had a great view of the country side, there was a large, comfortable bed and all around were vases filled with beautiful flowers. He was touched that Seiji had paid for all of this just for him, to make everything perfect. What more could he ask for?

“Everyone has their moment, I just had mine. So, now what do you want to do?” Seiji laid down next to his boyfriend, nipping playfully at his nose.

“I think you know, though I don’t know why you’re still in your clothes.” Rolling on top of Seiji, they started stripping each other till they were both nude. Staring at one another, they admired what was in front of them. “You’re so perfect, Seiji, what have I done to deserve such a gift from heaven?”

“Probably the same thing I did to deserve you. Maybe it has something to do with saving the world. Without the war, we would’ve never met and without winning it, we would’ve never had the chance to be together.”

“Then I am thankful for all that has happened to make this night possible for us to be together like this.” Getting the bottle of oil, Touma poured some on his fingers and moved between Seiji’s legs. “I hope this doesn’t hurt you ...”

Carefully he traced the entrance to Seiji’s opening, waiting for the muscles to relax before inserting one finger inside of his love. He watched Seiji’s face for any pain, when he saw non, he eased another finger inside and slowly stretched out the tight, puckered hole. He winced at the discomfort visible on the blond and began to withdraw his fingers.

“What’re you doing?” Seiji raised his head to look at Touma.

“I was hurting you ...”

“Tou, it is going to hurt a little this time, but if you don’t do it now, then it’s just going to hurt later. Please, finish what you started.”

Nodding his head silently, Touma put his fingers back inside of Seiji, cautious not to go to fast and to take his time. Burying them in deeper, Touma was amazed how warm in felt in there, making his sex throb with the desire to buried to the hilt in that warmth. It was getting so hard that it was uncomfortable to sit there, teasing both Seiji and himself. Spreading his fingers carefully, he proceeded to stretch Seiji out more, causing a slight moan to rise from the blonde’s throat.

Seiji wiggled his hips a little, encouraging Touma to do more, but as he did that, the tip of Touma’s finger brush against something that sent jolts of pleasure through out his body. Gasping, Seiji thrust his hips repetitively, becoming very aroused by this new sensation. Now he wanted something more to fill his need.

“Touma, take me ...”

With those words, Touma took out his fingers and started to coat his sex with some of the oil, then positioned it at the entrance, a bit too scared to push forward, past the ring of muscle that led into his personal paradise. He didn’t want this to be painful for Seiji and have it be heavenly for him, it didn’t work out that way. His fear doubled as Seiji shoved his hips towards him.

“Touma! Please, I want this so badly!”

Not being able to deny Seiji of anything, Touma conscientiously pushed his way inside of Seiji, the paused to wait for them both to adjust to the feeling. On Touma’s end, he was overflowing with desire, that heat surrounding him was almost too much for him to take. It nearly begged him to plunge into it, claiming it as his own. But if he gave in too fast, then he would end up hurting Seiji.

The tension in Seiji’s body left and Touma began at a careful pace, sliding in and out of the body under him. He wanted to go faster, but feared that he would be too rough for the blond. Leaning forward, he put his hands on either side of Seiji’s head for leverage and for access of his love’s mouth.

Seiji have to admit that it was painful at first, but that pain was fading away and was replace by pure rapture. The slow, easy pace was good, it gave him time to adjust to Touma’s feel, however, Seiji knew it was time to turn up the heat. He moved at his own, nearly violent, tempo, demanding that Touma keep up with him. He could see the hesitation in Touma’s eyes, but soon the archer fell into step with him once he heard the groans of pleasure rising from his love.

With the new friction being created, his love’s tongue thrusting into his mouth and Touma constantly hitting that spot inside of him, Seiji now realized why he had been yearning for Touma all this time. It was the most amazing thing he had ever experienced in his life. As their bodies joined in this exotic dance, their souls where finally melded together. Their love was expressed in ways that words could not. This was what they had been waiting for, this was what they wanted. And if felt so good to have it.

A moan vibrated against his mouth as Touma came suddenly. The archer’s very essence was now inside of him, claiming him. Seiji had yet to come and it left him wondering what would happen now. Would Touma jerk him off till he did? Maybe suck on him? Or would he have to relieve himself because Touma was clearly tired now.

Seiji’s answer soon came to him as oil was quickly poured over his sex and Touma’s velvety heat was impaled on it. He could see the pain on Touma’s face and could tell that the archer had sat down on him too fast and hard.

“T-Tou ... You don’t have to do this ... J-Just get off before you hurt yourself even more.” Seiji’s voice was shaky. The archer on him felt wonderful, the tightness around him was unbelievable and so the hunger to thrust up and take Touma.

“No ... I want this too, Seiji.” Gently he moved upward, then sunk back down on the hard penis in him. After doing this a few more times, Touma knew that he longed for more and more was what he’d get. Making his ride on Seiji faster, the blond soon met Touma halfway with arching his hips to bury himself deeply into his boyfriend.

Touma clutched onto Seiji’s waist, using it to help him go up and down. He kept the muscles in his ass tight to heighten Seiji’s pleasure and he could see that it was working by the way he was moving. It was causing a delightful chafing in him, that made Touma need Seiji all the more. His body shuttered as Seiji reached for Touma’s length that had been bobbing in front of him and pumped it time with their thrusts.

The squeak of the bed and moans filled the room as the two men were finalizing their act of love for each other. Seiji was getting dangerously close, as was Touma for Seiji was hitting the spot in him that made his vision blur with lust.

Seiji was the first to succumb this time around, his seed shot deep into Touma. He had to remind himself to keep his fist pumping Touma to coax the archer into another blissful orgasm. A couple seconds later, Touma came and his semen landed in puddles across Seiji’s chest and stomach.

Collapsing on Seiji, Touma panted heavily, tired from all of the effort he had put forth into their love making. He was vaguely aware that Seiji had rolled him off to the side and disappeared into the bathroom. He came back a couple minutes later to wash off Touma and tuck him into bed.

Settling in next to Touma, Seiji wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead. “I love you, Touma.”

“I love you too, Seiji.” Touma mumbled before falling asleep.


It was like how Seiji had always imagined the morning after. Rays of sun light came pouring into the room, blanketing them in its embrace. Touma was sleeping soundly in his arms, cradled against his chest. Then, stormy blue eyes opened and looked up at him. The smiling face of his love was filled with joy.

Reaching up, Touma brushed aside the lock of hair the covered Seiji’s eye, so he could see both of those lavender eyes. “I never want this moment to end,” his voice was soft and quiet, as if he were telling Seiji the greatest secret in the world.

“Neither do I, love, but there’ll be more moments like this to come. We have a lifetime to spend together, Tou, and I don’t intend on wasting a day of it.”



“After what you said to the guys, do you think we still have a place to live?”

Seiji chuckled at the reminder of what he told their friends. “Right now that doesn’t matter to me. What matters is that you’re here with me and we’re happy.”

“Good, cause I’m very happy. We’ll always be together, won’t we?”

Giving Touma a light kiss on the lips, he smiled fondly at his blue haired lover. “Of course, Tou, I promise you that.”


Now For The Mini Adventures Of Seiji And Liz

Episode One: Liz’s Surprise Party

Hiruma, Touma, Trunks, Gohan, Piccolo, Goten and Goku, wait hidden in the darkness of Hiruma’s decorated apartment, waiting for Liz to arrive to her surprise birthday party.

Trunks: Where is she? She’s over an hour late! Hiruma, did you invite her?

Hiruma: Of course I did! I wonder where she can be! She’s missing her own party.

Gohan: Hey, did you notice that Seiji is missing too?

Piccolo: Yeah, where is Blondie?

(Three hours and four vodka bottles later ...)

Hiruma: (Only sober one there) Where is she?! And where’s Seiji?

Touma: I know!! *Stands up and sways a little* They’re a-at Blondie’z home! Cauze Zeiji doezn’t like your partiez! And he wantz da Liz perzon to he self!

Hiruma: What?! No way! They wouldn’t ditch us. *Watches as Goku begins to puke on her carpet and Goten fly into the wall* Ah shit ... Seiji seduced her ... This is going to be a loooooong night.

(Else where ...)

Liz: *Laying naked and completely pleased in Seiji’s arms as they lay in bed* Seiji, were we supposed to go somewhere?

Seiji: Well, we’re right here together and this is where we’re supposed to be. Happy Birthday, Liz *kisses her* I love you.

Liz: *Kisses him back* I love you too.

The End! (Told you it was mini)


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