Celestial Dreams:
A Tribute To Touma and Seiji
Barbeque Pit
Hiruma's Padded Cell
Plushie Touma's Shrine
The Neighbors
Wildefyre's DJ's
(Please note that all DJ images belong to Wildefyre, so don't steal any of them without her permission. And this is an off site linkie.)

Holy shit!!! I did some work around here! THE WORLD NO LONGER MAKES SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! Anyway the padded cell is updated, so is my flame page. Remember to check out the DJ too! Or it might be taken down and that would be sad  : (
Welcome to my little site about the wonderful couple Touma and Seiji ... Aren't they hot? Well anyway, welcome to my site again and feel free to look around, poke around, but no drooling on the lovely wallpaper my good friend Wildefyre made or any of the cool wallpapers she's made! And remember, no stealing my images (or more like no stealing Wildefyre's images) and no kidnapping the chibis on this site. If you want a chibi, then go on over to the links page, go to Bender and Noel's site and steal from them ... A lot of work? Yeah, well, it won't kill you.

So, if you have any questions, flames or comments, I can't say that I'll listen or anything like that, but I'll sure as hell try! Don't hesitate to e-mail me, I like to get e-mails!

I do not own YST or Touma or Seiji, no matter how much I have begged.
You are the
person to visit this site! How sad .....

The Manager Of This Site Is:
Hiruma Oshina
You Can E-mail Her At:
[email protected]
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