The Flippin' Sweet TV Files
Flippin' Sweet TV Productions was established in the summer of 2005 with their first ever film "Lames Blond". Shortly after that it started the "Flippin' Sweet TV" show.


*Alex P. - Narration, Filming, Editing, Producing, Script Writing, Art work, Website Management, Part Owner, C.E.O., Actor

*Justin C. - Script editing, Second camera edting, Part Owner, Star Actor

*Nick C. - Second camera, Actor

*John P. - Actor

*Aaron C. - Script editing, Actor

Frankie From Down the Street - Actor

Sam "Doctor Gaylord"  - Actor

Ricky R. - Special guest actor

Chris M. - Special guest actor

Doc - Actor

Darren L. - Publicist

Chris H. - Publisist

* = Fab 5 Member
ThE FsTv FiLeS
Contact Info
Name: Flippin' Sweet TV Productions
Email: [email protected]
Hosted by