Name: Renae Bitunjac
Nick Name: Nay
Date of Birth:
What age did you start gym?
2 yrs old
Why you started gym?
My Parents asked me if i wanted to join
Current Level-
National 8
Fav apparatus?
Training = Beam, Competition = Floor
Least Fav apparatus?
Most satisfying moment?
A.C.T champion level 7, making A.C.T team 2002 & 2003
Biggest disappointment?
Falling on bars in training at Nationals 2003 and not being able to compete
Worst habit?
Cracking my knuckles
Fav Gymnast -
Andrea Raducan,Carly Patterson,Stephanie Moorhouse
Fav Food -
Subway and Chinese Rice
Most disliked food -
What job do you want to have when your older?
Sports Physio
Fav Quote-
"Believe in yourself & you can achieve anything!"
My name is Renae Bitunjac and im 14 years old. I was born on the 29th of April 1989. I am currently in Year 9. When I was 2, I was placed into Foster Care, I went through 5 different homes before settling down with the best parents in the world. Helen and David have brought me up for 12 years and its been great, its as if there my real parents!!! I have a half brother, Roland who has just turned 18. I also have a step brother named Jeremy and a step sister named Hilary. I have 2 dogs (Sammy & Sophie), 1 three legged cat (Jemima), 2 Birds (Milo & Sherbet), 2 Fish (Arial & Merlin).

Other than Gymnastics, I did Ballet for a bit when I was 3, I did Horse Riding and i also played Netball. I gave up netball because I had no time for another sport as gymnastics training days grew. I like designing and making things, eg. Cards and also taking photographs. When im older i  want to be a Sports Physio. I love going to the beach and going waterskiing! In my spare time I love shopping, going to the movies, hanging out with friends, the net and just being slack!
More about me below...
Me waterskiing at the coast
My Brother & Baby Me.
Baby Me.
The is my puppy Sophie.
My cat Jemima
Me dressed up with tinsle
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