Hosts and Sponsors
There is no Flippie Cup without our generous Hosts and Sponsors.   Flippie Cup is hitting the road!  We are looking for Hosts to sponsor a location for a future Flippie Cup event.  If you are interested, please email us at [email protected].  Sponsors will be rotated to give everyone a chance.  Rookies will be the first to be designated a sponsor for an event.  After that, we will decide based who was the last to RSVP. 
1st Monthly Flippie Cup Tournament- Sept. 22nd

Marley Mar- Host and Sponsor
GaLinda- Host
Johnny Versace- Sponsor
Loops- Sponsor

Fright Cup- Oct 20

Marley Mar- Host
GaLinda- Host
Ryan- Sponsor
Marconious Aurelious- Sponsor
Loops- Sponsor
Turkey Cup 2006- Nov. 25

Marley Mar- Host and Sponsor
GaLinda- Host
"TK" The Kroutch- Sponsor
Ampit- Sponsor
MC Mike D- Sponsor
Hosted by