Recent Events!!!

Science Night

We recently held our first ever Science Night! It was a great success! The Guides split into groups and moved around to different stations. They learned about light, chemical reactions, air and flight, solar power and body tricks. There were also mystery touchy feely boxes and mystery smells to discover. A special thank-you to all the wonderful parents who helped make the meeting so successful!

Chocolate Mint Cookie Sale

On Saturday November 3rd we held our annual cookie sale at Runnymede Subway Station. We were there from 10am-5pm and managed to sell a record 33 and a half cases! The most we have ever sold is 15 cases in three hours! I would like to thank all the Guides who participated in the event. You all did a great job! Also, thank-you to all the parents who stayed to help or just took the time to get your daughters there on time and in uniform! Great job everyone!

Halloween Party

On Monday October 29th, we had our Halloween Party. We played some games and had some photos taken in our costumes. Everyone had great costumes! We made flashlights to keep us safe on Halloween and ate lots of wonderful goodies provided by the rest of the girls working on their Bakers Badge. Everyone had a great time!



On Monday October 22nd, twenty-two new Guides made their promise and were enrolled into Guides! (See Hall of Fame for the list of new Guides! All the girls said their promise well. The parents of the new Guides were our guests for the evening and were treated to some great goodies made by the girls working on the Baker's Badge. Everyone had a great time! A special thank-you to Pat who was our parent helper for the evening. To all the girls who were enrolled: WELCOME TO THE 155TH GUIDES!!! We hope you enjoy your time with us!


Our Nature Walk

On Monday September 24th the 155th Guides set off on a nature walk along the Humber River. Armed with flashlights (for when it got dark) and snacks we hiked north from the Old Mill. Along the way we investigated various plants and did a patrol alphabet challenge where we had to find things in Nature that start with different letters of the alphabet! The Bluebell Patrol came first with eleven Popsicle sticks (with the letters on them) At the end of our hike we a had a fun and active campfire (minus the actual flames) with lots of action songs to keep us warm. Everyone had a great time. I would like to send out a special thank-you to our four parent helpers who helped make this hike a success!!!


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