North of Sheet Reign, a place of trade, on the height of a hill overlooking the lake, stood the stone shelter of a shepherdess. The shepherdess, a woman of youth and little height, observed and tended to a herd of canahs. She was said to be a daughter of a family who was forced to sell their surname during the drought. She was little known to the community that gathered at Sheet Reign, as she sold her canahs� milk to a merchant who traveled from Appraisal to Sheet Reign monthly. She had either not confided in him, or he was without interest in her. The merchants that frequented Sheet Reign inquired of the young shepherdess casually, but her buyer never answered them sufficiently.

Welcome to the Grotto, where the sky is concealed and the identity of one person balances on a single word. Now you can introduce the shepherdess to new characters and strange places. The world is yours to create and shape in this role playing convulsion.

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Plagiarized Apathy Productions
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