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(Me & Letter)

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August 12, 2006  1:34... sick.gif (1519 bytes)

Well, it was my mom's b-day (Aug 10).  She's 46 years young. 

Anyway, summer is almost over, and I'm here waiting patiently for fall.  I hope that this year would be better than the last.  I had a lot of potential for the last two semester, but I just really lost focus.  But hey, there's another year ahead (though-- it seems like the courses are pretty dull.)  I just hope to meet new people - which I have via volunteer this past year- but I hope to meet  alot more this time around.  I also would like to have better time management, and be more organized with my admin stuff- but - I'll take things one step at a time. 

For now, I really just need a laptop.... I'm a mobile kid. 

August 3, 2006  20:20... mad.gif (1519 bytes)
Wow... over 8 months. So what's up with me?  Short Story:  Nothing.   Long Story: I'm too lazy to type.  There's just so many little things that it's kinda hard to coordinate it into comprehendible words.  Shall I even try... well, it's my blog, so I'll try...

1) I can't wait for this craptacular of a summer to end.  Why? Because it blows.
2) I'm going to be an uncle.  Good luck Era!
3) LEO.  Wow.  Even I didn't know I was going to be given the lead. 
4) Moving store location.  Moving is going to be hell.  But it's a new start.
5) If business goes well, I'm screwed.  If it goes bad, we're screwed.
6) I thought I'd never turn down a job. But I did. WTF? 
7) I used to like people venting to me.  People actually trusted me and took my advice.  Now, people just do it because there's no one else to do it to or theey're too embarrassed to do it to someone close to them. Now people just do it for the sake of releasing.  Well, I have my own probs too.
8) I'm in love with a girl who wont go out with me because I'm young and I'm better off as a friend. 
9) My phone bill is almost $200.00 per month because of #7 & 8.  I liked it better when I was the loner in high school.
10) Disregard #9's last sentence.  I'm hesitant to go to Era's baby shower because I don't want to see people from high school.

December 14, 2005  12:33... sick.gif (1519 bytes) 
Ok, it's been almost 5 months, but hey...as if anyone's actually reading this crap.... you know, there are quiet a bit of events and situations that I have gotten myself into in the past 5 months or so, but I don't even know where to really start.  I mean, I'm neither motivated to change this page, nor update the littlest thing.  I also feel that I'm not accomplishing anything.  But, I have found my career path in the insurance industry and i think that it's not only a good opportunity, but, I may also enjoy it.  I'm thinking either claims, or underwriting.  Forget that investment shit.  *sigh*.  I don't know.. I'll figure out a way to get myself out of all these situations, and if I happen to cut my wrist or hurt someone along the way, then be it.   I hope all of you, if any, will realize that I've isolated myself on several occasions in my life and that i am totally inclined to do it again.    
 It's the only life that I know...and it's the only thing I'm good at.  Being social has never worked for me and it has soo worked against me this past several months.  If I can leave you with one advice this year... don't expect.... because people are generally going to disappoint you.   Not that I wish to say that you should never be dependant, BUT, do have some sort of contingency for any event...for anyone and any situation with a trustable person or not.  Trust me.  i can be very reliable.  But this past couple month, I have let more people down, both family, friends and colleagues then I have in my life.  I try to save the world sometimes.... but I need to realize that i first need to save myself.....   

July 15, 2005  8:38... bowl.gif (1519 bytes) 
I tried to make a discussion page, but I'm not
getting the code.  *sigh.  On of these days I will.  I've done it before, but I'm not sure what I did though.  Maybe I should have worked on my game or picture page first.  Plus, I can't get the Pagebuilder to freakin work.  And those Damn ads are back.  How craptacular.

July 14, 2005  14:38... biggrin.gif (1519 bytes) 
So once again, I've reformed this website. I really like this design though and I'm trying fix it up some more.  I'm also looking into getting some topic pages and pic to make this site more interesting.  And I got a webcam feed  up there, but it only works with IE and I have to be online (obviously). 

July 04, 2005  16:37... wacko.gif (1519 bytes)
So after over two years without the Internet I finally got it back.I'm so happy. Anyhow, I'm trying to build a website for my mom's business so I can't really take care of this one rightnow. I found out that '.tk is free, so flipin_jackass is now also www.irajavier.tk. Also, brightways.tk is my mom's business. Have a good one.

November 25, 2004  16:37... wacko.gif (1519 bytes)
I tried my best to clean some of the language in this site.Check this, I'm so incredibly lazy that I'm using this site for my project. Who knows, Maybe i'll get an A. (Doubtful), Have a good whatever. I'm also having problem with my Yahoo! Stocks at the index page. I'll eventually fix it.PEACE.

November 24, 2004  11:1... nono.gif (1519 bytes)
I just can't find the time to update this site frequent enough. I think I have to do some forums/discussion type thing in order to actually get info here with ease.  Any suggestions?

October 13, 2004  8:50... wacko.gif (1519 bytes)
Hi.  Nothing really.  College is good and I hope you are too.  Have a nice Day.

October 08, 2004  16:21... biggrin.gif (1519 bytes)
I've just made my Seneca and I forwarded much of my pages from here.

October 05, 2004  12:51... nono.gif (1519 bytes)
I'm using this site now just as a cache.

----Sept 9, 2004   13:01...  wacko.gif (1519 bytes)
Well, it's my third day @ college. SO far I'm enjoying it. Right now, I am sitting at my computer class typing this site. I would go on about it, but I think I did that in my last entry which is still on my computer's HD. All I can say is that I think I have made an acceptable choice and I'm sticking to it. Only if I could just find a glue that would help me stick for at least four years... also, I've just re-read my March 19 entry. I sounded depressed. Was I? That goodbye thing even made me believe that the March 19 me was one sad SOB. Sorry about that. If you want to get your mind off of that, try this, Define hippomontresequippedphobia (probably the wrong spelling). It means fear of long words....see, I'm now a true college student...

----August 30, 2003  10:20... wacko.gif (1519 bytes)
I don't really know what to write about.  Really.  I guess that I could say that I'm going to college soon.  In about a week and a half, but you don't care.  However, since it is my web-ste, I will enlighten you, like it or not.  I'm going to Senece Newham.  I'm studying Financial service Management.   Well, that's actually about it.  I don't even know why I entered that program.   Seneca was a last resort college and financial service management was a last resort course.  But it goes to show you that you'll never know where you will end up and how you got there.  I certainly do not know how I ended up in Seneca, or how the hell I got there.  But I don't regret it.  I'm excited to go, just all the papers that I have to go through seems a little intimidating.  Anyways, I hope to see and meet new and good people there (and lots of hot girls).  In several months, I'll probably write again, but for now, have a good life.

March 19 18:27... sad.gif (1519 bytes)
It's the last day of march break...  this break really sucked for me.   Boring, depressing, sad, lonely... it's ingredients of a suicidal person.  Not me though, I faint at the sight of blood.  Anyways, a lot things has happened in the last couple of whatevers.  The last time I really talked about anything was a really long time ago... and I've only had this site for a year! It's only been what, four or five entries since I stopped taking this site seriously.  The cut-off of my Internet is the one to blame. 
    Anyways, I've been keeping my self on the DL, but not as much as two or three years ago.  Socially, I'm alone, but not totally lonely.  I kinda enjoy my independance now.  I can truly careless what others god-damn think since those people will be gone out of my damn life in a matter of months, three or four to be more accurate.  Then in about what, seven months or whenever September is, I'll have a new life, and a fresh start where I can learn from the mistakes that so haunts me to this day.  If only I could grow, well, a lot more confidence.  I'll try to in my new life.  I don't know how willing I am to do business at Centennial, but if I don't like it, then it's military for me.  I've decided strictly upon that. 
    If I can't be happy with college then I'll go to the Armed forces where I get to do what I love to do.. set things on fire, use weapons and blow things up.  Try finding a college where your allow to do that!!! 
    Post-secondary is all I have in my mind.  I've got extreme financial problems, but I don't really care... That's a storm that I'll survive through.    And in family, same old,  Hanna hates her job, Qriz waits, My mother complains, my father is questionable, and Era seem happy with her new apprenticeship program.  It seems that it will be like so for a while.  More things has happened, and I can't put it into small words, or without going on as I am right now... For yourself, I hope your doing well. I hope that things will get better for us all, (especially the economy). I know it will. I don't think I can let such failure suffocate my life. It's unacceptable. I leave you now with just a simple goodbye.   Goodbye!

February 29 10:00... wacko.gif (1519 bytes)
Two, no nearly three, month gap.... again... Sorry.  I actually believed that I was getting the internet back... foolish me.  Anyways, I've been busy preparing for college. By that, I mean doing homework and other shit like that.  I don't have the motivation to upgrade this as the motivation that I had last year.  I would if I had the Internet, or if anyone really cared.  I tried several times to go online and see what I could do to improve this site, but I never seem to have enough time when I have access.  So anyways, I'm just happy that geocities hasn't shut down this site.   And my flash thinger in my ABOUT section is just messed.  I cant find the Flash edit file for it, so either I have to restart or totally omit the damn thing.   So how have you been?  I couldn't actually careless... but if you want to tell moi anyways, go to the contact section and hit me... take it easy now...

December 20,2003  18:06... mad.gif (1519 bytes)
Wow,Another 4 month gap, interesting... no I still don't have the net...It's killing me!!! But I'm sure to get it soon enough... I've just been extremely busy. A lot of thigs has happened, preparing for college, moving again, job etc.  A new year is upon us again, I hope this  has been a good one for all of you out there, because it sure hasn't been a food one for me. hope this upcoming one  will be better.   Anyways, luvz and Happy Holidays!!!

June 28, 2003  0:56... mad.gif (1519 bytes)
Still no net.  Damn. I'm doing this purely backup on my HD. So sad huh?   Still, I'll find ways to put this up. I  don't know, I have much to say but no time, determination or purpose to. Once I get my net back, I'll blab on, 'til then, Peace!!!

June 26, 2003  2:11... mad.gif (1519 bytes)
Hey Visitors, Web is under construction so just bare for several days, months, whatever...  I've actually gone through some weird stuff since the beginning of Feb so I never got to update the older site... Anyways, I lost my Internet for several months and I'm dyin' w/o it, *sniff.

May 02, 2003  15:06... mad.gif (1519 bytes)
It's been about 4 months since I placed an entry. NO those exams did not kill me. I'm still alive... I got my Internet connection cancelled so I could no upgrade squat. I'm at my school doing this, so I can't fully format this entry. I'll get my connection back sonn enough. Until then, well, I honestly don't know.

Jan 22, 2003  11:33... wacko.gif (1519 bytes)
So... long tyme, no type for me on this site huh, doesn't matter, no one's reading anyways, right??? Anyways,?, I've been working on my project of making a web site, and although it's not fully done, it's sure to give me a good enough mark. The web site is about some downloading and uploading game, but of course, it's a pretend. Maybe It'll be a real one day, unbloody likely, so..um,ya....I tried certain codings on the site which geocities doen't really allow, so I had to reformat the damn thing hundreds of times. A person I know actually talked about it on his site recently, Chris, about the stupid banner coding and webbots. Anyways check out the project, and don't laugh!!!!Plus, i'm changing the format of this site, AGAIN, soon, but It'll probably just the colour, (...we spell color with a 'u' in CANADA). I realized how gay this site looks with lime green. if you think this format is good, you can try to stop me, but i got to change it before any of my friends sees it. Now I'm thinking, how the hell did you get to this site, and why do you even care about what I'm typing.CHECK OUT THE PROJECT LINK... PROJECT

Jan 18, 2003  3:08... wacko.gif (1519 bytes)
I really don't have that much time to work on this site. I might be like this for a couple of weeks... who knows! Anyways, I've got exams, scheduling, work, and coincidently enough, I have to build a web site (4 pages) as a class project. ||L8tz||

Jan 14, 2003  21:57... biggrin.gif (1519 bytes)
Hey, I have got no project to do today and I'm feelin' happy. I bombed a math test though, but there's only three days left of the semester. Anyways, I'm working on 3 pages simutaneously, hopefully that's spelled correctly, but they're on my HD. I'll get them up in a week.. more or less. Hopefully Geocities won't crash this site, like what they did to my other hard worked one. 'cry.gif (1519 bytes)'Notice the new banner thingy above.   PEACE!!!

----Jan 13 2003   0:58...  bowl.gif (1519 bytes)
Don't have a lot done yet, maybe over my open days during the exam, MAYBE!  I suggest Gamehippo if you're interested in any freeware games.
----21:11...smile.gif (1519 bytes)

' I finished my Intro flash, took me about 45 min to do that 2 sec movie. Plus, I have another format; I know- changes, changes, changes...

----Jan 12 2003   1:09...  bowl.gif (1519 bytes)
Less than 24 hrs and I've changed format again...

----Jan 11 2003 01:29... bowl.gif (1519 bytes)
I've probably change the format of this site more than I've had visitors... if anyone's even reading this. Anyway, I've got no links yet, and my exams are coming. And yes, I know that the logo is screwed and that the annoying geocities ad is blocking this message. Please put up with it as i try to find a way to kill it. E-mail me _if you've got suggestions. Thanks.
----2:13... bowl.gif (1519 bytes)
' You're probably thinking, why lime green? I honestly don't know. It just seems to me that most personal site are sort of dark, even my old one. So i decided make a brighter one. i'm not doing such a good job yet, but it will be, i hope, as I update this site. There something so dark aobut it. maybe a white background. any suggestions. Well I've got not forums yet, but you can e-mail the suggestion at the address above.Thanks again.

----Jan 07 2003 00:43... bowl.gif (1519 bytes)
----15:49... sick.gif (1519 bytes)
' was a very boring day school... fell a sleep TWICE in the class.  Anyways, I've got some links ready, though they lead to nowhere.  After this, i'll try to get more pages done. PEACE!!!

----Jan 06 2003  17:44...  bowl.gif (1519 bytes)
Still nothing.  I went back to school today from the the holidays,    So boring.....  Again still nothing, might take weeks before i get up some real stuff.

----Jan 05 2003  22:08... bowl.gif (1519 bytes)
Got nothing yet.   Site 's up at least. : )


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[//\_...-=|*Flipz   --   2003   --  Geocities*|=-..._/\\]

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