{ About }

Interactive Flashy

This site is just mainly, yes, pointlessness. I just made it because I have no life and have nothing better to do.   But neither do you if you actually have time to read this.  This site has some stolen codes, (I'm too lazy to change coding variables), so just keep it on the hush-hush if you know what I mean.

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About Moi
Doesn't it seem conceded to describe myself? I would think so. Well why are looking at my site then, huh!? Ain't the point of this is to get to know me. Got you there didn't I? Anyways, I guess you could call this some sort of profile page. Here it is:

ira.jpeg (25192 bytes)Name: Ira Jon Javier
Birth: May 8, 1986- Paris France
Gendre: Hermaphodite, joking ====> Male
Height: 5'3" and slowly growing
Nationality: Filipino (Flipz)
Current Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Occupation: High School Student (TCI)
Career Field: Business, Technology, Graphics

Food: Chicken Wings!!!
Drink: Root beer, Sprite, OJ, nothin' alkihol (loser,  I know)...
Music: hiphop, rap, rock, R&B
Sport: basketball, baseball, hockey

Color: green (blue & red are secondary)
Movies: Con-Air, Rush Hour, The Last Samurai, Spiderman, Matrix

Music Artists:
Eminem, Nelly (& the St. Luns) , Jay-Z, P. Diddy
The Simpsons, South Park, That 70's Show
Game: N4S: HS/UG2, Starcraft, UT, MGS, Simcity 2k/3k, Crimson Skies, CP2's, POP/POP2
video games, cards, reading, writing, drawing, Internet, music, etc...

Well, I'm not much of a technical person, but I do have some knowledge.  I'm not so interested in cars, planes and etc.., but I do like tools,gear.jpg (13508 bytes) electronics and computer related stuff, typical nerdy Asian things... I work with tools a lot and I always have been since I was a kid working at may father's renovation business.( wood, electrical, plumbing)   Electronics is just something I got interested after taking things apart. Computers are just things I like to work with, but more on the software aspect.  For cars and stuff I have some knowledge about specs and manufacturers but don't really care for them.  I do like watching shows where they build cars and machineries (like Junkyard Wars or Monster Garage).   It cools to see junk built into cool things or cars build in to useless cool things.


Mainly, I like to surf the Internet if possible.  There are news, people and just endless things on the net.  I also like listening to music and my favorite genre are listed above.  I also like to watch show on TV, mainly sitcoms, cartoons, music videos, investigations, mechanical shows, and sometimes sports. I'd actually rather play the sport (basketball and baseball) than watch them. I love watching football though (go RAMS). I like to read and write. I also like going to the movies, but hate going to the mall. I go there maybe to buy games, which I'm not so interested up until recently (the games are available for downloads anyways) and not play as much as my friends think. I like walking in downtown Toronto, even in the cold, because there are just so much things and people there.  I'm not the partying or clubbing type though. The bar thing sounds good, although I'm not old enough.  I also like do electrical or electronics- combined with some arson... too bad I hate chemistry.   Lastly, I like to work on my computer just to design things with photo/draw programs, or this site and etc... not stuff like hacking or coding.  Sometimes I like to walk around at night and just look at the sky... I have some fascination with astronomy.  Just recently I've learned to drive an that also relaxes me.  I just like to drive around and feel that wind hit my face- although bugs sometimes hit my face.

At moment I actually don't have a real job.  I have a job that barely pays because it's a family business.   I handle some of the financial calculations (invoices, banking, etc....), my sis and I design and printout all graphical related products ( invitations, tags, ads) and handle in-store registration/sales.  We also maintain products and stocks.  But at a lot of times we just sit there and do absolutely nothing.  How about you, got any job hook ups for moi?

Education &  Politics?
Really, I don't care for politics; it's all blah-blah-blah to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm interested in learning law and history, and I enforce them if possible, it's just that I don't care for those stupid Bush, or who ever the hell is doing what in what border.  For education, I'm a bookworm at a lot of times and I do have the patients and endurance for it but I don't like it that much.  I just do it because I know it will help me some day, hopefully.   I try do get high marks, but I just shrug it off if I don't because my mother doesn't really give a crap.  I'm not so involved in school stuff because I'm just inactive, or lazy.  I've go no determination.  For subjects, I like working with calculus math and technology, social science, biology, arts, and I hate chemistry, functions, and memorizing definitions or formulas.

I don't talk to many people... can't u tell, look how huge this page is.  Not much of a social life.   But I'm a quiet person, at a lot of times anyways.  However when I talk and am a little hyper-DAMN!!!  I never shut up.  It's hard for me to talk since I can never usually find the right words to describe something.  I'm slow that way.   Still I try to talk and I just joke about pointless (perverted) things if I've got nothing to talk about.  That's usually around the time people leave, hang up on me or delete me from their chat list... * sniff. Look @ my Peep List.

Arts & softies
I don't actually like art, but I can appreciate it. I like to draw just things that aren't even worldly things.  I also Like to write, just about anything like what's happening, problems, people, situations, etc... (yeah... SHUTUP!!!! I hear your laughter...  *sniff). I also like to read, not novels, but just chain.jpg (14542 bytes)short stories or news information that appeal to me.  I also like to play instruments even if I can't play them, I'll try to wing it off even if it doesn't sound good.  I like to express that way, whether I play guitar, violin or piano. Like instruments, I also dance (yeah... SHUTUP!!!! I hear more of your laughter... *sniff). Even if I can't I do it anyways, it's a good way to release energy and get a work out.  Imagine my pathetic attempt to be a hip-hopper.   Anyways...
There are certain things that are quite significant to me which may represent something.  For example, I use green pen a lot. That's because green is my favorite color and I use what is comfortable with me; that way a piece of writing I may write could have little more of me than if I were to use a blue pen. Another thing is fire. Fire fascinates me a lot and I have been in some big trouble because of my fascination for it.  It's just that fire is something I grew up with a lot and it it a strong concentration of energy, full of life, and brightness and almost untameable.  It can be deadly, but having control of it makes you feel a little more powerful. I also have this puzzle chain which I carry around all the time.   It's not silver or anything expensive. You have to get the two object into perfect position, angles and movement procedures in order to separate them. It's not as easy as it sounds.  I guess it represents that for every challenge or obstacle, there is a solution or a way out, it's just a matter of patients, concentration, fate and some luck.


And what about JACKASS... well I've had that word in my mind since I was in grade six when I signed up for MSN hotmail account (jack_jackass.jpeg (9708 bytes)ass60). I think I got it at a restaurant named Jack Astors, which they blocked out the 'tor' and spelled jack as__s.  Clever huh? Most thought that I got it from the show Jackass, but I haven't heard of that show until the movie recently came out.   That account and I have been through a lot, mainly pissing off people and forcing people to reveal secrets, in middle school anyways.

Moi's History

   Well I was born in France in May 8, 1986 with a twin sister.  Months later, my parents sent us to The Philippines to live with my other two sisters, Grandma, Aunt, an cousins.  There I live a normal rural life by farms:  playing with animals, kickball and baseball with my cousins an sisters, climbing the mango trees and having rock wars with the neighbourhood children. Flood was constant and they rose two or three feet off the ground.  We went to church every Sunday.  I too young to realize it then, but we strive to live and we depended on my mothers money transfer to survive.  Still We managed. I went to school when I was about six.  Between me and my sister we can't remember name of it.   It was strict; we had to learn to read and memorize the a 10 X 10 multiplication table.  That was only kindergarten.  If we didn't, we got corporal punishment- bamboo stick whooping' our behinds.  By grade 1, we were forced to learn English.   Of course that would come handy for me and my sisters in the future.  By the end of grade one, my mother had moved from France to Canada.  She wanted us to go to.   We went through immigration procedures for about a year.  While we saw other kids play outside, we were forced to stay in in fear of catching a disease before we came to Canada.  We couldn't go to school.

    At eight years old, me, my three sisters and my grandma were sent to Canada. That was October 2, 1994.   We lived at an apartment in the edge of downtown Toronto. There were seven of us:  my grandma, my three sisters, my parents and I. I went to school in Regent Park Duke of York.  I finally saw different races rather than just Filipinos.  The cold bothered us for several months and took years to get us to.  Things I now take for granted I was fascinated with.  Like hot and cold water, or traffic lights.   My friends, Jason and Barrington, and my Super Nintendo got me comfortable. Jason was mother's friend' son, and Barrington was a school friend.  I worked with my father at his renovation business every weekend.  Our apartment was 10 minutes of a walk from my school and 20 minutes from the cities busiest shopping area, Eaton's.  I could easily pass the time just walking around, regardless of the slight danger. 

    At grade 5, I moved from downtown to Etobicoke.  We found a small house at a quiet neighbourhood.  I spent the rest of grade 5 in Rivercrest Elementary School. I knew no one and hated the rest of that grade. Then I went to West Humber Jr. Middle school for my middle school years.  I  wasn't really friends with anyone until grade 7.  My only friend was my Nintendo.  But some of my friends we Freddy, Brian, Luis, and Mike.   I had a chance to join a baseball team for accurately pitching left.  I ruined my chances when I chiseled my left thumb.  Ouch!  My mother quit her work and opened her own business shortly after my father left us.  There was six of us left.   Although I saw my sister getting comfortable and I was slightly envious. At grade 7 I met Clark and Jose. I was forced to go to a camp in Albion Hills with them.  Omar came in the middle of the year.  I couldn't have made it through middle school without them jokers.  They were jokers in school and were cool people to be with out of school. Still, I surprisingly did well in school since I met them.  They may not know, but I do owe those people a lot.

    Then high school came and Jose and Omar went to a different school.  Clark, who conveniently lived across the high school, and I went to TCI.  We drifted apart, but still remained friends.  Jose dropped out of high school and got a job while managing to find time to get himself into teenage trouble.  I was practically alone.  With time, I got interested in computers and the Internet.  I learned too much in those two years. I was messed up mentally at that time from grade 9 till grade 10 from years of stress of my mother's business and working in renovation business  with my father- it did provide me with much money at the time though.  As if that wasn't enough, my grandmother died near the end of the school year.  There was five of us left.  With my middle school friends out of the picture I had to make some new ones- and I did make many in and out of school.  Grade 11 was my best school year.  At the end, I started to talk to Jason and Jose again.     

    After six years of living in that house, we move out for financial reasons- or should I say financial troubles.  First, I blamed my mother.  Then my father.  But it wasn't like they wanted that to happened. At the time I was also going through a lot with the stress from school, work, and having an obsession over a girl.  With no Internet and live far from my friends, all I have is time I made this web site on my disk and worked out.   Now I'm here ready to face my last year of high school. 

Well now u must know 2 much about me... of course that's not everything specifically about me.  Too hard to recall everything in my own history.  How about you?  Tell me about yourself (selves)- who ever the hell you are! Click on contact and write or give me web address.

Codefied Entries
Ha-ha, try to figure out the code.. actually don't, not for anyone's eyes except for some peeps.  Don't even know why I would put this in such a public place-- as if anyone really cares or reads this.

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{ Flipin Jackass }

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