The Fowlers
Amanda Fowler is a jr elite at Parkettes.Amanda started doing a pre school class at University of gymnastics when she was 3 years old.She did not know she would start this family of gymnasts.Amanda competed levels 4-6 at university of gymnastics.This gym was still blooming so Amanda left for WOGA for levels 7-9.Amanda went to RHGA for level 10 then to Outback VGa.Amanda was born in Plano,Texas. Amanda placed 4th all around in the junior divison at WOGA Classic. Amanda won beam and placed 2nd on bars and 4th on vault and floor.
Alyssa Fowler is a jr elite at hills gym.Alyssa is one year younger then AManda.Alyssa started gymnastics when she turned 2 at university of gymnastics.She competed levels 4-6 there.I went to Kurt Thomas Gymnastics for level 7 and WOGA for level 8.I was at RHGA for a little of level 9.then I came to Outback.Training in Australia is hard for me to be so far from my Plano home. Amanda competed at Maryland Classic this weekend and swept the events in the open divison!
Lisa Fowler is a level 9 at WOGA.Her best friend ,Sarah Gordon , and Lisa attended WOGA for years.Both Starting at the sge of 2.When SArah moved to RHGA Lisa followed.Now that Sarah is a level 9 they are still best friends. RHGA went under many re-doings and Lisa is now back at Outback Vga. after ovga closed down lisa is at woga. This weekend at the WOGA CLAssic Lisa placed 1st all around, 3rd on vault and beam, 1st on bars, and 2nd on floor
Tiffany Fowler is a level 8 at Dallas Gymnastics Center.I am from plano texas.I started gymnastics at the age of 2.the gym my sisters went to didnt have a good pre school program so I went to Metroplex Gymnastics in Dallas till I was 5 years old.I competed levels 4-5 there.My mom got tired of driving us all over so I switched to Kurt Thomas Gymnastics.I competed as a level 6 there.I went to RHGA for level 7 then came to Dallas.I have 4 sisters. At this weekends WOGA Classic Tiffany placed 2nd all around, 1st on vault, 3rd on bars, 4th on beam and 2nd on floor. On vault Tiffany through a layout tsukhara and easily won the event. On beam she fell off on her bhs bhs combo! She through a double twist and double back on floor and had a great meet.
Kristen Fowler is a level 7 at University of Gym,I am from plano Texas.I started gymnastics when I was 2 years old.I went to Metroplex Gymnastics where my sister,Tiffany, was going.When she moved away to Kurt Thomas I moved with her.I competed one year of intersquad meets as a level 3 there.At Kurt thomas I did level 4.I then moved to WOGA and did level 5 and some level 6.I recently moved to RHGA then to Outback. At this weekends WOGA Classic I placed 1st all around  and 2nd on beam and floor and 1st on vault and bars.
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