Natures ennema, jumping out of a boat at 30 mph. 
After a night of heavy drinking, kevin and I convinced some Airforce recruiters to let us drive around their promotional jet thingy.  Neither of us crashed it, miraculously.
What? like you haven't ridden a buffalo shaped sign in colorado at 3 in the morning before. Jeez.
This amaxing job of engineering was overseen by Jim Fischer.  Way to take the easy way to clean up.
Akif, Andrew and I grilled some of the grossest hambugers I have ever see.  Akif at 7 of them. 
Don't mess with Texas.
Fucking Duh.
These pictures are From about Graduation time until half-way through June. Many of them were taken in Arizona or Texas.  Stay tuned for Colorado pictures and some other great stuff.
Alisa's first experience at the Harbor in Stillwater.
I think Kev has somthing growing out of his ass.
Seriously, aviator shades are cool. No, seriously.
Who says we cant have fun while sober?
I guess a little beer never hurts. Its the going 30 mph after the beer that hurts.
This picture is what ever you want it to be            
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