Just cuz I don't smoke doesn't mean that my bro and I couldn;t have a cig on newyears. 
Ian takes the dairy challenge at the end of the year.  He drank (and threw up) a whole gallon of moo-juice
Andy and Seth have a sip to ring in the new year. (this kind of looks like an episode of elimidate gone terribly wrong)
Room Mates From Left to Right, Matt, Me, Trevor, our RA Scuba Steve, and Burton
I realize that these next two pictures could be the end of me, but I have decided that in the interest of laughing my ass off, I will have to post them regardless of the consequences.
Nikki proudly shows off the "Rough 'N' Ready"  Condom we purchased for her out of a gas station somewhere in the south.
Lisa and Nikki enjoy their own personal hot tub in our room..... Ok so its just a bath tub. 
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