Aloria Without Music
Aloria With Music
10/3/03- "Yah so, I'm going to start updating things here... New site being created, dedicated to the AiA army and the newly founded Empire.  I finally got a picture of Cid up, I know you are all dieing to know more about Cid! *Sigh*
Art Gallery 3 will be up and running by next week. Demoria Section will be up and running soon. Forums have died I think, so I'm not sure what the progress with that project is. Chapters 13,14,15,16 of Chronicles Book 1 will be completed and posted by end of next week.
10/25/03- "Hey wow! An update! Look at that! Yah... I've finished chapters 13 and 14 and worked a bit on the AiA story line. I've also finished work on my new project, Unit AiA. Its a website, and I'll fix the link to it today. I also have an outsider's story to post, the stories of the GreatDaliwamma.Written by one of my friends and old D&D regs. Got a lot more drawings up to...Just gotta fix up those gallerys. Anywho.. Happy Halloween, and remember its a ghouls night out and all ghouls go to hell...its their destiny ;P"
11/15/03- "Woo update, who's awesome...I'm awesome, thats right me baby me. Uhmm I'm going to post two new chapters today, and finally finish the gallerys. Yah I'm still working hard on the other website (Every other week) oh yah!
/7We've got a solution to this human infestation, we're all gonna die die die die! We've got this reservation just for you, yah...just for you...just for you! Gotta destroy what we can't control, destroy what we can't control!/7

Did I mention AAA kicks all of your asses over and over again. =)
"I believe every band that has a punkish lead singer, a brass section, and who uses the word Hey! or OI! is incredible. They should be given a noble prize award for being awesome."
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