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Aircraft "Pick of the Week"

Pick of the Week Link

It has been a long time since made an update to this page.  Obviously I no longer
have the spare time to do this.  So this update of March 2002 will most likely be the last.

My interest in Flight Simulator has certainly not decreased since then.  I started  
a new and very successful website dedicated to all aspects of the Dassault Mirage
series of fighter aircraft for use with Flight Simulator and Combat Flight Simulator.
Click the banner below to go there now.

Link to Mirage Aircraft for Flight Simulator website

The list of aircraft on the accompanying page, Past Picks, is something of a Who's Who
of aircraft designers and painters.  It includes many names (and groups) long since gone
from the FS scene.  I began the list back in March 1997.


The files and materials available from this site are not in any way associated, or claim to be sponsored, endorsed, licensed, or otherwise authorized by the respective companies depicted in the files.  All products, names, and services may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Dassault Aviation Falcon 50
Dassault Aviation Falcon 50 *

Last year Yannick Lavigne, Fred Banting, and Rob Young released their rendition of the Dassault Aviation Falcon 50 bizjet.  This is one release that should make anyone's top 10 or 20 list and will surely hold a permanent spot in any bizjet fan's virtual hangar.  The amazing part is that it's FREE.

Two visual models (by Yannick Lavigne) are included in the download.  The first, referred to as the "standard" version, has some 12,000 polygons in the visual model and the 3D virtual cabin.  It was based on the 1976 vintage fuselage (Falcon 50 No. 1) located at the Conservatoire de l'Air et de l'Espace d'Aquitaine (CAEA) in France.  The second, referred to as the "light" version, having about 35% fewer polygons and no visible passenger cabin detail, is more frame rate friendly.  Also included is a great looking and very accurate panel (with gauges by Fred Banting) -- worthy of being a Pick of the Week all by itself.

The flight model by Rob Young is "new".  By that I mean that it's not just a rehash of the Learjet flight model as has been the case in the majority of bizjets released over the years.  Movement along all axis is very smooth; you'll find no abrupt movements or over-sensitive controls.  For some this will be a shock.  For others, this will be a welcome change.  It makes you plan ahead.

  • Read a review of the FS2002 version by Steve Cartwright at Avsim.com.
  • Read an earlier review of the FS2000 version by Ken Peckham at Avsim.com.
  • Read a review of the FS2002 version by Andrew Herd at Flightsim.com.
  • Read an earlier review of the FS2000 version by Andrew Herd at Flightsim.com.

        You can download this incredible aircraft directly from the CAEA website.
      Versions for FS2000 and FS2002 as well as an FAQ section for both are available.
A Manual/Checklist describing all settings and operations is available.

* FS2000 image © Conservatoire de l'Air et de l'Espace d'Aquitaine

All aircraft ever featured on this page are Copyrighted by the original author(s).
Please review any accompanying documentation files for details regarding use
and distribution and respect the author's wishes.

The Pre-Flight Checklist website is Copyright © 1997-2006 by Frank Safranek.
Please address all questions and comments to same.  No duplication or
modification of these pages may be made in any way without express
written permission from the author.

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