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Narrator: Palpatine knew that he had little chance against the well-known Antilles; the popular Senator had an excellent record that he would no doubt use in the campaign. And though  the other Alderaanian Senator was a close personal friend, Palpatine knew that he would need more than the lobbying influence of Bail Organa. What he needed was to deflect enough votes from Antilles onto a third candidate so that the difference would become manageable. Palpatine searched for days without success. However, just when he was ready to give up, he received an encrypted comm signal from Lott Dodd, the Trade Federation representative.

DODD: My lord Sidious, the delegation from Malastare has communicated with me this morning. They wish to put up Ainlee Teem for Supreme Chancellor. What shall I tell them, my Lord?

Narrator: It was an astonishingly lucky turn of events for the Senator from Naboo. The Gran, and Teem in particular, were notorious pacifists, and so a candidate from Malastare would be almost guaranteed to divert much-needed votes from Bail Antilles. Palpatine gave the go-ahead to the Gran proposal, with predictable results.

PALPATINE'S AIDE: It is 5:00 in the afternoon. The last votes have come in, and pending the formal addition of any absentee ballots, we have done it! Palpatine carried 45% of the vote, while Antilles only managed to get 39...Teem managed some-
Bail Antilles, the respected Alderaanian Senator
-how to log an impressive 12%...Without a doubt, the election could not have been won without him, though I doubt he was aware of the purpose he was serving. Palpatine has already begun filling his cabinet with key supporters from the vote. Not surprisingly, Teem's colleague Ask Aak was named to head the influential Finance ministry.

Narrator: It seemed to be a reversion to the very things Palpatine had promised to rid the Republic of - opportunism and political favoritism.  The most vocal criticism came of course from Bail Antilles, who felt that he had been cheated of the office, but many of his backers were mollified by the appointment of Bail Organa, Antilles' fellow Alderaanian, to the cabinet. With his failed run at the chancellorship and his supporters deserting him, Antilles cut his losses and backed down, depriving Palpatine's most vocal resisters of their voice.

ANTILLES: The cause is lost, and the Republic with it...I fear for the future with Palpatine at the helm. He is ambitious and totally unscrupulous; certainly  not the man I would choose to lead the Republic out of a period of corruption and moral decay.

Narrator: Palpatine had won the chancellery, but nobody knew for certain what he would do with it.
Lott Dodd, The unscrupulous Trade Federatioin Senator
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