A Summer Holiday

Part 7

Tara kissed Steve as he came off-stage. She wore her next costume, a black long sleeved jacket over a sheer black high-cut body-suit and black high-heel shoes. She'd finished the outfit with a black choker around her shapely neck.

"You look great!" Steve exclaimed, kissing her back. "Are you ready for the next set?"

Tara nodded. She felt both nervous and aroused.

Jo, meanwhile had returned, nearly naked, to the dressing room to get her next costume. She removed the tattered remains of her costume and examined her costume, which consisted of a dark blue cat-suit and clear plastic high-heeled shoes. She started to struggle into the cat-suit.

Once dressed Jo met the other two by the side of the stage.

"Ready?" Steve asked them both. They both nodded in return.

The curtains opened. Tara stood in the centre of the stage, facing to the audience's left, with one leg bent in a classic pin-up pose, her jacket hiding her nearly naked body from view.

Music started playing and she turned to the audience and danced to the front of the stage. She motioned one of the audience forward. As he approached, grinning, she undid her jacket and took it off. Her body-suit covered her from neck to crotch, but was black and sheer, allowing the audience a good view of her entire body.

Tara grinned and gestured for the volunteer, David, to come up on the stage with her, which he did with some enthusiasm. They danced together for a few minutes, with Tara rubbing her body against his, then she stood in front of him facing the audience. She moved his hands from her belly to the shoulder straps of her body-suit. He lifted the straps and slid them down her arms, causing it to fall off her tits. David let go of the suit and started to run his hands over her firm breasts, while she slid the body-suit off, revealing her shaved pussy.

Steve watched in amazement as his girlfriend allowed a complete stranger to fondle her body in front of an audience.

Tara continued dancing with David, allowing him to fondle her entire body, breasts, ass, belly and even pussy as the audience cheered and whistled. She felt amazingly aroused, by David's caresses, by the audience's reaction and by what she knew was about to happen to her.

As Tara and David danced, Jo and Steve entered the stage, wheeling a pair of 6' tall boxes.

Tara stopped dancing, and the music stopped. She moved away from a disappointed looking David. "What the hell is that for?" she exclaimed in a loud voice.

"Gentlemen!" Steve said, "I'd like another volunteer please." He chose one of the men, Gary, who came up on the stage.

"I'm not going in there." Tara stated, flatly, indicating the box.

"Gentlemen," Steve said, indicating David and Gary, "Please assist Tara into the box."

Grinning, the two men man-handled the protesting and wriggling Tara into the red cabinet, then shackled her struggling and complaining body in, attaching restraints around her ankles, wrists and shoulders. Meanwhile, Steve similarly restrained a smiling Jo in the blue box.

Steve shut the blue box, hiding Jo's cat-suited body and displaying an outline of a womans body on the front. He then closed the red box, revealing an outline of a naked woman.

David said something to Steve.

"David wants to have another go with the sword cabinet. Shall we let him have a go?" Steve asked the audience, who assented loudly. "Who's going to be the victim," he asked, flicking open Jo's box "Jo, or" he opened Tara's box, revealing her naked body again "Tara?".

"Tara" David said, loudly.

Steve grinned. Tara looked very frightened. "Please no!" she begged. Steve shut her cabinet door, muffling her cries. He ran off stage and returned with three long, straight swords.

He handed one to David. "I think you know the drill?" he said. David nodded.

Pulse thundering, David took the first sword and placed it into a vertical slot over Tara's left breast. The begging and screaming from inside the cabinet got louder as he slowly slid the sword through the cabinet and Tara.

Inside the cabinet, Tara kept up her begging and sobbing as she felt the first sword pushing against her hard left nipple. She screamed as the sword pierced her nipple, splitting it in two and passed on into her breast.

David pushed the first sword home, then took the second and placed it over Tara's right breast, and this time suddenly slammed it through her.

Steve handed Dave the third sword. The room was quiet now, and the assembled men could hear Tara's sobs from within the cabinet.

David took the sword, and slid it about 2" into the cabinet. Inside the cabinet, Tara felt the vertical sword blade slide up against her left pussy lip. Shifting in her restraints, Tara moved so the blade was instead entering her vagina.

David slowly pushed the sword in. Tara moaned as the 2" wide blade slid slowly into her vagina, piercing her and slicing through her clitoris. David smiled as he heard her low moan, and slid the sword home. Steve went to say something, but David held up a hand and grinned.

He took hold of the last sword and pulled it slowly back through Tara until 4' of it protruded from the front of the box. He smiled again at the moan that produced. Then he thrust the sword forward once more and withdrew it rapidly, producing a load cry from Tara.

Dave continued to work the 6' blade in and out of the cabinet. After a few more thrusts, Tara's cries became louder and louder, and the audience began to cheer him on.

Inside the cabinet, Tara couldn't believe what was happening. She was being fucked with a sword! The feelings were unbelievable as the blade thrust through her again and again, and she rose rapidly toward climax.

David kept thrusting as Tara cried out in orgasm. As her cries died down, her withdrew the sword and its mates and Steve opened the cabinet, to reveal Tara's sweat covered body, her breasts gleaming with sweat and her shaved pussy and thighs covered in her juice. She smiled wanly.

"Better check she's OK." Steve suggested. Dave grinned, and ran his hands over her tits, and then probed her pussy for a few seconds. "OK?" Steve asked.

"Perfect!" Dave answered.

Steve smiled and shut both boxes. "Now we do some real magic!" he said. He picked up a 3'-long blade the same thickness as the cabinets were deep and placed it into a slot at neck height in the blue cabinet, pushing it in until he felt resistance.

Steve took a second blade and placed it into the red cabinet. "Now, if you two gentlemen will help me out, and stand ready to push a blade in?"

The two men rapidly complied, David taking the red cabinet with Tara, and Gary the blue with Jo.

"Now, if you'll push those blades in?" Steve continued.

Gary looked uncertain, but Dave simply pushed the blade straight through his cabinet, grinning at the shriek that action produced. Gary shrugged and did the same, hearing a cry from within. Steve handed each man a second blade and they repeated the procedure.

At Steve's instruction, the two men pushed the cabinets together, back to back. Steve pushed the top of the red cabinet, and the area above the blade started to turn. He continued pushing, and the two cabinets' tops rotated together, until the blue top was on the red base and the red on the blue.

Again at Steve's command, the men separated the cabinets and turned them to face the audience, then removed the blades.

"Let's see what you've done." he said, and the two opened their mismatched cabinets.

Dave's cabinet opened to reveal Tara's still-gleaming body, but with Jo's blonde head! Gary's cabinet now contained a grinning Tara's head on the body-suited Jo's body. Dave and Gary returned to there seats, as the two were unchained and took bows with Steve.

The three left the stage as the curtain came down again.

End of Part 7

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