A Summer Holiday

Part 1

"Wake up Tara, we're here.". Steve had pulled the car up outside the house.

Tara stretched and peered out. "It's pretty big!" she said, surprised.

"Well, let's get unpacked and get to bed." Steve suggested, hopefully.

Tara frowned as if she was going to protest, then nodded sheepishly. "I'm pretty tired, I guess."

The morning dawned sunny and hot. Steve awoke, showered and dressed, before finding Tara eating breakfast. She was wearing a white tankini top and bikini pants.

"Which way's the beach?" she asked. "It's too hot here!".

"There's a back way directly down to the beach," Steve explained. "We'll need to go down through the cellar area - it's pretty big. I think it was all modernised a few years ago."

Steve's heart was beating fast as he pretended to be unfamiliar with the direction he had to go, leading Tara down into the cool of the basement.

"Remember how I said my grandfather was a magician?" Steve asked. "Well, all his stuff is,", he paused, and flipped a switch. "Still here", he finished, as the room lit up.

Tara gasped. The room was large, at least 40 metres on a side, and almost full of what she realised were stage illusion props. She walked into the room and started to look at them. "These must be worth a fortune!" she exclaimed.

Steve nodded, "Yes, they are."

"I'd never heard of your grandfather. I thought the magic was just a hobby?"

"It was - he was a very wealthy man. He only performed for friends and family. Generally, on friends and family too." Steve adjusted his pants in what he hoped was an unobtrusive fashion. The site of his girlfriend in her swimsuit near all these illusions was too much. "He never performed in public."

"Did you ever get involved?" Tara asked, with a slightly hopeful tone.

"More than a few times. I used to use one of my sister's friends as an assistant."

Tara grinned and struck a pose along one side of a cabinet. "How would you like to show me your moves?" she asked teasingly.

Steve swallowed hard. "I guess we could try something if you like. Something tame is probably best - "

"TAME! Anything your sisters' snotty friends can do, I can do." She walked up to a large illusion at random. "How about this one?"

Steve wheeled the illusion out. It consisted of a large metal plate with manacles on it. As he moved it, he revealed a rack of sharp-looking stainless steel spikes, each about 2' long and tapering from 2" diameter to a point.

Tara gulped.

"Sure you don't want to back out? Nobody will know you didn't go through with it." Steve asked.

Tara bridled visibly. "Let's do it!".

Steve grinned as she marched over to the illusion. "OK, you stand there," he indicated the area between the spikes and the front plate, "and put your face through the hole, while I manacle you in."

Tara stood in position. Steve knelt next to her, and closed the manacles around her ankles. He ran his hand up her leg and back gently, watching as she shivered, before guiding first her left, then her right wrists into their manacles.

"OK, I'm going to start the spikes now.". Steve picked up the illusions control box, and pressed a button. There was a grinding noise, and the spike rack started to slide smoothly toward the front of the illusion, and Tara.

"It'll take about 30 seconds until they reach you - any last words?" Steve asked, moving around to the front so Tara could see his grin. She looked very nervous.

He moved back to the side and watched the spikes close smoothly in on his girlfriend's body. The first point of contact was her buttocks, and as they started to touch the spikes he pressed the stop button and walked back to the front. "You ready?" he asked.

"You do know what you're doing, don't you?" Tara asked.

Steve nodded.

"Ready then." she confirmed.

Steve pressed the start button. The spikes continued to move forward. Tara squealed as Steve watched them penetrate first her buttocks, then her back and legs.

The machine continued until 2" of the tips of the spikes emerged from the front of the cabinet.

In the silence as the machinery stopped, Tara said "I seem to have a whole lot of spikes through me!".

"Well, what did you expect?" Steve asked, grinning at her.

She grinned back. "Still, it's obviously having a good effect on you." She stared pointedly at his bulging crotch.

Steve hit another button and the spikes began to withdraw. As soon as they were clear of her body, he undid the manacles and Tara stepped out.

Tara's tankini was a ragged mess, barely covering her breasts. As she saw it, her jaw dropped open. "Wow!" She ran over and kissed Steve. "What are you going to do to me next?" she asked, grinning provocatively.

End of Part 2

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